Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Function: H5Iget_name
 * Purpose: Gets a name of an object from its ID.
 * Return: Success: The length of name.
 *         Failure: -1
 * Programmer: Pedro Vicente, [email protected]
 * Date: July 26, 2002
 * Comments: Public function
 *  If `name' is non-NULL then write up to `size' bytes into that
 *  buffer and always return the length of the entry name.
 *  Otherwise `size' is ignored and the function does not store the name,
 *  just returning the number of characters required to store the name.
 *  If an error occurs then the buffer pointed to by `name' (NULL or non-NULL)
 *  is unchanged and the function returns a negative value.
 *  If a zero is returned for the name's length, then there is no name
 *  associated with the ID.
 * Modifications:
H5Iget_name(hid_t id, char *name/*out*/, size_t size)
    H5G_entry_t   *ent;       /*symbol table entry */
    size_t        len=0;
    ssize_t       ret_value;

    FUNC_ENTER_API (H5Iget_name, FAIL);

    /* get symbol table entry */
    if(NULL!=(ent = H5G_loc(id))) {
        if (ent->user_path_r != NULL && ent->user_path_hidden==0) {
            len = H5RS_len(ent->user_path_r);

            if(name) {
                HDstrncpy(name, H5RS_get_str(ent->user_path_r), MIN(len+1,size));
                if(len >= size)
            } /* end if */
        } /* end if */
    } /* end if */

    /* Set return value */

Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: dfp.c Proyecto: schwehr/hdf4
    DFPIopen -- open/reopen file for palette interface
    int32 DFPIopen(filename,acc_mode)
        char *filename;         IN: name of HDF file
        intn acc_mode;            IN: type of access to open file with
    HDF file handle on success, FAIL on failure.
    Open/reopen a file for the DFP interface to work with.
    Refset, Readref, Lastfile
    This is a hook for someday providing more efficient ways to
    reopen a file, to avoid re-reading all the headers
DFPIopen(const char *filename, intn acc_mode)
  int32       file_id;
  int32       ret_value = SUCCEED;

  /* use reopen if same file as last time - more efficient */
  if (HDstrncmp(Lastfile, filename, DF_MAXFNLEN) || (acc_mode == DFACC_CREATE))
      /* treat create as different file */
      if ((file_id = Hopen(filename, acc_mode, 0)) == FAIL)
      Refset = 0;   /* no ref to get set for this file */
      Readref = 0;
    }     /* end if */
  else if ((file_id = Hopen(filename, acc_mode, 0)) == FAIL)

    /* remember filename, so reopen may be used next time if same file */
  HDstrncpy(Lastfile, filename, DF_MAXFNLEN);

  ret_value = (file_id);

  if(ret_value == FAIL)   
    { /* Error condition cleanup */

    } /* end if */

  /* Normal function cleanup */

  return ret_value;
}   /* end DFPIopen() */
Ejemplo n.º 3
    (JNIEnv *env, hid_t aid, hid_t tid, jobjectArray buf)
    herr_t  status = -1;
    char  **wdata;
    jsize   size;
    jint    i;

    size = ENVPTR->GetArrayLength(ENVPAR (jarray) buf);

    wdata = (char**)HDcalloc((size_t)size + 1, sizeof(char*));
    if (!wdata) {
        h5JNIFatalError(env, "H5AwriteVL_str:  cannot allocate buffer");
    } /* end if */
    else {
        HDmemset(wdata, 0, (size_t)size * sizeof(char*));
        for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
            jstring obj = (jstring) ENVPTR->GetObjectArrayElement(ENVPAR (jobjectArray) buf, i);
            if (obj != 0) {
                jsize length = ENVPTR->GetStringUTFLength(ENVPAR obj);
                const char *utf8 = ENVPTR->GetStringUTFChars(ENVPAR obj, 0);

                if (utf8) {
                    wdata[i] = (char*)HDmalloc((size_t)length + 1);
                    if (wdata[i]) {
                        HDmemset(wdata[i], 0, ((size_t)length + 1));
                        HDstrncpy(wdata[i], utf8, (size_t)length);
                    } /* end if */
                } /* end if */

                ENVPTR->ReleaseStringUTFChars(ENVPAR obj, utf8);
                ENVPTR->DeleteLocalRef(ENVPAR obj);
            } /* end if */
        } /* end for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) */

        status = H5Awrite((hid_t)aid, (hid_t)tid, wdata);

        for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            if(wdata[i]) {
            } /* end if */
        } /* end for */

        if (status < 0)
    } /* end else */

    return (jint)status;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Function:	H5O_pline_decode
 * Purpose:	Decodes a filter pipeline message.
 * Return:	Success:	Ptr to the native message.
 *		Failure:	NULL
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *              Wednesday, April 15, 1998
static void *
H5O_pline_decode(H5F_t H5_ATTR_UNUSED *f, hid_t H5_ATTR_UNUSED dxpl_id, H5O_t H5_ATTR_UNUSED *open_oh,
    unsigned H5_ATTR_UNUSED mesg_flags, unsigned H5_ATTR_UNUSED *ioflags, const uint8_t *p)
    H5O_pline_t		*pline = NULL;          /* Pipeline message */
    H5Z_filter_info_t   *filter;                /* Filter to decode */
    size_t		name_length;            /* Length of filter name */
    size_t		i;                      /* Local index variable */
    void		*ret_value = NULL;      /* Return value */


    /* check args */

    /* Allocate space for I/O pipeline message */
    if(NULL == (pline = H5FL_CALLOC(H5O_pline_t)))
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed")

    /* Version */
    pline->version = *p++;
    if(pline->version < H5O_PLINE_VERSION_1 || pline->version > H5O_PLINE_VERSION_LATEST)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLINE, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "bad version number for filter pipeline message")

    /* Number of filters */
    pline->nused = *p++;
    if(pline->nused > H5Z_MAX_NFILTERS)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLINE, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "filter pipeline message has too many filters")

    /* Reserved */
    if(pline->version == H5O_PLINE_VERSION_1)
        p += 6;

    /* Allocate array for filters */
    pline->nalloc = pline->nused;
    if(NULL == (pline->filter = (H5Z_filter_info_t *)H5MM_calloc(pline->nalloc * sizeof(pline->filter[0]))))
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed")

    /* Decode filters */
    for(i = 0, filter = &pline->filter[0]; i < pline->nused; i++, filter++) {
        /* Filter ID */
	UINT16DECODE(p, filter->id);

        /* Length of filter name */
        if(pline->version > H5O_PLINE_VERSION_1 && filter->id < H5Z_FILTER_RESERVED)
            name_length = 0;
        else {
            UINT16DECODE(p, name_length);
            if(pline->version == H5O_PLINE_VERSION_1 && name_length % 8)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLINE, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "filter name length is not a multiple of eight")
        } /* end if */

        /* Filter flags */
	UINT16DECODE(p, filter->flags);

        /* Number of filter parameters ("client data elements") */
	UINT16DECODE(p, filter->cd_nelmts);

        /* Filter name, if there is one */
	if(name_length) {
            size_t actual_name_length;          /* Actual length of name */

            /* Determine actual name length (without padding, but with null terminator) */
	    actual_name_length = HDstrlen((const char *)p) + 1;
	    HDassert(actual_name_length <= name_length);

            /* Allocate space for the filter name, or use the internal buffer */
            if(actual_name_length > H5Z_COMMON_NAME_LEN) {
                filter->name = (char *)H5MM_malloc(actual_name_length);
                if(NULL == filter->name)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed for filter name")
            } /* end if */
                filter->name = filter->_name;

	    HDstrncpy(filter->name, (const char *)p, actual_name_length);
	    p += name_length;
	} /* end if */
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Function:    h5_set_info_object
 * Purpose:     Process environment variables setting to set up MPI Info
 *              object.
 * Return:      0 if all is fine; otherwise non-zero.
 * Programmer:  Albert Cheng, 2002/05/21.
 * Modifications:
 *          Bill Wendling, 2002/05/31
 *          Modified so that the HDF5_MPI_INFO environment variable can
 *          be a semicolon separated list of "key=value" pairings. Most
 *          of the code is to remove any whitespaces which might be
 *          surrounding the "key=value" pairs.
    char  *envp;      /* environment pointer */
    int    ret_value=0;

    /* handle any MPI INFO hints via $HDF5_MPI_INFO */
    if ((envp = getenv("HDF5_MPI_INFO")) != NULL){
        char *next, *valp;

        valp = envp = next = HDstrdup(envp);

        if (!valp) return 0;

        /* create an INFO object if not created yet */
        if (h5_io_info_g == MPI_INFO_NULL)

        do {
            size_t len;
            char *key_val, *endp, *namep;

            if (*valp == ';')

            /* copy key/value pair into temporary buffer */
            len = strcspn(valp, ";");
            next = &valp[len];
            key_val = (char *)HDcalloc(1, len + 1);

            /* increment the next pointer past the terminating semicolon */
            if (*next == ';')

            namep = HDstrncpy(key_val, valp, len);

            /* pass up any beginning whitespaces */
            while (*namep && (*namep == ' ' || *namep == '\t'))

            if (!*namep) continue; /* was all white space, so move to next k/v pair */

            /* eat up any ending white spaces */
            endp = &namep[HDstrlen(namep) - 1];

            while (endp && (*endp == ' ' || *endp == '\t'))
                *endp-- = '\0';

            /* find the '=' */
            valp = HDstrchr(namep, '=');

            if (valp != NULL) {     /* it's a valid key/value pairing */
                char *tmp_val = valp + 1;

                /* change '=' to \0, move valp down one */
                *valp-- = '\0';

                /* eat up ending whitespace on the "key" part */
                while (*valp == ' ' || *valp == '\t')
                    *valp-- = '\0';

                valp = tmp_val;

                /* eat up beginning whitespace on the "value" part */
                while (*valp == ' ' || *valp == '\t')
                    *valp++ = '\0';

