Ejemplo n.º 1
**	-------------------
**	Flattens the anchor web structure into an array.
**	This is useful for calculating statistics, sorting
**	the parent anchors etc.
**      The caller can indicate the size of the array (total
**      number of anchors if known - otherwise 0).
**	Return an array that must be freed by the caller or
**      NULL if no anchors.
PUBLIC HTArray * HTAnchor_getArray (int growby)
    int cnt;
    HTArray * array = NULL;
    HTList * cur = NULL;
    if (!adult_table) return NULL;

    /* Allocate an array for the anchors */
    if (growby <= 0) growby = PARENT_HASH_SIZE;
    array = HTArray_new(growby);

    /* Traverse anchor structure */
    for (cnt=0; cnt<PARENT_HASH_SIZE; cnt++) {
	if ((cur = adult_table[cnt])) { 
	    HTParentAnchor * pres = NULL;
	    while ((pres = (HTParentAnchor *) HTList_nextObject(cur)) != NULL) {
                if (HTArray_addObject(array, pres) == NO) {
                    HTTRACE(ANCH_TRACE, "Anchor...... Can't add object %p to array %p\n" _ 
				pres _ array);
    return array;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/*	HTDir_addElement
**	---------------
**    	This function accepts a directory line. "data" and "size", and
**	"description" can all be NULL
**	Returns YES if OK, else NO
PUBLIC BOOL HTDir_addElement (HTDir *dir, char *name, char *date, char *size,
			      HTFileMode mode)
    HTDirNode *node = HTDirNode_new();
    if (!dir || !name) return NO;
    if ((node->fname = (char *) HT_MALLOC(strlen(name) + 2)) == NULL)
    strcpy(node->fname, name);					/* Mandatory */
    if (dir->show & HT_DS_DATE && date) StrAllocCopy(node->date, date);
    if (dir->show & HT_DS_SIZE && size) StrAllocCopy(node->size, size);
    if (dir->show & HT_DS_DES) {
#if 0



    /* Set the mode of the file */
    node->mode = mode;

    /* Should we display now or later? */
    if (dir->key == HT_DK_NONE) {
	if (!dir->size++) HTDir_headLine(dir);
	HTDirNode_print(dir, node);
    } else {
	int slen = strlen(name);
	if (slen > dir->curfw)
	    dir->curfw = slen < MaxFileW ? slen : MaxFileW;
	HTArray_addObject(dir->array, (void *) node);
    return YES;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Helper function - added by MP. */
PUBLIC HTNewsNode * HTNewsDir_addGroupElement (HTNewsDir * dir, char * group,
					       BOOL tmplate)
    HTNewsNode * node = NULL;
    if (dir && group) {
	if (HTNewsDir_belongsToSet(dir, group))
	    node=HTNewsDir_addElement (dir, 0, group, NULL, 0, group, 0, NULL);

	/* If we are building a cache object then add the entry */
	if (dir->cache && !tmplate) {
	    char * name = node ? node->name : NULL;
	    if (!name) StrAllocCopy(name, group);
	    HTArray_addObject(dir->cache, name);
    return node;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/*	HTNewsDir_addElement
**	--------------------
**    	This function accepts a news line. Everything except dir and name can
**	can be 0 or NULL.
**	Returns new node pointer if OK, else NULL
**	Changed by MP: reference list added.
**	Note: Unlike other parameters, refNames is not copied, but assigned, so
**	it has to contain copies of message names, not the originals.
PUBLIC HTNewsNode* HTNewsDir_addElement (HTNewsDir * dir, int index, 
					 char * subject, char * from,
					 time_t date, char * name,
					 int refs, HTList * refNames)
    if (dir && name) {
	HTNewsNode * node = HTNewsNode_new(index, subject, from,
					   date, name, refs, refNames);
	if (dir->key == HT_NDK_NONE) {
	    HTNewsNode_print(dir, node);
	    HTNewsNode_delete(node, (dir->cache!=NULL));
	} else
	    HTArray_addObject(dir->array, (void *) node);
	return node;
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 5
PUBLIC HTArray * HTHashtable_keys (HTHashtable *me)
    if(me) {
	HTArray *keys = HTArray_new(me->count);
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i< me->size; i++) {
	    HTList * l = (HTList *)me->table[i];
	    if (l) {
		HTList *cur = l;
		keynode *kn;
		while ((kn = (keynode *) HTList_nextObject(cur))) {
		    char * nkey = NULL;
	return keys;
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 6
/*	HTNewsDir_free
**	--------------
**    	If we are sorting then do the sorting and put out the list,
**	else just append the end of the list.
PUBLIC BOOL HTNewsDir_free (HTNewsDir * dir)
    if (!dir) return NO;
    if (dir->key != HT_NDK_NONE) {
    	HTArray * array = dir->array;
	HTArray * cache = NULL;
    	HTComparer * comp = NULL;

