Ejemplo n.º 1
int CAddrMan::RandomInt(int nMax){
    return GetRandInt(nMax);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * The only time good is called, is during the version message exchange, for inbound it was added first and any address problems
 * looked over and fixed.  For outbound, what we have, was likely what was used to make the connection, so it must have been good
 * or this would not have been called.
 * Still we may have services and port details incorrect in our database, and so any object differences can be corrected, if
 * a change is made to how this routine is called, from passing a CService to a CAddress object we can have the programmer fix
 * any problems before making this call, we'll look for, and fix the differences, if they show up here.
void CAddrMan::Good_(const CAddress& addr, int64_t nTime)
    bool fChanged = false;
    int nId;
    CAddrInfo* pinfo = Find(addr, &nId);    // This matches on the CNetAddr portion of the object only aka the ip/i2p only

    // if not found, bail out
    if (!pinfo) {
        LogPrint( "addrman", "Marking as good failed, expected to find %s\n", addr.ToString() );

    CAddrInfo& info = *pinfo;           // Only really for convenience, not really needed

    // check whether we are talking about the exact same CService (that includes the same port)
    if( (CService)info != (CService)addr) {
        assert( info.GetPort() != addr.GetPort() );     // The only reason which could cause a mismatch, or we have a serious programming problem
        LogPrint( "addrman", "While marking %s as good, it was found that port %d does not match our record, now updated.\n", info.ToString(), addr.GetPort() );
        info.SetPort( addr.GetPort() );
        fChanged = true;

    // Ok so now we know that at least the CService details all match, lets check and fix the CAddress service bits for this peer, if its listed wrong, fix it.
    if( info.nServices != addr.nServices ) {
        LogPrint( "addrman", "While marking %s as good, the peer services was found to have changed from 0x%016x to 0x%016x, now updated.\n", info.ToString(), info.nServices, addr.nServices );
        info.nServices = addr.nServices;
        fChanged = true;

    // update info
    info.nLastSuccess = nTime;
    info.nLastTry = nTime;
    info.nAttempts = 0;
    // info.nTime = nTime;
    // nTime is not updated here, to avoid leaking information about
    // currently-connected peers.

    // if it is already in the tried set, don't do anything else, except report we were here
    if(info.fInTried ) {
        if( !fChanged )
            LogPrint( "addrman", "Marked as good peer %s\n", info.ToString() );

    // find a bucket it is in now
    int nRnd = GetRandInt(ADDRMAN_NEW_BUCKET_COUNT);
    int nUBucket = -1;
    for (unsigned int n = 0; n < ADDRMAN_NEW_BUCKET_COUNT; n++) {
    int nB = (n + nRnd) % ADDRMAN_NEW_BUCKET_COUNT;
    int nBpos = info.GetBucketPosition(nKey, true, nB);
    if (vvNew[nB][nBpos] == nId) {
            nUBucket = nB;

    // if no bucket is found, something bad happened;
    // TODO: maybe re-add the node, but for now, just bail out
    if( nUBucket == -1 ) {
        LogPrint( "addrman", "Fatal error while trying to add %s to tried, bucket not found\n", info.ToString() );

    LogPrint("addrman", "Moving %s to tried\n", addr.ToString());

    // move nId to the tried tables
    MakeTried(info, nId);
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool CAddrMan::Add_(const CAddress& addrIn, const CNetAddr& source, int64_t nTimePenalty)
    //! We now need to check for an possibly modify the CAddress object for the garliccat field, so we make a local copy
    CAddress addr = addrIn;
     * Before we can add an address, even before we can test if its Routable, or use the Find command to match correctly,
     * we need to make sure that any I2P addresses have the GarlicCat field setup correctly in the IP area of the
     * CNetAddr portion of a given CAddress->CService->CNetAddr object, this should have already been done, but
     * double checking it here also insures we do not get a polluted b32 hash map
    if( addr.CheckAndSetGarlicCat() )
        LogPrint( "addrman", "While adding an i2p destination, did not expect to need the garliccat fixed for %s\n", addr.ToString() );
    if( !addr.IsRoutable() ) {
        LogPrint( "addrman", "While adding an address, did not expect to find it unroutable: %s\n", addr.ToString() );
        return false;

    bool fNew = false;
    int nId;

     * Find Matches by CNetAddr objects, and returns the CAddrInfo object it finds, which is fine and what we want normally
     * however this means the ports can be different (CService), and other details in the CAddress portion, such as nServices
     * should not simply be 'or'd with what was found, sometimes we have to remove services in the version exchange that
     * peers report incorrectly, and having the port wrong means when Good_ is called that the objects do not match exactly.
    CAddrInfo* pinfo = Find(addr, &nId);

    if (pinfo)
        // periodically update nTime
        bool fCurrentlyOnline = (GetAdjustedTime() - addr.nTime < 24 * 60 * 60);
        int64_t nUpdateInterval = (fCurrentlyOnline ? 60 * 60 : 24 * 60 * 60);
        if (addr.nTime && (!pinfo->nTime || pinfo->nTime < addr.nTime - nUpdateInterval - nTimePenalty))
            pinfo->nTime = std::max((int64_t)0, addr.nTime - nTimePenalty);