                /* actually set the darned thing */
                if (MPI_SUCCESS != MPI_Info_set(h5_io_info_g, namep, valp)) {
                    printf("MPI_Info_set failed\n");
                    ret_value = -1;

            valp = next;
        } while (next && *next);


    return ret_value;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Function:  h5_fileaccess
 * Purpose:  Returns a file access template which is the default template
 *    but with a file driver set according to the constant or
 *    environment variable HDF5_DRIVER
 * Return:  Success:  A file access property list
 *    Failure:  -1
 * Programmer:  Robb Matzke
 *              Thursday, November 19, 1998
 * Modifications:
    const char  *val = NULL;
    const char  *name;
    char s[1024];
    hid_t fapl = -1;

    /* First use the environment variable, then the constant */
    val = HDgetenv("HDF5_DRIVER");
#ifdef HDF5_DRIVER
    if (!val)
        val = HDF5_DRIVER;

    if ((fapl=H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS))<0)
        return -1;
    if (!val || !*val)
        return fapl; /*use default*/

    HDstrncpy(s, val, sizeof s);
    s[sizeof(s)-1] = '\0';
    if (NULL==(name=HDstrtok(s, " \t\n\r"))) return fapl;

    if (!HDstrcmp(name, "sec2")) {
        /* Unix read() and write() system calls */
        if (H5Pset_fapl_sec2(fapl)<0) return -1;
    } else if (!HDstrcmp(name, "stdio")) {
        /* Standard C fread() and fwrite() system calls */
        if (H5Pset_fapl_stdio(fapl)<0) return -1;
    } else if (!HDstrcmp(name, "core")) {
        /* In-memory driver settings (backing store on, 1 MB increment) */
        if (H5Pset_fapl_core(fapl, (size_t)1, TRUE)<0) return -1;
    } else if (!HDstrcmp(name, "core_paged")) {
        /* In-memory driver with write tracking and paging on */
        if (H5Pset_fapl_core(fapl, (size_t)1, TRUE)<0) return -1;
        if (H5Pset_core_write_tracking(fapl, TRUE, (size_t)4096)<0) return -1;
     } else if (!HDstrcmp(name, "split")) {
        /* Split meta data and raw data each using default driver */
        if (H5Pset_fapl_split(fapl,
            "-m.h5", H5P_DEFAULT,
            "-r.h5", H5P_DEFAULT)<0)
            return -1;
    } else if (!HDstrcmp(name, "multi")) {
        /* Multi-file driver, general case of the split driver */
        H5FD_mem_t memb_map[H5FD_MEM_NTYPES];
        hid_t memb_fapl[H5FD_MEM_NTYPES];
        const char *memb_name[H5FD_MEM_NTYPES];
        char sv[H5FD_MEM_NTYPES][1024];
        haddr_t memb_addr[H5FD_MEM_NTYPES];
        H5FD_mem_t  mt;

        HDmemset(memb_map, 0, sizeof memb_map);
        HDmemset(memb_fapl, 0, sizeof memb_fapl);
        HDmemset(memb_name, 0, sizeof memb_name);
        HDmemset(memb_addr, 0, sizeof memb_addr);

        for(mt = H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT; mt < H5FD_MEM_NTYPES; H5_INC_ENUM(H5FD_mem_t, mt)) {
          memb_fapl[mt] = H5P_DEFAULT;
            sprintf(sv[mt], "%%s-%c.h5", multi_letters[mt]);
            memb_name[mt] = sv[mt];
            memb_addr[mt] = (haddr_t)MAX(mt - 1, 0) * (HADDR_MAX / 10);
        } /* end for */

        if (H5Pset_fapl_multi(fapl, memb_map, memb_fapl, memb_name,
          memb_addr, FALSE)<0) {
            return -1;
    } else if (!HDstrcmp(name, "family")) {
        hsize_t fam_size = 100*1024*1024; /*100 MB*/

        /* Family of files, each 1MB and using the default driver */
        if ((val=HDstrtok(NULL, " \t\n\r")))
            fam_size = (hsize_t)(HDstrtod(val, NULL) * 1024*1024);
        if (H5Pset_fapl_family(fapl, fam_size, H5P_DEFAULT)<0)
            return -1;
    } else if (!HDstrcmp(name, "log")) {
        unsigned log_flags = H5FD_LOG_LOC_IO | H5FD_LOG_ALLOC;

        /* Log file access */
        if ((val = HDstrtok(NULL, " \t\n\r")))
            log_flags = (unsigned)HDstrtol(val, NULL, 0);

        if (H5Pset_fapl_log(fapl, NULL, log_flags, (size_t)0) < 0)
            return -1;
    } else if (!HDstrcmp(name, "direct")) {
        /* Linux direct read() and write() system calls.  Set memory boundary, file block size,
         * and copy buffer size to the default values. */
        if (H5Pset_fapl_direct(fapl, 1024, 4096, 8*4096)<0)
            return -1;
    } else if(!HDstrcmp(name, "latest")) {
        /* use the latest format */
        if(H5Pset_libver_bounds(fapl, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST) < 0)
            return -1;
    } else {
        /* Unknown driver */
        return -1;

    return fapl;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Function:  h5_fixname
 * Purpose:  Create a file name from a file base name like `test' and
 *    return it through the FULLNAME (at most SIZE characters
 *    counting the null terminator). The full name is created by
 *    prepending the contents of HDF5_PREFIX (separated from the
 *    base name by a slash) and appending a file extension based on
 *    the driver supplied, resulting in something like
 *    `ufs:/u/matzke/test.h5'.
 * Return:  Success:  The FULLNAME pointer.
 *    Failure:  NULL if BASENAME or FULLNAME is the null
 *        pointer or if FULLNAME isn't large enough for
 *        the result.
 * Programmer:  Robb Matzke
 *              Thursday, November 19, 1998
char *
h5_fixname(const char *base_name, hid_t fapl, char *fullname, size_t size)
    const char     *prefix = NULL;
    const char     *suffix = ".h5";     /* suffix has default */
    char           *ptr, last = '\0';
    size_t          i, j;
    hid_t           driver = -1;
    int             isppdriver = 0;  /* if the driver is MPI parallel */

    if (!base_name || !fullname || size < 1)
        return NULL;

    HDmemset(fullname, 0, size);

    /* figure out the suffix */
    if(H5P_DEFAULT != fapl) {
        if((driver = H5Pget_driver(fapl)) < 0)
            return NULL;

        if(H5FD_FAMILY == driver)
            suffix = "%05d.h5";
        else if (H5FD_MULTI == driver)
            suffix = NULL;

    /* Must first check fapl is not H5P_DEFAULT (-1) because H5FD_XXX
     * could be of value -1 if it is not defined.
    isppdriver = H5P_DEFAULT != fapl && (H5FD_MPIO==driver);

    /* Check HDF5_NOCLEANUP environment setting.
     * (The #ifdef is needed to prevent compile failure in case MPI is not
     * configured.)
    if(isppdriver) {
        if(getenv_all(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 0, "HDF5_NOCLEANUP"))
#endif  /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */
    } else {

    /* Check what prefix to use for test files. Process HDF5_PARAPREFIX and
     * HDF5_PREFIX.
     * Use different ones depending on parallel or serial driver used.
     * (The #ifdef is needed to prevent compile failure in case MPI is not
     * configured.)
    if(isppdriver) {
         * For parallel:
         *      First use command line option, then the environment
         *      variable, then try the constant
        static int explained = 0;

        prefix = (paraprefix ? paraprefix : getenv_all(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 0, "HDF5_PARAPREFIX"));

        if (!prefix && !explained) {
            /* print hint by process 0 once. */
            int mpi_rank;

            MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank);

            if (mpi_rank == 0)
                printf("*** Hint ***\n"
                        "You can use environment variable HDF5_PARAPREFIX to "
                        "run parallel test files in a\n"
                        "different directory or to add file type prefix. E.g.,\n"
                        "   HDF5_PARAPREFIX=pfs:/PFS/user/me\n"
                        "   export HDF5_PARAPREFIX\n"
                        "*** End of Hint ***\n");

            explained = TRUE;
            prefix = HDF5_PARAPREFIX;
#endif  /* HDF5_PARAPREFIX */
#endif  /* H5_HAVE_PARALLEL */
    } else {
         * For serial:
         *      First use the environment variable, then try the constant
        prefix = HDgetenv("HDF5_PREFIX");

#ifdef HDF5_PREFIX
        if (!prefix)
            prefix = HDF5_PREFIX;
#endif  /* HDF5_PREFIX */

    /* Prepend the prefix value to the base name */
    if (prefix && *prefix) {
        if (isppdriver) {
            /* This is a parallel system */
            char *subdir;

            if (!HDstrcmp(prefix, HDF5_PARAPREFIX)) {
                 * If the prefix specifies the HDF5_PARAPREFIX directory, then
                 * default to using the "/tmp/$USER" or "/tmp/$LOGIN"
                 * directory instead.
                char *user, *login;

                user = HDgetenv("USER");
                login = HDgetenv("LOGIN");
                subdir = (user ? user : login);

                if (subdir) {
                    for (i = 0; i < size && prefix[i]; i++)
                        fullname[i] = prefix[i];

                    fullname[i++] = '/';

                    for (j = 0; i < size && subdir[j]; ++i, ++j)
                        fullname[i] = subdir[j];

            if (!fullname[0]) {
                /* We didn't append the prefix yet */
                HDstrncpy(fullname, prefix, size);
                fullname[size -1] = '\0';

            if (HDstrlen(fullname) + HDstrlen(base_name) + 1 < size) {
                 * Append the base_name with a slash first. Multiple
                 * slashes are handled below.
                h5_stat_t buf;

                if (HDstat(fullname, &buf) < 0)
                    /* The directory doesn't exist just yet */
                    if (HDmkdir(fullname, (mode_t)0755) < 0 && errno != EEXIST)
                         * We couldn't make the "/tmp/${USER,LOGIN}"
                         * subdirectory.  Default to PREFIX's original
                         * prefix value.
                        HDstrcpy(fullname, prefix);

