Ejemplo n.º 1
short ModalMacros(NewMacroInfo *macrost)
	DialogPtr dtemp;
	short dItem;
	short i;
	Rect dBox;
	Str255 temp;
	Handle MacString[10], rubbish;

	dtemp=GetNewMyDialog( MacroDLOG + 2, NULL, kInFront, (void *)ThirdCenterDialog);
	SetDialogDefaultItem(dtemp, 1);
	SetDialogCancelItem(dtemp, 2);
	SetDialogTracksCursor(dtemp, 1);
	HideDialogItem(dtemp, 25); // no save default in session macros dialog

	dialogPane = 0; // start with Command-[0-9]

	// RAB BetterTelnet 2.0b5 - fix cancel button so it works again
	oldMacros = macrost->handle;
	oldMacroIndexes = *macrost;

	// now fix the strings
	for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
		GetIndString(temp, 7100, i + (10 * dialogPane) + 1);
		GetDialogItem(dtemp, i+3, &dItem, &rubbish, &dBox);
		if (!temp[0]) { HideDialogItem(dtemp, i+13); HideDialogItem(dtemp, i+3); }
		else { ShowDialogItem(dtemp, i+13); ShowDialogItem(dtemp, i+3); }
		SetDialogItemText(rubbish, temp);

	for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
		getmacro(macrost, i, (char *) &temp, 256); /* BYU LSC */
		c2pstr((char *)temp);								/* BYU LSC */
		GetDialogItem( dtemp, i+13, &dItem, &MacString[i], &dBox);
		SetDialogItemText( MacString[i], temp );

	TelInfo->macrosModeless = dtemp;

	dItem = 0;
	while ((dItem != 1) && (dItem != 2)) {
		movableModalDialog(0, &dItem);
		MacroDialog(macrost, dtemp, 0, dItem);

	if (dItem == 2) CancelMacros(macrost, dtemp);
	else CloseMacros(macrost, dtemp);
	return dItem;
Ejemplo n.º 2
   HideDPopup() hides the given popup item and its label item.
void HideDPopup(DialogPtr theDialog, short item)
      short          i;

      for ( i = 0 ; i < sa_numPopUps ; i++ )
         if ( (sa_popTable[i].dialogPtr == theDialog) && (sa_popTable[i].popupItemNum == item) )

      if (i < sa_numPopUps) {
         HideDialogItem(theDialog, sa_popTable[i].popupItemNum);
         if (sa_popTable[i].titleItemNum)
            HideDialogItem(theDialog, sa_popTable[i].titleItemNum);
Ejemplo n.º 3
short PGFAlert(char *inCStr, short allowCancel)
	DialogPtr pfAlert;
	GrafPtr savePort;
	short result=0, i;
	Str255 s;
	strcpy((char *)s, inCStr);
	c2pstr((char *)s);
	if((pfAlert = GetNewDialog(130,nil,(WindowPtr)-1L)) != NULL)
		ParamText((uchar *)s,"\p","\p","\p");
		SetDialogCancelItem(pfAlert, 2);
		SetDialogDefaultItem(pfAlert, 1);
		ModalDialog(nil, &i);
		result = (i==1);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void	Macros( void)
	DialogPtr dtemp;
	short dItem;
	short i;
	Rect dBox;
	Str255 temp;
	Handle MacString[10], rubbish;


	if (TelInfo->macrosModeless) {

	dtemp=GetNewMyDialog( MacroDLOG, NULL, kInFront, (void *)ThirdCenterDialog);
	SetDialogDefaultItem(dtemp, 1);
	SetDialogCancelItem(dtemp, 2);
	SetDialogTracksCursor(dtemp, 1);

	dialogPane = 0; // start with Command-[0-9]

	// RAB BetterTelnet 2.0b5 - fix cancel button so it works again
	oldMacros = TelInfo->newMacros.handle;
	oldMacroIndexes = TelInfo->newMacros;

