Ejemplo n.º 1
QFont qfontForThemeFont(ThemeFontID themeID)
    static const ScriptCode Script = smRoman;
    Str255 f_name;
    SInt16 f_size;
    Style f_style;
    GetThemeFont(themeID, Script, f_name, &f_size, &f_style);
    extern QString qt_mac_from_pascal_string(const Str255); //qglobal.cpp
    return QFont(qt_mac_from_pascal_string(f_name), f_size,
                 (f_style & ::bold) ? QFont::Bold : QFont::Normal,
                 (bool)(f_style & ::italic));
    QCFType<CTFontRef> ctfont = CopyCTThemeFont(themeID);
    QString familyName = QCFString(CTFontCopyFamilyName(ctfont));
    QCFType<CFDictionaryRef> dict = CTFontCopyTraits(ctfont);
    CFNumberRef num = static_cast<CFNumberRef>(CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, kCTFontWeightTrait));
    float fW;
    CFNumberGetValue(num, kCFNumberFloat32Type, &fW);
    QFont::Weight wght = fW > 0. ? QFont::Bold : QFont::Normal;
    num = static_cast<CFNumberRef>(CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, kCTFontSlantTrait));
    CFNumberGetValue(num, kCFNumberFloatType, &fW);
    bool italic = (fW != 0.0);
    return QFont(familyName, CTFontGetSize(ctfont), wght, italic);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void threaded_process_v2_t::refresh_title_font()
	memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT));
	m_titlecolour = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);

	HTHEME thm_textstyle = IsThemeActive() && IsAppThemed() ? OpenThemeData(get_wnd(), L"TextStyle") : NULL;
	if (thm_textstyle)
		if (SUCCEEDED(GetThemeFont(thm_textstyle, NULL, TEXT_MAININSTRUCTION, 0, TMT_FONT, &lf)))
			m_titlefont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
			GetThemeColor(thm_textstyle, TEXT_MAININSTRUCTION, NULL, TMT_TEXTCOLOR, &m_titlecolour);

	if (!m_titlefont.is_valid())
		lf.lfWeight = FW_BOLD;
		m_titlefont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf);

	m_titlefont_height = uGetFontHeight(m_titlefont);
static void GB_draw(HTHEME theme, HWND hwnd, HDC hDC, ButtonState drawState, UINT dtFlags, BOOL focused)
    static const int states[] = { GBS_NORMAL, GBS_DISABLED, GBS_NORMAL, GBS_NORMAL, GBS_NORMAL };

    RECT bgRect, textRect, contentRect;
    int state = states[ drawState ];
    WCHAR *text = get_button_text(hwnd);
    LOGFONTW lf;
    HFONT font, hPrevFont = NULL;
    BOOL created_font = FALSE;

    HRESULT hr = GetThemeFont(theme, hDC, BP_GROUPBOX, state, TMT_FONT, &lf);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
        font = CreateFontIndirectW(&lf);
        if (!font)
            TRACE("Failed to create font\n");
        else {
            hPrevFont = SelectObject(hDC, font);
            created_font = TRUE;
    } else {
        font = (HFONT)SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0);
        hPrevFont = SelectObject(hDC, font);

    GetClientRect(hwnd, &bgRect);
    textRect = bgRect;

    if (text)
        SIZE textExtent;
        GetTextExtentPoint32W(hDC, text, lstrlenW(text), &textExtent);
        bgRect.top += (textExtent.cy / 2);
        textRect.left += 10;
        textRect.bottom = textRect.top + textExtent.cy;
        textRect.right = textRect.left + textExtent.cx + 4;

        ExcludeClipRect(hDC, textRect.left, textRect.top, textRect.right, textRect.bottom);

    GetThemeBackgroundContentRect(theme, hDC, BP_GROUPBOX, state, &bgRect, &contentRect);
    ExcludeClipRect(hDC, contentRect.left, contentRect.top, contentRect.right, contentRect.bottom);

    if (IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent(theme, BP_GROUPBOX, state))
        DrawThemeParentBackground(hwnd, hDC, NULL);
    DrawThemeBackground(theme, hDC, BP_GROUPBOX, state, &bgRect, NULL);

    SelectClipRgn(hDC, NULL);

    if (text)
        InflateRect(&textRect, -2, 0);
        DrawThemeText(theme, hDC, BP_GROUPBOX, state, text, lstrlenW(text), 0, 0, &textRect);
        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, text);

    if (created_font) DeleteObject(font);
    if (hPrevFont) SelectObject(hDC, hPrevFont);
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool PBListBox::Create(PBWindow* pParent, int left, int top, int width, int height)
	char defaultFont[32];
	PBWindow::Create(pParent, left, top, width, height, PBWS_VSCROLL);
	snprintf(defaultFont, sizeof(defaultFont), "#LiberationSans,%u,0", (m_itemHeight << 2) / 5);
	m_font = GetThemeFont("dictionary.font.normal", defaultFont);
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool PBLineEdit::Create(PBWindow* pParent, int left, int top, int width, int height, PBENTERSTYPE style)
	char defaultFont[32];
	PBWindow::Create(pParent, left, top, width, height);

	style = PBES_TEXT;
	// font prepare
	snprintf(defaultFont, sizeof(defaultFont), "#LiberationSans,%u,0", (height << 2) / 5);
	m_font = GetThemeFont("dictionary.font.normal", defaultFont);

	m_enterstyle = PBES_TEXT;

	// clearing m_text
	memset(m_text, 0, sizeof(m_text));
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void GB_draw(HTHEME theme, HWND hwnd, HDC hDC, ButtonState drawState, UINT dtFlags, BOOL focused)
    static const int states[] = { GBS_NORMAL, GBS_NORMAL, GBS_NORMAL, GBS_DISABLED, GBS_NORMAL };

    RECT bgRect, textRect, contentRect;
    int state = states[ drawState ];
    WCHAR *text = get_button_text(hwnd);
    LOGFONTW lf;
    HFONT font, hPrevFont = NULL;
    BOOL created_font = FALSE;
#ifdef __REACTOS__ /* r74406 */
    HWND parent;
    HBRUSH hBrush;
    RECT clientRect;

