Ejemplo n.º 1
void structGraphicsScreen :: v_getMouseLocation (double *xWC, double *yWC) {
	#if cairo
		GdkEvent *gevent = gdk_display_get_event (d_display);
		if (gevent != NULL) {
			if (gevent -> type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE) {
				theMouseDown = false;
			gdk_event_free (gevent);
		gint xDC, yDC;
		gdk_window_get_pointer (d_window, & xDC, & yDC, NULL);
		Graphics_DCtoWC (this, xDC, yDC, xWC, yWC);
	#elif cocoa
	#elif win
		POINT pos;
		if (! GetCursorPos (& pos)) { Melder_warning (L"Cannot get cursor position."); return; }
		ScreenToClient (d_winWindow, & pos);
		Graphics_DCtoWC (this, pos. x, pos. y, xWC, yWC);
	#elif mac
		if (HIGetMousePosition != NULL && false) {   // AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5_AND_LATER
			//Melder_casual ("HIGetMousePosition exists");
			HIPoint mouseLoc;
			HIGetMousePosition (kHICoordSpaceWindow, GetWindowFromPort (d_macPort), & mouseLoc);
			Graphics_DCtoWC (this, mouseLoc. x, mouseLoc. y, xWC, yWC);
		} else {
			Point mouseLoc;
			Graphics_DCtoWC (this, mouseLoc. h, mouseLoc. v, xWC, yWC);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void gui_drawingarea_cb_click (I, GuiDrawingAreaClickEvent event) {
	iam (TableEditor);
	if (my graphics == NULL) return;
	double xWC, yWC;
	Graphics_DCtoWC (my graphics, event -> x, event -> y, & xWC, & yWC);
	// TODO: implement selection
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void gui_drawingarea_cb_click (ArtwordEditor me, GuiDrawingArea_ClickEvent event) {
	if (! my graphics) return;
	Artword artword = (Artword) my data;
	Graphics_setWindow (my graphics.get(), 0, artword -> totalTime, -1.0, 1.0);
	Graphics_setInner (my graphics.get());
	double xWC, yWC;
	Graphics_DCtoWC (my graphics.get(), event -> x, event -> y, & xWC, & yWC);
	Graphics_unsetInner (my graphics.get());
	GuiText_setString (my time,  Melder_fixed (xWC, 6));
	GuiText_setString (my value, Melder_fixed (yWC, 6));
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void gui_drawingarea_cb_click (Picture me, GuiDrawingArea_ClickEvent event) {
	int xstart = event -> x;
	int ystart = event -> y;
	double xWC, yWC;
	int ixstart, iystart, ix, iy, oldix = 0, oldiy = 0;

	Graphics_DCtoWC (my selectionGraphics.get(), xstart, ystart, & xWC, & yWC);
	ix = ixstart = 1 + floor (xWC * SQUARES / SIDE);
	iy = iystart = SQUARES - floor (yWC * SQUARES / SIDE);
	if (ixstart < 1 || ixstart > SQUARES || iystart < 1 || iystart > SQUARES) return;
	if (event -> shiftKeyPressed) {
		int ix1 = 1 + floor (my selx1 * SQUARES / SIDE);
		int ix2 = floor (my selx2 * SQUARES / SIDE);
		int iy1 = SQUARES + 1 - floor (my sely2 * SQUARES / SIDE);
		int iy2 = SQUARES - floor (my sely1 * SQUARES / SIDE);
		ixstart = ix < (ix1 + ix2) / 2 ? ix2 : ix1;
		iystart = iy < (iy1 + iy2) / 2 ? iy2 : iy1;
	//while (Graphics_mouseStillDown (my selectionGraphics)) {
	do {
		Graphics_getMouseLocation (my selectionGraphics.get(), & xWC, & yWC);
		ix = 1 + floor (xWC * SQUARES / SIDE);
		iy = SQUARES - floor (yWC * SQUARES / SIDE);
		if (ix >= 1 && ix <= SQUARES && iy >= 1 && iy <= SQUARES && (ix != oldix || iy != oldiy)) {
			int ix1, ix2, iy1, iy2;
			if (ix < ixstart) { ix1 = ix; ix2 = ixstart; }
			else              { ix1 = ixstart; ix2 = ix; }
			if (iy < iystart) { iy1 = iy; iy2 = iystart; }
