Ejemplo n.º 1
 * @brief Get canonical application name (all non-alphanumeric characters are stripped).
 * @param pszAppName - buffer for resulting application name.
 * @param nBufferSize - size of file name buffer.
 * @param bAllowSpaces - true if spaces are allowed.
 * @return length of the name.
size_t GetCanonicalAppName(PTSTR pszAppName, size_t nBufferSize, BOOL bAllowSpaces)
	if (nBufferSize == 0)
		return 0;
	if (*g_szAppName != _T('\0'))
		size_t nStrLength = _tcslen(g_szAppName);
		if (nStrLength > nBufferSize)
			nStrLength = nBufferSize;
		size_t nSrcPos = 0, nDstPos = 0;
		WORD wCharMask = C1_ALPHA | C1_DIGIT;
		if (bAllowSpaces)
			wCharMask |= C1_SPACE;
		while (nSrcPos < nStrLength)
			WORD arrCharType[2];
#ifdef _UNICODE
			size_t nCharSize = GetUnicodeCharSize((const BYTE*)(g_szAppName + nSrcPos)) / sizeof(WCHAR);
			GetStringTypeW(CT_CTYPE1, g_szAppName + nSrcPos, (int)nCharSize, arrCharType);
			size_t nCharSize = IsDBCSLeadByte(g_szAppName[nSrcPos]) ? 2 : 1;
			GetStringTypeA(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, CT_CTYPE1, g_szAppName + nSrcPos, (int)nCharSize, arrCharType);
			if (*arrCharType & wCharMask)
				pszAppName[nDstPos++] = g_szAppName[nSrcPos++];
				if (nCharSize > 1)
					pszAppName[nDstPos++] = g_szAppName[nSrcPos++];
				/*if (*arrCharType & C1_SPACE)
					pszAppName[nDstPos++] = _T('_');*/
				nSrcPos += (DWORD)nCharSize;
		pszAppName[nDstPos] = _T('\0');
		return nDstPos;
		TCHAR szAppFileName[MAX_PATH];
		if (! GetModuleFileName(NULL, szAppFileName, countof(szAppFileName)))
			return FALSE;
		PTSTR pszFileName = PathFindFileName(szAppFileName);
		_tcscpy_s(pszAppName, nBufferSize, pszFileName);
		return _tcslen(pszAppName);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* INTERNAL: Set ctype behaviour for a codepage */
static void msvcrt_set_ctype(unsigned int codepage, LCID lcid)
  CPINFO cp;

  memset(&cp, 0, sizeof(CPINFO));

  if (GetCPInfo(codepage, &cp))
    int i;
    char str[3];
    unsigned char *traverse = (unsigned char *)cp.LeadByte;

    memset(MSVCRT_current_ctype, 0, sizeof(MSVCRT__ctype));
    MSVCRT___lc_codepage = codepage;
    MSVCRT___lc_collate_cp = codepage;

    /* Switch ctype macros to MBCS if needed */
    MSVCRT___mb_cur_max = cp.MaxCharSize;

    /* Set remaining ctype flags: FIXME: faster way to do this? */
    str[1] = str[2] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
      if (!(MSVCRT__pctype[i] & MSVCRT_LEADBYTE))
        str[0] = i;
        GetStringTypeA(lcid, CT_CTYPE1, str, 1, MSVCRT__pctype + i);

    /* Set leadbyte flags */
    while (traverse[0] || traverse[1])
      for( i = traverse[0]; i <= traverse[1]; i++ )
        MSVCRT_current_ctype[i+1] |= MSVCRT_LEADBYTE;
      traverse += 2;
BOOL __cdecl __crtGetStringTypeW(
        DWORD    dwInfoType,
        LPCWSTR  lpSrcStr,
        int      cchSrc,
        LPWORD   lpCharType,
        int      code_page,
        int      lcid
        static int f_use = 0;

         * Look for unstubbed 'preferred' flavor. Otherwise use available flavor.
         * Must actually call the function to ensure it's not a stub.

