Ejemplo n.º 1
 *		XactLockTableWait
 * Wait for the specified transaction to commit or abort.  If an operation
 * is specified, an error context callback is set up.  If 'oper' is passed as
 * None, no error context callback is set up.
 * Note that this does the right thing for subtransactions: if we wait on a
 * subtransaction, we will exit as soon as it aborts or its top parent commits.
 * It takes some extra work to ensure this, because to save on shared memory
 * the XID lock of a subtransaction is released when it ends, whether
 * successfully or unsuccessfully.  So we have to check if it's "still running"
 * and if so wait for its parent.
XactLockTableWait(TransactionId xid, Relation rel, ItemPointer ctid,
				  XLTW_Oper oper)
	LOCKTAG		tag;
	XactLockTableWaitInfo info;
	ErrorContextCallback callback;

	 * If an operation is specified, set up our verbose error context
	 * callback.
	if (oper != XLTW_None)

		info.rel = rel;
		info.ctid = ctid;
		info.oper = oper;

		callback.callback = XactLockTableWaitErrorCb;
		callback.arg = &info;
		callback.previous = error_context_stack;
		error_context_stack = &callback;

	for (;;)
		Assert(!TransactionIdEquals(xid, GetTopTransactionIdIfAny()));


		(void) LockAcquire(&tag, ShareLock, false, false);

		LockRelease(&tag, ShareLock, false);

		if (!TransactionIdIsInProgress(xid))
		xid = SubTransGetParent(xid);

	if (oper != XLTW_None)
		error_context_stack = callback.previous;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 *		XactLockTableWait
 * Wait for the specified transaction to commit or abort.
 * Note that this does the right thing for subtransactions: if we wait on a
 * subtransaction, we will exit as soon as it aborts or its top parent commits.
 * It takes some extra work to ensure this, because to save on shared memory
 * the XID lock of a subtransaction is released when it ends, whether
 * successfully or unsuccessfully.	So we have to check if it's "still running"
 * and if so wait for its parent.
XactLockTableWait(TransactionId xid)
	LOCKTAG		tag;

	for (;;)
		Assert(!TransactionIdEquals(xid, GetTopTransactionIdIfAny()));


		(void) LockAcquire(&tag, ShareLock, false, false);

		LockRelease(&tag, ShareLock, false);

		if (!TransactionIdIsInProgress(xid))
		xid = SubTransGetParent(xid);
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Initialize SpGistState for working with the given index */
initSpGistState(SpGistState *state, Relation index)
	SpGistCache *cache;

	/* Get cached static information about index */
	cache = spgGetCache(index);

	state->config = cache->config;
	state->attType = cache->attType;
	state->attPrefixType = cache->attPrefixType;
	state->attLabelType = cache->attLabelType;

	/* Make workspace for constructing dead tuples */
	state->deadTupleStorage = palloc0(SGDTSIZE);

	/* Set XID to use in redirection tuples */
	state->myXid = GetTopTransactionIdIfAny();

	/* Assume we're not in an index build (spgbuild will override) */
	state->isBuild = false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 *		ConditionalXactLockTableWait
 * As above, but only lock if we can get the lock without blocking.
 * Returns TRUE if the lock was acquired.
ConditionalXactLockTableWait(TransactionId xid)
	LOCKTAG		tag;

	for (;;)
		Assert(!TransactionIdEquals(xid, GetTopTransactionIdIfAny()));


		if (LockAcquire(&tag, ShareLock, false, true) == LOCKACQUIRE_NOT_AVAIL)
			return false;

		LockRelease(&tag, ShareLock, false);

		if (!TransactionIdIsInProgress(xid))
		xid = SubTransGetParent(xid);

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * ImportSnapshot
 *      Import a previously exported snapshot.  The argument should be a
 *      filename in SNAPSHOT_EXPORT_DIR.  Load the snapshot from that file.
 *      This is called by "SET TRANSACTION SNAPSHOT 'foo'".
ImportSnapshot(const char *idstr)
	char		path[MAXPGPATH];
	FILE	   *f;
	struct stat	stat_buf;
	char	   *filebuf;
	int			xcnt;
	int			i;
	TransactionId src_xid;
	Oid			src_dbid;
	int			src_isolevel;
	bool		src_readonly;
	SnapshotData snapshot;

