Ejemplo n.º 1
bool ScoreView::editElementDragTransition(QMouseEvent* ev)
      data.startMove = toLogical(ev->pos());
      data.lastPos   = data.startMove;
      data.pos       = data.startMove;
      data.view      = this;

      Element* e = elementNear(data.startMove);
      if (e && (e == editObject) && (editObject->isText())) {
            if (editObject->mousePress(data.startMove, ev)) {
            return true;
      int i = 0;
      if (grips) {
            qreal a = grip[0].width() * 1.0;
            for (; i < grips; ++i) {
                  if (grip[i].adjusted(-a, -a, a, a).contains(data.startMove)) {
                        curGrip = Grip(i);
                        data.curGrip = Grip(i);
      return i != grips;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void ChordLine::updateGrips(Grip* defaultGrip, QVector<QRectF>& grip) const
      int n = path.elementCount();
      QPointF cp(pagePos());
      qreal sp = spatium();
      if (_straight) {
            // limit the number of grips to one
            float offset = 0.5 * sp;

            if (_chordLineType == ChordLineType::FALL)
                  grip[0].translate(QPointF(offset, -offset));
            else if (_chordLineType == ChordLineType::DOIT)
                   grip[0].translate(QPointF(offset, offset));
            else if (_chordLineType == ChordLineType::SCOOP)
                   grip[0].translate(QPointF(-offset, offset));
            else if (_chordLineType == ChordLineType::PLOP)
                   grip[0].translate(QPointF(-offset, -offset));

            // translate on the length and height - stops the grips from goint past boundries of slide
            grip[0].translate(cp + QPointF(path.elementAt(1).x * sp, path.elementAt(1).y * sp));
      else  {
            *defaultGrip = Grip(n - 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                  grip[i].translate(cp + QPointF(path.elementAt(i).x * sp, path.elementAt(i).y * sp));

Ejemplo n.º 3
void Lasso::updateGrips(Grip* defaultGrip, QVector<QRectF>& r) const
    *defaultGrip = Grip(7);
    r[4].translate(_rect.x() + _rect.width() * .5, _rect.top());
    r[5].translate(_rect.right(), _rect.y() + _rect.height() * .5);
    r[6].translate(_rect.x() + _rect.width()*.5, _rect.bottom());
    r[7].translate(_rect.left(), _rect.y() + _rect.height() * .5);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void Image::startEdit(EditData& ed)
      ed.grips   = 2;
      ed.curGrip = Grip(1);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void ChordLine::editDrag(const EditData& ed)
      int n = path.elementCount();
      QPainterPath p;
      qreal sp = spatium();
      _lengthX += ed.delta.x();
      _lengthY += ed.delta.y();

      // used to limit how grips can affect the slide, stops the user from being able to turn one kind of slide into another
      int slideBoundary = 5;
      if ((_chordLineType == ChordLineType::PLOP || _chordLineType == ChordLineType::FALL) && _lengthY < -slideBoundary)
            _lengthY = -slideBoundary;
      else if ((_chordLineType == ChordLineType::FALL || _chordLineType == ChordLineType::DOIT) && _lengthX < -slideBoundary)
            _lengthX = -slideBoundary;
      else if ((_chordLineType == ChordLineType::DOIT || _chordLineType == ChordLineType::SCOOP) && _lengthY > slideBoundary)
            _lengthY = slideBoundary;
      else if ((_chordLineType == ChordLineType::SCOOP || _chordLineType == ChordLineType::PLOP)  && _lengthX > slideBoundary)
            _lengthX = slideBoundary;

      qreal dx = ed.delta.x() / sp;
      qreal dy = ed.delta.y() / sp;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            const QPainterPath::Element& e = (_straight ? path.elementAt(1) : path.elementAt(i));
            if (_straight) {
                  if (i > 0)
                  // check the gradient of the line
                  const QPainterPath::Element& startPoint = path.elementAt(0);
                  if ( (_chordLineType == ChordLineType::FALL && (e.x + dx < startPoint.x || e.y + dy < startPoint.y))  ||
                       (_chordLineType == ChordLineType::DOIT && (e.x + dx < startPoint.x || e.y + dy > startPoint.y))  ||
                       (_chordLineType == ChordLineType::SCOOP && (e.x + dx > startPoint.x || e.y + dy < startPoint.y)) ||
                       (_chordLineType == ChordLineType::PLOP && (e.x + dx > startPoint.x || e.y + dy > startPoint.y)) )