			else              { iy1 = iystart; iy2 = iy; }
			if (my mouseSelectsInnerViewport) {
				int fontSize = Graphics_inqFontSize (my graphics.get());
				double xmargin = fontSize * 4.2 / 72.0, ymargin = fontSize * 2.8 / 72.0;
				if (xmargin > ix2 - ix1 + 1) xmargin = ix2 - ix1 + 1;
				if (ymargin > iy2 - iy1 + 1) ymargin = iy2 - iy1 + 1;
				Picture_setSelection (me, 0.5 * (ix1 - 1) - xmargin, 0.5 * ix2 + xmargin,
					0.5 * (SQUARES - iy2) - ymargin, 0.5 * (SQUARES + 1 - iy1) + ymargin, false);
			} else {
				Picture_setSelection (me, 0.5 * (ix1 - 1), 0.5 * ix2,
					0.5 * (SQUARES - iy2), 0.5 * (SQUARES + 1 - iy1), false);
			oldix = ix; oldiy = iy;
	} while (Graphics_mouseStillDown (my selectionGraphics.get()));
	// }
	#if cocoa
		Graphics_updateWs (my selectionGraphics.get());   // to change the dark red back into black
	if (my selectionChangedCallback) {
		//Melder_casual (U"selectionChangedCallback from gui_drawingarea_cb_click");
		my selectionChangedCallback (me, my selectionChangedClosure,
			my selx1, my selx2, my sely1, my sely2);
static void gui_drawingarea_cb_click (I, GuiDrawingAreaClickEvent event) {
	iam (RunnerMFC);
	if (my graphics == NULL) return;   // Could be the case in the very beginning.
	ExperimentMFC experiment = (ExperimentMFC) my data;
	if (my data == NULL) return;
	double reactionTime = Melder_clock () - experiment -> startingTime;
	if (! experiment -> blankWhilePlaying)
		reactionTime -= experiment -> stimulusInitialSilenceDuration;
	double x, y;
	Graphics_DCtoWC (my graphics, event -> x, event -> y, & x, & y);
	if (experiment -> trial == 0) {   // the first click of the experiment
		experiment -> trial ++;
		my broadcastDataChanged ();
		if (experiment -> blankWhilePlaying) {
			Graphics_setGrey (my graphics, 0.8);
			Graphics_fillRectangle (my graphics, 0, 1, 0, 1);
			Graphics_setGrey (my graphics, 0.0);
			Graphics_flushWs (my graphics);
		Graphics_updateWs (my graphics);
		if (experiment -> stimuliAreSounds) {
			if (experiment -> numberOfTrials < 1) {
				Melder_flushError ("There are zero trials in this experiment.");
				forget (me);
			autoMelderAudioSaveMaximumAsynchronicity saveMaximumAsynchronicity;
			if (experiment -> blankWhilePlaying)
				MelderAudio_setOutputMaximumAsynchronicity (kMelder_asynchronicityLevel_SYNCHRONOUS);
			ExperimentMFC_playStimulus (experiment, experiment -> stimuli [1]);   // works only if there is at least one trial
	} else if (experiment -> pausing) {   // a click to leave the break
		if (x > experiment -> oops_left && x < experiment -> oops_right &&
			y > experiment -> oops_bottom && y < experiment -> oops_top && experiment -> trial > 1)
			do_oops (me);
		} else {
			experiment -> pausing = FALSE;
			experiment -> trial ++;
			my broadcastDataChanged ();
			if (experiment -> blankWhilePlaying) {
				Graphics_setGrey (my graphics, 0.8);
				Graphics_fillRectangle (my graphics, 0, 1, 0, 1);
				Graphics_setGrey (my graphics, 0.0);
				Graphics_flushWs (my graphics);
			Graphics_updateWs (my graphics);
			if (experiment -> stimuliAreSounds) {
				autoMelderAudioSaveMaximumAsynchronicity saveMaximumAsynchronicity;
				if (experiment -> blankWhilePlaying)
					MelderAudio_setOutputMaximumAsynchronicity (kMelder_asynchronicityLevel_SYNCHRONOUS);