	 * Must be at top level of a fresh transaction.  Note in particular that
	 * we check we haven't acquired an XID --- if we have, it's conceivable
	 * that the snapshot would show it as not running, making for very
	 * screwy behavior.
	if (FirstSnapshotSet ||
		GetTopTransactionIdIfAny() != InvalidTransactionId ||
				 errmsg("SET TRANSACTION SNAPSHOT must be called before any query")));

	 * If we are in read committed mode then the next query would execute
	 * with a new snapshot thus making this function call quite useless.
	if (!IsolationUsesXactSnapshot())
				 errmsg("a snapshot-importing transaction must have isolation level SERIALIZABLE or REPEATABLE READ")));

	 * Verify the identifier: only 0-9, A-F and hyphens are allowed.  We do
	 * this mainly to prevent reading arbitrary files.
	if (strspn(idstr, "0123456789ABCDEF-") != strlen(idstr))
				 errmsg("invalid snapshot identifier \"%s\"", idstr)));

	/* OK, read the file */
	snprintf(path, MAXPGPATH, SNAPSHOT_EXPORT_DIR "/%s", idstr);

	f = AllocateFile(path, PG_BINARY_R);
	if (!f)
				 errmsg("invalid snapshot identifier \"%s\"", idstr)));

	/* get the size of the file so that we know how much memory we need */
	if (fstat(fileno(f), &stat_buf))
		elog(ERROR, "could not stat file \"%s\": %m", path);

	/* and read the file into a palloc'd string */
	filebuf = (char *) palloc(stat_buf.st_size + 1);
	if (fread(filebuf, stat_buf.st_size, 1, f) != 1)
		elog(ERROR, "could not read file \"%s\": %m", path);

	filebuf[stat_buf.st_size] = '\0';


	 * Construct a snapshot struct by parsing the file content.
	memset(&snapshot, 0, sizeof(snapshot));

	src_xid = parseXidFromText("xid:", &filebuf, path);
	/* we abuse parseXidFromText a bit here ... */
	src_dbid = parseXidFromText("dbid:", &filebuf, path);
	src_isolevel = parseIntFromText("iso:", &filebuf, path);
	src_readonly = parseIntFromText("ro:", &filebuf, path);

	snapshot.xmin = parseXidFromText("xmin:", &filebuf, path);
	snapshot.xmax = parseXidFromText("xmax:", &filebuf, path);

	snapshot.xcnt = xcnt = parseIntFromText("xcnt:", &filebuf, path);

	/* sanity-check the xid count before palloc */
	if (xcnt < 0 || xcnt > GetMaxSnapshotXidCount())
				 errmsg("invalid snapshot data in file \"%s\"", path)));

	snapshot.xip = (TransactionId *) palloc(xcnt * sizeof(TransactionId));
	for (i = 0; i < xcnt; i++)
		snapshot.xip[i] = parseXidFromText("xip:", &filebuf, path);

	snapshot.suboverflowed = parseIntFromText("sof:", &filebuf, path);

	if (!snapshot.suboverflowed)
		snapshot.subxcnt = xcnt = parseIntFromText("sxcnt:", &filebuf, path);

		/* sanity-check the xid count before palloc */
		if (xcnt < 0 || xcnt > GetMaxSnapshotSubxidCount())
					 errmsg("invalid snapshot data in file \"%s\"", path)));

		snapshot.subxip = (TransactionId *) palloc(xcnt * sizeof(TransactionId));
		for (i = 0; i < xcnt; i++)
			snapshot.subxip[i] = parseXidFromText("sxp:", &filebuf, path);
		snapshot.subxcnt = 0;
		snapshot.subxip = NULL;

	snapshot.takenDuringRecovery = parseIntFromText("rec:", &filebuf, path);

	 * Do some additional sanity checking, just to protect ourselves.  We
	 * don't trouble to check the array elements, just the most critical
	 * fields.
	if (!TransactionIdIsNormal(src_xid) ||
		!OidIsValid(src_dbid) ||
		!TransactionIdIsNormal(snapshot.xmin) ||
				 errmsg("invalid snapshot data in file \"%s\"", path)));

