Ejemplo n.º 1
	Function: rotateByNearestNeighbor
		Rotates the image a given angle by applying nearest neighbor method
		image - Image to be rotated.
		width - The image's width.
		height - The image's height.
		depth - The image's color depth.
		angle - clockwise rotation angle
		new_width - New image's width
		new_height - New image's height

		ret - The image rotated counter-clockwise by an angle
void rotateByNearestNeighbor (int *image, int *width, int *height, int *depth, double *angle, int *ret, int *new_width, int *new_height){
	int x_center, y_center, x_diff, y_diff;
	int x, y, d;
	double x_src_d, y_src_d;
	int x_src, y_src;
	while (*angle >= 360){
		*angle = *angle - 360;
	x_center = *width/2;
	y_center = *height/2;
	x_diff = (*new_width - *width)/2;
	y_diff = (*new_height - *height)/2;
	for (y = -1*y_diff; y < (*new_height - y_diff); y++){
		for (x = -1*x_diff; x < (*new_width - x_diff); x++){
			x_src_d = (x - x_center) * cos(*angle) + (y - y_center) * sin(*angle) + x_center;
			y_src_d = (y - y_center) * cos(*angle) - (x - x_center) * sin(*angle) + y_center;
			x_src = (int) (x_src_d + 0.5);
			y_src = (int) (y_src_d + 0.5);
			for (d = 0; d < *depth; d++){
				if (x_src < 0 || y_src < 0 || x_src > *width - 1 || y_src > *height - 1){
					ret[IMGPOS(x + x_diff, y + y_diff, d, *new_width, *new_height)] = MIN_PIXEL_VALUE;
					ret[IMGPOS(x + x_diff, y + y_diff, d, *new_width, *new_height)] = image[IMGPOS(x_src, y_src, d, *width, *height)];
Ejemplo n.º 2
	Function: crop
		Crops an image

		image - Image to be cropped
		width - The image's width.
		height - The image's height.
		depth - The image's color depth.
		x_start - Upper left x coordinate of src block
		y_start - Upper left y coordinate of src block
		t_width - block's width
		t_height - block's height

		image - The cropped image
void crop(int *image, int *width, int *height, int *depth, int *x_start, int *y_start, int *c_width, int *c_height, int *ret){
	int i, j, k;
	for (i = 0; i < *c_width; i++){
		for (j = 0 ; j < *c_height; j++){
			for (k = 0; k < *depth; k++){
				ret[IMGPOS(i, j, k, *c_width, *c_height)] = image[IMGPOS(*x_start + i, *y_start + j, k, *width, *height)];
Ejemplo n.º 3
	Function: padding
	Pad an image to the given dimensions (n, m); leave the image in the center

		image - Complex matrix (image data)
		width - Width of the matrix
		height - Height of the matrix
		depth - Depth of the matrix
		n - New width
		m - New height
		ret - Padded image
		Image transformation
void padding(int *image, int *width, int *height, int *depth, int *n, int *m, int *ret){
	int i, j, d;
	int h_ini = (*n - *width) / 2, v_ini = (*m - *height) / 2;

	for (d = 0; d < *depth; d++){
		for (j = h_ini; j < *width + h_ini; j++){
			for (i = v_ini; i < *height + v_ini; i++){
				ret[IMGPOS(j, i, d, *n, *m)] = image[IMGPOS(j - h_ini, i - v_ini, d, *width, *height)];
Ejemplo n.º 4
	Function: rotateBySpline
		Rotates the image a given angle by applying Spline method
		image - Image to be rotated.
		width - The image's width.
		height - The image's height.
		depth - The image's color depth.
		angle - clockwise rotation angle
		new_width - New image's width
		new_height - New image's height

		ret - The image rotated counter-clockwise by an angle
void rotateBySpline (int *image, int *width, int *height, int *depth, double *angle, int *ret, int *new_width, int *new_height){
	int x_center, y_center, x_diff, y_diff;
	int x, y, d;
	double x_src_d, y_src_d;
	int x_src, y_src;
	double x_weight, y_weight;
	while (*angle >= 360){
		*angle = *angle - 360;
	x_center = *width/2;
	y_center = *height/2;
	x_diff = (*new_width - *width)/2;
	y_diff = (*new_height - *height)/2;
	for (y = -1*y_diff; y < (*new_height - y_diff); y++){
		for (x = -1*x_diff; x < (*new_width - x_diff); x++){
			x_src_d = (x - x_center) * cos(*angle) + (y - y_center) * sin(*angle) + x_center;
			y_src_d = (y - y_center) * cos(*angle) - (x - x_center) * sin(*angle) + y_center;
			x_src = (int) x_src_d;
			y_src = (int) y_src_d;
			x_weight = x_src_d - x_src;
			y_weight = y_src_d - y_src;
			for (d = 0; d < *depth; d++){
				int src = IMGPOS(x_src, y_src, d, *width, *height);
				int next = IMGPOS(x + x_diff, y + y_diff, d, *new_width, *new_height);
				if (x_src_d < 0 || y_src_d < 0 || x_src_d >= *width || y_src_d >= *height){
					ret[next] = 0;
					int a[4][4];
					int m,n;
					for (n = 0; n < 4; n++){
						for (m = 0; m < 4; m++){
							int xs = x_src - 1 + m, ys = y_src - 1 + n;
							if (xs < 0 || ys < 0 || xs >= *width || ys >= *height){
								a[n][m] = image[src];
								a[n][m] = image[IMGPOS(xs, ys, d, *width, *height)];
					ret[next] = (int) spline(a, x_weight, y_weight);
Ejemplo n.º 5
	Function: rotate90CunterClockwise
		Rotates an image 90 degrees counter-clockwise