	** Find a suitable sort key for this listing. The sort function
	** depends on the type of new listing we have received.
    	if (dir->key == HT_NDK_INDEX)	           /* Sort by Message Number */
    	    comp = NDirIndexSort;
    	else if (dir->key == HT_NDK_DATE)	             /* Sort by Date */
    	    comp = NDirDateSort;
    	else if (dir->key == HT_NDK_SUBJECT)           /* Sort after Subject */
    	    comp = NDirSubjectSort;         
    	else if (dir->key == HT_NDK_FROM)		  /* Sort after From */
    	    comp = NDirFromSort;
    	else if (dir->key == HT_NDK_GROUP) {	  /* Sort as group hierarchi */
	    comp = NDirGroupSort;
        } else if (dir->key == HT_NDK_REFTHREAD) {    /* Added by MP. */
            HTNewsDir_setRefInfo (dir);
            comp = NDirRefThreadSort;
        } else {
    	    HTTRACE(STREAM_TRACE, "NewsListing. Invalid sortkey\n");
    	    return NO;

	** Now sort the array of news items that we have read with the sort
	** function defined by the sort key above.
    	HTArray_sort(array, comp);

	** If we are showing a group listing then run through the list and
	** identify group hierarchy. We have to sort the thing again in order
	** to get the new template groups included
	if (dir->key == HT_NDK_GROUP) {
	    HTArray_sort(array, comp);
	** After we have sorted the listing, we can write out the result and
	** free the array.
    	    void ** data;
    	    HTNewsNode *node = (HTNewsNode *) HTArray_firstObject(array, data);
    	    while (node) {
		HTNewsNode_print(dir, node);

		** Create a special array for the cache containing the group
		** names only and no templates
		if (dir->key == HT_NDK_GROUP && !node->is_tmplate)
		    HTArray_addObject(cache, node->name);

		HTNewsNode_delete(node, (dir->cache!=NULL));
		node = (HTNewsNode *) HTArray_nextObject(array, data);

	/* Update the cache */
	if (dir->cache) HTNewsCache_after(dir->request, NULL, dir->cache, 0);

    /* Put out the end of the HTML stuff */
	HTStructured *target = dir->target;
	/* END(HTML_UL); */
        HTNewsDir_addLevelTags (dir, -1);

    /* Clean up the dir object */
    return YES;
Ejemplo n.º 7
/* PRIVATE						multi_match()
**	Check if actual filename (split in parts) fulfills
**	the requirements.
PRIVATE BOOL multi_match (char ** required, int m, char ** actual, int n)
    int c;
    int i,j;

#ifdef VMS
    for(c=0;  c<m && c<n && !strcasecomp(required[c], actual[c]);  c++);
#else /* not VMS */
    for(c=0;  c<m && c<n && !strcmp(required[c], actual[c]);  c++);
#endif /* not VMS */

    if (!c) return NO;		/* Names differ rigth from start */

    for(i=c; i<m; i++) {
	BOOL found = NO;
	for(j=c; j<n; j++) {
#ifdef VMS
	    if (!strcasecomp(required[i], actual[j])) {
#else /* not VMS */
	    if (!strcmp(required[i], actual[j])) {
#endif /* not VMS */
		found = YES;
	if (!found) return NO;
    return YES;

**	Get multi-match possibilities for a given file
**	----------------------------------------------
** On entry:
**	path	absolute path to one file in a directory,
**		may end in .multi.
** On exit:
**	returns	a list of ContentDesription structures
**		describing the mathing files.
PRIVATE HTArray * dir_matches (char * path)
    static char * required[MAX_SUFF+1];
    static char * actual[MAX_SUFF+1];
    int m,n;
    char * dirname = NULL;
    char * basename = NULL;
    int baselen;
    char * multi = NULL;
    DIR * dp;
    struct dirent * dirbuf;
    HTArray * matches = NULL;
    struct dirent result;				         /* For readdir_r */

    if (!path) return NULL;

    StrAllocCopy(dirname, path);
    basename = (strrchr(dirname, '/'));
    if (!basename)
	goto dir_match_failed;
    *basename++ = 0;

    multi = strrchr(basename, MULTI_SUFFIX[0]);
    if (multi && !strcasecomp(multi, MULTI_SUFFIX))
	*multi = 0;
    baselen = strlen(basename);

    m = HTSplitFilename(basename, required);

    dp = opendir(dirname);
    if (!dp) {
	HTTRACE(PROT_TRACE, "Warning..... Can't open directory %s\n" _ dirname);
	goto dir_match_failed;

    matches = HTArray_new(VARIANTS);
	while ((dirbuf = (struct dirent *) readdir_r(dp, &result))) {
#elif defined(HAVE_READDIR_R_3)
        while (readdir_r(dp, &result, &dirbuf) == 0) {
	while ((dirbuf = readdir(dp))) {
#endif /* HAVE_READDIR_R_2 */
	if (!dirbuf->d_ino) continue;	/* Not in use */
	if (!strcmp(dirbuf->d_name,".") ||
	    !strcmp(dirbuf->d_name,"..") ||
	    !strcmp(dirbuf->d_name, DEFAULT_DIR_FILE))