	// now fix the strings
	for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
		GetIndString(temp, 7100, i + (10 * dialogPane) + 1);
		GetDialogItem(dtemp, i+3, &dItem, &rubbish, &dBox);
		if (!temp[0]) { HideDialogItem(dtemp, i+13); HideDialogItem(dtemp, i+3); }
		else { ShowDialogItem(dtemp, i+13); ShowDialogItem(dtemp, i+3); }
		SetDialogItemText(rubbish, temp);

	for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
		getmacro(&TelInfo->newMacros, i, (char *) &temp, 256); /* BYU LSC */
		c2pstr((char *)temp);								/* BYU LSC */
		GetDialogItem( dtemp, i+13, &dItem, &MacString[i], &dBox);
		SetDialogItemText( MacString[i], temp );
	TelInfo->macrosModeless = dtemp;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void RunDialogTheSystem6or7Way(DialogRef theDialog)
	SInt16 itemHit;
	DialogItemType itemType;
	Handle itemHandle;
	Rect itemBox;
	do {
		ModalDialog(MySystem6or7DialogFilter, &itemHit);
		switch (itemHit)
			case 2:
				// we enable or disable the user item depending on whether the box is checked or not
				GetDialogItem(theDialog, itemHit, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemBox);
				SInt16 enable = GetControlValue((ControlHandle)itemHandle);
				SetControlValue((ControlHandle)itemHandle, 1 - enable);
				GetDialogItem(theDialog, 13, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemBox);
				SetDialogItem(theDialog, 13, enable?userItem+itemDisable:userItem, itemHandle, &itemBox);
				HideDialogItem(theDialog, 13);
				ShowDialogItem(theDialog, 13);
			case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7:
				// one radio button was chosen, let's adjust them all (we could also remember the last one...)
				int i;
				for (i = 3; i <= 7; i++)
					GetDialogItem(theDialog, i, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemBox);
					SetControlValue((ControlHandle)itemHandle, (i == itemHit)?1:0);
			case 14:
				// the indicator of the scroll bar was moved so let's display the value in the first edit box
				// this is System 6 or 7 style so the controls can only handle 16 bits value (hence a max of 32767)
				GetDialogItem(theDialog, itemHit, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemBox);
				SInt16 newValue = GetControlValue((ControlHandle)itemHandle);
				Str255 theStr;
				NumToString(newValue, theStr);
				GetDialogItem(theDialog, 9, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemBox);
				SetDialogItemText(itemHandle, theStr);
				SelectDialogItemText(theDialog, 9, 0, 32767);
	} while (!(itemHit == ok));
Ejemplo n.º 6
void MySelectDialogItemText(DialogRef theDialog, short editTextitemNum, short strtSel, short endSel)
	// with the new MAC code, the edit text item with the focus was not showing the text 
	// it acted like the text was invisible... like it had drawn it and didn't care to redraw it.
	// I don't know what is up with that, but Hiding and Showing the item seems to do the trick
	// even though InvalDialogItemRect didn't help
	if(!IsWindowVisible(GetDialogWindow(theDialog))) {
		// then this is being called when the window is being set up
		// and so we need to use our trick

Ejemplo n.º 7
// NB: As of 2.0fc1, theEvent can be NULL! It isn't used anywhere, so don't _let_ it be
// used anywhere!
void MacroDialog(NewMacroInfo *macrost, DialogPtr dtemp, EventRecord *theEvent, short dItem)
	short i;
	Rect dBox;
	Str255 temp;
	Handle MacString[10], rubbish;

	switch (dItem) {
		case 27: // switch keyset (pane) - RAB BetterTelnet 2.0b5
			for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
				GetDialogItem( dtemp, i+13, &dItem, &MacString[i], &dBox);
				GetDialogItemText( MacString[i], temp);
				setmacro(macrost, i + (10 * dialogPane), (char *) &temp);
			dialogPane = GetCntlVal(dtemp, 27) - 1;
			// now fix the strings
			for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
				GetIndString(temp, 7100, i + (10 * dialogPane) + 1);
				GetDialogItem(dtemp, i+3, &dItem, &rubbish, &dBox);
				if (!temp[0]) { HideDialogItem(dtemp, i+13); HideDialogItem(dtemp, i+3); }
				else { ShowDialogItem(dtemp, i+13); ShowDialogItem(dtemp, i+3); }
				SetDialogItemText(rubbish, temp);
			for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
				getmacro(macrost, i + (10 * dialogPane), (char *) &temp, 256);		
				c2pstr((char *)temp);								
				GetDialogItem( dtemp, i+13, &dItem, &MacString[i], &dBox);
				SetDialogItemText( MacString[i], temp );

