Ejemplo n.º 1
bool ImageTile::TriggeredRaise(unsigned channelA, unsigned scanA, unsigned channelB, unsigned scanB, long double variance) const
	if(channelB >= _channelCount) return false;
	if(scanB >= _scanCount) return false;
	long double value = GetValueAt(channelA, scanA) - GetValueAt(channelB, scanB);
	return value > _trigger * variance * 2.0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int cVoronoiMap::GetValueAt(int a_X, int a_Y, int & a_MinDist)
	int SeedX, SeedY, MinDist2;
	int res = GetValueAt(a_X, a_Y, SeedX, SeedY, MinDist2);
	a_MinDist = (a_X - SeedX) * (a_X - SeedX) + (a_Y - SeedY) * (a_Y - SeedY);
	return res;
Ejemplo n.º 3
double Series::GetValueAtOrNear(size_t index){
	double value = NULL_VALUE;
	size_t lookDistance = 0;
	while (NULL_VALUE == value && lookDistance < DEFAULT_LOOK_DISTANCE){
		value = GetValueAt(index - lookDistance);
	return value;
Ejemplo n.º 4
HRESULT IDSMPropertyBagImpl::GetProperty(LPCWSTR key, BSTR* value)
	CheckPointer(key, E_POINTER);
	CheckPointer(value, E_POINTER);
	int i = FindKey(key);
	if(i < 0) return E_FAIL;
	*value = GetValueAt(i).AllocSysString();
	return S_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// map attributes that depend on the index of the column:
// columnalign, columnlines, XXX need columnwidth and columnspacing too
static void
MapColAttributesIntoCSS(nsIFrame* aTableFrame,
                        nsIFrame* aRowFrame,
                        nsIFrame* aCellFrame)
  PRInt32 rowIndex, colIndex;
  ((nsTableCellFrame*)aCellFrame)->GetCellIndexes(rowIndex, colIndex);
  nsIContent* cellContent = aCellFrame->GetContent();
  PRUnichar* attr;

  // see if the columnalign attribute is not already set
  if (!cellContent->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::columnalign_) &&
      !cellContent->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::MOZcolumnalign)) {
    // see if the columnalign attribute was specified on the row
    attr = GetValueAt(aRowFrame, nsGkAtoms::columnalign_, colIndex);
    if (!attr) {
      // see if the columnalign attribute was specified on the table
      attr = GetValueAt(aTableFrame, nsGkAtoms::columnalign_, colIndex);
    if (attr) {
      // set our special -moz attribute without notifying a reflow
      cellContent->SetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::MOZcolumnalign,
                           nsDependentString(attr), PR_FALSE);

  // if we are not on the first column, see if |columnlines| was specified on
  // the table. Note that we pass 'colIndex-1' because the CSS rule in mathml.css
  // is associated to 'border-left', and it is as if we draw the line on behalf
  // of the previous cell. This way of doing so allows us to handle selective lines,
  // e.g., 'r|cl', and cases of spanning cells without further complications.
  if (colIndex > 0 &&
      !cellContent->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::MOZcolumnline)) {
    attr = GetValueAt(aTableFrame, nsGkAtoms::columnlines_, colIndex-1);
    if (attr) {
      // set our special -moz attribute without notifying a reflow
      cellContent->SetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::MOZcolumnline,
                           nsDependentString(attr), PR_FALSE);
Ejemplo n.º 6
nsAutoCompleteController::GetCellText(PRInt32 row, nsITreeColumn* col, nsAString& _retval)
  const PRUnichar* colID;

  if (NS_LITERAL_STRING("treecolAutoCompleteValue").Equals(colID))
    GetValueAt(row, _retval);
  else if (NS_LITERAL_STRING("treecolAutoCompleteComment").Equals(colID))
    GetCommentAt(row, _retval);

