Ejemplo n.º 1
* This function finds a matching using the HEM heuristic
void Match_HEM(CtrlType *ctrl, GraphType *graph)
  int i, ii, j, k, nvtxs, cnvtxs, maxidx, dim;
  idxtype *xadj, *vwgt, *adjncy;
  idxtype *match, *cmap, *perm, *tperm;
  realtype curwgt, maxwgt;
  realtype *vvol, *vsurf, *adjwgt, *adjwgtsum;

  dim       = ctrl->dim;
  nvtxs     = graph->nvtxs;
  xadj      = graph->xadj;
  vwgt      = graph->vwgt;
  vvol      = graph->vvol;
  vsurf     = graph->vsurf;
  adjncy    = graph->adjncy;
  adjwgt    = graph->adjwgt;
  adjwgtsum = graph->adjwgtsum;

  cmap = graph->cmap = idxsmalloc(nvtxs, -1, "cmap");
  match = idxsmalloc(nvtxs, -1, "match");

  perm = idxmalloc(nvtxs, "perm");
  tperm = idxmalloc(nvtxs, "tperm");

  RandomPermute(nvtxs, tperm, 1);
  BucketSortKeysInc(nvtxs, vwgt[iamax(nvtxs, vwgt)], vwgt, tperm, perm);
  /* RandomPermute(nvtxs, perm, 1);  */

  cnvtxs = 0;

  /* Compute a heavy-edge style matching giving preferance to small vertices */
  for (ii=0; ii<nvtxs; ii++) {
     i = perm[ii];

     if (match[i] == UNMATCHED) {
       maxidx = i;
       maxwgt = 0.0;

       /* Find a heavy-edge matching, subject to maxvwgt constraints */
       for (j=xadj[i]; j<xadj[i+1]; j++) {
          k = adjncy[j];
          curwgt = 1.0/ARATIO2(dim, vsurf[i]+vsurf[k]+adjwgtsum[i]+adjwgtsum[k]-
                   2.0*adjwgt[j], vvol[i]+vvol[k]);
          if (match[k] == UNMATCHED && vwgt[i]+vwgt[k] <= ctrl->maxsize &&
              curwgt > maxwgt) {
            maxwgt = curwgt;
            maxidx = k;

       cmap[i] = cmap[maxidx] = cnvtxs++;
       match[i] = maxidx;
       match[maxidx] = i;

  CreateCoarseGraph(graph, cnvtxs, match, perm);

  IMfree((void**)&tperm, &perm, &match, LTERM);
Ejemplo n.º 2
* This function creates the fused-element-graph and returns the partition
void ParMETIS_FusedElementGraph(idxtype *vtxdist, idxtype *xadj, realtype *vvol,
              realtype *vsurf, idxtype *adjncy, idxtype *vwgt, realtype *adjwgt,
              int *wgtflag, int *numflag, int *nparts, int *options,
              idxtype *part, MPI_Comm *comm)
  int npes, mype, nvtxs;
  CtrlType ctrl;
  WorkSpaceType wspace;
  GraphType *graph;

  MPI_Comm_size(*comm, &npes);
  MPI_Comm_rank(*comm, &mype);

  nvtxs = vtxdist[mype+1]-vtxdist[mype];

  /* IFSET(options[OPTION_DBGLVL], DBG_TRACK, printf("%d ParMETIS_FEG npes=%d\n",mype, npes)); */

  SetUpCtrl(&ctrl, *nparts, options, *comm);
  ctrl.CoarsenTo = amin(vtxdist[npes]+1, 25*amax(npes, *nparts));

  graph = SetUpGraph(&ctrl, vtxdist, xadj, vwgt, adjncy, adjwgt, *wgtflag);

  graph->where = part;

  PreAllocateMemory(&ctrl, graph, &wspace);

  IFSET(ctrl.dbglvl, DBG_TIME, InitTimers(&ctrl));
  IFSET(ctrl.dbglvl, DBG_TIME, MPI_Barrier(ctrl.gcomm));
  IFSET(ctrl.dbglvl, DBG_TIME, starttimer(ctrl.TotalTmr));

  CreateFusedElementGraph(&ctrl, graph, &wspace, numflag);

  idxcopy(nvtxs, graph->where, part);