				ExperimentMFC_playStimulus (experiment, experiment -> stimuli [experiment -> trial]);
	} else if (experiment -> trial <= experiment -> numberOfTrials) {
		long iresponse;
		if (x > experiment -> ok_left && x < experiment -> ok_right &&
			y > experiment -> ok_bottom && y < experiment -> ok_top &&
			experiment -> responses [experiment -> trial] != 0 &&
			(experiment -> numberOfGoodnessCategories == 0 || experiment -> goodnesses [experiment -> trial] != 0))
			do_ok (me);
		} else if (x > experiment -> replay_left && x < experiment -> replay_right &&
			y > experiment -> replay_bottom && y < experiment -> replay_top && my numberOfReplays < experiment -> maximumNumberOfReplays)
			do_replay (me);
		} else if (x > experiment -> oops_left && x < experiment -> oops_right &&
			y > experiment -> oops_bottom && y < experiment -> oops_top && experiment -> trial > 1)
			do_oops (me);
		} else if (experiment -> responses [experiment -> trial] == 0 || experiment -> ok_right > experiment -> ok_left) {
			for (iresponse = 1; iresponse <= experiment -> numberOfDifferentResponses; iresponse ++) {
				ResponseMFC response = & experiment -> response [iresponse];
				if (x > response -> left && x < response -> right && y > response -> bottom && y < response -> top && response -> name [0] != '\0') {
					experiment -> responses [experiment -> trial] = iresponse;
					experiment -> reactionTimes [experiment -> trial] = reactionTime;
					if (experiment -> responsesAreSounds) {
						ExperimentMFC_playResponse (experiment, iresponse);
					if (experiment -> ok_right <= experiment -> ok_left && experiment -> numberOfGoodnessCategories == 0) {
						do_ok (me);
					} else {
						my broadcastDataChanged ();
						Graphics_updateWs (my graphics);
			if (experiment -> responses [experiment -> trial] != 0 && experiment -> ok_right > experiment -> ok_left) {
				for (iresponse = 1; iresponse <= experiment -> numberOfGoodnessCategories; iresponse ++) {
					GoodnessMFC cat = & experiment -> goodness [iresponse];
					if (x > cat -> left && x < cat -> right && y > cat -> bottom && y < cat -> top) {
						experiment -> goodnesses [experiment -> trial] = iresponse;
						my broadcastDataChanged ();
						Graphics_updateWs (my graphics);
		} else if (experiment -> responses [experiment -> trial] != 0) {
			Melder_assert (experiment -> ok_right <= experiment -> ok_left);
			for (iresponse = 1; iresponse <= experiment -> numberOfGoodnessCategories; iresponse ++) {
				GoodnessMFC cat = & experiment -> goodness [iresponse];
				if (x > cat -> left && x < cat -> right && y > cat -> bottom && y < cat -> top) {
					experiment -> goodnesses [experiment -> trial] = iresponse;
					do_ok (me);
	} else {
		if (x > experiment -> oops_left && x < experiment -> oops_right &&
			y > experiment -> oops_bottom && y < experiment -> oops_top)
			do_oops (me);
		if (my iexperiment < my experiments -> size) {
			my iexperiment ++;
			if (! RunnerMFC_startExperiment (me)) {
				Melder_flushError (NULL);
				forget (me);
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void gui_drawingarea_cb_click (TableEditor me, GuiDrawingArea_ClickEvent event) {
	if (! my graphics) return;
	double xWC, yWC;
	Graphics_DCtoWC (my graphics.get(), event -> x, event -> y, & xWC, & yWC);
	// TODO: implement selection