Ejemplo n.º 1
int main()
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void tSecureStream::m_setupClient(const tRSA& rsa, string appGreeting)
    // This block is protected by constant timing in case
    // there is a man-in-the-middle who is causing the client
    // connection to fail over-and-over and analysing the time
    // it takes for the client to re-start the connection.
    // This block prevents info from being leaked about the
    // particular pre_secret that is being used by the current
    // connection attempt.
    vector<u8> rand_c, pre_secret, enc;
        tConstTimeBlock ctb(&gClientInitTimingHistory);

        // Generate the client random vector.
        rand_c = s_genRand(kRandVectLen);

        // Generate the pre-secret random vector.
        pre_secret = s_genRand(kPreSecretLen);

        // Encrypt the pre-secret under the server's RSA public key.
        enc = rsa.encrypt(pre_secret);

    // Send all this to the server.
    pack(m_internal_writable, kLibrhoGreeting);
    pack(m_internal_writable, appGreeting);
    pack(m_internal_writable, rand_c);
    pack(m_internal_writable, enc);

    // Read the greeting from the server.
    // We don't care if timing info is leaked here
    // because 'kSuccessfulGreeting' is not a secret.
    string greetingResponse;
    try {
        unpack(m_internal_readable, greetingResponse,
               (u32)(std::max(kSuccessfulGreeting.length(), kFailedGreeting.length())));
    } catch (ebObject& e) {
        throw eRuntimeError("The secure server didn't reply with its greeting.");
    if (greetingResponse != kSuccessfulGreeting)
        throw eRuntimeError("The secure server sent a failure greeting.");

    // Read the random server bytes.
    // Again, we don't care about leaking timing info here.
    vector<u8> rand_s;
    try {
        unpack(m_internal_readable, rand_s, kRandVectLen);
    } catch (ebObject& e) {
        throw eRuntimeError("The secure server sent a random vector of the wrong length.");
    if (rand_s.size() != kRandVectLen)
        throw eRuntimeError("The secure server sent a random vector of the wrong length.");

    // Another const timing block.
    vector<u8> secret, fPrime, g;
        tConstTimeBlock ctb(&gClientProcessResponseTimingHistory);

        // Calculated the shared secret (from the pre-secret).
        secret = H1(pre_secret, rand_c, rand_s);

        // Calculate the correct response from the server.
        fPrime = H2(secret, rand_c, rand_s);

        // Calculate the proof-of-client.
        g = H3(secret, rand_c, rand_s);

    // Read the proof-of-server hash.
    vector<u8> f;
    try {
        unpack(m_internal_readable, f, (u32)fPrime.size());
    } catch (ebObject& e) {
        throw eRuntimeError("The secure server failed to verify itself.");
    if (!s_constTimeIsEqual(f, fPrime))
        throw eRuntimeError("The secure server failed to verify itself.");

    // Send the proof-of-client. (That is, prove we are not just replaying some other connection.)
    pack(m_internal_writable, g);

    // Setup secure streams with the server.
    vector<u8> ksw = H4(pre_secret, secret, rand_c, rand_s);   // <-- the Key for the Server Writer
    vector<u8> kcw = H5(pre_secret, secret, rand_c, rand_s);   // <-- the Key for the Client Writer
    m_readable = new tReadableAES(m_internal_readable, kOpModeCBC,
                                  &ksw[0], s_toKeyLen(ksw.size()));
    m_writable = new tWritableAES(m_internal_writable, kOpModeCBC,
                                  &kcw[0], s_toKeyLen(kcw.size()));
Ejemplo n.º 3
Molecule C6H6()
    int nAtoms = 12;