  IFSET(ctrl.dbglvl, DBG_TIME, MPI_Barrier(ctrl.gcomm));
  IFSET(ctrl.dbglvl, DBG_TIME, stoptimer(ctrl.TotalTmr));

  if (((*wgtflag)&2) == 0)
    IMfree((void**)&graph->vwgt, LTERM);
  IMfree((void**)&graph->lperm, &graph->peind, &graph->pexadj, &graph->peadjncy,
         &graph->peadjloc, &graph->recvptr, &graph->recvind, &graph->sendptr,
         &graph->imap, &graph->sendind, &graph, LTERM);
Ejemplo n.º 3
* This function is the entry point of the parallel multilevel local diffusion
* algorithm. It uses parallel undirected diffusion followed by adaptive k-way 
* refinement. This function utilizes local coarsening.
void ParMETIS_RepartLDiffusion(idxtype *vtxdist, idxtype *xadj, idxtype *adjncy, 
       idxtype *vwgt, realtype *adjwgt, int *wgtflag, int *numflag, int *options,
       int *edgecut, idxtype *part, MPI_Comm *comm)
  int npes, mype;
  CtrlType ctrl;
  WorkSpaceType wspace;
  GraphType *graph;

  MPI_Comm_size(*comm, &npes);
  MPI_Comm_rank(*comm, &mype);

  if (npes == 1) { /* Take care the npes = 1 case */
    idxset(vtxdist[1], 0, part);
    *edgecut = 0;

  if (*numflag == 1) 
    ChangeNumbering(vtxdist, xadj, adjncy, part, npes, mype, 1);

  SetUpCtrl(&ctrl, npes, options, *comm);
  ctrl.CoarsenTo = amin(vtxdist[npes]+1, 70*npes);

  graph = SetUpGraph(&ctrl, vtxdist, xadj, vwgt, adjncy, adjwgt, *wgtflag);
  graph->vsize = idxsmalloc(graph->nvtxs, 1, "Par_KMetis: vsize");

  PreAllocateMemory(&ctrl, graph, &wspace);

  IFSET(ctrl.dbglvl, DBG_TRACK, printf("%d ParMETIS_RepartLDiffusion about to call AdaptiveUndirected_Partition\n",mype));
  AdaptiveUndirected_Partition(&ctrl, graph, &wspace);

  IFSET(ctrl.dbglvl, DBG_TRACK, printf("%d ParMETIS_RepartLDiffusion about to call ReMapGraph\n",mype));
  ReMapGraph(&ctrl, graph, 0, &wspace);

  idxcopy(graph->nvtxs, graph->where, part);
  *edgecut = graph->mincut;

  IMfree((void**)&graph->vsize, LTERM);
  FreeInitialGraphAndRemap(graph, *wgtflag);

  if (*numflag == 1)
    ChangeNumbering(vtxdist, xadj, adjncy, part, npes, mype, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 4
* This function finds a matching using the HEM heuristic
void Match_RM(CtrlType *ctrl, GraphType *graph)
  int i, ii, j, k, nvtxs, cnvtxs, maxidx;
  idxtype *xadj, *vwgt, *adjncy;
  idxtype *match, *cmap, *perm;

  nvtxs = graph->nvtxs;
  xadj = graph->xadj;
  vwgt = graph->vwgt;
  adjncy = graph->adjncy;

  cmap = graph->cmap = idxsmalloc(nvtxs, -1, "graph->cmap");
  match = idxsmalloc(nvtxs, -1, "match");
  perm = idxmalloc(nvtxs, "perm");

  RandomPermute(nvtxs, perm, 1);

  cnvtxs = 0;
  for (ii=0; ii<nvtxs; ii++) {
     i = perm[ii];

     if (match[i] == UNMATCHED) {
       maxidx = i;

       /* Find a random matching, subject to maxvwgt constraints */
       for (j=xadj[i]; j<xadj[i+1]; j++) {
          k = adjncy[j];
          if (match[k] == UNMATCHED && vwgt[i]+vwgt[k] <= ctrl->maxsize) {
            maxidx = k;

       cmap[i] = cmap[maxidx] = cnvtxs++;
       match[i] = maxidx;
       match[maxidx] = i;