  return NS_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void ImageTile::LineThreshold(bool evaluateBaseline, long double mean, long double variance, bool convolve)
	Image2DPtr input = Image2D::CreateEmptyImagePtr(_scanCount, _channelCount);
	Mask2DPtr output = Mask2D::CreateSetMaskPtr<false>(_scanCount, _channelCount);
	if(evaluateBaseline) {
		for(unsigned channel = 0;channel<_channelCount;++channel)
			for(unsigned scan = 0;scan<_scanCount;++scan)
				input->SetValue(scan, channel, GetValueAt(channel, scan) - EvaluateBaselineFunction(scan, channel));
	} else {
		for(unsigned channel = 0;channel<_channelCount;++channel)
			for(unsigned scan = 0;scan<_scanCount;++scan)
				input->SetValue(scan, channel, GetValueAt(channel, scan) - mean);
	ThresholdMitigater::SumThreshold(input, output, 1, _trigger * variance);
	ThresholdMitigater::SumThreshold(input, output, 2, _trigger * variance * 1.6);
	ThresholdMitigater::SumThreshold(input, output, 3, _trigger * variance * 2.2);
	ThresholdMitigater::SumThreshold(input, output, 5, _trigger * variance * 3.0);
	ThresholdMitigater::SumThreshold(input, output, 10, _trigger * variance * 5.0);
	unsigned count = 0;
	for(unsigned channel = 0;channel<_channelCount;++channel) {
		for(unsigned scan = 0;scan<_scanCount;++scan) {
			if(output->Value(scan, channel)) {
				Window(scan, channel);
	while(count*2 > _channelCount*_scanCount) {
		size_t x = (size_t) (RNG::Uniform()*_scanCount);
		size_t y = (size_t) (RNG::Uniform()*_channelCount);
		if(_isWindowed[y][x]) {
Ejemplo n.º 8
// map attributes that depend on the index of the row:
// rowalign, rowlines, XXX need rowspacing too
static void
MapRowAttributesIntoCSS(nsIFrame* aTableFrame,
                        nsIFrame* aRowFrame)
  PRInt32 rowIndex = ((nsTableRowFrame*)aRowFrame)->GetRowIndex();
  nsIContent* rowContent = aRowFrame->GetContent();
  PRUnichar* attr;

  // see if the rowalign attribute is not already set
  if (!rowContent->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::rowalign_) &&
      !rowContent->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::MOZrowalign)) {
    // see if the rowalign attribute was specified on the table
    attr = GetValueAt(aTableFrame, nsGkAtoms::rowalign_, rowIndex);
    if (attr) {
      // set our special -moz attribute on the row without notifying a reflow
      rowContent->SetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::MOZrowalign,
                          nsDependentString(attr), PR_FALSE);

  // if we are not on the first row, see if |rowlines| was specified on the table.
  // Note that we pass 'rowIndex-1' because the CSS rule in mathml.css is associated
  // to 'border-top', and it is as if we draw the line on behalf of the previous cell.
  // This way of doing so allows us to handle selective lines, [row]\hline[row][row]',
  // and cases of spanning cells without further complications.
  if (rowIndex > 0 &&
      !rowContent->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::MOZrowline)) {
    attr = GetValueAt(aTableFrame, nsGkAtoms::rowlines_, rowIndex-1);
    if (attr) {
      // set our special -moz attribute on the row without notifying a reflow
      rowContent->SetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::MOZrowline,
                          nsDependentString(attr), PR_FALSE);
Ejemplo n.º 9
void CStringTable::PopulateXmlNode(CXmlTree& Tree, CTreeElement< CXmlNode > * pXmlNode) const {  
    CXmlNode ConfigNode, DataNode;
    CString ValueData;
    for (int i=0;i<(int) GetSize();i++) {      
        CTreeElement< CXmlNode > * pXmlConfigNode = Tree.AddChildLast(pXmlNode, ConfigNode);
        ValueData = GetValueAt(i);
        Tree.AddChildLast(pXmlConfigNode, DataNode);
        Tree.AddChildLast(pXmlNode, ConfigNode);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void ImageTile::SetWindows(long double variance, bool convolve) {
	bool methodA = false;
	bool methodB = false;
	bool methodC = true;

