Ejemplo n.º 1
		T const * const operator -> () const	{ QSE_ASSERT( m_bValid ); return GetT(); }
Ejemplo n.º 2
		T const & operator * () const			{ QSE_ASSERT( m_bValid ); return *GetT(); }
Ejemplo n.º 3
		T & operator * ()						{ QSE_ASSERT( m_bValid ); return *GetT(); }
Ejemplo n.º 4
 m2::AnyRectD GetCurrentRect(ScreenBase const & screen) const override
   // Current position = target position - amplutide * e ^ (elapsed / duration).
   // We calculate current position not based on start position, but based on target position.
   return m2::AnyRectD(m_targetCenter - m_direction * exp(-kKineticFadeoff * GetT()), m_angle, m_localRect);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void CCameraFilterPass<S>::Draw() const {
  if (m_shader)
    const_cast<S&>(*m_shader).DrawFilter(x8_shape, x18_curColor, GetT(x4_nextType == EFilterType::Passthru));
Ejemplo n.º 6
void OpacityAnimation::Advance(double elapsedSeconds)
  m_opacity = InterpolateDouble(m_startOpacity, m_endOpacity, GetT());
Ejemplo n.º 7
// GetHangulCharCluster
// The return value is the number of chars eaten; clusterSize is the number of 
// chars generated. In the large majority of cases, they will be equal.
eastl_size_t Typesetter::GetHangulCharCluster(eastl_size_t i, eastl_size_t iCharEnd, 
                                              Char* pCharCluster, eastl_size_t& clusterSize, int& clusterType)
    EA_ASSERT((i < iCharEnd) && (iCharEnd <= mLineLayout.mCharArray.size()));

    bool         bCompose  = false;  // To do: Make this configurable, perhaps part of LayoutSettings.
    eastl_size_t charCount = 0;

    if(!bCompose) // If we leave the characters as-is and don't convert Jamo to composed syllables...
        clusterType     = kHangulClusterTypeUnicode;
        pCharCluster[0] = mLineLayout.mCharArray[i];
        clusterSize     = 1;
        charCount       = 1;
        clusterSize = 0;
        clusterType = kHangulClusterTypeJamo; // This might change below.

        for(const Char* p = &mLineLayout.mCharArray[i], *pEnd = &mLineLayout.mCharArray[iCharEnd]; 
            (p < pEnd) && (clusterSize < kMaxHangulCharClusterSize); ++p, ++charCount)
            const Char c = *p;
            const bool bIsAnyHangul = (IsS(c) || IsJ(c) || IsTone(c));

            if(clusterSize != 0) // If this is not the first char in the cluster...
                const Char cPrev = p[-1];

                // If the current character cannot combine with the previous character...
                // To consider: This should be a table lookup instead of a bunch of comparisons.
                if(!bIsAnyHangul ||
                ( IsT(cPrev) && IsL(c)) ||
                ( IsV(cPrev) && IsL(c)) ||
                ( IsT(cPrev) && IsV(c)) ||
                (!IsL(cPrev) && IsS(c)) ||
                    // We have a completed syllable.

            if(!bIsAnyHangul) // If not any kind of Hangul (syllable, jamo, tone)...
                // We have non-Hangul Unicode (e.g. Latin or simply a space chars).
                pCharCluster[clusterSize++] = c;
                clusterType = kHangulClusterTypeUnicode;
            else if(IsS(c)) // If the char is a Hangul syllable...
                // We break the Hangul syllable down to its Jamo components. 
                // We'll put them back together again in the next step of 
                // the shaping pipeline.
                pCharCluster[clusterSize++] = GetL(c);
                pCharCluster[clusterSize++] = GetV(c);

                    pCharCluster[clusterSize++] = GetT(c);
            else if((clusterSize == 0) && IsTone(c)) // If char is an initial Hangul tone...
                // We have a standalone tone.
                pCharCluster[clusterSize++] = c;
                clusterType = kHangulClusterTypeTone;
                pCharCluster[clusterSize++] = c; // Else we are working with individual Jamo symbols...

    EA_ASSERT_MESSAGE(clusterType != kHangulClusterTypeNone, "Typesetter::GetHangulCharCluster: Unknown cluster type.");
    EA_ASSERT((charCount > 0) && (clusterSize > 0));

    return charCount;
Ejemplo n.º 8
GFXSphereVertexList::GFXSphereVertexList( float radius, int detail, bool Insideout, bool reverse_normals )
    this->radius = radius;
    radius = 100000.0f;
    static vector< GFXVertexList* >vlists[4];
    int which = (Insideout ? 1 : 0)+(reverse_normals ? 2 : 0);
    while ( detail >= static_cast<int>(vlists[which].size()) )
        vlists[which].insert( vlists[which].end(), 1+detail-vlists[which].size(), NULL );
    if (vlists[which][detail] == 0) {
        int slices;
        int stacks = slices = detail;
        if (stacks > 12) {
            stacks -= 4;
            slices -= 4;
        } else {
            stacks -= 2;
            slices -= 2;
        float rho_max   = 3.1415926536f;
        float rho_min   = 0.0f;
        float theta_min = 0.0f;
        float theta_max = 2.0f*3.1415926536f;
        float drho, dtheta;
        float x, y, z, tx, ty;
        float s, t, ds, dt;
        int   i, j, imin, imax;
        float nsign = Insideout ? -1.0 : 1.0;
        float normalscale = reverse_normals ? -1.0 : 1.0;
        int   fir   = 0;       //Insideout?1:0;
        int   sec   = 1;       //Insideout?0:1;
        /* Code below adapted from gluSphere */
        drho   = (rho_max-rho_min)/(float) stacks;
        dtheta = (theta_max-theta_min)/(float) slices;