    HRESULT hr = GetThemeFont(theme, hDC, BP_GROUPBOX, state, TMT_FONT, &lf);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
        font = CreateFontIndirectW(&lf);
        if (!font)
            TRACE("Failed to create font\n");
        else {
            hPrevFont = SelectObject(hDC, font);
            created_font = TRUE;
    } else {
#ifdef __REACTOS__ /* r73885 */
        font = get_button_font(hwnd);
        font = (HFONT)SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0);
        hPrevFont = SelectObject(hDC, font);

    GetClientRect(hwnd, &bgRect);
    textRect = bgRect;

    if (text)
        SIZE textExtent;
        GetTextExtentPoint32W(hDC, text, lstrlenW(text), &textExtent);
        bgRect.top += (textExtent.cy / 2);
        textRect.left += 10;
        textRect.bottom = textRect.top + textExtent.cy;
        textRect.right = textRect.left + textExtent.cx + 4;

        ExcludeClipRect(hDC, textRect.left, textRect.top, textRect.right, textRect.bottom);

    GetThemeBackgroundContentRect(theme, hDC, BP_GROUPBOX, state, &bgRect, &contentRect);
    ExcludeClipRect(hDC, contentRect.left, contentRect.top, contentRect.right, contentRect.bottom);

#ifdef __REACTOS__ /* r73885 & r74149 */
    if (prfFlag == 0)
        if (IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent(theme, BP_GROUPBOX, state))
            DrawThemeParentBackground(hwnd, hDC, NULL);
    if (IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent(theme, BP_GROUPBOX, state))
        DrawThemeParentBackground(hwnd, hDC, NULL);

#ifdef __REACTOS__ /* r74406 */
    parent = GetParent(hwnd);
    if (!parent) parent = hwnd;
    hBrush = (HBRUSH)SendMessageW(parent, WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC,
                                  (WPARAM)hDC, (LPARAM)hwnd);
    if (!hBrush) /* did the app forget to call defwindowproc ? */
        hBrush = (HBRUSH)DefWindowProcW(parent, WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC,
                                       (WPARAM)hDC, (LPARAM)hwnd );
    GetClientRect(hwnd, &clientRect);
    FillRect( hDC, &clientRect, hBrush );

    DrawThemeBackground(theme, hDC, BP_GROUPBOX, state, &bgRect, NULL);

    SelectClipRgn(hDC, NULL);

    if (text)
        InflateRect(&textRect, -2, 0);
        DrawThemeText(theme, hDC, BP_GROUPBOX, state, text, lstrlenW(text), 0, 0, &textRect);
        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, text);

    if (created_font) DeleteObject(font);
    if (hPrevFont) SelectObject(hDC, hPrevFont);
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void CB_draw(HTHEME theme, HWND hwnd, HDC hDC, ButtonState drawState, UINT dtFlags, BOOL focused, LPARAM prfFlag)
    static const int cb_states[3][5] =

    static const int rb_states[2][5] =

    SIZE sz;
    RECT bgRect, textRect;
    HFONT font, hPrevFont = NULL;
    LRESULT checkState = get_button_state(hwnd) & 3;
    DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLongW(hwnd, GWL_STYLE);
    int part = ((dwStyle & BUTTON_TYPE) == BS_RADIOBUTTON) || ((dwStyle & BUTTON_TYPE) == BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON)
             ? BP_RADIOBUTTON
             : BP_CHECKBOX;
    int state = (part == BP_CHECKBOX)
              ? cb_states[ checkState ][ drawState ]
              : rb_states[ checkState ][ drawState ];
    WCHAR *text;
    LOGFONTW lf;
    BOOL created_font = FALSE;
    HWND parent;
    HBRUSH hBrush;
    DWORD cdrf;

    HRESULT hr = GetThemeFont(theme, hDC, part, state, TMT_FONT, &lf);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
        font = CreateFontIndirectW(&lf);
        if (!font)
            TRACE("Failed to create font\n");
        else {
            TRACE("font = %s\n", debugstr_w(lf.lfFaceName));
            hPrevFont = SelectObject(hDC, font);
            created_font = TRUE;
    } else {
        font = get_button_font(hwnd);
        hPrevFont = SelectObject(hDC, font);

    if (FAILED(GetThemePartSize(theme, hDC, part, state, NULL, TS_DRAW, &sz)))
        sz.cx = sz.cy = 13;

    GetClientRect(hwnd, &bgRect);

    if (prfFlag == 0)
        DrawThemeParentBackground(hwnd, hDC, NULL);

    parent = GetParent(hwnd);
    if (!parent) parent = hwnd;
    hBrush = (HBRUSH)SendMessageW(parent, WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC,
                                 (WPARAM)hDC, (LPARAM)hwnd);
    if (!hBrush) /* did the app forget to call defwindowproc ? */
        hBrush = (HBRUSH)DefWindowProcW(parent, WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC,
                                        (WPARAM)hDC, (LPARAM)hwnd );
    FillRect( hDC, &bgRect, hBrush );

    cdrf = BUTTON_SendCustomDraw(hwnd, hDC, CDDS_PREERASE, &bgRect);
    if (cdrf == CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT)
        goto cleanup;

    GetThemeBackgroundContentRect(theme, hDC, part, state, &bgRect, &textRect);

    if (dtFlags & DT_SINGLELINE) /* Center the checkbox / radio button to the text. */
        bgRect.top = bgRect.top + (textRect.bottom - textRect.top - sz.cy) / 2;

    /* adjust for the check/radio marker */
    bgRect.bottom = bgRect.top + sz.cy;
    bgRect.right = bgRect.left + sz.cx;
    textRect.left = bgRect.right + 6;

    DrawThemeBackground(theme, hDC, part, state, &bgRect, NULL);

        BUTTON_SendCustomDraw(hwnd, hDC, CDDS_POSTERASE, &bgRect);

    cdrf = BUTTON_SendCustomDraw(hwnd, hDC, CDDS_PREPAINT, &bgRect);
    if (cdrf == CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT)
        goto cleanup;

    text = get_button_text(hwnd);
    if (text)
        DrawThemeText(theme, hDC, part, state, text, lstrlenW(text), dtFlags, 0, &textRect);

        if (focused)
            RECT focusRect;

            focusRect = textRect;

            DrawTextW(hDC, text, lstrlenW(text), &focusRect, dtFlags | DT_CALCRECT);

            if (focusRect.right < textRect.right) focusRect.right++;
            focusRect.bottom = textRect.bottom;

