//005543f0 -> 100% void CMasterLevelSystem::GDReqMasterLevelInfoSave(LPOBJ lpObj) //OK { if( !lpObj->m_bMasterLevelDBLoad ) { return; } // ---- MLP_REQ_MASTERLEVEL_INFOSAVE pMsg; pMsg.h.set((LPBYTE)&pMsg, 0x31, sizeof(MLP_REQ_MASTERLEVEL_INFOSAVE)); // ---- memcpy(pMsg.szCharName, lpObj->Name, MAX_IDSTRING); pMsg.szCharName[MAX_IDSTRING] = 0; pMsg.nMLevel = lpObj->m_nMasterLevel; pMsg.i64MLExp = lpObj->m_i64MasterLevelExp; pMsg.i64NextMLExp = lpObj->m_i64NextMasterLevelExp; pMsg.nMLPoint = LOWORD(lpObj->m_iMasterLevelPoint); // ---- cDBSMng.Send((char*)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); // ---- LogAddTD("[%s][%s] MasterLevel Info Save [MLevel:%d][MLExp:%I64d][MLNextExp:%I64d][MLPoint:%d]", lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, lpObj->m_nMasterLevel, LODWORD(lpObj->m_i64MasterLevelExp), HIDWORD(lpObj->m_i64MasterLevelExp), LODWORD(lpObj->m_i64NextMasterLevelExp), HIDWORD(lpObj->m_i64NextMasterLevelExp), lpObj->m_iMasterLevelPoint); }
BOOL ReadSectors( HANDLE hDevice, ULONGLONG ullStartSector, DWORD dwSectors, DWORD dwBytesPerSector, LPBYTE lpSectBuff, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlap, DWORD *pdwErrorCode ) { ULONGLONG ullOffset = ullStartSector * dwBytesPerSector; DWORD dwLen = dwSectors * dwBytesPerSector; DWORD dwReadLen = 0; DWORD dwErrorCode = 0; if (lpOverlap) { lpOverlap->Offset = LODWORD(ullOffset); lpOverlap->OffsetHigh = HIDWORD(ullOffset); } else { LARGE_INTEGER liFileSize = {0}; liFileSize.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)ullOffset; if (!SetFilePointerEx(hDevice,liFileSize,NULL,FILE_BEGIN)) { *pdwErrorCode = GetLastError(); return FALSE; } } if (!ReadFile(hDevice,lpSectBuff,dwLen,&dwReadLen,lpOverlap)) { dwErrorCode = ::GetLastError(); if(dwErrorCode == ERROR_IO_PENDING) // 结束异步I/O { if (WaitForSingleObject(lpOverlap->hEvent, INFINITE) != WAIT_FAILED) { if(!::GetOverlappedResult(hDevice, lpOverlap, &dwReadLen, FALSE)) { *pdwErrorCode = ::GetLastError(); return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } else { *pdwErrorCode = ::GetLastError(); return FALSE; } } else { *pdwErrorCode = dwErrorCode; return FALSE; } } else { return TRUE; } }
BOOL WriteFileAsyn( HANDLE hFile, ULONGLONG ullOffset, DWORD &dwSize, LPBYTE lpBuffer, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlap, PDWORD pdwErrorCode ) { DWORD dwWriteLen = 0; DWORD dwErrorCode = 0; if (lpOverlap) { lpOverlap->Offset = LODWORD(ullOffset); lpOverlap->OffsetHigh = HIDWORD(ullOffset); } else { LARGE_INTEGER liFileSize = {0}; liFileSize.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)ullOffset; if (!SetFilePointerEx(hFile,liFileSize,NULL,FILE_BEGIN)) { *pdwErrorCode = GetLastError(); return FALSE; } } if (!WriteFile(hFile,lpBuffer,dwSize,&dwWriteLen,lpOverlap)) { dwErrorCode = ::GetLastError(); if(dwErrorCode == ERROR_IO_PENDING) // 结束异步I/O { if (WaitForSingleObject(lpOverlap->hEvent, INFINITE) != WAIT_FAILED) { if(!::GetOverlappedResult(hFile, lpOverlap, &dwWriteLen, FALSE)) { *pdwErrorCode = ::GetLastError(); return FALSE; } else { dwSize = dwWriteLen; return TRUE; } } else { *pdwErrorCode = ::GetLastError(); return FALSE; } } else { *pdwErrorCode = dwErrorCode; return FALSE; } } else { dwSize = dwWriteLen; return TRUE; } }
// Completes a frame-step operation. HRESULT EVRCustomPresenter::CompleteFrameStep(IMFSample *pSample) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; MFTIME hnsSampleTime = 0; MFTIME hnsSystemTime = 0; // Update our state. m_FrameStep.state = FRAMESTEP_COMPLETE; m_FrameStep.pSampleNoRef = NULL; // Notify the EVR that the frame-step is complete. NotifyEvent(EC_STEP_COMPLETE, FALSE, 0); // FALSE = completed (not cancelled) // If we are scrubbing (rate == 0), also send the "scrub time" event. if (IsScrubbing()) { // Get the time stamp from the sample. hr = pSample->GetSampleTime(&hnsSampleTime); if (FAILED(hr)) { // No time stamp. Use the current presentation time. if (m_pClock) { hr = m_pClock->GetCorrelatedTime(0, &hnsSampleTime, &hnsSystemTime); } hr = S_OK; // Not an error condition. } NotifyEvent(EC_SCRUB_TIME, LODWORD(hnsSampleTime), HIDWORD(hnsSampleTime)); } return hr; }
void *MMapFile::get(__int64 offset, int *sizep) const { if (!sizep) return NULL; assert(!m_pView); int size = *sizep; if (!m_iSize || offset + size > m_iSize) { extern void quit(); extern int g_display_errors; if (g_display_errors) { PrintColorFmtMsg_ERR(_T("\nInternal compiler error #12345: error mmapping file (%I64d, %d) is out of range.\n"), offset, size); } quit(); } // fix offset __int64 alignedoffset = offset - (offset % m_iAllocationGranularity); size += offset - alignedoffset; #ifdef _WIN32 assert(MAKEQWORD(LODWORD(alignedoffset),HIDWORD(alignedoffset)) == alignedoffset); m_pView = MapViewOfFile(m_hFileMap, m_bReadOnly ? FILE_MAP_READ : FILE_MAP_WRITE, HIDWORD(alignedoffset), LODWORD(alignedoffset), size); #else m_pView = mmap(0, size, m_bReadOnly ? PROT_READ : PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, m_hFileDesc, alignedoffset); m_iMappedSize = *sizep = size; #endif #ifdef _WIN32 if (!m_pView) #else if (m_pView == MAP_FAILED) #endif { extern void quit(); extern int g_display_errors; if (g_display_errors) { PrintColorFmtMsg_ERR(_T("\nInternal compiler error #12345: error mmapping datablock to %d.\n"), size); } quit(); } return (void *)((char *)m_pView + offset - alignedoffset); }
LPVOID GetRelativeBranchDestination(LPVOID lpInst,hdes *hs) { #ifdef _AMD64_ return (LPVOID)MAKEDWORDLONG((LODWORD(lpInst)+hs->len+hs->imm.imm32),HIDWORD(lpInst)); #else return (LPVOID)((DWORD)lpInst+hs->len+hs->imm.imm32); #endif }
VOID MEMvAllocateShared( PSAllocMap pamMem ) { if (!g_bInit) pamMem->dwRawVAddr = (DWORD)mALLOc((size_t)pamMem->dwRawSize * (size_t)sizeof(BYTE)); /* If allocation failed, virtual/phisical address == NULL */ if ((PVOID)pamMem->dwRawVAddr == NULL) { LODWORD(pamMem->qwRawPAddr) = 0; HIDWORD(pamMem->qwRawPAddr) = 0; return; } else memset((PVOID)pamMem->dwRawVAddr, 0, (size_t)pamMem->dwRawSize * (size_t)sizeof(BYTE)); LODWORD(pamMem->qwRawPAddr) = pamMem->dwRawVAddr; HIDWORD(pamMem->qwRawPAddr) = 0; }
void acpi_ut_value_exit ( u32 line_number, acpi_debug_print_info *dbg_info, acpi_integer value) { acpi_ut_debug_print (ACPI_LV_FUNCTIONS, line_number, dbg_info, "%s %8.8X%8.8X\n", acpi_gbl_fn_exit_str, HIDWORD(value), LODWORD(value)); acpi_gbl_nesting_level--; }
void CGestures::DumpGesture(LPCWSTR tp, const GESTUREINFO& gi) { wchar_t szDump[256]; _wsprintf(szDump, SKIPLEN(countof(szDump)) L"Gesture(x%08X {%i,%i} %s", (DWORD)gi.hwndTarget, gi.ptsLocation.x, gi.ptsLocation.y, tp); // tp - имя жеста switch (gi.dwID) { case GID_PRESSANDTAP: { DWORD h = LODWORD(gi.ullArguments); _wsprintf(szDump+_tcslen(szDump), SKIPLEN(32) L" Dist={%i,%i}", (int)(short)LOWORD(h), (int)(short)HIWORD(h)); break; } case GID_ROTATE: { DWORD h = LODWORD(gi.ullArguments); _wsprintf(szDump+_tcslen(szDump), SKIPLEN(32) L" %i", (int)LOWORD(h)); break; } } if (gi.dwFlags&GF_BEGIN) wcscat_c(szDump, L" GF_BEGIN"); if (gi.dwFlags&GF_END) wcscat_c(szDump, L" GF_END"); if (gi.dwFlags&GF_INERTIA) { wcscat_c(szDump, L" GF_INERTIA"); DWORD h = HIDWORD(gi.ullArguments); _wsprintf(szDump+_tcslen(szDump), SKIPLEN(32) L" {%i,%i}", (int)(short)LOWORD(h), (int)(short)HIWORD(h)); } if (gpSetCls->isAdvLogging >= 2) { gpConEmu->LogString(szDump); } else { #ifdef USE_DUMPGEST wcscat_c(szDump, L")\n"); DEBUGSTR(szDump); #endif } }
int MMapFile::setfile(int hFile, __int64 dwSize) #endif { clear(); #ifdef _WIN32 m_hFile = hFile; #else m_hFileDesc = hFile; #endif m_bTempHandle = FALSE; #ifdef _WIN32 if (m_hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) #else if (m_hFileDesc == -1) #endif return 0; m_iSize = dwSize; if (m_iSize <= 0) return 0; #ifdef _WIN32 assert(MAKEQWORD(LODWORD(m_iSize),HIDWORD(m_iSize)) == m_iSize); m_hFileMap = CreateFileMapping(m_hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, HIDWORD(m_iSize), LODWORD(m_iSize) , NULL); if (!m_hFileMap) return 0; #endif m_bReadOnly = TRUE; return 1; }
