Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Manual page at statistics.def
INT16 CGEN_PUBLIC CStatistics_Setup
  CStatistics*    _this,
  INT32         nOrder,
  INT32         nDim,
  INT32         nCls,
  CData*          idLtb,
  INT32         nIcLtb
  INT32    c     = 0;                                                         /* Statistics class loop counter     */
  INT32    n     = 0;                                                         /* Dimension loop couner             */
  FLOAT64* lpMin = NULL;                                                      /* Ptr. to class' k minimum vector   */
  FLOAT64* lpMax = NULL;                                                      /* Ptr. to class' k maximum vector   */

  /* Validate */                                                                /* --------------------------------- */
  CHECK_THIS_RV(NOT_EXEC);                                                      /* Check this pointer                */
  if (nOrder<2) nOrder = 2;                                                     /* Default order is 2                */
  if (nDim  <1) nDim   = 1;                                                     /* Default dimensionality is 1       */
  if (nCls  <1) nCls   = 1;                                                     /* Default number of classes is 1    */

  /* Initialize statistics */                                                   /* --------------------------------- */
  CStatistics_Reset(_this,TRUE);                                                /* Start over                        */
  IFIELD_RESET(CData,"dat");                                                    /* Create/reset statistic data       */
  CData_Array(_this->m_idDat,T_DOUBLE,nDim,nCls*(nOrder+nDim+2));               /* Allocate statistic data           */
  CData_SetNBlocks(_this->m_idDat,nCls);                                        /* Set number of blocks              */
  if (CData_IsEmpty(_this->m_idDat)) return IERROR(_this,ERR_NOMEM,0,0,0);      /* Check if it worked out...         */
  for (c=0; c<nCls; c++)                                                        /* Loop over classes                 */
  {                                                                             /* >>                                */
    lpMin = CStatistics_GetPtr(_this,c,STA_DAI_MIN);                            /*   Get ptr. to class' k min. vec.  */
    lpMax = CStatistics_GetPtr(_this,c,STA_DAI_MAX);                            /*   Get ptr. to class' k max. vec.  */
    for (n=0; n<nDim; n++)                                                      /*   Loop over dimensions            */
    {                                                                           /*   >>                              */
      lpMin[n] = T_DOUBLE_MAX;                                                  /*     Initialize minimum vector     */
      lpMax[n] = T_DOUBLE_MIN;                                                  /*     Initialize maximum vector     */
    }                                                                           /*   <<                              */
  }                                                                             /* <<                                */

  /* Initialize label table */                                                  /* --------------------------------- */
  if (CData_IsEmpty(idLtb)) return O_K;                                         /* No label table -> that's it       */
  if (CData_GetNRecs(idLtb)!=nCls)                                              /* Bad number of labels              */
    return IERROR(_this,STA_NOTSETUP," (wrong no. of labels in idLtb)",0,0);    /*   -> Error                        */
  if (nIcLtb<0)                                                                 /* Label component not specified     */
    for (nIcLtb=0; nIcLtb<CData_GetNComps(idLtb); nIcLtb++)                     /*   Seek first symbolic component   */
      if (dlp_is_symbolic_type_code(CData_GetCompType(idLtb,nIcLtb)))           /*   ...                             */
        break;                                                                  /*   ...                             */
  if (!dlp_is_symbolic_type_code(CData_GetCompType(idLtb,nIcLtb)))              /* Label component not symbolic      */
    return IERROR(_this,STA_NOTSETUP," (label comp. not found in idLtb)",0,0);  /*   -> Error                        */
  IFIELD_RESET(CData,"ltb");                                                    /* Create/reset label table          */
  CData_SelectComps(_this->m_idLtb,idLtb,nIcLtb,1);                             /* Copy label table                  */

  return O_K;                                                                   /* Done                              */
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Writes the data transfer file of this process. This method is called
 * immediately before starting the operating system process.
INT16 CGEN_PUBLIC CProcess::SendData()
  DLP_FILE* pfScr;                                                              // Slave script file pointer
  INT32     i;                                                                  // Loop counter
  char      sScrFn[L_PATH];                                                     // Slave script file name
  char      sDtoFn[L_PATH];                                                     // Data transfer file name

