Ejemplo n.º 1
void FIDA_GETERRWEIGHTS(realtype *eweight, int *ier)
  /* Attach user data to vector */
  N_VSetArrayPointer(eweight, F2C_IDA_vec);

  *ier = 0;
  *ier = IDAGetErrWeights(IDA_idamem, F2C_IDA_vec);

  /* Reset data pointer */
  N_VSetArrayPointer(NULL, F2C_IDA_vec);

Ejemplo n.º 2
void FIDA_GETERRWEIGHTS(realtype *eweight, int *ier)
  /* Store existing F2C_IDA_vec data pointer */
  realtype *f2c_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(F2C_IDA_vec);

  /* Attach user data to vector */
  N_VSetArrayPointer(eweight, F2C_IDA_vec);

  *ier = 0;
  *ier = IDAGetErrWeights(IDA_idamem, F2C_IDA_vec);

  /* Reset data pointer */
  N_VSetArrayPointer(f2c_data, F2C_IDA_vec);

Ejemplo n.º 3
int FIDALapackBandJac(long int N, long int mupper, long int mlower,
                      realtype t, realtype c_j, 
                      N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp, N_Vector rr,
                      DlsMat J, void *user_data,
                      N_Vector vtemp1, N_Vector vtemp2, N_Vector vtemp3)
  realtype *yy_data, *yp_data, *rr_data, *jacdata, *ewtdata, *v1data, *v2data, *v3data;
  realtype h;
  long int eband;
  int ier;
  FIDAUserData IDA_userdata;

  /* Initialize all pointers to NULL */
  yy_data = yp_data = rr_data = jacdata = ewtdata = NULL;
  v1data = v2data = v3data = NULL;

  /* NOTE: The user-supplied routine should set ier to an
     appropriate value, but we preset the value to zero
     (meaning SUCCESS) so the user need only reset the
     value if an error occurred */
  ier = 0;

  IDAGetErrWeights(IDA_idamem, F2C_IDA_ewtvec);
  IDAGetLastStep(IDA_idamem, &h);

  /* Get pointers to vector data */
  yy_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(yy);
  yp_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(yp);
  rr_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(rr);
  ewtdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(F2C_IDA_ewtvec);
  v1data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(vtemp1);
  v2data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(vtemp2);
  v3data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(vtemp3);

  eband = (J->s_mu) + mlower + 1;
  jacdata = BAND_COL(J,0) - mupper;

  IDA_userdata = (FIDAUserData) user_data;

  /* Call user-supplied routine */
  FIDA_BJAC(&N, &mupper, &mlower, &eband, &t, yy_data, yp_data, rr_data,
            &c_j, jacdata, ewtdata, &h, 
            IDA_userdata->ipar, IDA_userdata->rpar,
            v1data, v2data, v3data, &ier);

Ejemplo n.º 4
int FIDAJtimes(realtype t, N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp, N_Vector rr,
	       N_Vector v, N_Vector Jv,
	       realtype c_j, void *jac_data,
	       N_Vector vtemp1, N_Vector vtemp2)
  realtype *yy_data, *yp_data, *rr_data, *vdata, *Jvdata, *ewtdata;
  realtype *v1data, *v2data;
  realtype h;
  FIDAUserData IDA_userdata;
  int ier;

  /* Initialize all pointers to NULL */
  yy_data = yp_data = rr_data = vdata = Jvdata = ewtdata = NULL;

  /* NOTE: The user-supplied routine should set ier to an
     appropriate value, but we preset the value to zero
     (meaning SUCCESS) so the user need only reset the
     value if an error occurred */
  ier = 0;

  IDAGetErrWeights(IDA_idamem, F2C_IDA_ewtvec);
  IDAGetLastStep(IDA_idamem, &h);

  /* Get pointers to vector data */
  yy_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(yy);
  yp_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(yp);
  rr_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(rr);
  ewtdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(F2C_IDA_ewtvec);
  vdata   = N_VGetArrayPointer(v);
  Jvdata  = N_VGetArrayPointer(Jv);
  v1data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(vtemp1);
  v2data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(vtemp2);

  IDA_userdata = (FIDAUserData) jac_data;

  /* Call user-supplied routine */
  FIDA_JTIMES(&t, yy_data, yp_data, rr_data, vdata, Jvdata,
	      &c_j, ewtdata, &h, 
              IDA_userdata->ipar, IDA_userdata->rpar,
              v1data, v2data, &ier);

Ejemplo n.º 5
int FIDAPSol(realtype t, N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp, N_Vector rr,
	     N_Vector rvec, N_Vector zvec,
	     realtype c_j, realtype delta, void *user_data,
	     N_Vector vtemp1)
  realtype *yy_data, *yp_data, *rr_data, *ewtdata, *rdata, *zdata, *v1data;
  int ier;
  FIDAUserData IDA_userdata;

