Ejemplo n.º 1
void COScopeCtrl::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
	CWnd::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);

	if ((nFlags & MK_LBUTTON) == 0) {
		if (m_uLastMouseFlags & MK_LBUTTON) {
			// Mouse button was released -> explicitly clear the tooltip.
			CWnd* pwndParent = GetParent();
			if (pwndParent)
				pwndParent->SendMessage(UM_OSCOPEPOSITION, 0, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR)_T(""));
		m_uLastMouseFlags = nFlags;
	m_uLastMouseFlags = nFlags;

	// If that check is not there, it may lead to 100% CPU usage because Windows (Vista?)
	// keeps sending mouse messages even if the mouse does not move but when the mouse
	// button stays pressed.
	if (point == m_ptLastMousePos)
	m_ptLastMousePos = point;

	CRect plotRect;
	if (!plotRect.PtInRect(point))

	CWnd* pwndParent = GetParent();
	if (pwndParent)
		int yValue = -1;
		int plotHeight = plotRect.Height();
		if (plotHeight > 0) {
			int yPixel = plotHeight - (point.y - plotRect.top);
			yValue = (int)(m_PlotData[0].dLowerLimit + yPixel * m_PlotData[0].dRange / plotHeight);

		int mypos = (plotRect.Width() - point.x) + plotRect.left;
		int shownsecs = plotRect.Width() * thePrefs.GetTrafficOMeterInterval();
		float apixel = (float)shownsecs / (float)plotRect.Width();

		CString strInfo;
		//Xman Maella Statistik-Zoom
		//zz_fly :: moved from CStatisticsDlg::OnOscopePositionMsg()
		DWORD dwTime = (DWORD)(mypos * apixel);
		DWORD dwTime = (DWORD)(mypos * apixel) / thePrefs.GetZoomFactor(); 
		//Xman end
		time_t tNow = time(NULL) - dwTime;
		TCHAR szDate[128];
		_tcsftime(szDate, _countof(szDate), thePrefs.GetDateTimeFormat4Log(), localtime(&tNow));
		strInfo.Format(_T("%s: %u @ %s ") + GetResString(IDS_TIMEBEFORE), m_str.YUnits, yValue, szDate, CastSecondsToLngHM(dwTime));

		pwndParent->SendMessage(UM_OSCOPEPOSITION, 0, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR)strInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Draws the chart
void	CXYChart::OnDraw( CDC *pDC, CRect destRect, CRect updateRect )
	CString			string;
	int				i;
	CAxis			*axis;
	CSize			axisDims;
	CSize			trim(0,0);
	CRect			plotRect, normalPlotRect, normalDestRect;
	double			xRange[] = {1e30, -1e30}, yRange[]={1e30,-1e30};


	normalDestRect = destRect;

	// Check to see that we are even in the update region
	normalDestRect.IntersectRect( normalDestRect, updateRect );
	if( normalDestRect.IsRectEmpty() ) return;

	// Make sure our ranges are set
	// Get ranges for plotting
	GetPlotRange( xRange, yRange );

	// Get the size of our plotting rectangle
	plotRect = GetPlotRect( pDC, destRect );

	// Draw the basic structures for the plot
	DrawPlotBasics( pDC, destRect, plotRect );

	// Draw the title
	DrawPlotTitle( pDC, destRect, plotRect );

	normalPlotRect = plotRect;
	updateRect.IntersectRect( updateRect, normalPlotRect );

	if( updateRect.IsRectEmpty() == FALSE )
		// Draw each data set
		DrawDataSet( pDC, plotRect, xRange, yRange );

	// Draw the axes
	for( i = 0; i < m_AxisCount; i++ )
		axis = m_Axes[i];
		axis->OnDraw( pDC, destRect, plotRect );

	CChart::OnDraw( pDC, destRect );