int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { timeSelector::addOptions(); #include "addRegionOption.H" Foam::argList::addOption ( "dir", "word", "Direction to remove in TKE. -dir x, or y, or z." ); #include "setRootCase.H" #include "createTime.H" instantList timeDirs = timeSelector::select0(runTime, args); #include "createNamedMesh.H" if (args.optionFound("dir")==true) { word dir(args.optionRead<word>("dir")); forAll(timeDirs, timeI) { runTime.setTime(timeDirs[timeI], timeI); Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << endl; IOobject UPrime2MeanHeader ( "UPrime2Mean", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ ); volScalarField TKE2D ( IOobject ( "TKE2D", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ), mesh, dimensionedScalar ( "dimTKE2D", pow(dimLength,2)/pow(dimTime,2), 0 ), "zeroGradient" ); if (UPrime2MeanHeader.headerOk()) { Info<< " Reading average field UPrime2Mean" << endl; volSymmTensorField UPrime2Mean(UPrime2MeanHeader, mesh); if (dir=="x") { Info << " Calculating 2D turbulent kinetic energy TKE2D without the " << dir << "component." << endl; TKE2D = 0.5 * ( // UPrime2Mean.component(0) UPrime2Mean.component(3) + UPrime2Mean.component(5) ); } else if (dir=="y") { Info << " Calculating 2D turbulent kinetic energy TKE2D without the " << dir << "component." << endl; TKE2D = 0.5 * ( UPrime2Mean.component(0) // + UPrime2Mean.component(3) + UPrime2Mean.component(5) ); } else if (dir=="z") { Info << " Calculating 2D turbulent kinetic energy TKE2D without the " << dir << "component." << endl; TKE2D = 0.5 * ( UPrime2Mean.component(0) + UPrime2Mean.component(3) // + UPrime2Mean.component(5) ); } else { Info << " dir must be x, y or z" << endl; } TKE2D.write(); } else { Info << "No UPrime2Mean." << endl; return 1; } }
// *********************************************************** // Construct from components for scalarGeneralExchangePhaseChange scalarGeneralExchange::scalarGeneralExchange ( const dictionary& dict, cfdemCloud& sm, word dictName ) : forceModel(dict,sm), propsDict_(dict.subDict(dictName + "Props")), scalarTransportProperties_ //this is clumsy, but effective ( IOobject ( "scalarTransportProperties", sm.mesh().time().constant(), sm.mesh(), IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ) ), generalPropsDict_(scalarTransportProperties_.subDict("generalManualProps")), voidfractionFieldName_(propsDict_.lookup("voidfractionFieldName")), //common names/data velFieldName_(propsDict_.lookup("velFieldName")), tempFieldName_(propsDict_.lookup("tempFieldName")), //temperature names/data partTempName_(propsDict_.lookup("partTempName")), partHeatFluxName_(propsDict_.lookupOrDefault<word>( "partHeatFluxName", "none")), partHeatTransCoeffName_(propsDict_.lookupOrDefault<word>("partHeatTransCoeffName", "none")), partHeatFluidName_(propsDict_.lookupOrDefault<word>( "partHeatFluidName", "none")), partDat_(NULL), partDatFlux_(NULL), partDatTransCoeff_(NULL), partDatFluid_(NULL), partDatTmpExpl_(NULL), partDatTmpImpl_(NULL), validPartFlux_(false), validPartTransCoeff_(false), validPartFluid_(false), haveTemperatureEqn_(false), useLiMason_(false), useGeneralCorrelation_(false), lambda_(readScalar(propsDict_.lookup("lambda"))), Prandtl_(readScalar(propsDict_.lookup("Prandtl"))), eulerianFieldNames_( generalPropsDict_.lookup("eulerianFields")), partSpeciesNames_(propsDict_.lookup("partSpeciesNames")), partSpeciesFluxNames_(propsDict_.lookup("partSpeciesFluxNames")), partSpeciesTransCoeffNames_(propsDict_.lookup("partSpeciesTransCoeffNames")), partSpeciesFluidNames_(propsDict_.lookup("partSpeciesFluidNames")), DMolecular_(propsDict_.lookup("DMolecular")), partHeatFluxPositionInRegister_(-1), partHeatTransCoeffPositionInRegister_(-1), partHeatFluidPositionInRegister_(-1), maxSource_(1e30), scaleDia_(1.) { setForceSubModels(propsDict_); setupModel(); if (probeIt_ && propsDict_.found("suppressProbe")) probeIt_=!Switch(propsDict_.lookup("suppressProbe")); if(probeIt_) { forAll(eulerianFieldNames_, fieldIt) { particleCloud_.probeM().initialize(dictName, dictName + "_" + eulerianFieldNames_[fieldIt] + ".logDat"); particleCloud_.probeM().vectorFields_.append("Urel"); //first entry must the be the vector to probe if(eulerianFieldNames_[fieldIt]==tempFieldName_) //this is the temperature { particleCloud_.probeM().scalarFields_.append("Rep"); particleCloud_.probeM().scalarFields_.append("Nu"); //other are debug } else particleCloud_.probeM().scalarFields_.append("Sh"); particleCloud_.probeM().scalarFields_.append("exchangeRate"); particleCloud_.probeM().writeHeader(); } }