  /* Initialize all pointers to NULL */
  yy_data = yp_data = rr_data = ewtdata = zdata = v1data = NULL;

  /* NOTE: The user-supplied routine should set ier to an
     appropriate value, but we preset the value to zero
     (meaning SUCCESS) so the user need only reset the
     value if an error occurred */
  ier = 0;

  IDAGetErrWeights(IDA_idamem, F2C_IDA_ewtvec);

  /* Get pointers to vector data */
  yy_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(yy);
  yp_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(yp);
  rr_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(rr);
  ewtdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(F2C_IDA_ewtvec);
  rdata   = N_VGetArrayPointer(rvec);
  zdata   = N_VGetArrayPointer(zvec);
  v1data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(vtemp1);

  IDA_userdata = (FIDAUserData) user_data;

  /* Call user-supplied routine */
  FIDA_PSOL(&t, yy_data, yp_data, rr_data, rdata, zdata,
	    &c_j, &delta, ewtdata, 
            IDA_userdata->ipar, IDA_userdata->rpar,
            v1data, &ier);

Ejemplo n.º 6
int Ida::calcJacobian(double t, long int N, N_Vector fHelp, N_Vector errorWeight, N_Vector jthCol, double* y, N_Vector fy, DlsMat Jac)
  int l,g;
  double fnorm, minInc, *f_data, *fHelp_data, *errorWeight_data, h, srur, delta_inv;

  f_data = NV_DATA_S(fy);
  errorWeight_data = NV_DATA_S(errorWeight);
  fHelp_data = NV_DATA_S(fHelp);

  //Get relevant info
  _idid = IDAGetErrWeights(_idaMem, errorWeight);
  if (_idid < 0)
      _idid = -5;
      throw std::invalid_argument("IDA::calcJacobian()");
  _idid = IDAGetCurrentStep(_idaMem, &h);
  if (_idid < 0)
      _idid = -5;
      throw std::invalid_argument("IDA::calcJacobian()");

  srur = sqrt(UROUND);

  fnorm = N_VWrmsNorm(fy, errorWeight);
  minInc = (fnorm != 0.0) ?
           (1000.0 * abs(h) * UROUND * N * fnorm) : 1.0;

  for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
    _delta[j] = max(srur*abs(y[j]), minInc/errorWeight_data[j]);
    for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
    _deltaInv[j] = 1/_delta[j];

  // Calculation of the jacobian

 if (_jacobianANonzeros != 0)
  for(int color=1; color <= _maxColors; color++)
      for(int k=0; k < _dimSys; k++)
      if((_colorOfColumn[k] ) == color)
        _ysave[k] = y[k];
        y[k]+= _delta[k];

    calcFunction(t, y, fHelp_data,fHelp_data);

  for (int k = 0; k < _dimSys; k++)
       if((_colorOfColumn[k]) == color)
        y[k] = _ysave[k];

    int startOfColumn = k * _dimSys;
    for (int j = _jacobianALeadindex[k]; j < _jacobianALeadindex[k+1];j++)
        l = _jacobianAIndex[j];
        g = l + startOfColumn;
        Jac->data[g] = (fHelp_data[l] - f_data[l]) * _deltaInv[k];

  //Calculation of J without colouring
   for (j = 0; j < N; j++)

    //N_VSetArrayPointer(DENSE_COL(Jac,j), jthCol);

     _ysave[j] = y[j];

    y[j] += _delta[j];

    calcFunction(t, y, fHelp_data);

    y[j] = _ysave[j];

    delta_inv = 1.0/_delta[j];
    N_VLinearSum(delta_inv, fHelp, -delta_inv, fy, jthCol);

    for(int i=0; i<_dimSys; ++i)
            Jac->data[i+j*_dimSys] = NV_Ith_S(jthCol,i);

    //DENSE_COL(Jac,j) = N_VGetArrayPointer(jthCol);

