Ejemplo n.º 1
/* win_get_dc: (WinAPI)
 *  Returns device context of a video or system bitmap.
HDC win_get_dc(BITMAP *bmp)
   HDC dc;
   HRESULT hr;

   if (bmp) {
      if (bmp->id & (BMP_ID_SYSTEM | BMP_ID_VIDEO)) {
         ddsurf = DDRAW_SURFACE_OF(bmp)->id;
         hr = IDirectDrawSurface2_GetDC(ddsurf, &dc);

         /* If the surface has been lost, try to restore all surfaces
          * and, on success, try again to get the DC.
         if (hr == DDERR_SURFACELOST) {
            if (restore_all_ddraw_surfaces() == 0)
               hr = IDirectDrawSurface2_GetDC(ddsurf, &dc);

         if (hr == DD_OK)
            return dc;

   return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2

	Assert( pSurface != NULL );
	Assert( phDC != NULL );

	ATTEMPT( IDirectDrawSurface2_GetDC( pSurface, phDC ) );

Ejemplo n.º 3
 * It finds out the 32bits RGB pixel value of the colorkey.
static uint32_t DirectXFindColorkey(vout_display_t *vd, uint32_t *color)
    vout_display_sys_t *sys = vd->sys;
    HRESULT hr;

    /* */
    ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
    hr = IDirectDrawSurface2_Lock(sys->display, NULL, &ddsd, DDLOCK_WAIT, NULL);
    if (hr != DD_OK)
        return 0;

    uint32_t backup = *(uint32_t *)ddsd.lpSurface;

    switch (ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount) {
    case 4:
        *(uint8_t *)ddsd.lpSurface = *color | (*color << 4);
    case 8:
        *(uint8_t *)ddsd.lpSurface = *color;
    case 15:
    case 16:
        *(uint16_t *)ddsd.lpSurface = *color;
    case 24:
        /* Seems to be problematic so we'll just put black as the colorkey */
        *color = 0;
        *(uint32_t *)ddsd.lpSurface = *color;
    IDirectDrawSurface2_Unlock(sys->display, NULL);

    /* */
    HDC hdc;
    COLORREF rgb;
    if (IDirectDrawSurface2_GetDC(sys->display, &hdc) == DD_OK) {
        rgb = GetPixel(hdc, 0, 0);
        IDirectDrawSurface2_ReleaseDC(sys->display, hdc);
    } else {
        rgb = 0;

    /* Restore the pixel value */
    ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
    if (IDirectDrawSurface2_Lock(sys->display, NULL, &ddsd, DDLOCK_WAIT, NULL) == DD_OK) {
        *(uint32_t *)ddsd.lpSurface = backup;
        IDirectDrawSurface2_Unlock(sys->display, NULL);

    return rgb;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void PrintWinFont( UINT32 uiDestBuf, INT32 iFont, INT32 x, INT32 y, STR16 pFontString, ...)
	va_list				 argptr;
	CHAR16									string[512];
	HVSURFACE				hVSurface;
	HDC					 hdc;
	HWINFONT				*pWinFont;
	int					 len;
	pWinFont = GetWinFont( iFont );

	if ( pWinFont == NULL )

	va_start(argptr, pFontString);			// Set up variable argument pointer
	len = vswprintf(string, pFontString, argptr);	// process gprintf string (get output str)

	// Get surface...
	GetVideoSurface( &hVSurface, uiDestBuf );

	pDDSurface = GetVideoSurfaceDDSurface( hVSurface );

	IDirectDrawSurface2_GetDC( pDDSurface, &hdc );

	SelectObject(hdc, pWinFont->hFont );
	SetTextColor( hdc, pWinFont->ForeColor );
	SetBkColor(hdc, pWinFont->BackColor );
	SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);
	SetTextAlign(hdc, TA_TOP|TA_LEFT);

	if (y - pWinFont->InternalLeading >=0)
		y -= pWinFont->InternalLeading;
	TextOutW( hdc, x, y, string, len );