bool Foam::fileFormats::VTKsurfaceFormat<Face>::read ( const fileName& filename ) { const bool mustTriangulate = this->isTri(); this->clear(); IFstream is(filename); if (!is.good()) { FatalErrorInFunction << "Cannot read file " << filename << exit(FatalError); } // assume that the groups are not intermixed bool sorted = true; // Construct dummy time so we have something to create an objectRegistry // from Time dummyTime ( "dummyRoot", "dummyCase", "system", "constant", false // enableFunctionObjects ); // Make dummy object registry objectRegistry obr ( IOobject ( "dummy", dummyTime, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE, false ) ); // Read all vtkUnstructuredReader reader(obr, is); const faceList& faces = reader.faces(); // Assume all faces in zone0 unless a region field is present labelList zones(faces.size(), 0); if (reader.cellData().foundObject<scalarIOField>("region")) { const scalarIOField& region = reader.cellData().lookupObject<scalarIOField> ( "region" ); forAll(region, i) { zones[i] = label(region[i]); } }
void Foam::fileControl::initialVertices ( pointField& pts, scalarField& sizes, triadField& alignments ) const { Info<< " Reading points from file : " << pointsFile_ << endl; pointIOField pointsTmp ( IOobject ( pointsFile_, runTime_.constant(), runTime_, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE, false ) ); pts.transfer(pointsTmp); Info<< " Reading sizes from file : " << sizesFile_ << endl; scalarIOField sizesTmp ( IOobject ( sizesFile_, runTime_.constant(), runTime_, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE, false ) ); sizes.transfer(sizesTmp); Info<< " Reading alignments from file : " << alignmentsFile_ << endl; triadIOField alignmentsTmp ( IOobject ( alignmentsFile_, runTime_.constant(), runTime_, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE, false ) ); alignments.transfer(alignmentsTmp); if ((pts.size() != sizes.size()) || (pts.size() != alignments.size())) { FatalErrorInFunction << "Size of list of points, sizes and alignments do not match:" << nl << "Points size = " << pts.size() << nl << "Sizes size = " << sizes.size() << nl << "Alignments size = " << alignments.size() << abort(FatalError); } }
Foam::autoPtr<Foam::dynamicFvMesh> Foam::dynamicFvMesh::New(const IOobject& io) { wordList libNames(1); libNames[0]=word("mesquiteMotionSolver"); forAll(libNames,i) { const word libName("lib"+libNames[i]+".so"); bool ok=dlLibraryTable::open(libName); if(!ok) { WarningIn("dynamicFvMesh::New(const IOobject& io)") << "Loading of dynamic mesh library " << libName << " unsuccesful. Some dynamic mesh methods may not be " << " available" << endl; } } // Enclose the creation of the dynamicMesh to ensure it is // deleted before the dynamicFvMesh is created otherwise the dictionary // is entered in the database twice IOdictionary dynamicMeshDict ( IOobject ( "dynamicMeshDict", io.time().constant(), ( == dynamicFvMesh::defaultRegion ? "" : ), io.db(), IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE, false ) ); word dynamicFvMeshTypeName(dynamicMeshDict.lookup("dynamicFvMesh")); Info<< "Selecting dynamicFvMesh " << dynamicFvMeshTypeName << endl; dlLibraryTable::open ( dynamicMeshDict, "dynamicFvMeshLibs", IOobjectConstructorTablePtr_ ); if (!IOobjectConstructorTablePtr_) { FatalErrorIn ( "dynamicFvMesh::New(const IOobject&)" ) << "dynamicFvMesh table is empty" << exit(FatalError); } IOobjectConstructorTable::iterator cstrIter = IOobjectConstructorTablePtr_->find(dynamicFvMeshTypeName); if (cstrIter == IOobjectConstructorTablePtr_->end()) { FatalErrorIn ( "dynamicFvMesh::New(const IOobject&)" ) << "Unknown dynamicFvMesh type " << dynamicFvMeshTypeName << endl << endl << "Valid dynamicFvMesh types are :" << endl << IOobjectConstructorTablePtr_->sortedToc() << exit(FatalError); } return autoPtr<dynamicFvMesh>(cstrIter()(io)); }
void Foam::calcTypes::fieldMap2d::preCalc ( const argList& args, const Time& runTime, const fvMesh& mesh ) { const word dictName("fieldMap2dDict"); IOdictionary dict ( IOobject ( dictName, runTime.system(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ) ); if( !dict.readIfPresent<word>("patchName", patchName) ) { SeriousErrorIn("preCalc") << "There is no patchName parameter in fieldMap2dDict dictionary" << exit(FatalError); } if( !dict.readIfPresent<word>("geometry", geometry) ) { SeriousErrorIn("preCalc") << "There is no geometry parameter in fieldMap2dDict dictionary" << exit(FatalError); } point minPoint; if( !dict.readIfPresent<point>("minPoint", minPoint) ) { SeriousErrorIn("preCalc") << "There is no minPoint parameter in fieldMap2dDict dictionary" << exit(FatalError); } point maxPoint; if( !dict.readIfPresent<point>("maxPoint", maxPoint) ) { SeriousErrorIn("preCalc") << "There is no maxPoint parameter in fieldMap2dDict dictionary" << exit(FatalError); } int integrationDir; if( !dict.readIfPresent<int>("integrationDirection", integrationDir) ) { SeriousErrorIn("preCalc") << "There is no integrationDirection parameter " "in fieldMap2dDict dictionary" << exit(FatalError); } intDir = integrationDir; int flowDir; if( !dict.readIfPresent<int>("flowDirection", flowDir) ) { SeriousErrorIn("preCalc") << "There is no flowDirection parameter " "in fieldMap2dDict dictionary" << exit(FatalError); } majDir = flowDir; int expectedNumberOfIntersections; if ( !dict.readIfPresent<int> ( "expectedNumberOfIntersections", expectedNumberOfIntersections ) ) { SeriousErrorIn("preCalc") << "There is no expectedNumberOfIntersections