int replaceModule(HWND hwnd, HANDLE hContact, const char *module, const char *find, const char *replace, int mode) { ModuleSettingLL msll; struct ModSetLinkLinkItem *setting; char *myreplace = NULL; char *newModule; int count = 0; if (mode & RW_FULL) newModule = (char*)replace; else { myreplace = multiReplace(module, find, replace, mode & RW_CASE); newModule = myreplace; } if (newModule[0]==0) { ItemFound(hwnd,hContact,module,NULL,NULL,FW_MODULE|FW_DELETED); deleteModule((char*)module, hContact, 1); replaceTreeItem(GetDlgItem(hwnd2mainWindow,IDC_MODULES), hContact, module, NULL); mir_free(myreplace); return 1; } if (!IsModuleEmpty(hContact, newModule)) return 0; if (EnumSettings(hContact,(char*)module,&msll)) { setting = msll.first; while(setting) { DBVARIANT dbv; if (!GetSetting(hContact, module, setting->name, &dbv)) { switch (dbv.type) { case DBVT_BYTE: DBWriteContactSettingByte(hContact, newModule, setting->name, dbv.bVal); break; case DBVT_WORD: DBWriteContactSettingWord(hContact, newModule, setting->name, dbv.wVal); break; case DBVT_DWORD: DBWriteContactSettingDword(hContact, newModule, setting->name, dbv.dVal); break; case DBVT_ASCIIZ: DBWriteContactSettingString(hContact, newModule, setting->name, dbv.pszVal); break; case DBVT_UTF8: DBWriteContactSettingStringUtf(hContact, newModule, setting->name, dbv.pszVal); break; case DBVT_BLOB: DBWriteContactSettingBlob(hContact, newModule, setting->name, dbv.pbVal, dbv.cpbVal); break; } DBFreeVariant(&dbv); DBDeleteContactSetting(hContact, module, setting->name); } setting = (struct ModSetLinkLinkItem *)setting->next; } FreeModuleSettingLL(&msll); replaceTreeItem(GetDlgItem(hwnd2mainWindow,IDC_MODULES), hContact, module, newModule); ItemFound(hwnd,hContact,newModule,NULL,NULL,FW_MODULE|FW_REPLACED); count++; } mir_free(myreplace); return count; }
void __cdecl FindSettings(LPVOID di) { char* text = ((FindInfo*)di)->text; char* replace = ((FindInfo*)di)->replace; int mode = ((FindInfo*)di)->mode; HWND hwnd = ((FindInfo*)di)->hwnd; HWND prnthwnd = GetParent(hwnd); int options = ((FindInfo*)di)->options; ModuleSettingLL ModuleList, SettingList; struct ModSetLinkLinkItem *module, *setting; HANDLE hContact; DBVARIANT dbv = {0}; int caseSensitive = options&FW_CASE; int exactMatch = options&FW_EXACT; int inModuleName = options&FW_MODNAME; int inSettingName = options&FW_SETNAME; int inSettingValue = options&FW_SETVAL; int foundCount = 0; int replaceCount = 0; char szTmp[128]; int settingValue, isNumber, NULLContactDone = 0; freeItems(hwnd); if (!text) return; if (!EnumModules(&ModuleList)) { msg(Translate("Error Loading Module List"),modFullname); mir_free(di); return;} SendMessage(GetDlgItem(GetParent(hwnd),IDC_SBAR),SB_SETTEXT,0,(LPARAM)Translate("Searching...")); hContact = 0; isNumber = sscanf(text,"%d",&settingValue); while (GetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(prnthwnd,IDC_SEARCH),GWLP_USERDATA)) { if (!hContact) { if (NULLContactDone) break; else { NULLContactDone = 1; hContact = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDFIRST, 0, 0); } } else hContact = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDNEXT, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); module = ModuleList.first; while (module) { if (IsModuleEmpty(hContact, module->name)) { module = (struct ModSetLinkLinkItem *)module->next; continue; } if (!EnumSettings(hContact,module->name,&SettingList)) { msg(Translate("Error Loading Setting List"),modFullname); mir_free(text); mir_free(di); FreeModuleSettingLL(&ModuleList); return; } setting = SettingList.first; // check in settings value while (setting) { if (inSettingValue) { dbv.type = 0; // check the setting value if (!GetSetting(hContact,module->name,setting->name,&dbv)) { switch (dbv.type) { case DBVT_UTF8: // no conversion atm case DBVT_ASCIIZ: if ((exactMatch && !(caseSensitive?strcmp(dbv.pszVal,text):strcmpi(dbv.pszVal,text))) || (!exactMatch && (caseSensitive?strstr(dbv.pszVal,text):StrStrI(dbv.pszVal,text)))) { if ((mode & RW_FOUND) || (mode & RW_SETVAL)) replaceCount += replaceValue(hwnd, hContact, module->name, setting->name, &dbv, text, replace, mode); else ItemFound(hwnd,hContact,module->name,setting->name,dbv.pszVal,FW_SETTINGVALUE); foundCount++; } break; case DBVT_BYTE: if (isNumber && settingValue == dbv.bVal) { if ((mode & RW_FOUND) || (mode & RW_SETVAL)) replaceCount += replaceValue(hwnd, hContact, module->name, setting->name, &dbv, NULL, replace, mode); else ItemFound(hwnd,hContact,module->name,setting->name,text,FW_SETTINGVALUE); foundCount++; } break; case DBVT_WORD: if (isNumber && settingValue == dbv.wVal) { if ((mode & RW_FOUND) || (mode & RW_SETVAL)) replaceCount += replaceValue(hwnd, hContact, module->name, setting->name, &dbv, NULL, replace, mode); else ItemFound(hwnd,hContact,module->name,setting->name,text,FW_SETTINGVALUE); foundCount++; } break; case DBVT_DWORD: if (isNumber && settingValue == (int)dbv.dVal) { if ((mode & RW_FOUND) || (mode & RW_SETVAL)) replaceCount += replaceValue(hwnd, hContact, module->name, setting->name, &dbv, NULL, replace, mode); else ItemFound(hwnd,hContact,module->name,setting->name,text,FW_SETTINGVALUE); foundCount++; } break; } DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } } // check in setting name if (inSettingName) { if ((exactMatch && !