  if (m_nState & PRC_DATASENT) return NOT_EXEC;                                 // Data have already been sent
  if (m_iDto)                                                                   // This process is a function call
  {                                                                             // >>
    sprintf(sScrFn,"%s.xtp",m_psTmpFile);                                       //   Get slave script file name
    sprintf(sDtoFn,"%s.xml",m_psTmpFile);                                       //   Get data transfer fine name
    pfScr = dlp_fopen(sScrFn,"w");                                              //   Open temporary script file
    for (i=0; dlp_strcmp(__sSlaveScript[i],"\0")!=0; i++)                       //   Loop over slave script lines
    {                                                                           //   >>
      dlp_fwrite(__sSlaveScript[i],1,dlp_strlen(__sSlaveScript[i]),pfScr);      //     Write a line
      dlp_fwrite("\n",1,1,pfScr);                                               //     Write a line break
    }                                                                           //   <<
    dlp_fclose(pfScr);                                                          //   Close temporary script file
    CDlpObject_Save(m_iDto,sDtoFn,SV_XML|SV_ZIP);                               //   Save data transfer object
    sprintf(m_psCmdLine,"%s %s %s",dlp_get_binary_path(),sScrFn,sDtoFn);        //   Change the command line
    // -- ???? -->
    IDESTROY(m_iDto); IFIELD_RESET(CDlpObject,"dto");                           //   Save memory!
    // <----------
  }                                                                             // <<
  m_nState |= PRC_DATASENT;                                                     // Remember data have been sent
  return O_K;
Ejemplo n.º 3
INT16 CDgen::Reset(BOOL bResetMembers)
	DEBUGMSG(-1,"CDgen::Reset; (bResetMembers=%d)",(int)bResetMembers,0,0);
  m_idSpl->AddComp("key" , 33);
  m_idSpl->AddComp("val" ,255);

	return O_K;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Manual page at process.def
INT32 CGEN_PUBLIC CProcess::Start()
  const SMic* pMic    = NULL;                                                   // Method invocation context of Start()
  CFunction*  iCaller = NULL;                                                   // Function calling Start()
  CFunction*  iFnc    = NULL;                                                   // Process function
  StkItm*     pStkItm = NULL;                                                   // Stack item
  INT32       nArgs   = 0;                                                      // Number of process function arguments

  // Validate and initialize                                                    // ------------------------------------
  if (m_nState!=0)                                                              // Not virginal
    return IERROR(this,PRC_CANTSTART,"multiple starts not allowed",0,0);        //   Forget it!
  if (!(pMic = CDlpObject_MicGet(_this))) return -1;                            // Get method invocation context
  iCaller = (CFunction*)CDlpObject_OfKind("function",pMic->iCaller);            // Get calling CFunction
  if (!iCaller) return -1;                                                      // Must be a function!

  // Initialize process                                                         // ------------------------------------
  sprintf(m_psTmpFile,"%s%ld",dlp_tempnam(NULL,"~dLabPro#process#"),(long)dlp_time());// Initialize temp. file name prefix

  // Marshal arguments                                                          // ------------------------------------
  if (!(pStkItm=iCaller->StackGet(0))) return IERROR(this,PRC_TOOFEWARGS,0,0,0);// Get stack top
  if (pStkItm->nType==T_INSTANCE)                                               // Stack top is an instance
    iFnc = (CFunction*)CDlpObject_OfKind("function",pStkItm->val.i);            //   Get function to be called
  if (iFnc)                                                                     // This process is a function call
  {                                                                             // >>
    IFIELD_RESET(CDlpObject,"dto");                                             //   Create data transfer object
    nArgs = CData_GetNRecs(iFnc->m_idArg);                                      //   Get number of function arguments
    Marshal(m_iDto,iCaller,nArgs);                                              //   Marshal arguments for transfer
  }                                                                             // <<
  else                                                                          // This process is a program call
    dlp_strcpy(m_psCmdLine,iCaller->PopString(0));                              //   Get program command line

