void timerCallback()
                // Wait for the moment when PT deigns to allow our view to
                // take up its actual location (see rant above)
                HIViewRef content = 0;
                HIViewFindByID (HIViewGetRoot ((WindowRef) hostWindow), kHIViewWindowContentID, &content);
                HIPoint p = { 0.0f, 0.0f };

                HIViewRef v = HIViewGetFirstSubview (parentView);
                HIViewConvertPoint (&p, v, content);

                if (p.y > 12)
                    if (p.x != titleW || p.y != titleH)
                        GrafPtr oldport;
                        GetPort (&oldport);
                        SetPort (owner->GetViewPort());
                        SetOrigin (-titleW, -titleH);
                        SetPort (oldport);

                    HIViewRef v = HIViewGetFirstSubview (parentView);
                    SetControlSupervisor (v, 0);

                    forcedRepaintTimer = new RepaintCheckTimer (*this);
Ejemplo n.º 2
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	HITestViewTrack
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	This is overkill, and probably #ifdef'd out, but is here as an example of
//	a custom tracking handler.
OSStatus HITestViewTrack(
	EventRef				inEvent,
	HITestViewData*			inData )
	OSStatus				err;
	HIRect					bounds;
	HIPoint					where;
	ControlPartCode			part;
	Boolean					inside;
	Boolean					wasInside;
	Point					qdPt;
	MouseTrackingResult		mouseResult;
	PixMapHandle			portPixMap;

	// Extract the mouse location
	err = GetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamMouseLocation, typeHIPoint,
			NULL, sizeof( HIPoint ), NULL, &where );
	require_noerr( err, ParameterMissing );

	// Is the mouse location in the view?
	err = HIViewGetBounds( inData->view, &bounds );
	if ( CGRectContainsPoint( bounds, where ) )
		part = 1;
		part = kControlNoPart;
	HiliteControl( inData->view, part );
	wasInside = true;
	// Need the port's pixMap's bounds to convert the mouse location
	portPixMap = GetPortPixMap( GetWindowPort( GetControlOwner( inData->view ) ) );

	// The tracking loop
	while ( true )
		// Check again to see if the mouse is in the view
		if ( CGRectContainsPoint( bounds, where ) )
			part = 1;
			part = kControlNoPart;
		inside = ( part != kControlNoPart );
		// If that changed, update
		if ( inside != wasInside )
			HiliteControl( inData->view, part );
		wasInside = inside;

		// Watch the mouse for change
		err = TrackMouseLocation( (GrafPtr)-1L, &qdPt, &mouseResult );

		// Need to convert from global
		QDGlobalToLocalPoint( GetWindowPort( GetControlOwner( inData->view ) ), &qdPt );
		where.x = qdPt.h - (**portPixMap).bounds.left;
		where.y = qdPt.v - (**portPixMap).bounds.top;
		HIViewConvertPoint( &where, NULL, inData->view );

		// Bail out when the mouse is released
		if ( mouseResult == kMouseTrackingMouseReleased )
	// Restore the original highlight
	HiliteControl( inData->view, kControlNoPart );

	// Send back the part upon which the mouse was released
	err = SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamControlPart, typeControlPartCode,
			sizeof( ControlPartCode ), &part ); 