                HDstrcat(fullname, "/");
                HDstrcat(fullname, base_name);
            } else {
                /* Buffer is too small */
                return NULL;
        } else {
            if (HDsnprintf(fullname, size, "%s/%s", prefix, base_name) == (int)size)
                /* Buffer is too small */
                return NULL;
    } else if (HDstrlen(base_name) >= size) {
  /* Buffer is too small */
  return NULL;
    } else {
  HDstrcpy(fullname, base_name);

    /* Append a suffix */
    if (suffix) {
  if (HDstrlen(fullname) + HDstrlen(suffix) >= size)
            return NULL;

  HDstrcat(fullname, suffix);

    /* Remove any double slashes in the filename */
    for (ptr = fullname, i = j = 0; ptr && i < size; i++, ptr++) {
        if (*ptr != '/' || last != '/')
            fullname[j++] = *ptr;

        last = *ptr;

    return fullname;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * test_strpad
 * Tests string padding for a UTF-8 string.
 * Converts strings to shorter and then longer strings.
 * Borrows heavily from dtypes.c, but is more complicated because
 * the string is randomly generated.
void test_strpad(hid_t UNUSED fid, const char *string)
    /* buf is used to hold the data that H5Tconvert operates on. */
    char     buf[LONG_BUF_SIZE];

    /* cmpbuf holds the output that H5Tconvert should produce,
     * to compare against the actual output. */
    char     cmpbuf[LONG_BUF_SIZE];

    /* new_string is a slightly modified version of the UTF-8
     * string to make the tests run more smoothly. */
    char     new_string[MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 2];

    size_t   length;  /* Length of new_string in bytes */
    size_t   small_len;  /* Size of the small datatype */
    size_t   big_len;   /* Size of the larger datatype */
    hid_t    src_type, dst_type;
    herr_t   ret;

    /* The following tests are simpler if the UTF-8 string contains
     * the right number of bytes (even or odd, depending on the test).
     * We create a 'new_string' whose length is convenient by prepending
     * an 'x' to 'string' when necessary. */
    length = HDstrlen(string);
    if(length % 2 != 1)
      HDstrcpy(new_string, "x");
      HDstrcat(new_string, string);
    } else {
      HDstrcpy(new_string, string);

    /* Convert a null-terminated string to a shorter and longer null
     * terminated string. */

    /* Create a src_type that holds the UTF-8 string and its final NULL */
    big_len = length + 1;                     /* +1 byte for final NULL */
    src_type = mkstr(big_len, H5T_STR_NULLTERM);
    CHECK(src_type, FAIL, "mkstr");
    /* Create a dst_type that holds half of the UTF-8 string and a final
     * NULL */
    small_len = (length + 1) / 2;
    dst_type = mkstr(small_len, H5T_STR_NULLTERM);
    CHECK(dst_type, FAIL, "mkstr");

    /* Fill the buffer with two copies of the UTF-8 string, each with a
     * terminating NULL.  It will look like "abcdefg\0abcdefg\0". */
    strncpy(buf, new_string, big_len);
    strncpy(&buf[big_len], new_string, big_len);

    ret = H5Tconvert(src_type, dst_type, (size_t)2, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tconvert");

    /* After conversion, the buffer should look like
     * "abc\0abc\0abcdefg\0".  Note that this is just what the bytes look
     * like; UTF-8 characters may well have been truncated.
     * To check that the conversion worked properly, we'll build this
     * string manually. */
    HDstrncpy(cmpbuf, new_string, small_len - 1);
    cmpbuf[small_len - 1] = '\0';
    HDstrncpy(&cmpbuf[small_len], new_string, small_len -1);
    cmpbuf[2 * small_len - 1] = '\0';
    HDstrcpy(&cmpbuf[2 * small_len], new_string);

    VERIFY(HDmemcmp(buf, cmpbuf, 2*big_len), 0, "HDmemcmp");

    /* Now convert from smaller datatype to bigger datatype.  This should
     * leave our buffer looking like: "abc\0\0\0\0\0abc\0\0\0\0\0" */
    ret = H5Tconvert(dst_type, src_type, (size_t)2, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tconvert");

    /* First fill the buffer with NULLs */
    HDmemset(cmpbuf, '\0', (size_t)LONG_BUF_SIZE);
    /* Copy in the characters */
    HDstrncpy(cmpbuf, new_string, small_len -1);
    HDstrncpy(&cmpbuf[big_len], new_string, small_len -1);

    VERIFY(HDmemcmp(buf, cmpbuf, 2*big_len), 0, "HDmemcmp");

    ret = H5Tclose(src_type);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tclose");
    ret = H5Tclose(dst_type);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tclose");

    /* Now test null padding.  Null-padded strings do *not* need
     * terminating NULLs, so the sizes of the datatypes are slightly
     * different and we want a string with an even number of characters. */
    length = HDstrlen(string);
    if(length % 2 != 0)
      HDstrcpy(new_string, "x");
      HDstrcat(new_string, string);
    } else {
      HDstrcpy(new_string, string);

    /* Create a src_type that holds the UTF-8 string */
    big_len = length;
    src_type = mkstr(big_len, H5T_STR_NULLPAD);
    CHECK(src_type, FAIL, "mkstr");
    /* Create a dst_type that holds half of the UTF-8 string */
    small_len = length / 2;
    dst_type = mkstr(small_len, H5T_STR_NULLPAD);
    CHECK(dst_type, FAIL, "mkstr");

    /* Fill the buffer with two copies of the UTF-8 string.
     * It will look like "abcdefghabcdefgh". */
    strncpy(buf, new_string, big_len);
    strncpy(&buf[big_len], new_string, big_len);

    ret = H5Tconvert(src_type, dst_type, (size_t)2, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tconvert");

    /* After conversion, the buffer should look like
     * "abcdabcdabcdefgh".  Note that this is just what the bytes look
     * like; UTF-8 characters may well have been truncated.
     * To check that the conversion worked properly, we'll build this
     * string manually. */
    HDstrncpy(cmpbuf, new_string, small_len);
    HDstrncpy(&cmpbuf[small_len], new_string, small_len);
    HDstrncpy(&cmpbuf[2 * small_len], new_string, big_len);

    VERIFY(HDmemcmp(buf, cmpbuf, 2*big_len), 0, "HDmemcmp");

    /* Now convert from smaller datatype to bigger datatype.  This should
     * leave our buffer looking like: "abcd\0\0\0\0abcd\0\0\0\0" */
    ret = H5Tconvert(dst_type, src_type, (size_t)2, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tconvert");

    /* First fill the buffer with NULLs */
    HDmemset(cmpbuf, '\0', (size_t)LONG_BUF_SIZE);
    /* Copy in the characters */
    HDstrncpy(cmpbuf, new_string, small_len);
    HDstrncpy(&cmpbuf[big_len], new_string, small_len);

    VERIFY(HDmemcmp(buf, cmpbuf, 2*big_len), 0, "HDmemcmp");

    ret = H5Tclose(src_type);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tclose");
    ret = H5Tclose(dst_type);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tclose");

    /* Test space padding.  This is very similar to null-padding; we can
       use the same values of length, small_len, and big_len. */

    src_type = mkstr(big_len, H5T_STR_SPACEPAD);
    CHECK(src_type, FAIL, "mkstr");
    dst_type = mkstr(small_len, H5T_STR_SPACEPAD);
    CHECK(src_type, FAIL, "mkstr");

    /* Fill the buffer with two copies of the UTF-8 string.
     * It will look like "abcdefghabcdefgh". */
    HDstrcpy(buf, new_string);
    HDstrcpy(&buf[big_len], new_string);

    ret = H5Tconvert(src_type, dst_type, (size_t)2, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tconvert");

    /* After conversion, the buffer should look like
     * "abcdabcdabcdefgh".  Note that this is just what the bytes look
     * like; UTF-8 characters may have been truncated.
     * To check that the conversion worked properly, we'll build this
     * string manually. */
    HDstrncpy(cmpbuf, new_string, small_len);
    HDstrncpy(&cmpbuf[small_len], new_string, small_len);
    HDstrncpy(&cmpbuf[2 * small_len], new_string, big_len);

    VERIFY(HDmemcmp(buf, cmpbuf, 2*big_len), 0, "HDmemcmp");

    /* Now convert from smaller datatype to bigger datatype.  This should
     * leave our buffer looking like: "abcd    abcd    " */
    ret = H5Tconvert(dst_type, src_type, (size_t)2, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tconvert");

    /* First fill the buffer with spaces */
    HDmemset(cmpbuf, ' ', (size_t)LONG_BUF_SIZE);
    /* Copy in the characters */
    HDstrncpy(cmpbuf, new_string, small_len);
    HDstrncpy(&cmpbuf[big_len], new_string, small_len);

    VERIFY(HDmemcmp(buf, cmpbuf, 2*big_len), 0, "HDmemcmp");

    ret = H5Tclose(src_type);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tclose");
    ret = H5Tclose(dst_type);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tclose");
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * Function:  print_header
 * Purpose:   Prints the header for the generated file.
 * Return:    void
static void
    time_t        now = HDtime(NULL);
    struct tm        *tm = HDlocaltime(&now);
    char        real_name[30];
    char        host_name[256];
    int            i;
    const char        *s;
    struct passwd    *pwd = NULL;
    int            pwd = 1;
    static const char    *month_name[] =
    "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
    "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};
    static const char    *purpose = "\
This machine-generated source code contains\n\
information about the library build configuration\n";