            DrawFocusRect( hDC, &focusRect );

        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, text);

        BUTTON_SendCustomDraw(hwnd, hDC, CDDS_POSTPAINT, &bgRect);

    if (created_font) DeleteObject(font);
    if (hPrevFont) SelectObject(hDC, hPrevFont);
Ejemplo n.º 8
	unsigned status_bar_get_text_width (HWND wnd, HTHEME thm, const char * p_text, bool b_customfont)
		HFONT fnt = NULL;
		bool b_release_fnt = false;
		unsigned rv = NULL;


		//uxtheme_api_ptr p_uxtheme;

		bool b_themed = thm != NULL;//p_uxtheme->IsThemeActive() && p_uxtheme->IsAppThemed();

		HRESULT hr = uih::GetComCtl32Version(dvi);

		if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr) && dvi.info1.dwMajorVersion == 6))

		if (b_customfont || !b_themed)
			fnt = (HFONT)SendMessage(wnd, WM_GETFONT, NULL, NULL);
			b_release_fnt =false;
			LOGFONT lf;

			//bool b_got_theme_font = false;

			if (b_themed && SUCCEEDED(GetThemeFont(thm, NULL, NULL, NULL, TMT_FONT, &lf)))
				fnt = CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
				b_release_fnt = true;
				fnt = (HFONT)SendMessage(wnd, WM_GETFONT, NULL, NULL);
				b_release_fnt =false;
#if 0
			if (!b_got_theme_font)

				memset(&ncm, 0, sizeof(NONCLIENTMETRICS));
				ncm.cbSize = sizeof(NONCLIENTMETRICS);
				SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, 0, &ncm, 0);
				lf = ncm.lfStatusFont;
			fnt = CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
			b_release_fnt = true;

		HDC dc = GetDC(wnd);
		HFONT fnt_old = SelectFont(dc, fnt);
		rv = (unsigned)ui_helpers::get_text_width(dc, p_text, strlen(p_text));
		SelectFont(dc, fnt_old);
		ReleaseDC(wnd, dc);

		if (b_release_fnt)
		return rv;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void UMAInitToolbox( UInt16 inMoreMastersCalls, bool isEmbedded )
    for (long i = 1; i <= inMoreMastersCalls; i++)

    if (!isEmbedded)
        ::FlushEvents(everyEvent, 0);

    long total,contig;
    PurgeSpace(&total, &contig);


    if ( Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &sUMASystemVersion) != noErr)
        sUMASystemVersion = 0x0000 ;

    long theAppearance ;
    if ( Gestalt( gestaltAppearanceAttr, &theAppearance ) == noErr )
        sUMAHasAppearance = true ;
        OSStatus status = RegisterAppearanceClient();
        // If status equals appearanceProcessRegisteredErr it means the
        // appearance client already was registered (For example if we run
        // embedded, the host might have registered it). In such a case
        // we don't unregister it later on.
        if (status != appearanceProcessRegisteredErr)
            // Appearance client wasn't registered yet.
            sUMAHasInittedAppearance = true;

        if ( Gestalt( gestaltAppearanceVersion, &theAppearance ) == noErr )
            sUMAAppearanceVersion = theAppearance ;
            sUMAAppearanceVersion = 0x0100 ;
    if ( Gestalt( gestaltWindowMgrAttr, &sUMAWindowManagerAttr ) == noErr )
        sUMAHasWindowManager = sUMAWindowManagerAttr & gestaltWindowMgrPresent ;

// Call currently implicitely done :        InitFloatingWindows() ;
    if (!isEmbedded)
        if ( sUMAHasWindowManager )
            InitFloatingWindows() ;

    if ( NavServicesAvailable() )
        NavLoad() ;

  long menuMgrAttr ;
  Gestalt( gestaltMenuMgrAttr , &menuMgrAttr ) ;
  if ( menuMgrAttr & gestaltMenuMgrAquaLayoutMask )
    sUMAHasAquaLayout = true ;

  if ( TXNInitTextension != (void*) kUnresolvedCFragSymbolAddress )
    FontFamilyID fontId ;
    Str255 fontName ;
    SInt16 fontSize ;
    Style fontStyle ;
    GetThemeFont(kThemeSmallSystemFont , GetApplicationScript() , fontName , &fontSize , &fontStyle ) ;
    GetFNum( fontName, &fontId );

    TXNMacOSPreferredFontDescription fontDescriptions[] =
        { fontId , (fontSize << 16) ,kTXNDefaultFontStyle, kTXNSystemDefaultEncoding }
    } ;
    int noOfFontDescriptions = sizeof( fontDescriptions ) / sizeof(TXNMacOSPreferredFontDescription) ;

      // kTXNAlwaysUseQuickDrawTextMask might be desirable because of speed increases but it crashes the app under OS X upon key stroke
#if 0
    // leads to unexpected content for clients, TODO configurable
    OptionBits options = kTXNWantMoviesMask | kTXNWantSoundMask | kTXNWantGraphicsMask ;
    OptionBits options = 0 ;

    if ( !UMAHasAquaLayout() )
        options |= kTXNAlwaysUseQuickDrawTextMask ;
      TXNInitTextension(fontDescriptions,  noOfFontDescriptions, options );


Ejemplo n.º 10
bool wxListBox::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
                       const wxPoint& pos,
                       const wxSize& size,
                       int n, const wxString choices[],
                       long style,
                       const wxValidator& validator,
                       const wxString& name)
    if ( !wxListBoxBase::Create(parent, id, pos, size, style & ~(wxHSCROLL|wxVSCROLL), validator, name) )
        return false;

    m_noItems = 0 ; // this will be increased by our append command
    m_selected = 0;

    Rect bounds ;
    Str255 title ;

    MacPreControlCreate( parent , id ,  wxEmptyString , pos , size ,style, validator , name , &bounds , title ) ;

    ListDefSpec listDef;
    listDef.defType = kListDefUserProcType;
    if ( macListDefUPP == NULL )
        macListDefUPP = NewListDefUPP( wxMacListDefinition );
    listDef.u.userProc = macListDefUPP ;