acpi_status acpi_ex_system_io_space_handler ( u32 function, ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS address, u32 bit_width, u32 *value, void *handler_context, void *region_context) { acpi_status status = AE_OK; FUNCTION_TRACE ("Ex_system_io_space_handler"); ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_INFO, "System_iO %d (%d width) Address=%8.8X%8.8X\n", function, bit_width, HIDWORD (address), LODWORD (address))); /* Decode the function parameter */ switch (function) { case ACPI_READ_ADR_SPACE: *value = 0; status = acpi_os_read_port ((ACPI_IO_ADDRESS) address, value, bit_width); break; case ACPI_WRITE_ADR_SPACE: status = acpi_os_write_port ((ACPI_IO_ADDRESS) address, *value, bit_width); break; default: status = AE_BAD_PARAMETER; break; } return_ACPI_STATUS (status); }
//00554540 -> 100% void CMasterLevelSystem::GCMasterLevelInfo(LPOBJ lpObj) //OK { if( !lpObj->m_bMasterLevelDBLoad ) { this->GDReqMasterLevelInfo(lpObj); return; } // ---- PMSG_MASTERLEVEL_INFO pMsg; PHeadSubSetB(&pMsg.h.c, 0xF3, 0x50, sizeof(PMSG_MASTERLEVEL_INFO)); // ---- pMsg.nMLevel = lpObj->m_nMasterLevel; // ---- pMsg.btMLExp1 = SET_NUMBERH(SET_NUMBERHW(HIDWORD(lpObj->m_i64MasterLevelExp))); pMsg.btMLExp2 = SET_NUMBERL(SET_NUMBERHW(HIDWORD(lpObj->m_i64MasterLevelExp))); pMsg.btMLExp3 = SET_NUMBERH(SET_NUMBERLW(HIDWORD(lpObj->m_i64MasterLevelExp))); pMsg.btMLExp4 = SET_NUMBERL(SET_NUMBERLW(HIDWORD(lpObj->m_i64MasterLevelExp))); pMsg.btMLExp5 = SET_NUMBERH(SET_NUMBERHW(LODWORD(lpObj->m_i64MasterLevelExp))); pMsg.btMLExp6 = SET_NUMBERL(SET_NUMBERHW(LODWORD(lpObj->m_i64MasterLevelExp))); pMsg.btMLExp7 = SET_NUMBERH(SET_NUMBERLW(LODWORD(lpObj->m_i64MasterLevelExp))); pMsg.btMLExp8 = SET_NUMBERL(SET_NUMBERLW(LODWORD(lpObj->m_i64MasterLevelExp))); // ---- pMsg.btMLNextExp1 = SET_NUMBERH(SET_NUMBERHW(HIDWORD(lpObj->m_i64NextMasterLevelExp))); pMsg.btMLNextExp2 = SET_NUMBERL(SET_NUMBERHW(HIDWORD(lpObj->m_i64NextMasterLevelExp))); pMsg.btMLNextExp3 = SET_NUMBERH(SET_NUMBERLW(HIDWORD(lpObj->m_i64NextMasterLevelExp))); pMsg.btMLNextExp4 = SET_NUMBERL(SET_NUMBERLW(HIDWORD(lpObj->m_i64NextMasterLevelExp))); pMsg.btMLNextExp5 = SET_NUMBERH(SET_NUMBERHW(LODWORD(lpObj->m_i64NextMasterLevelExp))); pMsg.btMLNextExp6 = SET_NUMBERL(SET_NUMBERHW(LODWORD(lpObj->m_i64NextMasterLevelExp))); pMsg.btMLNextExp7 = SET_NUMBERH(SET_NUMBERLW(LODWORD(lpObj->m_i64NextMasterLevelExp))); pMsg.btMLNextExp8 = SET_NUMBERL(SET_NUMBERLW(LODWORD(lpObj->m_i64NextMasterLevelExp))); // ---- pMsg.nMLPoint = LOWORD(lpObj->m_iMasterLevelPoint); pMsg.wMaxLife = (double)lpObj->AddLife + lpObj->MaxLife; pMsg.wMaxMana = (double)lpObj->AddMana + lpObj->MaxMana; pMsg.wMaxShield = LOWORD(lpObj->iAddShield) + LOWORD(lpObj->iMaxShield); pMsg.wMaxBP = LOWORD(lpObj->AddBP) + LOWORD(lpObj->MaxBP); // ---- DataSend(lpObj->m_Index, (LPBYTE)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSkillTree::SendMasterData(int iIndex) { LPOBJ lpObj = &gObj[iIndex]; if ( gUser.gObjIsMasteringLevel(lpObj) == false ) { return; } PMSG_MASTERLEVEL_SEND pMsg; pMsg.h.set((LPBYTE)&pMsg,0xF3,0x50,sizeof(pMsg)); pMsg.MasterLevel = lpObj->MasterLevel; pMsg.MasterExp[0] = HIBYTE(HIWORD(HIDWORD(lpObj->MLExperience))); // Highest BYTE pMsg.MasterExp[1] = LOBYTE(HIWORD(HIDWORD(lpObj->MLExperience))); pMsg.MasterExp[2] = HIBYTE(LOWORD(HIDWORD(lpObj->MLExperience))); pMsg.MasterExp[3] = LOBYTE(LOWORD(HIDWORD(lpObj->MLExperience))); pMsg.MasterExp[4] = HIBYTE(HIWORD(LODWORD(lpObj->MLExperience))); pMsg.MasterExp[5] = LOBYTE(HIWORD(LODWORD(lpObj->MLExperience))); pMsg.MasterExp[6] = HIBYTE(LOWORD(LODWORD(lpObj->MLExperience))); pMsg.MasterExp[7] = LOBYTE(LOWORD(LODWORD(lpObj->MLExperience))); // Lowest BYTE pMsg.MasterNextExp[0] = HIBYTE(HIWORD(HIDWORD(lpObj->MLNextExp))); // Highest BYTE pMsg.MasterNextExp[1] = LOBYTE(HIWORD(HIDWORD(lpObj->MLNextExp))); pMsg.MasterNextExp[2] = HIBYTE(LOWORD(HIDWORD(lpObj->MLNextExp))); pMsg.MasterNextExp[3] = LOBYTE(LOWORD(HIDWORD(lpObj->MLNextExp))); pMsg.MasterNextExp[4] = HIBYTE(HIWORD(LODWORD(lpObj->MLNextExp))); pMsg.MasterNextExp[5] = LOBYTE(HIWORD(LODWORD(lpObj->MLNextExp))); pMsg.MasterNextExp[6] = HIBYTE(LOWORD(LODWORD(lpObj->MLNextExp))); pMsg.MasterNextExp[7] = LOBYTE(LOWORD(LODWORD(lpObj->MLNextExp))); // Lowest BYTE pMsg.MasterPoints = lpObj->MasterPoints; pMsg.MaxLife = lpObj->MaxLife+lpObj->AddLife; pMsg.MaxMana = lpObj->MaxMana+lpObj->AddMana; pMsg.iMaxShield = lpObj->iMaxShield+lpObj->iAddShield; pMsg.MaxBP = lpObj->MaxBP+lpObj->AddBP; gSendProto.DataSend(iIndex, (UCHAR*)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); }
/* * Description: * Set WPA algorithm & keys * * Parameters: * In: * pDevice - * param - * Out: * * Return Value: * */ int wpa_set_keys(PSDevice pDevice, void *ctx) { struct viawget_wpa_param *param = ctx; PSMgmtObject pMgmt = &pDevice->sMgmtObj; DWORD dwKeyIndex = 0; BYTE abyKey[MAX_KEY_LEN]; BYTE abySeq[MAX_KEY_LEN]; QWORD KeyRSC; BYTE byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_WEP; int ret = 0; int uu; int ii; if (param->u.wpa_key.alg_name > WPA_ALG_CCMP) return -EINVAL; DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "param->u.wpa_key.alg_name = %d \n", param->u.wpa_key.alg_name); if (param->u.wpa_key.alg_name == WPA_ALG_NONE) { pDevice->eEncryptionStatus = Ndis802_11EncryptionDisabled; pDevice->bEncryptionEnable = FALSE; pDevice->byKeyIndex = 0; pDevice->bTransmitKey = FALSE; for (uu=0; uu<MAX_KEY_TABLE; uu++) { MACvDisableKeyEntry(pDevice, uu); } return ret; } if (param->u.wpa_key.key && param->u.wpa_key.key_len > sizeof(abyKey)) return -EINVAL; memcpy(&abyKey[0], param->u.wpa_key.key, param->u.wpa_key.key_len); dwKeyIndex = (DWORD)(param->u.wpa_key.key_index); if (param->u.wpa_key.alg_name == WPA_ALG_WEP) { if (dwKeyIndex > 3) { return -EINVAL; } else { if (param->u.wpa_key.set_tx) { pDevice->byKeyIndex = (BYTE)dwKeyIndex; pDevice->bTransmitKey = TRUE; dwKeyIndex |= (1 << 31); } KeybSetDefaultKey( pDevice, &(pDevice->sKey), dwKeyIndex & ~(BIT30 | USE_KEYRSC), param->u.wpa_key.key_len, NULL, abyKey, KEY_CTL_WEP ); } pDevice->eEncryptionStatus = Ndis802_11Encryption1Enabled; pDevice->bEncryptionEnable = TRUE; return ret; } if (param->u.wpa_key.seq && param->u.wpa_key.seq_len > sizeof(abySeq)) return -EINVAL; memcpy(&abySeq[0], param->u.wpa_key.seq, param->u.wpa_key.seq_len); if (param->u.wpa_key.seq_len > 0) { for (ii = 0 ; ii < param->u.wpa_key.seq_len ; ii++) { if (ii < 4) LODWORD(KeyRSC) |= (abySeq[ii] << (ii * 8)); else HIDWORD(KeyRSC) |= (abySeq[ii] << ((ii-4) * 8)); } dwKeyIndex |= 1 << 29; } if (param->u.wpa_key.key_index >= MAX_GROUP_KEY) { DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "return dwKeyIndex > 3\n"); return -EINVAL; } if (param->u.wpa_key.alg_name == WPA_ALG_TKIP) { pDevice->eEncryptionStatus = Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled; } if (param->u.wpa_key.alg_name == WPA_ALG_CCMP) { pDevice->eEncryptionStatus = Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled; } if (param->u.wpa_key.set_tx) dwKeyIndex |= (1 << 31); if (pDevice->eEncryptionStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled) byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_CCMP; else if (pDevice->eEncryptionStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled) byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_TKIP; else byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_WEP; // Fix HCT test that set 256 bits KEY and Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled if (pDevice->eEncryptionStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled) { if (param->u.wpa_key.key_len == MAX_KEY_LEN) byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_TKIP; else if (param->u.wpa_key.key_len == WLAN_WEP40_KEYLEN) byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_WEP; else if (param->u.wpa_key.key_len == WLAN_WEP104_KEYLEN) byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_WEP; } else if (pDevice->eEncryptionStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled) { if (param->u.wpa_key.key_len == WLAN_WEP40_KEYLEN) byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_WEP; else if (param->u.wpa_key.key_len == WLAN_WEP104_KEYLEN) byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_WEP; } // Check TKIP key length if ((byKeyDecMode == KEY_CTL_TKIP) && (param->u.wpa_key.key_len != MAX_KEY_LEN)) { // TKIP Key must be 256 bits DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "return - TKIP Key must be 256 bits!