	IDirectDrawSurface2_ReleaseDC( pDDSurface, hdc );

Ejemplo n.º 5
int directdraw_draw(void *pic, int w, int h)
	DDSURFACEDESC  descriptor;
	RECT           rct;
	HWND           hwndp;

#define fourcc(a,b,c,d) (( ((uint32_t)a) | ( ((uint32_t)b) << 8 ) | ( ((uint32_t)c) << 16 ) | ( ((uint32_t)d) << 24 ) ))

	int bh = h, bw = w;
	//w = default_sw;
	//h = default_sh;

	vdata.getdata(get_window_video, 0, &hwndp, 0);

	if(!hwndp) return 0;
	if(video_window_parent != hwndp)
		video_window_parent = hwndp;

	if(w != d_width || h != d_height)

		if(size_in_list(w, h))size_is_ok = 1;
		else size_is_ok = 0;

		if(w && h)
			d_width  = w;
			d_height = h;


			memset(&descriptor, 0, sizeof(descriptor));
			descriptor.dwSize         = sizeof(descriptor);
			descriptor.dwFlags        = DDSD_CAPS | DDSD_HEIGHT | DDSD_WIDTH;
			descriptor.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN;
			descriptor.dwWidth        = d_width;
			descriptor.dwHeight       = d_height;

			if(FAILED(IDirectDraw2_CreateSurface(lpDD, &descriptor, &lpDDS_secondary, 0))) return 0;
			lpDDS_back    = lpDDS_secondary;

		GetClientRect(video_window, &rct);

		if(rct.right != window_w || rct.bottom != window_h || osd_created == 0)
			window_w = rct.right;
			window_h = rct.bottom;


			memset( &descriptor, 0, sizeof(descriptor));

			descriptor.dwSize         = sizeof(descriptor);
			descriptor.dwFlags        = DDSD_CAPS | DDSD_HEIGHT | DDSD_WIDTH;
			descriptor.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN;
			descriptor.dwWidth        = window_w;
			descriptor.dwHeight       = window_h;

			if(FAILED(IDirectDraw2_CreateSurface(lpDD, &descriptor, &surface_osd, 0))) return 0;

			osd_created = 1;


	memset(&descriptor, 0, sizeof(descriptor));
    descriptor.dwSize = sizeof(descriptor);

		HRESULT res;

			res = IDirectDrawSurface2_Lock(lpDDS_back, 0, &descriptor, DDLOCK_WAIT | DDLOCK_WRITEONLY, 0);
			if(FAILED(res)) return 0;

			memcpy(descriptor.lpSurface, pic, w * h * 4);

			IDirectDrawSurface2_Unlock(lpDDS_back, descriptor.lpSurface);


			HBITMAP bmp;
			HDC     hdc, cdc;
			bmp = CreateBitmap(w, h, 1, 32, pic);

			if(!FAILED(IDirectDrawSurface2_GetDC(lpDDS_back, &hdc)))
				cdc = CreateCompatibleDC(0);
				SelectObject(cdc, bmp);
				BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, w, h, cdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
				IDirectDrawSurface2_ReleaseDC(lpDDS_back, hdc);



		IDirectDrawSurface2_Flip(lpDDS, 0, DDFLIP_WAIT);

	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void directdraw_update(int mode)
    RECT   source;
    RECT   destination;
	RECT   rectosd, rct, rectwindow;
    POINT  point;
	int    rw, rh, rx = 0, ry = 0; /* relative sizes */
	int    tmprw, tmprh, tmprx = 0, tmpry = 0; /* temporary relative sizes */
	int    ww, wh;                 /* video window sizes */
	float  sc;                     /* scale */
	int    r_frame_w, r_frame_h;   /* resized values of frame size (aspect ratio based) */

	if(!video_window) return;
	if(use_osd_surface && !surface_osd)return;