	 * If we're serializable, the source transaction must be too, otherwise
	 * predicate.c has problems (SxactGlobalXmin could go backwards).  Also,
	 * a non-read-only transaction can't adopt a snapshot from a read-only
	 * transaction, as predicate.c handles the cases very differently.
	if (IsolationIsSerializable())
		if (src_isolevel != XACT_SERIALIZABLE)
					 errmsg("a serializable transaction cannot import a snapshot from a non-serializable transaction")));
		if (src_readonly && !XactReadOnly)
					 errmsg("a non-read-only serializable transaction cannot import a snapshot from a read-only transaction")));

	 * We cannot import a snapshot that was taken in a different database,
	 * because vacuum calculates OldestXmin on a per-database basis; so the
	 * source transaction's xmin doesn't protect us from data loss.  This
	 * restriction could be removed if the source transaction were to mark
	 * its xmin as being globally applicable.  But that would require some
	 * additional syntax, since that has to be known when the snapshot is
	 * initially taken.  (See pgsql-hackers discussion of 2011-10-21.)
	if (src_dbid != MyDatabaseId)
				 errmsg("cannot import a snapshot from a different database")));

	/* OK, install the snapshot */
	SetTransactionSnapshot(&snapshot, src_xid);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * write_jsonlog
 * Write logs in json format.
static void
write_jsonlog(ErrorData *edata)
	StringInfoData	buf;
	TransactionId	txid = GetTopTransactionIdIfAny();


	/* Initialize string */
	appendStringInfoChar(&buf, '{');

	/* Timestamp */
	if (log_time[0] == '\0')
	appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "timestamp", log_time, true);

	/* Username */
	if (MyProcPort)
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "user", MyProcPort->user_name, true);

	/* Database name */
	if (MyProcPort)
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "dbname", MyProcPort->database_name, true);

	/* Process ID */
	if (MyProcPid != 0)
		appendStringInfo(&buf, "\"pid\":%d,", MyProcPid);

	/* Remote host and port */
	if (MyProcPort && MyProcPort->remote_host)
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "remote_host",
						  MyProcPort->remote_host, true);
		if (MyProcPort->remote_port && MyProcPort->remote_port[0] != '\0')
			appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "remote_port",
							  MyProcPort->remote_port, true);

	/* Session id */
	if (MyProcPid != 0)
		appendStringInfo(&buf, "\"session_id\":\"%lx.%x\",",
						 (long) MyStartTime, MyProcPid);

	/* Virtual transaction id */
	/* keep VXID format in sync with lockfuncs.c */
	if (MyProc != NULL && MyProc->backendId != InvalidBackendId)
		appendStringInfo(&buf, "\"vxid\":\"%d/%u\",",
						 MyProc->backendId, MyProc->lxid);

	/* Transaction id */
	if (txid != InvalidTransactionId)
		appendStringInfo(&buf, "\"txid\":%u,", GetTopTransactionIdIfAny());

	/* Error severity */
	appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "error_severity",
					  (char *) error_severity(edata->elevel), true);

	/* SQL state code */
	if (edata->sqlerrcode != ERRCODE_SUCCESSFUL_COMPLETION)
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "state_code",
						  unpack_sql_state(edata->sqlerrcode), true);

	/* Error detail or Error detail log */
	if (edata->detail_log)
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "detail_log", edata->detail_log, true);
	else if (edata->detail)
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "detail", edata->detail, true);

	/* Error hint */
	if (edata->hint)
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "hint", edata->hint, true);

	/* Internal query */
	if (edata->internalquery)
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "internal_query",
						  edata->internalquery, true);

	/* Error context */
	if (edata->context)
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "context", edata->context, true);

	/* File error location */
	if (Log_error_verbosity >= PGERROR_VERBOSE)
		StringInfoData msgbuf;


		if (edata->funcname && edata->filename)
			appendStringInfo(&msgbuf, "%s, %s:%d",
							 edata->funcname, edata->filename,
		else if (edata->filename)
			appendStringInfo(&msgbuf, "%s:%d",
							 edata->filename, edata->lineno);
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "file_location", msgbuf.data, true);

	/* Application name */
	if (application_name && application_name[0] != '\0')
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "application_name",
						  application_name, true);

