Ejemplo n.º 1
* \函数名称:
*   Canny()
* \输入参数:
*   unsigned char *pUnchImage- 图象数据
*	 int nWidth               - 图象数据宽度
*	 int nHeight              - 图象数据高度
*   double sigma             - 高斯滤波的标准方差
*	 double dRatioLow         - 低阈值和高阈值之间的比例
*	 double dRatioHigh        - 高阈值占图象象素总数的比例
*   unsigned char *pUnchEdge - canny算子计算后的分割图
* \返回值:
*   无
* \说明:
*   canny分割算子,计算的结果保存在pUnchEdge中,逻辑1(255)表示该点为
*   边界点,逻辑0(0)表示该点为非边界点。该函数的参数sigma,dRatioLow
*   dRatioHigh,是需要指定的。这些参数会影响分割后边界点数目的多少
void Canny(unsigned char *pUnchImage, int nWidth, int nHeight, double sigma,
		   double dRatioLow, double dRatioHigh, unsigned char *pUnchEdge)
	// 经过高斯滤波后的图象数据
	unsigned char * pUnchSmooth ;
	// 指向x方向导数的指针
	int * pnGradX ; 
	// 指向y方向导数的指针
	int * pnGradY ;
	// 梯度的幅度
	int * pnGradMag ;
	pUnchSmooth  = new unsigned char[nWidth*nHeight] ;
	pnGradX      = new int [nWidth*nHeight]          ;
	pnGradY      = new int [nWidth*nHeight]          ;
	pnGradMag    = new int [nWidth*nHeight]          ;
	// 对原图象进行滤波
	GaussianSmooth(pUnchImage, nWidth, nHeight, sigma, pUnchSmooth) ;
	// 计算方向导数
	DirGrad(pUnchSmooth, nWidth, nHeight, pnGradX, pnGradY) ;
	// 计算梯度的幅度
	GradMagnitude(pnGradX, pnGradY, nWidth, nHeight, pnGradMag) ;
	// 应用non-maximum 抑制
	NonmaxSuppress(pnGradMag, pnGradX, pnGradY, nWidth, nHeight, pUnchEdge) ;
	// 应用Hysteresis,找到所有的边界
	Hysteresis(pnGradMag, nWidth, nHeight, dRatioLow, dRatioHigh, pUnchEdge);
	// 释放内存
	delete pnGradX      ;
	pnGradX      = NULL ;
	delete pnGradY      ;
	pnGradY      = NULL ;
	delete pnGradMag    ;
	pnGradMag    = NULL ;
	delete pUnchSmooth ;
	pUnchSmooth  = NULL ;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Canny算子
void Canny(LPBYTE pGray, SIZE sz, double sigma, double dRatLow,
       double dRatHigh, LPBYTE pResult)
 LPBYTE pGaussSmooth;
 pGaussSmooth = new unsigned char[sz.cx*sz.cy];
 int *pGradX;
 pGradX = new int[sz.cx*sz.cy];
 int *pGradY;
 pGradY = new int[sz.cx*sz.cy];
 int *pGradMag;
 pGradMag = new int[sz.cx*sz.cy];
 delete[] pGradX;
 pGradX = NULL;
 delete[] pGradY;
 pGradY = NULL;
 delete[] pGradMag;
 pGradMag = NULL;
 delete[] pGaussSmooth;
 pGaussSmooth = NULL;

Ejemplo n.º 3
bool FGActuator::Run(void )
  Input = InputNodes[0]->getDoubleValue() * InputSigns[0];

  if( fcs->GetTrimStatus() ) initialized = 0;

  if (fail_zero) Input = 0;
  if (fail_hardover) Input =  clipmax*sign(Input);

  Output = Input; // Perfect actuator. At this point, if no failures are present
                  // and no subsequent lag, limiting, etc. is done, the output
                  // is simply the input. If any further processing is done
                  // (below) such as lag, rate limiting, hysteresis, etc., then
                  // the Input will be further processed and the eventual Output
                  // will be overwritten from this perfect value.

  if (fail_stuck) {
    Output = PreviousOutput;
  } else {
    if (lag != 0.0)              Lag();        // models actuator lag
    if (rate_limit_incr != 0 || rate_limit_decr != 0) RateLimit();  // limit the actuator rate
    if (deadband_width != 0.0)   Deadband();
    if (hysteresis_width != 0.0) Hysteresis();
    if (bias != 0.0)             Bias();       // models a finite bias
    if (delay != 0)              Delay();      // Model transport latency

  PreviousOutput = Output; // previous value needed for "stuck" malfunction
  initialized = 1;


  if (clip) {
    saturated = false;
    if (Output >= clipmax && clipmax != 0) saturated = true;
    else if (Output <= clipmin && clipmin != 0) saturated = true;

  if (IsOutput) SetOutput();

  return true;