parameter " "in fieldMap2dDict dictionary" << exit(FatalError); } expNI = expectedNumberOfIntersections; int numberOfIntegrationPoints; if ( !dict.readIfPresent<int> ( "numberOfIntegrationPoints", numberOfIntegrationPoints ) ) { SeriousErrorIn("preCalc") << "There is no numberOfIntegrationPoints parameter " "in fieldMap2dDict dictionary" << exit(FatalError); } #ifdef FOAM_DEV const word& processingType = args.additionalArgs()[1]; const word& Nword = args.additionalArgs()[2]; const word& Mword = args.additionalArgs()[3]; const word& Kword = args.additionalArgs()[4]; N_ = std::atoi( Nword.c_str() ); M_ = std::atoi( Mword.c_str() ); Info << "FOAM_DEV true: "<< FOAM_DEV <<nl; #else const word processingType = args[2]; N_ = std::atoi( args[3].c_str() ); M_ = std::atoi( args[4].c_str() ); Info << "FOAM_DEV false: " <<nl; #endif processingType_ = const_cast<word&>(processingType); latDir = 3 - (intDir + majDir); Info<<"* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" <<nl <<"Post-processing parameters:"<<nl <<"patchName: "<< patchName<<nl <<"geometry: "<< geometry<<nl <<"minPoint: "<< minPoint<<nl <<"maxPoint: "<< maxPoint<<nl <<"major direction: "<< majDir<<nl <<"lateral direction: "<< latDir<<nl <<"integration direction: "<< intDir<<nl <<"number of intersections: "<<expNI<<nl <<"number of integration points: "<< numberOfIntegrationPoints <<endl; if ( processingType_!="ccAll" && geometry == "concentricCylinders" ) { SeriousErrorIn("preCalc") << "Concentric cylinders geometry should have proc type ccAll" << exit(FatalError); } N1_ = N_+1; M1_ = M_+1; K_ = numberOfIntegrationPoints; K1_ = numberOfIntegrationPoints+1; N1M1 = N1_*M1_; // need temporary arguments in order to add a 0 time directory /* argList argsTmp = args; argsTmp.setOption("time", "0"); Foam::Time timeTmp(Foam::Time::controlDictName, argsTmp); Foam::instantList timeDirs = Foam::timeSelector::select0(timeTmp, argsTmp); timeTmp.setTime(timeDirs[0], 0); Foam::fvMesh meshTmp ( Foam::IOobject ( Foam::fvMesh::defaultRegion, timeTmp.timeName(), timeTmp, Foam::IOobject::MUST_READ ) ); if( timeTmp.timeName()!="0" ) { SeriousErrorIn("fieldOperations::getInletAreaT0") <<"There is no 0 time directory. Check your decomposition as well!"<<nl <<"TimeTmp: "<< timeTmp.timeName()<<nl <<exit(FatalError); } */ //Info << "Calculating the max and min coordinates"<<nl; //const pointField &allPoints = meshTmp.points(); //minPosX = min( allPoints.component(vector::X) ); //minPosY = min( allPoints.component(vector::Y) ); //minPosZ = min( allPoints.component(vector::Z) ); if(geometry=="flat") { minPosMaj = minPoint.component(majDir); minPosLat = minPoint.component(latDir); minPosInt = minPoint.component(intDir); maxPosMaj = maxPoint.component(majDir); maxPosLat = maxPoint.component(latDir); maxPosInt = maxPoint.component(intDir); // z becomes x; x becomes y dx = (maxPosMaj - minPosMaj) / static_cast<scalar>(N_); dy = (maxPosLat - minPosLat) / static_cast<scalar>(M_); } else if(geometry=="concentricCylinders") { minPosMaj = minPoint.component(majDir); minPosLat = 0.0; minPosInt = 0.0; maxPosMaj = maxPoint.component(majDir); maxPosLat = constant::mathematical::twoPi; maxPosInt = maxPoint.component(intDir); // in case of concentric cylinders we go around the circle dx = (maxPosMaj - minPosMaj) / static_cast<scalar>(N_); dy = (maxPosLat - minPosLat) / static_cast<scalar>(M_); } else { FatalError<<"Unknown geometry"<<nl<<exit(FatalError); } // calculate the size of the current pattern being not bigger then 10^7 thisTimeSize = min(N1M1, maxNumProcPoints); curNum = 0; curEnd = thisTimeSize; totNumLoop = (N1M1-1) / maxNumProcPoints + 1; }
autoPtr<DMDModel<Type> > DMDModel<Type>::New ( const fvMesh& mesh ) { // get model name, but do not register the dictionary // otherwise it is registered in the database twice const word DMDModelName ( IOdictionary ( IOobject ( "DMDProperties", mesh.time().constant(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED, IOobject::NO_WRITE, false ) ).lookup("DMDModel") ); Info<< "Selecting DMD model " << DMDModelName << endl; if (!dictionaryConstructorTablePtr_) { FatalErrorIn ( "DMDModel::New" "(" "const fvMesh& mesh," "const PtrList<GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh> >& fields" ")" ) << "DMD model table is empty" << exit(FatalError); } typename dictionaryConstructorTable::iterator cstrIter = dictionaryConstructorTablePtr_->find(DMDModelName); if (cstrIter == dictionaryConstructorTablePtr_->end()) { FatalErrorIn ( "DMDModel::New" "(" "const fvMesh& mesh," "const PtrList<GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh> >& fields" ")" ) << "Unknown DMDModel type " << DMDModelName << nl << nl << "Valid DMDModel types:" << endl << dictionaryConstructorTablePtr_->sortedToc() << exit(FatalError); } return autoPtr<Foam::DMDModel<Type> > ( cstrIter()(mesh, DMDModelName) ); }
