Ejemplo n.º 1
short CMagicProcess::GetMagicDamage(int tid, int total_hit, int attribute, int dexpoint, int righthand_damage)
	short damage = 0, temp_hit = 0 ; 
	int random = 0, total_r = 0 ;
	uint8 result;
	bool bSign = true;

	if( tid < NPC_BAND || tid > INVALID_BAND) return 0;     // Check if target id is valid.

	CNpc* pNpc = g_pMain->m_arNpc.GetData(tid);
	if (pNpc == nullptr || pNpc->isDead()
		|| pNpc->isNonAttackingObject())
		return 0;
	//result = m_pSrcUser->GetHitRate(m_pSrcUser->m_fHitrate / pNpc->m_sEvadeRate ); 
	result = SUCCESS;
	if (result != FAIL) {		// In case of SUCCESS (and SUCCESS only!) .... 
		switch (attribute) {
			case FIRE_R	:
				total_r = pNpc->m_byFireR;
			case COLD_R :
				total_r = pNpc->m_byColdR;
			case LIGHTNING_R :
				total_r = pNpc->m_byLightningR ;
			case MAGIC_R :
				total_r = pNpc->m_byMagicR ;
			case DISEASE_R :
				total_r = pNpc->m_byDiseaseR ;
			case POISON_R :			
				total_r = pNpc->m_byPoisonR ;

		total_hit = (total_hit * (dexpoint  + 20)) / 170;

		if(total_hit < 0)	{
			total_hit = abs(total_hit);
			bSign = false;
		damage = (short)(total_hit - (0.7f * total_hit * total_r / 200)) ;
		random = myrand (0, damage) ;
		damage = (short)((0.7f * (total_hit - (0.9f * total_hit * total_r / 200))) + 0.2f * random);
//		damage = damage + (3 * righthand_damage);
		damage = damage + righthand_damage;
	else damage = 0 ;

	if (!bSign && damage != 0)	{
		damage = -damage;

	// Apply boost for skills matching weather type.
	// This isn't actually used officially, but I think it's neat...
	GetWeatherDamage(damage, attribute);
	//return 1;
	return damage;
Ejemplo n.º 2
short CMagicProcess::GetMagicDamage(int tid, int total_hit, int attribute, int dexpoint, int righthand_damage)
	short damage = 0, temp_hit = 0 ; 
	int random = 0, total_r = 0 ;
	BYTE result;
	BOOL bSign = TRUE;			// FALSE이면 -, TRUE이면 +

	if( tid < NPC_BAND || tid > INVALID_BAND) return 0;     // Check if target id is valid.

	CNpc* pNpc = NULL;              
	pNpc = g_pMain.m_arNpc.GetData(tid-NPC_BAND);
	if(pNpc == NULL || pNpc->m_NpcState == NPC_DEAD || pNpc->m_iHP == 0)	return 0;
	if(pNpc->m_proto->m_tNpcType == NPC_ARTIFACT||pNpc->m_proto->m_tNpcType == NPC_PHOENIX_GATE || pNpc->m_proto->m_tNpcType == NPC_GATE_LEVER || pNpc->m_proto->m_tNpcType == NPC_SPECIAL_GATE ) return 0;
	//result = m_pSrcUser->GetHitRate(m_pSrcUser->m_fHitrate / pNpc->m_sEvadeRate ); 
	result = SUCCESS;
	if (result != FAIL) {		// In case of SUCCESS (and SUCCESS only!) .... 
		switch (attribute) {
			case FIRE_R	:
				total_r = pNpc->m_byFireR;
			case COLD_R :
				total_r = pNpc->m_byColdR;
			case LIGHTNING_R :
				total_r = pNpc->m_byLightningR ;
			case MAGIC_R :
				total_r = pNpc->m_byMagicR ;
			case DISEASE_R :
				total_r = pNpc->m_byDiseaseR ;
			case POISON_R :			
				total_r = pNpc->m_byPoisonR ;

		total_hit = (total_hit * (dexpoint  + 20)) / 170;

		if(total_hit < 0)	{
			total_hit = abs(total_hit);
			bSign = FALSE;
		damage = (short)(total_hit - (0.7f * total_hit * total_r / 200)) ;
		random = myrand (0, damage) ;
		damage = (short)((0.7f * (total_hit - (0.9f * total_hit * total_r / 200))) + 0.2f * random);
//		damage = damage + (3 * righthand_damage);
		damage = damage + righthand_damage;
	else damage = 0 ;

	if(bSign == FALSE && damage != 0)	{
		damage = - damage;

	// Apply boost for skills matching weather type.
	// This isn't actually used officially, but I think it's neat...
	GetWeatherDamage(damage, attribute);
	//return 1;
	return damage;