	// Unwindow everything
	for(unsigned channel = 0;channel<_channelCount;++channel) {
		for(unsigned scan = 0;scan<_scanCount;++scan)
			_isWindowed[channel][scan] = false;

	if(methodA) {
		// Window everything higher than trigger * sigma
		for(unsigned channel = 0;channel<_channelCount;++channel) {
			for(unsigned scan = 0;scan<_scanCount;++scan) {
				if(fabsl(GetValueAt(channel, scan) - EvaluateBaselineFunction(scan, channel)) > _trigger * variance) {
					Window(scan, channel);
	if(methodB) {
		for(unsigned channel = 0;channel<_channelCount;++channel) {
			for(unsigned scan = 0;scan<_scanCount;++scan) {
				bool triggered =
					TriggeredRaise(channel, scan, channel-1, scan-1, variance) ||
					TriggeredRaise(channel, scan, channel-1, scan+1, variance) ||
					TriggeredRaise(channel, scan, channel+1, scan-1, variance) ||
					TriggeredRaise(channel, scan, channel+1, scan+1, variance);
					Window(scan, channel);
	if(methodC) {
		LineThreshold(true, 0.0, variance, convolve);
Ejemplo n.º 11
void CDSMMuxerFilter::MuxFileInfo(IBitStream* pBS)
    int len = 1;
    CSimpleMap<CStringA, CStringA> si;

    for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(); i++) {
        CStringA key = CStringA(CString(GetKeyAt(i))), value = UTF16To8(GetValueAt(i));
        if (key.GetLength() != 4) {
        si.Add(key, value);
        len += 4 + value.GetLength() + 1;

    MuxPacketHeader(pBS, DSMP_FILEINFO, len);
    pBS->BitWrite(DSMF_VERSION, 8);
    for (int i = 0; i < si.GetSize(); i++) {
        CStringA key = si.GetKeyAt(i), value = si.GetValueAt(i);
        pBS->ByteWrite((LPCSTR)key, 4);
        pBS->ByteWrite((LPCSTR)value, value.GetLength() + 1);

Ejemplo n.º 12
void ReRulerWidget::DrawForeground( QPainter& _painter )
	_painter.setPen( QColor( 0, 255, 255 ) );
		? _painter.drawLine( QPoint( m_cursor, 0 ), QPoint( m_cursor, height() ) )
		: _painter.drawLine( QPoint( 0, m_cursor ), QPoint( width(), m_cursor ) );
	QString valueText = QString().setNum( GetValueAt( m_cursor ) );

	if( IsShowCursorValue() )
		QFontMetrics fm( _painter.font() );
		const int cursorMargin = 2;
		const int edgeMargin = 2;

		if( IsHorizontal() )
			_painter.translate( m_cursor, IsMarkOnSizeA() ? fm.height() : height() - edgeMargin );
			if( m_cursor <= ( width() / 2 ) )
				_painter.drawText( cursorMargin, 0, valueText );
				_painter.drawText( -fm.width( valueText ) - cursorMargin, 0, valueText );
			_painter.translate( IsMarkOnSizeA() ? fm.height() : width() - edgeMargin, m_cursor );
			_painter.rotate( -90 );
			if( m_cursor <= ( height() / 2 ) )
				_painter.drawText( -fm.width( valueText ) - cursorMargin, 0, valueText );
				_painter.drawText( cursorMargin, 0, valueText );