     * The real name is the first item from the passwd gecos field.
        size_t n;
        char *comma;

        if((pwd = HDgetpwuid(HDgetuid()))) {
            if((comma = HDstrchr(pwd->pw_gecos, ','))) {
                n = MIN(sizeof(real_name) - 1, (unsigned)(comma - pwd->pw_gecos));
                HDstrncpy(real_name, pwd->pw_gecos, n);
                real_name[n] = '\0';
            } /* end if */
            else {
                HDstrncpy(real_name, pwd->pw_gecos, sizeof(real_name));
                real_name[sizeof(real_name) - 1] = '\0';
            } /* end else */
        } /* end if */
            real_name[0] = '\0';
    real_name[0] = '\0';

     * The FQDM of this host or the empty string.
    if(HDgethostname(host_name, sizeof(host_name)) < 0)
        host_name[0] = '\0';
    host_name[0] = '\0';

     * The file header: warning, copyright notice, build information.
    fprintf(rawoutstream, "/* Generated automatically by H5make_libsettings -- do not edit */\n\n\n");
    HDfputs(FileHeader, rawoutstream);        /*the copyright notice--see top of this file */

    fprintf(rawoutstream, " *\n * Created:\t\t%s %2d, %4d\n",
    month_name[tm->tm_mon], tm->tm_mday, 1900 + tm->tm_year);
    if(pwd || real_name[0] || host_name[0]) {
        fprintf(rawoutstream, " *\t\t\t");
            fprintf(rawoutstream, "%s <", real_name);
            HDfputs(pwd->pw_name, rawoutstream);
            fprintf(rawoutstream, "@%s", host_name);
            fprintf(rawoutstream, ">");
        HDfputc('\n', rawoutstream);
    } /* end if */
    fprintf(rawoutstream, " *\n * Purpose:\t\t");
    for(s = purpose; *s; s++) {
        HDfputc(*s, rawoutstream);
        if('\n' == *s && s[1])
            fprintf(rawoutstream, " *\t\t\t");
    } /* end for */

    fprintf(rawoutstream, " *\n * Modifications:\n *\n");
    fprintf(rawoutstream, " *\tDO NOT MAKE MODIFICATIONS TO THIS FILE!\n");
    fprintf(rawoutstream, " *\tIt was generated by code in `H5make_libsettings.c'.\n");

    fprintf(rawoutstream, " *\n *");
    for(i = 0; i < 73; i++)
        HDfputc('-', rawoutstream);
    fprintf(rawoutstream, "\n */\n\n");
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * Function:    H5F_sblock_load
 * Purpose:     Loads the superblock from the file, and deserializes
 *              its information into the H5F_super_t structure.
 * Return:      Success:        SUCCEED
 *              Failure:        NULL
 * Programmer:  Mike McGreevy
 *              [email protected]
 *              April 8, 2009
static H5F_super_t *
H5F_sblock_load(H5F_t *f, hid_t dxpl_id, haddr_t UNUSED addr, void *_udata)
    H5F_super_t        *sblock = NULL;      /* File's superblock */
    haddr_t             base_addr = HADDR_UNDEF;        /* Base address of file */
    uint8_t             sbuf[H5F_MAX_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE];     /* Buffer for superblock */
    H5P_genplist_t     *dxpl;               /* DXPL object */
    H5P_genplist_t     *c_plist;            /* File creation property list  */
    H5F_file_t         *shared;             /* shared part of `file'        */
    H5FD_t             *lf;                 /* file driver part of `shared' */
    haddr_t             stored_eoa;         /*relative end-of-addr in file  */
    haddr_t             eof;                /*end of file address           */
    uint8_t             sizeof_addr;        /* Size of offsets in the file (in bytes) */
    uint8_t             sizeof_size;        /* Size of lengths in the file (in bytes) */
    const size_t        fixed_size = H5F_SUPERBLOCK_FIXED_SIZE; /*fixed sizeof superblock   */
    size_t              variable_size;      /*variable sizeof superblock    */
    uint8_t            *p;                  /* Temporary pointer into encoding buffer */
    unsigned            super_vers;         /* Superblock version          */
    hbool_t            *dirtied = (hbool_t *)_udata;  /* Set up dirtied out value */
    H5F_super_t        *ret_value;          /* Return value */


    /* check arguments */
    HDassert(H5F_addr_eq(addr, 0));

    /* Short cuts */
    shared = f->shared;
    lf = shared->lf;

    /* Get the shared file creation property list */
    if(NULL == (c_plist = (H5P_genplist_t *)H5I_object(shared->fcpl_id)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, NULL, "can't get property list")

    /* Get the base address for the file in the VFD */
    if(HADDR_UNDEF == (base_addr = H5FD_get_base_addr(lf)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTGET, NULL, "failed to get base address for file driver")

    /* Allocate space for the superblock */
    if(NULL == (sblock = H5FL_CALLOC(H5F_super_t)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed")

    /* Get the DXPL plist object for DXPL ID */
    if(NULL == (dxpl = (H5P_genplist_t *)H5I_object(dxpl_id)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, NULL, "can't get property list")

    /* Read fixed-size portion of the superblock */
    p = sbuf;
    H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(fixed_size, size_t, haddr_t);
    if(H5FD_set_eoa(lf, H5FD_MEM_SUPER, (haddr_t)fixed_size) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTINIT, NULL, "set end of space allocation request failed")
    if(H5FD_read(lf, dxpl, H5FD_MEM_SUPER, (haddr_t)0, fixed_size, p) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_READERROR, NULL, "unable to read superblock")

    /* Skip over signature (already checked when locating the superblock) */

    /* Superblock version */
    super_vers = *p++;
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_BADVALUE, NULL, "bad superblock version number")
    if(H5P_set(c_plist, H5F_CRT_SUPER_VERS_NAME, &super_vers) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, NULL, "unable to set superblock version")

    /* Record the superblock version */
    sblock->super_vers = super_vers;

    /* Sanity check */
    HDassert(((size_t)(p - sbuf)) == fixed_size);

    /* Determine the size of the variable-length part of the superblock */
    variable_size = (size_t)H5F_SUPERBLOCK_VARLEN_SIZE(super_vers, f);
    HDassert(variable_size > 0);
    HDassert(fixed_size + variable_size <= sizeof(sbuf));

    /* Read in variable-sized portion of superblock */
    if(H5FD_set_eoa(lf, H5FD_MEM_SUPER, (haddr_t)(fixed_size + variable_size)) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTINIT, NULL, "set end of space allocation request failed")
    if(H5FD_read(lf, dxpl, H5FD_MEM_SUPER, (haddr_t)fixed_size, variable_size, p) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTOPENFILE, NULL, "unable to read superblock")

    /* Check for older version of superblock format */
    if(super_vers < HDF5_SUPERBLOCK_VERSION_2) {
        uint32_t	status_flags;	    /* File status flags	   */
        unsigned        btree_k[H5B_NUM_BTREE_ID];  /* B-tree internal node 'K' values */
        unsigned        sym_leaf_k;         /* Symbol table leaf node's 'K' value */

        /* Freespace version (hard-wired) */
        if(HDF5_FREESPACE_VERSION != *p++)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_BADVALUE, NULL, "bad free space version number")

        /* Root group version number (hard-wired) */
        if(HDF5_OBJECTDIR_VERSION != *p++)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_BADVALUE, NULL, "bad object directory version number")

        /* Skip over reserved byte */

        /* Shared header version number (hard-wired) */
        if(HDF5_SHAREDHEADER_VERSION != *p++)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_BADVALUE, NULL, "bad shared-header format version number")

        /* Size of file addresses */
        sizeof_addr = *p++;
        if(sizeof_addr != 2 && sizeof_addr != 4 &&
                sizeof_addr != 8 && sizeof_addr != 16 && sizeof_addr != 32)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_BADVALUE, NULL, "bad byte number in an address")
        if(H5P_set(c_plist, H5F_CRT_ADDR_BYTE_NUM_NAME, &sizeof_addr) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, NULL, "unable to set byte number in an address")
        shared->sizeof_addr = sizeof_addr;  /* Keep a local copy also */

        /* Size of file sizes */
        sizeof_size = *p++;
        if(sizeof_size != 2 && sizeof_size != 4 &&
                sizeof_size != 8 && sizeof_size != 16 && sizeof_size != 32)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_BADVALUE, NULL, "bad byte number for object size")
        if(H5P_set(c_plist, H5F_CRT_OBJ_BYTE_NUM_NAME, &sizeof_size) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, NULL, "unable to set byte number for object size")
        shared->sizeof_size = sizeof_size;  /* Keep a local copy also */

        /* Skip over reserved byte */

        /* Various B-tree sizes */
        UINT16DECODE(p, sym_leaf_k);
        if(sym_leaf_k == 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_BADRANGE, NULL, "bad symbol table leaf node 1/2 rank")
        if(H5P_set(c_plist, H5F_CRT_SYM_LEAF_NAME, &sym_leaf_k) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, NULL, "unable to set rank for symbol table leaf nodes")
        sblock->sym_leaf_k = sym_leaf_k;    /* Keep a local copy also */

        /* Need 'get' call to set other array values */
        if(H5P_get(c_plist, H5F_CRT_BTREE_RANK_NAME, btree_k) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTGET, NULL, "unable to get rank for btree internal nodes")
        UINT16DECODE(p, btree_k[H5B_SNODE_ID]);
        if(btree_k[H5B_SNODE_ID] == 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_BADRANGE, NULL, "bad 1/2 rank for btree internal nodes")
         * Delay setting the value in the property list until we've checked
         * for the indexed storage B-tree internal 'K' value later.

