Ejemplo n.º 1
 * construct SetupList (policy) part of manifest structure (w/o channels)
 * note: malloc(). must be called only once
void SetupUserPolicy(struct NaClApp *nap)
  /* allocate space for policy */
  struct SetupList *policy = malloc(sizeof(*policy));
  COND_ABORT(!policy, "cannot allocate memory for user policy\n");
  policy->self_size = sizeof(*policy); /* set self size */

  /* setup limits */
  TRANSET(policy->max_cpu, "CPUMax");
  TRANSET(policy->max_mem, "MemMax");
  TRANSET(policy->max_setup_calls, "SetupCallsMax");
  TRANSET(policy->max_syscalls, "SyscallsMax");

  /* setup counters */
  policy->cnt_cpu = 0;
  policy->cnt_cpu_last = 0;
  policy->cnt_mem = 0;
  policy->cnt_setup_calls = 0;
  policy->cnt_syscalls = 0;
  policy->heap_ptr = 0; /* set user heap to NULL until it allocated */

  /* clear syscallback */
  policy->syscallback = 0;

  /* setup custom attributes */
#define STRNCPY_NULL(a, b, n) if ((a) && (b)) strncpy(a, b, n);
  STRNCPY_NULL(policy->content_type, GetValueByKey(nap, "ContentType"), CONTENT_TYPE_LEN);
  STRNCPY_NULL(policy->timestamp, GetValueByKey(nap, "TimeStamp"), TIMESTAMP_LEN);
  STRNCPY_NULL(policy->x_object_meta_tag, GetValueByKey(nap, "XObjectMetaTag"), X_OBJECT_META_TAG_LEN);
  STRNCPY_NULL(policy->user_etag, GetValueByKey(nap, "UserETag"), USER_TAG_LEN);
  nap->manifest->user_setup = policy;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* construct system_manifest object and initialize it from manifest */
void SystemManifestCtor(struct NaClApp *nap)
  struct SystemManifest *policy;

  /* check for design errors */
  assert(nap != NULL);
  assert(nap->system_manifest != NULL);

  policy = nap->system_manifest;
  policy->syscallback = 0;

  /* get zerovm settings from manifest */
  policy->version = GetValueByKey("Version");
  policy->nexe_etag = GetValueByKey("NexeEtag");

  /* check mandatory manifest keys */
  ZLOGFAIL(nap->system_manifest->version == NULL, EFAULT,
      "the manifest version is not provided");
  ZLOGFAIL(STRCMP(nap->system_manifest->version, MANIFEST_VERSION),
      EFAULT, "manifest version not supported");

  /* user data (environment, command line) */
  policy->envp = NULL;

  /* prepare command line arguments for nexe */
  policy->cmd_line = NULL;
  policy->cmd_line_size = 0;

  /* get node name and id */

  /* construct and initialize all channels */

   * allocate "whole memory chunk" if specified. should be the last allocation
   * in raw because after chunk allocated there will be no free user memory
   * note: will set "heap_ptr"
  GET_INT_BY_KEY(nap->heap_end, "MemMax");

  /* zerovm return code */
  nap->system_manifest->ret_code = OK_CODE;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* helper. sets command line parameters for the user */
static void SetCommandLine(struct SystemManifest *policy)
  int i;
  char *parameters;
  char *buf[BIG_ENOUGH_SPACE], **tokens = buf;

  assert(policy != NULL);
  assert(policy->cmd_line == NULL);
  assert(policy->cmd_line_size == 0);

  /* get parameters */
  parameters = GetValueByKey(MFT_COMMANDLINE);

  /* if there is command line parse and check count of parameters */
  if(parameters != NULL)
    policy->cmd_line_size = ParseValue(parameters, " \t", tokens, BIG_ENOUGH_SPACE);
    ZLOGFAIL(policy->cmd_line_size == 0, EFAULT, "invalid user parameters");
    ZLOGFAIL(policy->cmd_line_size == BIG_ENOUGH_SPACE, EFAULT, "too long user command line");

   * allocate space to hold string pointers. 0st element reserved for argv[0].
   * also, the last element should be NULL so 1 extra element must be reserved
  policy->cmd_line = g_malloc0((policy->cmd_line_size + 1) * sizeof *policy->cmd_line);