	/* Error message */
	appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "message", edata->message, false);

	/* Finish string */
	appendStringInfoChar(&buf, '}');
	appendStringInfoChar(&buf, '\n');

	/* If in the syslogger process, try to write messages direct to file */
	if (am_syslogger)
		write_syslogger_file(buf.data, buf.len, LOG_DESTINATION_STDERR);
		write_pipe_chunks(buf.data, buf.len);

	/* Cleanup */

	/* Continue chain to previous hook */
	if (prev_log_hook)
		(*prev_log_hook) (edata);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * redis_log_hook
 * Hook for shipping log events to Redis
 * (based on jsonlog.c)
static void
redis_log_hook(ErrorData *edata)
	StringInfoData	buf;
	TransactionId	txid = GetTopTransactionIdIfAny();
	bool		print_stmt = false;
	bool		send_status = false;

	/* static counter for line numbers */
	static long log_line_number = 0;

	 * This is one of the few places where we'd rather not inherit a static
	 * variable's value from the postmaster.  But since we will, reset it when
	 * MyProcPid changes.
	if (lastPid != MyProcPid)
		log_line_number = 0;
		lastPid = MyProcPid;
		formatted_start_time[0] = '\0';

	 * Check if the log has to be written, if not just exit.
	if (!is_log_level_output(edata->elevel, Redislog_min_messages))
		goto quickExit;



	/* Initialize string */
	appendStringInfoChar(&buf, '{');

	/* Timestamp */
	append_json_literal(&buf, "@timestamp", formatted_log_time, true);

	/* Username */
	if (MyProcPort)
		append_json_literal(&buf, "user_name", MyProcPort->user_name, true);

	/* Database name */
	if (MyProcPort)
		append_json_literal(&buf, "database_name", MyProcPort->database_name, true);

	/* Process ID */
	if (MyProcPid != 0)
		appendStringInfo(&buf, "\"process_id\":%d,", MyProcPid);

	/* Remote host and port */
	if (MyProcPort && MyProcPort->remote_host)
		append_json_literal(&buf, "remote_host",
						  MyProcPort->remote_host, true);
		if (MyProcPort->remote_port && MyProcPort->remote_port[0] != '\0')
			append_json_literal(&buf, "remote_port",
							  MyProcPort->remote_port, true);

	/* Session id */
	if (MyProcPid != 0)
		appendStringInfo(&buf, "\"session_id\":\"%lx.%x\",",
						 (long) MyStartTime, MyProcPid);

	/* Process ID */
	if (MyProcPid != 0)
		appendStringInfo(&buf, "\"session_line_num\":%ld,", log_line_number);

	/* PS display */
	if (MyProcPort)
		StringInfoData msgbuf;
		const char *psdisp;
		int displen;


		psdisp = get_ps_display(&displen);
		appendBinaryStringInfo(&msgbuf, psdisp, displen);
		append_json_literal(&buf, "command_tag", msgbuf.data, true);


	/* session start timestamp */
	if (formatted_start_time[0] == '\0')
	append_json_literal(&buf, "session_start_time", formatted_start_time, true);

	/* Virtual transaction id */
	/* keep VXID format in sync with lockfuncs.c */
	if (MyProc != NULL && MyProc->backendId != InvalidBackendId)
		appendStringInfo(&buf, "\"virtual_transaction_id\":\"%d/%u\",",
						 MyProc->backendId, MyProc->lxid);

	/* Transaction id */
	if (txid != InvalidTransactionId)
		appendStringInfo(&buf, "\"transaction_id\":%u,", GetTopTransactionIdIfAny());

	/* Error severity */
	append_json_literal(&buf, "error_severity",
					  (char *) error_severity(edata->elevel), true);

	/* SQL state code */
	if (edata->sqlerrcode != ERRCODE_SUCCESSFUL_COMPLETION)
		append_json_literal(&buf, "sql_state_code",
						  unpack_sql_state(edata->sqlerrcode), true);

	/* Error detail or Error detail log */
	if (edata->detail_log)
		append_json_literal(&buf, "detail_log", edata->detail_log, true);
	else if (edata->detail)
		append_json_literal(&buf, "detail", edata->detail, true);

