int main() { lng i, j, k, cpt=0,NmbVer, NmbTri, NmbItm, MshIdx, ver, dim, ref, idx, (*TriTab)[3], buf[ BufSiz ], inc=50; long long OctIdx; double crd1[3] = {0,0,0}, crd2[3] = {0.002928, 0.079575, 0.006978}, crd3[3] = {-.0054, .1488, -.0067}; double dis, (*VerTab)[3], MinCrd[3], MaxCrd[3], IncCrd[3], AvgDis=0; time_t t, t2, MinTim = INT_MAX, MaxTim = 0; /*---------------------------------------*/ /* Open, allocate and read the mesh file */ /*---------------------------------------*/ t = clock(); puts("\nRead mesh"); if(!(MshIdx = GmfOpenMesh("test.meshb", GmfRead, &ver, &dim))) { puts("Cannot open test.meshb."); return(1); } NmbVer = GmfStatKwd(MshIdx, GmfVertices); NmbTri = GmfStatKwd(MshIdx, GmfTriangles); printf("vertices = %d, triangles = %d, dimension = %d, version = %d\n", NmbVer, NmbTri, dim, ver); if( !NmbVer || (dim != 3) ) { puts("Incompatible mesh."); return(1); } VerTab = malloc((NmbVer+1) * 3 * sizeof(double)); GmfGotoKwd(MshIdx, GmfVertices); GmfGetBlock(MshIdx, GmfVertices, GmfDouble, &VerTab[1][0], &VerTab[2][0], GmfDouble, &VerTab[1][1], &VerTab[2][1], \ GmfDouble, &VerTab[1][2], &VerTab[2][2], GmfLong, &ref, &ref); if(NmbTri) { TriTab = malloc((NmbTri+1) * 3 * sizeof(lng)); GmfGotoKwd(MshIdx, GmfTriangles); GmfGetBlock(MshIdx, GmfTriangles, GmfLong, &TriTab[1][0], &TriTab[2][0], GmfLong, &TriTab[1][1], &TriTab[2][1], \ GmfLong, &TriTab[1][2], &TriTab[2][2], GmfLong, &ref, &ref); } GmfCloseMesh(MshIdx); printf(" %g s\n", (double)(clock() - t) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); /*---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Build an octree from this mesh and perform some queries */ /*---------------------------------------------------------*/ puts("\nBuild the octree : "); t = clock(); OctIdx = NewOctree(NmbVer, VerTab[1], VerTab[2], NmbTri, TriTab[1], TriTab[2]); printf(" %g s\n", (double)(clock() - t) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); for(i=0;i<3;i++) { MinCrd[i] = crd2[i] - .0001; MaxCrd[i] = crd2[i] + .0001; } puts("\nSearch for vertices in a bounding box :"); NmbItm = GetBoundingBox(OctIdx, TypVer, BufSiz, buf, MinCrd, MaxCrd); for(i=0;i<NmbItm;i++) printf(" vertex : %d\n", buf[i]); puts("\nSearch for the closest vertex from a given point :"); idx = GetNearest(OctIdx, TypVer, crd1, &dis, 0.); printf(" closest vertex = %d, distance = %g\n", idx, dis); if(NmbTri) { puts("\nSearch for triangles in a bounding box :"); NmbItm = GetBoundingBox(OctIdx, TypTri, BufSiz, buf, MinCrd, MaxCrd); for(i=0;i<NmbItm;i++) printf(" triangle : %d\n", buf[i]); puts("\nSearch for the closest triangle from a given point :"); idx = GetNearest(OctIdx, TypTri, crd1, &dis, 0.); printf(" closest triangle = %d, distance = %g\n", idx, dis); for(i=1;i<=NmbVer;i++) for(j=0;j<3;j++) if(VerTab[i][j] < MinCrd[j]) MinCrd[j] = VerTab[i][j]; else if(VerTab[i][j] > MaxCrd[j]) MaxCrd[j] = VerTab[i][j]; for(i=0;i<3;i++) IncCrd[i] = (MaxCrd[i] - MinCrd[i]) / inc; crd1[0] = MinCrd[0]; t = clock(); for(i=0;i<inc;i++) { crd1[1] = MinCrd[1]; for(j=0;j<inc;j++) { crd1[2] = MinCrd[2]; for(k=0;k<inc;k++) { t2 = clock(); idx = GetNearest(OctIdx, TypTri, crd1, &dis, .005); t2 = clock() - t2; MinTim = MIN(MinTim, t2); MaxTim = MAX(MaxTim, t2); AvgDis += dis; crd1[2] += IncCrd[2]; } crd1[1] += IncCrd[1]; } crd1[0] += IncCrd[0]; } printf("nb samples = %d, mean dist = %g, total time = %g s, min time = %g s, max time = %g s\n", \ inc*inc*inc, AvgDis / (inc*inc*inc), (double)(clock() - t) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC, \ (double)MinTim / CLOCKS_PER_SEC, (double)MaxTim / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); } /*------------------*/ /* Cleanup memories */ /*------------------*/ printf("\nFree octree %lld\n", OctIdx); printf(" memory used = %zd bytes\n", FreeOctree(OctIdx)); free(VerTab); if(NmbTri) free(TriTab); return(0); }
/* read mesh */ int loadMesh(pMesh mesh) { pPoint ppt; pTria pt1; pTetra ptt; pEdge pa; float fp1,fp2,fp3; int k,inm,i; char *ptr,data[256]; mesh->dim=0; strcpy(data,mesh->name); ptr = strstr(data,".mesh"); if ( !ptr ) { strcat(data,".mesh"); if ( !(inm = GmfOpenMesh(data,GmfRead,&mesh->ver,&mesh->dim)) ) { strcat(data,"b"); if ( !(inm = GmfOpenMesh(data,GmfRead,&mesh->ver,&mesh->dim)) ) { fprintf(stderr," ** %s NOT FOUND.\n",data); return(0); } } } else { if ( !(inm = GmfOpenMesh(data,GmfRead,&mesh->ver,&mesh->dim)) ) { fprintf(stderr," ** %s NOT FOUND.\n",data); return(0); } } fprintf(stdout," %%%% %s OPENED\n",data); if ( abs(info.imprim) > 3 ) fprintf(stdout," -- READING DATA FILE %s\n",data); mesh->np = GmfStatKwd(inm,GmfVertices); mesh->nt = GmfStatKwd(inm,GmfTriangles); mesh->ne = GmfStatKwd(inm,GmfTetrahedra); mesh->na = GmfStatKwd(inm,GmfEdges); if ( !mesh->np ) { fprintf(stdout," ** MISSING DATA\n"); return(0); } /* memory alloc */ mesh->point = (pPoint)calloc(mesh->np+1,sizeof(Point)); assert(mesh->point); if ( mesh->ne ) { mesh->tetra = (pTetra)calloc(mesh->ne+1,sizeof(Tetra)); assert(mesh->tetra); } if ( mesh->nt ) { mesh->tria = (pTria)calloc(mesh->nt+1,sizeof(Tria)); assert(mesh->tria); } if ( mesh->dim == 2 ) { if ( mesh->na ) { mesh->edge = (pEdge)calloc(mesh->na+1,sizeof(Edge)); assert(mesh->edge); } /* read mesh vertices */ GmfGotoKwd(inm,GmfVertices); for (k=1; k<=mesh->np; k++) { ppt = &mesh->point[k]; if ( mesh->ver == GmfFloat ) { GmfGetLin(inm,GmfVertices,&fp1,&fp2,&ppt->ref); ppt->c[0] = fp1; ppt->c[1] = fp2; } else GmfGetLin(inm,GmfVertices,&ppt->c[0],&ppt->c[1],&ppt->ref); } /* read mesh triangles */ GmfGotoKwd(inm,GmfTriangles); for (k=1; k<=mesh->nt; k++) { pt1 = &mesh->tria[k]; GmfGetLin(inm,GmfTriangles,&pt1->v[0],&pt1->v[1],&pt1->v[2],&pt1->ref); for (i=0; i<3; i++) { ppt = &mesh->point[pt1->v[i]]; pt1->g[0] += ppt->c[0]; pt1->g[1] += ppt->c[1]; if ( !ppt->s ) ppt->s = k; } pt1->g[0] /= 3.0; pt1->g[1] /= 3.0; } /* read mesh edges */ GmfGotoKwd(inm,GmfEdges); for (k=1; k<=mesh->na; k++) { pa = &mesh->edge[k]; if ( mesh->ver == GmfFloat ) { GmfGetLin(inm,GmfEdges,&pa->v[0],&pa->v[1],&pa->ref); } else GmfGetLin(inm,GmfEdges,&pa->v[0],&pa->v[1],&pa->ref); } if ( abs(info.imprim) > 4 ) { fprintf(stdout," %%%% NUMBER OF VERTICES %8d\n",mesh->np); if ( mesh->na ) fprintf(stdout," %%%% NUMBER OF EDGES %8d\n",mesh->na); if (mesh->nt) fprintf(stdout," %%%% NUMBER OF TRIANGLES %8d\n",mesh->nt); } } else { GmfGotoKwd(inm,GmfVertices); for (k=1; k<=mesh->np; k++) { ppt = &mesh->point[k]; if ( mesh->ver == GmfFloat ) { GmfGetLin(inm,GmfVertices,&fp1,&fp2,&fp3,&ppt->ref); ppt->c[0] = fp1; ppt->c[1] = fp2; ppt->c[2] = fp3; } else GmfGetLin(inm,GmfVertices,&ppt->c[0],&ppt->c[1],&ppt->c[2],&ppt->ref); } /* read triangles */ GmfGotoKwd(inm,GmfTriangles); for (k=1; k<=mesh->nt; k++) { pt1 = &mesh->tria[k]; GmfGetLin(inm,GmfTriangles,&pt1->v[0],&pt1->v[1],&pt1->v[2],&pt1->ref); } /* read tetrahedra */ GmfGotoKwd(inm,GmfTetrahedra); for (k=1; k<=mesh->ne; k++) { ptt = &mesh->tetra[k]; GmfGetLin(inm,GmfTetrahedra,&ptt->v[0],&ptt->v[1],&ptt->v[2],&ptt->v[3],&ptt->ref); for (i=0; i<4; i++) { ppt = &mesh->point[ptt->v[i]]; ptt->g[0] += ppt->c[0]; ptt->g[1] += ppt->c[1]; ptt->g[2] += ppt->c[2]; if ( !ppt->s ) ppt->s = k; } ptt->g[0] *= 0.25; ptt->g[1] *= 0.25; ptt->g[2] *= 0.25; } if ( abs(info.imprim) > 4 ) { fprintf(stdout," %%%% NUMBER OF VERTICES %8d\n",mesh->np); if ( mesh->nt ) fprintf(stdout," %%%% NUMBER OF TRIANGLES %8d\n",mesh->nt); if ( mesh->ne ) fprintf(stdout," %%%% NUMBER OF TETRAHEDRA %8d\n",mesh->ne); } } GmfCloseMesh(inm); return(1); }
/* load scalar solution field */ int loadSol(pSol sol) { float buf[GmfMaxTyp]; double bufd[GmfMaxTyp]; int i,k,type,inm,typtab[GmfMaxTyp],offset; char *ptr,data[128]; if ( !sol->name ) return(-1); strcpy(data,sol->name); ptr = strstr(data,".mesh"); if ( ptr ) *ptr = '\0'; strcat(data,".sol"); if ( !(inm = GmfOpenMesh(data,GmfRead,&sol->ver,&sol->dim)) ) { strcat(data,"b"); if ( !(inm = GmfOpenMesh(data,GmfRead,&sol->ver,&sol->dim)) ) { fprintf(stderr," ** %s NOT FOUND.\n",data); return(0); } } fprintf(stdout," %%%% %s OPENED\n",data); if ( abs(info.imprim) > 3 ) fprintf(stdout," -- READING DATA FILE %s\n",data); sol->np = GmfStatKwd(inm,GmfSolAtVertices,&type,&offset,&typtab); fprintf(stdout," -- READING DATA FILE %d %d %d \n",type,offset,typtab[0]); if ( !sol->np ) return(-1); sol->size[0] = offset; if (typtab[0]==2) { /* alloc */ sol->u = (double*)calloc(sol->dim*sol->np,sizeof(double)); assert(sol->u); /* read mesh solutions */ GmfGotoKwd(inm,GmfSolAtVertices); if ( sol->ver == GmfFloat ) { for (k=0; k<sol->np; k++) { GmfGetLin(inm,GmfSolAtVertices,&buf); for (i=0; i<sol->dim; i++) sol->u[sol->dim*k+i] = buf[i]; } } else { for (k=0; k<sol->np; k++) { GmfGetLin(inm,GmfSolAtVertices,bufd); for (i=0; i<sol->dim; i++) sol->u[sol->dim*k+i] = bufd[i]; } } } else if (typtab[0]==1) { sol->u = (double*)calloc(sol->np,sizeof(double)); assert(sol->u); sol->valp1 = (double*)calloc(sol->np,sizeof(double)); assert(sol->valp1 ); GmfGotoKwd(inm,GmfSolAtVertices); if ( sol->ver == GmfFloat ) { for (k=0; k<sol->np; k++) { GmfGetLin(inm,GmfSolAtVertices,&buf); //sol->u[k] = buf[0]; sol->valp1[k] = buf[0]; } } else { for (k=0; k<sol->np; k++) { GmfGetLin(inm,GmfSolAtVertices,bufd); // sol->u[k] = bufd[0]; sol->valp1[k] = bufd[0]; } } } GmfCloseMesh(inm); return(1); }