        if (0 == f_use)
            unsigned short dummy;

            if (0 != GetStringTypeW(CT_CTYPE1, L"\0", 1, &dummy))
                f_use = USE_W;

            else if (0 != GetStringTypeA(0, CT_CTYPE1, "\0", 1, &dummy))
                f_use = USE_A;

                return FALSE;

        /* Use "W" version */

        if (USE_W == f_use)
            return GetStringTypeW(dwInfoType, lpSrcStr, cchSrc, lpCharType);

        /* Use "A" version */

        if (USE_A == f_use)
            int buff_size;
            BOOL retbool;
            unsigned char *buffer;
            WORD * pwCharInfo;

             * Convert string and return the requested information. Note that
             * we are converting to a multibyte string so there is not a
             * one-to-one correspondence between number of wide chars in the
             * input string and the number of *bytes* in the buffer. However,
             * there had *better be* a one-to-one correspondence between the
             * number of wide characters and the number of WORDs in the
             * return buffer.

             * Use __lc_codepage for conversion if code_page not specified

            if (0 == code_page)
                code_page = __lc_codepage;

            /* find out how big a buffer we need */
            if ( 0 == (buff_size = WideCharToMultiByte( code_page,
                                                        WC_COMPOSITECHECK |
                                                        NULL )) )
                return FALSE;

            /* allocate enough space for chars */
            __try {
                buffer = (unsigned char *)_alloca( sizeof(char) * buff_size );
                (void)memset( buffer, 0, sizeof(char) * buff_size );
            __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) {
                buffer = NULL;

            if ( buffer == NULL )
                return FALSE;

            /* do the conversion */
            if ( 0 == WideCharToMultiByte( code_page,
                                           WC_COMPOSITECHECK | WC_SEPCHARS,
                                           NULL ) )
                return FALSE;

            /* allocate enough space for result (+1 for sanity check) */
            __try {
                pwCharInfo = (WORD *)_alloca( sizeof(WORD) * (buff_size + 1) );
            __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) {
                pwCharInfo = NULL;

            if ( pwCharInfo == NULL )
                return FALSE;

            /* do we use default lcid */
            if (0 == lcid)
                lcid = __lc_handle[LC_CTYPE];

            /* set to known value */
            pwCharInfo[cchSrc - 1] = pwCharInfo[cchSrc] = 0xFFFF;

            /* obtain result */
            retbool = GetStringTypeA( lcid, dwInfoType, buffer, buff_size,
                                      pwCharInfo );

             * GetStringTypeA does not reveal how many WORDs have been
             * modifed - to be safe we use another buffer and then
             * verify that EXACTLY cchSrc WORDs were modified. Note that
             * not all multibyte LCID/codepage combos are guaranteed to work.

            if (pwCharInfo[cchSrc - 1] == 0xFFFF || pwCharInfo[cchSrc] != 0xFFFF)
                return FALSE;

            memmove(lpCharType, pwCharInfo, cchSrc * sizeof(WORD));

            return retbool;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void CCrystalParser::WrapLine( int nLineIndex, int nMaxLineWidth, int *anBreaks, int &nBreaks )
	// The parser must be attached to a view!
	ASSERT( m_pTextView );

	int			nLineLength = m_pTextView->GetLineLength( nLineIndex );
	int			nTabWidth = m_pTextView->GetTabSize();
	int			nLineCharCount = 0;
	int			nCharCount = 0;
	LPCTSTR	szLine = m_pTextView->GetLineChars( nLineIndex );
	int			nLastBreakPos = 0;
	int			nLastCharBreakPos = 0;
	bool		bBreakable = false;
	TCHAR		ch;
	int			nCharWidth = m_pTextView->GetCharWidth();
	WORD		wCharType;

	for( int i = 0; i < nLineLength; i++ )
		ch = szLine[i]; 
		// remember position of whitespace for wrap
		if( bBreakable )
			nLastBreakPos = i;
			nLastCharBreakPos = nCharCount;
			bBreakable = false;