  CreateCoarseGraph(graph, cnvtxs, match, perm);

  IMfree((void**)&match, &perm, LTERM);
Ejemplo n.º 5
* This function is the testing routine for the adaptive multilevel partitioning code.
* It computes a partition from scratch, it then moves the graph and changes some
* of the vertex weights and then call the adaptive code.
void TestParMGridGen(char *filename, int *options, int minsize, int maxsize, MPI_Comm comm)
  int i, nparts, npes, mype;
  MGridGraphType graph;
  idxtype *part;
  double tmr;

  MPI_Comm_size(comm, &npes);
  MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &mype);

  MGridReadTestGraph(&graph, filename, comm);

  part = idxmalloc(graph.nvtxs, "TestParMGridGen: part");

  / ParMETIS_AspectRatio
  if (mype==0)
    printf("------------------------ PARAMETERS --------------------------------------\n");
  for (i=0; i<npes; i++)
    if (mype == i)
      printf("%s, Dim=%d [%2d %2d] CType=%d RType=%d Nvtxs=%d Nedges=%d\n", filename,
              options[OPTION_DIM], minsize, maxsize, options[OPTION_CTYPE],
              options[OPTION_RTYPE], graph.nvtxs, graph.nedges);

  ParMGridGen(graph.vtxdist, graph.xadj, graph.vvol, graph.vsurf, graph.adjncy,
              graph.adjwgt, &nparts, minsize, maxsize, options, part, &comm);

  printf("Total Time = %lf\n", gettimer(tmr));

  WriteParallelPartition(filename, part, graph.vtxdist, nparts, mype, npes);

  IMfree(&graph.vtxdist, &graph.xadj, &graph.vvol, &graph.vsurf, &graph.vwgt,
         &graph.adjncy, &graph.adjwgt, &part, LTERM);
Ejemplo n.º 6
* This function finds a matching using the HEM heuristic
void Match_HEM_True(CtrlType *ctrl, GraphType *graph)
  int i, ii, j, k, dim, nvtxs, cnvtxs, ncand;
  idxtype *xadj, *vwgt, *adjncy;
  idxtype *match, *cmap, *perm;
  realtype *vvol, *vsurf, *adjwgt, *adjwgtsum;
  FKeyValueType *cand;

  dim       = ctrl->dim;
  nvtxs     = graph->nvtxs;
  xadj      = graph->xadj;
  vwgt      = graph->vwgt;
  vvol      = graph->vvol;
  vsurf     = graph->vsurf;
  adjncy    = graph->adjncy;
  adjwgt    = graph->adjwgt;
  adjwgtsum = graph->adjwgtsum;

  cmap = graph->cmap = idxsmalloc(nvtxs, -1, "cmap");
  match = idxsmalloc(nvtxs, -1, "match");

  perm = idxmalloc(nvtxs, "perm");
  RandomPermute(nvtxs, perm, 1);

  cand = (FKeyValueType *)IMmalloc((xadj[nvtxs]/2)*sizeof(FKeyValueType), "cand");

  /* insert the vertices according to their aspect ratio */
  for (ncand=0, ii=0; ii<nvtxs; ii++) {
     i = perm[ii];
     for (j=xadj[i]; j<xadj[i+1]; j++) {
        k = adjncy[j];
        if (k > i || vwgt[i] + vwgt[k] > ctrl->maxsize)

        cand[ncand].val1 = i;
        cand[ncand].val2 = k;
        cand[ncand].key = ARATIO2(dim, vsurf[i]+vsurf[k]+adjwgtsum[i]+adjwgtsum[k]
                                  -2.0*adjwgt[j], vvol[i]+vvol[k]);

  ifkeysort(ncand, cand);

  /* Compute heaviest style matching */
  idxset(nvtxs, -1, perm);
  for (cnvtxs=0, ii=0; ii<ncand; ii++) {
     if (cnvtxs > .25*nvtxs)

     i = cand[ii].val1;
     k = cand[ii].val2;

     if (match[i] == UNMATCHED && match[k] == UNMATCHED) {
       perm[cnvtxs] = i;
       perm[nvtxs-cnvtxs-1] = k;
       cmap[i] = cmap[k] = cnvtxs++;
       match[i] = k;
       match[k] = i;