    Str255 fontName ;
    SInt16 fontSize ;
    Style fontStyle ;
    GetThemeFont(kThemeViewsFont , GetApplicationScript() , fontName , &fontSize , &fontStyle ) ;
    GetFontName( kFontIDMonaco , fontName ) ;
    fontSize = 9 ;
    fontStyle = normal ;
    SetFont( wxFont (fontSize, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL , false , wxMacMakeStringFromPascal( fontName ) ) ) ;
    Size asize;

    CreateListBoxControl( MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetRootWindow()), &bounds, false, 0, 1, (style & wxLB_HSCROLL), true,
                          kwxMacListItemHeight, kwxMacListItemHeight, false, &listDef, (ControlRef *)&m_macControl );

    GetControlData( (ControlHandle) m_macControl, kControlNoPart, kControlListBoxListHandleTag,
                   sizeof(ListHandle), (Ptr) &m_macList, &asize);

    SetControlReference( (ControlHandle) m_macControl, (long) this);
    SetControlVisibility( (ControlHandle) m_macControl, false, false);


    long    result ;
    wxStAppResource resload ;
    m_macControl = (WXWidget) ::NewControl( MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetRootWindow()) , &bounds , title , false ,
                  (style & wxLB_HSCROLL) ? kwxMacListWithVerticalAndHorizontalScrollbar : kwxMacListWithVerticalScrollbar ,
                  0 , 0, kControlListBoxProc , (long) this ) ;
    ::GetControlData( (ControlHandle) m_macControl , kControlNoPart , kControlListBoxListHandleTag ,
               sizeof( ListHandle ) , (char*) &m_macList  , &result ) ;

    HLock( (Handle) m_macList ) ;
    ldefHandle ldef ;
    ldef = (ldefHandle) NewHandle( sizeof(ldefRec) ) ;
    if (  (**(ListHandle)m_macList).listDefProc != NULL )
      (**ldef).instruction = 0x4EF9;  /* JMP instruction */
      (**ldef).function = (void(*)()) listDef.u.userProc;
      (**(ListHandle)m_macList).listDefProc = (Handle) ldef ;

    Point pt = (**(ListHandle)m_macList).cellSize ;
    pt.v = kwxMacListItemHeight ;
    LCellSize( pt , (ListHandle)m_macList ) ;
    LAddColumn( 1 , 0 , (ListHandle)m_macList ) ;
    OptionBits  options = 0;
    if ( style & wxLB_MULTIPLE )
        options += lExtendDrag + lUseSense  ;
    else if ( style & wxLB_EXTENDED )
        // default behaviour
        options = (OptionBits) lOnlyOne ;
    SetListSelectionFlags((ListHandle)m_macList, options);

    for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ )
        Append( choices[i] ) ;

    MacPostControlCreate() ;

    LSetDrawingMode( true , (ListHandle)m_macList ) ;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void wxMacToolTip::Draw()
    if ( m_label.Length() == 0 )
        return ;
    if ( m_window == s_ToolTipWindowRef )
        m_shown = true ;
        HMHelpContentRec tag ;
        tag.version = kMacHelpVersion;
        SetRect( &tag.absHotRect , m_position.x - 2 , m_position.y - 2 , m_position.x + 2 , m_position.y + 2 ) ;

        QDLocalToGlobalRect( GetWindowPort( m_window ) , &tag.absHotRect ) ;

        m_helpTextRef.Assign( m_label  , wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT ) ;
        tag.content[kHMMinimumContentIndex].contentType = kHMCFStringContent ;
        tag.content[kHMMinimumContentIndex].u.tagCFString = m_helpTextRef ;
        tag.content[kHMMaximumContentIndex].contentType = kHMCFStringContent ;
        tag.content[kHMMaximumContentIndex].u.tagCFString = m_helpTextRef ;
        tag.tagSide = kHMDefaultSide;
        HMDisplayTag( &tag );
        wxMacPortStateHelper help( (GrafPtr) GetWindowPort( m_window ) );
        FontFamilyID fontId ;
        Str255 fontName ;
        SInt16 fontSize ;
        Style fontStyle ;
        GetThemeFont(kThemeSmallSystemFont , GetApplicationScript() , fontName , &fontSize , &fontStyle ) ;
        GetFNum( fontName, &fontId );
        TextFont( fontId ) ;
        TextSize( fontSize ) ;
        TextFace( fontStyle ) ;
        FontInfo fontInfo;
        short lineh = fontInfo.ascent + fontInfo.descent + fontInfo.leading;
        short height = 0 ;
        int i = 0 ;
        int length = m_label.Length() ;
        int width = 0 ;
        int thiswidth = 0 ;
        int laststop = 0 ;
        wxCharBuffer text = m_label.mb_str( wxConvLocal)  ;

        while( i < length )
            if( text[i] == 13 || text[i] == 10)
                thiswidth = ::TextWidth( text , laststop , i - laststop ) ;
                if ( thiswidth > width )
                    width = thiswidth ;
                height += lineh ;
                laststop = i+1 ;
            i++ ;
        if ( i - laststop > 0 )
            thiswidth = ::TextWidth( text , laststop , i - laststop ) ;
            if ( thiswidth > width )
                width = thiswidth ;
            height += lineh ;
        m_rect.left = m_position.x + kTipOffset;
        m_rect.top = m_position.y + kTipOffset;
        m_rect.right = m_rect.left + width + 2 * kTipBorder;