		// increment char counter (evtl. expand tab)
		if( ch == _T('\t') )
			nLineCharCount+= (nTabWidth - nCharCount % nTabWidth);
			nCharCount+= (nTabWidth - nCharCount % nTabWidth);
			// remember whitespace
			bBreakable = true;
#ifndef _UNICODE
			if( IsDBCSLeadByte((BYTE)ch) )
				nLineCharCount += 2;
				nCharCount += 2;
				GetStringTypeA(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,CT_CTYPE3, &szLine[i], 2, &wCharType);
				// remember whitespace
				if( (wCharType & (C3_IDEOGRAPH | C3_HIRAGANA | C3_KATAKANA)))
					bBreakable = true;
				nLineCharCount ++;
				nCharCount ++;
				// remember whitespace
				if( ch == _T(' ') )
					bBreakable = true;
			if (ch & 0xff80)
				int n = m_pTextView->GetCharWidthFromChar(ch) / nCharWidth;
				nLineCharCount += n;
				nCharCount += n;
				GetStringTypeW(CT_CTYPE3, &ch, 1, &wCharType);
				// remember whitespace
				if( wCharType & (C3_IDEOGRAPH | C3_HIRAGANA | C3_KATAKANA) )
					bBreakable = true;
				nLineCharCount ++;
				nCharCount ++;
				// remember whitespace
				if( ch == _T(' ') )
					bBreakable = true;

		// wrap line
		if( nLineCharCount >= nMaxLineWidth )
			// if no wrap position found, but line is to wide, 
			// wrap at current position
			if( nLastBreakPos == 0 )
				nLastBreakPos = i;
				nLastCharBreakPos = nCharCount;
			if( anBreaks )
				anBreaks[nBreaks++] = nLastBreakPos;

			nLineCharCount = nCharCount - nLastCharBreakPos;
			nLastBreakPos = 0;

#ifndef _UNICODE
		if (IsDBCSLeadByte((BYTE)ch))
Ejemplo n.º 5
  void* _Locale_ctype_create(const char * name) {
    char cname[_Locale_MAX_SIMPLE_NAME];
    char cp_name[MAX_CP_LEN+1];
    int NativeCP;
    unsigned char Buffer[256];
    unsigned char *ptr;
    unsigned short ctable[256];
    CPINFO CPInfo;
    int i;
    wchar_t *wbuffer;
    int BufferSize;

    _Locale_ctype_t *ltype=(_Locale_ctype_t*)malloc(sizeof(_Locale_ctype_t));
    if(!ltype) return ltype;
    memset(ltype, 0, sizeof(_Locale_ctype_t));

    __Extract_locale_name(name, LC_CTYPE, cname);

    if(__GetLCIDFromName(cname, &ltype->lcid, cp_name)==-1)
    { free(ltype); return NULL; }
    ltype->cp = atoi(cp_name);

    if(NativeCP == 0)

    /* Make table with all characters. */
    for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i) Buffer[i] = i;

    if(!GetCPInfo(NativeCP, &CPInfo)) { free(ltype); return NULL; }

    if(CPInfo.MaxCharSize > 1) {
      for(ptr=(unsigned char*)CPInfo.LeadByte; *ptr && *(ptr+1); ptr+=2)
	      for(i=*ptr; i <= *(ptr+1); ++i) Buffer[i] = 0;

    if(NativeCP != ltype->cp) {
    	OSVERSIONINFO ver_info;
        ver_info.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(ver_info);
    	if(ver_info.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) {
	      // Convert character sequence to Unicode.
	      BufferSize = MultiByteToWideChar(ltype->cp, MB_PRECOMPOSED, (const char*)Buffer, 256, NULL, 0);
	      wbuffer = (wchar_t*)malloc(BufferSize*sizeof(wchar_t));
	      if(!MultiByteToWideChar(ltype->cp, MB_PRECOMPOSED, (const char*)Buffer, 256, wbuffer, BufferSize))
	      { free(wbuffer); free(ltype); return NULL; }

