Ejemplo n.º 1
	int maxDrv;
	int curDrv;
	int runDrv;
	char *modName;
	int drvIdx;
	int points;
	int i, j;
	int found;
	tReStandings	*standings = 0;
	void *results = ReInfo->results;
	const int BUFSIZE = 1024;
	char str1[BUFSIZE], str2[BUFSIZE], path[BUFSIZE], path2[BUFSIZE];
	snprintf(path, BUFSIZE, "%s/%s/%s/%s", ReInfo->track->name, RE_SECT_RESULTS, ReInfo->_reRaceName, RE_SECT_RANK);
	runDrv = GfParmGetEltNb(results, path);
	curDrv = GfParmGetEltNb(results, RE_SECT_STANDINGS);
	maxDrv = curDrv + runDrv;
	standings = (tReStandings *)calloc(maxDrv, sizeof(tReStandings));
	/* Read the current standings */
	for (i = 0; i < curDrv; i++) {
		snprintf(path2, BUFSIZE, "%s/%d", RE_SECT_STANDINGS, i + 1);
		standings[i].carName = strdup(GfParmGetStr(results, path2, RE_ATTR_NAME, 0));
		standings[i].modName = strdup(GfParmGetStr(results, path2, RE_ATTR_MODULE, 0));
		standings[i].drvIdx  = (int)GfParmGetNum(results, path2, RE_ATTR_IDX, NULL, 0);
		standings[i].points  = (int)GfParmGetNum(results, path2, RE_ATTR_POINTS, NULL, 0);

	GfParmListClean(results, RE_SECT_STANDINGS);
	for (i = 0; i < runDrv; i++) {
		/* Search the driver in the standings */
		found = 0;
		snprintf(path, BUFSIZE, "%s/%s/%s/%s/%d", ReInfo->track->name, RE_SECT_RESULTS, ReInfo->_reRaceName, RE_SECT_RANK, i + 1);
		const char* carName = GfParmGetStr(results, path, RE_ATTR_NAME, 0);
		for (j = 0; j < curDrv; j++) {
			if (!strcmp(carName, standings[j].carName)) {
				found = 1;

		if (!found) {
			/* Add the new driver */
			standings[j].carName = strdup(carName);
			standings[j].modName = strdup(GfParmGetStr(results, path, RE_ATTR_MODULE, 0));
			standings[j].drvIdx  = (int)GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_IDX, NULL, 0);
			standings[j].points  = (int)GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_POINTS, NULL, 0);
		} else {
			/* Add the new points */
			standings[j].points += (int)GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_POINTS, NULL, 0);
		/* bubble sort... */
		while (j > 0) {
			if (standings[j - 1].points >= standings[j].points) {
			/* Swap with preceeding */
			carName = standings[j].carName;
			modName = standings[j].modName;
			drvIdx  = standings[j].drvIdx;
			points  = standings[j].points;
			standings[j].carName = standings[j - 1].carName;
			standings[j].modName = standings[j - 1].modName;
			standings[j].drvIdx  = standings[j - 1].drvIdx;
			standings[j].points  = standings[j - 1].points;
			standings[j - 1].carName = carName;
			standings[j - 1].modName = modName;
			standings[j - 1].drvIdx  = drvIdx;
			standings[j - 1].points  = points;
	/* Store the standing back */
	for (i = 0; i < curDrv; i++) {
		snprintf(path, BUFSIZE, "%s/%d", RE_SECT_STANDINGS, i + 1);
		GfParmSetStr(results, path, RE_ATTR_NAME, standings[i].carName);
		GfParmSetStr(results, path, RE_ATTR_MODULE, standings[i].modName);
		GfParmSetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_IDX, NULL, standings[i].drvIdx);
		GfParmSetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_POINTS, NULL, standings[i].points);
	snprintf(str1, BUFSIZE, "%sconfig/params.dtd", GetDataDir());
	snprintf(str2, BUFSIZE, "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"file:///%sconfig/style.xsl\"?>", GetDataDir());
	GfParmSetDTD (results, str1, str2);
	GfParmWriteFile(0, results, "Results");
Ejemplo n.º 2
	tReStandings st;
	std::string drvName;
	std::vector<tReStandings> *standings;
	std::vector<tReStandings>::iterator found;
	std::vector<tReStandings>::iterator it;
	int runDrv, curDrv;
	int i;
	void *results = ReInfo->results;

	snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%s/%s", ReInfo->track->name, RE_SECT_RESULTS, ReInfo->_reRaceName, RE_SECT_RANK);
	runDrv = GfParmGetEltNb(results, path);
	curDrv = GfParmGetEltNb(results, RE_SECT_STANDINGS);
	standings = new std::vector<tReStandings>;


	/* Read the current standings */
	for (i = 0; i < curDrv; i++) 
		snprintf(path2, sizeof(path2), "%s/%d", RE_SECT_STANDINGS, i + 1);
		st.drvName = GfParmGetStr(results, path2, RE_ATTR_NAME, 0);
		st.modName = GfParmGetStr(results, path2, RE_ATTR_MODULE, 0);
		st.carName = GfParmGetStr(results, path2, RE_ATTR_CAR, 0);
		st.extended = (int)GfParmGetNum(results, path2, RM_ATTR_EXTENDED, NULL, 0);
		st.drvIdx  = (int)GfParmGetNum(results, path2, RE_ATTR_IDX, NULL, 0);
		st.points  = (int)GfParmGetNum(results, path2, RE_ATTR_POINTS, NULL, 0);
	}//for i

	//Void the stored results
	GfParmListClean(results, RE_SECT_STANDINGS);
	//Check last races' drivers and search their name in the results.
	//If found there, adds recent points.
	//If not found, adds the driver
	for (i = 0; i < runDrv; i++) {
		//Search the driver name in the standings
		snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%s/%s/%d", ReInfo->track->name, RE_SECT_RESULTS, ReInfo->_reRaceName, RE_SECT_RANK, i + 1);
		drvName = GfParmGetStr(results, path, RE_ATTR_NAME, 0);
		found = std::find(standings->begin(), standings->end(), drvName);
		if(found == standings->end()) {
			//No such driver in the standings, let's add it
			st.drvName = drvName;
			st.modName = GfParmGetStr(results, path, RE_ATTR_MODULE, 0);
			st.carName = GfParmGetStr(results, path, RE_ATTR_CAR, 0);
			st.extended = (int)GfParmGetNum(results, path, RM_ATTR_EXTENDED, NULL, 0);
			st.drvIdx  = (int)GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_IDX, NULL, 0);
			st.points  = (int)GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_POINTS, NULL, 0);
		} else {
			//Driver found, add recent points
			found->points += (int)GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_POINTS, NULL, 0);
		}//if found
	}//for i
	//sort standings by score
	std::sort(standings->begin(), standings->end(), sortByScore);
	//Store the standing back
	for(it = standings->begin(), i = 0; it != standings->end(); ++it, ++i) {
		snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%d", RE_SECT_STANDINGS, i + 1);
		GfParmSetStr(results, path, RE_ATTR_NAME, it->drvName.c_str());
		GfParmSetStr(results, path, RE_ATTR_MODULE, it->modName.c_str());
		GfParmSetStr(results, path, RE_ATTR_CAR, it->carName.c_str());
		GfParmSetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_IDX, NULL, (tdble)it->drvIdx);
		GfParmSetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_POINTS, NULL, (tdble)it->points);
	}//for it
	delete standings;
	char str1[512], str2[512];
	snprintf(str1, sizeof(str1), "%sconfig/params.dtd", GfDataDir());
	snprintf(str2, sizeof(str2), "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"file:///%sconfig/raceresults.xsl\"?>", GfDataDir());
	GfParmSetDTD (results, str1, str2);
	GfParmWriteFile(0, results, "Results");