\n"); return -EINVAL; } // Check AES key length if ((byKeyDecMode == KEY_CTL_CCMP) && (param->u.wpa_key.key_len != AES_KEY_LEN)) { // AES Key must be 128 bits DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "return - AES Key must be 128 bits\n"); return -EINVAL; } if (is_broadcast_ether_addr(¶m->addr[0]) || (param->addr == NULL)) { /* if broadcast, set the key as every key entry's group key */ DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "Groupe Key Assign.\n"); if ((KeybSetAllGroupKey(pDevice, &(pDevice->sKey), dwKeyIndex, param->u.wpa_key.key_len, (PQWORD) &(KeyRSC), (PBYTE)abyKey, byKeyDecMode ) == TRUE) && (KeybSetDefaultKey(pDevice, &(pDevice->sKey), dwKeyIndex, param->u.wpa_key.key_len, (PQWORD) &(KeyRSC), (PBYTE)abyKey, byKeyDecMode ) == TRUE) ) { DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "GROUP Key Assign.\n"); } else { return -EINVAL; } } else { DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "Pairwise Key Assign.\n"); // BSSID not 0xffffffffffff // Pairwise Key can't be WEP if (byKeyDecMode == KEY_CTL_WEP) { DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "Pairwise Key can't be WEP\n"); return -EINVAL; } dwKeyIndex |= (1 << 30); // set pairwise key if (pMgmt->eConfigMode == WMAC_CONFIG_IBSS_STA) { //DBG_PRN_WLAN03(("return NDIS_STATUS_INVALID_DATA - WMAC_CONFIG_IBSS_STA\n")); return -EINVAL; } if (KeybSetKey(pDevice, &(pDevice->sKey), ¶m->addr[0], dwKeyIndex, param->u.wpa_key.key_len, (PQWORD) &(KeyRSC), (PBYTE)abyKey, byKeyDecMode ) == TRUE) { DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "Pairwise Key Set\n"); } else { // Key Table Full if (!compare_ether_addr(¶m->addr[0], pDevice->abyBSSID)) { //DBG_PRN_WLAN03(("return NDIS_STATUS_INVALID_DATA -Key Table Full.2\n")); return -EINVAL; } else { // Save Key and configure just before associate/reassociate to BSSID // we do not implement now return -EINVAL; } } } // BSSID not 0xffffffffffff if ((ret == 0) && ((param->u.wpa_key.set_tx) != 0)) { pDevice->byKeyIndex = (BYTE)param->u.wpa_key.key_index; pDevice->bTransmitKey = TRUE; } pDevice->bEncryptionEnable = TRUE; return ret; }
int wpa_set_keys(PSDevice pDevice, void *ctx, bool fcpfkernel) { struct viawget_wpa_param *param=ctx; PSMgmtObject pMgmt = pDevice->pMgmt; unsigned long dwKeyIndex = 0; unsigned char abyKey[MAX_KEY_LEN]; unsigned char abySeq[MAX_KEY_LEN]; QWORD KeyRSC; // NDIS_802_11_KEY_RSC KeyRSC; unsigned char byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_WEP; int ret = 0; int uu, ii; if (param->u.wpa_key.alg_name > WPA_ALG_CCMP || param->u.wpa_key.key_len >= MAX_KEY_LEN || param->u.wpa_key.seq_len >= MAX_KEY_LEN) return -EINVAL; DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "param->u.wpa_key.alg_name = %d \n", param->u.wpa_key.alg_name); if (param->u.wpa_key.alg_name == WPA_ALG_NONE) { pDevice->eEncryptionStatus = Ndis802_11EncryptionDisabled; pDevice->bEncryptionEnable = false; pDevice->byKeyIndex = 0; pDevice->bTransmitKey = false; KeyvRemoveAllWEPKey(&(pDevice->sKey), pDevice->PortOffset); for (uu=0; uu<MAX_KEY_TABLE; uu++) { MACvDisableKeyEntry(pDevice->PortOffset, uu); } return ret; } //spin_unlock_irq(&pDevice->lock); if(param->u.wpa_key.key && fcpfkernel) { memcpy(&abyKey[0], param->u.wpa_key.key, param->u.wpa_key.key_len); } else { spin_unlock_irq(&pDevice->lock); if (param->u.wpa_key.key && copy_from_user(&abyKey[0], param->u.wpa_key.key, param->u.wpa_key.key_len)) { spin_lock_irq(&pDevice->lock); return -EINVAL; } spin_lock_irq(&pDevice->lock); } dwKeyIndex = (unsigned long)(param->u.wpa_key.key_index); if (param->u.wpa_key.alg_name == WPA_ALG_WEP) { if (dwKeyIndex > 3) { return -EINVAL; } else { if (param->u.wpa_key.set_tx) { pDevice->byKeyIndex = (unsigned char)dwKeyIndex; pDevice->bTransmitKey = true; dwKeyIndex |= (1 << 31); } KeybSetDefaultKey(&(pDevice->sKey), dwKeyIndex & ~(BIT30 | USE_KEYRSC), param->u.wpa_key.key_len, NULL, abyKey, KEY_CTL_WEP, pDevice->PortOffset, pDevice->byLocalID); } pDevice->eEncryptionStatus = Ndis802_11Encryption1Enabled; pDevice->bEncryptionEnable = true; return ret; } //spin_unlock_irq(&pDevice->lock); if(param->u.wpa_key.seq && fcpfkernel) { memcpy(&abySeq[0], param->u.wpa_key.seq, param->u.wpa_key.seq_len); } else { spin_unlock_irq(&pDevice->lock); if (param->u.wpa_key.seq && copy_from_user(&abySeq[0], param->u.wpa_key.seq, param->u.wpa_key.seq_len)) { spin_lock_irq(&pDevice->lock); return -EINVAL; } spin_lock_irq(&pDevice->lock); } if (param->u.wpa_key.seq_len > 0) { for (ii = 0 ; ii < param->u.wpa_key.seq_len ; ii++) { if (ii < 4) LODWORD(KeyRSC) |= (abySeq[ii] << (ii * 8)); else HIDWORD(KeyRSC) |= (abySeq[ii] << ((ii-4) * 8)); //KeyRSC |= (abySeq[ii] << (ii * 8)); } dwKeyIndex |= 1 << 29; } if (param->u.wpa_key.key_index >= MAX_GROUP_KEY) { DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "return dwKeyIndex > 3\n"); return -EINVAL; } if (param->u.wpa_key.alg_name == WPA_ALG_TKIP) { pDevice->eEncryptionStatus = Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled; } if (param->u.wpa_key.alg_name == WPA_ALG_CCMP) { pDevice->eEncryptionStatus = Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled; } if (param->u.wpa_key.set_tx) dwKeyIndex |= (1 << 31); if (pDevice->eEncryptionStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled) byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_CCMP; else if (pDevice->eEncryptionStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled) byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_TKIP; else byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_WEP; // Fix HCT test that set 256 bits KEY and Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled if (pDevice->eEncryptionStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled) { if (param->u.wpa_key.key_len == MAX_KEY_LEN) byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_TKIP; else if (param->u.wpa_key.key_len == WLAN_WEP40_KEYLEN) byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_WEP; else if (param->u.wpa_key.key_len == WLAN_WEP104_KEYLEN) byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_WEP; } else if (pDevice->eEncryptionStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled) { if (param->u.wpa_key.key_len == WLAN_WEP40_KEYLEN) byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_WEP; else if (param->u.wpa_key.key_len == WLAN_WEP104_KEYLEN) byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_WEP; } // Check TKIP key length if ((byKeyDecMode == KEY_CTL_TKIP) && (param->u.wpa_key.key_len != MAX_KEY_LEN)) { // TKIP Key must be 256 bits //DBG_PRN_WLAN03(("return NDIS_STATUS_INVALID_DATA - TKIP Key must be 256 bits\n")); DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "return- TKIP Key must be 256 bits!\n"); return -EINVAL; } // Check AES key length if ((byKeyDecMode == KEY_CTL_CCMP) && (param->u.wpa_key.key_len != AES_KEY_LEN)) { // AES Key must be 128 bits //DBG_PRN_WLAN03(("return NDIS_STATUS_INVALID_DATA - AES Key must be 128 bits\n")); return -EINVAL; } // spin_lock_irq(&pDevice->lock); if (is_broadcast_ether_addr(¶m->addr[0]) || (param->addr == NULL)) { // If is_broadcast_ether_addr, set the key as every key entry's group key. DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "Groupe Key Assign.\n"); if ((KeybSetAllGroupKey(&(pDevice->sKey), dwKeyIndex, param->u.wpa_key.key_len, (PQWORD) &(KeyRSC), (unsigned char *)abyKey, byKeyDecMode, pDevice->PortOffset, pDevice->byLocalID) == true) && (KeybSetDefaultKey(&(pDevice->sKey), dwKeyIndex, param->u.wpa_key.key_len, (PQWORD) &(KeyRSC), (unsigned char *)abyKey, byKeyDecMode, pDevice->PortOffset, pDevice->byLocalID) == true) ) { DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "GROUP Key Assign.