(caseSensitive?strcmp(setting->name,text):strcmpi(setting->name,text))) || (!exactMatch && (caseSensitive?StrStrI(setting->name,text):StrStrI(setting->name,text)))) { if ((mode & RW_FOUND) || (mode & RW_SETNAME)) { if (!GetSetting(hContact,module->name,setting->name,&dbv)) { replaceCount += replaceSetting(hwnd, hContact, module->name, setting->name, &dbv, text, replace, mode); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } } else ItemFound(hwnd,hContact,module->name,setting->name, NULL, FW_SETTINGNAME); foundCount++; } } setting = (struct ModSetLinkLinkItem *)setting->next; } // check in module name if (inModuleName) { if ((exactMatch && !(caseSensitive?strcmp(module->name,text):strcmpi(module->name,text))) || (!exactMatch && (caseSensitive?strstr(module->name,text):StrStrI(module->name,text)))) { if ((mode & RW_FOUND) || (mode & RW_MODULE)) replaceCount += replaceModule(hwnd, hContact, module->name, text, replace, mode); else ItemFound(hwnd,hContact,module->name,0, 0, FW_MODULE); foundCount++; } } FreeModuleSettingLL(&SettingList); module = (struct ModSetLinkLinkItem *)module->next; } } if (mode) { if (!replace[0]) mir_snprintf(szTmp, SIZEOF(szTmp), Translate("Finished. %d items were found, %d items were deleted."), foundCount, replaceCount); else mir_snprintf(szTmp, SIZEOF(szTmp), Translate("Finished. %d items were found, %d items were replaced."), foundCount, replaceCount); } else mir_snprintf(szTmp, SIZEOF(szTmp), Translate("Finished. %d items were found."), foundCount); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(prnthwnd,IDC_SBAR),SB_SETTEXT,0,(LPARAM)szTmp); SetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(prnthwnd,IDC_SEARCH),GWLP_USERDATA,0); if (GetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(prnthwnd,IDC_REPLACE),GWLP_USERDATA)) { SetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(prnthwnd,IDC_REPLACE),GWLP_USERDATA, 0); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(prnthwnd,IDC_SEARCH),1); SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(prnthwnd,IDOK),Translate("&Replace")); } else { SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(prnthwnd,IDC_SEARCH),Translate("&Search")); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(prnthwnd,IDOK),1); } mir_free(replace); mir_free(text); mir_free(di); FreeModuleSettingLL(&ModuleList); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(prnthwnd,IDCANCEL),1); }
//Ok, so here goes nothing... void iohtmlFunc_ajax( ReplyDataPtr cnt ) { #if IRCBOT_SUPPORT ConfigArrayPtr settings[2]; #endif int a, c, id, numbuild; int64_t b; int64_t bsums[CMD_BLDG_NUMUSED+1]; int64_t usums[CMD_UNIT_NUMUSED]; const char *typestring, *idstring, *refer; char CHECKER[256]; char timebuf[512]; dbMainEmpireDef empired; dbBuildPtr build; dbUserMainDef maind; proginfoDef pinfod; urlinfoPtr urlp; cpuInfo cpuinfo; time_t tint; struct sysinfo sysinfod; refer = idstring = typestring = NULL; cpuGetInfo( &cpuinfo ); getsys_infos( &pinfod ); if( sysinfo(&sysinfod) != 0 ) { critical( "Failure getting system infomation... Critical failure." ); sysconfig.shutdown = true; return; } idstring = iohtmlVarsFind( cnt, "id" ); typestring = iohtmlVarsFind( cnt, "typ" ); refer = iohtmlHeaderFind(cnt, "Referer"); if( ( id = iohtmlIdentify( cnt, 2 ) ) >= 0 ) { if( dbUserMainRetrieve( id, &maind ) < 0 ) goto BAILAJAX; else if( dbEmpireGetInfo( maind.empire, &empired ) < 0 ) goto BAILAJAX; } if( ( typestring ) && ( refer ) ) { urlp = parse_url(refer); refer = urlp->path; httpString( cnt, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<xml>" ); //Begin XML generation, we only make one request now... so we have to structure carefully! if( !strcmp(typestring,"ticker") ) { //Send basic tick info, and check if user is loged in. httpPrintf( cnt, "<pass>%d</pass>", ( id != -1 ) ? ( ( bitflag( ((cnt->session)->dbuser)->flags, CMD_USER_FLAGS_ACTIVATED ) ) ? true : false ) : false ); if( refer ) httpPrintf( cnt, "<page>%s</page>", refer ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<u_online>%d</u_online><u_activated>%d</u_activated>", dbRegisteredInfo[DB_TOTALS_USERS_ONLINE], dbRegisteredInfo[DB_TOTALS_USERS_ACTIVATED] ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<time><next>%d</next><week>%d</week><year>%d</year></time>", (int)fmax( 0.0, ( - time(0) ) ), ticks.number % 52, ticks.number / 52 ); if( !strcmp(refer,"status") ) { snprintf( CHECKER, sizeof(CHECKER), "%lu bytes ( %5.1f mb )", pinfod.stvsize, pinfod.stvsize / megabyte ); httpString( cnt, "<general>" ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<servpriority>%ld</servpriority>", pinfod.stpriority ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<servthreads>%ld</servthreads>", pinfod.threads ); httpString( cnt, "</general>" ); httpString( cnt, "<memory>" ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<memused>%s</memused>", CHECKER ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<memavbytes>%ld bytes</memavbytes>", sysinfod.freeram ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<memavmeg>( %4.1f mb )</memavmeg>", (sysinfod.freeram / megabyte ) ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<totalswapbytes>%ld bytes</totalswapbytes>", sysinfod.totalswap ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<totalswapmeg>( %5.1f mb )</totalswapmeg>", (sysinfod.totalswap / megabyte ) ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<freeswapbytes>%ld bytes</freeswapbytes>", sysinfod.freeswap ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<freeswapmeg>( %5.1f mb )</freeswapmeg>", (sysinfod.freeswap / megabyte ) ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<bufferbytes>%ld bytes</bufferbytes>", sysinfod.bufferram ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<bufermeg>( %5.1f mb )</bufermeg>", (sysinfod.bufferram / megabyte ) ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<sharedbytes>%ld bytes</sharedbytes>", sysinfod.sharedram ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<sharedmeg>( %5.1f mb )</sharedmeg>", (sysinfod.sharedram / megabyte ) ); time( &tint ); strftime(timebuf,512,"%a, %d %b %G %T %Z", localtime( &tint ) ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<timeserver>%s</timeserver>", timebuf ); strftime(timebuf,512,"%a, %d %b %G %T %Z", gmtime( &tint ) ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<timegmt>%s</timegmt>", timebuf ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<strss>%lu pages</strss>", pinfod.strss ); httpPrintf( cnt, "</memory>" ); httpString( cnt, "<cpu>" ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<cpuprocs>%d</cpuprocs>", sysinfod.procs ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<cpuloads>%f (1 min) - %f (5 mins) - %f (15 mins)</cpuloads>",pinfod.loadavg[0],pinfod.loadavg[1],pinfod.loadavg[2]); httpPrintf( cnt, "<cputotal>%.3f %%</cputotal>", pinfod.userload + pinfod.kernelload ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<cpukernel>%.3f %%</cpukernel>", pinfod.kernelload ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<cpuuser>%.3f %%</cpuuser>", pinfod.userload ); httpString( cnt, "</cpu>" ); #if IRCBOT_SUPPORT if( sysconfig.irc_enabled ) { if( irc_is_connected(sysconfig.irc_session) ) { settings[0] = GetSetting( "IRC Host" ); settings[1] = GetSetting( "IRC Channel" ); snprintf( CHECKER, sizeof(CHECKER), "Enabled (Host:%s, Channel:%s)", settings[0]->string_value, settings[1]->string_value ); } else { snprintf( CHECKER, sizeof(CHECKER), "%s", "Enabled but not connected" ); } } else { snprintf( CHECKER, sizeof(CHECKER), "%s", "Disabled"); } httpPrintf( cnt, "<botstatus>%s</botstatus>", CHECKER ); #endif //End Status block -- Start user block } if( id < 0 ) goto ENDXML; a = dbUserNewsGetFlags( id ); //OK, so they are loged in... time to send some info. Lets start with the header. =) httpString( cnt, "<header>" ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<networth>%lld</networth>", (long long)maind.networth ); httpString( cnt, "<notification>" ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<mail>%d</mail>", ( a & CMD_NEWS_FLAGS_MAIL ) ? true : false ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<build>%d</build>", ( a & CMD_NEWS_FLAGS_BUILD ) ? true : false ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<aid>%d</aid>", ( a & CMD_NEWS_FLAGS_AID ) ? true : false ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<fleet>%d</fleet>", ( a & CMD_NEWS_FLAGS_ATTACK ) ? 1 : ( ( a & CMD_NEWS_FLAGS_FLEET ) ? 2 : false ) ); httpString( cnt, "</notification>" ); httpString( cnt, "<ressources>" ); for( a = 0 ; a < CMD_RESSOURCE_NUMUSED ; a++ ) { snprintf( CHECKER, sizeof(CHECKER),"%s",cmdRessourceName[a]); for(b = 0; CHECKER[b]; b++){ CHECKER[b] = tolower(CHECKER[b]); } httpPrintf( cnt, "<%s>%lld</%s>", CHECKER, (long long)maind.ressource[a], CHECKER ); } httpPrintf( cnt, "<population>%lld</population>", (long long)maind.ressource[CMD_RESSOURCE_POPULATION] ); httpString( cnt, "</ressources>" ); httpString( cnt, "</header>" ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<%s>", refer ); //End Header block -- Start HQ block if( !strcmp(refer,"hq") ) { httpString( cnt, "<readiness>" ); for( a = 0 ; a < CMD_READY_NUMUSED ; a++ ) { httpPrintf( cnt, "<%sready>%d</%sready>", cmdReadyName[a], maind.readiness[a] >> 16, cmdReadyName[a] ); } httpString( cnt, "</readiness>" ); httpPrintf( cnt, "<planets>%d</planets>", maind.planets ); //End HQ block -- Start Council block } else if( !strcmp(refer,"council") ) {