  /* take care of the unmatched vertices */
  for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
     if (match[i] == UNMATCHED) {
       perm[cnvtxs] = i;
       cmap[i] = cnvtxs++;
       match[i] = i;

  CreateCoarseGraph(graph, cnvtxs, match, perm);

  IMfree((void**)&cand, &perm, &match, LTERM);
Ejemplo n.º 7
* This function finds a matching using the HEM heuristic
void Match_HEM_Slow_Restricted(CtrlType *ctrl, GraphType *graph)
  int i, ii, j, k, dim, nvtxs, cnvtxs, maxidx, nmatched;
  idxtype *xadj, *vwgt, *adjncy, *where;
  idxtype *match, *cmap, *perm;
  realtype curwgt, maxwgt;
  realtype *vvol, *vsurf, *adjwgt, *adjwgtsum;

  dim       = ctrl->dim;
  nvtxs     = graph->nvtxs;
  xadj      = graph->xadj;
  vwgt      = graph->vwgt;
  vvol      = graph->vvol;
  vsurf     = graph->vsurf;
  adjncy    = graph->adjncy;
  adjwgt    = graph->adjwgt;
  adjwgtsum = graph->adjwgtsum;
  where     = graph->where;

  cmap = graph->cmap = idxsmalloc(nvtxs, -1, "cmap");
  match = idxsmalloc(nvtxs, -1, "match");

  perm = idxmalloc(nvtxs, "perm");
  RandomPermute(nvtxs, perm, 1);

  cnvtxs = 0;

  /* Compute a heavy-edge style matching giving preferance to small vertices */
  for (nmatched=0, ii=0; ii<nvtxs; ii++) {
     i = perm[ii];

     if (match[i] == UNMATCHED) {
       maxidx = i;
       maxwgt = 0.0;

       /* Find a heavy-edge matching, subject to maxvwgt constraints */
       if (nmatched < .3*nvtxs) {
         for (j=xadj[i]; j<xadj[i+1]; j++) {
            k = adjncy[j];
            if (where[i] != where[k])
              continue;  /* perform a restricted matching */

            curwgt = 1.0/ARATIO2(dim, vsurf[i]+vsurf[k]+adjwgtsum[i]+adjwgtsum[k]
                     -2.0*adjwgt[j], vvol[i]+vvol[k]);
            if (match[k] == UNMATCHED && vwgt[i]+vwgt[k] <= ctrl->maxsize &&
                curwgt > maxwgt) {
              maxwgt = curwgt;
              maxidx = k;
       if (maxidx != i)

       cmap[i] = cmap[maxidx] = cnvtxs++;
       match[i] = maxidx;
       match[maxidx] = i;

  CreateCoarseGraph(graph, cnvtxs, match, perm);

  IMfree((void**)&perm, &match, LTERM);
Ejemplo n.º 8
void CreateFusedElementGraph(CtrlType *ctrl, GraphType *graph, WorkSpaceType *wspace, int *numflag)
  int i, j, k, l;
  int *nparts, ipart, mypart, newpart;
  int wgtflag, edgecut, npes, mype, nvtxs, nedges, counter;
  int gnfvtxs, nfvtxs, firstfvtx;
  int foptions[10];
  idxtype *fptr, *find;
  idxtype *part, *fpart, *spart, *rpart;
  idxtype *vtxdist, *xadj, *adjncy;
  idxtype *fvtxdist, *fxadj, *fadjncy;
  idxtype *map;
  realtype *fadjwgt;
  MPI_Comm *comm;

  npes = ctrl->npes;
  mype = ctrl->mype;
  nparts = &(ctrl->nparts);
  comm = &(ctrl->comm);

  vtxdist = graph->vtxdist;
  xadj = graph->xadj;
  adjncy = graph->adjncy;

  nvtxs = vtxdist[mype+1]-vtxdist[mype];
  nedges = xadj[nvtxs];

  SetUp(ctrl, graph, wspace);

  /* Communicate number of parts found */
  fvtxdist = idxmalloc(npes+1, "FusedElementGraph: fvtxdist");
  MPI_Allgather((void *)nparts, 1, MPI_INT, (void *)fvtxdist, 1, MPI_INT, *comm);