        ds     = 1.0f/slices;
        dt     = 1.0f/stacks;
        t = 1.0f;               /* because loop now runs from 0 */

        imin   = 0;
        imax   = stacks;

        int  numQuadstrips   = stacks;
        //numQuadstrips = 0;
        int *QSOffsets       = new int[numQuadstrips];

        //draw intermediate stacks as quad strips
        int  numvertex       = stacks*(slices+1)*2;
        GFXVertex     *vertexlist = new GFXVertex[numvertex];

        GFXVertex     *vl    = vertexlist;
        enum POLYTYPE *modes = new enum POLYTYPE[numQuadstrips];
        /*   SetOrientation(Vector(1,0,0),
         *    Vector(0,0,-1),
         *    Vector(0,1,0));//that's the way prop*/                                                                          //taken care of in loading

        float rhol[2];
        float thetal[2];
#define g_rho( i ) ((rhol[((i))&1]))
#define g_theta( i ) ((thetal[((i))&1]))

        g_rho( 0 ) = rho_min;
        for (i = imin; i < imax; i++) {
            GFXVertex *vertexlist = vl+(i*(slices+1)*2);
            g_rho( i+1 ) = (i+1)*drho+rho_min; //FIXME These macros are horrible

            s = 0.0;
            g_theta( 0 ) = 0;
            for (j = 0; j <= slices; j++) {
                g_theta( j+1 ) = (j+1)*dtheta;

                tx = -sin( g_theta( j ) );
                ty = cos( g_theta( j ) );
                z  = sin( g_rho( i ) );
                x  = tx*z;
                y  = ty*z;
                z  = nsign*cos( g_rho( i ) );

                vertexlist[j*2+fir].i  = x*normalscale;
                vertexlist[j*2+fir].k  = -y*normalscale;
                vertexlist[j*2+fir].j  = z*normalscale;

                vertexlist[j*2+fir].tx = -ty*normalscale;
                vertexlist[j*2+fir].tz = -tx*normalscale;
                vertexlist[j*2+fir].ty = 0;
                vertexlist[j*2+fir].tw = nsign*normalscale;
#define GetS( theta, theta_min, theta_max ) ( 1-(theta-theta_min)/(theta_max-theta_min) )
#define GetT( rho, rho_min, rho_max ) ( 1-(rho-rho_min)/(rho_max-rho_min) )

                vertexlist[j*2+fir].s = GetS( g_theta( j ), theta_min, theta_max );                 //1-s;
                vertexlist[j*2+fir].t = GetT( g_rho( i ), rho_min, rho_max );                 //t;

                vertexlist[j*2+fir].x = x*radius;
                vertexlist[j*2+fir].z = -y*radius;
                vertexlist[j*2+fir].y = z*radius;

                z = sin( g_rho( i+1 ) );
                x = tx*z;
                y = ty*z;
                z = nsign*cos( g_rho( i+1 ) );

                vertexlist[j*2+sec].i  = x*normalscale;
                vertexlist[j*2+sec].k  = -y*normalscale;
                vertexlist[j*2+sec].j  = z*normalscale;

                vertexlist[j*2+sec].tx = -ty*normalscale;
                vertexlist[j*2+sec].tz = -tx*normalscale;
                vertexlist[j*2+sec].ty = 0;
                vertexlist[j*2+sec].tw = nsign*normalscale;

                vertexlist[j*2+sec].s  = GetS( g_theta( j ), theta_min, theta_max );                 //1-s;
                vertexlist[j*2+sec].t  = GetT( g_rho( i+1 ), rho_min, rho_max );                 //t - dt;

                vertexlist[j*2+sec].x  = x*radius;
                vertexlist[j*2+sec].z  = -y*radius;
                vertexlist[j*2+sec].y  = z*radius;

                s       += ds;

            t           -= dt;
            QSOffsets[i] = (slices+1)*2;
            modes[i]     = GFXQUADSTRIP;

#undef g_rho
#undef g_theta

        vlists[which][detail] = new GFXVertexList( modes, numvertex, vertexlist, numQuadstrips, QSOffsets );
    sphere        = vlists[which][detail];
    numVertices   = sphere->numVertices;
    numlists      = sphere->numlists;
    data.vertices = sphere->data.vertices;
    index.i       = sphere->index.i;
    display_list  = sphere->display_list;
    vbo_data      = sphere->vbo_data;
    mode          = sphere->mode;
    offsets       = sphere->offsets;