Ejemplo n.º 1
TEST_F(LedgerUnitTest, testAppendSystemDecreeIncrementsTheSize)
    std::stringstream ss;
    auto queue = std::make_shared<paxos::RolloverQueue<paxos::Decree>>(ss);
    paxos::Ledger ledger(queue);

    ASSERT_EQ(GetQueueSize(queue), 0);

    ledger.Append(paxos::Decree(paxos::Replica("an_author"), 1, "decree_contents", paxos::DecreeType::AddReplicaDecree));

    ASSERT_EQ(GetQueueSize(queue), 1);
void ProcessData(){
	while(GetQueueSize() >= 3){
		if(DeQueue() == startByte){
//			byte1 = DeQueue();
//			byte2 = DeQueue();
			byte1 = 0;
			byte2 = 0;

			if(byte1 != currentDir){
				currentDir = byte1;
				TB0CCR1 = 0;
				TB0CCR2 = 0;
				TB1CCR1 = 0;
				TB1CCR2 = 0;

			if(byte1 == 1){
				TB0CCR1 = (byte2/100.0)*(TB0CCR0);
				TB1CCR1 = TB0CCR1;
			}else if(byte1 == 2){
				TB0CCR2 = (byte2/100.0)*(TB0CCR0);
				TB1CCR2 = TB0CCR2;
/** @brief Identify Cluster Identify Query Response
 * @param timeout   Ver.: always
boolean emberAfIdentifyClusterIdentifyQueryResponseCallback(int16u timeout) {
  // TODO: !!! IMPORTANT !!! add  handling for several responses
  // now the state machine might be broken as we use only one global variable
  // for storing incoming connection information like Short ID and endpoint
  // ignore broadcasts from yourself and from devices that are not
  // in the identifying state
  const EmberAfClusterCommand *const current_cmd = emberAfCurrentCommand();
  if (emberAfGetNodeId() != current_cmd->source && timeout != 0) {
    emberAfDebugPrintln("DEBUG: Got ID Query response");
    emberAfDebugPrintln("DEBUG: Sender 0x%2X", emberAfCurrentCommand()->source);
    // Queue is empty, so we can start commissioning process
    // otherwise we push it in the queue and will process later
    if (GetQueueSize() == 0) {
      // ID Query received -> go to the discover state for getting clusters info
      emberAfDebugPrintln("DEBUG: QUEUE IS EMPTY");
    // Store information about endpoint and short ID of the incoming response
    // for further processing in the Matching (SC_EZ_MATCH) state

  return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool CWinEventsAndroid::MessagePump()
  bool ret = false;

  // Do not always loop, only pump the initial queued count events. else if ui keep pushing
  // events the loop won't finish then it will block xbmc main message loop.
  for (size_t pumpEventCount = GetQueueSize(); pumpEventCount > 0; --pumpEventCount)
    // Pop up only one event per time since in App::OnEvent it may init modal dialog which init
    // deeper message loop and call the deeper MessagePump from there.
    XBMC_Event pumpEvent;
      CSingleLock lock(m_eventsCond);
      if (m_events.empty())
        return ret;
      pumpEvent = m_events.front();

    ret |= g_application.OnEvent(pumpEvent);

    if (pumpEvent.type == XBMC_MOUSEBUTTONUP)
      g_windowManager.SendMessage(GUI_MSG_UNFOCUS_ALL, 0, 0, 0, 0);

  return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool CWinEventsAndroid::MessagePump()
    bool ret = false;

    // Do not always loop, only pump the initial queued count events. else if ui keep pushing
    // events the loop won't finish then it will block xbmc main message loop.
    for (size_t pumpEventCount = GetQueueSize(); pumpEventCount > 0; --pumpEventCount)

        // Pop up only one event per time since in App::OnEvent it may init modal dialog which init
        // deeper message loop and call the deeper MessagePump from there.
        XBMC_Event pumpEvent;
            CSingleLock lock(g_inputCond);
            if (events.size() == 0)
                return ret;
            pumpEvent = events.front();

        ret |= g_application.OnEvent(pumpEvent);