        m_rect.bottom = m_rect.top + height + 2 * kTipBorder;
        Rect r ;
        GetPortBounds( GetWindowPort( m_window ) , &r ) ;
        if ( m_rect.top < 0 )
            m_rect.bottom += -m_rect.top ;
            m_rect.top = 0 ;
        if ( m_rect.left < 0 )
            m_rect.right += -m_rect.left ;
            m_rect.left = 0 ;
        if ( m_rect.right > r.right )
            m_rect.left -= (m_rect.right - r.right ) ;
            m_rect.right = r.right ;
        if ( m_rect.bottom > r.bottom )
            m_rect.top -= (m_rect.bottom - r.bottom) ;
            m_rect.bottom = r.bottom ;
        ClipRect( &m_rect ) ;
        BackColor( whiteColor ) ;
        ForeColor(blackColor ) ;
        GWorldPtr port ;            
        NewGWorld( &port , wxDisplayDepth() , &m_rect , NULL , NULL , 0 ) ;
        CGrafPtr    origPort ;
        GDHandle    origDevice ;
        GetGWorld( &origPort , &origDevice ) ;
        SetGWorld( port , NULL ) ;
        m_backpict = OpenPicture(&m_rect);
        SetGWorld( origPort , origDevice ) ;
        DisposeGWorld( port ) ;
        PenNormal() ;
        RGBColor tooltipbackground = { 0xFFFF , 0xFFFF , 0xC000 } ;
        BackColor( whiteColor ) ;
        RGBForeColor( &tooltipbackground ) ;
        PaintRect( &m_rect ) ;
        ForeColor(blackColor ) ;
        FrameRect( &m_rect ) ;
        SetThemeTextColor(kThemeTextColorNotification,wxDisplayDepth(),true) ;
        ::MoveTo( m_rect.left + kTipBorder , m_rect.top + fontInfo.ascent + kTipBorder);
        i = 0 ;
        laststop = 0 ;
        height = 0 ;
        while( i < length )
            if( text[i] == 13 || text[i] == 10)
                ::DrawText( text , laststop , i - laststop ) ;
                height += lineh ;
                ::MoveTo( m_rect.left + kTipBorder , m_rect.top + fontInfo.ascent + kTipBorder + height );
                laststop = i+1 ;
            i++ ;
        ::DrawText( text , laststop , i - laststop ) ;
        ::TextMode( srcOr ) ;        
Ejemplo n.º 12
static void CB_draw(HTHEME theme, HWND hwnd, HDC hDC, ButtonState drawState, UINT dtFlags, BOOL focused)
    static const int cb_states[3][5] =

    static const int rb_states[2][5] =

    static const int cb_size = 13;

    RECT bgRect, textRect;
    HFONT font, hPrevFont = NULL;
    LRESULT checkState = SendMessageW(hwnd, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0);
    DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLongW(hwnd, GWL_STYLE);
    int part = ((dwStyle & BUTTON_TYPE) == BS_RADIOBUTTON) || ((dwStyle & BUTTON_TYPE) == BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON)
             ? BP_RADIOBUTTON
             : BP_CHECKBOX;
    int state = (part == BP_CHECKBOX)
              ? cb_states[ checkState ][ drawState ]
              : rb_states[ checkState ][ drawState ];
    WCHAR *text = get_button_text(hwnd);
    LOGFONTW lf;
    BOOL created_font = FALSE;

    HRESULT hr = GetThemeFont(theme, hDC, part, state, TMT_FONT, &lf);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
        font = CreateFontIndirectW(&lf);
        if (!font)
            TRACE("Failed to create font\n");
        else {
            TRACE("font = %s\n", debugstr_w(lf.lfFaceName));
            hPrevFont = SelectObject(hDC, font);
            created_font = TRUE;
    } else
        font = (HFONT)SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0);

    GetClientRect(hwnd, &bgRect);
    GetThemeBackgroundContentRect(theme, hDC, part, state, &bgRect, &textRect);

    if (dtFlags & DT_SINGLELINE) /* Center the checkbox / radio button to the text. */
        bgRect.top = bgRect.top + (textRect.bottom - textRect.top - cb_size) / 2;

    /* adjust for the check/radio marker */
    bgRect.bottom = bgRect.top + cb_size;
    bgRect.right = bgRect.left + cb_size;
    textRect.left = bgRect.right + 6;

    DrawThemeParentBackground(hwnd, hDC, NULL);

    DrawThemeBackground(theme, hDC, part, state, &bgRect, NULL);
    if (text)
        DrawThemeText(theme, hDC, part, state, text, lstrlenW(text), dtFlags, 0, &textRect);

        if (focused)
            RECT focusRect;

            focusRect = textRect;

            DrawTextW(hDC, text, lstrlenW(text), &focusRect, dtFlags | DT_CALCRECT);

            if (focusRect.right < textRect.right) focusRect.right++;
            focusRect.bottom = textRect.bottom;

            DrawFocusRect( hDC, &focusRect );

        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, text);

    if (created_font) DeleteObject(font);
    if (hPrevFont) SelectObject(hDC, hPrevFont);
Ejemplo n.º 13
void CToolTipCtrlX::CustomPaint(LPNMTTCUSTOMDRAW pNMCD)
	CWnd* pwnd = CWnd::FromHandle(pNMCD->nmcd.hdr.hwndFrom);
	CDC* pdc = CDC::FromHandle(pNMCD->nmcd.hdc);

	// Windows Vista (General)
	// -----------------------
	// *Need* to use (some aspects) of the 'TOOLTIP' theme to get typical Vista tooltips.
	// Windows Vista *without* SP1
	// ---------------------------
	// The Vista 'TOOLTIP' theme offers a bold version of the standard tooltip font via 
	// the TTP_STANDARDTITLE part id. Furthermore TTP_STANDARDTITLE is the same font as
	// the standard tooltip font (TTP_STANDARD). So, the 'TOOLTIP' theme can get used
	// thoroughly.
	// Windows Vista *with* SP1
	// ------------------------
	// The Vista SP1(!) 'TOOLTIP' theme does though *not* offer a bold font. Keep
	// in mind that TTP_STANDARDTITLE does not return a bold font. Keep also in mind
	// that TTP_STANDARDTITLE is even a *different* font than TTP_STANDARD!
	// Which means, that TTP_STANDARDTITLE should *not* be used within the same line
	// as TTP_STANDARD. It just looks weird. TTP_STANDARDTITLE could be used for a
	// single line (the title line), but it would though not give us a bold font.
	// So, actually we can use the Vista 'TOOLTIP' theme only for getting the proper
	// tooltip background.
	// Windows XP
	// ----------
	// Can *not* use the 'TOOLTIP' theme at all because it would give us only a (non-bold)
	// black font on a white tooltip window background. Seems that the 'TOOLTIP' theme under 
	// WinXP is just using the default Window values (black+white) and does not
	// use any of the tooltip specific Window metrics...
	bool bUseEmbeddedThemeFonts = false;
	HTHEME hTheme = NULL;
	if (theApp.IsVistaThemeActive()) {
		hTheme = OpenThemeData(*pwnd, L"TOOLTIP");
		// Using the theme's fonts works only under Vista without SP1. When SP1
		// is installed the fonts which are used for TTP_STANDARDTITLE and TTP_STANDARD
		// do no longer match (should not get displayed within the same text line).
		if (hTheme) bUseEmbeddedThemeFonts = true;