        /* File status flags (not really used yet) */
        UINT32DECODE(p, status_flags);
        HDassert(status_flags <= 255);
        sblock->status_flags = (uint8_t)status_flags;
        if(sblock->status_flags & ~H5F_SUPER_ALL_FLAGS)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_BADVALUE, NULL, "bad flag value for superblock")

         * If the superblock version # is greater than 0, read in the indexed
         * storage B-tree internal 'K' value
        if(super_vers > HDF5_SUPERBLOCK_VERSION_DEF) {
            UINT16DECODE(p, btree_k[H5B_CHUNK_ID]);
            /* Reserved bytes are present only in version 1 */
            if(super_vers == HDF5_SUPERBLOCK_VERSION_1)
                p += 2;   /* reserved */
        } /* end if */
            btree_k[H5B_CHUNK_ID] = HDF5_BTREE_CHUNK_IK_DEF;

        /* Set the B-tree internal node values, etc */
        if(H5P_set(c_plist, H5F_CRT_BTREE_RANK_NAME, btree_k) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, NULL, "unable to set rank for btree internal nodes")
        HDmemcpy(sblock->btree_k, btree_k, sizeof(unsigned) * (size_t)H5B_NUM_BTREE_ID);    /* Keep a local copy also */

        /* Remainder of "variable-sized" portion of superblock */
        H5F_addr_decode(f, (const uint8_t **)&p, &sblock->base_addr/*out*/);
        H5F_addr_decode(f, (const uint8_t **)&p, &sblock->ext_addr/*out*/);
        H5F_addr_decode(f, (const uint8_t **)&p, &stored_eoa/*out*/);
        H5F_addr_decode(f, (const uint8_t **)&p, &sblock->driver_addr/*out*/);

        /* Allocate space for the root group symbol table entry */
        if(NULL == (sblock->root_ent = (H5G_entry_t *)H5MM_calloc(sizeof(H5G_entry_t))))
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTALLOC, NULL, "can't allocate space for root group symbol table entry")

        /* decode the root group symbol table entry */
        if(H5G_ent_decode(f, (const uint8_t **)&p, sblock->root_ent) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTDECODE, NULL, "can't decode root group symbol table entry")

        /* Set the root group address to the correct value */
        sblock->root_addr = sblock->root_ent->header;

         * Check if superblock address is different from base address and
         * adjust base address and "end of address" address if so.
        if(!H5F_addr_eq(base_addr, sblock->base_addr)) {
            /* Check if the superblock moved earlier in the file */
            if(H5F_addr_lt(base_addr, sblock->base_addr))
                stored_eoa -= (sblock->base_addr - base_addr);
                /* The superblock moved later in the file */
                stored_eoa += (base_addr - sblock->base_addr);

            /* Adjust base address for offsets of the HDF5 data in the file */
            sblock->base_addr = base_addr;

            /* Set the base address for the file in the VFD now */
            if(H5FD_set_base_addr(lf, sblock->base_addr) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTSET, NULL, "failed to set base address for file driver")

            /* Indicate that the superblock should be marked dirty */
            *dirtied = TRUE;
        } /* end if */

        /* This step is for h5repart tool only. If user wants to change file driver
         *  from family to sec2 while using h5repart, set the driver address to
         *  undefined to let the library ignore the family driver information saved
         *  in the superblock.
            /* Eliminate the driver info */
            sblock->driver_addr = HADDR_UNDEF;

            /* Indicate that the superblock should be marked dirty */
            *dirtied = TRUE;
        } /* end if */

        /* Decode the optional driver information block */
        if(H5F_addr_defined(sblock->driver_addr)) {
            uint8_t dbuf[H5F_MAX_DRVINFOBLOCK_SIZE];     /* Buffer for driver info block */
            char drv_name[9];       /* Name of driver */
            unsigned drv_vers;      /* Version of driver info block */
            size_t drv_variable_size; /* Size of variable-length portion of driver info block, in bytes */

            /* Read in fixed-sized portion of driver info block */
            p = dbuf;
            if(H5FD_set_eoa(lf, H5FD_MEM_SUPER, sblock->driver_addr + H5F_DRVINFOBLOCK_HDR_SIZE) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTINIT, NULL, "set end of space allocation request failed")
            if(H5FD_read(lf, dxpl, H5FD_MEM_SUPER, sblock->driver_addr, (size_t)H5F_DRVINFOBLOCK_HDR_SIZE, p) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTOPENFILE, NULL, "unable to read driver information block")

            /* Version number */
            drv_vers = *p++;
            if(drv_vers != HDF5_DRIVERINFO_VERSION_0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTOPENFILE, NULL, "bad driver information block version number")

            p += 3; /* reserved bytes */

            /* Driver info size */
            UINT32DECODE(p, drv_variable_size);

            /* Sanity check */
            HDassert(H5F_DRVINFOBLOCK_HDR_SIZE + drv_variable_size <= sizeof(dbuf));

            /* Driver name and/or version */
            HDstrncpy(drv_name, (const char *)p, (size_t)8);
            drv_name[8] = '\0';
            p += 8; /* advance past name/version */

            /* Check if driver matches driver information saved. Unfortunately, we can't push this
             * function to each specific driver because we're checking if the driver is correct.
            if(!HDstrncmp(drv_name, "NCSAfami", (size_t)8) && HDstrcmp(lf->cls->name, "family"))
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTOPENFILE, NULL, "family driver should be used")
            if(!HDstrncmp(drv_name, "NCSAmult", (size_t)8) && HDstrcmp(lf->cls->name, "multi"))
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTOPENFILE, NULL, "multi driver should be used")

            /* Read in variable-sized portion of driver info block */
            if(H5FD_set_eoa(lf, H5FD_MEM_SUPER, sblock->driver_addr + H5F_DRVINFOBLOCK_HDR_SIZE + drv_variable_size) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTINIT, NULL, "set end of space allocation request failed")
            if(H5FD_read(lf, dxpl, H5FD_MEM_SUPER, sblock->driver_addr + H5F_DRVINFOBLOCK_HDR_SIZE, drv_variable_size, p) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTOPENFILE, NULL, "unable to read file driver information")

            /* Decode driver information */
            if(H5FD_sb_decode(lf, drv_name, p) < 0)
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTOPENFILE, NULL, "unable to decode driver information")
        } /* end if */
Ejemplo n.º 11
main (int argc, const char *argv[])
    hid_t        fid_src = -1;
    hid_t        fid_dst = -1;
    unsigned     flag = 0;
    unsigned     verbose = 0;
    unsigned     parents = 0;
    hid_t        ocpl_id = (-1);          /* Object copy property list */
    hid_t        lcpl_id = (-1);          /* Link creation property list */
    int          opt;
    int          li_ret;
    h5tool_link_info_t linkinfo;


    /* initialize h5tools lib */

    /* init linkinfo struct */
    HDmemset(&linkinfo, 0, sizeof(h5tool_link_info_t));

    /* Check for no command line parameters */
    if(argc == 1) 
    } /* end if */

    /* parse command line options */
    while ((opt = get_option(argc, argv, s_opts, l_opts)) != EOF)
        switch ((char)opt)
        case 'd':
            oname_dst = HDstrdup(opt_arg);

        case 'f':
            /* validate flag */
            if (parse_flag(opt_arg,&flag)<0)
            str_flag = HDstrdup(opt_arg);

        case 'h':

        case 'i':
            fname_src = HDstrdup(opt_arg);

        case 'o':
            fname_dst = HDstrdup(opt_arg);

        case 'p':
            parents = 1;

        case 's':
            oname_src = HDstrdup(opt_arg);

        case 'V':

        case 'v':
            verbose = 1;

    } /* end of while */

 * check for missing file/object names

    if (fname_src==NULL)
        error_msg("Input file name missing\n");

    if (fname_dst==NULL)
        error_msg("Output file name missing\n");

    if (oname_src==NULL)
        error_msg("Source object name missing\n");

    if (oname_dst==NULL)
        error_msg("Destination object name missing\n");

    * open output file

    /* Attempt to open an existing HDF5 file first. Need to open the dst file
       before the src file just in case that the dst and src are the same file
    fid_dst = h5tools_fopen(fname_dst, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL, 0);

    * open input file

    fid_src = h5tools_fopen(fname_src, H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL, 0);

    * test for error in opening input file
    if (fid_src==-1)
        error_msg("Could not open input file <%s>...Exiting\n", fname_src);

    * create an output file when failed to open it

    /* If we couldn't open an existing file, try creating file */
    /* (use "EXCL" instead of "TRUNC", so we don't blow away existing non-HDF5 file) */
    if(fid_dst < 0)
        fid_dst = H5Fcreate(fname_dst, H5F_ACC_EXCL, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);

    * test for error in opening output file
    if (fid_dst==-1)
        error_msg("Could not open output file <%s>...Exiting\n", fname_dst);

    * print some info

    if (verbose)
        printf("Copying file <%s> and object <%s> to file <%s> and object <%s>\n",
        fname_src, oname_src, fname_dst, oname_dst);
        if (flag) {
            printf("Using %s flag\n", str_flag);

    * create property lists for copy

    /* create property to pass copy options */
    if ( (ocpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_OBJECT_COPY)) < 0)
        goto error;

    /* set options for object copy */
    if (flag)
        if ( H5Pset_copy_object(ocpl_id, flag) < 0)
            goto error;

    /* Create link creation property list */
    if((lcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_LINK_CREATE)) < 0) {
        error_msg("Could not create link creation property list\n");
        goto error;
    } /* end if */

    /* Check for creating intermediate groups */
    if(parents) {
        /* Set the intermediate group creation property */
        if(H5Pset_create_intermediate_group(lcpl_id, 1) < 0) {
            error_msg("Could not set property for creating parent groups\n");
            goto error;
        } /* end if */

        /* Display some output if requested */
            printf("%s: Creating parent groups\n", h5tools_getprogname());
    } /* end if */
    else /* error, if parent groups doesn't already exist in destination file */
        size_t        i, len;

        len = HDstrlen(oname_dst);        

        /* check if all the parents groups exist. skip root group */
        for (i = 1; i < len; i++)
            if ('/'==oname_dst[i])
                char         *str_ptr;

                str_ptr = (char *)HDcalloc(i + 1, sizeof(char));
                HDstrncpy(str_ptr, oname_dst, i);
                if (H5Lexists(fid_dst, str_ptr, H5P_DEFAULT) <= 0)
                    error_msg("group <%s> doesn't exist. Use -p to create parent groups.\n", str_ptr);
                    goto error;