		case (MacroExport):
			// we _used_ to get all the macros out, but now only the current set of 10
			for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
				GetDialogItem( dtemp, i+13, &dItem, &MacString[i], &dBox);
				GetDialogItemText( MacString[i], temp);
				setmacro(macrost, i + (10 * dialogPane), (char *) &temp);
								// RAB BetterTelnet 2.0b5 (revised)
			saveMacros(macrost, (FSSpec *) NULL);
		case 25:
			for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
				GetDialogItem( dtemp, i+13, &dItem, &MacString[i], &dBox);
				GetDialogItemText( MacString[i], temp);
				setmacro(macrost, i + (10 * dialogPane), (char *) &temp);
		case (MacroImport):
			loadMacros(macrost, (FSSpec *) NULL);
			for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
				getmacro(macrost, i + (10 * dialogPane), (char *) &temp, 256);		
				c2pstr((char *)temp);								
				GetDialogItem( dtemp, i+13, &dItem, &MacString[i], &dBox);
				SetDialogItemText( MacString[i], temp );
		case 1:
		case 2:
			if (dItem >2 && dItem <13) 
				getmacro(macrost, i + (dialogPane * 10), (char *) &temp, 256); /* BYU LSC */
				c2pstr((char *)temp);
				GetDialogItem( dtemp, i+13, &dItem, &MacString[i], &dBox);
				SetDialogItemText( MacString[i], temp );				/* BYU LSC - Revert the mother */
				SelectDialogItemText( dtemp, i+13, 0, 32767);				/* And select it... */
Ejemplo n.º 8
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    Boolean                 Success;
    ProcessSerialNumber     ourProcess, installerPSN;
    short                   itemHit;
    long                    brandID = 0;
    int                     i;
    pid_t                   installerPID = 0, coreClientPID = 0, waitPermissionsPID = 0;
    FSRef                   fileRef;
    OSStatus                err, err_fsref;
    FILE                    *f;
    char                    s[256];
    char                    *q;
#ifdef SANDBOX
    uid_t                   saved_euid, saved_uid, b_m_uid;
    passwd                  *pw;
    int                     finalInstallAction;
    DialogRef               theWin;

#else   // SANDBOX
    group                   *grp;
#endif  // SANDBOX

    appName[0] = "/Applications/BOINCManager.app";
    appNameEscaped[0] = "/Applications/BOINCManager.app";
    brandName[0] = "BOINC";
    saverName[0] = "BOINCSaver";
    saverNameEscaped[0] = "BOINCSaver";
    receiptNameEscaped[0] = "/Library/Receipts/BOINC.pkg";

    appName[1] = "/Applications/GridRepublic Desktop.app";
    appNameEscaped[1] = "/Applications/GridRepublic\\ Desktop.app";
    brandName[1] = "GridRepublic";
    saverName[1] = "GridRepublic";
    saverNameEscaped[1] = "GridRepublic";
    receiptNameEscaped[1] = "/Library/Receipts/GridRepublic.pkg";

    appName[2] = "/Applications/Progress Thru Processors Desktop.app";
    appNameEscaped[2] = "/Applications/Progress\\ Thru\\ Processors\\ Desktop.app";
    brandName[2] = "Progress Thru Processors";
    saverName[2] = "Progress Thru Processors";
    saverNameEscaped[2] = "Progress\\ Thru\\ Processors";
    receiptNameEscaped[2] = "/Library/Receipts/Progress\\ Thru\\ Processors.pkg";

    ::GetCurrentProcess (&ourProcess);
    // getlogin() gives unreliable results under OS 10.6.2, so use environment
    strncpy(loginName, getenv("USER"), sizeof(loginName)-1);

    err = Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &OSVersion);
    if (err != noErr)
        return err;

    for (i=0; i<argc; i++) {
        if (strcmp(argv[i], "-part2") == 0)
            return DeleteReceipt();


    QuitBOINCManager('BNC!'); // Quit any old instance of BOINC manager

    // Core Client may still be running if it was started without Manager
    coreClientPID = FindProcessPID("boinc", 0);
    if (coreClientPID)
        kill(coreClientPID, SIGTERM);   // boinc catches SIGTERM & exits gracefully

    err = FindProcess ('APPL', 'xins', &installerPSN);
    if (err == noErr)
        err = GetProcessPID(&installerPSN , &installerPID);

    brandID = GetBrandID();
    if ((brandID < 0) || (brandID >= NUMBRANDS)) {       // Safety check
        brandID = 0;
    if (OSVersion < 0x1040) {
        // Remove everything we've installed
        // "\pSorry, this version of GridRepublic requires system 10.4.0 or higher."
        s[0] = sprintf(s+1, "Sorry, this version of %s requires system 10.4.0 or higher.", brandName[brandID]);
        StandardAlert (kAlertStopAlert, (StringPtr)s, NULL, NULL, &itemHit);