	//frame_w = default_sw;
	//frame_h = default_sh;

		r_frame_w = frame_w;
		r_frame_h = frame_h;
		if(aspect_ratio > 0.0)
			r_frame_h = (int)((double)r_frame_h / aspect_ratio);

		source.left   = 0;
		source.top    = 0;
		source.right  = d_width;
		source.bottom = d_height;

		rectwindow.left   = 0;
		rectwindow.top    = 0;
		rectwindow.right  = window_w;
		rectwindow.bottom = window_h;

		point.x = 0;
		point.y = 0;
		ClientToScreen(video_window, &point);

		GetClientRect(video_window, &destination);
		GetClientRect(video_window, &rct);

		destination.left   += point.x;
		destination.top    += point.y;
		destination.right  += point.x;
		destination.bottom += point.y;

		//vdata.getdata(get_window_video_rect, 0, &rct, 0);
		//vdata.getdata(get_window_video_dc, 0, &hdc, 0);

		//if(w <= 0)w = 256;
		//if(h <= 0)h = 256;

		ww = rw = rct.right - rct.left;
		wh = rh = rct.bottom - rct.top;

		if(frame_w > frame_h)
			sc = (float)rw / (float)r_frame_w;
			sc = (float)rh / (float)r_frame_h;

		/* to keep aspect ratio, both width and height should be scaled equally */
		rw = (int)((float)r_frame_w * sc);
		rh = (int)((float)r_frame_h * sc);

		/* we gotta handle video's corners vertically and check if it's gonna surpass the parent window's borders */

		if(rh > wh)
			sc = (float)wh / (float)r_frame_h;

		if(rw > ww)
			sc = (float)ww / (float)r_frame_w;

		/* any changes? calculate'em again */

		rw = (int)((float)r_frame_w * sc);
		rh = (int)((float)r_frame_h * sc);

		/* calculate video position */

		rx = (ww - rw) / 2;
		ry = (wh - rh) / 2;


			if(video_zoom_x <= 1.0)
				video_zoom_x = 1.0;
				crop_pos_x = 0;
			if(video_zoom_y <= 1.0)
				video_zoom_y = 1.0;
				crop_pos_y = 0;

			//tmprw = (rx + rw) * video_zoom;
			//tmprh = (ry + rh) * video_zoom;

			/*if(tmprw < destination.right && tmprh < destination.bottom)
				rw *= video_zoom;
				rh *= video_zoom;
				source.right /= video_zoom;
				source.bottom /= video_zoom;
			}	*/

			//if(source.left + crop_pos_x > source.right)crop_pos_x = source.right - source.left;
			//if(source.top + crop_pos_y > source.bottom)crop_pos_y = source.bottom - source.top;

			source.left = crop_pos_x;
			source.top = crop_pos_y;
			source.right = crop_pos_x + (d_width / video_zoom_x);
			source.bottom = crop_pos_y + (d_height / video_zoom_y);

			if(source.left < 0)
				source.left = 0;
				source.right = (d_width / video_zoom_x);
			if(source.top < 0)
				source.top = 0;
				source.bottom = (d_height / video_zoom_y);

			if(source.right > d_width)
				source.left = d_width - (d_width / video_zoom_x);
				source.right = d_width;
			if(source.bottom > d_height)
				source.top = d_height - (d_height / video_zoom_y);
				source.bottom = d_height;

			rectosd.left   = rx;
			rectosd.top    = ry;
			rectosd.right  = rw + rx;
			rectosd.bottom = rh + ry;

			if(video_zoom_y > 1.0 || video_zoom_x > 1.0)
				rectosd.left   = 0;
				rectosd.top    = 0;
				rectosd.right  = window_w;
				rectosd.bottom = window_h;