		image - Image to be rotated.
		width - The image's width.
		height - The image's height.
		depth - The image's color depth.

		ret - The image rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise
void rotate90CounterClockwise(int *image, int *width, int *height, int *depth, int *ret){
	int i, j, k, dest, src;
	int new_h = *width, new_w = *height;
	for (i = 0; i < new_w; i++){
		for (j = 0; j < new_h; j++){
			for (k = 0; k < *depth; k++){
				dest = IMGPOS(i, j, k, new_w, new_h);
				src = IMGPOS(*width - 1 - j, i, k, *width, *height);
				ret[dest] = image[src];
Ejemplo n.º 6
	Function: fft_image_transform
	Apply a FFT image transformation (auxiliar function)

		image - Complex matrix (image data)
		width - Width of the matrix
		height - Height of the matrix
		depth - Depth of the matrix
		direction - Forward or inverse?
		Image transformation
void fft_image_transform(Rcomplex *image, int *width, int *height, int *depth, int direction){
	int plane_size = *width * *height * *depth, rank = (*depth == 1) ? 2 : 3;
	int i = 0, j = 0, d = 0;
	int *n = calloc(3, sizeof(int));
	fftw_complex *in, *out;
	fftw_plan p;

	in = (fftw_complex *) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * plane_size);
	out = (fftw_complex *) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * plane_size);

	for (d = 0; d < *depth; d++){
		for (j = 0; j < *height; j++){
			for (i = 0; i < *width; i++){
				int row_major_pos = d + *depth * (j + *height * i), im_pos = IMGPOS(i, j, d, *width, *height);
				in[row_major_pos][0] = image[im_pos].r;
				in[row_major_pos][1] = image[im_pos].i;
	n[0] = *width;
	n[1] = *height;
	n[2] = *depth;

	p = fftw_plan_dft(rank, n, in, out, direction, FFTW_ESTIMATE);


	for (d = 0; d < *depth; d++){
		for (j = 0; j < *height; j++){
			for (i = 0; i < *width; i++){
				int row_major_pos = d + *depth * (j + *height * i), im_pos = IMGPOS(i, j, d, *width, *height);
				image[im_pos].r = out[row_major_pos][0];
				image[im_pos].i = out[row_major_pos][1];

Ejemplo n.º 7
init_explosions (void)
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
    explosions[0][i] = compile_sprzcol (IMGPOS (vehicles_img, 65, (5 - i)*33),
					0, 32, 32, vehicles_img.width, xbuf);
  for (; i < NBR_EXPLOSION_FRAMES; ++i)
    explosions[0][i] = compile_sprzcol (IMGPOS (vehicles_img, 32,
						(NBR_EXPLOSION_FRAMES - i - 1)
						* 33),
					0, 32, 32, vehicles_img.width, xbuf);
  for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
    explosions[1][i] = compile_sprzcol (IMGPOS (vehicles_img, 131, (5 - i)*33),
					0, 32, 32, vehicles_img.width, xbuf);
  for (; i < NBR_EXPLOSION_FRAMES; ++i)
    explosions[1][i] = compile_sprzcol (IMGPOS (vehicles_img, 98,
						(NBR_EXPLOSION_FRAMES - i - 1)
						* 33),
					0, 32, 32, vehicles_img.width, xbuf);
Ejemplo n.º 8
	Function: rotateByBilinear
		Rotates the image a given angle by applying bilinear method
		image - Image to be rotated.
		width - The image's width.
		height - The image's height.
		depth - The image's color depth.
		angle - clockwise rotation angle
		new_width - New image's width
		new_height - New image's height