    * do the copy
        linkinfo.opt.msg_mode = 1;
    li_ret = H5tools_get_symlink_info(fid_src, oname_src, &linkinfo, 1);
    if (li_ret == 0) /* dangling link */
        if(H5Lcopy(fid_src, oname_src, 
                   fid_dst, oname_dst,
                   H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT) < 0)
            goto error;
    else /* valid link */
        if (H5Ocopy(fid_src,          /* Source file or group identifier */
                  oname_src,        /* Name of the source object to be copied */
                  fid_dst,          /* Destination file or group identifier  */
                  oname_dst,        /* Name of the destination object  */
                  ocpl_id,          /* Object copy property list */
                  lcpl_id)<0)       /* Link creation property list */
            goto error;

    /* free link info path */
    if (linkinfo.trg_path)

    /* close propertis */
        goto error;
        goto error;

    /* close files */
    if (H5Fclose(fid_src)<0)
        goto error;
    if (H5Fclose(fid_dst)<0)
        goto error;


    printf("Error in copy...Exiting\n");

    /* free link info path */
    if (linkinfo.trg_path)


Ejemplo n.º 12
 * Function:    sio_create_filename
 * Purpose:     Create a new filename to write to. Determine the correct
 *              suffix to append to the filename by the type of I/O we're
 *              doing. Also, place in the /tmp/{$USER,$LOGIN} directory if
 *              USER or LOGIN are specified in the environment.
 * Return:      Pointer to filename or NULL
 * Programmer:  Bill Wendling, 21. November 2001
 * Modifications: Support for file drivers. Christian Chilan, April, 2008
    static char *
sio_create_filename(iotype iot, const char *base_name, char *fullname, size_t size, parameters *param)
    const char *prefix, *suffix="";
    char *ptr, last = '\0';
    size_t i, j;
    vfdtype vfd;
    vfd = param->vfd;

    if (!base_name || !fullname || size < 1)
    return NULL;

    memset(fullname, 0, size);

    switch (iot) {
    case POSIXIO:
        suffix = ".posix";
    case HDF5:
        suffix = ".h5";
        if (vfd == family)
            suffix = "%05d.h5";
        else if (vfd == multi)
            suffix = NULL;
        /* unknown request */
        HDfprintf(stderr, "Unknown IO type request (%d)\n", (int)iot);
        HDassert(0 && "Unknown IO type");

    /* First use the environment variable and then try the constant */
    prefix = HDgetenv("HDF5_PREFIX");

#ifdef HDF5_PREFIX
    if (!prefix)
    prefix = HDF5_PREFIX;
#endif  /* HDF5_PREFIX */

    /* Prepend the prefix value to the base name */
    if (prefix && *prefix) {
    /* If the prefix specifies the HDF5_PREFIX directory, then
     * default to using the "/tmp/$USER" or "/tmp/$LOGIN"
     * directory instead. */
    register char *user, *login, *subdir;

    user = HDgetenv("USER");
    login = HDgetenv("LOGIN");
    subdir = (user ? user : login);

    if (subdir) {
        for (i = 0; i < size-1 && prefix[i]; i++)
        fullname[i] = prefix[i];

        fullname[i++] = '/';

        for (j = 0; i < size && subdir[j]; i++, j++)
        fullname[i] = subdir[j];
    } else {
        /* We didn't append the prefix yet */
        HDstrncpy(fullname, prefix, size);
        fullname[size - 1] = '\0';

    if ((HDstrlen(fullname) + HDstrlen(base_name) + 1) < size) {
        /* Append the base_name with a slash first. Multiple slashes are
         * handled below. */
        h5_stat_t buf;

        if (HDstat(fullname, &buf) < 0)
        /* The directory doesn't exist just yet */
        if (HDmkdir(fullname, 0755) < 0 && errno != EEXIST) {
            /* We couldn't make the "/tmp/${USER,LOGIN}" subdirectory.
             * Default to PREFIX's original prefix value. */
            HDstrcpy(fullname, prefix);

        HDstrcat(fullname, "/");
        HDstrcat(fullname, base_name);
    } else {
        /* Buffer is too small */
        return NULL;
    } else if (strlen(base_name) >= size) {
    /* Buffer is too small */
        return NULL;
    } else {
        HDstrcpy(fullname, base_name);

    /* Append a suffix */
    if (suffix) {
        if (HDstrlen(fullname) + HDstrlen(suffix) >= size)
            return NULL;

        HDstrcat(fullname, suffix);

    /* Remove any double slashes in the filename */
    for (ptr = fullname, i = j = 0; ptr && (i < size); i++, ptr++) {
        if (*ptr != '/' || last != '/')
            fullname[j++] = *ptr;

        last = *ptr;

    return fullname;
Ejemplo n.º 13
    int       nrow = 3, ncol = 4, npln = 5;
    int       i, j, k;
    FILE      *sp;
    char      machine_order[3] = {0, 0, 0};

    float     row4[3], col4[4], pln4[5];
    float     rowo4 = 11.0F, colo4 = 21.0F, plno4 = 51.0F;
    float     rowi4 = 1.0F, coli4 = 2.0F, plni4 = 5.0F;

    int       b32i3[5][3][4];
    int       row4i[3], col4i[4], pln4i[5];
    int       rowo4i = 11 , colo4i = 21 , plno4i = 51 ;
    int       rowi4i = 1 , coli4i = 2 , plni4i = 5 ;

    long long row4i64[3], col4i64[4], pln4i64[5];
    long long rowo4i64 = (long long)11 , colo4i64 = (long long)21 , plno4i64 = (long long)51 ;
    long long rowi4i64 = (long long)1 , coli4i64 = (long long)2 , plni4i64 = (long long)5 ;

    short     b16i3[5][3][4];
    short     row4i16[3], col4i16[4], pln4i16[5];
    short     rowo4i16 = (short)11 , colo4i16 = (short)21 , plno4i16 = (short)51 ;
    short     rowi4i16 = (short)1 , coli4i16 = (short)2 , plni4i16 = (short)5 ;

    char      b8i3[5][3][4];
    char      row4i8[3], col4i8[4], pln4i8[5];
    char      rowo4i8 = (char)11 , colo4i8 = (char)21 , plno4i8 = (char)51 ;
    char      rowi4i8 = (char)1 , coli4i8 = (char)2 , plni4i8 = (char)5 ;

    double    b64r3[5][3][4];
    double    row8[3], col8[4], pln8[5];
    double    rowo8 = 11.0F, colo8 = 21.0F, plno8 = 51.0F;
    double    rowi8 = 1.0F, coli8 = 2.0F, plni8 = 5.0F;

    /* Initialize machine endian */
    volatile uint32_t ibyte=0x01234567;
    /* 0 for big endian, 1 for little endian. */
    if ((*((uint8_t*)(&ibyte))) == 0x67)
        HDstrncpy(machine_order, "LE", 2);
        HDstrncpy(machine_order, "BE", 2);

    * initialize the row, column, and plane vectors
    * row values start at 11 and increment by 1 => 11, 12, 13
    * column values start at 21 and increment by 2 => 21, 23, 25, 27
    * plane values start at 51 and increment by 5 => 51, 56, 61, 66, 71

    * build array elements - rank 2
    * element value = sum of row value and col values

    row4[0] = rowo4;
    col4[0] = colo4;
    pln4[0] = plno4;

    row8[0] = rowo8;
    col8[0] = colo8;
    pln8[0] = plno8;

    row4i[0] = rowo4i;
    col4i[0] = colo4i;
    pln4i[0] = plno4i;

    row4i64[0] = rowo4i64;
    col4i64[0] = colo4i64;
    pln4i64[0] = plno4i64;

    row4i16[0] = rowo4i16;
    col4i16[0] = colo4i16;
    pln4i16[0] = plno4i16;

    row4i8[0] = rowo4i8;
    col4i8[0] = colo4i8;
    pln4i8[0] = plno4i8;

    for (i = 1; i < nrow; i++)
        row4[i] = row4[i - 1] + rowi4;
        row8[i] = row8[i - 1] + rowi8;
        row4i[i] = row4i[i - 1] + rowi4i;
        row4i64[i] = row4i64[i - 1] + rowi4i64;
        row4i16[i] = (short)(row4i16[i - 1] + rowi4i16);
        row4i8[i] = (char)(row4i8[i - 1] + rowi4i8);

    for (j = 1; j < ncol; j++)
        col4[j] = col4[j - 1] + coli4;
        col8[j] = col8[j - 1] + coli8;
        col4i[j] = col4i[j - 1] + coli4i;
        col4i64[j] = col4i64[j - 1] + coli4i64;
        col4i16[j] = (short)(col4i16[j - 1] + coli4i16);
        col4i8[j] = (char)(col4i8[j - 1] + coli4i8);
    for (k = 1; k < npln; k++)
        pln4[k] = pln4[k - 1] + plni4;
        pln8[k] = pln8[k - 1] + plni8;
        pln4i[k] = pln4i[k - 1] + plni4i;
        pln4i64[k] = pln4i64[k - 1] + plni4i64;
        pln4i16[k] = (short)(pln4i16[k - 1] + plni4i16);
        pln4i8[k] = (char)(pln4i8[k - 1] + plni4i8);

    * build array elements - rank 3
    * element value = sum of row value, col, and plane values

    for (i = 0; i < nrow; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < ncol; j++)
            for (k = 0; k < npln; k++) {
                b64r3[k][i][j] = row8[i] + col8[j] + pln8[k];
                b32i3[k][i][j] = row4i[i] + col4i[j] + pln4i[k];
                b16i3[k][i][j] = (short)(row4i16[i] + col4i16[j] + pln4i16[k]);
                b8i3[k][i][j] = (char)(row4i8[i] + col4i8[j] + pln4i8[k]);