Foam::tmp<Foam::surfaceScalarField> Foam::harmonic<Type>::weights ( const GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh>& phi ) const { // Implement weights-based stabilised harmonic interpolation using // magnitude of type // Algorithm: // 1) calculate magnitude of internal field and neighbour field // 2) calculate harmonic mean magnitude // 3) express harmonic mean magnitude as: mean = w*mOwn + (1 - w)*mNei // 4) Based on above, calculate w = (mean - mNei)/(mOwn - mNei) // 5) Use weights to interpolate values tmp<surfaceScalarField> tw ( new surfaceScalarField ( IOobject ( "harmonicWeightingFactors" +, this->mesh().time().timeName(), this->mesh() ), this->mesh() , dimless ) ); const surfaceScalarField& deltaCoeffs = this->mesh().deltaCoeffs(); const surfaceScalarField& weights = this->mesh().weights(); const magLongDelta& mld = magLongDelta::New(this->mesh()); const surfaceScalarField& longDelta = mld.magDelta(); surfaceScalarField& w = tw(); const unallocLabelList& owner = this->mesh().owner(); const unallocLabelList& neighbour = this->mesh().neighbour(); scalarField magPhi = mag(phi); scalarField& wIn = w.internalField(); // Larger small for complex arithmetic accuracy const scalar kSmall = 1000*SMALL; // Calculate internal weights using field magnitude forAll (owner, faceI) { label own = owner[faceI]; label nei = neighbour[faceI]; scalar mOwn = magPhi[own]/(1 - weights[faceI]); scalar mNei = magPhi[nei]/weights[faceI]; scalar den = magPhi[nei] - magPhi[own]; scalar mean = mOwn*mNei/ ((mOwn + mNei)*longDelta[faceI]*deltaCoeffs[faceI]); // Note: complex arithmetic requires extra accuracy // This is a division of two close subtractions // HJ, 28/Sep/2011 if (mag(den) > kSmall) { // Limit weights for round-off safety wIn[faceI] = Foam::max(0, Foam::min((magPhi[nei] - mean)/den, 1)); } else { wIn[faceI] = 0.5; } }
Foam::quadraticFitSnGradData::quadraticFitSnGradData ( const fvMesh& mesh, const scalar cWeight ) : MeshObject<fvMesh, quadraticFitSnGradData>(mesh), centralWeight_(cWeight), #ifdef SPHERICAL_GEOMETRY dim_(2), #else dim_(mesh.nGeometricD()), #endif minSize_ ( dim_ == 1 ? 3 : dim_ == 2 ? 6 : dim_ == 3 ? 9 : 0 ), stencil_(mesh), fit_(mesh.nInternalFaces()) { if (debug) { Info<< "Contructing quadraticFitSnGradData" << endl; } // check input if (centralWeight_ < 1 - SMALL) { FatalErrorIn("quadraticFitSnGradData::quadraticFitSnGradData") << "centralWeight requested = " << centralWeight_ << " should not be less than one" << exit(FatalError); } if (minSize_ == 0) { FatalErrorIn("quadraticFitSnGradData") << " dimension must be 1,2 or 3, not" << dim_ << exit(FatalError); } // store the polynomial size for each face to write out surfaceScalarField snGradPolySize ( IOobject ( "quadraticFitSnGradPolySize", "constant", mesh, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh, dimensionedScalar("quadraticFitSnGradPolySize", dimless, scalar(0)) ); // Get the cell/face centres in stencil order. // Centred face stencils no good for triangles of tets. Need bigger stencils List<List<point> > stencilPoints(stencil_.stencil().size()); stencil_.collectData ( mesh.C(), stencilPoints ); // find the fit coefficients for every face in the mesh for (label faci = 0; faci < mesh.nInternalFaces(); faci++) { snGradPolySize[faci] = calcFit(stencilPoints[faci], faci); } if (debug) { snGradPolySize.write(); Info<< "quadraticFitSnGradData::quadraticFitSnGradData() :" << "Finished constructing polynomialFit data" << endl; } }
); // What to do with exposed internal faces if put into this patch? } } // Create the complete field from the pieces tmp<GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh> > tresF ( new GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh> ( IOobject ( "subset", sMesh.time().timeName(), sMesh, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), sMesh, vf.dimensions(), internalField, patchFields ) ); return tresF; } template<class Type>
void Foam::scalarTransportPOD::calcDerivativeCoeffs() const { if (derivativeMatrixPtr_) { FatalErrorIn ( "void scalarTransportPOD::calcDerivativeCoeffs() const" ) << "Derivative matrix already calculated" << abort(FatalError); } // Calculate coefficients for differential equation // Get times list Time& runTime = const_cast<Time&>(this->mesh().time()); // Remember time index to restore it label origTimeIndex = runTime.timeIndex(); // Read diffusivity IOdictionary transportProperties ( IOobject ( "transportProperties", runTime.constant(), this->mesh(), IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ) ); Info<< "Reading diffusivity D\n" << endl; dimensionedScalar DT ( transportProperties.lookup("DT") ); // Find velocity field word Uname(this->dict().lookup("velocity")); instantList Times = runTime.times(); volVectorField* Uptr = NULL; forAll (Times, i) { runTime.setTime(Times[i], i); Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << endl; IOobject Uheader ( Uname, runTime.timeName(), this->mesh(), IOobject::MUST_READ ); if (Uheader.headerOk()) { Info<< " Reading " << Uname << endl; Uptr = new volVectorField(Uheader, this->mesh()); break; } else { Info<< " No " << Uname << endl; } }