  /* populate command line arguments array with pointers */
  for(i = 0; i < policy->cmd_line_size - 1; ++i)
    policy->cmd_line[i + 1] = tokens[i];
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* sets node_id in nap object and user argv[0] */
static void SetNodeName(struct NaClApp *nap)
  int i;
  char *buf[BIG_ENOUGH_SPACE], **tokens = buf;
  char *pgm_name = GetValueByKey(MFT_NODE);

  assert(nap != NULL);
  assert(nap->system_manifest != NULL);
  assert(nap->system_manifest->cmd_line != NULL);
  assert(nap->system_manifest->cmd_line_size > 0);

  /* set the node name (0st parameter) and node id (n/a for the user) */
  if(pgm_name == NULL)
    nap->system_manifest->cmd_line[0] = NEXE_PGM_NAME;
    nap->system_manifest->node_id = 0;
    i = ParseValue(pgm_name, ",", tokens, BIG_ENOUGH_SPACE);
    ZLOGFAIL(i != 2, EFAULT, "invalid NodeName specified");
    ZLOGFAIL(tokens[0] == NULL, EFAULT, "invalid node name");
    ZLOGFAIL(tokens[1] == NULL, EFAULT, "invalid node id");
    nap->system_manifest->cmd_line[0] = tokens[0];
    nap->system_manifest->node_id = ATOI(tokens[1]);
    ZLOGFAIL(nap->system_manifest->node_id == 0, EFAULT, "node id must be > 0");

  /* put node name and id to the log */
  ZLOGS(LOG_DEBUG, "node name = %s, node id = %d",
      nap->system_manifest->cmd_line[0], nap->system_manifest->node_id);
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* helper. sets custom user attributes for user */
static void SetCustomAttributes(struct SystemManifest *policy)
  int i;
  int count;
  char *environment;
  char *buf[BIG_ENOUGH_SPACE], **tokens = buf;

  assert(policy != NULL);
  assert(policy->envp == NULL);

  /* get environment */
  environment = GetValueByKey(MFT_ENVIRONMENT);
  if(environment == NULL) return;

  /* parse and check count of attributes */
  count = ParseValue(environment, ", \t", tokens, BIG_ENOUGH_SPACE);
  ZLOGFAIL(count % 2 != 0, EFAULT, "odd number of user environment variables");
  ZLOGFAIL(count == 0, EFAULT, "invalid user environment");
  ZLOGFAIL(count == BIG_ENOUGH_SPACE, EFAULT, "user environment exceeded the limit");

  /* allocate space to hold string pointers */
  count >>= 1;
  policy->envp = g_malloc0((count + 1) * sizeof(*policy->envp));

  /* construct array of environment variables */
  for(i = 0; i < count; ++i)
    char *key = *tokens++;
    char *value = *tokens++;
    int length = strlen(key) + strlen(value) + 1 + 1; /* + '=' + '\0' */

    policy->envp[i] = g_malloc0((length + 1) * sizeof(*policy->envp[0]));
    sprintf(policy->envp[i], "%s=%s", key, value);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void Config::SetKeyValue( string setion, string key, string value )
	int index_begin = 0;
	int index_end = 0;

	if( 0 >= GetSetion( setion, index_begin, index_end ))//没找到setion,新增setion
		m_content.insert( index_end, LINE_END );
		int index_enter = m_content.find_last_not_of( LINE_END, index_end );

		string append_string = LINE_END+R_SECTION+setion+L_SECTION + LINE_END + key + KEY_VALUE_GAP;
		m_content.insert( index_enter, append_string );
		index_begin = index_end = index_begin + append_string.length();
	else if( 0 == GetValueByKey( key, index_begin, index_end ) )//没找到键值对,新增键值
		m_content.insert( index_end, key+KEY_VALUE_GAP );
		index_begin = index_end = index_end+key.length()+KEY_VALUE_GAP.length();
		m_content.erase( index_begin, index_end-index_begin+1 );//包含第一个字符和最后一个字符,所以要加上1

	m_content.insert( index_begin, value );

	FileIO(m_file_name).SaveContent( m_content );
Ejemplo n.º 7
void Config::GetKeyValue( string setion, string key, string &value, string defaultValue )
	int index_begin = 0;
	int index_end = 0;

	if( GetSetion( setion, index_begin, index_end ) > 0 )
		if( GetValueByKey( key, index_begin, index_end ) > 0 )
			value = m_content.substr( index_begin, index_end - index_begin + 1 );
			return ;
	value = defaultValue;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * construct SystemList (zerovm settings) part of manifest structure
 * note: malloc(). must be called only once
void SetupSystemPolicy(struct NaClApp *nap)
  /* allocate space for policy */
  struct SystemList *policy = malloc(sizeof(*policy));
  COND_ABORT(!policy, "cannot allocate memory for system policy\n");