  MAKECSR(i, npes, fvtxdist);
  firstfvtx = fvtxdist[mype];
  nfvtxs = fvtxdist[mype+1]-fvtxdist[mype];
  gnfvtxs = fvtxdist[npes];

  ASSERT(ctrl, nfvtxs == *nparts);

  part = idxmalloc(nvtxs+graph->nrecv, "FusedElementGraph: part");
  idxcopy(nvtxs, graph->where, part);
  spart = wspace->indices;
  rpart = part + nvtxs;

  CommInterfaceData(ctrl, graph, part, spart, rpart);

  /* Create a part-to-vertex mapping */
/*  map = idxsmalloc(gnfvtxs, -1, "FusedElementGraph: map"); */ /* TOO GENEROUS !! */
/*  fptr = idxsmalloc(*nparts+1, 0, "FusedElementGraph: fptr"); */
/*  find = idxmalloc(nvtxs, "FusedElementGraph: find"); */
  if (gnfvtxs + nvtxs + (*nparts+1) <= wspace->maxcore) {
    map = wspace->core;
    idxset(gnfvtxs, -1, map);
    fptr = map + gnfvtxs;
  else {
    map = idxsmalloc(gnfvtxs, -1, "FusedElementGraph: map");
    fptr = wspace->core;
  idxset((*nparts+1), 0, fptr);
  find = fptr + (*nparts+1);

  for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++)
  MAKECSR(i, *nparts, fptr);
  for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
     ipart = part[i] - firstfvtx;
     find[fptr[ipart]] = i;

  for (ipart=*nparts; ipart>0; ipart--)
     fptr[ipart] = fptr[ipart-1];
  fptr[0] = 0;

  /* Create the fused graph for the local edges */
  fxadj = idxsmalloc(nfvtxs+1, 0, "FusedElementGraph: fxadj");
  fadjncy = idxmalloc(nedges, "FusedElementGraph: fadjncy");
  fadjwgt = realsmalloc(nedges, 0, "FusedElementGraph: fadjwgt");

  fxadj[0] = 0;
  for (ipart=0; ipart<*nparts; ipart++) {
     counter = 0;
     mypart = ipart + firstfvtx;

     for (l=fptr[ipart]; l<fptr[ipart+1]; l++) {
        i = find[l];
        for (j=xadj[i]; j<xadj[i+1]; j++) {
           if (newpart != mypart && map[newpart] == -1) {  /* edge is not created yet */
             map[newpart] = fxadj[ipart]+counter;
             fadjncy[fxadj[ipart]+counter] = newpart;
             fadjwgt[map[newpart]] = 1;         /* alternatively = adjwgt[k] */
           else if (newpart != mypart && map[newpart] != -1)  /* edge is already there */
     fxadj[ipart+1] = fxadj[ipart] + counter;
     for (i=fxadj[ipart]; i<fxadj[ipart+1]; i++)
        map[fadjncy[i]] = -1;

  /* Now change the weights of the interface edges */
  ChangeWeights(nfvtxs, fvtxdist, fxadj, fadjncy, fadjwgt, *comm);

  /* Repartition the graph using fused elements */
  foptions[0] = 1;
  foptions[3] = 0;

/* fpart = idxmalloc(nfvtxs, "TestParMetis: fpart"); */
  fpart = map;   /* it is OK since nfvtxs < gnfvtxs */

  wgtflag = 1;
  ParMETIS_RepartLDiffusion(fvtxdist, fxadj, fadjncy, NULL, fadjwgt,
                 &wgtflag, numflag, foptions, &edgecut, fpart, comm);

  /* Project the partitioning back to the original graph */
  for (ipart=0; ipart<nfvtxs; ipart++)  {
     ASSERTP(ctrl, fpart[ipart] >= 0 && fpart[ipart] < npes, (ctrl, "%d %d %d\n", ipart , fpart[ipart], npes) );
     for (i=fptr[ipart]; i<fptr[ipart+1]; i++)

  if (gnfvtxs + nvtxs + (*nparts+1) > wspace->maxcore)
    IMfree((void**)&map, LTERM);
  IMfree((void**)&fvtxdist, &fxadj, &fadjncy, &fadjwgt, &part, LTERM);