static void AddCheatParam(uint32 A, uint64 V, unsigned int bytelen, bool bigendian) { char name[256]; CHEAT_printf("Name: "); GetString(name,256); CHEAT_printf("Address [$%08x]: ", A); A=GetUI(A); CHEAT_printf("Byte length [%d]: ", bytelen); bytelen = GetUI(bytelen); if(bytelen > 1) { CHEAT_printf("Big endian? [%c]: ", bigendian ? 'Y' : 'N'); bigendian = GetYN(bigendian); } else bigendian = 0; CHEAT_printf("Value [%llu]: ", V); V=GetUI(V); CHEAT_printf("Add cheat \"%s\" for address $%08x with value %llu?",name,(unsigned int)A,(unsigned long long)V); if(GetYN(0)) { if(MDFNI_AddCheat(name,A,V,0, 'R', bytelen, bigendian)) CHEAT_puts("Cheat added."); else CHEAT_puts("Error adding cheat."); } }
bool RRGameState::Join(String ip, int port /*= 33010*/) { /// Start SIP session if needed? bool success = NetworkMan.StartSIPServer(); if (!success) return false; // If not created, create and add the session to be handled by the network-manager. CreateSessionIfNeeded(); /// Check if already connected. if (session->IsConnected()) { NetworkLog("Already connected."); // Show lobby? QueueGraphics(new GMPushUI("gui/Lobby.gui", GetUI())); MesMan.QueueMessages("OnPlayersUpdated"); return false; } /// Connect with our session. success = session->ConnectTo(ip, port); if (success) { NetworkLog("Connected successfully."); // Show lobby? QueueGraphics(new GMPushUI("gui/Lobby.gui", GetUI())); MesMan.QueueMessages("OnPlayersUpdated"); } return success; }
bool HKWidgetListbox::InputEvent(HKInputManager &manager, const HKInputManager::EventInfo &ev) { // try and handle the input event in some standard ways... switch(ev.ev) { case HKInputManager::IE_Down: { // immediately stop the thing from scrolling velocity = 0.f; scrollOffset = MFFloor(scrollOffset); // if the down stroke is outside the listbox, we have triggered a non-click MFRect rect = { 0.f, 0.f, size.x, size.y }; if(!MFTypes_PointInRect(ev.down.x, ev.down.y, &rect)) { HKWidgetSelectEvent sel(this, -1); OnClicked(*this, sel); } break; } case HKInputManager::IE_Up: { if(bDragging) { bDragging = false; GetUI().SetFocus(ev.pSource, pOldFocus); } break; } case HKInputManager::IE_Drag: { // scroll the contents float delta = orientation == Horizontal ? ev.drag.deltaX : ev.drag.deltaY; scrollOffset += delta; const float smooth = 0.5f; velocity = velocity*smooth + (delta / MFSystem_GetTimeDelta())*(1.f-smooth); if(!bDragging) { bDragging = true; pOldFocus = GetUI().SetFocus(ev.pSource, this); } break; } default: break; } return HKWidget::InputEvent(manager, ev); }
/// Hosts a game bool RRGameState::Host(int port /*= 33010*/) { // If not created, create and add the session to be handled by the network-manager. CreateSessionIfNeeded(); bool success = session->Host(port); if (success) { // Show lobby gui! QueueGraphics(new GMPushUI("gui/Lobby.gui", GetUI())); MesMan.QueueMessages("OnPlayersUpdated"); // Since host, push ui to select if game type: new or load a saved game. QueueGraphics(new GMPushUI("gui/GameType.gui", GetUI())); } return success; }
void GameStartState::Deactivate() { GetInput()->RemoveEventReceiver(this); GetAssetManager()->Unload(m_Font); GetAssetManager()->Unload(m_FontTexture); GetUI()->RemoveElement(m_ConsoleText); m_ConsoleText->Destroy(); }
// Stop hosting this game. bool RRGameState::CancelGame() { assert(session); if (!session) return false; session->Stop(); NetworkLog("Game canceled"); // Remove lobby if it is up. QueueGraphics(new GMPopUI("gui/Lobby.gui", GetUI(), true)); return true; }