#ifdef USE_FORK
  if (iFnc)                                                                     // This process is a function call
  {                                                                             // >>
    m_hPid=fork();                                                              //   Fork the process
    if(m_hPid>0){                                                               //   Parent process >>
      m_nState |= PRC_DATASENT;                                                 //     Remember data have been sent
      m_nState |= PRC_RUNNING;                                                  //     Set running flag
      m_hThread = 0;                                                            //     Clear thread handle
      return O_K;                                                               //     Everything is fine
    }                                                                           //   <<
    if(m_hPid==0) return DoJobFork(iCaller,iFnc);                               //   The child process runs the function
    return IERROR(this,PRC_CANTSTART,"fork() failed",0,0);                      //   On error (fid<0) we return
  }                                                                             // <<
  // Start job in watcher thread                                                // ------------------------------------
  m_hPid = 0;                                                                   // Reset process id
  SendData();                                                                   // Send transfer data
  m_hThread = dlp_create_thread(DoJob,this);                                    // Do the job and watch it

  return O_K;                                                                   // Yo!
Ejemplo n.º 5
INT16 CDlpFile_Reset(CDlpObject* __this, BOOL bResetMembers)
	DEBUGMSG(-1,"CDlpFile_Reset; (bResetMembers=%d)",(int)bResetMembers,0,0);

  CData* idFlistData;
  char   lpsB1[255];
  char   lpsB2[255];
  char   lpsB3[ 32];
  char   lpsB4[255];

	if (_this->m_idFlistData==NULL) IFIELD_RESET(CData,"flist_data");
  idFlistData = AS(CData,_this->m_idFlistData);
  _this->m_idFlistData = NULL;


  _this->m_idFlistData = BASEINST(idFlistData);
  dlp_strcpy(_this->m_lpsPath ,lpsB2);
  dlp_strcpy(_this->m_lpsExt  ,lpsB3);
  dlp_strcpy(_this->m_lpsSep  ,lpsB4);
  _this->m_nLen = CData_GetNRecs(AS(CData,_this->m_idFlistData));


	return O_K;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Manual page at statistics.def
INT16 CGEN_PUBLIC CStatistics_Pool
  CStatistics* _this,
  CStatistics* iSrc,
  CData*       idMap
  INT32   i          = 0;                                                        /* Current component index           */
  INT32   nC         = 0;                                                        /* Current pooled statistics class   */
  INT32   nCs        = 0;                                                        /* Current source class index        */
  INT32   nXC        = 0;                                                        /* Number of pooled classes          */
  INT32   nRpb       = 0;                                                        /* Statistics raw data block size    */
  INT16  nCheckSave = 0;                                                        /* Saved check level                 */
  CData* idAux      = NULL;                                                     /* Auxilary data instance #1         */
  CData* idPmp      = NULL;                                                     /* Pooling map                       */
  CData* idPcd      = NULL;                                                     /* Pooled class raw data buffer      */

  /* Initialize */                                                              /* --------------------------------- */
  CHECK_THIS_RV(0);                                                             /* Check this instance               */
  IF_NOK(CStatistics_Check(iSrc))                                               /* Check source statistics           */
    return IERROR(_this,ERR_INVALARG,"iSrc",0,0);                               /* ...                               */
  nCheckSave = _this->m_nCheck;                                                 /* Save check level                  */
  CStatistics_Reset(BASEINST(_this),TRUE);                                      /* Reset destination                 */
  _this->m_nCheck = nCheckSave;                                                 /* Restore check level               */
  IFIELD_RESET(CData,"dat");                                                    /* Create pool raw stats. data inst. */

  /* Protocol */                                                                /* --------------------------------- */
  IFCHECK                                                                       /* On verbose level 1                */
  {                                                                             /* >>                                */
    printf("\n"); dlp_fprint_x_line(stdout,'-',dlp_maxprintcols());             /*   Print protocol header           */
    printf("\n   statistics -pool");                                            /*   ...                             */
    printf("\n"); dlp_fprint_x_line(stdout,'-',dlp_maxprintcols());printf("\n");/*   ...                             */
  }                                                                             /* <<                                */