Foam::multiSolidBodyMotionFvMesh::multiSolidBodyMotionFvMesh(const IOobject& io) : dynamicFvMesh(io), dynamicMeshCoeffs_ ( IOdictionary ( IOobject ( "dynamicMeshDict", io.time().constant(), *this, IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED, IOobject::NO_WRITE, false ) ).subDict(typeName + "Coeffs") ), undisplacedPoints_ ( IOobject ( "points", io.time().constant(), meshSubDir, *this, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE, false ) ) { if (undisplacedPoints_.size() != nPoints()) { FatalIOErrorInFunction ( dynamicMeshCoeffs_ ) << "Read " << undisplacedPoints_.size() << " undisplaced points from " << undisplacedPoints_.objectPath() << " but the current mesh has " << nPoints() << exit(FatalIOError); } zoneIDs_.setSize(dynamicMeshCoeffs_.size()); SBMFs_.setSize(dynamicMeshCoeffs_.size()); pointIDs_.setSize(dynamicMeshCoeffs_.size()); label zoneI = 0; forAllConstIter(dictionary, dynamicMeshCoeffs_, iter) { if (iter().isDict()) { zoneIDs_[zoneI] = cellZones().findZoneID(iter().keyword()); if (zoneIDs_[zoneI] == -1) { FatalIOErrorInFunction ( dynamicMeshCoeffs_ ) << "Cannot find cellZone named " << iter().keyword() << ". Valid zones are " << cellZones().names() << exit(FatalIOError); } const dictionary& subDict = iter().dict(); SBMFs_.set ( zoneI, solidBodyMotionFunction::New(subDict, io.time()) ); // Collect points of cell zone. const cellZone& cz = cellZones()[zoneIDs_[zoneI]]; boolList movePts(nPoints(), false); forAll(cz, i) { label celli = cz[i]; const cell& c = cells()[celli]; forAll(c, j) { const face& f = faces()[c[j]]; forAll(f, k) { label pointi = f[k]; movePts[pointi] = true; } } }
forAll(databases_, proci) { meshes_.set ( proci, new fvMesh ( IOobject ( meshName_, databases_[proci].timeName(), databases_[proci] ) ) ); pointProcAddressing_.set ( proci, new labelIOList ( IOobject ( "pointProcAddressing", meshes_[proci].facesInstance(), meshes_[proci].meshSubDir, meshes_[proci], IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ) ) ); faceProcAddressing_.set ( proci, new labelIOList ( IOobject ( "faceProcAddressing", meshes_[proci].facesInstance(), meshes_[proci].meshSubDir, meshes_[proci], IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ) ) ); cellProcAddressing_.set ( proci, new labelIOList ( IOobject ( "cellProcAddressing", meshes_[proci].facesInstance(), meshes_[proci].meshSubDir, meshes_[proci], IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ) ) ); boundaryProcAddressing_.set ( proci, new labelIOList ( IOobject ( "boundaryProcAddressing", meshes_[proci].facesInstance(), meshes_[proci].meshSubDir, meshes_[proci], IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ) ) ); }
Foam::radiation::radiativeIntensityRay::radiativeIntensityRay ( const fvDOM& dom, const fvMesh& mesh, const scalar phi, const scalar theta, const scalar deltaPhi, const scalar deltaTheta, const label nLambda, const absorptionEmissionModel& absorptionEmission, const blackBodyEmission& blackBody ) : dom_(dom), mesh_(mesh), absorptionEmission_(absorptionEmission), blackBody_(blackBody), I_ ( IOobject ( "I" + name(rayId), mesh_.time().timeName(), mesh_, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh_, dimensionedScalar("I", dimMass/pow3(dimTime), 0.0) ), Qr_ ( IOobject ( "Qr" + name(rayId), mesh_.time().timeName(), mesh_, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh_, dimensionedScalar("Qr", dimMass/pow3(dimTime), 0.0) ), d_(vector::zero), dAve_(vector::zero), theta_(theta), phi_(phi), omega_(0.0), nLambda_(nLambda), ILambda_(nLambda) { scalar sinTheta = Foam::sin(theta); scalar cosTheta = Foam::cos(theta); scalar sinPhi = Foam::sin(phi); scalar cosPhi = Foam::cos(phi); omega_ = 2.0*sinTheta*Foam::sin(deltaTheta/2.0)*deltaPhi; d_ = vector(sinTheta*sinPhi, sinTheta*cosPhi, cosTheta); dAve_ = vector ( sinPhi *Foam::sin(0.5*deltaPhi) *(deltaTheta - Foam::cos(2.0*theta) *Foam::sin(deltaTheta)), cosPhi *Foam::sin(0.5*deltaPhi) *(deltaTheta - Foam::cos(2.0*theta) *Foam::sin(deltaTheta)), 0.5*deltaPhi*Foam::sin(2.0*theta)*Foam::sin(deltaTheta) ); autoPtr<volScalarField> IDefaultPtr; forAll(ILambda_, lambdaI) { IOobject IHeader ( intensityPrefix + "_" + name(rayId) + "_" + name(lambdaI), mesh_.time().timeName(), mesh_, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ); // check if field exists and can be read if (IHeader.headerOk()) { ILambda_.set ( lambdaI, new volScalarField(IHeader, mesh_) ); } else { // Demand driven load the IDefault field if (!IDefaultPtr.valid()) { IDefaultPtr.reset ( new volScalarField ( IOobject ( "IDefault", mesh_.time().timeName(), mesh_, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh_ ) ); } // Reset the MUST_READ flag IOobject noReadHeader(IHeader); noReadHeader.readOpt() = IOobject::NO_READ; ILambda_.set ( lambdaI, new volScalarField(noReadHeader, IDefaultPtr()) ); } }