\n"); } else { //DBG_PRN_WLAN03(("return NDIS_STATUS_INVALID_DATA -KeybSetDefaultKey Fail.0\n")); // spin_unlock_irq(&pDevice->lock); return -EINVAL; } } else { DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "Pairwise Key Assign.\n"); // BSSID not 0xffffffffffff // Pairwise Key can't be WEP if (byKeyDecMode == KEY_CTL_WEP) { DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "Pairwise Key can't be WEP\n"); //spin_unlock_irq(&pDevice->lock); return -EINVAL; } dwKeyIndex |= (1 << 30); // set pairwise key if (pMgmt->eConfigMode == WMAC_CONFIG_IBSS_STA) { //DBG_PRN_WLAN03(("return NDIS_STATUS_INVALID_DATA - WMAC_CONFIG_IBSS_STA\n")); //spin_unlock_irq(&pDevice->lock); return -EINVAL; } if (KeybSetKey(&(pDevice->sKey), ¶m->addr[0], dwKeyIndex, param->u.wpa_key.key_len, (PQWORD) &(KeyRSC), (unsigned char *)abyKey, byKeyDecMode, pDevice->PortOffset, pDevice->byLocalID) == true) { DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "Pairwise Key Set\n"); } else { // Key Table Full if (!compare_ether_addr(¶m->addr[0], pDevice->abyBSSID)) { //DBG_PRN_WLAN03(("return NDIS_STATUS_INVALID_DATA -Key Table Full.2\n")); //spin_unlock_irq(&pDevice->lock); return -EINVAL; } else { // Save Key and configure just before associate/reassociate to BSSID // we do not implement now //spin_unlock_irq(&pDevice->lock); return -EINVAL; } } } // BSSID not 0xffffffffffff if ((ret == 0) && ((param->u.wpa_key.set_tx) != 0)) { pDevice->byKeyIndex = (unsigned char)param->u.wpa_key.key_index; pDevice->bTransmitKey = true; } pDevice->bEncryptionEnable = true; //spin_unlock_irq(&pDevice->lock); /* DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO " key=%x-%x-%x-%x-%x-xxxxx \n", pMgmt->sNodeDBTable[iNodeIndex].abyWepKey[byKeyIndex][0], pMgmt->sNodeDBTable[iNodeIndex].abyWepKey[byKeyIndex][1], pMgmt->sNodeDBTable[iNodeIndex].abyWepKey[byKeyIndex][2], pMgmt->sNodeDBTable[iNodeIndex].abyWepKey[byKeyIndex][3], pMgmt->sNodeDBTable[iNodeIndex].abyWepKey[byKeyIndex][4] ); */ return ret; }
void DSSM_BinaryInput<ElemType>::Init(wstring fileName, size_t dim) { m_dim = dim; mbSize = 0; /* m_hndl = CreateFileA(fileName.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); */ m_hndl = CreateFile(fileName.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (m_hndl == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { char message[256]; sprintf_s(message, "Unable to Open/Create file %ls, error %x", fileName.c_str(), GetLastError()); RuntimeError(message); } m_filemap = CreateFileMapping(m_hndl, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL); SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo; GetSystemInfo(&sysinfo); DWORD sysGran = sysinfo.dwAllocationGranularity; header_buffer = MapViewOfFile(m_filemap, // handle to map object FILE_MAP_READ, // get correct permissions HIDWORD(0), LODWORD(0), sizeof(int64_t) * 2 + sizeof(int32_t)); // cout << "After mapviewoffile" << endl; memcpy(&numRows, header_buffer, sizeof(int64_t)); memcpy(&numCols, (char*) header_buffer + sizeof(int64_t), sizeof(int32_t)); memcpy(&totalNNz, (char*) header_buffer + sizeof(int64_t) + sizeof(int32_t), sizeof(int64_t)); // cout << "After gotvalues" << endl; int64_t base_offset = sizeof(int64_t) * 2 + sizeof(int32_t); int64_t offsets_padding = base_offset % sysGran; base_offset -= offsets_padding; int64_t header_size = numRows * sizeof(int64_t) + offsets_padding; void* offsets_orig = MapViewOfFile(m_filemap, // handle to map object FILE_MAP_READ, // get correct permissions HIDWORD(base_offset), LODWORD(base_offset), header_size); offsets_buffer = (char*) offsets_orig + offsets_padding; if (offsets != NULL) { free(offsets); } offsets = (int64_t*) malloc(sizeof(int64_t) * numRows); memcpy(offsets, offsets_buffer, numRows * sizeof(int64_t)); int64_t header_offset = base_offset + offsets_padding + numRows * sizeof(int64_t); int64_t data_padding = header_offset % sysGran; header_offset -= data_padding; void* data_orig = MapViewOfFile(m_filemap, // handle to map object FILE_MAP_READ, // get correct permissions HIDWORD(header_offset), LODWORD(header_offset), 0); data_buffer = (char*) data_orig + data_padding; }
static ULONGLONG UnsignedMultiplyHigh( ULONGLONG ull1, ULONGLONG ull2 ) { return HIDWORD( ull1 ) * HIDWORD( ull2 ) + HIDWORD( HIDWORD( ull1 ) * LODWORD( ull2 ) + LODWORD( ull1 ) * HIDWORD( ull2 ) + HIDWORD( LODWORD( ull1 ) * LODWORD( ull2 ) ) ); }
DWORD FileDetailsReadMap(const TCHAR* filePath, QWORD& qwSize, FILETIME& fileTime, DWORD& dwCheckSum , HANDLE evAbort) // bool volatile * pisAbort) { _ASSERTE(filePath); _ASSERTE(lstrlen(filePath)); DWORD dwCrc32; DWORD dwErrorCode = NO_ERROR; HANDLE hFile = NULL, hFilemap = NULL; dwCrc32 = 0x0; LPBYTE pCrc = (LPBYTE)&dwCrc32; FILETIME fileTime0; QWORD qwFileSize, qwFileSize0; try { // Open the file hFile = CreateFile(filePath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if(hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) throw GetLastErrorEx; QWORD qwFileOffset = 0; DWORD dwByteCount, dwViewSize; LPVOID dwBaseAddress; { DWORD dwLo = 0, dwHi = 0; dwLo = GetFileSize(hFile, &dwHi); if(dwLo == INVALID_FILE_SIZE && (dwErrorCode = GetLastError()) != NO_ERROR) throw ExitEx; qwFileSize = qwFileSize0 = MAKEQWORD(dwHi, dwLo); } if (!GetFileTime(hFile, &fileTime0, NULL, NULL)) throw GetLastErrorEx; // Get the file size //if(!GetFileSizeQW(hFile, qwFileSize)) // dwErrorCode = ERROR_BAD_LENGTH; //else if(0 != qwFileSize) // We cannot CRC zero byte files { // Create the file mapping hFilemap = CreateFileMapping(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL); if(NULL == hFilemap) throw GetLastErrorEx; LPBYTE pByte; //LPDWORD pDWord; // Loop while we map a section of the file and CRC it while(0 < qwFileSize) { //if (*pisAbort) if (WaitForSingleObject(evAbort, 0) != WAIT_TIMEOUT) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_CANCELLED; throw ExitEx; } if(qwFileSize < MAX_VIEW_SIZE) dwViewSize = LODWORD(qwFileSize); else dwViewSize = MAX_VIEW_SIZE; dwBaseAddress = MapViewOfFile(hFilemap, FILE_MAP_READ, HIDWORD(qwFileOffset), LODWORD(qwFileOffset), dwViewSize); dwByteCount = dwViewSize; pByte = (LPBYTE)dwBaseAddress; BYTE checkSumOffset = 0; while(0 < dwByteCount--) { *(pCrc + checkSumOffset) ^= *pByte; pByte++; checkSumOffset++; if (4 <= checkSumOffset) checkSumOffset = 0; } UnmapViewOfFile((LPVOID)dwBaseAddress); qwFileOffset += dwViewSize; qwFileSize -= dwViewSize; } // while(qwFileSize > 0) } // if(qwFileSize != 0) } catch(char c) { if (GetLastErrorEx == c) dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); } catch(...) { // An unknown exception happened dwErrorCode = ERROR_CRC; } if(hFile != NULL) CloseHandle(hFile); if(hFilemap != NULL) CloseHandle(hFilemap); if (NO_ERROR == dwErrorCode) { qwSize = qwFileSize0; dwCheckSum = dwCrc32; fileTime = fileTime0; } return dwErrorCode; }
OsStatus_t AhciCommandDispatch( _In_ AhciTransaction_t* Transaction, _In_ Flags_t Flags, _In_ void* Command, _In_ size_t CommandLength, _In_ void* AtapiCommand, _In_ size_t AtapiCommandLength) { AHCICommandHeader_t* CommandHeader; AHCICommandTable_t* CommandTable; uintptr_t BufferPointer; size_t BytesLeft = Transaction->SectorCount * Transaction->Device->SectorSize; int PrdtIndex = 0; TRACE("AhciCommandDispatch(Port %u, Flags 0x%x, Length %u, TransferSize 0x%x)", Transaction->Device->Port->Id, Flags, CommandLength, BytesLeft); // Assert that buffer is DWORD aligned, this must be true if (((uintptr_t)Transaction->Address & 0x3) != 0) { ERROR("AhciCommandDispatch::Buffer was not dword aligned (0x%x)", Transaction->Device->Port->Id, Transaction->Address); goto Error; } // Assert that buffer length is an even byte-count requested if ((BytesLeft & 0x1) != 0) { ERROR("AhciCommandDispatch::BufferLength is odd, must be even", Transaction->Device->Port->Id); goto Error; } // Get a reference to the command slot and reset the data in the command table CommandHeader = &Transaction->Device->Port->CommandList->Headers[Transaction->Slot]; CommandTable = (AHCICommandTable_t*)((uint8_t*)Transaction->Device->Port->CommandTable + (AHCI_COMMAND_TABLE_SIZE * Transaction->Slot)); memset(CommandTable, 0, AHCI_COMMAND_TABLE_SIZE); // Sanitizie packet lenghts if (CommandLength > 64 || AtapiCommandLength > 16) { ERROR("AHCI::Commands are exceeding the allowed length, FIS (%u), ATAPI (%u)", CommandLength, AtapiCommandLength); goto Error; } // Copy data over into the packets based on type if (Command != NULL) { memcpy(&CommandTable->FISCommand[0], Command, CommandLength); } if (AtapiCommand != NULL) { memcpy(&CommandTable->FISAtapi[0], AtapiCommand, AtapiCommandLength); } // Build PRDT entries TRACE("Building PRDT Table"); BufferPointer = Transaction->Address; while (BytesLeft > 0) { AHCIPrdtEntry_t* Prdt = &CommandTable->PrdtEntry[PrdtIndex]; size_t TransferLength = MIN(AHCI_PRDT_MAX_LENGTH, BytesLeft); // Set buffer information and transfer sizes Prdt->DataBaseAddress = LODWORD(BufferPointer); Prdt->DataBaseAddressUpper = (sizeof(void*) > 4) ? HIDWORD(BufferPointer) : 0; Prdt->Descriptor = TransferLength - 1; // N - 1 TRACE("PRDT %u, Address 0x%x, Length 0x%x", PrdtIndex, Prdt->DataBaseAddress, Prdt->Descriptor); // Adjust counters BufferPointer += TransferLength; BytesLeft -= TransferLength; PrdtIndex++; // If this is the last PRDT packet, set IOC if (BytesLeft == 0) { Prdt->Descriptor |= AHCI_PRDT_IOC; } } // Update command table to the new command CommandHeader->PRDByteCount = 0; CommandHeader->TableLength = (uint16_t)PrdtIndex; CommandHeader->Flags = (uint16_t)(CommandLength >> 2); TRACE("PRDT Count %u, Number of DW's %u", CommandHeader->TableLength, CommandHeader->Flags); // Update transfer with the dispatch flags if (Flags & DISPATCH_ATAPI) { CommandHeader->Flags |= (1 << 5); } if (Flags & DISPATCH_WRITE) { CommandHeader->Flags |= (1 << 6); } if (Flags & DISPATCH_PREFETCH) { CommandHeader->Flags |= (1 << 7); } if (Flags & DISPATCH_CLEARBUSY) { CommandHeader->Flags |= (1 << 10); } // Set the port multiplier CommandHeader->Flags |= (DISPATCH_MULTIPLIER(Flags) << 12); Transaction->Header.Key.Value.Integer = Transaction->Slot; // Add transaction to list CollectionAppend(Transaction->Device->Port->Transactions, &Transaction->Header); TRACE("Enabling command on slot %u", Transaction->Slot); AhciPortStartCommandSlot(Transaction->Device->Port, Transaction->Slot); #ifdef __TRACE // Dump state thrd_sleepex(5000); AhciDumpCurrentState(Transaction->Device->Controller, Transaction->Device->Port); #endif return OsSuccess; Error: return OsError; }
_WCRTLINK __int64 __lseeki64( int handle, __int64 offset, int origin ) { #if defined( __NT__ ) || defined( __OS2__ ) || defined( __LINUX__ ) __int64 pos; __handle_check( handle, -1 ); #if defined( __OS2__ ) { #if !defined( _M_I86 ) APIRET rc; if( __os2_DosSetFilePtrL != NULL ) { rc = __os2_DosSetFilePtrL( handle, offset, origin, &pos ); if( rc != 0 ) { return( __set_errno_dos( rc ) ); } } else { #endif if( offset > LONG_MAX || offset < LONG_MIN ) { __set_errno( EINVAL ); return( -1LL ); } pos = (unsigned long)__lseek( handle, offset, origin ); if( pos == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER ) { pos = -1LL; } #if !defined( _M_I86 ) } #endif } #elif defined( __NT__ ) { DWORD rc; LONG offset_hi; int error; offset_hi = HIDWORD( offset ); rc = SetFilePointer( __getOSHandle( handle ), LODWORD( offset ), &offset_hi, origin ); if( rc == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER ) { // this might be OK so error = GetLastError(); // check for sure JBS 04-nov-99 if( error != NO_ERROR ) { return( __set_errno_dos( error ) ); } } U64Set( (unsigned_64 *)&pos, rc, offset_hi ); } #elif defined( __LINUX__ ) if( _llseek( handle, LODWORD( offset ), HIDWORD( offset ), &pos, origin ) ) { pos = -1LL; } #endif return( pos ); #else long pos; if( offset > LONG_MAX || offset < LONG_MIN ) { __set_errno( EINVAL ); return( -1LL ); } pos = __lseek( handle, offset, origin ); if( pos == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER ) { return( -1LL ); } return( (unsigned long)pos ); #endif }
void acpi_db_dump_object ( acpi_object *obj_desc, u32 level) { u32 i; if (!obj_desc) { acpi_os_printf ("[Null Object]\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < level; i++) { acpi_os_printf (" "); } switch (obj_desc->type) { case ACPI_TYPE_ANY: acpi_os_printf ("[Object Reference] = %p\n", obj_desc->reference.handle); break; case ACPI_TYPE_INTEGER: acpi_os_printf ("[Integer] = %8.8X%8.8X\n", HIDWORD (obj_desc->integer.value), LODWORD (obj_desc->integer.value)); break; case ACPI_TYPE_STRING: acpi_os_printf ("[String] Value: "); for (i = 0; i < obj_desc->string.length; i++) { acpi_os_printf ("%c", obj_desc->string.pointer[i]); } acpi_os_printf ("\n"); break; case ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER: acpi_os_printf ("[Buffer] = "); acpi_ut_dump_buffer ((u8 *) obj_desc->buffer.pointer, obj_desc->buffer.length, DB_DWORD_DISPLAY, _COMPONENT); break; case ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE: acpi_os_printf ("[Package] Contains %d Elements: \n", obj_desc->package.count); for (i = 0; i < obj_desc->package.count; i++) { acpi_db_dump_object (&obj_desc->package.elements[i], level+1); } break; case INTERNAL_TYPE_REFERENCE: acpi_os_printf ("[Object Reference] = %p\n", obj_desc->reference.handle); break; case ACPI_TYPE_PROCESSOR: acpi_os_printf ("[Processor]\n"); break; case ACPI_TYPE_POWER: acpi_os_printf ("[Power Resource]\n"); break; default: acpi_os_printf ("[Unknown Type] %X \n", obj_desc->type); break; } }
__ptr_t __mmap64 (__ptr_t addr, size_t len, int prot, int flags, int fd, __off64_t offset) { __ptr_t map = (__ptr_t) NULL; caddr_t gran_addr = (caddr_t) addr; HANDLE handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD cfm_flags = 0, mvf_flags = 0, sysgran = getgranularity (); __off64_t gran_offset = offset, filelen = _filelengthi64(fd); int mmlen = len; switch (prot) { case PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC: case PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC: cfm_flags = PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE; mvf_flags = FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS; break; case PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE: cfm_flags = PAGE_READWRITE; mvf_flags = FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS; break; case PROT_WRITE: cfm_flags = PAGE_READWRITE; mvf_flags = FILE_MAP_WRITE; break; case PROT_READ: cfm_flags = PAGE_READONLY; mvf_flags = FILE_MAP_READ; break; case PROT_NONE: cfm_flags = PAGE_NOACCESS; mvf_flags = FILE_MAP_READ; break; case PROT_EXEC: cfm_flags = PAGE_EXECUTE; mvf_flags = FILE_MAP_READ; break; } if (flags & MAP_PRIVATE) { if (IsWin9x ()) cfm_flags = PAGE_WRITECOPY; mvf_flags = FILE_MAP_COPY; } fprintf (stderr, "Addr before: %p\n", gran_addr); fprintf (stderr, "Offset before: %#I64X\n", gran_offset); if (flags & MAP_FIXED) { gran_offset = offset; gran_addr = addr; } else { gran_offset = offset & ~(sysgran - 1); gran_addr = (caddr_t) (((DWORD) gran_addr / sysgran) * sysgran); } fprintf (stderr, "Addr after: %p\n", gran_addr); fprintf (stderr, "Offset after: %#I64X\n", gran_offset); mmlen = (filelen < gran_offset + len ? filelen - gran_offset : len); handle = CreateFileMapping ((HANDLE) _get_osfhandle(fd), NULL, cfm_flags, 0, mmlen, NULL); if (!handle) { set_werrno; WinErr ("CreateFileMapping"); return MAP_FAILED; } map = (__ptr_t) MapViewOfFileEx (handle, mvf_flags, HIDWORD(gran_offset), LODWORD(gran_offset), (SIZE_T) mmlen, (LPVOID) gran_addr); if (map == NULL && (flags & MAP_FIXED) ) { fprintf (stderr, "Starting address: %p\n", (LPVOID) gran_addr); WinErr ("First try of MapViewOfFileEx failed"); map = (__ptr_t) MapViewOfFileEx (handle, mvf_flags, HIDWORD(gran_offset), LODWORD(gran_offset), (SIZE_T) mmlen, (LPVOID) NULL); } CloseHandle(handle); if (map == NULL) { set_werrno; WinErr ("MapViewOfFileEx"); return MAP_FAILED; } return map; }
bool CPluginW2800::GetPanelItemInfo(const CEPanelInfo& PnlInfo, bool bSelected, INT_PTR iIndex, WIN32_FIND_DATAW& Info, wchar_t** ppszFullPathName) { if (!InfoW2800 || !InfoW2800->PanelControl) return