	      GetStringTypeW(CT_CTYPE1, wbuffer, 256, ctable);

	      for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
	        ltype->ctable[i]=(unsigned int)ctable[i];

        if(CPInfo.MaxCharSize > 1) {
	        for(ptr=(unsigned char*)CPInfo.LeadByte; *ptr && *(ptr+1); ptr+=2)
		        for(i=*ptr; i <= *(ptr+1); i++) ltype->ctable[i] = _LEADBYTE;

    	else {
	      unsigned char TargetBuffer[256];
	      GetStringTypeA(ltype->lcid, CT_CTYPE1, (const char*)Buffer, 256, ctable);

	      // Convert character sequence to target code page.
	      BufferSize = MultiByteToWideChar(NativeCP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, (const char*)Buffer, 256, NULL, 0);
	      wbuffer = (wchar_t*)malloc(BufferSize*sizeof(wchar_t));
	      if(!MultiByteToWideChar(NativeCP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, (const char*)Buffer, 256, wbuffer, BufferSize))
	      { free(wbuffer); free(ltype); return NULL; }
	      if(!WideCharToMultiByte(ltype->cp, WC_COMPOSITECHECK | WC_SEPCHARS, wbuffer, BufferSize, (char*)TargetBuffer, 256, NULL, FALSE))
	      { free(wbuffer); free(ltype); return NULL; }


	      // Translate ctype table.
	      for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
		      if(!TargetBuffer[i]) continue;
		      ltype->ctable[TargetBuffer[i]] = ctable[i];

	      // Mark lead byte.
	      if(!GetCPInfo(ltype->cp, &CPInfo)) { free(ltype); return NULL; }

        if(CPInfo.MaxCharSize > 1) {
	        for(ptr=(unsigned char*)CPInfo.LeadByte; *ptr && *(ptr+1); ptr+=2)
		        for(i=*ptr; i <= *(ptr+1); ++i) ltype->ctable[i] = _LEADBYTE;
    else {
	    GetStringTypeA(ltype->lcid, CT_CTYPE1, (const char*)Buffer, 256, ctable);
	    for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
	      ltype->ctable[i]=(unsigned int)ctable[i];

      if(CPInfo.MaxCharSize > 1) {
	      for(ptr=(unsigned char*)CPInfo.LeadByte; *ptr && *(ptr+1); ptr+=2)
	        for(i=*ptr; i <= *(ptr+1); ++i) ltype->ctable[i] = _LEADBYTE;
    return ltype;
Ejemplo n.º 6
BOOL __cdecl __crtGetStringTypeA(
    DWORD    dwInfoType,
    LPCSTR   lpSrcStr,
    int      cchSrc,
    LPWORD   lpCharType,
    int      code_page,
    int      lcid
    static int f_use = 0;

     * Look for unstubbed 'preferred' flavor. Otherwise use available flavor.
     * Must actually call the function to ensure it's not a stub.
    if (0 == f_use)
        unsigned short dummy;

    	if (0 != GetStringTypeA(0, CT_CTYPE1, "\0", 1, &dummy))
            f_use = USE_A;

    	else if (0 != GetStringTypeW(CT_CTYPE1, L"\0", 1, &dummy))
            f_use = USE_W;

            return FALSE;

    /* Use "A" version */

    if (USE_A == f_use)
        if (0 == lcid)
            lcid = __lc_handle[LC_CTYPE];

        return GetStringTypeA(lcid, dwInfoType, lpSrcStr, cchSrc, lpCharType);

    /* Use "W" version */

    if (USE_W == f_use)
        int retval;
        int buff_size;
        BOOL retbool = FALSE;
        wchar_t *wbuffer = NULL;

         * Convert string and return the requested information. Note that 
         * we are converting to a wide character string so there is not a 
         * one-to-one correspondence between number of multibyte chars in the 
         * input string and the number of wide chars in the buffer. However, 
         * there had *better be* a one-to-one correspondence between the 
         * number of multibyte characters and the number of WORDs in the
         * return buffer.
         * Use __lc_codepage for conversion if code_page not specified

        if (0 == code_page)
            code_page = __lc_codepage;