			IDirectDrawSurface2_Blt(lpDDS, &destination, lpDDS_secondary, &source, DDBLT_WAIT, 0);
			HDC  hdc;
			DDBLTFX bfx;
			memset(&bfx, 0, sizeof(bfx));
			bfx.dwFillColor = 0x000000;
			bfx.dwSize      = sizeof(bfx);

			IDirectDrawSurface2_Blt(surface_osd, 0, 0, 0, DDBLT_COLORFILL | DDBLT_WAIT, &bfx);
				HRESULT res = IDirectDrawSurface2_Blt(surface_osd, &rectosd, lpDDS_secondary, &source, DDBLT_WAIT | DDBLT_ZBUFFER, 0);
					RECT rcr;
					float ar;
					int   vsize = 100, vw;

					ar = d_width / d_height;
					vw = (vsize * ar);

					rcr.top = 5;
					rcr.left = 5;
					rcr.bottom = 5 + vsize;
					rcr.right = 5 + vw;
					IDirectDrawSurface2_Blt(surface_osd, &rcr, lpDDS_secondary, &source, DDBLT_WAIT | DDBLT_ZBUFFER, 0);



			if(!FAILED(IDirectDrawSurface2_GetDC(surface_osd, &hdc)))
				float ar;
				int   vsize = 100, vw;
				HPEN    hold_pen;
				HBRUSH  hold_brush;

				if(subtitle_text && show_subtitles)
					RECT   rct, nrct;
					HFONT  nfont, ofont;
					int    subs_fontsize, soffset;
					string subtitle_font_face = uni("Arial");
					static letter subtitle_str[4096];
					static int    sub_italic = 0, sub_bold = 0, sub_underlined = 0;
					static string last_substr;

					if(subtitle_text != last_substr)
						last_substr = subtitle_text;
						str_cpy(subtitle_str, subtitle_text);
						if(replace_i_str(subtitle_str, uni("<i>"), uni("")))
							sub_italic = 1;
							replace_i_str(subtitle_str, uni("</i>"), uni(""));
						if(replace_i_str(subtitle_str, uni("<b>"), uni("")))
							sub_bold = 1;
							replace_i_str(subtitle_str, uni("</b>"), uni(""));
						if(replace_i_str(subtitle_str, uni("<u>"), uni("")))
							sub_underlined = 1;
							replace_i_str(subtitle_str, uni("</u>"), uni(""));

					rct.top     = window_h;
					rct.bottom  = window_h;
					rct.left    = 0;
					rct.right   = window_w;

					subs_fontsize = min(max((min(window_h, window_w) * 15) / 250, 10), 22);
					soffset = min(subs_fontsize / 10, 2);

					nfont = CreateFont(-MulDiv(subs_fontsize, GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY), 72),
						0, 0, 0, sub_bold ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL, sub_italic, sub_underlined, 0, DEFAULT_CHARSET,
										DEFAULT_PITCH, subtitle_font_face);

					ofont = (HFONT) SelectObject(hdc, nfont);

					SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);

					nrct.left  = 0;
					nrct.right = window_w;

					DrawText(hdc, subtitle_str, str_len(subtitle_str), &nrct, DT_CENTER | DT_WORDBREAK | DT_CALCRECT);

					rct.top -= nrct.bottom - nrct.top;
					rct.top -= window_h / 12;

					SetTextColor(hdc, 0x000000);

					rct.top   -= soffset; rct.left  -= soffset; rct.right -= soffset;
					DrawText(hdc, subtitle_str, str_len(subtitle_str), &rct, DT_CENTER | DT_WORDBREAK);
					rct.top   += soffset; rct.left  += soffset; rct.right += soffset;

					rct.top   += soffset; rct.left  += soffset; rct.right += soffset;
					DrawText(hdc, subtitle_str, str_len(subtitle_str), &rct, DT_CENTER | DT_WORDBREAK);
					rct.top   -= soffset; rct.left  -= soffset; rct.right -= soffset;

