Ejemplo n.º 1
bool CSoil_Texture_Table::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Table	*pTable		= Parameters("TABLE")->asTable();

	int		iSand		= Parameters("SAND"   )->asInt();
	int		iSilt		= Parameters("SILT"   )->asInt();
	int		iClay		= Parameters("CLAY"   )->asInt();
	int		iTexture	= Parameters("TEXTURE")->asInt();

	if( (iSand >= 0 ? 1 : 0) + (iSilt >= 0 ? 1 : 0) + (iClay >= 0 ? 1 : 0) < 2 )
		Error_Set(_TL("at least two contents (sand, silt, clay) have to be given"));

		return( false );

	if( iTexture < 0 )
		iTexture	= pTable->Get_Field_Count();

		pTable->Add_Field("TEXTURE", SG_DATATYPE_String);

	for(int i=0; i<pTable->Get_Count() && Set_Progress(i, pTable->Get_Count()); i++)
		CSG_Table_Record	*pRecord	= pTable->Get_Record(i);

		if(	(iSand >= 0 && pRecord->is_NoData(iSand))
		||	(iSilt >= 0 && pRecord->is_NoData(iSilt))
		||	(iClay >= 0 && pRecord->is_NoData(iClay)) )
			int		Class	= -1;

			if( iSand >= 0 && iSilt >= 0 && iClay >= 0 )
				double	Sum;

				Class	= Get_Texture(pRecord->asDouble(iSand), pRecord->asDouble(iSilt), pRecord->asDouble(iClay), Sum);
			else if( iSilt < 0 )
				Class	= Get_Texture_SandClay(pRecord->asDouble(iSand), pRecord->asDouble(iClay));
			else if( iClay < 0 )
				Class	= Get_Texture_SandSilt(pRecord->asDouble(iSand), pRecord->asDouble(iSilt));
			else if( iSand < 0 )
				Class	= Get_Texture_SiltClay(pRecord->asDouble(iSilt), pRecord->asDouble(iClay));

			pRecord->Set_Value (iTexture, Classes[Class].Key);


	CSG_Parameter	*pLUT	= DataObject_Get_Parameter(pTable, "LUT");

	if( pLUT && pLUT->asTable() )
		CSG_Table	*pClasses	= pLUT->asTable();

		for(int iClass=0; iClass<12; iClass++)
			CSG_Table_Record	*pClass	= pClasses->Get_Record(iClass);

			if( pClass == NULL )
				pClass	= pClasses->Add_Record();

			pClass->Set_Value(0, Classes[iClass].Color);
			pClass->Set_Value(1, Classes[iClass].Name);
			pClass->Set_Value(2, Classes[iClass].Name);
			pClass->Set_Value(3, Classes[iClass].Key);
			pClass->Set_Value(4, Classes[iClass].Key);

		while( pClasses->Get_Count() > 12 )
			pClasses->Del_Record(pClasses->Get_Count() - 1);

		DataObject_Set_Parameter(pTable, pLUT);	// Lookup Table
		DataObject_Set_Parameter(pTable, "LUT_ATTRIB" , iTexture);	// Lookup Table Attribute
		DataObject_Set_Parameter(pTable, "COLORS_TYPE", 1       );	// Color Classification Type: Lookup Table

	return( true );
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool CSoil_Texture::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Grid	*pSand, *pSilt, *pClay, *pTexture, *pSum;

	pSand		= Parameters("SAND")	->asGrid();
	pSilt		= Parameters("SILT")	->asGrid();
	pClay		= Parameters("CLAY")	->asGrid();
	pTexture	= Parameters("TEXTURE")	->asGrid();
	pSum		= Parameters("SUM")		->asGrid();

	if( (pSand ? 1 : 0) + (pSilt ? 1 : 0) + (pClay ? 1 : 0) < 2 )
		Error_Set(_TL("at least two contents (sand, silt, clay) have to be given"));

		return( false );


	CSG_Parameters	P;

	if( DataObject_Get_Parameters(pTexture, P) && P("COLORS_TYPE") && P("LUT") )
		CSG_Table	*pLUT	= P("LUT")->asTable();

		for(int iClass=0; iClass<12; iClass++)
			CSG_Table_Record	*pClass;

			if( (pClass = pLUT->Get_Record(iClass)) == NULL )
				pClass	= pLUT->Add_Record();

			pClass->Set_Value(0, Classes[iClass].Color);
			pClass->Set_Value(1, Classes[iClass].Name);
			pClass->Set_Value(2, Classes[iClass].Name);
			pClass->Set_Value(3, Classes[iClass].ID);
			pClass->Set_Value(4, Classes[iClass].ID);

		while( pLUT->Get_Record_Count() > 12 )
			pLUT->Del_Record(pLUT->Get_Record_Count() - 1);