    // These are in Angstrom
    Eigen::Vector3d C1(5.274,  1.999, -8.568);
    Eigen::Vector3d C2(6.627,  2.018, -8.209);
    Eigen::Vector3d C3(7.366,  0.829, -8.202);
    Eigen::Vector3d C4(6.752, -0.379, -8.554);
    Eigen::Vector3d C5(5.399, -0.398, -8.912);
    Eigen::Vector3d C6(4.660,  0.791, -8.919);
    Eigen::Vector3d H1(4.704,  2.916, -8.573);
    Eigen::Vector3d H2(7.101,  2.950, -7.938);
    Eigen::Vector3d H3(8.410,  0.844, -7.926);
    Eigen::Vector3d H4(7.322, -1.296, -8.548);
    Eigen::Vector3d H5(4.925, -1.330, -9.183);
    Eigen::Vector3d H6(3.616,  0.776, -9.196);
    // Scale
    C1 /= convertBohrToAngstrom;
    C2 /= convertBohrToAngstrom;
    C3 /= convertBohrToAngstrom;
    C4 /= convertBohrToAngstrom;
    C5 /= convertBohrToAngstrom;
    C6 /= convertBohrToAngstrom;
    H1 /= convertBohrToAngstrom;
    H2 /= convertBohrToAngstrom;
    H3 /= convertBohrToAngstrom;
    H4 /= convertBohrToAngstrom;
    H5 /= convertBohrToAngstrom;
    H6 /= convertBohrToAngstrom;

    Eigen::MatrixXd geom(3, nAtoms);
    geom.col(0) = C1.transpose();
    geom.col(1) = C2.transpose();
    geom.col(2) = C3.transpose();
    geom.col(3) = C4.transpose();
    geom.col(4) = C5.transpose();
    geom.col(5) = C6.transpose();
    geom.col(6) = H1.transpose();
    geom.col(7) = H2.transpose();
    geom.col(8) = H3.transpose();
    geom.col(9) = H4.transpose();
    geom.col(10) = H5.transpose();
    geom.col(11) = H6.transpose();
    Eigen::VectorXd charges(12), masses(12);
    charges << 6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;
    masses  << 12.00, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 1.0078250, 1.0078250, 1.0078250,
            1.0078250, 1.0078250, 1.0078250;

    double radiusC = 1.70 / convertBohrToAngstrom;
    double radiusH = 1.20 / convertBohrToAngstrom;
    std::vector<Atom> atoms;
    atoms.push_back( Atom("Carbon",   "C",  charges(0), masses(0), radiusC, C1, 1.0) );
    atoms.push_back( Atom("Carbon",   "C",  charges(1), masses(1), radiusC, C2, 1.0) );
    atoms.push_back( Atom("Carbon",   "C",  charges(2), masses(2), radiusC, C3, 1.0) );
    atoms.push_back( Atom("Carbon",   "C",  charges(3), masses(3), radiusC, C4, 1.0) );
    atoms.push_back( Atom("Carbon",   "C",  charges(4), masses(4), radiusC, C5, 1.0) );
    atoms.push_back( Atom("Carbon",   "C",  charges(5), masses(5), radiusC, C6, 1.0) );
    atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H",  charges(6), masses(6), radiusH, H1, 1.0) );
    atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H",  charges(7), masses(7), radiusH, H2, 1.0) );
    atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H",  charges(8), masses(8), radiusH, H3, 1.0) );
    atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H",  charges(9), masses(9), radiusH, H4, 1.0) );
    atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(10), masses(10), radiusH, H5, 1.0) );
    atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(11), masses(11), radiusH, H6, 1.0) );

    std::vector<Sphere> spheres;
    Sphere sph1(C1, radiusC);
    Sphere sph2(C2, radiusC);
    Sphere sph3(C3, radiusC);
    Sphere sph4(C4, radiusC);
    Sphere sph5(C5, radiusC);
    Sphere sph6(C6, radiusC);

    Sphere sph7(H1, radiusH);
    Sphere sph8(H2, radiusH);
    Sphere sph9(H3, radiusH);
    Sphere sph10(H4, radiusH);
    Sphere sph11(H5, radiusH);
    Sphere sph12(H6, radiusH);


    // D2h as generated by Oxy, Oxz, Oyz
    Symmetry pGroup = buildGroup(0, 0, 0, 0);

    return Molecule(nAtoms, charges, masses, geom, atoms, spheres, pGroup);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void tSecureStream::m_setupServer(const tRSA& rsa, string appGreeting)
    // Read the greeting (part 1) from the client.
    // Note: The following DOES leak timing information, but we don't
    //       care because 'kLibrhoGreeting' isn't a secret.
    string receivedLibrhoGreeting;
    try {
        unpack(m_internal_readable, receivedLibrhoGreeting, (u32)kLibrhoGreeting.size());
    } catch (ebObject& e) {
        s_failConnection(m_internal_writable, "The secure client did not greet me properly.");
    if (receivedLibrhoGreeting != kLibrhoGreeting)
        s_failConnection(m_internal_writable, "The secure client did not greet me properly.");

