void CybPhantom::HLIdleFunc() { HLerror error; while (HL_ERROR(error = hlGetError())) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", error.errorCode); if (error.errorCode == HL_DEVICE_ERROR) { hduPrintError(stderr, &error.errorInfo, "Error during haptic rendering\n"); } } if(cybCore->phantomOn && !flagWorkspaceUpdate){ hapticWorkspaceCalibration(); flagWorkspaceUpdate = true; } else if(!cybCore->phantomOn) { flagWorkspaceUpdate = false; } }
bool SQLiteUserDatabase::initialize() { QString filePath = d->_dbFilePath; if (filePath.isEmpty()) { filePath = QDir::temp().filePath("users.db"); } bool createTables = false; const QFileInfo sqliteDbInfo(filePath); if (!sqliteDbInfo.exists()) createTables = true; d->_db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE", "users_connection"); d->_db.setHostName(""); d->_db.setDatabaseName(filePath); d->_db.setUserName(QString()); d->_db.setPassword(QString()); bool errorOccured = false; if (!d->_db.open()) { HL_ERROR(HL, "Can not open database connection. Check your file permissions."); errorOccured = true; } else if (createTables) { QFile f(":/users.sqlite.sql"); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { errorOccured = true; } else { QString sql = f.readAll(); QStringList statements = sql.split(";", QString::SkipEmptyParts); foreach (const QString &stmt, statements) { QSqlQuery query(d->_db); if (!query.exec(stmt)) { HL_ERROR(HL, QString("SQL error (error=%1)").arg(query.lastError().text()).toStdString()); d->_db.close(); QFile::remove(sqliteDbInfo.filePath()); return false; } } } }
void ControlToMasterConnectionHandler::Private::onSocketStateChanged(QAbstractSocket::SocketState state) { QTcpSocket *socket = _conn->socket(); switch (state) { case QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState: HL_INFO(HL, QString("Connected to master server (address=%1; port=%2)").arg(socket->peerAddress().toString()).arg(socket->peerPort()).toStdString()); break; case QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState: if (!_shutdown) { HL_ERROR(HL, QString("Lost connection to master server (error=%1)").arg(socket->errorString()).toStdString()); _owner->startup(_opts); } emit _owner->disconnected(); break; } }
/******************************************************************************* GLUT callback for idle state. Use this as an opportunity to request a redraw. Checks for HLAPI errors that have occurred since the last idle check. *******************************************************************************/ void glutIdle() { HLerror error; while (HL_ERROR(error = hlGetError())) { fprintf(stderr, "HL Error: %s\n", error.errorCode); if (error.errorCode == HL_DEVICE_ERROR) { hduPrintError(stderr, &error.errorInfo, "Error during haptic rendering\n"); } } glutPostRedisplay(); }
/******************************************************************************* GLUT callback for idle state. Use this as an opportunity to request a redraw. Checks for HLAPI errors that have occurred since the last idle check. *******************************************************************************/ void glutIdle() { HLerror error; while (HL_ERROR(error = hlGetError())) { fprintf(stderr, "HL Error: %s\n", error.errorCode); if (error.errorCode == HL_DEVICE_ERROR) { hduPrintError(stderr, &error.errorInfo, "Error during haptic rendering\n"); } } char title[40]; sprintf(title, "Haptic Displacement Mapping %4.1f fps", DetermineFPS()); glutSetWindowTitle(title); glutPostRedisplay(); }
bool MediaStreamingSocketHandler::Private::processDatagram(QByteArray *data, const QHostAddress &sender, quint16 sender_port) { QDataStream in(*data); in.setVersion(UdpProtocol::QDS_VERSION); UdpProtocol::UdpDatagramHeader header; in >> header; switch (header.type) { case UdpProtocol::DG_TYPE_TOKEN: return processTokenDatagram(in, data, sender, sender_port); case UdpProtocol::DG_TYPE_VIDEO_FRAME_V1: return processVideoFrameDatagramV1(in, data, sender, sender_port); case UdpProtocol::DG_TYPE_VIDEO_FRAME_RECOVERY_V1: return processVideoFrameRecoveryDatagramV1(in, data, sender, sender_port); case UdpProtocol::DG_TYPE_AUDIO_FRAME_V1: return processAudioFrameDatagramV1(in, data, sender, sender_port); default: HL_ERROR(HL, QString("Invalid datagram (sender=%1; port=%2)").arg(sender.toString()).arg(sender_port).toStdString()); break; } return false; }