/*! \fn GetValue Returns a Setting based on the name passed to the function. Returns -1 if the setting is not in the list \param Name The name of the setting to search for */ long _EngineSettings::GetValue(string Name) { return GetSetting(Name).Value; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EffectImplemented::Reset() { UnloadResources(); Setting* loader = GetSetting(); TextureLoader* textureLoader = loader->GetTextureLoader(); for( int i = 0; i < m_ImageCount; i++ ) { if( m_ImagePaths[i] != NULL ) delete [] m_ImagePaths[i]; } m_ImageCount = 0; ES_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( m_ImagePaths ); ES_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_pImages); { for (int i = 0; i < m_normalImageCount; i++) { if (m_normalImagePaths[i] != NULL) delete [] m_normalImagePaths[i]; } m_normalImageCount = 0; ES_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_normalImagePaths); ES_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_normalImages); } { for (int i = 0; i < m_distortionImageCount; i++) { if (m_distortionImagePaths[i] != NULL) delete [] m_distortionImagePaths[i]; } m_distortionImageCount = 0; ES_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_distortionImagePaths); ES_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_distortionImages); } for( int i = 0; i < m_WaveCount; i++ ) { if( m_WavePaths[i] != NULL ) delete [] m_WavePaths[i]; } m_WaveCount = 0; ES_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( m_WavePaths ); ES_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( m_pWaves ); for( int i = 0; i < m_modelCount; i++ ) { if( m_modelPaths[i] != NULL ) delete [] m_modelPaths[i]; } m_modelCount = 0; ES_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( m_modelPaths ); ES_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( m_pModels ); ES_SAFE_DELETE( m_pRoot ); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EffectImplemented::ReloadResources( const EFK_CHAR* materialPath ) { UnloadResources(); const EFK_CHAR* matPath = materialPath != NULL ? materialPath : m_materialPath.c_str(); Setting* loader = GetSetting(); { TextureLoader* textureLoader = loader->GetTextureLoader(); if( textureLoader != NULL ) { for( int32_t ind = 0; ind < m_ImageCount; ind++ ) { EFK_CHAR fullPath[512]; PathCombine( fullPath, matPath, m_ImagePaths[ ind ] ); m_pImages[ind] = textureLoader->Load( fullPath, TextureType::Color ); } } } { TextureLoader* textureLoader = loader->GetTextureLoader(); if (textureLoader != NULL) { for (int32_t ind = 0; ind < m_normalImageCount; ind++) { EFK_CHAR fullPath[512]; PathCombine(fullPath, matPath, m_normalImagePaths[ind]); m_normalImages[ind] = textureLoader->Load(fullPath, TextureType::Normal); } } } { TextureLoader* textureLoader = loader->GetTextureLoader(); if (textureLoader != NULL) { for (int32_t ind = 0; ind < m_distortionImageCount; ind++) { EFK_CHAR fullPath[512]; PathCombine(fullPath, matPath, m_distortionImagePaths[ind]); m_distortionImages[ind] = textureLoader->Load(fullPath, TextureType::Distortion); } } } { SoundLoader* soundLoader = loader->GetSoundLoader(); if( soundLoader != NULL ) { for( int32_t ind = 0; ind < m_WaveCount; ind++ ) { EFK_CHAR fullPath[512]; PathCombine( fullPath, matPath, m_WavePaths[ ind ] ); m_pWaves[ind] = soundLoader->Load( fullPath ); } } } { ModelLoader* modelLoader = loader->GetModelLoader(); if( modelLoader != NULL ) { for( int32_t ind = 0; ind < m_modelCount; ind++ ) { EFK_CHAR fullPath[512]; PathCombine( fullPath, matPath, m_modelPaths[ ind ] ); m_pModels[ind] = modelLoader->Load( fullPath ); } } } }
void CMainDlg::InitGen() { float pit; AmpValue amp; FrqValue frq; FrqValue atk; FrqValue dec; AmpValue sus; FrqValue rel; AmpValue end; FrqValue mul1, mul2; AmpValue pk; FrqValue nyq = synthParams.sampleRate / 2; durTotal = GetSetting(durValEd); volMaster = GetSetting(volValEd); pit = GetSetting(gen1FrqEd); frq = synthParams.GetFrequency(pit); if (frq >= nyq) frq = nyq; amp = GetSetting(gen1VolEd); atk = GetSetting(gen1AtkEd); dec = GetSetting(gen1DecEd); sus = GetSetting(gen1SusEd); rel = GetSetting(gen1RelEd); gen1EG.InitADSR(0, atk, amp, dec, sus, rel, 0, linSeg); gen1Osc.InitWT(frq, WT_SIN); if (durTotal < (rel+atk)) { durTotal = atk + rel; durAtkSus = atk; } else durAtkSus = durTotal - rel; mul1 = GetSetting(gen2MulEd) * frq; amp = GetSetting(gen2NdxEd); atk = GetSetting(gen2AtkEd); pk = GetSetting(gen2PckEd); dec = GetSetting(gen2DecEd); sus = GetSetting(gen2SusEd); rel = GetSetting(gen2RelEd); end = GetSetting(gen2EndEd); if (mul1 > nyq) mul1 = nyq; gen2Osc.InitWT(mul1, WT_SIN); if (algorithm != ALG_DELTA) { amp = CalcPhaseMod(amp, mul1); pk = CalcPhaseMod(pk, mul1); sus = CalcPhaseMod(sus, mul1); end = CalcPhaseMod(end, mul1); } gen2EG.InitADSR(amp, atk, pk, dec, sus, rel, end, linSeg); mul2 = GetSetting(gen3MulEd) * frq; amp = GetSetting(gen3NdxEd); atk = GetSetting(gen3AtkEd); pk = GetSetting(gen3PckEd); dec = GetSetting(gen3DecEd); sus = GetSetting(gen3SusEd); rel = GetSetting(gen3RelEd); end = GetSetting(gen3EndEd); if (mul2 > nyq) mul2 = nyq; gen3Osc.InitWT(mul2, WT_SIN); amp = CalcPhaseMod(amp, mul2); pk = CalcPhaseMod(pk, mul2); sus = CalcPhaseMod(sus, mul2); end = CalcPhaseMod(end, mul2); gen3EG.InitADSR(amp, atk, pk, dec, sus, rel, end, linSeg); }