		ret - The image rotated counter-clockwise by an angle
void rotateByBilinear (int *image, int *width, int *height, int *depth, double *angle, int *ret, int *new_width, int *new_height){
	int x_center, y_center, x_diff, y_diff;
	int x, y, d;
	double x_src_d, y_src_d;
	int x_src, y_src;
	double x_weight, y_weight;
	while (*angle >= 360){
		*angle = *angle - 360;
	x_center = *width/2;
	y_center = *height/2;
	x_diff = (*new_width - *width)/2;
	y_diff = (*new_height - *height)/2;
	for (y = -1*y_diff; y < (*new_height - y_diff); y++){
		for (x = -1*x_diff; x < (*new_width - x_diff); x++){
			x_src_d = (x - x_center) * cos(*angle) + (y - y_center) * sin(*angle) + x_center;
			y_src_d = (y - y_center) * cos(*angle) - (x - x_center) * sin(*angle) + y_center;
			x_src = (int) x_src_d;
			y_src = (int) y_src_d;
			x_weight = x_src_d - x_src;
			y_weight = y_src_d - y_src;
			for (d = 0; d < *depth; d++){
				if (x_src_d < 0 || y_src_d < 0 || x_src_d >= *width || y_src_d >= *height){
					ret[IMGPOS(x + x_diff, y + y_diff, d, *new_width, *new_height)] = 0;
					int a[4];
					a[0] = image[IMGPOS(x_src, y_src, d, *width, *height)];
					a[1] = (x_src == *width - 1) ? a[0] : image[IMGPOS(x_src + 1, y_src, d, *width, *height)];
					a[2] = (y_src == *height - 1)? a[0] : image[IMGPOS(x_src, y_src + 1, d, *width, *height)];
					a[3] = ((x_src == *width - 1) || (y_src == *height - 1)) ? a[0] : image[IMGPOS(x_src + 1, y_src + 1, d, *width, *height)];
					ret[IMGPOS(x + x_diff, y + y_diff, d, *new_width, *new_height)] = (int) bilinear (a, x_weight, y_weight);
Ejemplo n.º 9
	Function: kdtree_kmeans_it
	K Means kdtree classification algorithm - One iteration

		image - The image data
		width - Width of the image
		height - Heigth of the image
		depth - Color depth of the image
		k - Number of clusters in the classification
		clusters - Current clusters values
		mean_colors - Use the mean centroid values as cluster values?
		ret - The result image

		The clustered image
int kdtree_kmeans_it(int *image, int width, int height, int depth, int k, int **clusters, int mean_colors, int *ret){
	int i = 0, j = 0, d = 0; /* indexes iterators */
	int min_dist = -1; /* distances */
	int cluster = 0; /* current cluster class */
	int *pixel_it = malloc(depth * sizeof(int)); /* pixel iterator */
	int *pix_count = (int *) calloc(k, sizeof(int)); /* counts the pixel in each class */
	int changed = 0; /* has centroids changed? */
	float **new_clusters = (float **) malloc(k * sizeof(float *)); /* iterative cluster class mean */
	int *hr_min = calloc(depth, sizeof(int)), *hr_max = calloc(depth, sizeof(int));
	kdtree kd_nn = NULL;

	for (i = 0; i < depth; i++){
		hr_min[i] = MIN_PIXEL_VALUE;
		hr_max[i] = MAX_PIXEL_VALUE;

	kd_nn = kdtree_create(depth, hr_min, hr_max);

	/* allocate memory to keep cluster class means */
	for (i = 0; i < k; i++){
		for (d = 0; d < depth; d++){
			hr_min[d] = MIN_PIXEL_VALUE;
			hr_max[d] = MAX_PIXEL_VALUE;
		kd_nn = kdtree_add(kd_nn, i, clusters[i], hr_min, hr_max);
		new_clusters[i] = calloc(depth, sizeof(float));

	/* kmeans iteration */
	for (i = 0; i < width; i++){
		for (j = 0; j < height; j++){
			/* for each pixel */
			int l = 0;
			min_dist = -1;
			for (l = 0; l < depth; l++){
				pixel_it[l] = image[IMGPOS(i, j, l, width, height)];
			cluster = kdtree_nearestneighbor_id(kd_nn, pixel_it);
			for (l = 0; l < depth; l++){ /* updates cluster centroids means and sets return image */
				ret[IMGPOS(i, j, l, width, height)] = (mean_colors) ? clusters[cluster][l] : clusters[cluster][l];
				new_clusters[cluster][l] = mean_it(new_clusters[cluster][l], pix_count[cluster], pixel_it[l]);

	/* update clusters and free used memory */
	for (i = 0; i < k; i++){
		for (d = 0; d < depth; d++){
			if (clusters[i][d] != (int) new_clusters[i][d]){
				clusters[i][d] = (int) (new_clusters[i][d]);
				changed = 1;
	return changed;