        // "rm -rf /Applications/GridRepublic\\ Desktop.app"
        sprintf(s, "rm -rf %s", appNameEscaped[brandID]);
        system (s);
        // "rm -rf /Library/Screen\\ Savers/GridRepublic.saver"
        sprintf(s, "rm -rf /Library/Screen\\ Savers/%s.saver", saverNameEscaped[brandID]);
        system (s);
        // "rm -rf /Library/Receipts/GridRepublic.pkg"
        sprintf(s, "rm -rf %s", receiptNameEscaped[brandID]);
        system (s);

        // We don't customize BOINC Data directory name for branding
        system ("rm -rf /Library/Application\\ Support/BOINC\\ Data");

        err = kill(installerPID, SIGKILL);

    sleep (2);

    // Install all_projects_list.xml file, but only if one doesn't 
    // already exist, since a pre-existing one is probably newer.
    f = fopen("/Library/Application Support/BOINC Data/all_projects_list.xml", "r");
    if (f) {
        fclose(f);      // Already exists
    } else {
        system ("cp -fp Contents/Resources/all_projects_list.xml /Library/Application\\ Support/BOINC\\ Data/");
        system ("chmod a-x /Library/Application\\ Support/BOINC\\ Data/all_projects_list.xml");
    Success = false;
#ifdef SANDBOX


    for (i=0; i<5; ++i) {
        err = CreateBOINCUsersAndGroups();
        if (err != noErr) {
//          print_to_log_file("CreateBOINCUsersAndGroups returned %d (repetition=%d)", err, i);
        // err = SetBOINCAppOwnersGroupsAndPermissions("/Applications/GridRepublic Desktop.app");
        err = SetBOINCAppOwnersGroupsAndPermissions(appName[brandID]);
        if (err != noErr) {
//          print_to_log_file("SetBOINCAppOwnersGroupsAndPermissions returned %d (repetition=%d)", err, i);

        err = SetBOINCDataOwnersGroupsAndPermissions();
        if (err != noErr) {
//          print_to_log_file("SetBOINCDataOwnersGroupsAndPermissions returned %d (repetition=%d)", err, i);
        err = check_security(appName[brandID], "/Library/Application Support/BOINC Data", true, false);
        if (err == noErr)
//          print_to_log_file("check_security returned %d (repetition=%d)", err, i);
#else   // ! defined(SANDBOX)

    // The BOINC Manager and Core Client have the set-user-ID-on-execution 
    // flag set, so their ownership is important and must match the 
    // ownership of the BOINC Data directory.
    // Find an appropriate admin user to set as owner of installed files
    // First, try the user currently logged in
    grp = getgrnam("admin");
    i = 0;
    while ((p = grp->gr_mem[i]) != NULL) {   // Step through all users in group admin
        if (strcmp(p, loginName) == 0) {
            Success = true;     // Logged in user is a member of group admin
    // If currently logged in user is not admin, use first non-root admin user
    if (!Success) {
        i = 0;
        while ((p = grp->gr_mem[i]) != NULL) {   // Step through all users in group admin
            if (strcmp(p, "root") != 0)

    // Set owner of branded BOINCManager and contents, including core client
    // "chown -Rf username /Applications/GridRepublic\\ Desktop.app"
    sprintf(s, "chown -Rf %s %s", p, appNameEscaped[brandID]);
    system (s);

    // Set owner of BOINC Screen Saver
    // "chown -Rf username /Library/Screen\\ Savers/GridRepublic.saver"
    sprintf(s, "chown -Rf %s /Library/Screen\\ Savers/%s.saver", p, saverNameEscaped[brandID]);
    system (s);

    //  We don't customize BOINC Data directory name for branding
    // "chown -Rf username /Library/Application\\ Support/BOINC\\ Data"
    sprintf(s, "chown -Rf %s /Library/Application\\ Support/BOINC\\ Data", p);
    system (s);