  /* No map --> pool all classes */                                             /* --------------------------------- */
  if (CData_IsEmpty(idMap))                                                     /* NULL or empty map instance        */
  {                                                                             /* >>                                */
    IFCHECK printf("\n   Empty pooling map --> pool all classes");              /*   Protocol (verbose level 1)      */
    CStatistics_PoolInt(_this->m_idDat,iSrc->m_idDat,0);                        /*   Pool sum data                   */
    CStatistics_PoolInt(_this->m_idDat,iSrc->m_idDat,1);                        /*   Pool min data                   */
    CStatistics_PoolInt(_this->m_idDat,iSrc->m_idDat,2);                        /*   Pool max data                   */
    STA_PROTOCOL_FOOTER(1,"done");                                              /*   Print protocol footer           */
    return O_K;                                                                 /*   That's it                       */

  IFCHECK printf("\n   Pooling by map");                                        /* Protocol (verbose level 1)        */
  ICREATEEX(CData,idAux,"CStatistics_Pool.~idAux",NULL);                        /* Create auxilary data instance #1  */
  ICREATEEX(CData,idPmp,"CStatistics_Pool.~idPmp",NULL);                        /* Create pooling map                */
  ICREATEEX(CData,idPcd,"CStatistics_Pool.~idPcs",NULL);                        /* Create pooled raw stats.data inst.*/

  /* Find and copy map component (pooled class) */                              /* --------------------------------- */
  for (i=0; i<CData_GetNComps(idMap); i++)                                      /* Loop over components of idMap     */
    if (dlp_is_numeric_type_code(CData_GetCompType(idMap,i)))                   /*   Is current component numeric?   */
    {                                                                           /*   >> (Yes)                        */
      CData_SelectComps(idPmp,idMap,i,1);                                       /*     Copy component                */
      break;                                                                    /*     Have ready :)                 */
    }                                                                           /*   <<                              */
  if (CData_IsEmpty(idPmp))                                                     /* Have not got map component        */
  {                                                                             /* >>                                */
    IERROR(_this,STA_BADCOMP,"map",BASEINST(idMap)->m_lpInstanceName,"numeric");/*   Error message                   */
    DLPTHROW(STA_BADCOMP);                                                      /*   Throw exception                 */
  }                                                                             /* <<                                */

  /* Create source class component */                                           /* --------------------------------- */
  CData_AddComp(idPmp,"srcc",T_LONG);                                           /* Add source class index component  */
  for (i=0; i<CData_GetNRecs(idPmp); i++) CData_Dstore(idPmp,i,i,1);            /* Fill it                           */

  /* Finish pooling map and initialize pooling */                               /* --------------------------------- */
  CData_Sortup(idPmp,idPmp,0);                                                  /* Sort map by pooled class index    */
  nXC = (INT32)CData_Dfetch(idPmp,CData_GetNRecs(idPmp)-1,0)+1;                 /* Get greatest pooled class index   */
  IFCHECK printf("\n   Pooling %ld statistics classes",(long)nXC);              /* Protocol (verbose level 1)        */
  IFCHECKEX(3) CData_Print(idPmp);                                              /* Print pooling map (verbose lvl.3) */
  nRpb = CData_GetNRecsPerBlock(iSrc->m_idDat);                                 /* Get block size                    */

  /* Prepare pooled statistics */                                               /* --------------------------------- */
  CData_Scopy(_this->m_idDat,iSrc->m_idDat);                                    /* Create target raw data components */
  CData_Allocate(_this->m_idDat,nRpb*nXC);                                      /* Allocate target raw data          */
  CData_SetNBlocks(_this->m_idDat,nXC);                                         /* Set target statistics block number*/

  /* Pooling loop */                                                            /* --------------------------------- */
  for (i=0; i<CData_GetNRecs(idPmp); )                                          /* Loop over pooling map             */
  {                                                                             /* >>                                */
    /* - Copy raw statistics data of one pooled class */                        /*   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
    nC = (INT32)CData_Dfetch(idPmp,0,0);                                         /*   Get pooled class index          */
    IFCHECK printf("\n     Pooled class %3ld");                                 /*   Protocol (verbose level 1)      */
    for (i=0; i<CData_GetNRecs(idPmp); i++)                                     /*   Loop over partition of pool.map */
    {                                                                           /*   >>                              */
      if (nC != (INT32)CData_Dfetch(idPmp,0,0)) break;                           /*     Not the current class anymore */
      nCs = (INT32)CData_Dfetch(idPmp,i,1);                                      /*     Get source class index        */
      IFCHECK printf("\n     - Source class %3ld",nCs);                         /*     Protocol (verbose level 1)    */
      CData_SelectBlocks(idAux,iSrc->m_idDat,nCs,1);                            /*     Copy raw stats. data block    */
      CData_Cat(idPcd,idAux);                                                   /*     Append to buffer              */
    }                                                                           /*   <<                              */