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool CWinEventsMir::MessagePump()
  auto ret = GetQueueSize();

  while (GetQueueSize())
    XBMC_Event e;
      std::lock_guard<decltype(m_mutex)> event_lock(m_mutex);
      e = m_events.front();

  return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 7
TEST_F(LedgerUnitTest, testAppendIgnoresDuplicateDecrees)
    std::stringstream ss;
    auto queue = std::make_shared<paxos::RolloverQueue<paxos::Decree>>(ss);
    paxos::Ledger ledger(queue);
    ledger.Append(paxos::Decree(paxos::Replica("a_author"), 1, "a_content", paxos::DecreeType::UserDecree));
    ledger.Append(paxos::Decree(paxos::Replica("a_author"), 1, "a_content", paxos::DecreeType::UserDecree));

    ASSERT_EQ(GetQueueSize(queue), 1);
Ejemplo n.º 8
TEST_F(LedgerUnitTest, testAppendWritesOutOfOrderDecreeWithOrderedRoot)
    std::stringstream ss;
    auto queue = std::make_shared<paxos::RolloverQueue<paxos::Decree>>(ss);
    paxos::Ledger ledger(queue);
    paxos::Decree current_decree(paxos::Replica("a_author"), 2, "a_content", paxos::DecreeType::UserDecree);
    current_decree.root_number = 1;

    paxos::Decree next_decree(paxos::Replica("a_author"), 1, "a_content", paxos::DecreeType::UserDecree);
    next_decree.root_number = 2;

    ASSERT_EQ(GetQueueSize(queue), 2);
static CommissioningState_t CheckQuery(void) {
  emberAfDebugPrintln("DEBUG: Check query");
  CommissioningState_t next_st = SC_EZ_UNKNOWN;

  if (GetQueueSize() != 0) {
    next_st = SC_EZ_DISCOVER;
  } else {
    next_st = SC_EZ_BIND;


  return next_st;
Ejemplo n.º 10
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	HANDLE h = open_device(CAN_BAUD_500K,0);
	SFFMessage *msg = NULL; 
	int num_network = 0; 

		num_network = GetQueueSize(h, CAN_GET_SFF_SIZE);
		printf("%d\n", num_network); 
		msg = read_message(h); 
//	SFFMessage sff[4];
//	SFFMessage *cur = sff;
//	memset(sff, 0, 4 * sizeof(SFFMessage));
//	DbgLineToSFF("IDH: 01, IDL: 67, Len: 08, Data: 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 69", cur++);
//	DbgLineToSFF("IDH: 01, IDL: 68, Len: 08, Data: 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 00", cur++);
//	DbgLineToSFF("IDH: 01, IDL: 69, Len: 08, Data: 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41", cur++);
//	cur = sff;
////	write_messages(h, &cur);
////	PrintSFF(&sff[2], NULL);
//	cur = read_message(h);
////	cur = read_message_by_wid(h, 0x80);
//	PrintSFF(cur, NULL);
////	write_message(h, cur);
////	write_messages_from_file(h, "..\\test.dat");
//	close_device(h);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
// WCWeightFairQueuer: function called by the classifier to enqueue
// the packets..
// TODO: Debug this function...
void *weightedFairScheduler(void *pc)
	pktcore_t *pcore = (pktcore_t *)pc;
	List *keylst;
	int nextqid, qcount, rstatus, pktsize;
	char *nextqkey;
	gpacket_t *in_pkt;
	simplequeue_t *nextq;

	long queueSizes[100]; //Array to store bytes sent for each queue id
	int PacketsSent[10];
	int i, j;//To iterate through the queue length array
	long crtStarvedQid;
	double crtStarvedQidWeight;

	pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, NULL);
	while (1)
		verbose(1, "[weightedFairScheduler]:: Weighted Fair Queue schedule processing... ");
		keylst = map_keys(pcore->queues);
		qcount = list_length(keylst);

		if (pcore->packetcnt == 0)
			pthread_cond_wait(&(pcore->schwaiting), &(pcore->qlock));