	/* Use of direct->namlen is only valid in BSD'ish system */
	/* Thanks to [email protected] (Chip Rosenthal) */
	/* if ((int)(dirbuf->d_namlen) >= baselen) { */
	if ((int) strlen(dirbuf->d_name) >= baselen) {
	    n = HTSplitFilename(dirbuf->d_name, actual);
	    if (multi_match(required, m, actual, n)) {
		HTContentDescription * cd;
		if ((cd = (HTContentDescription  *)
		     HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(HTContentDescription))) == NULL)
		if (HTBind_getFormat(dirbuf->d_name,
				     &cd->quality)) {
		    if (cd->content_type) {
			if ((cd->filename = (char *) HT_MALLOC(strlen(dirname) + 2 + strlen(dirbuf->d_name))) == NULL)
			sprintf(cd->filename, "%s/%s", dirname, dirbuf->d_name);
			HTArray_addObject(matches, (void *) cd);
		    } else {
		} else {

    return matches;

**	Get the best match for a given file
**	-----------------------------------
** On entry:
**	req->conversions  accepted content-types
**	req->encodings	  accepted content-transfer-encodings
**	req->languages	  accepted content-languages
**	path		  absolute pathname of the filename for
**			  which the match is desired.
** On exit:
**	returns	a newly allocated absolute filepath.
PRIVATE char * HTGetBest (HTRequest * req, char * path)
    HTArray * variants = NULL;
    char * representation = NULL;

    if (!path || !*path) return NULL;

    if ((variants = dir_matches(path)) == NULL) {
	HTTRACE(PROT_TRACE, "No matches.. for \"%s\"\n" _ path);
	return NULL;

#ifdef HTDEBUG
    if (PROT_TRACE) {
	void ** data;
	HTContentDescription * cd = HTArray_firstObject(variants, data);
	HTTRACE(PROT_TRACE, "Multi....... Possibilities for \"%s\"\n" _ path);
	while (cd) {
	    HTTRACE(PROT_TRACE, "     %.4f  %-20.20s %-8.8s %-10.10s %s\n" _
		    cd->quality _
		    cd->content_type    ?HTAtom_name(cd->content_type)  :"-\t" _
		    cd->content_language?HTAtom_name(cd->content_language):"-" _
		    cd->content_encoding?HTAtom_name(cd->content_encoding):"-" _
		    cd->filename        ?cd->filename                    :"-");
	    cd = (HTContentDescription *) HTArray_nextObject(variants, data);
#endif /* HTDEBUG */

    ** Finally get the best variant which is readable
    if (HTRank(req, variants)) {
	void ** data;
	HTContentDescription * cd = HTArray_firstObject(variants, data);
	while (cd) {
	    if (cd->filename) {
		if (access(cd->filename, R_OK) != -1)
		    StrAllocCopy(representation, cd->filename);
		else HTTRACE(PROT_TRACE, "Multi....... `%s\' is not readable\n" _ 
	    cd = (HTContentDescription *) HTArray_nextObject(variants, data);
    return representation;

PRIVATE int welcome_value (char * name)
    HTList * cur = welcome_names;
    char * welcome;
    int v = 0;

    while ((welcome = (char*)HTList_nextObject(cur))) {
	if (!strcmp(welcome,name)) return v;
    return 0;

PRIVATE char * get_best_welcome (char * path)
    char * best_welcome = NULL;
    int best_value = 0;
    DIR * dp;
    struct dirent * dirbuf;
    char * last = strrchr(path, '/');

    if (!welcome_names) {
#if 0

    if (last && last!=path) *last = 0;
    dp = opendir(path);
    if (last && last!=path) *last='/';
    if (!dp) {
	HTTRACE(PROT_TRACE, "Warning..... Can't open directory %s\n" _ path);
	return NULL;
    while ((dirbuf = readdir(dp))) {
	if (!dirbuf->d_ino ||
	    !strcmp(dirbuf->d_name,".") ||
	    !strcmp(dirbuf->d_name,"..") ||
	    !strcmp(dirbuf->d_name, DEFAULT_DIR_FILE))
	else {
	    int v = welcome_value(dirbuf->d_name);
	    if (v > best_value) {
		best_value = v;
		StrAllocCopy(best_welcome, dirbuf->d_name);

    if (best_welcome) {
	char * welcome;
	if ((welcome = (char *) HT_MALLOC(strlen(path) + strlen(best_welcome)+2)) == NULL)
	sprintf(welcome, "%s%s%s", path, last ? "" : "/", best_welcome);
	HTTRACE(PROT_TRACE, "Welcome..... \"%s\"\n" _ welcome);
	return welcome;
    return NULL;