	return err;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static pascal OSStatus CustomSpotViewHandler(EventHandlerCallRef inCaller, EventRef inEvent, void* inRefcon)
	OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr;
	CustomSpotViewData* myData = (CustomSpotViewData*)inRefcon;
	switch (GetEventClass(inEvent))
		case kEventClassHIObject:
			switch (GetEventKind(inEvent))
				case kEventHIObjectConstruct:
					myData = (CustomSpotViewData*) calloc(1, sizeof(CustomSpotViewData));
					GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamHIObjectInstance, typeHIObjectRef, NULL, sizeof(myData->view), NULL, &myData->view);
					result = SetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamHIObjectInstance, typeVoidPtr, sizeof(myData), &myData);
				case kEventHIObjectInitialize:
					HIRect bounds;
					GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamBounds, typeHIRect, NULL, sizeof(bounds), NULL, &bounds);
					myData->spot.x = CGRectGetMidX(bounds) - CGRectGetMinX(bounds);
					myData->spot.y = CGRectGetMidY(bounds) - CGRectGetMinY(bounds);
					HIViewSetVisible(myData->view, true);
				case kEventHIObjectDestruct:
					result = noErr;
		case kEventClassControl:
			switch (GetEventKind(inEvent))
				case kEventControlDraw:
					CGContextRef	context;
					HIRect			bounds;
					result = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamCGContextRef, typeCGContextRef, NULL, sizeof(context), NULL, &context);
					HIViewGetBounds(myData->view, &bounds);
					if (!IsControlActive(myData->view))
						CGContextSetGrayStrokeColor(context, 0.5, 0.3);
						CGContextSetGrayFillColor(context, 0.5, 0.3);
						CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7);
						CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7);
					CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 3.0);
					CGContextStrokeRect(context, bounds);
					HIRect spot = { {myData->spot.x - 4.0, myData->spot.y - 4.0}, {8.0, 8.0} };
					CGContextFillRect(context, spot);
					result = noErr;
				case kEventControlBoundsChanged:
					HIRect newHIBounds;
					GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamCurrentBounds, typeHIRect, NULL, sizeof(newHIBounds), NULL, &newHIBounds);
					myData->spot.x = CGRectGetMidX(newHIBounds) - CGRectGetMinX(newHIBounds);
					myData->spot.y = CGRectGetMidY(newHIBounds) - CGRectGetMinY(newHIBounds);
				case kEventControlHitTest:
					HIPoint	pt;
					HIRect	bounds;
					GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamMouseLocation, typeHIPoint, NULL, sizeof(pt), NULL, &pt);
					HIViewGetBounds(myData->view, &bounds);
					ControlPartCode part = (CGRectContainsPoint(bounds, pt))?kControlButtonPart:kControlNoPart;
					result = SetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamControlPart, typeControlPartCode, sizeof(part), &part);
				case kEventControlTrack:
					Point qdPoint;
					Rect qdWindowBounds;
					HIPoint hiPoint;
					HIRect hiViewBounds;
					MouseTrackingResult mouseStatus = kMouseTrackingMouseDown;
					HIViewGetBounds(myData->view, &hiViewBounds);
					GetWindowBounds(GetControlOwner(myData->view), kWindowStructureRgn, &qdWindowBounds);
					// handle the first mouseDown before moving
					GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamMouseLocation, typeHIPoint, NULL, sizeof(hiPoint), NULL, &hiPoint);
					while (mouseStatus != kMouseTrackingMouseUp)
						if (CGRectContainsPoint(hiViewBounds, hiPoint))
							if (hiPoint.x < hiViewBounds.origin.x+4) hiPoint.x = hiViewBounds.origin.x+4;
							if (hiPoint.x > hiViewBounds.origin.x+hiViewBounds.size.width-4) hiPoint.x = hiViewBounds.origin.x+hiViewBounds.size.width-4;
							if (hiPoint.y < hiViewBounds.origin.y+4) hiPoint.y = hiViewBounds.origin.y+4;
							if (hiPoint.y > hiViewBounds.origin.y+hiViewBounds.size.height-4) hiPoint.y = hiViewBounds.origin.y+hiViewBounds.size.height-4;
							myData->spot = hiPoint;
							HIViewSetNeedsDisplay(myData->view, true);
						// a -1 GrafPtr to TrackMouseLocation yields global coordinates
						TrackMouseLocation((GrafPtr)-1L, &qdPoint, &mouseStatus);						
						// convert to window-relative coordinates
						hiPoint.x = qdPoint.h - qdWindowBounds.left;
						hiPoint.y = qdPoint.v - qdWindowBounds.top;
						// convert to view-relative coordinates
						HIViewConvertPoint(&hiPoint, NULL, myData->view);
	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void QGLContext::updatePaintDevice()
    d->update = false;
    if (QSysInfo::MacintoshVersion >= QSysInfo::MV_10_5) {
        if(d->paintDevice->devType() == QInternal::Widget) {
            QWidget *w = (QWidget *)d->paintDevice;
            aglSetHIViewRef((AGLContext)d->cx, (HIViewRef)w->winId());
        } else if(d->paintDevice->devType() == QInternal::Pixmap) {
            QPixmap *pm = (QPixmap *)d->paintDevice;
            aglSetOffScreen((AGLContext)d->cx, pm->width(), pm->height(),
                            qt_mac_pixmap_get_bytes_per_line(pm), qt_mac_pixmap_get_base(pm));
        } else {
            qWarning("QGLContext::updatePaintDevice(): Not sure how to render OpenGL on this device!");
    } else
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC64
        if(d->paintDevice->devType() == QInternal::Widget) {
            //get control information
            QWidget *w = (QWidget *)d->paintDevice;
            HIViewRef hiview = (HIViewRef)w->winId();
            WindowPtr window = qt_mac_window_for(hiview);
            static int serial_no_gl = 0;
            qDebug("[%d] %p setting on %s::%s %p/%p [%s]", ++serial_no_gl, w,
                   w->metaObject()->className(), w->objectName().toLatin1().constData(),
                   hiview, window, w->handle() ? "Inside" : "Outside");