    /* - Pool data */                                                           /*   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
    CData_SetNBlocks(idPcd,CData_GetNRecs(idPcd)/nRpb);                         /*   Set block count of aggr. buffer */
    IFCHECK                                                                     /*   Protocol (verbose level 1)      */
      printf("\n     - Aggregating %ld statistics classes",                     /*   |                               */
      (long)CData_GetNBlocks(idPcd));                                           /*   |                               */
    CStatistics_PoolInt(idAux,idPcd,0);                                         /*   Pool sum data                   */
    CStatistics_PoolInt(idAux,idPcd,1);                                         /*   Pool min data                   */
    CStatistics_PoolInt(idAux,idPcd,2);                                         /*   Pool max data                   */

    /* - Store pooled raw statistics data block */                              /*   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
    dlp_memmove                                                                 /*   Copy pooled raw stats. data     */
    (                                                                           /*   |                               */
      CData_XAddr(_this->m_idDat,nC*nRpb,0),                                    /*   | To target statistics block    */
      CData_XAddr(idAux,0,0),                                                   /*   | From aggregation buffer       */
      CData_GetNRecs(idAux)*CData_GetRecLen(idAux)                              /*   | Length of aggregation buffer  */
    );                                                                          /*   |                               */

    /* - Clean up auxilary instances */                                         /*   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
    CData_Reset(idPcd,TRUE);                                                    /*   Clear aggregation buffer        */

  /* Clean up */                                                                /* --------------------------------- */
  IDESTROY(idAux);                                                              /* Destroy auxilary data instance #1 */
  IDESTROY(idPmp);                                                              /* Destroy pooling map               */
  IDESTROY(idPcd);                                                              /* Destroy pooled cls. raw data inst.*/
  STA_PROTOCOL_FOOTER(1,"done");                                                /* Print protocol footer             */
  return O_K;                                                                   /* Ok                                */

DLPCATCH(STA_BADCOMP)                                                           /* == Catch STA_BADCOMP exception    */
  IDESTROY(idAux);                                                              /* Destroy auxilary data instance #1 */
  IDESTROY(idPmp);                                                              /* Destroy pooling map               */
  IDESTROY(idPcd);                                                              /* Destroy pooled cls. raw data inst.*/
  STA_PROTOCOL_FOOTER(1,"FAILED");                                              /* Print protocol footer             */
  return NOT_EXEC;                                                              /* Not ok                            */
Ejemplo n.º 7
INT16 CGmm_PrecalcD(CGmm* _this, BOOL bCleanup)
  INT32      i       = 0;                                                        /* Triangular inv. cov. matrix cntr. */
  INT32      c       = 0;                                                        /* Index of inv. covariance matrix   */
  INT32      k       = 0;                                                        /* Gaussian loop counter             */
  INT32      n       = 0;                                                        /* Dimension loop counter            */
  INT32      m       = 0;                                                        /* Dimension loop counter            */
  INT32      K       = 0;                                                        /* Number of single Gaussians        */
  INT32      N       = 0;                                                        /* Feature space dimensionality      */
  GMM_FTYPE nDelta1 = 0.;                                                       /* Class indep. term of delta const. */
#ifdef __TMS
  GMM_FTYPE *mean = (GMM_FTYPE*)CData_XAddr(AS(CData,_this->m_idMean),0,0);