false; FILE_CONTROL_COMMANDS iCmd = bSelected ? FCTL_GETSELECTEDPANELITEM : FCTL_GETPANELITEM; INT_PTR iItemsNumber = bSelected ? ((PanelInfo*)PnlInfo.panelInfo)->SelectedItemsNumber : ((PanelInfo*)PnlInfo.panelInfo)->ItemsNumber; if ((iIndex < 0) || (iIndex >= iItemsNumber)) { _ASSERTE(FALSE && "iItem out of bounds"); return false; } INT_PTR sz = PanelControlApi(PANEL_ACTIVE, iCmd, iIndex, NULL); if (sz <= 0) return false; PluginPanelItem* pItem = (PluginPanelItem*)calloc(sz, 1); // размер возвращается в байтах if (!pItem) return false; FarGetPluginPanelItem gppi = {sizeof(gppi), sz, pItem}; if (PanelControlApi(PANEL_ACTIVE, iCmd, iIndex, &gppi) <= 0) { free(pItem); return false; } ZeroStruct(Info); Info.dwFileAttributes = LODWORD(pItem->FileAttributes); Info.ftCreationTime = pItem->CreationTime; Info.ftLastAccessTime = pItem->LastAccessTime; Info.ftLastWriteTime = pItem->LastWriteTime; Info.nFileSizeLow = LODWORD(pItem->FileSize); Info.nFileSizeHigh = HIDWORD(pItem->FileSize); if (pItem->FileName) { LPCWSTR pszName = pItem->FileName; int iLen = lstrlen(pszName); // If full paths exceeds MAX_PATH chars - return in Info.cFileName the file name only if (iLen >= countof(Info.cFileName)) pszName = PointToName(pItem->FileName); lstrcpyn(Info.cFileName, pszName, countof(Info.cFileName)); if (ppszFullPathName) *ppszFullPathName = lstrdup(pItem->FileName); } else if (ppszFullPathName) { _ASSERTE(*ppszFullPathName == NULL); *ppszFullPathName = NULL; } if (pItem->AlternateFileName) { lstrcpyn(Info.cAlternateFileName, pItem->AlternateFileName, countof(Info.cAlternateFileName)); } free(pItem); return true; }
acpi_status acpi_ex_system_memory_space_handler ( u32 function, ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS address, u32 bit_width, u32 *value, void *handler_context, void *region_context) { acpi_status status = AE_OK; void *logical_addr_ptr = NULL; acpi_mem_space_context *mem_info = region_context; u32 length; FUNCTION_TRACE ("Ex_system_memory_space_handler"); /* Validate and translate the bit width */ switch (bit_width) { case 8: length = 1; break; case 16: length = 2; break; case 32: length = 4; break; default: ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_ERROR, "Invalid System_memory width %d\n", bit_width)); return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_AML_OPERAND_VALUE); break; } /* * Does the request fit into the cached memory mapping? * Is 1) Address below the current mapping? OR * 2) Address beyond the current mapping? */ if ((address < mem_info->mapped_physical_address) || (((acpi_integer) address + length) > ((acpi_integer) mem_info->mapped_physical_address + mem_info->mapped_length))) { /* * The request cannot be resolved by the current memory mapping; * Delete the existing mapping and create a new one. */ if (mem_info->mapped_length) { /* Valid mapping, delete it */ acpi_os_unmap_memory (mem_info->mapped_logical_address, mem_info->mapped_length); } mem_info->mapped_length = 0; /* In case of failure below */ /* Create a new mapping starting at the address given */ status = acpi_os_map_memory (address, SYSMEM_REGION_WINDOW_SIZE, (void **) &mem_info->mapped_logical_address); if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) { return_ACPI_STATUS (status); } /* Save the physical address and mapping size */ mem_info->mapped_physical_address = address; mem_info->mapped_length = SYSMEM_REGION_WINDOW_SIZE; } /* * Generate a logical pointer corresponding to the address we want to * access */ /* TBD: should these pointers go to 64-bit in all cases ? */ logical_addr_ptr = mem_info->mapped_logical_address + ((acpi_integer) address - (acpi_integer) mem_info->mapped_physical_address); ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_INFO, "System_memory %d (%d width) Address=%8.8X%8.8X\n", function, bit_width, HIDWORD (address), LODWORD (address))); /* Perform the memory read or write */ switch (function) { case ACPI_READ_ADR_SPACE: switch (bit_width) { case 8: *value = (u32)* (u8 *) logical_addr_ptr; break; case 16: MOVE_UNALIGNED16_TO_32 (value, logical_addr_ptr); break; case 32: MOVE_UNALIGNED32_TO_32 (value, logical_addr_ptr); break; } break; case ACPI_WRITE_ADR_SPACE: switch (bit_width) { case 8: *(u8 *) logical_addr_ptr = (u8) *value; break; case 16: MOVE_UNALIGNED16_TO_16 (logical_addr_ptr, value); break; case 32: MOVE_UNALIGNED32_TO_32 (logical_addr_ptr, value); break; } break; default: status = AE_BAD_PARAMETER; break; } return_ACPI_STATUS (status); }
void MMapFile::resize(__int64 newsize) { release(); if (newsize > m_iSize) { #ifdef _WIN32 if (m_hFileMap) CloseHandle(m_hFileMap); m_hFileMap = 0; #endif m_iSize = newsize; #ifdef _WIN32 if (m_hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { TCHAR buf[MAX_PATH], buf2[MAX_PATH]; GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, buf); GetTempFileName(buf, _T("nsd"), 0, buf2); m_hFile = CreateFile( buf2, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY | FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL ); m_bTempHandle = TRUE; } if (m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { m_hFileMap = CreateFileMapping( m_hFile, NULL, m_bReadOnly ? PAGE_READONLY : PAGE_READWRITE, HIDWORD(m_iSize), LODWORD(m_iSize), NULL ); } #else if (m_hFile == NULL) { m_hFile = tmpfile(); if (m_hFile != NULL) { m_hFileDesc = fileno(m_hFile); m_bTempHandle = TRUE; } } // resize if (m_hFileDesc != -1) { unsigned char c = 0; if (lseek(m_hFileDesc, m_iSize, SEEK_SET) != (off_t)-1) { if (read(m_hFileDesc, &c, 1) != -1) { if (lseek(m_hFileDesc, m_iSize, SEEK_SET) != (off_t)-1) { if (write(m_hFileDesc, &c, 1) != -1) { return; // no errors } } } } } m_hFileDesc = -1; // some error occurred, bail #endif #ifdef _WIN32 if (!m_hFileMap) #else if (m_hFileDesc == -1) #endif { extern void quit(); extern int g_display_errors; if (g_display_errors) { PrintColorFmtMsg_ERR(_T("\nInternal compiler error #12345: error creating mmap the size of %I64d.\n"), m_iSize); } quit(); } } }
bool device_receive_frame( PSDevice pDevice, PSRxDesc pCurrRD ) { PDEVICE_RD_INFO pRDInfo = pCurrRD->pRDInfo; struct net_device_stats *pStats = &pDevice->stats; struct sk_buff *skb; PSMgmtObject pMgmt = pDevice->pMgmt; PSRxMgmtPacket pRxPacket = &(pDevice->pMgmt->sRxPacket); PS802_11Header p802_11Header; unsigned char *pbyRsr; unsigned char *pbyNewRsr; unsigned char *pbyRSSI; PQWORD pqwTSFTime; unsigned short *pwFrameSize; unsigned char *pbyFrame; bool bDeFragRx = false; bool bIsWEP = false; unsigned int cbHeaderOffset; unsigned int FrameSize; unsigned short wEtherType = 0; int iSANodeIndex = -1; int iDANodeIndex = -1; unsigned int ii; unsigned int cbIVOffset; bool bExtIV = false; unsigned char *pbyRxSts; unsigned char *pbyRxRate; unsigned char *pbySQ; unsigned int cbHeaderSize; PSKeyItem pKey = NULL; unsigned short wRxTSC15_0 = 0; unsigned long dwRxTSC47_16 = 0; SKeyItem STempKey; // 802.11h RPI unsigned long dwDuration = 0; long ldBm = 0; long ldBmThreshold = 0; PS802_11Header pMACHeader; bool bRxeapol_key = false; skb = pRDInfo->skb; //PLICE_DEBUG-> pci_unmap_single(pDevice->pcid, pRDInfo->skb_dma, pDevice->rx_buf_sz, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); //PLICE_DEBUG<- pwFrameSize = (unsigned short *)(skb->data + 2); FrameSize = cpu_to_le16(pCurrRD->m_rd1RD1.wReqCount) - cpu_to_le16(pCurrRD->m_rd0RD0.wResCount); // Max: 2312Payload + 30HD +4CRC + 2Padding + 4Len + 8TSF + 4RSR // Min (ACK): 10HD +4CRC + 2Padding + 4Len + 8TSF + 4RSR if ((FrameSize > 2364) || (FrameSize <= 32)) { // Frame Size error drop this packet. DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "---------- WRONG Length 1\n"); return false; } pbyRxSts = (unsigned char *)(skb->data); pbyRxRate = (unsigned char *)(skb->data + 1); pbyRsr = (unsigned char *)(skb->data + FrameSize - 1); pbyRSSI = (unsigned char *)(skb->data + FrameSize - 2); pbyNewRsr = (unsigned char *)(skb->data + FrameSize - 3); pbySQ = (unsigned char *)(skb->data + FrameSize - 4); pqwTSFTime = (PQWORD)(skb->data + FrameSize - 12); pbyFrame = (unsigned char *)(skb->data + 4); // get packet