void Game::Init(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& options) { //register filthy global (for lua api) p3::game = this; OS::NotifyLoadBegin(); FileSystem::Init(); FileSystem::userFiles.MakeDirectory(""); // ensure the config directory exists m_config.reset(new GameConfig(options)); if (m_config->Int("RedirectStdio")) OS::RedirectStdio(); KeyBindings::InitBindings(); ModManager::Init(); Lang::Resource res(Lang::GetResource("core", GetConfig()->String("Lang"))); Lang::MakeCore(res); Uint32 sdlInitFlags = SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK; #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG) sdlInitFlags |= SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE; #endif if (SDL_Init(sdlInitFlags) < 0) Error("SDL initialization failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); m_rng.seed(time(0)); Graphics::Settings vs = ReadVideoSettings(GetConfig()); vs.title = "P3"; m_renderer.reset(Graphics::Init(vs)); EnumStrings::Init(); Lua::Init(); m_ui.Reset(new UI::Context(Lua::manager, GetRenderer(), GetRenderer()->GetWindow()->GetWidth(), GetRenderer()->GetWindow()->GetHeight())); InitLua(); m_modelCache.reset(new ModelCache(GetRenderer())); //init some graphics LaserBoltGraphic::InitResources(GetRenderer()); Galaxy::Init(); m_console.reset(new LuaConsole(GetUI())); KeyBindings::toggleLuaConsole.onPress.connect(sigc::mem_fun(m_console.get(), &LuaConsole::Toggle)); OS::NotifyLoadEnd(); }
static void DoSearch(void* data) { static int v1=0,v2=0; static int method=0; const char *m[6]={"O==V1 && C==V2","O==V1 && |O-C|==V2","|O-C|==V2","O!=C","Value decreased","Value increased"}; CHEAT_puts(""); CHEAT_printf("Search Filter:"); method = ShowShortList(m,6,method); if(method<=1) { CHEAT_printf("V1 [%03d]: ",v1); v1=GetUI(v1); } if(method<=2) { CHEAT_printf("V2 [%03d]: ",v2); v2=GetUI(v2); } CHEAT_printf("Byte length(1-8)[%1d]: ", searchbytelen); searchbytelen = GetUI(searchbytelen); if(searchbytelen > 1) { CHEAT_printf("Big endian? [%c]: ", searchbigendian ? 'Y' : 'N'); searchbigendian = GetYN(searchbigendian); } else searchbigendian = 0; MDFNI_CheatSearchEnd(method, v1, v2, searchbytelen, searchbigendian); CHEAT_puts("Search completed."); }
void DebugCameraController::Update(float timeStep) { // Do not move if the UI has a focused element if (GetUI()->GetFocusElement()) return; // Do not move if interacting with UI controls if (GetSystemUI()->IsAnyItemActive()) return; Input* input = GetInput(); // Movement speed as world units per second float moveSpeed_ = speed_; if (input->GetKeyDown(KEY_SHIFT)) { moveSpeed_ *= 2; if (input->GetKeyPress(KEY_KP_PLUS)) speed_ += 1.f; else if (input->GetKeyPress(KEY_KP_MINUS)) speed_ -= 1.f; } if (input->GetMouseButtonDown(MOUSEB_RIGHT)) { IntVector2 delta = input->GetMouseMove(); if (input->IsMouseVisible() && delta != IntVector2::ZERO) input->SetMouseVisible(false); auto yaw = GetNode()->GetRotation().EulerAngles().x_; if ((yaw > -90.f && yaw < 90.f) || (yaw <= -90.f && delta.y_ > 0) || (yaw >= 90.f && delta.y_ < 0)) GetNode()->RotateAround(Vector3::ZERO, Quaternion(mouseSensitivity_ * delta.y_, Vector3::RIGHT), TS_LOCAL); GetNode()->RotateAround(GetNode()->GetPosition(), Quaternion(mouseSensitivity_ * delta.x_, Vector3::UP), TS_WORLD); } else if (!input->IsMouseVisible()) input->SetMouseVisible(true); // Read WASD keys and move the camera scene node to the corresponding direction if they are pressed if (input->GetKeyDown(KEY_W)) GetNode()->Translate(Vector3::FORWARD * moveSpeed_ * timeStep); if (input->GetKeyDown(KEY_S)) GetNode()->Translate(Vector3::BACK * moveSpeed_ * timeStep); if (input->GetKeyDown(KEY_A)) GetNode()->Translate(Vector3::LEFT * moveSpeed_ * timeStep); if (input->GetKeyDown(KEY_D)) GetNode()->Translate(Vector3::RIGHT * moveSpeed_ * timeStep); }