					SetTextColor(hdc, 0xffffff);
					DrawText(hdc, subtitle_str, str_len(subtitle_str), &rct, DT_CENTER | DT_WORDBREAK);

					SelectObject(hdc, ofont);
				} /* </if - subtitles_text> */

					RECT   rct, nrct;
					HFONT  nfont, ofont;
					int    subs_fontsize, soffset;
					string subtitle_font_face = uni("Arial");
					static letter subtitle_str[4096];
					static int    sub_italic = 0, sub_bold = 0, sub_underlined = 0;
					static string last_substr;

					if(subtitle_text_sec != last_substr)
						last_substr = subtitle_text_sec;
						str_cpy(subtitle_str, subtitle_text_sec);
						if(replace_i_str(subtitle_str, uni("<i>"), uni("")))
							sub_italic = 1;
							replace_i_str(subtitle_str, uni("</i>"), uni(""));
						if(replace_i_str(subtitle_str, uni("<b>"), uni("")))
							sub_bold = 1;
							replace_i_str(subtitle_str, uni("</b>"), uni(""));
						if(replace_i_str(subtitle_str, uni("<u>"), uni("")))
							sub_underlined = 1;
							replace_i_str(subtitle_str, uni("</u>"), uni(""));

					rct.top     = window_h;
					rct.bottom  = window_h;
					rct.left    = 0;
					rct.right   = window_w;

					subs_fontsize = min(max((min(window_h, window_w) * 15) / 250, 10), 22);
					soffset = min(subs_fontsize / 10, 2);

					nfont = CreateFont(-MulDiv(subs_fontsize, GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY), 72),
										0, 0, 0, sub_bold ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL, sub_italic, sub_underlined, 0, DEFAULT_CHARSET,
										DEFAULT_PITCH, subtitle_font_face);

					ofont = (HFONT) SelectObject(hdc, nfont);

					SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);

					nrct.left  = 0;
					nrct.right = window_w;

					DrawText(hdc, subtitle_str, str_len(subtitle_str), &nrct, DT_CENTER | DT_WORDBREAK | DT_CALCRECT);

					rct.top = window_h / 16;

					SetTextColor(hdc, 0x000000);

					rct.top   -= soffset; rct.left  -= soffset; rct.right -= soffset;
					DrawText(hdc, subtitle_str, str_len(subtitle_str), &rct, DT_CENTER | DT_WORDBREAK);
					rct.top   += soffset; rct.left  += soffset; rct.right += soffset;

					rct.top   += soffset; rct.left  += soffset; rct.right += soffset;
					DrawText(hdc, subtitle_str, str_len(subtitle_str), &rct, DT_CENTER | DT_WORDBREAK);
					rct.top   -= soffset; rct.left  -= soffset; rct.right -= soffset;

					SetTextColor(hdc, 0xffffff);
					DrawText(hdc, subtitle_str, str_len(subtitle_str), &rct, DT_CENTER | DT_WORDBREAK);

					SelectObject(hdc, ofont);
				} /* </if - subtitles_text> */

				/* draw osd controls */
				osd_display(hdc, rectosd.right, rectosd.bottom);
					ar = d_width / d_height;
					vw = (vsize * ar);

					hold_pen = (HPEN)SelectObject(hdc, crop_rect_pen);
					hold_brush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(hdc, crop_rect_brush);

					Rectangle(hdc, 5, 5, 5 + vw, 5 + vsize);
					Rectangle(hdc, 5 + ((source.left * vw) / d_width), 5 + ((source.top * vsize) / d_height), 5 + ((source.right * vw) / d_width), 5 + ((source.bottom * vsize) / d_height));

					SelectObject(hdc, hold_pen);
					SelectObject(hdc, hold_brush);
				IDirectDrawSurface2_ReleaseDC(surface_osd, hdc);

			IDirectDrawSurface2_Blt(lpDDS, &destination, surface_osd, &rectwindow, DDBLT_WAIT, 0);