multivariateSelectionScheme<Type>::multivariateSelectionScheme ( const fvMesh& mesh, const typename multivariateSurfaceInterpolationScheme<Type>:: fieldTable& fields, const surfaceScalarField& faceFlux, Istream& schemeData ) : multivariateSurfaceInterpolationScheme<Type> ( mesh, fields, faceFlux, schemeData ), schemes_(schemeData), faceFlux_(faceFlux), weights_ ( IOobject ( "multivariateWeights", mesh.time().timeName(), mesh ), mesh, dimless ) { typename multivariateSurfaceInterpolationScheme<Type>:: fieldTable::const_iterator iter = this->fields().begin(); surfaceScalarField limiter = ( limitedSurfaceInterpolationScheme<Type>::New ( mesh, faceFlux_, schemes_.lookup(iter()->name()) )().limiter(*iter()) ); for (++iter; iter != this->fields().end(); ++iter) { limiter = min ( limiter, limitedSurfaceInterpolationScheme<Type>::New ( mesh, faceFlux_, schemes_.lookup(iter()->name()) )().limiter(*iter()) ); } weights_ = limiter*mesh.surfaceInterpolation::weights() + (scalar(1) - limiter)*upwind<Type>(mesh, faceFlux_).weights(); }
Foam::fvSchemes::fvSchemes(const objectRegistry& obr) : IOdictionary ( IOobject ( "fvSchemes", obr.time().system(), obr, // IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT, // Allow default dictionary creation IOobject::NO_WRITE ) ), ddtSchemes_ ( ITstream ( objectPath() + "::ddtSchemes", tokenList() )() ), defaultDdtScheme_ ( + "::default", tokenList() ), d2dt2Schemes_ ( ITstream ( objectPath() + "::d2dt2Schemes", tokenList() )() ), defaultD2dt2Scheme_ ( + "::default", tokenList() ), interpolationSchemes_ ( ITstream ( objectPath() + "::interpolationSchemes", tokenList() )() ), defaultInterpolationScheme_ ( + "::default", tokenList() ), divSchemes_ ( ITstream ( objectPath() + "::divSchemes", tokenList() )() ), defaultDivScheme_ ( + "::default", tokenList() ), gradSchemes_ ( ITstream ( objectPath() + "::gradSchemes", tokenList() )() ), defaultGradScheme_ ( + "::default", tokenList() ), snGradSchemes_ ( ITstream ( objectPath() + "::snGradSchemes", tokenList() )() ), defaultSnGradScheme_ ( + "::default", tokenList() ), laplacianSchemes_ ( ITstream ( objectPath() + "::laplacianSchemes", tokenList() )() ), defaultLaplacianScheme_ ( + "::default", tokenList() ), fluxRequired_ ( ITstream ( objectPath() + "::fluxRequired", tokenList() )() ), defaultFluxRequired_(false), cacheFields_ ( ITstream ( objectPath() + "::cacheFields", tokenList() )() ) { if (!headerOk()) { if (debug) { InfoIn ( "fvSchemes::fvSchemes(const objectRegistry& obr)" ) << "fvSchemes dictionary not found. Creating default." << endl; } regIOobject::write(); } read(); }
void Foam::timeVaryingMappedFixedValuePointPatchField<Type>::checkTable() { // Initialise if (startSampleTime_ == -1 && endSampleTime_ == -1) { const polyMesh& pMesh = this->patch().boundaryMesh().mesh()(); // Read the initial point position pointField meshPts; if (pMesh.pointsInstance() == pMesh.facesInstance()) { meshPts = pointField(pMesh.points(), this->patch().meshPoints()); } else { // Load points from facesInstance if (debug) { Info<< "Reloading points0 from " << pMesh.facesInstance() << endl; } pointIOField points0 ( IOobject ( "points", pMesh.facesInstance(), polyMesh::meshSubDir, pMesh, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE, false ) ); meshPts = pointField(points0, this->patch().meshPoints()); } pointIOField samplePoints ( IOobject ( "points", this->db().time().constant(), "boundaryData"/this->patch().name(), this->db(), IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE, false ) ); mapperPtr_.reset ( new pointToPointPlanarInterpolation ( samplePoints, meshPts, perturb_ ) ); // Read the times for which data is available const fileName samplePointsFile = samplePoints.filePath(); const fileName samplePointsDir = samplePointsFile.path(); sampleTimes_ = Time::findTimes(samplePointsDir); if (debug) { Info<< "timeVaryingMappedFixedValuePointPatchField : In directory " << samplePointsDir << " found times " << pointToPointPlanarInterpolation::timeNames(sampleTimes_) << endl; } } // Find current time in sampleTimes label lo = -1; label hi = -1; bool foundTime = mapperPtr_().findTime ( sampleTimes_, startSampleTime_, this->db().time().value(), lo, hi ); if (!foundTime) { FatalErrorIn ( "timeVaryingMappedFixedValuePointPatchField<Type>::checkTable" ) << "Cannot find starting sampling values for current time " << this->db().time().value() << nl << "Have sampling values for times " << pointToPointPlanarInterpolation::timeNames(sampleTimes_) << nl << "In directory " << this->db().time().constant()/"boundaryData"/this->patch().name() << "\n on patch " << this->patch().name() << " of field " << fieldTableName_ << exit(FatalError); } // Update sampled data fields. if (lo != startSampleTime_) { startSampleTime_ = lo; if (startSampleTime_ == endSampleTime_) { // No need to reread since are end values if (debug) { Pout<< "checkTable : Setting startValues to (already read) " << "boundaryData" /this->patch().name() /sampleTimes_[startSampleTime_].name() << endl; } startSampledValues_ = endSampledValues_; startAverage_ = endAverage_; } else { if (debug) { Pout<< "checkTable : Reading startValues from " << "boundaryData" /this->patch().name() /sampleTimes_[lo].name() << endl; } // Reread values and interpolate AverageIOField<Type> vals ( IOobject ( fieldTableName_, this->db().time().constant(), "boundaryData" /this->patch().name() /sampleTimes_[startSampleTime_].name(), this->db(), IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE, false ) ); if (vals.size() != mapperPtr_().sourceSize()) { FatalErrorIn ( "timeVaryingMappedFixedValuePointPatchField<Type>::" "checkTable()" ) << "Number of values (" << vals.size() << ") differs from the number of points (" << mapperPtr_().sourceSize() << ") in file " << vals.objectPath() << exit(FatalError); } startAverage_ = vals.average(); startSampledValues_ = mapperPtr_().interpolate(vals); } } if (hi != endSampleTime_) { endSampleTime_ = hi; if (endSampleTime_ == -1) { // endTime no longer valid. Might as well clear endValues. if (debug) { Pout<< "checkTable : Clearing endValues" << endl; } endSampledValues_.clear(); } else { if (debug) { Pout<< "checkTable : Reading endValues from " << "boundaryData" /this->patch().name() /sampleTimes_[endSampleTime_].name() << endl; } // Reread values and interpolate AverageIOField<Type> vals ( IOobject ( fieldTableName_, this->db().time().constant(), "boundaryData" /this->patch().name() /sampleTimes_[endSampleTime_].name(), this->db(), IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE, false ) ); if (vals.size() != mapperPtr_().sourceSize()) { FatalErrorIn ( "timeVaryingMappedFixedValuePointPatchField<Type>::" "checkTable()" ) << "Number of values (" << vals.size() << ") differs from the number of points (" << mapperPtr_().sourceSize() << ") in file " << vals.objectPath() << exit(FatalError); } endAverage_ = vals.average(); endSampledValues_ = mapperPtr_().interpolate(vals); } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { timeSelector::addOptions(); # include "setRootCase.H" # include "createTime.H" instantList timeDirs = timeSelector::select0(runTime, args); # include "createMesh.H" forAll(timeDirs, timeI) { runTime.setTime(timeDirs[timeI], timeI); Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << endl; IOobject pheader ( "p", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ ); IOobject Uheader ( "U", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ ); // Check p and U exist if (pheader.headerOk() && Uheader.headerOk()) { mesh.readUpdate(); Info<< " Reading p" << endl; volScalarField p(pheader, mesh); Info<< " Reading U" << endl; volVectorField U(Uheader, mesh); Info<< " Calculating ptot" << endl; if (p.dimensions() == dimensionSet(0, 2, -2, 0, 0)) { volScalarField ptot ( IOobject ( "ptot", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ ), p + 0.5*magSqr(U) ); ptot.write(); } else { IOobject rhoheader ( "rho", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ ); // Check rho exists if (rhoheader.headerOk()) { Info<< " Reading rho" << endl; volScalarField rho(rhoheader, mesh); volScalarField ptot ( IOobject ( "ptot", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ ), p + 0.5*rho*magSqr(U) ); ptot.write(); } else { Info<< " No rho" << endl; } } } else { Info<< " No p or U" << endl; } Info<< endl; }
freeSurface::freeSurface ( dynamicFvMesh& m, const volScalarField& rho, volVectorField& Ub, volScalarField& Pb, const surfaceScalarField& sfPhi ) : IOdictionary ( IOobject ( "freeSurfaceProperties", Ub.mesh().time().constant(), Ub.mesh(), IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ) ), mesh_(m), rho_(rho), U_(Ub), p_(Pb), phi_(sfPhi), curTimeIndex_(Ub.mesh().time().timeIndex()), twoFluids_ ( this->lookup("twoFluids") ), normalMotionDir_ ( this->lookup("normalMotionDir") ), motionDir_(0, 0, 0), cleanInterface_ ( this->lookup("cleanInterface") ), aPatchID_(-1), bPatchID_(-1), muFluidA_ ( this->lookup("muFluidA") ), muFluidB_ ( this->lookup("muFluidB") ), rhoFluidA_ ( this->lookup("rhoFluidA") ), rhoFluidB_ ( this->lookup("rhoFluidB") ), g_(this->lookup("g")), cleanInterfaceSurfTension_ ( this->lookup("surfaceTension") ), fixedFreeSurfacePatches_ ( this->lookup("fixedFreeSurfacePatches") ), pointNormalsCorrectionPatches_ ( this->lookup("pointNormalsCorrectionPatches") ), nFreeSurfCorr_ ( readInt(this->lookup("nFreeSurfaceCorrectors")) ), smoothing_(false), interpolatorABPtr_(NULL), interpolatorBAPtr_(NULL), controlPointsPtr_(NULL), motionPointsMaskPtr_(NULL), pointsDisplacementDirPtr_(NULL), facesDisplacementDirPtr_(NULL), totalDisplacementPtr_(NULL), aMeshPtr_(NULL), UsPtr_(NULL), phisPtr_(NULL), surfactConcPtr_(NULL), surfaceTensionPtr_(NULL), surfactantPtr_(NULL), fluidIndicatorPtr_(NULL) { //Read motion direction if (!normalMotionDir_) { motionDir_ = vector(this->lookup("motionDir")); motionDir_ /= mag(motionDir_) + SMALL; } // Set point normal correction patches boolList& correction = aMesh().correctPatchPointNormals(); forAll(pointNormalsCorrectionPatches_, patchI) { word patchName = pointNormalsCorrectionPatches_[patchI]; label patchID = aMesh().boundary().findPatchID(patchName); if(patchID == -1) { FatalErrorIn ( "freeSurface::freeSurface(...)" ) << "Patch name for point normals correction does not exist" << abort(FatalError); } correction[patchID] = true; }