void MythSystemWindows::Fork(time_t timeout) { QString LOC_ERR = QString("myth_system('%1'): Error: ").arg(GetLogCmd()); // For use in the child char locerr[MAX_BUFLEN]; strncpy(locerr, (const char *)LOC_ERR.toUtf8().constData(), MAX_BUFLEN); locerr[MAX_BUFLEN-1] = '\0'; LOG(VB_SYSTEM, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Launching: %1").arg(GetLogCmd())); GetBuffer(0)->setBuffer(0); GetBuffer(1)->setBuffer(0); GetBuffer(2)->setBuffer(0); HANDLE p_stdin[2] = { NULL, NULL }; HANDLE p_stdout[2] = { NULL, NULL }; HANDLE p_stderr[2] = { NULL, NULL }; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES saAttr; STARTUPINFO si; ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); // Set the bInheritHandle flag so pipe handles are inherited. saAttr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); saAttr.bInheritHandle = true; saAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; /* set up pipes */ if( GetSetting("UseStdin") ) { if (!CreatePipe(&p_stdin[0], &p_stdin[1], &saAttr, 0)) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, LOC_ERR + "stdin pipe() failed"); SetStatus( GENERIC_EXIT_NOT_OK ); } else { // Ensure the write handle to the pipe for STDIN is not inherited. if (!SetHandleInformation(p_stdin[1], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)) { LOG(VB_SYSTEM, LOG_ERR, LOC_ERR + "stdin inheritance error"); SetStatus( GENERIC_EXIT_NOT_OK ); } else { si.hStdInput = p_stdin[0]; si.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; } } } if( GetSetting("UseStdout") ) { if (!CreatePipe(&p_stdout[0], &p_stdout[1], &saAttr, 0)) { LOG(VB_SYSTEM, LOG_ERR, LOC_ERR + "stdout pipe() failed"); SetStatus( GENERIC_EXIT_NOT_OK ); } else { // Ensure the read handle to the pipe for STDOUT is not inherited. if (!SetHandleInformation(p_stdout[0], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)) { LOG(VB_SYSTEM, LOG_ERR, LOC_ERR + "stdout inheritance error"); SetStatus( GENERIC_EXIT_NOT_OK ); } else { si.hStdOutput = p_stdout[1]; si.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; } } } if( GetSetting("UseStderr") ) { if (!CreatePipe(&p_stderr[0], &p_stderr[1], &saAttr, 0)) { LOG(VB_SYSTEM, LOG_ERR, LOC_ERR + "stderr pipe() failed"); SetStatus( GENERIC_EXIT_NOT_OK ); } else { // Ensure the read handle to the pipe for STDERR is not inherited. if (!SetHandleInformation(p_stderr[0], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)) { LOG(VB_SYSTEM, LOG_ERR, LOC_ERR + "stderr inheritance error"); SetStatus( GENERIC_EXIT_NOT_OK ); } else { si.hStdError = p_stderr[1]; si.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; } } } // set up command args QString cmd = GetCommand().replace('/','\\') + " " + GetArgs().join(" "); if (GetSetting("UseShell")) cmd.prepend("cmd.exe /c "); SetCommand( cmd ); QByteArray cmdUTF8 = GetCommand().toUtf8(); TCHAR *command = TEXT((char *)cmdUTF8.constData()); const char *directory = NULL; QString dir = GetDirectory(); if (GetSetting("SetDirectory") && !dir.isEmpty()) directory = strdup(dir.toUtf8().constData()); PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION)); m_timeout = timeout; if( timeout ) m_timeout += time(NULL); bool success = CreateProcess(NULL, command, // command line NULL, // process security attributes NULL, // primary thread security attributes TRUE, // handles are inherited 0, // creation flags NULL, // use parent's environment directory, // use parent's current directory &si, // STARTUPINFO pointer &pi); // receives PROCESS_INFORMATION if (!success) { LOG(VB_SYSTEM, LOG_ERR, LOC_ERR + "CreateProcess() failed"); SetStatus( GENERIC_EXIT_NOT_OK ); } else { /* parent */ m_child = pi.hProcess; SetStatus( GENERIC_EXIT_RUNNING ); LOG(VB_SYSTEM, LOG_INFO, QString("Managed child (Handle: %1) has started! " "%2%3 command=%4, timeout=%5") .arg((long long)m_child) .arg(GetSetting("UseShell") ? "*" : "") .arg(GetSetting("RunInBackground") ? "&" : "") .arg(GetLogCmd()) .arg(timeout)); /* close unused pipe ends */ CLOSE(p_stdin[0]); CLOSE(p_stdout[1]); CLOSE(p_stderr[1]); // store the rest m_stdpipe[0] = p_stdin[1]; m_stdpipe[1] = p_stdout[0]; m_stdpipe[2] = p_stderr[0]; // clean up the memory use if( directory ) free((void *)directory); } /* Parent */ if( GetStatus() != GENERIC_EXIT_RUNNING ) { CLOSE(p_stdin[0]); CLOSE(p_stdin[1]); CLOSE(p_stdout[0]); CLOSE(p_stdout[1]); CLOSE(p_stderr[0]); CLOSE(p_stderr[1]); } }