void HKWidgetListbox::AddView(HKWidget *pView) { // it might be better to write a custom ListItem widget here, Frame might be a bit heavy for the purpose... HKWidgetLayoutFrame *pFrame = GetUI().CreateWidget<HKWidgetLayoutFrame>(); pFrame->AddChild(pView, true); pFrame->SetClickable(true); pFrame->SetHoverable(true); // make child clickable pFrame->OnDown += fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(this, &HKWidgetListbox::OnItemDown); pFrame->OnTap += fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(this, &HKWidgetListbox::OnItemClick); pFrame->OnHoverOver += fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(this, &HKWidgetListbox::OnItemOver); pFrame->OnHoverOut += fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(this, &HKWidgetListbox::OnItemOut); AddChild(pFrame, true); }
/* ============ sdUIMarquee::CalcOffsets ============ */ void sdUIMarquee::CalcOffsets() { if ( textWidth == 0 || textHeight == 0 ) { return; } float textSize; float rectSize; int index; switch( static_cast< eScrollOrientation >( idMath::FtoiFast( orientation ) ) ) { case SO_HORIZONTAL: textSize = textWidth; rectSize = cachedClientRect.z; scrollOffset[ 1 ] = 0.0f; index = 0; break; case SO_VERTICAL: textSize = textHeight; rectSize = cachedClientRect.w; scrollOffset[ 0 ] = 0.0f; index = 1; break; default: gameLocal.Warning( "sdUIMarquee::CalcOffsets: unknown orientation '%i'", idMath::Ftoi( orientation ) ); scrollStartTime = 0; scrollTargetTime = 0; return; } const int now = GetUI()->GetCurrentTime(); float ratio = textSize / rectSize; if ( ratio < 1.0f ) { ratio = 1.0f; } if ( now >= scrollTargetTime || scrollStartTime == scrollTargetTime || now < scrollStartTime ) { scrollStartTime = now; } scrollTargetTime = scrollStartTime + SEC2MS( speed * ratio ); float totalTime = static_cast< float >( scrollTargetTime - scrollStartTime ); float percent = static_cast< float >( now - scrollStartTime ) / totalTime; scrollOffset[ index ] = rectSize - percent * ( rectSize + textSize ); }
void DebugCameraController2D::Update(float timeStep) { // Do not move if the UI has a focused element if (GetUI()->GetFocusElement()) return; // Do not move if interacting with UI controls if (GetSystemUI()->IsAnyItemActive()) return; Input* input = GetInput(); // Movement speed as world units per second float moveSpeed_ = speed_; if (input->GetKeyDown(KEY_SHIFT)) { moveSpeed_ *= 2; if (input->GetKeyPress(KEY_KP_PLUS)) speed_ += 1.f; else if (input->GetKeyPress(KEY_KP_MINUS)) speed_ -= 1.f; } if (input->GetMouseButtonDown(MOUSEB_RIGHT)) { IntVector2 delta = input->GetMouseMove(); if (input->IsMouseVisible() && delta != IntVector2::ZERO) input->SetMouseVisible(false); GetNode()->Translate2D(Vector2{(float)delta.x_ * -1.f, (float)delta.y_} * moveSpeed_ * timeStep); } else if (!input->IsMouseVisible()) input->SetMouseVisible(true); // Read WASD keys and move the camera scene node to the corresponding direction if they are pressed if (input->GetKeyDown(KEY_W)) GetNode()->Translate(Vector3::UP * moveSpeed_ * timeStep); if (input->GetKeyDown(KEY_S)) GetNode()->Translate(Vector3::DOWN * moveSpeed_ * timeStep); if (input->GetKeyDown(KEY_A)) GetNode()->Translate(Vector3::LEFT * moveSpeed_ * timeStep); if (input->GetKeyDown(KEY_D)) GetNode()->Translate(Vector3::RIGHT * moveSpeed_ * timeStep); }
static MemoryPatch GetCheatFields(const MemoryPatch &pin) { MemoryPatch patch = pin; char buf[256]; const bool support_read_subst = CurGame->InstallReadPatch && CurGame->RemoveReadPatches; CHEAT_printf("Name [%s]: ",; GetString(buf, 256); if(buf[0] != 0) = std::string(buf); CHEAT_printf("Available types:"); CHEAT_printf(" R - Replace/RAM write(high-level)."); CHEAT_printf(" A - Addition/RAM read->add->write(high-level)."); CHEAT_printf(" T - Transfer/RAM copy(high-level)."); if(support_read_subst) { CHEAT_printf(" S - Subsitute on reads."); CHEAT_printf(" C - Substitute on reads, with compare."); } for(;;) { CHEAT_printf("Type [%c]: ", patch.type); patch.type = toupper(CHEAT_getchar(patch.type)); if(patch.type == 'R' || patch.type == 'A' || patch.type == 'T') break; if(support_read_subst && (patch.type == 'S' || patch.type == 'C')) break; } if(patch.type == 'T') { CHEAT_printf("Source address [$%08x]: ", (unsigned int)patch.copy_src_addr); patch.copy_src_addr = GetUI(patch.copy_src_addr); CHEAT_printf("Source address inc [%u]: ", patch.copy_src_addr_inc); patch.copy_src_addr_inc = GetUI(patch.copy_src_addr_inc); CHEAT_printf("Dest address [$%08x]: ", (unsigned int)patch.addr); patch.addr = GetUI(patch.addr); CHEAT_printf("Dest address inc [%u]: ", patch.mltpl_addr_inc); patch.mltpl_addr_inc = GetUI(patch.mltpl_addr_inc); CHEAT_printf("Count [%u]: ", patch.mltpl_count); patch.mltpl_count = GetUI(patch.mltpl_count); } else { CHEAT_printf("Address [$%08x]: ", (unsigned int)patch.addr); patch.addr = GetUI(patch.addr); } if(patch.type == 'S' || patch.type == 'C') patch.length = 1; // TODO in the future for GBA: support lengths other than 1 in core. else { do { if(patch.type == 'T') { //if(patch.length == 1 && patch.copy_src_addr_inc == 1 && patch.mltpl_addr_inc == 1) // break; //if((patch.copy_src_addr_inc == patch.mltpl_addr_inc) && patch.copy_src_addr_inc >= 1 && patch.copy_src_addr_inc <= 8) // CHEAT_printf("Transfer unit byte length should probably be \"%u\".", patch.copy_src_addr_inc); CHEAT_printf("Transfer unit byte length(1-8) [%u]: ", patch.length); } else CHEAT_printf("Byte length(1-8) [%u]: ", patch.length); patch.length = GetUI(patch.length); } while(patch.length < 1 || patch.length > 8); } if(patch.length > 1 && (patch.type != 'S' && patch.type != 'C')) { CHEAT_printf("Big endian? [%c]: ", patch.bigendian ? 'Y' : 'N'); patch.bigendian = GetYN(patch.bigendian); } else patch.bigendian = false; if(patch.type != 'T') { CHEAT_printf("Value [%03llu]: ", (unsigned long long)patch.val); patch.val = GetUI(patch.val); } // T type loop stuff is handled up above. if((patch.type != 'C' && patch.type != 'S' && patch.type != 'T') && patch.mltpl_count != 1) { CHEAT_printf("Loop count [%u]: ", patch.mltpl_count); patch.mltpl_count = GetUI(patch.mltpl_count); CHEAT_printf("Loop address inc [%u]: ", patch.mltpl_addr_inc); patch.mltpl_addr_inc = GetUI(patch.mltpl_addr_inc); CHEAT_printf("Loop value inc [%u]: ", patch.mltpl_val_inc); patch.mltpl_val_inc = GetUI(patch.mltpl_val_inc); } if(patch.type == 'C') { CHEAT_printf("Compare [%03lld]: ",; = GetUI(; } if((patch.type != 'C' && patch.type != 'S') && patch.conditions.size()) { CHEAT_printf("Conditions: %s", patch.conditions.c_str()); // Just informational for now. //CHEAT_printf("Conditions [%s]: ", ); //patch.conditions = GetString(); } CHEAT_printf("Enable? "); patch.status = GetYN(patch.status); return(patch); }
static void ModifyCheat(int num) { char *name; char buf[256]; uint32 A; uint64 V; uint64 compare; char type; int status; unsigned int bytelen; bool bigendian; MDFNI_GetCheat(num, &name, &A, &V, &compare, &status, &type, &bytelen, &bigendian); CHEAT_printf("Name [%s]: ",name); GetString(buf,256); /* This obviously doesn't allow for cheats with no names. Bah. Who wants nameless cheats anyway... */ if(buf[0]) name=buf; // Change name when MDFNI_SetCheat() is called. else name=0; // Don't change name when MDFNI_SetCheat() is called. CHEAT_printf("Address [$%08x]: ",(unsigned int)A); A=GetUI(A); CHEAT_printf("Byte length [%d]: ", bytelen); bytelen = GetUI(bytelen); if(bytelen > 1) { CHEAT_printf("Big endian? [%c]: ", bigendian ? 'Y' : 'N'); bigendian = GetYN(bigendian); } else bigendian = 0; CHEAT_printf("Value [%03lld]: ",(unsigned int)V); V=GetUI(V); do { CHEAT_printf("Type('R'=replace,'S'=Read Substitute(or 'C' with compare)) [%c]: ",type); type = toupper(CHEAT_getchar(type)); } while(type != 'R' && type !='S' && type !='C'); if(type == 'C') { CHEAT_printf("Compare [%03lld]: ",compare); compare = GetUI(compare); } CHEAT_printf("Enable? "); status = GetYN(status); MDFNI_SetCheat(num, name, A, V, compare, status, type, bytelen, bigendian); }