            //update drawable
            if(0 && w->isWindow() && w->isFullScreen()) {
                aglSetDrawable((AGLContext)d->cx, 0);
                aglSetFullScreen((AGLContext)d->cx, w->width(), w->height(), 0, QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(w));
            } else {
                AGLDrawable old_draw = aglGetDrawable((AGLContext)d->cx), new_draw = GetWindowPort(window);
                if(old_draw != new_draw)
                    aglSetDrawable((AGLContext)d->cx, new_draw);

            if(!w->isWindow()) {
                QRegion clp = qt_mac_get_widget_rgn(w); //get drawable area

                if(clp.isEmpty()) {
                    qDebug("  Empty area!");
                } else {
                    QVector<QRect> rs = clp.rects();
                    for(int i = 0; i < rs.count(); i++)
                        qDebug("  %d %d %d %d", rs[i].x(), rs[i].y(), rs[i].width(), rs[i].height());
                //update the clip
                if(!aglIsEnabled((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_BUFFER_RECT))
                    aglEnable((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_BUFFER_RECT);
                if(clp.isEmpty()) {
                    GLint offs[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                    aglSetInteger((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_BUFFER_RECT, offs);
                    if(aglIsEnabled((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_CLIP_REGION))
                        aglDisable((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_CLIP_REGION);
                } else {
                    HIPoint origin = { 0., 0. };
                    HIViewConvertPoint(&origin, HIViewRef(w->winId()), 0);
                    const GLint offs[4] = { qRound(origin.x),
                                                    - (qRound(origin.y) + w->height()),
                                            w->width(), w->height() };
                    aglSetInteger((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_BUFFER_RECT, offs);
                    aglSetInteger((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_CLIP_REGION, (const GLint *)clp.handle(true));
                    if(!aglIsEnabled((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_CLIP_REGION))
                        aglEnable((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_CLIP_REGION);
        } else if(d->paintDevice->devType() == QInternal::Pixmap) {
            QPixmap *pm = (QPixmap *)d->paintDevice;
            PixMapHandle mac_pm = GetGWorldPixMap((GWorldPtr)pm->macQDHandle());
            aglSetOffScreen((AGLContext)d->cx, pm->width(), pm->height(),
                            GetPixRowBytes(mac_pm), GetPixBaseAddr(mac_pm));
        } else {
            qWarning("QGLContext::updatePaintDevice(): Not sure how to render OpenGL on this device!");
#endif // Q_OS_MAC64