CGUIControl* CGUIDialogSettingsBase::AddSetting(CSetting *pSetting, float width, int &iControlID) { if (pSetting == NULL) return NULL; BaseSettingControlPtr pSettingControl; CGUIControl *pControl = NULL; // determine the label and any possible indentation in case of sub settings std::string label = GetSettingsLabel(pSetting); int parentLevels = 0; CSetting *parentSetting = GetSetting(pSetting->GetParent()); while (parentSetting != NULL) { parentLevels++; parentSetting = GetSetting(parentSetting->GetParent()); } if (parentLevels > 0) { // add additional 2 spaces indentation for anything past one level std::string indentation; for (int index = 1; index < parentLevels; index++) indentation.append(" "); label = StringUtils::Format(g_localizeStrings.Get(168).c_str(), indentation.c_str(), label.c_str()); } // create the proper controls if (!pSetting->GetControl()) return NULL; std::string controlType = pSetting->GetControl()->GetType(); if (controlType == "toggle") { if (m_pOriginalRadioButton != NULL) pControl = new CGUIRadioButtonControl(*m_pOriginalRadioButton); if (pControl == NULL) return NULL; ((CGUIRadioButtonControl *)pControl)->SetLabel(label); pSettingControl.reset(new CGUIControlRadioButtonSetting((CGUIRadioButtonControl *)pControl, iControlID, pSetting)); } else if (controlType == "spinner") { if (m_pOriginalSpin != NULL) pControl = new CGUISpinControlEx(*m_pOriginalSpin); if (pControl == NULL) return NULL; ((CGUISpinControlEx *)pControl)->SetText(label); pSettingControl.reset(new CGUIControlSpinExSetting((CGUISpinControlEx *)pControl, iControlID, pSetting)); } else if (controlType == "edit") { if (m_pOriginalEdit != NULL) pControl = new CGUIEditControl(*m_pOriginalEdit); if (pControl == NULL) return NULL; ((CGUIEditControl *)pControl)->SetLabel(label); pSettingControl.reset(new CGUIControlEditSetting((CGUIEditControl *)pControl, iControlID, pSetting)); } else if (controlType == "list") { if (m_pOriginalButton != NULL) pControl = new CGUIButtonControl(*m_pOriginalButton); if (pControl == NULL) return NULL; ((CGUIButtonControl *)pControl)->SetLabel(label); pSettingControl.reset(new CGUIControlListSetting((CGUIButtonControl *)pControl, iControlID, pSetting)); } else if (controlType == "button" || controlType == "slider") { if (controlType == "button" || static_cast<const CSettingControlSlider*>(pSetting->GetControl())->UsePopup()) { if (m_pOriginalButton != NULL) pControl = new CGUIButtonControl(*m_pOriginalButton); if (pControl == NULL) return NULL; ((CGUIButtonControl *)pControl)->SetLabel(label); pSettingControl.reset(new CGUIControlButtonSetting((CGUIButtonControl *)pControl, iControlID, pSetting)); } else { if (m_pOriginalSlider != NULL) pControl = new CGUISettingsSliderControl(*m_pOriginalSlider); if (pControl == NULL) return NULL; ((CGUISettingsSliderControl *)pControl)->SetText(label); pSettingControl.reset(new CGUIControlSliderSetting((CGUISettingsSliderControl *)pControl, iControlID, pSetting)); } } else if (controlType == "range") { if (m_pOriginalSlider != NULL) pControl = new CGUISettingsSliderControl(*m_pOriginalSlider); if (pControl == NULL) return NULL; ((CGUISettingsSliderControl *)pControl)->SetText(label); pSettingControl.reset(new CGUIControlRangeSetting((CGUISettingsSliderControl *)pControl, iControlID, pSetting)); } else return NULL; if (pSetting->GetControl()->GetDelayed()) pSettingControl->SetDelayed(); return AddSettingControl(pControl, pSettingControl, width, iControlID); }
LRESULT CMainDlg::OnCopyClip(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD wID, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) { OpenClipboard(); EmptyClipboard(); FrqValue atk = GetSetting(gen1AtkEd); AmpValue pk = GetSetting(gen1VolEd); FrqValue dec = GetSetting(gen1DecEd); AmpValue sus = GetSetting(gen1SusEd); FrqValue rel = GetSetting(gen1RelEd); FrqValue mul1 = GetSetting(gen2MulEd); AmpValue amp1 = GetSetting(gen2NdxEd); FrqValue atk1 = GetSetting(gen2AtkEd); AmpValue pk1 = GetSetting(gen2PckEd); FrqValue dec1 = GetSetting(gen2DecEd); AmpValue sus1 = GetSetting(gen2SusEd); FrqValue rel1 = GetSetting(gen2RelEd); AmpValue end1 = GetSetting(gen2EndEd); FrqValue mul2 = GetSetting(gen3MulEd); AmpValue amp2 = GetSetting(gen3NdxEd); FrqValue atk2 = GetSetting(gen3AtkEd); AmpValue pk2 = GetSetting(gen3PckEd); FrqValue dec2 = GetSetting(gen3DecEd); AmpValue sus2 = GetSetting(gen3SusEd); FrqValue rel2 = GetSetting(gen3RelEd); AmpValue end2 = GetSetting(gen3EndEd); char txt[1024]; sprintf(txt, "{ %4d, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f,\r\n%6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f,\r\n%6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f },\r\n", algorithm, 0.0, atk, pk, dec, sus, rel, 0.0, mul1, amp1, atk1, pk1, dec1, sus1, rel1, end1, mul2, amp2, atk2, pk2, dec2, sus2, rel2, end2); HANDLE mem = GlobalAlloc(0, strlen(txt)+1); char *ptxt = (char*)GlobalLock(mem); strcpy(ptxt, txt); GlobalUnlock(mem); SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, mem); CloseClipboard(); return 0; }