size FrameSize = cpu_to_le16(*pwFrameSize); if ((FrameSize > 2346)|(FrameSize < 14)) { // Max: 2312Payload + 30HD +4CRC // Min: 14 bytes ACK DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "---------- WRONG Length 2\n"); return false; } //PLICE_DEBUG-> // update receive statistic counter STAvUpdateRDStatCounter(&pDevice->scStatistic, *pbyRsr, *pbyNewRsr, *pbyRxRate, pbyFrame, FrameSize); pMACHeader = (PS802_11Header)((unsigned char *)(skb->data) + 8); //PLICE_DEBUG<- if (pDevice->bMeasureInProgress) { if ((*pbyRsr & RSR_CRCOK) != 0) pDevice->byBasicMap |= 0x01; dwDuration = (FrameSize << 4); dwDuration /= acbyRxRate[*pbyRxRate%MAX_RATE]; if (*pbyRxRate <= RATE_11M) { if (*pbyRxSts & 0x01) { // long preamble dwDuration += 192; } else { // short preamble dwDuration += 96; } } else { dwDuration += 16; } RFvRSSITodBm(pDevice, *pbyRSSI, &ldBm); ldBmThreshold = -57; for (ii = 7; ii > 0;) { if (ldBm > ldBmThreshold) break; ldBmThreshold -= 5; ii--; } pDevice->dwRPIs[ii] += dwDuration; return false; } if (!is_multicast_ether_addr(pbyFrame)) { if (WCTLbIsDuplicate(&(pDevice->sDupRxCache), (PS802_11Header)(skb->data + 4))) { pDevice->s802_11Counter.FrameDuplicateCount++; return false; } } // Use for TKIP MIC s_vGetDASA(skb->data+4, &cbHeaderSize, &pDevice->sRxEthHeader); // filter packet send from myself if (ether_addr_equal(pDevice->sRxEthHeader.abySrcAddr, pDevice->abyCurrentNetAddr)) return false; if ((pMgmt->eCurrMode == WMAC_MODE_ESS_AP) || (pMgmt->eCurrMode == WMAC_MODE_IBSS_STA)) { if (IS_CTL_PSPOLL(pbyFrame) || !IS_TYPE_CONTROL(pbyFrame)) { p802_11Header = (PS802_11Header)(pbyFrame); // get SA NodeIndex if (BSSDBbIsSTAInNodeDB(pMgmt, (unsigned char *)(p802_11Header->abyAddr2), &iSANodeIndex)) { pMgmt->sNodeDBTable[iSANodeIndex].ulLastRxJiffer = jiffies; pMgmt->sNodeDBTable[iSANodeIndex].uInActiveCount = 0; } } } if (pMgmt->eCurrMode == WMAC_MODE_ESS_AP) { if (s_bAPModeRxCtl(pDevice, pbyFrame, iSANodeIndex)) return false; } if (IS_FC_WEP(pbyFrame)) { bool bRxDecryOK = false; DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "rx WEP pkt\n"); bIsWEP = true; if ((pDevice->bEnableHostWEP) && (iSANodeIndex >= 0)) { pKey = &STempKey; pKey->byCipherSuite = pMgmt->sNodeDBTable[iSANodeIndex].byCipherSuite; pKey->dwKeyIndex = pMgmt->sNodeDBTable[iSANodeIndex].dwKeyIndex; pKey->uKeyLength = pMgmt->sNodeDBTable[iSANodeIndex].uWepKeyLength; pKey->dwTSC47_16 = pMgmt->sNodeDBTable[iSANodeIndex].dwTSC47_16; pKey->wTSC15_0 = pMgmt->sNodeDBTable[iSANodeIndex].wTSC15_0; memcpy(pKey->abyKey, &pMgmt->sNodeDBTable[iSANodeIndex].abyWepKey[0], pKey->uKeyLength ); bRxDecryOK = s_bHostWepRxEncryption(pDevice, pbyFrame, FrameSize, pbyRsr, pMgmt->sNodeDBTable[iSANodeIndex].bOnFly, pKey, pbyNewRsr, &bExtIV, &wRxTSC15_0, &dwRxTSC47_16); } else { bRxDecryOK = s_bHandleRxEncryption(pDevice, pbyFrame, FrameSize, pbyRsr, pbyNewRsr, &pKey, &bExtIV, &wRxTSC15_0, &dwRxTSC47_16); } if (bRxDecryOK) { if ((*pbyNewRsr & NEWRSR_DECRYPTOK) == 0) { DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "ICV Fail\n"); if ((pDevice->pMgmt->eAuthenMode == WMAC_AUTH_WPA) || (pDevice->pMgmt->eAuthenMode == WMAC_AUTH_WPAPSK) || (pDevice->pMgmt->eAuthenMode == WMAC_AUTH_WPANONE) || (pDevice->pMgmt->eAuthenMode == WMAC_AUTH_WPA2) || (pDevice->pMgmt->eAuthenMode == WMAC_AUTH_WPA2PSK)) { if ((pKey != NULL) && (pKey->byCipherSuite == KEY_CTL_TKIP)) pDevice->s802_11Counter.TKIPICVErrors++; else if ((pKey != NULL) && (pKey->byCipherSuite == KEY_CTL_CCMP)) pDevice->s802_11Counter.CCMPDecryptErrors++; } return false; } } else { DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "WEP Func Fail\n"); return false; } if ((pKey != NULL) && (pKey->byCipherSuite == KEY_CTL_CCMP)) FrameSize -= 8; // Message Integrity Code else FrameSize -= 4; // 4 is ICV } // // RX OK // //remove the CRC length FrameSize -= ETH_FCS_LEN; if ((!(*pbyRsr & (RSR_ADDRBROAD | RSR_ADDRMULTI))) && // unicast address (IS_FRAGMENT_PKT((skb->data+4))) ) { // defragment bDeFragRx = WCTLbHandleFragment(pDevice, (PS802_11Header)(skb->data+4), FrameSize, bIsWEP, bExtIV); pDevice->s802_11Counter.ReceivedFragmentCount++; if (bDeFragRx) { // defrag complete skb = pDevice->sRxDFCB[pDevice->uCurrentDFCBIdx].skb; FrameSize = pDevice->sRxDFCB[pDevice->uCurrentDFCBIdx].cbFrameLength; } else { return false; } } // Management & Control frame Handle if ((IS_TYPE_DATA((skb->data+4))) == false) { // Handle Control & Manage Frame if (IS_TYPE_MGMT((skb->data+4))) { unsigned char *pbyData1; unsigned char *pbyData2; pRxPacket->p80211Header = (PUWLAN_80211HDR)(skb->data+4); pRxPacket->cbMPDULen = FrameSize; pRxPacket->uRSSI = *pbyRSSI; pRxPacket->bySQ = *pbySQ; HIDWORD(pRxPacket->qwLocalTSF) = cpu_to_le32(HIDWORD(*pqwTSFTime)); LODWORD(pRxPacket->qwLocalTSF) = cpu_to_le32(LODWORD(*pqwTSFTime)); if (bIsWEP) { // strip IV pbyData1 = WLAN_HDR_A3_DATA_PTR(skb->data+4); pbyData2 = WLAN_HDR_A3_DATA_PTR(skb->data+4) + 4; for (ii = 0; ii < (FrameSize - 4); ii++) { *pbyData1 = *pbyData2; pbyData1++; pbyData2++; } } pRxPacket->byRxRate = s_byGetRateIdx(*pbyRxRate); pRxPacket->byRxChannel = (*pbyRxSts) >> 2; vMgrRxManagePacket((void *)pDevice, pDevice->pMgmt, pRxPacket); // hostap Deamon handle 802.11 management if (pDevice->bEnableHostapd) { skb->dev = pDevice->apdev; skb->data += 4; skb->tail += 4; skb_put(skb, FrameSize); skb_reset_mac_header(skb); skb->pkt_type = PACKET_OTHERHOST; skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_802_2); memset(skb->cb, 0, sizeof(skb->cb)); netif_rx(skb); return true; } } return false; } else {
int wpa_set_keys(PSDevice pDevice, void *ctx, bool fcpfkernel) { struct viawget_wpa_param *param=ctx; PSMgmtObject pMgmt = pDevice->pMgmt; unsigned long dwKeyIndex = 0; unsigned char abyKey[MAX_KEY_LEN]; unsigned char abySeq[MAX_KEY_LEN]; QWORD KeyRSC; unsigned char byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_WEP; int ret = 0; int uu, ii; if (param->u.wpa_key.alg_name > WPA_ALG_CCMP || param->u.wpa_key.key_len >= MAX_KEY_LEN || param->u.wpa_key.seq_len >= MAX_KEY_LEN) return -EINVAL; DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "param->u.wpa_key.alg_name = %d \n", param->u.wpa_key.alg_name); if (param->u.wpa_key.alg_name == WPA_ALG_NONE) { pDevice->eEncryptionStatus = Ndis802_11EncryptionDisabled; pDevice->bEncryptionEnable = false; pDevice->byKeyIndex = 0; pDevice->bTransmitKey = false; KeyvRemoveAllWEPKey(&(pDevice->sKey), pDevice->PortOffset); for (uu=0; uu<MAX_KEY_TABLE; uu++) { MACvDisableKeyEntry(pDevice->PortOffset, uu); } return ret; } if(param->u.wpa_key.key && fcpfkernel) { memcpy(&abyKey[0], param->u.wpa_key.key, param->u.wpa_key.key_len); } else { spin_unlock_irq(&pDevice->lock); if (param->u.wpa_key.key && copy_from_user(&abyKey[0], param->u.wpa_key.key, param->u.wpa_key.key_len)) { spin_lock_irq(&pDevice->lock); return -EINVAL; } spin_lock_irq(&pDevice->lock); } dwKeyIndex = (unsigned long)(param->u.wpa_key.key_index); if (param->u.wpa_key.alg_name == WPA_ALG_WEP) { if (dwKeyIndex > 3) { return -EINVAL; } else { if (param->u.wpa_key.set_tx) { pDevice->byKeyIndex = (unsigned char)dwKeyIndex; pDevice->bTransmitKey = true; dwKeyIndex |= (1 << 31); } KeybSetDefaultKey(&(pDevice->sKey), dwKeyIndex & ~(BIT30 | USE_KEYRSC), param->u.wpa_key.key_len, NULL, abyKey, KEY_CTL_WEP, pDevice->PortOffset, pDevice->byLocalID); } pDevice->eEncryptionStatus = Ndis802_11Encryption1Enabled; pDevice->bEncryptionEnable = true; return ret; } if(param->u.wpa_key.seq && fcpfkernel) { memcpy(&abySeq[0], param->u.wpa_key.seq, param->u.wpa_key.seq_len); } else { spin_unlock_irq(&pDevice->lock); if (param->u.wpa_key.seq && copy_from_user(&abySeq[0], param->u.wpa_key.seq, param->u.wpa_key.seq_len)) { spin_lock_irq(&pDevice->lock); return -EINVAL; } spin_lock_irq(&pDevice->lock); } if (param->u.wpa_key.seq_len > 0) { for (ii = 0 ; ii < param->u.wpa_key.seq_len ; ii++) { if (ii < 4) LODWORD(KeyRSC) |= (abySeq[ii] << (ii * 8)); else HIDWORD(KeyRSC) |= (abySeq[ii] << ((ii-4) * 8)); } dwKeyIndex |= 1 << 29; } if (param->u.wpa_key.key_index >= MAX_GROUP_KEY) { DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "return dwKeyIndex > 3\n"); return -EINVAL; } if (param->u.wpa_key.alg_name == WPA_ALG_TKIP) { pDevice->eEncryptionStatus = Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled; } if (param->u.wpa_key.alg_name == WPA_ALG_CCMP) { pDevice->eEncryptionStatus = Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled; } if (param->u.wpa_key.set_tx) dwKeyIndex |= (1 << 31); if (pDevice->eEncryptionStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled) byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_CCMP; else if (pDevice->eEncryptionStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled) byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_TKIP; else byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_WEP; if (pDevice->eEncryptionStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption3Enabled) { if (param->u.wpa_key.key_len == MAX_KEY_LEN) byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_TKIP; else if (param->u.wpa_key.key_len == WLAN_WEP40_KEYLEN) byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_WEP; else if (param->u.wpa_key.key_len == WLAN_WEP104_KEYLEN) byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_WEP; } else if (pDevice->eEncryptionStatus == Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled) { if (param->u.wpa_key.key_len == WLAN_WEP40_KEYLEN) byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_WEP; else if (param->u.wpa_key.key_len == WLAN_WEP104_KEYLEN) byKeyDecMode = KEY_CTL_WEP; } if ((byKeyDecMode == KEY_CTL_TKIP) && (param->u.wpa_key.key_len != MAX_KEY_LEN)) { DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "return- TKIP Key must be 256 bits!\n"); return -EINVAL; } if ((byKeyDecMode == KEY_CTL_CCMP) && (param->u.wpa_key.key_len != AES_KEY_LEN)) { return -EINVAL; } if (is_broadcast_ether_addr(¶m->addr[0]) || (param->addr == NULL)) { DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "Groupe Key Assign.\n"); if ((KeybSetAllGroupKey(&(pDevice->sKey), dwKeyIndex, param->u.wpa_key.key_len, (PQWORD) &(KeyRSC), (unsigned char *)abyKey, byKeyDecMode, pDevice->PortOffset, pDevice->byLocalID) == true) && (KeybSetDefaultKey(&(pDevice->sKey), dwKeyIndex, param->u.wpa_key.key_len, (PQWORD) &(KeyRSC), (unsigned char *)abyKey, byKeyDecMode, pDevice->PortOffset, pDevice->byLocalID) == true) ) { DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "GROUP Key Assign.\n"); } else { return -EINVAL; } } else { DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "Pairwise Key Assign.\n"); if (byKeyDecMode == KEY_CTL_WEP) { DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "Pairwise Key can't be WEP\n"); return -EINVAL; } dwKeyIndex |= (1 << 30); if (pMgmt->eConfigMode == WMAC_CONFIG_IBSS_STA) { return -EINVAL; } if (KeybSetKey(&(pDevice->sKey), ¶m->addr[0], dwKeyIndex, param->u.wpa_key.key_len, (PQWORD) &(KeyRSC), (unsigned char *)abyKey, byKeyDecMode, pDevice->PortOffset, pDevice->byLocalID) == true) { DBG_PRT(MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG, KERN_INFO "Pairwise Key Set\n"); } else { if (!compare_ether_addr(¶m->addr[0], pDevice->abyBSSID)) { return -EINVAL; } else { return -EINVAL; } } } if ((ret == 0) && ((param->u.wpa_key.set_tx) != 0)) { pDevice->byKeyIndex = (unsigned char)param->u.wpa_key.key_index; pDevice->bTransmitKey = true; } pDevice->bEncryptionEnable = true; return ret; }
acpi_status acpi_ev_gpe_initialize (void) { u32 i; u32 j; u32 register_index; u32 gpe_number; u16 gpe0register_count; u16 gpe1_register_count; FUNCTION_TRACE ("Ev_gpe_initialize"); /* * Set up various GPE counts * * You may ask,why are the GPE register block lengths divided by 2? * From the ACPI 2.0 Spec, section, General-Purpose Event * Registers, we have, * * "Each register block contains two registers of equal length * GPEx_STS and GPEx_EN (where x is 0 or 1). The length of the * GPE0_STS and GPE0_EN registers is equal to half the GPE0_LEN * The length of the GPE1_STS and GPE1_EN registers is equal to * half the GPE1_LEN. If a generic register block is not supported * then its respective block pointer and block length values in the * FADT table contain zeros. The GPE0_LEN and GPE1_LEN do not need * to be the same size." */ gpe0register_count = (u16) DIV_2 (acpi_gbl_FADT->gpe0blk_len); gpe1_register_count = (u16) DIV_2 (acpi_gbl_FADT->gpe1_blk_len); acpi_gbl_gpe_register_count = gpe0register_count + gpe1_register_count; if (!acpi_gbl_gpe_register_count) { REPORT_WARNING (("Zero GPEs are defined in the FADT\n")); return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK); } /* * Allocate the Gpe information block */ acpi_gbl_gpe_registers = ACPI_MEM_CALLOCATE (acpi_gbl_gpe_register_count * sizeof (acpi_gpe_registers)); if (!acpi_gbl_gpe_registers) { ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_ERROR, "Could not allocate the Gpe_registers block\n")); return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY); } /* * Allocate the Gpe dispatch handler block * There are eight distinct GP events per register. * Initialization to zeros is sufficient */ acpi_gbl_gpe_info = ACPI_MEM_CALLOCATE (MUL_8 (acpi_gbl_gpe_register_count) * sizeof (acpi_gpe_level_info)); if (!acpi_gbl_gpe_info) { ACPI_MEM_FREE (acpi_gbl_gpe_registers); ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_ERROR, "Could not allocate the Gpe_info block\n")); return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY); } /* Set the Gpe validation table to GPE_INVALID */ MEMSET (acpi_gbl_gpe_valid, (int) ACPI_GPE_INVALID, ACPI_NUM_GPE); /* * Initialize the Gpe information and validation blocks. A goal of these * blocks is to hide the fact that there are two separate GPE register sets * In a given block, the status registers occupy the first half, and * the enable registers occupy the second half. */ /* GPE Block 0 */ register_index = 0; for (i = 0; i < gpe0register_count; i++) { acpi_gbl_gpe_registers[register_index].status_addr = (u16) (ACPI_GET_ADDRESS (acpi_gbl_FADT->Xgpe0blk.address) + i); acpi_gbl_gpe_registers[register_index].enable_addr = (u16) (ACPI_GET_ADDRESS (acpi_gbl_FADT->Xgpe0blk.address) + i + gpe0register_count); acpi_gbl_gpe_registers[register_index].gpe_base = (u8) MUL_8 (i); for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { gpe_number = acpi_gbl_gpe_registers[register_index].gpe_base + j; acpi_gbl_gpe_valid[gpe_number] = (u8) register_index; } /* * Clear the status/enable registers. Note that status registers * are cleared by writing a '1', while enable registers are cleared * by writing a '0'. */ acpi_os_write_port (acpi_gbl_gpe_registers[register_index].enable_addr, 0x00, 8); acpi_os_write_port (acpi_gbl_gpe_registers[register_index].status_addr, 0xFF, 8); register_index++; } /* GPE Block 1 */ for (i = 0; i < gpe1_register_count; i++) { acpi_gbl_gpe_registers[register_index].status_addr = (u16) (ACPI_GET_ADDRESS (acpi_gbl_FADT->Xgpe1_blk.address) + i); acpi_gbl_gpe_registers[register_index].enable_addr = (u16) (ACPI_GET_ADDRESS (acpi_gbl_FADT->Xgpe1_blk.address) + i + gpe1_register_count); acpi_gbl_gpe_registers[register_index].gpe_base = (u8) (acpi_gbl_FADT->gpe1_base + MUL_8 (i)); for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { gpe_number = acpi_gbl_gpe_registers[register_index].gpe_base + j; acpi_gbl_gpe_valid[gpe_number] = (u8) register_index; } /* * Clear the status/enable registers. Note that status registers * are cleared by writing a '1', while enable registers are cleared * by writing a '0'. */ acpi_os_write_port (acpi_gbl_gpe_registers[register_index].enable_addr, 0x00, 8); acpi_os_write_port (acpi_gbl_gpe_registers[register_index].status_addr, 0xFF, 8); register_index++; } ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_INFO, "GPE registers: %X@%8.8X%8.8X (Blk0) %X@%8.8X%8.8X (Blk1)\n", gpe0register_count, HIDWORD(acpi_gbl_FADT->Xgpe0blk.address), LODWORD(acpi_gbl_FADT->Xgpe0blk.address), gpe1_register_count, HIDWORD(acpi_gbl_FADT->Xgpe1_blk.address), LODWORD(acpi_gbl_FADT->Xgpe1_blk.address))); return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK); }