  /* get zerovm settings */
  policy->version = GetValueByKey(nap, "Version");
  policy->zerovm = GetValueByKey(nap, "ZeroVM");
  policy->log = GetValueByKey(nap, "Log");
  policy->report = GetValueByKey(nap, "Report");
  policy->nexe = GetValueByKey(nap, "Nexe");
  policy->cmd_line = GetValueByKey(nap, "CommandLine");
  policy->blob = GetValueByKey(nap, "Blob");
  policy->nexe_etag = GetValueByKey(nap, "NexeEtag");

  TRANSET(policy->nexe_max, "NexeMax");
  TRANSET(policy->timeout, "Timeout");
  TRANSET(policy->kill_timeout, "KillTimeout");

  nap->manifest->system_setup = policy;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * construct i/o channel and update SetupList with not mounted channel
 * if successful return 0, otherwise - 1
 * note: SetupList object must be allocated
int32_t ConstructChannel(struct NaClApp *nap, enum ChannelType ch)
  /* allocate channel */
  char prefix[1024];
  struct PreOpenedFileDesc *channel = &nap->manifest->user_setup->channels[ch];
  channel->self_size = sizeof(*channel); /* set self size */
  GetChannelPrefixById(ch, prefix);

  // ### rewrite it! we must detect not set keywords and make default action (or set default value)
#define SET_LIMIT(a, limit)\
  do {\
    char str[1024];\
    char *p;\
    if(!limit) break;\
    sprintf(str, "%s%s", prefix, limit);\
    p = GetValueByKey(nap, str);\
    a = p ? atoll(p) : 0;\
  } while (0);

  /* check if channel is set in manifest and set main attributes */
  channel->name = (uint64_t)GetValueByKey(nap, prefix);
  if(!channel->name) return 1;
  SET_LIMIT(channel->mounted, "Mode");
  channel->type = ch;

  /* set limits */
  SET_LIMIT(channel->max_size, "Max");
  SET_LIMIT(channel->max_get_size, "MaxGet");
  SET_LIMIT(channel->max_gets, "MaxGetCnt");
  SET_LIMIT(channel->max_put_size, "MaxPut");
  SET_LIMIT(channel->max_puts, "MaxPutCnt");

  /* set counters */
  channel->cnt_get_size = 0;
  channel->cnt_gets = 0;
  channel->cnt_put_size = 0;
  channel->cnt_puts = 0;

#undef SET_LIMIT
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
/* parse given command line and initialize NaClApp object */
static void ParseCommandLine(struct NaClApp *nap, int argc, char **argv)
  int opt;
  char *manifest_name = NULL;

  /* set defaults */
  nap->skip_qualification = 0;
  nap->quit_after_load = 0;
  nap->handle_signals = 1;
  nap->storage_limit = ZEROVM_IO_LIMIT;

  /* construct zlog with default verbosity */

  /* todo(d'b): revise switches and rename them */
  while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "+FeQsSv:M:l:")) != -1)
      case 'M':
        manifest_name = optarg;
      case 's':
        nap->skip_validator = 1;
        ZLOG(LOG_ERROR, "validation disabled by -s");
      case 'F':
        nap->quit_after_load = 1;
      case 'e':
        nap->user_tag = TagCtor();
      case 'S':
        /* d'b: disable signals handling */
        nap->handle_signals = 0;
      case 'l':
        /* calculate hard limit in Gb and don't allow it less then "big enough" */
        nap->storage_limit = ATOI(optarg) * ZEROVM_IO_LIMIT_UNIT;
        ZLOGFAIL(nap->storage_limit < ZEROVM_IO_LIMIT_UNIT, EFAULT,
            "invalid storage limit: %d", nap->storage_limit);
      case 'v':
      case 'Q':
        nap->skip_qualification = 1;
            "Native Client's sandbox will be unreliable!");
        ZLOGS(LOG_ERROR, "ERROR: unknown option: [%c]", opt);

  /* show zerovm command line */
  ZVMCommandLine(argc, argv);

  /* parse manifest file specified in cmdline */
  if(manifest_name == NULL)
  ZLOGFAIL(ManifestCtor(manifest_name), EFAULT, "Invalid manifest '%s'", manifest_name);

  /* set available nap and manifest fields */
  assert(nap->system_manifest != NULL);
  nap->system_manifest->nexe = GetValueByKey("Nexe");
  ZLOGFAIL(GetFileSize(nap->system_manifest->nexe) < 0, ENOENT, "nexe open error");
  syscallback = 0;