#ifndef UNICOS

  * TOOLTEST txtin8.txt -c $srcdir/testfiles/txtin8.conf -o txtin8.h5

    sp = HDfopen("txtin8.txt", "w");
    for (k = 0; k < npln; k++)
       for (i = 0; i < nrow; i++)
           for (j = 0; j < ncol; j++)
               (void) fprintf(sp, "%10u", b8i3[k][i][j]);
           (void) fprintf(sp, "\n");
    (void) HDfclose(sp);

  * TOOLTEST txtin16.txt -c $srcdir/testfiles/txtin16.conf -o txtin16.h5

    sp = HDfopen("txtin16.txt", "w");
    for (k = 0; k < npln; k++)
      for (i = 0; i < nrow; i++)
          for (j = 0; j < ncol; j++)
              (void) fprintf(sp, "%10u", b16i3[k][i][j]);
          (void) fprintf(sp, "\n");
    (void) HDfclose(sp);

  * TOOLTEST txtin32.txt -c $srcdir/testfiles/textin32.conf -o textin32.h5

    sp = HDfopen("txtin32.txt", "w");
    for (k = 0; k < npln; k++)
        for (i = 0; i < nrow; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < ncol; j++)
                (void) fprintf(sp, "%10d", b32i3[k][i][j]);
            (void) fprintf(sp, "\n");
    (void) HDfclose(sp);

  * TOOLTEST binin32.bin -c binin32.conf -o binin32.h5

    sp = HDfopen("binin32.bin", OPEN_FLAGS);
    for (k = 0; k < npln; k++)
        for (i = 0; i < nrow; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < ncol; j++)
                (void) HDfwrite((char *) &b32i3[k][i][j], sizeof(int), 1, sp);
    (void) HDfclose(sp);

    sp = HDfopen("binin32.conf", "w");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "PATH /int/bin/32-bit\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "INPUT-CLASS IN\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "INPUT-SIZE    32\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "INPUT-BYTE-ORDER %s\n", machine_order);
    (void) fprintf(sp, "RANK 3\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "OUTPUT-ARCHITECTURE STD\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "OUTPUT-BYTE-ORDER BE\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "DIMENSION-SIZES 5 3 4\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "CHUNKED-DIMENSION-SIZES 1 2 1\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "\n");
    (void) HDfclose(sp);

  * TOOLTEST binuin32.bin -c binuin32.conf -o binuin32.h5

    sp = HDfopen("binuin32.bin", OPEN_FLAGS);
    for (k = 0; k < npln; k++)
        for (i = 0; i < nrow; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < ncol; j++)
                (void) HDfwrite((char *) &b32i3[k][i][j], sizeof(unsigned int), 1, sp);
    (void) HDfclose(sp);

    sp = HDfopen("binuin32.conf", "w");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "PATH /int/buin/32-bit\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "INPUT-CLASS UIN\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "INPUT-SIZE    32\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "INPUT-BYTE-ORDER %s\n", machine_order);
    (void) fprintf(sp, "RANK 3\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "OUTPUT-ARCHITECTURE STD\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "OUTPUT-BYTE-ORDER LE\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "DIMENSION-SIZES 5 3 4\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "\n");
    (void) HDfclose(sp);

  * TOOLTEST binin16.bin -c binin16.conf -o binin16.h5

    sp = HDfopen("binin16.bin", OPEN_FLAGS);
    for (k = 0; k < npln; k++)
        for (i = 0; i < nrow; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < ncol; j++)
                (void) HDfwrite((char *) &b16i3[k][i][j], sizeof(short), 1, sp);
    (void) HDfclose(sp);

    sp = HDfopen("binin16.conf", "w");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "PATH /int/bin/16-bit\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "INPUT-CLASS IN\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "INPUT-SIZE    16\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "INPUT-BYTE-ORDER %s\n", machine_order);
    (void) fprintf(sp, "RANK 3\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "OUTPUT-ARCHITECTURE STD\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "OUTPUT-BYTE-ORDER LE\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "DIMENSION-SIZES 2 3 4\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "CHUNKED-DIMENSION-SIZES 2 2 2\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "MAXIMUM-DIMENSIONS -1 -1 8\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "\n");
    (void) HDfclose(sp);

  * TOOLTEST binuin16.bin -c binuin16.conf -o binuin16.h5
    sp = HDfopen("binuin16.bin", OPEN_FLAGS);
    for (k = 0; k < npln; k++)
        for (i = 0; i < nrow; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < ncol; j++)
                (void) HDfwrite((char *) &b16i3[k][i][j], sizeof(unsigned short), 1, sp);
    (void) HDfclose(sp);

    sp = HDfopen("binuin16.conf", "w");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "PATH /int/buin/16-bit\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "INPUT-CLASS UIN\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "INPUT-SIZE    16\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "INPUT-BYTE-ORDER %s\n", machine_order);
    (void) fprintf(sp, "RANK 3\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "OUTPUT-ARCHITECTURE STD\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "OUTPUT-BYTE-ORDER BE\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "DIMENSION-SIZES 2 3 4\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "CHUNKED-DIMENSION-SIZES 2 2 2\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "MAXIMUM-DIMENSIONS -1 -1 8\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "\n");
    (void) HDfclose(sp);

  * TOOLTEST binin8.bin -c binin8.conf  -o binin8.h5

    sp = HDfopen("binin8.bin", OPEN_FLAGS);
    for (k = 0; k < npln; k++)
        for (i = 0; i < nrow; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < ncol; j++)
                (void) HDfwrite((char *) &b8i3[k][i][j], sizeof(char), 1, sp);
    (void) HDfclose(sp);

    sp = HDfopen("binin8.conf", "w");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "PATH /int/bin/8-bit\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "INPUT-CLASS IN\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "INPUT-SIZE    8\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "INPUT-BYTE-ORDER %s\n", machine_order);
    (void) fprintf(sp, "RANK 3\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "OUTPUT-CLASS IN\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "OUTPUT-SIZE    16\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "OUTPUT-ARCHITECTURE STD\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "OUTPUT-BYTE-ORDER LE\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "DIMENSION-SIZES 5 3 4\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "CHUNKED-DIMENSION-SIZES 2 2 2\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "MAXIMUM-DIMENSIONS -1 -1 -1\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "COMPRESSION-PARAM 3\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "\n");
    (void) HDfclose(sp);

#endif /* UNICOS */

  * TOOLTEST binfp64.bin -c binfp64.conf -o binfp64.h5

  * binary 64-bit file - rank 2 & 3

    sp = HDfopen("binfp64.bin", OPEN_FLAGS);
    for (k = 0; k < npln; k++)
        for (i = 0; i < nrow; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < ncol; j++)
                (void) HDfwrite((char *) &b64r3[k][i][j], sizeof(double), 1, sp);
    (void) HDfclose(sp);

    sp = HDfopen("binfp64.conf", "w");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "PATH /fp/bin/64-bit\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "INPUT-CLASS FP\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "INPUT-SIZE    64\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "INPUT-BYTE-ORDER %s\n", machine_order);
    (void) fprintf(sp, "RANK 3\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "OUTPUT-ARCHITECTURE IEEE\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "OUTPUT-BYTE-ORDER LE\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "DIMENSION-SIZES 5 3 4\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "CHUNKED-DIMENSION-SIZES 2 2 2\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "MAXIMUM-DIMENSIONS -1 6 7\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "COMPRESSION-PARAM 8\n");
    (void) fprintf(sp, "\n");
    (void) HDfclose(sp);

  * TOOLTEST binin8w.bin -c binin8w.conf -o binin8w.h5

        /* test CR+LF (13,10) and EOF (26) in windows */
        char bin8w[4] = {13,10,26,0};

        sp = HDfopen("binin8w.bin", OPEN_FLAGS);
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            char c = bin8w[i];
            if ( HDfwrite( &c, sizeof(char), 1, sp) != 1 )
                printf("error writing file\n");

        sp = HDfopen("binin8w.conf", "w");
        (void) fprintf(sp, "INPUT-CLASS IN\n");
        (void) fprintf(sp, "INPUT-SIZE    8\n");
        (void) fprintf(sp, "INPUT-BYTE-ORDER %s\n", machine_order);
        (void) fprintf(sp, "RANK 1\n");
        (void) fprintf(sp, "OUTPUT-CLASS IN\n");
        (void) fprintf(sp, "OUTPUT-SIZE    8\n");
        (void) fprintf(sp, "OUTPUT-ARCHITECTURE STD\n");
        (void) fprintf(sp, "OUTPUT-BYTE-ORDER LE\n");
        (void) fprintf(sp, "DIMENSION-SIZES 4\n");
        (void) fprintf(sp, "\n");
        (void) HDfclose(sp);

    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * Function:    H5F_read_superblock
 * Purpose:     Reads the superblock from the file or from the BUF. If
 *              ADDR is a valid address, then it reads it from the file.
 *              If not, then BUF must be non-NULL for it to read from the
 *              BUF.
 * Return:      Success:        SUCCEED
 *              Failure:        FAIL
 * Programmer:  Bill Wendling
 *              [email protected]
 *              Sept 12, 2003
 * Modifications:
H5F_read_superblock(H5F_t *f, hid_t dxpl_id, H5G_entry_t *root_ent)
    haddr_t             stored_eoa;         /*relative end-of-addr in file  */
    haddr_t             eof;                /*end of file address           */
    uint8_t            *q;                  /*ptr into temp I/O buffer      */
    size_t              sizeof_addr = 0;
    size_t              sizeof_size = 0;
    const size_t        fixed_size = 24;    /*fixed sizeof superblock       */
    unsigned            sym_leaf_k = 0;
    size_t              variable_size;      /*variable sizeof superblock    */
    unsigned            btree_k[H5B_NUM_BTREE_ID];  /* B-tree internal node 'K' values */
    H5F_file_t         *shared = NULL;      /* shared part of `file'        */
    H5FD_t             *lf = NULL;          /* file driver part of `shared' */
    uint8_t            *p;                  /* Temporary pointer into encoding buffers */
    unsigned            i;                  /* Index variable               */
    unsigned            chksum;             /* Checksum temporary variable  */
    size_t              driver_size;        /* Size of driver info block, in bytes */
    char                driver_name[9];     /* Name of driver, for driver info block */
    unsigned            super_vers;         /* Super block version          */
    unsigned            freespace_vers;     /* Freespace info version       */
    unsigned            obj_dir_vers;       /* Object header info version   */
    unsigned            share_head_vers;    /* Shared header info version   */
    uint8_t             buf[H5F_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE];     /* Local buffer                 */
    H5P_genplist_t     *c_plist;            /* File creation property list  */
    herr_t              ret_value = SUCCEED;