 }      //workaround until exception can be catch from c- libraries
  catch (std::exception& ex)
    std::string error = ex.what();
    cerr << "IDA integration error: " << error;
    return 1;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static int Precondbd(realtype tt, N_Vector cc,
                     N_Vector cp, N_Vector rr, 
                     realtype cj, void *user_data,
                     N_Vector tempv1, N_Vector tempv2, N_Vector tempv3)
  int flag, thispe;
  realtype uround;
  realtype xx, yy, *cxy, *ewtxy, cctemp, **Pxy, *ratesxy, *Pxycol, *cpxy;
  realtype inc, sqru, fac, perturb_rates[NUM_SPECIES];
  int is, js, ix, jy, ret;
  UserData webdata;
  void *mem;
  N_Vector ewt;
  realtype hh;

  webdata = (UserData)user_data;
  uround = UNIT_ROUNDOFF;
  sqru = SUNRsqrt(uround);
  thispe = webdata->thispe;

  mem = webdata->ida_mem;
  ewt = webdata->ewt;
  flag = IDAGetErrWeights(mem, ewt);
  check_flag(&flag, "IDAGetErrWeights", 1, thispe);
  flag = IDAGetCurrentStep(mem, &hh);
  check_flag(&flag, "IDAGetCurrentStep", 1, thispe);

  for (jy = 0; jy < mysub; jy++) {
    yy = (jy + jysub*mysub)*dy;

    for (ix = 0; ix < mxsub; ix++) {
      xx = (ix+ ixsub*mxsub)*dx;
      Pxy = (webdata->PP)[ix][jy];
      cxy = IJ_Vptr(cc,ix,jy); 
      cpxy = IJ_Vptr(cp,ix,jy); 
      ewtxy= IJ_Vptr(ewt,ix,jy);
      ratesxy = IJ_Vptr(rates,ix,jy);

      for (js = 0; js < ns; js++) {
        inc = sqru*(SUNMAX(SUNRabs(cxy[js]), SUNMAX(hh*SUNRabs(cpxy[js]), ONE/ewtxy[js])));
        cctemp = cxy[js];  /* Save the (js,ix,jy) element of cc. */
        cxy[js] += inc;    /* Perturb the (js,ix,jy) element of cc. */
        fac = -ONE/inc;
        WebRates(xx, yy, cxy, perturb_rates, webdata);
        Pxycol = Pxy[js];

        for (is = 0; is < ns; is++)
          Pxycol[is] = (perturb_rates[is] - ratesxy[is])*fac;
        if (js < np) Pxycol[js] += cj; /* Add partial with respect to cp. */
        cxy[js] = cctemp; /* Restore (js,ix,jy) element of cc. */
      } /* End of js loop. */
      /* Do LU decomposition of matrix block for grid point (ix,jy). */
      ret = denseGETRF(Pxy, ns, ns, (webdata->pivot)[ix][jy]);
      if (ret != 0) return(1);
    } /* End of ix loop. */
  } /* End of jy loop. */

Ejemplo n.º 8
static int Precond(realtype tt, 
		   N_Vector cc, N_Vector cp, N_Vector rr, 
		   realtype cj, void *user_data,
		   N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3)
  int flag;
  realtype uround, xx, yy, del_x, del_y;
  realtype **Pxy, *ratesxy, *Pxycol, *cxy, *cpxy, *ewtxy, cctmp;
  realtype inc, fac, sqru, perturb_rates[NUM_SPECIES];
  int is, js, jx, jy, ret;
  void *mem;
  N_Vector ewt;
  realtype hh;
  UserData webdata;

  webdata = (UserData) user_data;
  del_x = webdata->dx;
  del_y = webdata->dy;

  uround = UNIT_ROUNDOFF;
  sqru = SUNRsqrt(uround);

  mem = webdata->ida_mem;
  ewt = webdata->ewt;
  flag = IDAGetErrWeights(mem, ewt);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "IDAGetErrWeights", 1)) return(1);
  flag = IDAGetCurrentStep(mem, &hh);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "IDAGetCurrentStep", 1)) return(1);

  for (jy = 0; jy < MY; jy++) {
    yy = jy * del_y;
    for (jx = 0; jx < MX; jx++) {
      xx = jx * del_x;
      Pxy = (webdata->PP)[jx][jy];
      cxy = IJ_Vptr(cc, jx, jy);
      cpxy = IJ_Vptr(cp, jx, jy);
      ewtxy = IJ_Vptr(ewt, jx, jy);
      ratesxy = IJ_Vptr((webdata->rates), jx, jy);

      for (js = 0; js < NUM_SPECIES; js++) {
	inc = sqru*(SUNMAX(SUNRabs(cxy[js]), SUNMAX(hh*SUNRabs(cpxy[js]), ONE/ewtxy[js])));
	cctmp = cxy[js];
	cxy[js] += inc;
	fac = -ONE/inc;

	WebRates(xx, yy, cxy, perturb_rates, webdata);

	Pxycol = Pxy[js];
	for (is = 0; is < NUM_SPECIES; is++)
	  Pxycol[is] = (perturb_rates[is] - ratesxy[is])*fac;

	if (js < 1) Pxycol[js] += cj;
	cxy[js] = cctmp;

      ret = denseGETRF(Pxy, NUM_SPECIES, NUM_SPECIES, (webdata->pivot)[jx][jy]);

      if (ret != 0) return(1);