         * Only do the following, IF the source of this information is the node itself (source),
         * otherwise we're just constantly changing the details, while getting addresses from peers.
         * The call (to addrman.Add()) which puts us here, happens at the end of a version message exchange,
         * for inbound connections only.
         * For outbound connections, we only have a call to good, if the connection is made.
         * Other places addrman.Add() is called is for address seeding and user lookup, see net.cpp for those details
        if( (CNetAddr)addr == source ) {
             * add services, don't just 'or' them in here, hard set them to the correct value
             * original code: pinfo->nServices |= addr.nServices;
             * ToDo: Why this and the port value has not been fixed as standard procedure could be investigated in more detail
             * for now Anoncoin has so many unique problems with these 2 values, this should help correct allot of the
             * current network issues in regard to the values getting corrected over time.
            if( pinfo->nServices != addr.nServices ) {
                LogPrint( "addrman", "Updating peer record %s, the services listed needed to be changed. From 0x%016x To 0x%016x\n", pinfo->ToString(), pinfo->nServices, addr.nServices );
                pinfo->nServices = addr.nServices;

            if( pinfo->GetPort() != addr.GetPort() ) {
                LogPrint( "addrman", "Updating peer record %s, port %d was wrong, changed it to %d\n", pinfo->ToString(), pinfo->GetPort(), addr.GetPort() );
                pinfo->SetPort( addr.GetPort() );

        // do not update if no new information is present
        if (!addr.nTime || (pinfo->nTime && addr.nTime <= pinfo->nTime))
            return false;

        // do not update if the entry was already in the "tried" table
        if (pinfo->fInTried)
            return false;

        // do not update if the max reference count is reached
        if (pinfo->nRefCount == ADDRMAN_NEW_BUCKETS_PER_ADDRESS)
            return false;

        // stochastic test: previous nRefCount == N: 2^N times harder to increase it
        int nFactor = 1;
        for (int n = 0; n < pinfo->nRefCount; n++)
            nFactor *= 2;
        if (nFactor > 1 && (GetRandInt(nFactor) != 0))
            return false;
    } else {
        pinfo = Create(addr, source, &nId);
        pinfo->nTime = std::max((int64_t)0, (int64_t)pinfo->nTime - nTimePenalty);
        fNew = true;

    int nUBucket = pinfo->GetNewBucket(nKey, source);
    int nUBucketPos = pinfo->GetBucketPosition(nKey, true, nUBucket);
    if (vvNew[nUBucket][nUBucketPos] != nId) {
        bool fInsert = vvNew[nUBucket][nUBucketPos] == -1;
        if (!fInsert) {
            CAddrInfo& infoExisting = mapInfo[vvNew[nUBucket][nUBucketPos]];
            if (infoExisting.IsTerrible() || (infoExisting.nRefCount > 1 && pinfo->nRefCount == 0)) {
            // Overwrite the existing new table entry.
            fInsert = true;
    if (fInsert) {
        ClearNew(nUBucket, nUBucketPos);
        vvNew[nUBucket][nUBucketPos] = nId;
        } else {
            if (pinfo->nRefCount == 0) {
    return fNew;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int64_t DoReq(SOCKET sockfd, socklen_t servlen, struct sockaddr cliaddr) {

#ifdef WIN32
    u_long nOne = 1;
    if (ioctlsocket(sockfd, FIONBIO, &nOne) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
        printf("ConnectSocket() : ioctlsocket non-blocking setting failed, error %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
    if (fcntl(sockfd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
        printf("ConnectSocket() : fcntl non-blocking setting failed, error %d\n", errno);
        return -2;

    struct timeval timeout = {10, 0};
    struct pkt *msg = new pkt;
    struct pkt *prt  = new pkt;
    time_t seconds_transmit;
    int len = 48;



    int retcode = sendto(sockfd, (char *) msg, len, 0, &cliaddr, servlen);
    if (retcode < 0) {
        printf("sendto() failed: %d\n", retcode);
        seconds_transmit = -3;
        goto _end;

    fd_set fdset;
    FD_SET(sockfd, &fdset);

    retcode = select(sockfd + 1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
    if (retcode <= 0) {
        printf("recvfrom() error\n");
        seconds_transmit = -4;
        goto _end;

    recvfrom(sockfd, (char *) msg, len, 0, NULL, NULL);
    ntohl_fp(&msg->xmt, &prt->xmt);
    Ntp2Unix(prt->xmt.Ul_i.Xl_ui, seconds_transmit);


    delete msg;
    delete prt;

    return seconds_transmit;

int64_t NtpGetTime(CNetAddr& ip) {
    struct sockaddr cliaddr;