	/* Error hint */
	if (edata->hint)
		append_json_literal(&buf, "hint", edata->hint, true);

	/* Internal query */
	if (edata->internalquery)
		append_json_literal(&buf, "internal_query",
						  edata->internalquery, true);

	/* if printed internal query, print internal pos too */
	if (edata->internalpos > 0 && edata->internalquery != NULL)
		appendStringInfo(&buf, "\"internal_query_pos\":%d,", edata->internalpos);

	/* Error context */
	if (edata->context)
		append_json_literal(&buf, "context", edata->context, true);

	/* user query --- only reported if not disabled by the caller */
	if (is_log_level_output(edata->elevel, Redislog_min_error_statement) &&
		debug_query_string != NULL &&
		print_stmt = true;
	if (print_stmt)
		append_json_literal(&buf, "query", debug_query_string, true);

	/* user query position -- only reposted if not disabled by the caller */
	if (print_stmt && edata->cursorpos > 0)
		appendStringInfo(&buf, "\"query_pos\":%d,", edata->cursorpos);

	/* File error location */
	if (Log_error_verbosity >= PGERROR_VERBOSE)
		StringInfoData msgbuf;


		if (edata->funcname && edata->filename)
			appendStringInfo(&msgbuf, "%s, %s:%d",
							 edata->funcname, edata->filename,
		else if (edata->filename)
			appendStringInfo(&msgbuf, "%s:%d",
							 edata->filename, edata->lineno);
		append_json_literal(&buf, "file_location", msgbuf.data, true);

	/* Application name */
	if (application_name && application_name[0] != '\0')
		append_json_literal(&buf, "application_name",
						  application_name, true);

	/* Error message */
	append_json_literal(&buf, "message", edata->message, false);

	/* Finish string */
	appendStringInfoChar(&buf, '}');
	appendStringInfoChar(&buf, '\n');

	/* Send the data to Redis */
	send_status = redis_log_shipper(buf.data, buf.len);

	/* Skip sending the event to the server, if it was correctly
	 * shipped to Redis and if 'ship_to_redis_only' is set to true
	if (Redislog_ship_to_redis_only && send_status) {
		edata->output_to_server = false;

	/* Cleanup */


	/* Continue chain to previous hook */
	if (prev_log_hook)
		(*prev_log_hook) (edata);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * write_jsonlog
 * Write logs in json format.
static void
write_jsonlog(ErrorData *edata)
	StringInfoData	buf;
	TransactionId	txid = GetTopTransactionIdIfAny();

	 * Disable logs to server, we don't want duplicate entries in
	 * the server.
	edata->output_to_server = false;

	/* Determine whether message is enabled for server log output */
	if (!is_log_level_output(edata->elevel, log_min_messages))


	/* Initialize string */
	appendStringInfoChar(&buf, '{');

	/* Timestamp */
	appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "timestamp", formatted_log_time, true);

	/* Username */
	if (MyProcPort && MyProcPort->user_name)
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "user", MyProcPort->user_name, true);

	/* Database name */
	if (MyProcPort && MyProcPort->database_name)
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "dbname", MyProcPort->database_name, true);

	/* Process ID */
	if (MyProcPid != 0)
		appendStringInfo(&buf, "\"pid\":%d,", MyProcPid);

	/* Remote host and port */
	if (MyProcPort && MyProcPort->remote_host)
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "remote_host",
						  MyProcPort->remote_host, true);
		if (MyProcPort->remote_port && MyProcPort->remote_port[0] != '\0')
			appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "remote_port",
							  MyProcPort->remote_port, true);

	/* Session id */
	if (MyProcPid != 0)
		appendStringInfo(&buf, "\"session_id\":\"%lx.%x\",",
						 (long) MyStartTime, MyProcPid);

	/* Virtual transaction id */
	/* keep VXID format in sync with lockfuncs.c */
	if (MyProc != NULL && MyProc->backendId != InvalidBackendId)
		appendStringInfo(&buf, "\"vxid\":\"%d/%u\",",
						 MyProc->backendId, MyProc->lxid);

	/* Transaction id */
	if (txid != InvalidTransactionId)
		appendStringInfo(&buf, "\"txid\":%u,", GetTopTransactionIdIfAny());