int Mesh2::load(const string & filename) { int bin; int ver,inm,dim; int lf=filename.size()+20; KN<char> fileb(lf),filef(lf); char * pfile; strcpy(filef,filename.c_str()); strcpy(fileb,filef); strcat(filef,".mesh"); strcat(fileb,".meshb"); if( (inm=GmfOpenMesh(pfile=fileb, GmfRead,&ver,&dim)) ) bin=true; else if( (inm=GmfOpenMesh(pfile=filef, GmfRead,&ver,&dim)) ) bin=false; else { cerr << " Erreur ouverture file " << (char *) fileb << " " << (char *) filef << endl; return 1; } int nv,nt,neb; nv = GmfStatKwd(inm,GmfVertices); nt = GmfStatKwd(inm,GmfTriangles); neb=GmfStatKwd(inm,GmfEdges); this->set(nv,nt,neb); if(verbosity) cout << pfile <<": ver " << ver << ", d "<< dim << ", nt " << nt << ", nv " << nv << " nbe: = " << nbe << endl; if(dim != Rd::d) { cerr << "Err dim == " << dim << " != " << Rd::d << endl; return 2; } if( nv<=0 && nt <=0 ) { cerr << " missing data "<< endl; return 3; } int iv[4],lab; float cr[3]; // read vertices GmfGotoKwd(inm,GmfVertices); int mxlab=0; int mnlab=0; for(int i=0;i<nv;++i) { if(ver<2) { GmfGetLin(inm,GmfVertices,&cr[0],&cr[1],&lab); vertices[i].x=cr[0]; vertices[i].y=cr[1]; // vertices[i].z=cr[2]; } else GmfGetLin(inm,GmfVertices,&vertices[i].x,&vertices[i].y,&lab); vertices[i].lab=lab; mxlab= max(mxlab,lab); mnlab= min(mnlab,lab); } // /* read mesh triangles */ //if(mnlab==0 &&mxlab==0 ) { mes=0; GmfGotoKwd(inm,GmfTriangles); for(int i=0;i<nt;++i) { GmfGetLin(inm,GmfTriangles,&iv[0],&iv[1],&iv[2],&lab); for (int j=0;j<3;++j) iv[j]--; this->elements[i].set(this->vertices,iv,lab); mes += this->elements[i].mesure(); } } /* read mesh segement */ mesb=0; GmfGotoKwd(inm,GmfEdges); for(int i=0;i<nbe;++i) { GmfGetLin(inm,GmfEdges,&iv[0],&iv[1],&lab); assert( iv[0]>0 && iv[0]<=nv && iv[1]>0 && iv[1]<=nv); for (int j=0;j<2;j++) iv[j]--; this->borderelements[i].set(vertices,iv,lab); mesb += this->borderelements[i].mesure(); } GmfCloseMesh(inm); if(verbosity>1) cout << " mesure : "<< mes << " border mesure : " << mesb<< endl; return(0); // OK }
CglGeometry::CglGeometry(GEOMETRY geom, char* file) { mBuffer = nBuffer = cBuffer = iBuffer = bbmBuffer = bbiBuffer = -1; glm::vec3 center(0,0,0); glm::vec3 scale(1,1,1); glm::vec3 color(1,1,1); glm::vec3 pt1(0,0,0); glm::vec3 pt2(1,1,1); //pMaterial->setColor(glm::vec3(R, G, B)); //pos = glm::vec3(x,y,z); //center = glm::vec3(x,y,z); //MODEL[3] = glm::vec4(center,1); switch(geom) { case CGL_CUBE: { vertices = std::vector<float> { -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, }; for(int i = 0 ; i < vertices.size() ; i+=3) { vertices[i+0] = scale.x * vertices[i+0]; vertices[i+1] = scale.y * vertices[i+1]; vertices[i+2] = scale.z * vertices[i+2]; } indices = std::vector<int> { 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 3, 2, 6, 6, 7, 3, 7, 6, 5, 5, 4, 7, 4, 5, 1, 1, 0, 4, 4, 0, 3, 3, 7, 4, 1, 5, 6, 6, 2, 1 }; break; } case CGL_SPHERE: { sphereGeom sphere(10); indices = sphere.indices; for(int i = 0 ; i < sphere.vertices.size() ; i++) { for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++) vertices.push_back(scale[j] * sphere.vertices[i].pos[j]); } normals = vertices; break; } case CGL_CYLINDER: { glm::vec3 direction = pt2-pt1; glm::vec3 ortho1 = glm::normalize(glm::cross(direction, glm::vec3(0,1,0))); glm::vec3 ortho2 = glm::normalize(glm::cross(direction, ortho1)); //CIRCLES std::vector<glm::vec3> circle1, circle2; int nb = 20; float angleInc = 2*3.14159f / nb; float angle = 0; for(int i = 0 ; i < nb ; i++) { circle1.push_back( pt1 + scale.x*cos(angle)*ortho1 + scale.y*sin(angle)*ortho2 ); circle2.push_back( pt2 + scale.x*cos(angle)*ortho1 + scale.y*sin(angle)*ortho2 ); angle+=angleInc; } //INDICES for(int i = 0 ; i < nb ; i++) { indices.push_back(i); if(i==nb-1) indices.push_back(0); else indices.push_back(i+1); indices.push_back(nb + i); } for(int i = 0 ; i < nb ; i++) { indices.push_back(nb + i); if(i==circle1.size()-1) indices.push_back(0); else indices.push_back(i+1); if(i==circle1.size()-1) indices.push_back(nb); else indices.push_back(nb+i+1); } //VERTICES & NORMALS for(int i = 0 ; i < nb ; i++) { for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j ++) { vertices.push_back(circle1[i][j]); normals.push_back(circle1[i][j] - pt1[j]); } } for(int i = 0 ; i < nb ; i++) { for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j ++) { vertices.push_back(circle2[i][j]); normals.push_back(circle2[i][j] - pt2[j]); } } break; } case CGL_MESH: { meshFile = std::string(file); cout << "Reading: " << file << " " << endl; //Initialisation int np,nt,nn,dim,ver, nNAtV; Point *ppt; Tria *pt; double *n,dd; float fp1,fp2,fp3; int k,inm; vector<Point> point; vector<Tria> tria; vector<Normal> normal; vector<NormalAtVertex> NormalAtVertices; //Lecture du .sol /* std::string solFile = meshFile.substr(0, meshFile.size()-5) + ".sol"; cout << solFile << endl << endl; int ver2, dim2; int inMeshSol = 0; inMeshSol = GmfOpenMesh((char*)(solFile.c_str()), GmfRead, &ver2, &dim2); if(inMeshSol == 0){cout << "Unable to open sol file" << endl; exit(143);} cout << "sol file opened " << (char*)(solFile.c_str()) << endl; int type, offset, typtab[GmfMaxTyp]; int nSol = GmfStatKwd(inMeshSol, GmfSolAtVertices, &type, &offset, &typtab); std::vector<float> values(nSol); GmfGotoKwd(inMeshSol, GmfSolAtVertices); for(int i = 0 ; i< nSol ; i++){ double val; if ( ver2 == GmfFloat ){ GmfGetLin(inMeshSol, GmfSolAtVertices, &values[i]); } else{ GmfGetLin(inMeshSol, GmfSolAtVertices, &val); values[i] = val; } } GmfCloseMesh(inMeshSol); //COLORS float mini = 1e9; float maxi = -1e9; for(int i = 0 ; i < values.size() ; i++){ mini = min(mini, values[i]); maxi = max(maxi, values[i]); } palette = new CglPalette( mini, maxi, CGL_PALETTE_BR ); palette->setBoundaries(mini, maxi); for(int i = 0 ; i < values.size() ; i++){ glm::vec3 col = palette->getColor(values[i]); colors.push_back(col.x); colors.push_back(col.y); colors.push_back(col.z); } */ //Lecture du .mesh inm = GmfOpenMesh(file,GmfRead,&ver,&dim); cout << file << "/" << ver << "/" << dim << endl; if ( !inm ) { cout << "Unable to open mesh file" << endl; exit(0); } np = GmfStatKwd(inm, GmfVertices); nt = GmfStatKwd(inm, GmfTriangles); nn = GmfStatKwd(inm, GmfNormals); nNAtV = GmfStatKwd(inm, GmfNormalAtVertices); if ( !np ) { cout << " ** MISSING DATA" << endl; exit(0); } point.resize(np); tria.resize(nt); normal.resize(np); NormalAtVertices.resize(nNAtV + 1); GmfGotoKwd(inm,GmfVertices); for (k=0; k<np; k++) { ppt = &point[k]; if ( ver == GmfFloat ) { GmfGetLin(inm,GmfVertices,&fp1,&fp2,&fp3,&ppt->ref); ppt->c[0] = fp1; ppt->c[1] = fp2; ppt->c[2] = fp3; } else GmfGetLin(inm,GmfVertices,&ppt->c[0],&ppt->c[1],&ppt->c[2],&ppt->ref); } GmfGotoKwd(inm,GmfTriangles); for (k=0; k<nt; k++) { pt = &tria[k]; GmfGetLin(inm,GmfTriangles,&pt->v[0],&pt->v[1],&pt->v[2],&pt->ref); } if ( nn ) { GmfGotoKwd(inm,GmfNormals); for (k=0; k<nn; k++) { if ( ver == GmfFloat ) { GmfGetLin(inm,GmfNormals,&fp1,&fp2,&fp3); normal[k].n[0] = fp1; normal[k].n[1] = fp2; normal[k].n[2] = fp3; } else GmfGetLin(inm,GmfNormals,&normal[k].n[0],&normal[k].n[1],&normal[k].n[2]); n = normal[k].n; dd = 1.0 / sqrt(n[0]*n[0] + n[1]*n[1] + n[2]*n[2]); n[0] *= dd; n[1] *= dd; n[2] *= dd; } } //VERTICES int inv = ((pcv->profile.invertVertical)?-1:1); for (int i = 0 ; i < point.size() ; i++) { vertices.push_back( point[i].c[0]); vertices.push_back(inv * point[i].c[1]); vertices.push_back(inv * point[i].c[2]); } //INDICES for (int i = 0 ; i < tria.size() ; i++) { for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++) indices.push_back(tria[i].v[j]-1); } //NORMALS if ( nNAtV ) { GmfGotoKwd(inm,GmfNormalAtVertices); for (k=0; k<nNAtV; k++) GmfGetLin(inm,GmfNormalAtVertices, &NormalAtVertices[k].inds[0], &NormalAtVertices[k].inds[1]); } for(int i = 0 ; i < vertices.size() ; i++) { normals.push_back(0.0f); } for(int i = 0 ; i < NormalAtVertices.size() - 1 ; i++) { int indV = NormalAtVertices[i].inds[0] - 1; int indN = NormalAtVertices[i].inds[1] - 1; normals[3 * indV + 0] = normal[indN].n[0]; normals[3 * indV + 1] = inv * normal[indN].n[1]; normals[3 * indV + 2] = inv * normal[indN].n[2]; } GmfCloseMesh(inm); break; } case CGL_PLANE: { std::vector<float> vertices = {-1,0,1, 1,0,1, 1,0,-1, -1,0,-1 }; std::vector<int> indices = {0,1,2, 1,2,3 }; std::vector<float> normals = { 0,1,0, 0,1,0 }; } } getBBOX(vertices); computeBuffers(); //A récupérer par l'objet lors de la création /* center = glm::vec3(x,y,z); MODEL[3] = glm::vec4(center,1); */ }