	CString strText;

	CRect rcWnd;

	CFont* pOldDCFont = NULL;
	if (hTheme == NULL || !bUseEmbeddedThemeFonts)
		// If we have a theme, we try to query the correct fonts from it
		if (m_fontNormal.m_hObject == NULL && hTheme) {
			// Windows Vista Ultimate, 6.0.6001 SP1 Build 6001, English with German Language Pack
			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			//  Height   -12
			//  Weight   400
			//  CharSet  1
			//  Quality  5
			//  FaceName "Segoe UI"
			//  Height   -12
			//  Weight   400
			//  CharSet  1
			//  Quality  5
			//  FaceName "Segoe UI Fett" (!!!) Note: "Fett" (that is German !?)
			// That font name ("Segoe UI *Fett*") looks quite suspicious. I would not be surprised
			// if that eventually leads to a problem within the font mapper which may not be capable
			// of finding the (english) version of that font and thus falls back to the standard
			// system font. At least this would explain why the TTP_STANDARD and TTP_STANDARDTITLE
			// fonts are *different* on that particular Windows Vista system.
			LOGFONT lf = {0};
			if (GetThemeFont(hTheme, pdc->m_hDC, TTP_STANDARD, TTSS_NORMAL, TMT_FONT, &lf) == S_OK) {
				VERIFY( m_fontNormal.CreateFontIndirect(&lf) );

				if (m_bCol1Bold && m_fontBold.m_hObject == NULL) {
					memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(lf));
					if (GetThemeFont(hTheme, pdc->m_hDC, TTP_STANDARDTITLE, TTSS_NORMAL, TMT_FONT, &lf) == S_OK)
						VERIFY( m_fontBold.CreateFontIndirect(&lf) );

				// Get the tooltip font color
				COLORREF crText;
				if (GetThemeColor(hTheme, TTP_STANDARD, TTSS_NORMAL, TMT_TEXTCOLOR, &crText) == S_OK)
					m_crTooltipTextColor = crText;

		// If needed, create the standard tooltip font which was queried from the system metrics
		if (m_fontNormal.m_hObject == NULL && m_lfNormal.lfHeight != 0)
			VERIFY( m_fontNormal.CreateFontIndirect(&m_lfNormal) );

		// Select the tooltip font
		if (m_fontNormal.m_hObject != NULL) {
			pOldDCFont = pdc->SelectObject(&m_fontNormal);

			// If needed, create the bold version of the tooltip font by deriving it from the standard font
			if (m_bCol1Bold && m_fontBold.m_hObject == NULL) {
				LOGFONT lf;
				lf.lfWeight = FW_BOLD;
				VERIFY( m_fontBold.CreateFontIndirect(&lf) );

		// Set the font color (queried from system metrics or queried from theme)

	// Auto-format the text only if explicitly requested. Otherwise we would also format
	// single line tooltips for regular list items, and if those list items contain ':'
	// characters they would be shown partially in bold. For performance reasons, the
	// auto-format is to be requested by appending the TOOLTIP_AUTOFORMAT_SUFFIX_CH 
	// character. Appending, because we can remove that character efficiently without
	// re-allocating the entire string.
	bool bAutoFormatText = strText.GetLength() > 0 && strText[strText.GetLength() - 1] == TOOLTIP_AUTOFORMAT_SUFFIX_CH;
	if (bAutoFormatText)
		strText.Truncate(strText.GetLength() - 1); // truncate the TOOLTIP_AUTOFORMAT_SUFFIX_CH char by setting it to NUL
	bool bShowFileIcon = m_bShowFileIcon && bAutoFormatText;
	if (bShowFileIcon) {
		int iPosNL = strText.Find(_T('\n'));
		if (iPosNL > 0) {
			int iPosColon = strText.Find(_T(':'));
			if (iPosColon < iPosNL)
				bShowFileIcon = false; // 1st line does not contain a filename
	int iTextHeight = 0;
	int iMaxCol1Width = 0;
	int iMaxCol2Width = 0;
	int iMaxSingleLineWidth = 0;
	CSize sizText(0);
	int iPos = 0;
	int iCaptionHeight = 0;
	const int iCaptionEnd = bShowFileIcon ? max(strText.Find(_T("\n<br_head>\n")), 0) : 0; // special tooltip with file icon
	const int iLineHeightOff = 1;
	const int iIconMinYBorder = bShowFileIcon ? 3 : 0;
	const int iIconWidth = bShowFileIcon ? theApp.GetBigSytemIconSize().cx : 0;
	const int iIconHeight = bShowFileIcon ? theApp.GetBigSytemIconSize().cy : 0;
	const int iIconDrawingWidth = bShowFileIcon ? (iIconWidth + 9) : 0;
	while (iPos != -1)
		CString strLine = GetNextString(strText, _T('\n'), iPos);
		int iColon = bAutoFormatText ? strLine.Find(_T(':')) : -1;
		if (iColon != -1) {
			CSize siz;
			if (hTheme && bUseEmbeddedThemeFonts) {
				CRect rcExtent;
				CRect rcBounding(0, 0, 32767, 32767);
				GetThemeTextExtent(hTheme, *pdc, m_bCol1Bold ? TTP_STANDARDTITLE : TTP_STANDARD, TTSS_NORMAL, strLine, iColon + 1, m_dwCol1DrawTextFlags, &rcBounding, &rcExtent);
				siz.cx = rcExtent.Width();
				siz.cy = rcExtent.Height();
			else {
				CFont* pOldFont = m_bCol1Bold ? pdc->SelectObject(&m_fontBold) : NULL;
				siz = pdc->GetTextExtent(strLine, iColon + 1);
				if (pOldFont)
			iMaxCol1Width = max<int>(iMaxCol1Width, siz.cx + ((bShowFileIcon && iPos <= iCaptionEnd + strLine.GetLength()) ? iIconDrawingWidth : 0));
			iTextHeight = siz.cy + iLineHeightOff; // update height with 'col1' string, because 'col2' string might be empty and therefore has no height
			if (iPos <= iCaptionEnd)
				iCaptionHeight += siz.cy + iLineHeightOff;
				sizText.cy += siz.cy + iLineHeightOff;