	/* Error severity */
	appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "error_severity",
					  (char *) error_severity(edata->elevel), true);

	/* SQL state code */
	if (edata->sqlerrcode != ERRCODE_SUCCESSFUL_COMPLETION)
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "state_code",
						  unpack_sql_state(edata->sqlerrcode), true);

	/* Error detail or Error detail log */
	if (edata->detail_log)
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "detail_log", edata->detail_log, true);
	else if (edata->detail)
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "detail", edata->detail, true);

	/* Error hint */
	if (edata->hint)
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "hint", edata->hint, true);

	/* Internal query */
	if (edata->internalquery)
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "internal_query",
						  edata->internalquery, true);

	/* Error context */
	if (edata->context)
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "context", edata->context, true);

	/* user query --- only reported if not disabled by the caller */
	if (is_log_level_output(edata->elevel, log_min_error_statement) &&
		debug_query_string != NULL &&
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "statement", debug_query_string, true);

		if (edata->cursorpos > 0)
			appendStringInfo(&buf, "\"cursor_position\":%d,",
		else if (edata->internalpos > 0)
			appendStringInfo(&buf, "\"internal_position\":%d,",

	/* File error location */
	if (Log_error_verbosity >= PGERROR_VERBOSE)
		StringInfoData msgbuf;


		if (edata->funcname && edata->filename)
			appendStringInfo(&msgbuf, "%s, %s:%d",
							 edata->funcname, edata->filename,
		else if (edata->filename)
			appendStringInfo(&msgbuf, "%s:%d",
							 edata->filename, edata->lineno);
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "file_location", msgbuf.data, true);

	/* Application name */
	if (application_name && application_name[0] != '\0')
		appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "application_name",
						  application_name, true);

	/* Error message */
	appendJSONLiteral(&buf, "message", edata->message, false);

	/* Finish string */
	appendStringInfoChar(&buf, '}');
	appendStringInfoChar(&buf, '\n');

	/* Write to stderr, if enabled */
	if ((Log_destination & LOG_DESTINATION_STDERR) != 0)
		if (Logging_collector && redirection_done && !am_syslogger)
			write_pipe_chunks(buf.data, buf.len);
			write_console(buf.data, buf.len);

	/* If in the syslogger process, try to write messages direct to file */
	if (am_syslogger)
		write_syslogger_file(buf.data, buf.len, LOG_DESTINATION_STDERR);

	/* Cleanup */

	/* Continue chain to previous hook */
	if (prev_log_hook)
		(*prev_log_hook) (edata);
Ejemplo n.º 9
static void
fmtLogMsg(StringInfo dst, ErrorData *edata)
		char formattedLogTime[FORMATTED_TS_LEN];

		/* timestamp with milliseconds */
		formatNow(formattedLogTime, sizeof formattedLogTime);

		 * Always present, non-nullable; don't need to write the N/P
		 * header.
		appendStringInfoString(dst, formattedLogTime);
		appendStringInfoChar(dst, '\0');

	/* username */
	if (MyProcPort)
		appendStringInfoPtr(dst, MyProcPort->user_name);
		appendStringInfoPtr(dst, NULL);

	/* database name */
	if (MyProcPort)
		appendStringInfoPtr(dst, MyProcPort->database_name);
		appendStringInfoPtr(dst, NULL);

	/* Process id  */
		uint32_t nPid = htobe32(savedPid);

		appendBinaryStringInfo(dst, (void *) &nPid, sizeof nPid);

	/* Remote host and port */
	if (MyProcPort && MyProcPort->remote_host)
		/* 'present' string header, since this string is nullable */
		appendStringInfoChar(dst, 'P');

		appendStringInfoString(dst, MyProcPort->remote_host);
		if (MyProcPort->remote_port && MyProcPort->remote_port[0] != '\0')
			appendStringInfoChar(dst, ':');
			appendStringInfoString(dst, MyProcPort->remote_port);

		appendStringInfoChar(dst, '\0');
		appendStringInfoPtr(dst, NULL);

	/* session id; non-nullable */
	appendStringInfo(dst, "%lx.%x", (long) MyStartTime, MyProcPid);
	appendStringInfoChar(dst, '\0');