void Game::Run() { const Uint32 MAX_PHYSICS_TICKS = Clamp(GetConfig()->Int("MaxPhysicsCyclesPerRender"), 0, 4); GetUI()->DropAllLayers(); m_fpsLabel = GetUI()->Label("16.67"); GetUI()->GetTopLayer()->SetInnerWidget(m_fpsLabel); m_sim = new Sim(); LuaEvent::Queue("onGameStart"); LuaEvent::Emit(); // double currentTime = 0.001 * double(SDL_GetTicks()); double accumulator = m_sim->GetTimeStep(); double gameTickAlpha = 0.0; double frameTime = 0.0; //frame timing double lastStatsTime = currentTime; Uint32 frameCount = 0; while (m_sim->IsRunning()) { double newTime = 0.001 * double(SDL_GetTicks()); frameTime = newTime - currentTime; if (frameTime > 0.25) frameTime = 0.25; currentTime = newTime; accumulator += frameTime * m_sim->GetTimeAccelRate(); frameCount++; const double step = m_sim->GetTimeStep(); if (step > 0.0) { //pause check Uint32 physTicks = 0; while (accumulator >= step) { if (++physTicks >= MAX_PHYSICS_TICKS) { accumulator = 0.0; break; } //run physics and game simulation m_sim->Execute(step); accumulator -= step; } gameTickAlpha = accumulator / step; } else { //possible paused updates } m_sim->InterpolatePositions(gameTickAlpha); HandleEvents(); m_ui->Update(); //render m_renderer->BeginFrame(); m_sim->GetScene()->Render(); m_ui->Draw(); m_renderer->EndFrame(); m_renderer->SwapBuffers(); //if (Pi::game->UpdateTimeAccel()) // accumulator = 0; // fix for huge pauses 10000x -> 1x if (newTime - lastStatsTime > 1.0) { m_fpsLabel->SetText(stringf("%0{f.2}", 1000.f / frameCount)); frameCount = 0; if (newTime - lastStatsTime > 1.2) lastStatsTime = newTime; else lastStatsTime += 1.0; } } delete m_sim; }
void Game::HandleEvents() { SDL_Event event; // XXX for most keypresses SDL will generate KEYUP/KEYDOWN and TEXTINPUT // events. keybindings run off KEYUP/KEYDOWN. the console is opened/closed // via keybinding. the console TextInput widget uses TEXTINPUT events. thus // after switching the console, the stray TEXTINPUT event causes the // console key (backtick) to appear in the text entry field. we hack around // this by setting this flag if the console was switched. if its set, we // swallow the TEXTINPUT event this hack must remain until we have a // unified input system bool skipTextInput = false; Mouse::motion[0] = Mouse::motion[1] = 0; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) { if (m_sim) m_sim->End(); } if (skipTextInput && event.type == SDL_TEXTINPUT) { skipTextInput = false; continue; } if (GetUI()->DispatchSDLEvent(event)) continue; bool consoleActive = m_console->IsActive(); if (!consoleActive) KeyBindings::DispatchSDLEvent(&event); else KeyBindings::toggleLuaConsole.CheckSDLEventAndDispatch(&event); if (consoleActive != m_console->IsActive()) { skipTextInput = true; continue; } if (m_console->IsActive()) continue; switch (event.type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) { if (m_sim) m_sim->End(); break; } Keyboard::state[event.key.keysym.sym] = true; Keyboard::modState = event.key.keysym.mod; break; case SDL_KEYUP: Keyboard::state[event.key.keysym.sym] = false; Keyboard::modState = event.key.keysym.mod; break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if (event.button.button < COUNTOF(Mouse::button)) Mouse::button[event.button.button] = 1; break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: if (event.button.button < COUNTOF(Mouse::button)) Mouse::button[event.button.button] = 0; break; case SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: Mouse::onWheel.emit(event.wheel.y > 0); // true = up break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: Mouse::motion[0] += event.motion.xrel; Mouse::motion[1] += event.motion.yrel; break; } } }