  /* Clean up precalculated data */                                             /* --------------------------------- */
  dlp_free(_this->m_lpAlpha);                                                   /* Clear alpha vector                */
  dlp_free(_this->m_lpBeta );                                                   /* Clear beta vectors                */
  dlp_free(_this->m_lpGamma);                                                   /* Clear gamma vector                */
  dlp_free(_this->m_lpDelta);                                                   /* Clear delta vector                */
  dlp_free(_this->m_lpI    );                                                   /* Clear inv. cov. pointer array     */
  dlp_free(_this->m_lpV    );                                                   /* Clear inverse variance array      */
    CData *idSse2Icov=AS(CData,_this->m_idSse2Icov);
    IDESTROY(idSse2Icov);                                                     /* Destroy inv.covs. for SSE2 opt.   */
  dlp_free(_this->m_lpSse2Buf);                                                 /* Clear aux. buffer for SSE2 opt.   */
  dlp_free(_this->m_lpLdlL);                                                    /* Clear L-matrix buffer for LDL     */
  dlp_free(_this->m_lpLdlD);                                                    /* Clear D-vector buffer for LDL     */
  _this->m_nN = 0;                                                              /* Clear feature space dimensionality*/
  _this->m_nK = 0;                                                              /* Clear number of single Gaussians  */
  if (bCleanup) return O_K;                                                     /* When cleaning up that's it        */

  /* Initialize */                                                              /* --------------------------------- */
  K       = CGmm_GetNGauss(_this);                                              /* Get nuumber of single Gaussians   */
  N       = CGmm_GetDim(_this);                                                 /* Get feature space dimensionality  */
  nDelta1 = -N/2*log(2*F_PI);                                                   /* Compute part of delta term        */

  /* Basic validation */                                                        /* --------------------------------- */
  IF_NOK(CGmm_CheckMean(_this)) DLPTHROW(GMM_NOTSETUP);                         /* Check mean vectors                */
  IF_NOK(CGmm_CheckIvar(_this)) DLPTHROW(GMM_NOTSETUP);                         /* Check inverse variance vectors    */
  IF_NOK(CGmm_CheckCdet(_this)) DLPTHROW(GMM_NOTSETUP);                         /* Check (co-)variance determinants  */

  /* Basic dimensions */                                                        /* --------------------------------- */
  _this->m_nN = N;                                                              /* Feature space dimensionality      */
  _this->m_nK = K;                                                              /* Number of single Gaussians        */

  /* Create inverse covariance matrix map */                                    /* --------------------------------- */
  if (_this->m_idIcov)                                                          /* If using covariances              */
  {                                                                             /* >>                                */
    IF_NOK(CGmm_CheckIcov(_this)) DLPTHROW(GMM_NOTSETUP);                       /*   Inverse covariance data corrupt */
    _this->m_lpI = dlp_calloc(K,sizeof(GMM_FTYPE*));                            /*   Allocate map                    */
    if (!_this->m_lpI) DLPTHROW(ERR_NOMEM);                                     /*   Out of memory                   */
    for (k=0; k<K; k++)                                                         /*   Loop over Gaussians             */
    {                                                                           /*   >>                              */
      c=_this->m_idCmap ? (INT32)CData_Dfetch(AS(CData,_this->m_idCmap),k,0) : k;/*     Cov. mat. idx. for Gaussian k */
      I[k] = (GMM_FTYPE*)CData_XAddr(AS(CData,_this->m_idIcov),c,0);            /*     Store ptr. to inv. cov. matrix*/
    }                                                                           /*   <<                              */
  }                                                                             /* <<                                */

  /* Create inverse variance vector map */                                      /* --------------------------------- */
  IF_NOK(CGmm_CheckIvar(_this)) DLPTHROW(GMM_NOTSETUP);                         /*   Inverse covariance data corrupt */
  _this->m_lpV = dlp_calloc(K,sizeof(GMM_FTYPE*));                              /*   Allocate map                    */
  if (!_this->m_lpV) DLPTHROW(ERR_NOMEM);                                       /*   Out of memory                   */
  for (k=0; k<K; k++)                                                           /*   Loop over Gaussians             */
    V[k] = (GMM_FTYPE*)CData_XAddr(AS(CData,_this->m_idIvar),k,0);              /*     Store ptr. to inv. cov. matrix*/