            qreal x = e.x;
            qreal y = e.y;
            if (ed.curGrip == Grip(i)) {
                  x += dx;
                  y += dy;
            switch(e.type) {
                  case QPainterPath::CurveToDataElement:
                  case QPainterPath::MoveToElement:
                        p.moveTo(x, y);
                  case QPainterPath::LineToElement:
                        p.lineTo(x, y);
                  case QPainterPath::CurveToElement:
                        qreal x2 = path.elementAt(i+1).x;
                        qreal y2 = path.elementAt(i+1).y;
                        qreal x3 = path.elementAt(i+2).x;
                        qreal y3 = path.elementAt(i+2).y;
                        if (Grip(i + 1) == ed.curGrip) {
                              x2 += dx;
                              y2 += dy;
                        else if (Grip(i + 2) == ed.curGrip) {
                              x3 += dx;
                              y3 += dy;
                        p.cubicTo(x, y, x2, y2, x3, y3);
                        i += 2;
      path = p;
      modified = true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int main()
  //access the simpleIDE terminal
  //set full-duplex serialization for the terminal
  term = fdserial_open(31, 30, 0, 9600);

  char c;

  //servo_angle(16, gripDegree); //Orient gripper to half open on start

  while (1)
    c = fdserial_rxChar(term); //Get the character entered from the terminal
    if (c != -1)
      //Use the below to see if any key input is being read by the terminal
      // dprint(term, "You typed: %c\n", c);

      //Link key presses to directional commands, and print the command to strings
      if (c == 'f') //press "f" fof forward
        Drive(ticks, ticks, maxSpeed);
        dprint(term, "ok\n");
      else if (c == 'b') //press "b" for backward
        Drive(-ticks, -ticks, maxSpeed);
        dprint(term, "ok\n");
      else if (c == 'r') //press "r" for right turn
        Drive(turnTick, -turnTick, maxTurnSpeed);
        dprint(term, "ok\n");
      else if (c == 'l') //press "l" for left turn
        Drive(-turnTick, turnTick, maxTurnSpeed);
        dprint(term, "ok\n");

      //Increasing and Decreasing Drive Speed
      else if (c == 'u') 
        ticks = ticks + 2;
        if (ticks > maxSpeed) //clamp speed so it can't go over the maximum speed
           ticks = maxSpeed;
        dprint(term, "move_speed %d\n", ticks);
      else if (c == 'd') 
        ticks = ticks - 2;
        if (ticks < minSpeed) //clamp speed so it can't go negative or 0
          ticks = minSpeed;
        dprint(term, "move_speed %d\n", ticks);

      //Increase Turn Speed;
      else if (c == 't') 
        turnTick = turnTick + 1;
        if (turnTick > maxTurnSpeed)
          turnTick = maxTurnSpeed;
        dprint(term, "turn_speed %d\n", turnTick);
      //decrease turn speed
      else if (c == 'n')
        turnTick = turnTick - 1;
        if (turnTick < minTurnSpeed)
          turnTick = minTurnSpeed;
        dprint(term, "turn_speed %d\n", turnTick);

      else if (c == 'p') //ping distance
        pingDistance = ping(8);
        dprint(term, "echo %d\n", pingDistance);
        dprint(term, "ok\n");

      else if (c == 'k') // poke
      else if (c == 'o') //open gripper
        gripState = 0;
        gripDegree = -1800;
      else if (c == 'g') //close gripper
        gripState = 1;
        gripDegree = 1800;
    } // End of Read Character Function
  if (gripState != -1) 
    Grip(gripDegree, 2000);
  } // End of While Loop
} //End of Main Loop