			LPCTSTR pszCol2 = (LPCTSTR)strLine + iColon + 1;
			while (_istspace((_TUCHAR)*pszCol2))
			if (*pszCol2 != _T('\0')) {
				if (hTheme && bUseEmbeddedThemeFonts) {
					CRect rcExtent;
					CRect rcBounding(0, 0, 32767, 32767);
					GetThemeTextExtent(hTheme, *pdc, TTP_STANDARD, TTSS_NORMAL, pszCol2, ((LPCTSTR)strLine + strLine.GetLength()) - pszCol2, m_dwCol2DrawTextFlags, &rcBounding, &rcExtent);
					siz.cx = rcExtent.Width();
					siz.cy = rcExtent.Height();
				else {
					siz = pdc->GetTextExtent(pszCol2, ((LPCTSTR)strLine + strLine.GetLength()) - pszCol2);
				iMaxCol2Width = max<int>(iMaxCol2Width, siz.cx);
		else if (bShowFileIcon && iPos <= iCaptionEnd && iPos == strLine.GetLength() + 1){
			// file name, printed bold on top without any tabbing or desc
			CSize siz;
			if (hTheme && bUseEmbeddedThemeFonts) {
				CRect rcExtent;
				CRect rcBounding(0, 0, 32767, 32767);
				GetThemeTextExtent(hTheme, *pdc, m_bCol1Bold ? TTP_STANDARDTITLE : TTP_STANDARD, TTSS_NORMAL, strLine, strLine.GetLength(), m_dwCol1DrawTextFlags, &rcBounding, &rcExtent);
				siz.cx = rcExtent.Width();
				siz.cy = rcExtent.Height();
			else {
				CFont* pOldFont = m_bCol1Bold ? pdc->SelectObject(&m_fontBold) : NULL;
				siz = pdc->GetTextExtent(strLine);
				if (pOldFont)
			iMaxSingleLineWidth = max<int>(iMaxSingleLineWidth, siz.cx + iIconDrawingWidth);
			iCaptionHeight += siz.cy + iLineHeightOff;
		else if (!strLine.IsEmpty() && strLine.Compare(_T("<br>")) != 0 && strLine.Compare(_T("<br_head>")) != 0) {
			CSize siz;
			if (hTheme && bUseEmbeddedThemeFonts) {
				CRect rcExtent;
				CRect rcBounding(0, 0, 32767, 32767);
				GetThemeTextExtent(hTheme, *pdc, TTP_STANDARD, TTSS_NORMAL, strLine, strLine.GetLength(), m_dwCol2DrawTextFlags, &rcBounding, &rcExtent);
				siz.cx = rcExtent.Width();
				siz.cy = rcExtent.Height();
			else {
				siz = pdc->GetTextExtent(strLine);
			iMaxSingleLineWidth = max<int>(iMaxSingleLineWidth, siz.cx + ((bShowFileIcon && iPos <= iCaptionEnd) ? iIconDrawingWidth : 0));
			if (bShowFileIcon && iPos <= iCaptionEnd + strLine.GetLength())
				iCaptionHeight += siz.cy + iLineHeightOff;
				sizText.cy += siz.cy + iLineHeightOff;
			CSize siz;
			if (hTheme && bUseEmbeddedThemeFonts) {
				CRect rcExtent;
				CRect rcBounding(0, 0, 32767, 32767);
				GetThemeTextExtent(hTheme, *pdc, TTP_STANDARD, TTSS_NORMAL, _T(" "), 1, m_dwCol2DrawTextFlags, &rcBounding, &rcExtent);
				siz.cx = rcExtent.Width();
				siz.cy = rcExtent.Height();
			else {
				// TODO: Would need to use 'GetTabbedTextExtent' here, but do we actually use 'tabbed' text here at all ??
				siz = pdc->GetTextExtent(_T(" "), 1);
			sizText.cy += siz.cy + iLineHeightOff;
	if (bShowFileIcon && iCaptionEnd > 0)
		iCaptionHeight = max<int>(iCaptionHeight, theApp.GetBigSytemIconSize().cy + (2*iIconMinYBorder));
	sizText.cy += iCaptionHeight;
	if (hTheme && theApp.m_ullComCtrlVer >= MAKEDLLVERULL(6,16,0,0))
		sizText.cy += 2; // extra bottom margin for Vista/Theme

	iMaxCol1Width = min(m_iScreenWidth4, iMaxCol1Width);
	iMaxCol2Width = min(m_iScreenWidth4*2, iMaxCol2Width);

	const int iMiddleMargin = 6;
	iMaxSingleLineWidth = max(iMaxSingleLineWidth, iMaxCol1Width + iMiddleMargin + iMaxCol2Width);
	if (iMaxSingleLineWidth > m_iScreenWidth4*3)
		iMaxSingleLineWidth = m_iScreenWidth4*3;
	sizText.cx = iMaxSingleLineWidth;

	if (pNMCD->uDrawFlags & DT_CALCRECT)
		pNMCD->nmcd.rc.left = rcWnd.left;
		pNMCD->nmcd.rc.top = rcWnd.top;
		pNMCD->nmcd.rc.right = rcWnd.left + sizText.cx;
		pNMCD->nmcd.rc.bottom = rcWnd.top + sizText.cy;

		int iOldBkColor = -1;
		if (hTheme) {
			int iPartId = TTP_STANDARD;
			int iStateId = TTSS_NORMAL;
			if (IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent(hTheme, iPartId, iStateId))
				DrawThemeParentBackground(m_hWnd, pdc->m_hDC, &rcWnd);
			DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, pdc->m_hDC, iPartId, iStateId, &rcWnd, NULL);
		else {
			::FillRect(*pdc, &rcWnd, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_INFOBK));
			iOldBkColor = pdc->SetBkColor(m_crTooltipBkColor);
			// Vista: Need to draw the window border explicitly !?
			if (theApp.m_ullComCtrlVer >= MAKEDLLVERULL(6,16,0,0)) {
				CPen pen;
				pen.CreatePen(0, 1, m_crTooltipTextColor);
				CPen *pOP = pdc->SelectObject(&pen);
				pdc->MoveTo(rcWnd.left, rcWnd.top);
				pdc->LineTo(rcWnd.right - 1, rcWnd.top);
				pdc->LineTo(rcWnd.right - 1, rcWnd.bottom - 1);
				pdc->LineTo(rcWnd.left, rcWnd.bottom - 1);
				pdc->LineTo(rcWnd.left, rcWnd.top);

		int iOldBkMode = 0;
		if ((hTheme && !bUseEmbeddedThemeFonts) || (hTheme == NULL && iOldBkColor != -1))
			iOldBkMode = pdc->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT);