        /* find out how big a buffer we need */
        if (0 == (buff_size = MultiByteToWideChar(code_page, 
            MB_PRECOMPOSED|MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, lpSrcStr, cchSrc, NULL, 0)))
            goto done;

        /* allocate enough space for wide chars */
        if (NULL == (wbuffer = (wchar_t *)_calloc_crt(sizeof(wchar_t), buff_size)))
            goto done;

        /* do the conversion */
        if (0 == (retval = MultiByteToWideChar(code_page, 
            MB_PRECOMPOSED, lpSrcStr, cchSrc, wbuffer, buff_size)))
            goto done;

        /* obtain result */
        retbool = GetStringTypeW(dwInfoType, wbuffer, retval, lpCharType);

        return retbool;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static BOOL __cdecl __crtGetStringTypeA_stat(
        _locale_t plocinfo,
        DWORD    dwInfoType,
        LPCSTR   lpSrcStr,
        int      cchSrc,
        LPWORD   lpCharType,
        int      code_page,
        int      lcid,
        BOOL     bError
    static int f_use = 0;

     * Look for unstubbed 'preferred' flavor. Otherwise use available
     * flavor. Must actually call the function to ensure it's not a stub.
     * (Always try wide version first so WinNT can process codepage correctly.)

    if (0 == f_use)
        unsigned short dummy;

        if (0 != GetStringTypeW(CT_CTYPE1, L"\0", 1, &dummy))
            f_use = USE_W;

        else if (GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
            f_use = USE_A;

    /* Use "A" version */

    if (USE_A == f_use || f_use == 0)
        char *cbuffer = NULL;
        int ret;
        int AnsiCP;

        if (0 == lcid)
            lcid = plocinfo->locinfo->lc_handle[LC_CTYPE];
        if (0 == code_page)
            code_page = plocinfo->locinfo->lc_codepage;

        if ( -1 == (AnsiCP = __ansicp(lcid)))
            return FALSE;
        /* If current code-page is not ansi code page, convert it to ansi code page
         * as GetStringTypeA uses ansi code page to find the strig type.
        if ( AnsiCP != code_page)
            cbuffer = __convertcp(code_page, AnsiCP, lpSrcStr, &cchSrc, NULL, 0);
            if (cbuffer == NULL)
                return FALSE;
            lpSrcStr = cbuffer;

        ret = GetStringTypeA(lcid, dwInfoType, lpSrcStr, cchSrc, lpCharType);
        if ( cbuffer != NULL)
        return ret;

    /* Use "W" version */

    if (USE_W == f_use)
        int retval1;
        int buff_size;
        wchar_t *wbuffer;
        BOOL retval2 = FALSE;

         * Convert string and return the requested information. Note that
         * we are converting to a wide character string so there is not a
         * one-to-one correspondence between number of multibyte chars in the
         * input string and the number of wide chars in the buffer. However,
         * there had *better be* a one-to-one correspondence between the
         * number of multibyte characters and the number of WORDs in the
         * return buffer.

         * Use __lc_codepage for conversion if code_page not specified

        if (0 == code_page)
            code_page = plocinfo->locinfo->lc_codepage;

        /* find out how big a buffer we need */
        if ( 0 == (buff_size = MultiByteToWideChar( code_page,
                                                    bError ?
                                                        MB_PRECOMPOSED |
                                                        : MB_PRECOMPOSED,
                                                    0 )) )
            return FALSE;

        /* allocate enough space for wide chars */
        wbuffer = (wchar_t *)_calloca( sizeof(wchar_t), buff_size );
        if ( wbuffer == NULL ) {
            return FALSE;
        (void)memset( wbuffer, 0, sizeof(wchar_t) * buff_size );

        /* do the conversion */
        if ( 0 != (retval1 = MultiByteToWideChar( code_page,
                                                 buff_size )) )
            /* obtain result */
            retval2 = GetStringTypeW( dwInfoType,
                                      lpCharType );


        return retval2;
    else   /* f_use is neither USE_A nor USE_W */
        return FALSE;