char MemoryInstrumenter::addType(const std::string & label, bool cumul,
                                 HookFunction hook, void * param) {
    HMAT_ASSERT_MSG(output_ == NULL, "Cannot call addType after setFile");
    HMAT_ASSERT_MSG(write_sampling == 1 || !cumul,
                    "Cannot use write sub sampling with cumulative records.");
    return labels_.size() - 1;
void MemoryInstrumenter::setFile(const std::string & filename) {
    filename_ = filename;
    output_ = fopen(filename.c_str(), "w+");
    HMAT_ASSERT_MSG(output_ != NULL, "Cannot open %s", filename.c_str());
    start_ = now();
    fullMatrixMem_ = 0;
    mallinfo_counter = 0;

    FILE * labelsf = fopen((filename_+".labels").c_str(), "w");
    for(int i = 0; i < labels_.size(); i++) {
        fputs(labels_[i].c_str(), labelsf);
        fputc('\n', labelsf);

    enabled_ = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
template<typename T> int truncatedSdd(ScalarArray<T>* m, ScalarArray<T>** u, Vector<double>** sigma, ScalarArray<T>** vt) {

  // Allocate free space for U, S, V
  int rows = m->rows;
  int cols = m->cols;
  int p = min(rows, cols);

  *u = new ScalarArray<T>(rows, p);
  *sigma = new Vector<double>(p);
  *vt = new ScalarArray<T>(p, cols);

  assert(m->lda >= m->rows);

  char jobz = 'S';
  int mm = rows;
  int n = cols;
  T* a = m->m;
  int lda = rows;
  int info;

    const size_t _m = mm, _n = n;
    // Warning: These quantities are a rough approximation.
    // What's wrong with these estimates:
    //  - Golub only gives 14 * M*N*N + 8 N*N*N
    //  - This is for real numbers
    //  - We assume the same number of * and +
    size_t adds = 7 * _m * _n * _n + 4 * _n * _n * _n;
    size_t muls = 7 * _m * _n * _n + 4 * _n * _n * _n;
    increment_flops(Multipliers<T>::add * adds + Multipliers<T>::mul * muls);
  info = sddCall<T>(jobz, mm, n, a, lda, (*sigma)->m, (*u)->m,
                    (*u)->lda, (*vt)->m, (*vt)->lda);
  HMAT_ASSERT_MSG(!info, "Error in ?gesdd, info=%d", info);
  return info;