		CPoint ptText(pNMCD->nmcd.rc.left, pNMCD->nmcd.rc.top);
		iPos = 0;
		while (iPos != -1)
			CString strLine = GetNextString(strText, _T('\n'), iPos);
			int iColon = bAutoFormatText ? strLine.Find(_T(':')) : -1;
			CRect rcDT;
			if (!bShowFileIcon || (unsigned)iPos > (unsigned)iCaptionEnd + strLine.GetLength())
				rcDT.SetRect(ptText.x, ptText.y, ptText.x + iMaxCol1Width, ptText.y + iTextHeight);
				rcDT.SetRect(ptText.x + iIconDrawingWidth, ptText.y, ptText.x + iMaxCol1Width, ptText.y + iTextHeight);
			if (iColon != -1) {
				// don't draw empty <col1> strings (they are still handy to use for skipping the <col1> space)
				if (iColon > 0) {
					if (hTheme && bUseEmbeddedThemeFonts)
						DrawThemeText(hTheme, pdc->m_hDC, m_bCol1Bold ? TTP_STANDARDTITLE : TTP_STANDARD, TTSS_NORMAL, strLine, iColon + 1, m_dwCol1DrawTextFlags, 0, &rcDT);
					else {
						CFont* pOldFont = m_bCol1Bold ? pdc->SelectObject(&m_fontBold) : NULL;
						pdc->DrawText(strLine, iColon + 1, &rcDT, m_dwCol1DrawTextFlags);
						if (pOldFont)

				LPCTSTR pszCol2 = (LPCTSTR)strLine + iColon + 1;
				while (_istspace((_TUCHAR)*pszCol2))
				if (*pszCol2 != _T('\0')) {
					rcDT.left = ptText.x + iMaxCol1Width + iMiddleMargin;
					rcDT.right = rcDT.left + iMaxCol2Width;
					if (hTheme && bUseEmbeddedThemeFonts)
						DrawThemeText(hTheme, pdc->m_hDC, TTP_STANDARD, TTSS_NORMAL, pszCol2, ((LPCTSTR)strLine + strLine.GetLength()) - pszCol2, m_dwCol2DrawTextFlags, 0, &rcDT);
						pdc->DrawText(pszCol2, ((LPCTSTR)strLine + strLine.GetLength()) - pszCol2, &rcDT, m_dwCol2DrawTextFlags);

				ptText.y += iTextHeight;
			else if (bShowFileIcon && iPos <= iCaptionEnd && iPos == strLine.GetLength() + 1){
				// first line on special fileicon tab - draw icon and bold filename
				if (hTheme && bUseEmbeddedThemeFonts)
					DrawThemeText(hTheme, pdc->m_hDC, m_bCol1Bold ? TTP_STANDARDTITLE : TTP_STANDARD, TTSS_NORMAL, strLine, strLine.GetLength(), m_dwCol1DrawTextFlags, 0, &CRect(ptText.x  + iIconDrawingWidth, ptText.y, ptText.x + iMaxSingleLineWidth, ptText.y + iTextHeight));
				else {
					CFont* pOldFont = m_bCol1Bold ? pdc->SelectObject(&m_fontBold) : NULL;
					pdc->DrawText(strLine, CRect(ptText.x  + iIconDrawingWidth, ptText.y, ptText.x + iMaxSingleLineWidth, ptText.y + iTextHeight), m_dwCol1DrawTextFlags);
					if (pOldFont)

				ptText.y += iTextHeight;
				int iImage = (int) theApp.GetFileTypeSystemImageIdx(strLine, -1, true);
				if (theApp.GetBigSystemImageList() != NULL) {
					int iPosY = rcDT.top;
					if (iCaptionHeight > iIconHeight)
						iPosY += (iCaptionHeight - iIconHeight) / 2;
					::ImageList_Draw(theApp.GetBigSystemImageList(), iImage, pdc->GetSafeHdc(), ptText.x, iPosY, ILD_TRANSPARENT);
			else {
				bool bIsBrHeadLine = false;
				if (bAutoFormatText && (strLine.Compare(_T("<br>")) == 0 || (bIsBrHeadLine = strLine.Compare(_T("<br_head>")) == 0) == true)){
					CPen pen;
					pen.CreatePen(0, 1, m_crTooltipTextColor);
					CPen *pOP = pdc->SelectObject(&pen);
					if (bIsBrHeadLine)
						ptText.y = iCaptionHeight;
					pdc->MoveTo(ptText.x, ptText.y + ((iTextHeight - 2) / 2)); 
					pdc->LineTo(ptText.x + iMaxSingleLineWidth, ptText.y + ((iTextHeight - 2) / 2));
					ptText.y += iTextHeight;
					if (hTheme && bUseEmbeddedThemeFonts) {
						CRect rcLine(ptText.x, ptText.y, 32767, 32767);
						DrawThemeText(hTheme, pdc->m_hDC, TTP_STANDARD, TTSS_NORMAL, strLine, strLine.GetLength(), DT_EXPANDTABS | m_dwCol2DrawTextFlags, 0, &rcLine);
						ptText.y += iTextHeight;
					else {
						// Text is written in the currently selected font. If 'nTabPositions' is 0 and 'lpnTabStopPositions' is NULL,
						// tabs are expanded to eight times the average character width.
						CSize siz;
						if (strLine.IsEmpty()) // Win98: To draw an empty line we need to output at least a space.
							siz = pdc->TabbedTextOut(ptText.x, ptText.y, _T(" "), 1, NULL, 0);
							siz = pdc->TabbedTextOut(ptText.x, ptText.y, strLine, strLine.GetLength(), NULL, 0);
						ptText.y += siz.cy + iLineHeightOff;
		if (iOldBkColor != -1)
		if (hTheme && !bUseEmbeddedThemeFonts)
	if (pOldDCFont)
	if (hTheme)