			 for(i = 0; i <qcount; i++)
				nextqkey = list_item(keylst, i);
				// get the queue..
				nextq = map_get(pcore->queues, nextqkey);			 	
			 	if(GetQueueSize(nextq) > 0)
			 		crtStarvedQidWeight = (queueSizes[i] / (nextq->weight) ); //TODO
			 		crtStarvedQid = i;

			 if(i == qcount)

			for(j = i; j < qcount; j++)
				nextqkey = list_item(keylst, j);
				// get the queue..
				nextq = map_get(pcore->queues, nextqkey);
				if(( (queueSizes[j] / (nextq->weight)) < crtStarvedQidWeight) && (GetQueueSize(nextq) > 0)) //TODO
					crtStarvedQid = j;
					crtStarvedQidWeight = queueSizes[j] / (nextq->weight) ; //TODO
			nextqid = crtStarvedQid;
			nextqkey = list_item(keylst, nextqid);
			// get the queue..
			nextq = map_get(pcore->queues, nextqkey);
			// read the queue..
			rstatus = readQueue(nextq, (void **)&in_pkt, &pktsize);//Here we get the packet size.
			if (rstatus == EXIT_SUCCESS)
				writeQueue(pcore->workQ, in_pkt, pktsize);
				verbose(1, "[weightedFairScheduler---Just sent]:: Queue[%d] has now sent %lu bytes", nextqid, queueSizes[nextqid]);
				queueSizes[nextqid] = queueSizes[nextqid] + findPacketSize(&(in_pkt->data));//Storing updated data sent in array
			for(i = 0; i <qcount; i++)	
				nextqkey = list_item(keylst, i);
				// get the queue..
				nextq = map_get(pcore->queues, nextqkey);
				verbose(1, "Packets Queued[%d] = %d,  Bytes sent = %d, Packets Sent = %d", i, GetQueueSize(nextq), queueSizes[i], PacketsSent[i]);

			if (rstatus == EXIT_SUCCESS) 
Ejemplo n.º 12
bool CWinEventsAndroid::MessagePump()
  bool ret = false;

  // Do not always loop, only pump the initial queued count events. else if ui keep pushing
  // events the loop won't finish then it will block xbmc main message loop.
  for (size_t pumpEventCount = GetQueueSize(); pumpEventCount > 0; --pumpEventCount)
    // Pop up only one event per time since in App::OnEvent it may init modal dialog which init
    // deeper message loop and call the deeper MessagePump from there.
    XBMC_Event pumpEvent;
      CSingleLock lock(m_eventsCond);
      if (m_events.empty())
        return ret;
      pumpEvent = m_events.front();
      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "  pop    event, size(%d), fvalue(%f)",
        m_events.size(), pumpEvent.jaxis.fvalue);

    if ((pumpEvent.type == XBMC_JOYBUTTONUP)   ||
        (pumpEvent.type == XBMC_JOYBUTTONDOWN) ||
        (pumpEvent.type == XBMC_JOYAXISMOTION) ||
        (pumpEvent.type == XBMC_JOYHATMOTION))
      int             item;
      int             type;
      uint32_t        holdTime;
      APP_InputDevice input_device;
      float           amount = 1.0f;
      short           input_type;

      type = pumpEvent.type;
      switch (type)
          // The typical joystick keymap xml has the following where 'id' is the axis
          //  and 'limit' is which action to choose (ie. Up or Down).
          //  <axis id="5" limit="-1">Up</axis>
          //  <axis id="5" limit="+1">Down</axis>
          // One would think that limits is in reference to fvalue but
          // it is really in reference to id :) The sign of item passed
          // into ProcessJoystickEvent indicates the action mapping.
          item = pumpEvent.jaxis.axis;
          if (fabs(pumpEvent.jaxis.fvalue) < ALMOST_ZERO)
            amount = 0.0f;
          else if (pumpEvent.jaxis.fvalue  < 0.0f)
            item = -item;
          holdTime = 0;
          input_device.id = pumpEvent.jaxis.which;
          input_type = JACTIVE_AXIS;

          item = pumpEvent.jhat.hat | 0xFFF00000 | (pumpEvent.jhat.value<<16);
          holdTime = 0;
          input_device.id = pumpEvent.jhat.which;
          input_type = JACTIVE_HAT;

        case XBMC_JOYBUTTONUP:
          item = pumpEvent.jbutton.button;
          holdTime = pumpEvent.jbutton.holdTime;
          input_device.id = pumpEvent.jbutton.which;
          input_type = JACTIVE_BUTTON;