    // "chmod -R a+s /Applications/GridRepublic\\ Desktop.app"
    sprintf(s, "chmod -R a+s %s", appNameEscaped[brandID]);
    system (s);

#endif   // ! defined(SANDBOX)

    // Remove any branded versions of BOINC other than ours (i.e., old versions) 
    for (i=0; i< NUMBRANDS; i++) {
        if (i == brandID) continue;
        // "rm -rf /Applications/GridRepublic\\ Desktop.app"
        sprintf(s, "rm -rf %s", appNameEscaped[i]);
        system (s);
        // "rm -rf /Library/Screen\\ Savers/GridRepublic.saver"
        sprintf(s, "rm -rf /Library/Screen\\ Savers/%s.saver", saverNameEscaped[i]);
        system (s);
   if (brandID == 0) {  // Installing generic BOINC
        system ("rm -f /Library/Application\\ Support/BOINC\\ Data/Branding");
    // err_fsref = FSPathMakeRef((StringPtr)"/Applications/GridRepublic Desktop.app", &fileRef, NULL);
    err_fsref = FSPathMakeRef((StringPtr)appName[brandID], &fileRef, NULL);
    if (err_fsref == noErr)
        err = LSRegisterFSRef(&fileRef, true);
    err = UpdateAllVisibleUsers(brandID);
    if (err != noErr)
        return err;
#ifdef SANDBOX
    err = CheckLogoutRequirement(&finalInstallAction);
    if (finalInstallAction == launchWhenDone) {
        // Wait for BOINC's RPC socket address to become available to user boinc_master, in
        // case we are upgrading from a version which did not run as user boinc_master.
        saved_uid = getuid();
        saved_euid = geteuid();
        pw = getpwnam("boinc_master");
        b_m_uid = pw->pw_uid;
        for (i=0; i<120; i++) {
            err = TestRPCBind();
            if (err == noErr)

        ProcessSerialNumber ourPSN;
        ProcessInfoRec      pInfo;
        FSRef               ourFSRef, theFSRef;
        char                thePath[MAXPATHLEN];
        // Get the full path to this PostInstall application's bundle
        err = GetCurrentProcess (&ourPSN);
        if (err)
            return -1000;          // Should never happen
        memset(&pInfo, 0, sizeof(pInfo));
        pInfo.processInfoLength = sizeof( ProcessInfoRec );
        err = GetProcessInformation(&ourPSN, &pInfo);
        if (err)
            return -1001;          // Should never happen
        err = GetProcessBundleLocation(&ourPSN, &ourFSRef);
        if (err)
            return -1002;          // Should never happen

        err = FSRefMakePath (&ourFSRef, (UInt8*)thePath, sizeof(thePath));
        if (err)
            return -1003;          // Should never happen
        q = strrchr(thePath, '/');
        if (q == NULL)
            return -1004;          // Should never happen

        *++q = '\0';
        strlcat(thePath, "WaitPermissions.app", sizeof(thePath));
        err = FSPathMakeRef((StringPtr)thePath, &theFSRef, NULL);
        // When we first create the boinc_master group and add the current user to the 
        // new group, there is a delay before the new group membership is recognized.  
        // If we launch the BOINC Manager too soon, it will fail with a -1037 permissions 
        // error, so we wait until the current user can access the switcher application.
        // Apparently, in order to get the changed permissions / group membership, we must 
        // launch a new process belonging to the user.  It may also need to be in a new 
        // process group or new session. Neither system() nor popen() works, even after 
        // setting the uid and euid back to the logged in user, but LSOpenFSRef() does.
        // The WaitPermissions application loops until it can access the switcher 
        // application.
        err = LSOpenFSRef(&theFSRef, NULL);

        waitPermissionsStartTime = time(NULL);
        for (i=0; i<15; i++) {     // Show "Please wait..." alert after 15 seconds
            waitPermissionsPID = FindProcessPID("WaitPermissions", 0);
            if (waitPermissionsPID == 0) {
                return 0;
        CreateStandardAlert(kAlertNoteAlert, CFSTR("Finishing install.  Please wait ..."), CFSTR("This may take a few more minutes."), NULL, &theWin);
        HideDialogItem(theWin, kStdOkItemIndex);
        RemoveDialogItems(theWin, kStdOkItemIndex, 1, false);
        RunStandardAlert(theWin, &myFilterProc, &itemHit);

#endif   // SANDBOX
    return 0;