	/* Line number */
		uint64_t nSeqNum = htobe64(seqNum);
		appendBinaryStringInfo(dst, (void *) &nSeqNum, sizeof nSeqNum);

	/* PS display */
	if (MyProcPort)
		StringInfoData msgbuf;
		const char *psdisp;
		int			displen;


		psdisp = get_ps_display(&displen);
		appendBinaryStringInfo(&msgbuf, psdisp, displen);

		appendStringInfoChar(dst, 'P');
		appendStringInfoString(dst, msgbuf.data);
		appendStringInfoChar(dst, '\0');

		appendStringInfoPtr(dst, NULL);

	/* session start timestamp */
	if (cachedBackendStartTime[0] == '\0')
		/* Rebuild the cache if it was blown */

	/* backend start time; non-nullable string */
	appendStringInfoString(dst, cachedBackendStartTime);
	appendStringInfoChar(dst, '\0');

	 * Virtual transaction id
	 * keep VXID format in sync with lockfuncs.c
	if (MyProc != NULL && MyProc->backendId != InvalidBackendId)
		appendStringInfoChar(dst, 'P');
		appendStringInfo(dst, "%d/%u", MyProc->backendId, MyProc->lxid);
		appendStringInfoChar(dst, '\0');
		appendStringInfoPtr(dst, NULL);

	 * Transaction id
	 * This seems to be a mistake both here and in elog.c; in particular, it's
	 * not clear how the epoch would get added here.  However, leave room in
	 * the protocol to fix this later by upcasting.
		uint64_t nTxid = htobe64((uint64) GetTopTransactionIdIfAny());

		appendBinaryStringInfo(dst, (void *) &nTxid, sizeof nTxid);

	/* Error severity */
		uint32_t nelevel = htobe32(edata->elevel);

		appendBinaryStringInfo(dst, (void *) &nelevel, sizeof nelevel);

	/* SQL state code */
	appendStringInfoPtr(dst, unpack_sql_state(edata->sqlerrcode));

	/* errmessage */
	appendStringInfoPtr(dst, edata->message);

	/* errdetail or errdetail_log */
	if (edata->detail_log)
		appendStringInfoPtr(dst, edata->detail_log);
		appendStringInfoPtr(dst, edata->detail);

	/* errhint */
	appendStringInfoPtr(dst, edata->hint);

	/* internal query */
	appendStringInfoPtr(dst, edata->internalquery);

	/* if printed internal query, print internal pos too */
	if (edata->internalpos > 0 && edata->internalquery != NULL)
		uint32_t ninternalpos = htobe32(edata->internalpos);

		appendBinaryStringInfo(dst, (void *) &ninternalpos,
							   sizeof ninternalpos);
		uint32_t ninternalpos = htobe32(-1);

		appendBinaryStringInfo(dst, (void *) &ninternalpos,
							   sizeof ninternalpos);

	/* errcontext */
	appendStringInfoPtr(dst, edata->context);

	 * user query --- only reported if not disabled by the caller.
	 * Also include query position.
	if (isLogLevelOutput(edata->elevel, log_min_error_statement) &&
		debug_query_string != NULL && !edata->hide_stmt)
		uint32_t nCursorPos = htobe32(edata->cursorpos);

		appendStringInfoPtr(dst, debug_query_string);
		appendBinaryStringInfo(dst, (void *) &nCursorPos, sizeof nCursorPos);
		uint32_t nCursorPos = htobe32(-1);

		appendStringInfoPtr(dst, NULL);
		appendBinaryStringInfo(dst, (void *) &nCursorPos, sizeof nCursorPos);

	/* file error location */
	if (Log_error_verbosity >= PGERROR_VERBOSE)
		StringInfoData msgbuf;


		if (edata->funcname && edata->filename)
			appendStringInfo(&msgbuf, "%s, %s:%d",
							 edata->funcname, edata->filename,
		else if (edata->filename)
			appendStringInfo(&msgbuf, "%s:%d",
							 edata->filename, edata->lineno);

		appendStringInfoChar(dst, 'P');
		appendStringInfoString(dst, msgbuf.data);
		appendStringInfoChar(dst, '\0');

		appendStringInfoPtr(dst, NULL);

	/* application name */
	appendStringInfoPtr(dst, application_name);