Ejemplo n.º 13
int cVoronoiMap::GetValueAt(int a_X, int a_Y, int & a_MinDist)
	int MinDist2;
	return GetValueAt(a_X, a_Y, a_MinDist, MinDist2);
Ejemplo n.º 14
int cVoronoiMap::GetValueAt(int a_X, int a_Y)
	int SeedX, SeedY, MinDist2;
	return GetValueAt(a_X, a_Y, SeedX, SeedY, MinDist2);
Ejemplo n.º 15
NS_IMETHODIMP nsFileResult::GetLabelAt(PRInt32 index, nsAString & aValue)
  return GetValueAt(index, aValue);
nsAutoCompleteSimpleResult::GetLabelAt(int32_t aIndex, nsAString& _retval)
  return GetValueAt(aIndex, _retval);
Ejemplo n.º 17
NS_IMETHODIMP nsFileResult::GetFinalCompleteValueAt(int32_t index,
                                                    nsAString & aValue)
  return GetValueAt(index, aValue);
Ejemplo n.º 18
// ConvertTypeTo()
//  Converts the image from it's current type to the new type.  This
//   is NOT an in-place operation; rather, it creates and returns a
//   new ImageClass, which must be freed by the main program.  The
//   original ImageClass is not modified in any way.  For conversion
//   to indexed images, an optional palette can also be passed in.
//   Images will be quantized to match the palette as needed.
//   This function is most useful for image savers and device-dependant
//   output of images.
//  Note that if the source image doesn't need to be converted, this
//   function will return a pointer to the existing image class, so
//   be sure to check for this.  A returned value of NULL means some
//   error occured
ImageClass * ImageClass::ConvertTypeTo( int new_type,
                                        int num_reg, IMG_BYTE *pal ) {
  if( new_type == IMAGE_INVALID_TYPE )      // Invalid type; fail
    return NULL;

  if( new_type == type )                   // Already in the new mode; return this image
    return this;

  ImageClass * new_image = NULL;
  int x, y;
  IMG_BYTE       *new_pal;
  const IMG_BYTE *rgb;
  IMG_BYTE        value;

  switch( new_type ) {
  case IMAGE_RGB:       // Convert to RGB
    new_image = new ImageClass( width, height, IMAGE_RGB );
    if( !new_image || !(*new_image) ) {
      SetErrorState( IMAGE_OUT_OF_RAM );
      delete new_image;
      return NULL;

    for( y=0; y < height; y++ ) {
      for( x=0; x < width; x++ ) {
        rgb = GetRGBAt( x, y );
        new_image->SetRGBAt( x, y, rgb );

    return new_image;

  case IMAGE_RGBA:      // Convert to RGBA
    new_image = new ImageClass( width, height, IMAGE_RGBA );
    if( !new_image || !(*new_image) ) {
      SetErrorState( IMAGE_OUT_OF_RAM );
      delete new_image;
      return NULL;

    for( y=0; y < height; y++ ) {
      for( x=0; x < width; x++ ) {
        rgb = GetRGBAt( x, y );
        new_image->SetRGBAt( x, y, rgb );

    return new_image;

  case IMAGE_GREY:      // Convert to Greyscale
    new_image = new ImageClass( width, height, IMAGE_GREY );
    if( !new_image || !(*new_image) ) {
      SetErrorState( IMAGE_OUT_OF_RAM );
      delete new_image;
      return NULL;

    for( y=0; y < height; y++ ) {
      for( x=0; x < width; x++ ) {
        value = GetValueAt( x, y );
        new_image->SetValueAt( x, y, value );

    return new_image;
  case IMAGE_INDEXED:   // Convert to Indexed
    new_image = new ImageClass( width, height, IMAGE_INDEXED, num_reg );
    if( !new_image || !(*new_image) ) {
      SetErrorState( IMAGE_OUT_OF_RAM );
      delete new_image;
      return NULL;

    if( pal != NULL )   // Copy the new palette in, if applicable
      new_image->CopyPaletteFrom( pal );
    else if ( type == IMAGE_GREY ) {  // Generate a greyscale palette
      for( int i=0; i < 256; i++ ) {
        new_image->SetPaletteColor( i, i, i, i );
    } else {              // Auto-generate a palette, if needed.
      new_pal = GeneratePalette( num_reg );
      new_image->CopyPaletteFrom( new_pal );
      delete new_pal;

    for( y=0; y < height; y++ ) {
      for( x=0; x < width; x++ ) {
        if( type == IMAGE_GREY )
          value = GetValueAt( x, y );
        else {
          rgb   = GetRGBAt( x, y );
          value = new_image->FindPaletteIndex( rgb, 0, num_registers-1 );  // low/high must be a char, hence the -1.

        new_image->SetPaletteIndexAt( x, y, value );

    return new_image;
    return NULL;

Ejemplo n.º 19
int cVoronoiMap::GetValueAt(int a_X, int a_Y)
	int MinDist1, MinDist2;
	return GetValueAt(a_X, a_Y, MinDist1, MinDist2);