    SOCKET sockfd;
    socklen_t servlen;

    if (!InitWithRandom(sockfd, servlen, &cliaddr))
        return -1;

    ip = CNetAddr(((sockaddr_in *)&cliaddr)->sin_addr);
    int64_t nTime = DoReq(sockfd, servlen, cliaddr);


    return nTime;

int64_t NtpGetTime(const std::string &strHostName)
    struct sockaddr cliaddr;

    SOCKET sockfd;
    socklen_t servlen;

    if (!InitWithHost(strHostName, sockfd, servlen, &cliaddr))
        return -1;

    int64_t nTime = DoReq(sockfd, servlen, cliaddr);


    return nTime;

// NTP server, which we unconditionally trust. This may be your own installation of ntpd somewhere, for example. 
// "localhost" means "trust no one"
std::string strTrustedUpstream = "localhost";

// Current offset
int64_t nNtpOffset = INT64_MAX;

int64_t GetNtpOffset() {
    return nNtpOffset;

void ThreadNtpSamples(void* parg) {
    const int64_t nMaxOffset = 86400; // Not a real limit, just sanity threshold.

    printf("Trying to find NTP server at localhost...\n");

    std::string strLocalHost = "";
    if (NtpGetTime(strLocalHost) == GetTime()) {
        printf("There is NTP server active at localhost,  we don't need NTP thread.\n");

        nNtpOffset = 0;

    printf("ThreadNtpSamples started\n");

    // Make this thread recognisable as time synchronization thread

    CMedianFilter<int64_t> vTimeOffsets(200,0);

    while (!fShutdown) {
        if (strTrustedUpstream != "localhost") {
            // Trying to get new offset sample from trusted NTP server.
            int64_t nClockOffset = NtpGetTime(strTrustedUpstream) - GetTime();

            if (abs64(nClockOffset) < nMaxOffset) {
                // Everything seems right, remember new trusted offset.
                printf("ThreadNtpSamples: new offset sample from %s, offset=%" PRId64 ".\n", strTrustedUpstream.c_str(), nClockOffset);
                nNtpOffset = nClockOffset;
            else {
                // Something went wrong, disable trusted offset sampling.
                nNtpOffset = INT64_MAX;
                strTrustedUpstream = "localhost";

                int nSleepMinutes = 1 + GetRandInt(9); // Sleep for 1-10 minutes.
                for (int i = 0; i < nSleepMinutes * 60 && !fShutdown; i++)

        else {
            // Now, trying to get 2-4 samples from random NTP servers.
            int nSamplesCount = 2 + GetRandInt(2);

            for (int i = 0; i < nSamplesCount; i++) {
                CNetAddr ip;
                int64_t nClockOffset = NtpGetTime(ip) - GetTime();

                if (abs64(nClockOffset) < nMaxOffset) { // Skip the deliberately wrong timestamps
                    printf("ThreadNtpSamples: new offset sample from %s, offset=%" PRId64 ".\n", ip.ToString().c_str(), nClockOffset);

            if (vTimeOffsets.size() > 1) {
                nNtpOffset = vTimeOffsets.median();
            else {
                // Not enough offsets yet, try to collect additional samples later.
                nNtpOffset = INT64_MAX;
                int nSleepMinutes = 1 + GetRandInt(4); // Sleep for 1-5 minutes.
                for (int i = 0; i < nSleepMinutes * 60 && !fShutdown; i++) 

        if (GetNodesOffset() == INT_MAX && abs64(nNtpOffset) > 40 * 60)
            // If there is not enough node offsets data and NTP time offset is greater than 40 minutes then give a warning.
            std::string strMessage = _("Warning: Please check that your computer's date and time are correct! If your clock is wrong eCoin will not work properly.");
            strMiscWarning = strMessage;
            printf("*** %s\n", strMessage.c_str());
            uiInterface.ThreadSafeMessageBox(strMessage+" ", std::string("eCoin"), CClientUIInterface::OK | CClientUIInterface::ICON_EXCLAMATION);

        printf("nNtpOffset = %+" PRId64 "  (%+" PRId64 " minutes)\n", nNtpOffset, nNtpOffset/60);

        int nSleepHours = 1 + GetRandInt(5); // Sleep for 1-6 hours.
        for (int i = 0; i < nSleepHours * 3600 && !fShutdown; i++)

    printf("ThreadNtpSamples exited\n");