  /* LDL-factorization */                                                       /* --------------------------------- */
  if(_this->m_nLDL)                                                             /* LDL factorization used            */
  {                                                                             /* >>                                */
    /* TODO: GMM_TYPE is float => dlm_factldl in float */                       /*   ------------------------------- */
    _this->m_lpLdlL = dlp_malloc(K*N*(N-1)/2*sizeof(GMM_FTYPE));                /*   Alloc L matrix                  */
    _this->m_lpLdlD = dlp_malloc(K*N*sizeof(GMM_FTYPE));                        /*   Alloc D vector                  */
    if (!_this->m_lpLdlL || !_this->m_lpLdlD) DLPTHROW(ERR_NOMEM);              /*   Out of memory                   */
    FLOAT64 *lpAux1 = (FLOAT64 *)dlp_malloc(N*N*sizeof(FLOAT64));                  /*   Alloc auxilary matrix #1        */
    FLOAT64 *lpAux2 = (FLOAT64 *)dlp_malloc(N*N*sizeof(FLOAT64));                  /*   Alloc auxilary matrix #2        */
    if (!lpAux1 || !lpAux2) DLPTHROW(ERR_NOMEM);                                /*   Out of memory                   */
    for(k=0;k<K;k++)                                                            /*   Loop over all Gaussians         */
    {                                                                           /*   >>                              */
      for(n=0;n<N;n++)                                                          /*     Loop over Gaussian dimension  */
      {                                                                         /*     >>                            */
        lpAux1[n*N+n] = V[k][n];                                                /*       Copy inverse variance values*/
        for(m=0;m<n;m++) lpAux1[n*N+m] = lpAux1[m*N+n] =                        /*       Copy inverse covariance val.*/
          I?I[k][m*N-2*m-m*(m-1)/2+n-1]:0.;                                     /*       |                           */
      }                                                                         /*     <<                            */
      dlm_factldl(lpAux1,lpAux2,N);                                             /*     Factorize matrix              */
      for(n=0;n<N;n++)                                                          /*     Loop over Gaussian dimension  */
      {                                                                         /*     >>                            */
        for(m=n+1;m<N;m++) Li(N,k,n,m) = lpAux1[n*N+m];                         /*       Store L matrix values       */
        D(N,k,n) = lpAux2[n*N+n];                                               /*       Store D vector values       */
      }                                                                         /*     <<                            */
      if(_this->m_nLdlCoef>=0 && _this->m_nLdlCoef<N*(N-1)/2)
        FLOAT64 nMinAbs;
        for(n=0;n<N*(N-1)/2;n++) if(fabs(L(N,k,n))<=nMinAbs) L(N,k,n)=0.;
    }                                                                           /*   <<                              */
    dlp_free(lpAux1);                                                           /*   Free auxilary matrix #1         */
    dlp_free(lpAux2);                                                           /*   Free auxilary matrix #2         */
  }                                                                             /* <<                                */