    /* Decoding */
    FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI(H5F_read_superblock, FAIL)

    /* Short cuts */
    shared = f->shared;
    lf = shared->lf;

    /* Get the shared file creation property list */
    if (NULL == (c_plist = H5I_object(shared->fcpl_id)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADTYPE, FAIL, "can't get property list")

    /* Read the superblock if it hasn't been read before. */
    if (HADDR_UNDEF == (shared->super_addr=H5F_locate_signature(lf,dxpl_id)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_NOTHDF5, FAIL, "unable to find file signature")
    if (H5FD_set_eoa(lf, shared->super_addr + fixed_size) < 0 ||
            H5FD_read(lf, H5FD_MEM_SUPER, dxpl_id, shared->super_addr, fixed_size, buf) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "unable to read superblock")

    /* Signature, already checked */
    p = buf + H5F_SIGNATURE_LEN;

    /* Superblock version */
    super_vers = *p++;
    if (super_vers > HDF5_SUPERBLOCK_VERSION_MAX)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "bad superblock version number")
    if (H5P_set(c_plist, H5F_CRT_SUPER_VERS_NAME, &super_vers) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL, "unable to set superblock version")

    /* Freespace version */
    freespace_vers = *p++;
    if (HDF5_FREESPACE_VERSION != freespace_vers)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "bad free space version number")
    if (H5P_set(c_plist, H5F_CRT_FREESPACE_VERS_NAME, &freespace_vers) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL, "unable to free space version")

    /* Root group version number */
    obj_dir_vers = *p++;
    if (HDF5_OBJECTDIR_VERSION != obj_dir_vers)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "bad object directory version number")
    if (H5P_set(c_plist, H5F_CRT_OBJ_DIR_VERS_NAME, &obj_dir_vers) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL, "unable to set object directory version")

    /* Skip over reserved byte */

    /* Shared header version number */
    share_head_vers = *p++;
    if (HDF5_SHAREDHEADER_VERSION != share_head_vers)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "bad shared-header format version number")
    if (H5P_set(c_plist, H5F_CRT_SHARE_HEAD_VERS_NAME, &share_head_vers) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL, "unable to set shared-header format version")

    /* Size of file addresses */
    sizeof_addr = *p++;
    if (sizeof_addr != 2 && sizeof_addr != 4 &&
            sizeof_addr != 8 && sizeof_addr != 16 && sizeof_addr != 32)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "bad byte number in an address")
    if (H5P_set(c_plist, H5F_CRT_ADDR_BYTE_NUM_NAME,&sizeof_addr) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL, "unable to set byte number in an address")
    shared->sizeof_addr = sizeof_addr;  /* Keep a local copy also */

    /* Size of file sizes */
    sizeof_size = *p++;
    if (sizeof_size != 2 && sizeof_size != 4 &&
            sizeof_size != 8 && sizeof_size != 16 && sizeof_size != 32)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_BADVALUE, FAIL, "bad byte number for object size")
    if (H5P_set(c_plist, H5F_CRT_OBJ_BYTE_NUM_NAME, &sizeof_size) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL, "unable to set byte number for object size")
    shared->sizeof_size = sizeof_size;  /* Keep a local copy also */

    /* Skip over reserved byte */

    /* Various B-tree sizes */
    UINT16DECODE(p, sym_leaf_k);
    if (sym_leaf_k == 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_BADRANGE, FAIL, "bad symbol table leaf node 1/2 rank")
    if (H5P_set(c_plist, H5F_CRT_SYM_LEAF_NAME, &sym_leaf_k) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL, "unable to set rank for symbol table leaf nodes")
    shared->sym_leaf_k = sym_leaf_k;    /* Keep a local copy also */

    /* Need 'get' call to set other array values */
    if (H5P_get(c_plist, H5F_CRT_BTREE_RANK_NAME, btree_k) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "unable to get rank for btree internal nodes")
    UINT16DECODE(p, btree_k[H5B_SNODE_ID]);
    if (btree_k[H5B_SNODE_ID] == 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_BADRANGE, FAIL, "bad 1/2 rank for btree internal nodes")
     * Delay setting the value in the property list until we've checked
     * for the indexed storage B-tree internal 'K' value later.

    /* File consistency flags. Not really used yet */
    UINT32DECODE(p, shared->consist_flags);
    assert(((size_t)(p - buf)) == fixed_size);

    /* Decode the variable-length part of the superblock... */
    variable_size = (super_vers>0 ? 4 : 0) +    /* Potential indexed storage B-tree internal 'K' value */
                    H5F_SIZEOF_ADDR(f) +        /*base addr*/
                    H5F_SIZEOF_ADDR(f) +        /*global free list*/
                    H5F_SIZEOF_ADDR(f) +        /*end-of-address*/
                    H5F_SIZEOF_ADDR(f) +        /*reserved address*/
                    H5G_SIZEOF_ENTRY(f);        /*root group ptr*/
    assert(fixed_size + variable_size <= sizeof(buf));
    if (H5FD_set_eoa(lf, shared->super_addr + fixed_size+variable_size) < 0 ||
            H5FD_read(lf, H5FD_MEM_SUPER, dxpl_id, shared->super_addr + fixed_size, variable_size, p) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTOPENFILE, FAIL, "unable to read superblock")

     * If the superblock version # is greater than 0, read in the indexed
     * storage B-tree internal 'K' value
    if (super_vers > 0) {
        UINT16DECODE(p, btree_k[H5B_ISTORE_ID]);
        p += 2;   /* reserved */
        btree_k[H5B_ISTORE_ID] = HDF5_BTREE_ISTORE_IK_DEF;

    /* Set the B-tree internal node values, etc */
    if (H5P_set(c_plist, H5F_CRT_BTREE_RANK_NAME, btree_k) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_PLIST, H5E_CANTSET, FAIL, "unable to set rank for btree internal nodes")
    HDmemcpy(shared->btree_k, btree_k, sizeof(unsigned) * (size_t)H5B_NUM_BTREE_ID);    /* Keep a local copy also */

    H5F_addr_decode(f, (const uint8_t **)&p, &shared->base_addr/*out*/);
    H5F_addr_decode(f, (const uint8_t **)&p, &shared->freespace_addr/*out*/);
    H5F_addr_decode(f, (const uint8_t **)&p, &stored_eoa/*out*/);
    H5F_addr_decode(f, (const uint8_t **)&p, &shared->driver_addr/*out*/);
    if (H5G_ent_decode(f, (const uint8_t **)&p, root_ent/*out*/) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTOPENFILE, FAIL, "unable to read root symbol entry")

     * Check if superblock address is different from base address and
     * adjust base address and "end of address" address if so.
    if (!H5F_addr_eq(shared->super_addr,shared->base_addr)) {
        /* Check if the superblock moved earlier in the file */
        if (H5F_addr_lt(shared->super_addr, shared->base_addr))
            stored_eoa -= (shared->base_addr - shared->super_addr);
            /* The superblock moved later in the file */
            stored_eoa += (shared->super_addr - shared->base_addr);

        shared->base_addr = shared->super_addr;
    } /* end if */

    /* Compute super block checksum */
    assert(sizeof(chksum) == sizeof(shared->super_chksum));
    for (q = (uint8_t *)&chksum, chksum = 0, i = 0; i < fixed_size + variable_size; ++i)
        q[i % sizeof(shared->super_chksum)] ^= buf[i];

    /* Set the super block checksum */
    shared->super_chksum = chksum;

    /* Decode the optional driver information block */
    if (H5F_addr_defined(shared->driver_addr)) {
        haddr_t drv_addr = shared->base_addr + shared->driver_addr;
        uint8_t dbuf[H5F_DRVINFOBLOCK_SIZE];     /* Local buffer                 */

        if (H5FD_set_eoa(lf, drv_addr + 16) < 0 ||
                H5FD_read(lf, H5FD_MEM_SUPER, dxpl_id, drv_addr, (size_t)16, dbuf) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTOPENFILE, FAIL, "unable to read driver information block")
        p = dbuf;

        /* Version number */
        if (HDF5_DRIVERINFO_VERSION != *p++)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTOPENFILE, FAIL, "bad driver information block version number")

        p += 3; /* reserved */

        /* Driver info size */
        UINT32DECODE(p, driver_size);

        /* Driver name and/or version */
        HDstrncpy(driver_name, (const char *)p, (size_t)8);
        driver_name[8] = '\0';
        p += 8; /* advance past name/version */

        /* Read driver information and decode */
        assert((driver_size + 16) <= sizeof(dbuf));
        if (H5FD_set_eoa(lf, drv_addr + 16 + driver_size) < 0 ||
                H5FD_read(lf, H5FD_MEM_SUPER, dxpl_id, drv_addr+16, driver_size, p) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTOPENFILE, FAIL, "unable to read file driver information")

        if (H5FD_sb_decode(lf, driver_name, p) < 0)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_FILE, H5E_CANTOPENFILE, FAIL, "unable to decode driver information")

        /* Compute driver info block checksum */
        assert(sizeof(chksum) == sizeof(shared->drvr_chksum));
        for (q = (uint8_t *)&chksum, chksum = 0, i = 0; i < (driver_size + 16); ++i)
            q[i % sizeof(shared->drvr_chksum)] ^= dbuf[i];

        /* Set the driver info block checksum */
        shared->drvr_chksum = chksum;
    } /* end if */