      // look for device name in our inputdevice cache
      // so we can lookup and match the right joystick.xxx.xml
      for (size_t i = 0; i < m_input_devices.size(); i++)
        if (m_input_devices[i].id == input_device.id)
          input_device.name = m_input_devices[i].name;
      if (input_device.name.empty())
        // not in inputdevice cache, fetch and cache it.
        CJNIViewInputDevice view_input_device = CJNIViewInputDevice::getDevice(input_device.id);
        input_device.name = view_input_device.getName();
        CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CWinEventsAndroid::MessagePump:caching  id(%d), device(%s)",
          input_device.id, input_device.name.c_str());

      if (type == XBMC_JOYAXISMOTION || type == XBMC_JOYHATMOTION)
        // Joystick autorepeat -> only handle axis
        CSingleLock lock(m_lasteventCond);

      if (fabs(amount) >= ALMOST_ZERO)
        ret |= CInputManager::GetInstance().ProcessJoystickEvent(g_windowManager.GetActiveWindowID(),
            input_device.name, item, input_type, amount, holdTime);
      ret |= g_application.OnEvent(pumpEvent);

    if (pumpEvent.type == XBMC_MOUSEBUTTONUP)
      g_windowManager.SendMessage(GUI_MSG_UNFOCUS_ALL, 0, 0, 0, 0);

  return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 13
void FindPath(PathFinder* pf)
    //printf("(%d, %d) -> (%d, %d)\t", pf->startx, pf->starty, pf->endx, pf->endy);
    for (int i = 0; i < pf->map->width; i++)
        for (int e = 0; e < pf->map->height; e++)
            pf->nodeMap[i][e].f = 0;
            pf->nodeMap[i][e].g = 0;
            pf->nodeMap[i][e].h = 0;
            pf->nodeMap[i][e].open = NoList;
            pf->nodeMap[i][e].parent = NULL;
    pf->openList = CreateQueue(nodeMinCompare, pf->map->width * pf->map->height);

    int x = pf->startx;
    int y = pf->starty;

    // Step 1: Add starting node to the open list.
    AddOpen(pf, x, y, NULL);

    // Step 2: Repeat
    // If there's nothing in the open list anymore or we arrive at the destination, stop
    while (GetQueueSize(pf->openList) > 0)
        //printf("%d ", GetQueueSize(pf->openList));
        // a) Look for the lowest F cost square on the open list.
        Node* current = (Node*)QueueRemove(pf->openList);

        x = current->x;
        y = current->y;

        // b) Switch it to the closed list.
        current->open = OnClosedList;

        // c) For each of the 8 squares adjacent to this current square, attempt to add it
        //    to the open list.
        // AddOpen checks for adjacent-validity and whether the node is a wall or not.
        AddOpen(pf, x - 0, y - 1, current);
        AddOpen(pf, x - 0, y + 1, current);
        AddOpen(pf, x - 1, y - 0, current);
        AddOpen(pf, x + 1, y - 0, current);

        // Diagonal Check
        if (pf->allowDiagonal)
            AddOpen(pf, x - 1, y - 1, current);
            AddOpen(pf, x + 1, y - 1, current);
            AddOpen(pf, x - 1, y + 1, current);
            AddOpen(pf, x + 1, y + 1, current);

        // Are we done?
        if (x == pf->endx && y == pf->endy &&
            pf->nodeMap[pf->endx][pf->endy].open == OnClosedList)
            // Step 3: Save Path
            SavePath(pf, current);

            PathNode* p = pf->path;
            if (p == NULL)
                printf(" No Path?");
            while (p)
                printf("(%p) %d, %d", p, p->x, p->y);
                p = p->parent;
    printf("Pathfinding done\n");