int main(int ArgCnt, char **ArgVec) { int i, NmbVer, NmbTet, ver=0, dim=0, ref, (*TetTab)[4]=NULL; int VerIdx, TetIdx, MidIdx, CalMid, GpuIdx=0; int64_t InpMsh; float (*VerTab)[3]=NULL, (*MidTab)[4], dummy, chk=0.; double GpuTim; // If no arguments are give, print the help if(ArgCnt == 1) { puts("\nTetrahedraBasicLoop GPU_index"); puts(" Choose GPU_index from the following list:"); GmlListGPU(); exit(0); } else GpuIdx = atoi(ArgVec[1]); /*--------------*/ /* MESH READING */ /*--------------*/ // Open the mesh if( !(InpMsh = GmfOpenMesh("tetrahedra.meshb", GmfRead, &ver, &dim)) || (ver != GmfFloat) || (dim != 3) ) { puts("Could not open tetrahedra.meshb"); puts("Please run the command in the same directory this mesh is located"); return(1); } // Read the number of vertices and elements and allocate the memory if( !(NmbVer = GmfStatKwd(InpMsh, GmfVertices)) \ || !(VerTab = malloc((NmbVer+1) * 3 * sizeof(float))) ) { return(1); } if( !(NmbTet = GmfStatKwd(InpMsh, GmfTetrahedra)) \ || !(TetTab = malloc((NmbTet+1) * 4 * sizeof(int))) ) { return(1); } // Read the vertices GmfGotoKwd(InpMsh, GmfVertices); for(i=1;i<=NmbVer;i++) GmfGetLin(InpMsh, GmfVertices, &VerTab[i][0], &VerTab[i][1], &VerTab[i][2], &ref); // Read the elements GmfGotoKwd(InpMsh, GmfTetrahedra); for(i=1;i<=NmbTet;i++) GmfGetLin( InpMsh, GmfTetrahedra, &TetTab[i][0], &TetTab[i][1], \ &TetTab[i][2], &TetTab[i][3], &ref ); // And close the mesh GmfCloseMesh(InpMsh); /*---------------*/ /* GPU COMPUTING */ /*---------------*/ // Init the GMLIB and compile the OpenCL source code if(!GmlInit(GpuIdx)) return(1); if(!(CalMid = GmlNewKernel(TetrahedraBasicLoop, "TetrahedraBasic"))) return(1); // Create a vertices data type and transfer the data to the GPU if(!(VerIdx = GmlNewData(GmlVertices, NmbVer, 0, GmlInput))) return(1); for(i=1;i<=NmbVer;i++) GmlSetVertex(VerIdx, i-1, VerTab[i][0], VerTab[i][1], VerTab[i][2]); GmlUploadData(VerIdx); // Do the same with the elements if(!(TetIdx = GmlNewData(GmlTetrahedra, NmbTet, 0, GmlInput))) return(1); for(i=1;i<=NmbTet;i++) GmlSetTetrahedron(TetIdx, i-1, TetTab[i][0]-1, TetTab[i][1]-1, \ TetTab[i][2]-1, TetTab[i][3]-1); GmlUploadData(TetIdx); // Create a raw datatype to store the element middles. // It does not need to be tranfered to the GPU if(!(MidIdx = GmlNewData(GmlRawData, NmbTet, sizeof(cl_float4), GmlOutput))) return(1); if(!(MidTab = malloc((NmbTet+1)*4*sizeof(float)))) return(1); // Launch the kernel on the GPU GpuTim = GmlLaunchKernel(CalMid, NmbTet, 3, TetIdx, MidIdx, VerIdx); if(GpuTim < 0) return(1); /* Get the results back and print some stats */ GmlDownloadData(MidIdx); for(i=1;i<=NmbTet;i++) { GmlGetRawData(MidIdx, i-1, MidTab[i]); chk += sqrt(MidTab[i][0] * MidTab[i][0] \ + MidTab[i][1] * MidTab[i][1] \ + MidTab[i][2] * MidTab[i][2]); } printf("%d tet centers computed in %g seconds, %ld MB used, %ld MB transfered, checksum = %g\n", NmbTet, GpuTim, GmlGetMemoryUsage()/1048576, GmlGetMemoryTransfer()/1048576, chk / NmbTet ); /*-----*/ /* END */ /*-----*/ GmlFreeData(VerIdx); GmlFreeData(TetIdx); GmlFreeData(MidIdx); GmlStop(); free(MidTab); free(TetTab); free(VerTab); return(0); }