    // Read the greeting (part 2) from the client.
    // Note: The following DOES leak timing information, but we don't
    //       care because 'appGreeting' isn't a secret.
    string receivedAppGreeting;
    try {
        unpack(m_internal_readable, receivedAppGreeting, (u32)appGreeting.size());
    } catch (ebObject& e) {
        s_failConnection(m_internal_writable, "The secure client requested a different application.");
    if (receivedAppGreeting != appGreeting)
        s_failConnection(m_internal_writable, "The secure client requested a different application.");

    // Read the client's random bytes.
    // Again, we don't care about the leaked info here because the correct
    // random vector length is not a secret.
    vector<u8> rand_c;
    try {
        unpack(m_internal_readable, rand_c, kRandVectLen);
    } catch (ebObject& e) {
        s_failConnection(m_internal_writable, "The secure client sent a random byte vector of the wrong length.");
    if (rand_c.size() != kRandVectLen)
        s_failConnection(m_internal_writable, "The secure client sent a random byte vector of the wrong length.");

    // Read the encrypted pre-secret from the client.
    // (No info is leaked by this section.)
    vector<u8> enc;
    try {
        unpack(m_internal_readable, enc, rsa.maxMessageLength()+5);
    } catch (ebObject& e) {
        s_failConnection(m_internal_writable, "The secure client failed to send an encrypted pre-secret.");

    // Now that the server has read everything from the client, it
    // will do some calculations.
    // We will protect this section with a const time block to
    // protect against timing side-channel attacks.
    vector<u8> pre_secret, rand_s, secret, f, gPrime;
        // This object is constructed in this code block, and it
        // will be destructed when this block ends. The d'tor of
        // this class calls sleep() in order to enforce consistent
        // timing of the execution of this block.
        tConstTimeBlock ctb(&gServerProcessGreetingTimingHistory);

        // Decrypt the pre-secret and make sure it looks okay.
        pre_secret = rsa.decrypt(enc);
        if (pre_secret.size() != kPreSecretLen)
            s_failConnection(m_internal_writable, "The secure client gave a pre-secret that is the wrong length.");

        // Generate the server random byte vector.
        rand_s = s_genRand(kRandVectLen);

        // Calculated the shared secret (from the pre-secret).
        secret = H1(pre_secret, rand_c, rand_s);

        // Calculate the proof-of-server hash. (The convinces the client that we are the actual server.)
        f = H2(secret, rand_c, rand_s);

        // Calculate what the client correct response would be.
        gPrime = H3(secret, rand_c, rand_s);

    // Write back to the client all this stuff.
    pack(m_internal_writable, kSuccessfulGreeting);
    pack(m_internal_writable, rand_s);
    pack(m_internal_writable, f);

    // Have the client prove that it is a real client, not a reply attack.
    vector<u8> g;
    try {
        unpack(m_internal_readable, g, (u32)gPrime.size());
    } catch (ebObject& e) {
        throw eRuntimeError("The secure client failed to show proof that it is real.");
    if (!s_constTimeIsEqual(g, gPrime))
        throw eRuntimeError("The secure client failed to show proof that it is real.");

    // Setup secure streams with the client.
    vector<u8> ksw = H4(pre_secret, secret, rand_c, rand_s);   // <-- the Key for the Server Writer
    vector<u8> kcw = H5(pre_secret, secret, rand_c, rand_s);   // <-- the Key for the Client Writer
    m_readable = new tReadableAES(m_internal_readable, kOpModeCBC,
                                  &kcw[0], s_toKeyLen(kcw.size()));
    m_writable = new tWritableAES(m_internal_writable, kOpModeCBC,
                                  &ksw[0], s_toKeyLen(ksw.size()));