HRESULT CSWDomeCameraTimer::SaveSetting(const DWORD& dwID) { CHECK_ID(dwID, MAX_TIMER); char szSection[256]; swpa_sprintf(szSection, "\\DomeCamera\\Timer\\Timer%d", dwID); //SW_TRACE_DEBUG("tobemarked: save timer %d : MotionType=%d, MotionID=%d\n", dwID, GetSetting().Get().sTimerParam[dwID].iMotionType, // GetSetting().Get().sTimerParam[dwID].iMotionID); GetSetting().UpdateString(szSection, "Name", GetSetting().Get().sTimerParam[dwID].szName); GetSetting().UpdateInt(szSection, "BeginTime", GetSetting().Get().sTimerParam[dwID].iBeginTime); GetSetting().UpdateInt(szSection, "EndTime", GetSetting().Get().sTimerParam[dwID].iEndTime); GetSetting().UpdateInt(szSection, "Weekday", GetSetting().Get().sTimerParam[dwID].iWeekday); GetSetting().UpdateInt(szSection, "MotionType", GetSetting().Get().sTimerParam[dwID].iMotionType); GetSetting().UpdateInt(szSection, "MotionID", GetSetting().Get().sTimerParam[dwID].iMotionID); GetSetting().UpdateInt(szSection, "Enable", GetSetting().Get().sTimerParam[dwID].fEnable); GetSetting().UpdateInt(szSection, "Valid", GetSetting().Get().sTimerParam[dwID].fValid); return GetSetting().Commit(); }
bool CSettings::Exists(CString strSetting) { return (GetSetting(strSetting) != NULL); }
void MythSystemUnix::Fork(time_t timeout) { QString LOC_ERR = QString("myth_system('%1'): Error: ").arg(GetLogCmd()); // For use in the child char locerr[MAX_BUFLEN]; strncpy(locerr, (const char *)LOC_ERR.toUtf8().constData(), MAX_BUFLEN); locerr[MAX_BUFLEN-1] = '\0'; LOG(VB_SYSTEM, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Launching: %1").arg(GetLogCmd())); GetBuffer(0)->setBuffer(0); GetBuffer(1)->setBuffer(0); GetBuffer(2)->setBuffer(0); int p_stdin[] = {-1,-1}; int p_stdout[] = {-1,-1}; int p_stderr[] = {-1,-1}; /* set up pipes */ if( GetSetting("UseStdin") ) { if( pipe(p_stdin) == -1 ) { LOG(VB_SYSTEM, LOG_ERR, LOC_ERR + "stdin pipe() failed"); SetStatus( GENERIC_EXIT_NOT_OK ); } else fcntl(p_stdin[1], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); } if( GetSetting("UseStdout") ) { if( pipe(p_stdout) == -1 ) { LOG(VB_SYSTEM, LOG_ERR, LOC_ERR + "stdout pipe() failed"); SetStatus( GENERIC_EXIT_NOT_OK ); } else fcntl(p_stdout[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); } if( GetSetting("UseStderr") ) { if( pipe(p_stderr) == -1 ) { LOG(VB_SYSTEM, LOG_ERR, LOC_ERR + "stderr pipe() failed"); SetStatus( GENERIC_EXIT_NOT_OK ); } else fcntl(p_stderr[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); } // set up command args if (GetSetting("UseShell")) { QStringList args = QStringList("-c"); args << GetCommand() + " " + GetArgs().join(" "); SetArgs( args ); QString cmd = "/bin/sh"; SetCommand( cmd ); } QStringList args = GetArgs(); args.prepend(GetCommand().split('/').last()); SetArgs( args ); QByteArray cmdUTF8 = GetCommand().toUtf8(); const char *command = strdup(cmdUTF8.constData()); char **cmdargs = (char **)malloc((args.size() + 1) * sizeof(char *)); int i; QStringList::const_iterator it; for (i = 0, it = args.constBegin(); it != args.constEnd(); ++it) { cmdargs[i++] = strdup(it->toUtf8().constData()); } cmdargs[i] = NULL; const char *directory = NULL; QString dir = GetDirectory(); if (GetSetting("SetDirectory") && !dir.isEmpty()) directory = strdup(dir.toUtf8().constData()); // check before fork to avoid QString use in child bool setpgidsetting = GetSetting("SetPGID"); int niceval = m_parent->GetNice(); int ioprioval = m_parent->GetIOPrio(); /* Do this before forking in case the child miserably fails */ m_timeout = timeout; if( timeout ) m_timeout += time(NULL); pid_t child = fork(); if (child < 0) { /* Fork failed, still in parent */ LOG(VB_SYSTEM, LOG_ERR, "fork() failed: " + ENO); SetStatus( GENERIC_EXIT_NOT_OK ); } else if( child > 0 ) { /* parent */ m_pid = child; SetStatus( GENERIC_EXIT_RUNNING ); LOG(VB_SYSTEM, LOG_INFO, QString("Managed child (PID: %1) has started! " "%2%3 command=%4, timeout=%5") .arg(m_pid) .arg(GetSetting("UseShell") ? "*" : "") .arg(GetSetting("RunInBackground") ? "&" : "") .arg(GetLogCmd()) .arg(timeout)); /* close unused pipe ends */ CLOSE(p_stdin[0]); CLOSE(p_stdout[1]); CLOSE(p_stderr[1]); // store the rest m_stdpipe[0] = p_stdin[1]; m_stdpipe[1] = p_stdout[0]; m_stdpipe[2] = p_stderr[0]; } else if (child == 0) { /* Child - NOTE: it is not safe to use LOG or QString between the * fork and execv calls in the child. It causes occasional locking * issues that cause deadlocked child processes. */ /* handle standard input */ if( p_stdin[0] >= 0 ) { /* try to attach stdin to input pipe - failure is fatal */ if( dup2(p_stdin[0], 0) < 0 ) { cerr << locerr << "Cannot redirect input pipe to standard input: " << strerror(errno) << endl; _exit(GENERIC_EXIT_PIPE_FAILURE); } } else { /* try to attach stdin to /dev/null */ int fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY); if( fd >= 0 ) { if( dup2(fd, 0) < 0) { cerr << locerr << "Cannot redirect /dev/null to standard input," "\n\t\t\tfailed to duplicate file descriptor: " << strerror(errno) << endl; } } else { cerr << locerr << "Cannot redirect /dev/null to standard input, " "failed to open: " << strerror(errno) << endl; } } /* handle standard output */ if( p_stdout[1] >= 0 ) { /* try to attach stdout to output pipe - failure is fatal */ if( dup2(p_stdout[1], 1) < 0) { cerr << locerr << "Cannot redirect output pipe to standard output: " << strerror(errno) << endl; _exit(GENERIC_EXIT_PIPE_FAILURE); } } /* handle standard err */ if( p_stderr[1] >= 0 ) { /* try to attach stderr to error pipe - failure is fatal */ if( dup2(p_stderr[1], 2) < 0) { cerr << locerr << "Cannot redirect error pipe to standard error: " << strerror(errno) << endl; _exit(GENERIC_EXIT_PIPE_FAILURE); } } /* Close all open file descriptors except stdin/stdout/stderr */ for( int i = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX) - 1; i > 2; i-- ) close(i); /* set directory */ if( directory && chdir(directory) < 0 ) { cerr << locerr << "chdir() failed: " << strerror(errno) << endl; } /* Set the process group id to be the same as the pid of this child * process. This ensures that any subprocesses launched by this * process can be killed along with the process itself. */ if (setpgidsetting && setpgid(0,0) < 0 ) { cerr << locerr << "setpgid() failed: " << strerror(errno) << endl; } /* Set nice and ioprio values if non-default */ if (niceval) myth_nice(niceval); if (ioprioval) myth_ioprio(ioprioval); /* run command */ if( execv(command, cmdargs) < 0 ) { // Can't use LOG due to locking fun. cerr << locerr << "execv() failed: " << strerror(errno) << endl; } /* Failed to exec */ _exit(GENERIC_EXIT_DAEMONIZING_ERROR); // this exit is ok } /* Parent */ // clean up the memory use if( command ) free((void *)command); if( directory ) free((void *)directory); if( cmdargs ) { for (i = 0; cmdargs[i]; i++) free( cmdargs[i] ); free( cmdargs ); } if( GetStatus() != GENERIC_EXIT_RUNNING ) { CLOSE(p_stdin[0]); CLOSE(p_stdin[1]); CLOSE(p_stdout[0]); CLOSE(p_stdout[1]); CLOSE(p_stderr[0]); CLOSE(p_stderr[1]); } }
// get current TV Standard settings status_t GetTVStandard(BScreen *screen, uint32 *standard) { return GetSetting(screen, ms_tv_standard, standard); }
void event_channel (irc_session_t * irc_session, const char * event, const char * origin, const char ** params, unsigned int count) { char buffer[512]; char nickbuf[128]; char md5sum[MD5_HASHSUM_SIZE]; ConfigArrayPtr setting; SessionPtr session; if ( count != 2 ) return; params[1] = irc_color_strip_from_mirc( params[1] ); addlog ("'%s' said in channel %s: %s", origin ? origin : "someone", params[0], params[1] ); if ( !origin ) return; irc_target_get_nick( origin, nickbuf, sizeof(nickbuf) ); md5_string( origin, md5sum ); session = get_session( SESSION_IRC, md5sum ); if ( !strcmp (params[1], "help") ) { if( ( session->dbuser ) && ( session->dbuser->level >= LEVEL_MODERATOR ) ) snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s", irc_color_convert_to_mirc( "[B]Usage[/B] - quit, help, dcc send, topic, mode, whois, nick" ) ); else snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s", irc_color_convert_to_mirc( "[B]Usage[/B] - help, dcc send, login" ) ); irc_cmd_notice( irc_session, params[0], buffer ); } if ( !strcmp (params[1], "ctcp") ) { irc_cmd_ctcp_request (irc_session, nickbuf, "PING 223"); irc_cmd_ctcp_request (irc_session, nickbuf, "FINGER"); irc_cmd_ctcp_request (irc_session, nickbuf, "VERSION"); irc_cmd_ctcp_request (irc_session, nickbuf, "TIME"); } if ( !strcmp (params[1], "dcc chat") ) { irc_dcc_t dccid; irc_dcc_chat (irc_session, 0, nickbuf, dcc_recv_callback, &dccid); addlog ("DCC chat ID: %d", dccid); } if ( !strcmp (params[1], "dcc send") ) { irc_dcc_t dccid; setting = GetSetting( "HTTP Images" ); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/cookie.gif", setting->string_value ); irc_dcc_sendfile (irc_session, 0, nickbuf, buffer, dcc_file_send_callback, &dccid); addlog ("DCC send ID: %d", dccid); } if( ( session->dbuser ) && ( session->dbuser->level >= LEVEL_MODERATOR ) ) { if ( !strcmp (params[1], "quit") ) { irc_cmd_quit (irc_session, "of course, Master!"); } if ( !strcmp (params[1], "topic") ) { irc_cmd_topic (irc_session, params[0], 0); } else if ( strstr (params[1], "topic ") == params[1] ) { irc_cmd_topic (irc_session, params[0], params[1] + 6); } if ( strstr (params[1], "mode ") == params[1] ) irc_cmd_channel_mode (irc_session, params[0], params[1] + 5); if ( strstr (params[1], "nick ") == params[1] ) irc_cmd_nick (irc_session, params[1] + 5); if ( strstr (params[1], "whois ") == params[1] ) irc_cmd_whois (irc_session, params[1] + 5); } return; }