bool VirtualServer::init() { // Init QCorServer listening for new client connections. const quint16 port = _opts.port; if (!_corServer.listen(_opts.address, port)) { HL_ERROR(HL, QString("Can not bind to TCP port (port=%1)").arg(port).toStdString()); return false; } HL_INFO(HL, QString("Listening for client connections (protocol=TCP; address=%1; port=%2)").arg(_opts.address.toString()).arg(port).toStdString()); // Accepting new connections. connect(&_corServer, &QCorServer::newConnection, [this](QCorConnection *connection) { auto conn = new ClientConnectionHandler(this, connection, this); }); // Init media socket. _mediaSocketHandler = new MediaSocketHandler(port, this); if (!_mediaSocketHandler->init()) { return false; } HL_INFO(HL, QString("Listening for media data (protocol=UDP; address=%1; port=%2)").arg(_opts.address.toString()).arg(port).toStdString()); // Handle media authentications. // Note: This lambda slot is not thread-safe. If MediaSocketHandler should run in a separate thread, we need to reimplement this function. connect(_mediaSocketHandler, &MediaSocketHandler::tokenAuthentication, [this](const QString &token, const QHostAddress &address, quint16 port) { if (!_tokens.contains(token)) { HL_WARN(HL, QString("Received invalid media auth token (token=%1; address=%2; port=%3)").arg(token).arg(address.toString()).arg(port).toStdString()); return; } // Update client-info with address and port. auto clientId = _tokens.take(token); auto clientEntity = _clients.value(clientId); if (!clientEntity) { HL_WARN(HL, QString("No matching client-entity for auth token (token=%1; client-id=%2)").arg(token).arg(clientId).toStdString()); return; } clientEntity->mediaAddress = address.toString(); clientEntity->mediaPort = port; // Notify client about the successful media authentication. auto conn = _connections.value(clientId); if (conn) { conn->sendMediaAuthSuccessNotify(); } this->updateMediaRecipients(); }); QObject::connect(_mediaSocketHandler, &MediaSocketHandler::networkUsageUpdated, [this](const NetworkUsageEntity &networkUsage) { _networkUsageMediaSocket = networkUsage; }); // Init status web-socket. WebSocketStatusServer::Options wsopts; wsopts.address = _opts.wsStatusAddress; wsopts.port = _opts.wsStatusPort; _wsStatusServer = new WebSocketStatusServer(wsopts, this); if (!_wsStatusServer->init()) { HL_ERROR(HL, QString("Can not bind to TCP port (port=%1)").arg(wsopts.port).toStdString()); return false; } HL_INFO(HL, QString("Listening for web-socket status connections (protocol=TCP; address=%1; port=%2)").arg(wsopts.address.toString()).arg(wsopts.port).toStdString()); return true; }
/******************************************************************************* Main function. *******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { HHD hHD; HHLRC hHLRC; HDErrorInfo error; HLuint friction, spring; HLerror frameError; hHD = hdInitDevice(HD_DEFAULT_DEVICE); if (HD_DEVICE_ERROR(error = hdGetError())) { hduPrintError(stderr, &error, "Failed to initialize haptic device"); fprintf(stderr, "\nPress any key to quit.\n"); getch(); return -1; } hdMakeCurrentDevice(hHD); hHLRC = hlCreateContext(hHD); hlMakeCurrent(hHLRC); hlDisable(HL_USE_GL_MODELVIEW); spring = hlGenEffects(1); /* Add a callback to handle button down in the collision thread. */ hlAddEventCallback(HL_EVENT_1BUTTONDOWN, HL_OBJECT_ANY, HL_CLIENT_THREAD, buttonCB, &spring); hlAddEventCallback(HL_EVENT_1BUTTONUP, HL_OBJECT_ANY, HL_CLIENT_THREAD, buttonCB, &spring); hlAddEventCallback(HL_EVENT_2BUTTONDOWN, HL_OBJECT_ANY, HL_CLIENT_THREAD, buttonCB, 0); /* Start an ambient friction effect. */ friction = hlGenEffects(1); hlBeginFrame(); hlEffectd(HL_EFFECT_PROPERTY_GAIN, 0.2); hlEffectd(HL_EFFECT_PROPERTY_MAGNITUDE, 0.5); hlStartEffect(HL_EFFECT_FRICTION, friction); hlEndFrame(); printf("Move around to feel the ambient stick-slip friction.\n\n"); printf("Press and hold the primary stylus button to feel the spring effect.\n\n"); printf("Press the second stylus button to trigger an impulse.\n\n"); /* Run the main loop. */ while (!_kbhit()) { hlBeginFrame(); /* Poll for events. Note that client thread event callbacks get dispatched from within a frame here, so we can safely start/stop effects from the event callback directly */ hlCheckEvents(); hlEndFrame(); /* Check for any errors. */ while (HL_ERROR(frameError = hlGetError())) { fprintf(stderr, "HL Error: %s\n", frameError.errorCode); if (frameError.errorCode == HL_DEVICE_ERROR) { hduPrintError(stderr, &frameError.errorInfo, "Error during haptic rendering\n"); } } } /* Stop the friction effect. */ hlBeginFrame(); hlStopEffect(friction); hlEndFrame(); hlDeleteEffects(friction, 1); hlDeleteEffects(spring, 1); hlDeleteContext(hHLRC); hdDisableDevice(hHD); return 0; }