  /* Precalculate alpha and beta vectors */                                     /* --------------------------------- */
  if(!_this->m_nLDL)                                                            /* No LDL factorization used         */
  {                                                                             /* >>                                */
    _this->m_lpAlpha = dlp_calloc(K,sizeof(GMM_FTYPE));                         /*   Allocate buffer                 */
    _this->m_lpBeta  = dlp_calloc(K*N,sizeof(GMM_FTYPE));                       /*   Allocate buffer                 */
    if (!_this->m_lpAlpha || !_this->m_lpBeta) DLPTHROW(ERR_NOMEM);             /*   Out of memory                   */
    for (k=0; k<K; k++)                                                         /*   Loop over Gaussians             */
      for (n=0; n<N; n++)                                                       /*     Loop over dimensions          */
        for (m=0; m<N; m++)                                                     /*       Loop over dimensions        */
          if (m==n)                                                             /*         Main diagonal (variances)?*/
          {                                                                     /*         >>                        */
            alpha[k]     += V[k][n]*mu(k,m)*mu(k,n);                            /*           Sum up alpha val. (n==m)*/
            beta [k*N+n] += V[k][n]*mu(k,m);                                    /*           Sum up beta value (n==m)*/
          }                                                                     /*         <<                        */
          else if (_this->m_lpI)                                                /*         Otherwise cov.(if present)*/
          {                                                                     /*         >>                        */
            if (m>n) i = n*N - 2*n - n*(n-1)/2 + m - 1;                         /*           Calc index if I[n,m] in */
            else     i = m*N - 2*m - m*(m-1)/2 + n - 1;                         /*           | triangular icov. mat. */
            alpha[k]     += I[k][i]*mu(k,m)*mu(k,n);                            /*           Sum up alpha val. (n!=m)*/
            beta [k*N+n] += I[k][i]*mu(k,m);                                    /*           Sum up beta value (n!=m)*/
          }                                                                     /*         <<                        */
  }                                                                             /* <<                                */
  else                                                                          /* LDL factorization used            */
  {                                                                             /* >>                                */
    _this->m_lpAlpha = NULL;                                                    /*   No alpha needed here            */
    _this->m_lpBeta  = dlp_calloc(K*N,sizeof(GMM_FTYPE));                       /*   Allocate buffer                 */
    if (!_this->m_lpBeta) DLPTHROW(ERR_NOMEM);                                  /*   Out of memory                   */
    for(k=0;k<K;k++) for(n=0;n<N;n++)                                           /*   Loop over Gaussians & dimensions*/
    {                                                                           /*   >>                              */
      beta[k*N+n] = mu(k,n);                                                    /*     Init beta with mean value     */
      for(m=n+1;m<N;m++) beta[k*N+n] += mu(k,m)*Li(N,k,n,m);                    /*     Calculate beta from L*mu      */
    }                                                                           /*   <<                              */
  }                                                                             /* <<                                */

  /* Allocate gamma vector */                                                   /* --------------------------------- */
  /* NOTE: If this fails there will just be no lazy computation -> no big deal*//*                                   */
  if (_this->m_idCmap && _this->m_idIcov && _this->m_lpI)                       /* Wanna do lazy computation?        */
    if (CData_GetDescr(AS(CData,_this->m_idIvar),0)==0.)                        /*   Only if variances are tied too  */
      _this->m_lpGamma = dlp_calloc(K,sizeof(GMM_FTYPE));                       /*     Allocate buffer               */

  /* Precalculate delta vector */                                               /* --------------------------------- */
  _this->m_lpDelta = dlp_calloc(K,sizeof(GMM_FTYPE));                           /* Allocate buffer                   */
  if (!_this->m_lpDelta) DLPTHROW(ERR_NOMEM);                                   /* Out of memory                     */
  for (k=0; k<K; k++)                                                           /* Loop over Gaussians               */
    delta[k] = nDelta1-(GMM_FTYPE)(0.5*log(                                     /*   Calculate delta[k]              */
      CData_Dfetch(AS(CData,_this->m_idCdet),k,0)));                            /*   |                               */

  /* SSE2 precalculated objects */                                              /* --------------------------------- */
#ifdef GMM_SSE2                                                                 /* Use SSE2?                         */
  IFIELD_RESET(CData,"sse2_icov");                                              /* Create/reset SSE2 inv.cov. matrs. */
  CGmm_Extract(_this,NULL,_this->m_idSse2Icov);                                 /* ... and go get 'em                */
  _this->m_lpSse2Buf = dlp_calloc(2*N,sizeof(GMM_FTYPE));                       /* Allocate auxilary buffer          */
  if (!_this->m_lpSse2Buf) DLPTHROW(ERR_NOMEM);                                 /* Out of memory                     */
#endif                                                                          /* #ifdef GMM_SSE2                   */

  /* Final checkup */                                                           /* --------------------------------- */
#ifndef __NOXALLOC
  IF_NOK(CGmm_CheckPrecalc(_this)) DLPTHROW(GMM_NOTSETUP);                      /* Check precalculated data          */
  return O_K;                                                                   /* That's it folks ...               */

DLPCATCH(GMM_NOTSETUP)                                                          /* On NOT_EXEC exception             */
DLPCATCH(ERR_NOMEM)                                                             /* On ERR_NOMEM exception            */
  CGmm_PrecalcF(_this,TRUE);                                                    /* - Free memory of precalc'd. data  */
  CGmm_PrecalcD(_this,TRUE);                                                    /* - Free memory of precalc'd. data  */
  return NOT_EXEC;                                                              /* - Indicate failure                */