		P("COLORS_TYPE")->Set_Value(1);	// Color Classification Type: Lookup Table

		DataObject_Set_Parameters(pTexture, P);

	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			int		Texture	= 0;
			double	Sum		= 0.0;

			if(	!(pSand && pSand->is_NoData(x, y))
			&&	!(pSilt && pSilt->is_NoData(x, y))
			&&	!(pClay && pClay->is_NoData(x, y)) )
				double	Sand	= pSand ? pSand->asDouble(x, y) : 100.0 - (pSilt->asDouble(x, y) + pClay->asDouble(x, y));
				double	Silt	= pSilt ? pSilt->asDouble(x, y) : 100.0 - (pSand->asDouble(x, y) + pClay->asDouble(x, y));
				double	Clay	= pClay ? pClay->asDouble(x, y) : 100.0 - (pSand->asDouble(x, y) + pSilt->asDouble(x, y));

				if( (Sum = Sand + Silt + Clay) > 0.0 )
					if( Sum != 100.0 )
						Sand	*= 100.0 / Sum;
						Clay	*= 100.0 / Sum;

					Texture	= Get_Texture(Sand, Clay);

			if( Texture )
				pTexture->Set_Value(x, y, Texture);

				if( pSum )
					pSum->Set_Value(x, y, Sum);
				pTexture->Set_NoData(x, y);

				if( pSum )
					pSum->Set_NoData(x, y);

	return( true );
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool CSoil_Texture::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_Grid	*pSand	= Parameters("SAND"   )->asGrid();
	CSG_Grid	*pSilt	= Parameters("SILT"   )->asGrid();
	CSG_Grid	*pClay	= Parameters("CLAY"   )->asGrid();
	CSG_Grid	*pClass	= Parameters("TEXTURE")->asGrid();
	CSG_Grid	*pSum	= Parameters("SUM"    )->asGrid();

	if( (pSand ? 1 : 0) + (pSilt ? 1 : 0) + (pClay ? 1 : 0) < 2 )
		Error_Set(_TL("at least two contents (sand, silt, clay) have to be given"));

		return( false );


	CSG_Parameter	*pLUT	= DataObject_Get_Parameter(pClass, "LUT");

	if( pLUT && pLUT->asTable() )
		CSG_Table	*pClasses	= pLUT->asTable();

		for(int iClass=0; iClass<12; iClass++)
			CSG_Table_Record	*pClass	= pClasses->Get_Record(iClass);

			if( pClass == NULL )
				pClass	= pClasses->Add_Record();

			pClass->Set_Value(0, Classes[iClass].Color);
			pClass->Set_Value(1, Classes[iClass].Name);
			pClass->Set_Value(2, Classes[iClass].Key);
			pClass->Set_Value(3, iClass);
			pClass->Set_Value(4, iClass);

		while( pClasses->Get_Count() > 12 )
			pClasses->Del_Record(pClasses->Get_Count() - 1);

		DataObject_Set_Parameter(pClass, pLUT);	// Lookup Table
		DataObject_Set_Parameter(pClass, "COLORS_TYPE", 1);	// Color Classification Type: Lookup Table

	for(int y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		#pragma omp parallel for
		for(int x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			if(	(pSand && pSand->is_NoData(x, y))
			||	(pSilt && pSilt->is_NoData(x, y))
			||	(pClay && pClay->is_NoData(x, y)) )
				SG_GRID_PTR_SAFE_SET_NODATA(pClass, x, y);
				SG_GRID_PTR_SAFE_SET_NODATA(pSum  , x, y);
				int		Class	= -1;
				double	Sum		= 100.0;

				if( pSand && pSilt && pClay )
					Class	= Get_Texture(pSand->asDouble(x, y), pSilt->asDouble(x, y), pClay->asDouble(x, y), Sum);
				else if( !pSilt )
					Class	= Get_Texture_SandClay(pSand->asDouble(x, y), pClay->asDouble(x, y));
				else if( !pClay )
					Class	= Get_Texture_SandSilt(pSand->asDouble(x, y), pSilt->asDouble(x, y));
				else if( !pSand )
					Class	= Get_Texture_SiltClay(pSilt->asDouble(x, y), pClay->asDouble(x, y));

				SG_GRID_PTR_SAFE_SET_VALUE(pClass, x, y, Class);
				SG_GRID_PTR_SAFE_SET_VALUE(pSum  , x, y, Sum  );

	return( true );