polyIdPairs::polyIdPairs ( const polyMesh& mesh, const potential& pot ) : coeffVals_(), coeffNames_(), coeffNumIds_(), nIds_(0), coeffSize_(0), coeffType_("") { IOdictionary potentialDict ( IOobject ( "potentialDict", mesh.time().system(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ) ); //obtain information about pairs from pair subdict inside potentialdict const dictionary& pairDict(potentialDict.subDict("pair")); List<word> pairs(pairDict.toc());//generate list of pairs nIds_ = pot.siteIdList().size();//obtain size of siteidlist label coeffsize = 0; /** * traverse throught the list of pairs excluding electrostatic * further checking for interactions in pairs to take the total number * of species found which essentially provides a size of dynamic array * to be formed * loop until the first existing of coefficients are found after that * the loop is broken and no further traversal is done. */ for(int i = 0;i<pairs.size();i++){ if(pairs[i] != "electrostatic") { word pp = pairDict.subDict(pairs[i]).lookup("pairPotential"); if(pp!="noInteraction"){ List<word> coeff(pairDict.subDict(pairs[i]).subDict(pp+"Coeffs").toc()); //get the number of coeff's available coeffsize = coeff.size(); //set the size of coeffnames followed by generating //coeff names into coeffnames array coeffNames_.setSize(coeffsize); coeffVals_.setSize(coeffsize);//set the size of variables coeffNumIds_.setSize(coeffsize); coeffSize_ = coeffsize; coeffType_ = pp; for(int k=0; k<coeffsize;++k){ coeffNames_[k] = coeff[k]; coeffNumIds_[k] = k; } break;//break if the first existence of coeff found } } } int c = 0; for(;c < coeffsize; ++c) coeffVals_[c].setSize(nIds_); for(c = 0; c < coeffsize; ++c) for(int b = 0; b < nIds_; b++) coeffVals_[c][b].setSize(nIds_); //make the coeffs zero for(c=0;c < coeffsize; ++c){ for(int i=0; i<nIds_; ++i){ for(int j=0; j<nIds_; ++j){ coeffVals_[c][i][j] = 0; } } } /* * loop over each potential site id list to form pairs of each site id with another * essentially two loops a and b will be running on each site id to form pairs. * * for each pair created it will be checked with corresponding pairs inside potentialDict * if found pairPotential value for that pair will be obtained. * * if the obtained pair potential is not "noInteraction" then the resultant pairPotential value * will be used to form coeff string to determine "*Coeffs" value which could correspond to * 'lennardJonesCoeffs', 'morseCoeffs', '*Coeffs' anything related with pairPotential value for that * particular pair. * * further to read each value for the N species inside the coeffs we will be using coeffsize variable * value obtained at the beginning which essentially consists of number of Species inside coeffs, subsequently * we will be traversing the loop and will use the list of species name inside coeffsNames_ array */ for(int a=0; a<nIds_; a++) { word idA = pot.siteIdList()[a]; for(int b=0; b<nIds_; b++) { word idB = pot.siteIdList()[b]; word pname = idA+"-"+idB; if(pairDict.found(pname)){ word pp = pairDict.subDict(pname) .lookup("pairPotential"); if(pp!="noInteraction"){ const dictionary& coeffs = pairDict .subDict(pname) .subDict(pp+"Coeffs"); for(c=0; c<coeffsize; ++c){ scalar temp = readScalar(coeffs.lookup(coeffNames_[c])); coeffVals_[c][a][b] = temp; coeffVals_[c][b][a] = temp; }//c loop ends }//no interaction if ends }//first if condition ends }//b loop ends }//a loop ends }//end function
Foam::compressibleTwoPhaseMixture::compressibleTwoPhaseMixture ( const fvMesh& mesh, const dictionary& dict ) : liqPhaseName_(dict.lookupOrDefault<word>("LiqPhaseName", "Liq")), gasPhaseName_(dict.lookupOrDefault<word>("GasPhaseName", "Gas")), YLiq_ ( IOobject ( IOobject::groupName("Y", liqPhaseName_), mesh.time().timeName(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ), mesh ), YGas_ ( IOobject ( IOobject::groupName("Y", gasPhaseName_), mesh.time().timeName(), mesh ), 1.0 - YLiq_ ), YbarLiq_ ( IOobject ( IOobject::groupName("Ybar", liqPhaseName_), mesh.time().timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh, dimensionedScalar("zero", dimless, 0.0) ), YbarGas_ ( IOobject ( IOobject::groupName("Ybar", gasPhaseName_), mesh.time().timeName(), mesh ), 1.0 - YbarLiq_ ), rhoEff_ ( IOobject ( "thermo:rho", mesh.time().timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ), mesh, dimDensity ) { YGas_ = 1.0 - YLiq_; }
Foam::timeActivatedExplicitSource::timeActivatedExplicitSource ( const word& sourceName, const fvMesh& mesh ) : dict_ ( IOobject ( sourceName + "Properties", mesh.time().constant(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ) ), mesh_(mesh), runTime_(mesh.time()), cellSource_(dict_.lookup("cellSource")), timeStart_(dimensionedScalar(dict_.lookup("timeStart")).value()), duration_(dimensionedScalar(dict_.lookup("duration")).value()), onValue_(dict_.lookup("onValue")), offValue_(dict_.lookup("offValue")), currentValue_(dimensionedScalar("zero", onValue_.dimensions(), 0.0)), cellSelector_ ( topoSetSource::New ( cellSource_, mesh, dict_.subDict(cellSource_ + "Coeffs") ) ), selectedCellSet_ ( mesh, "timeActivatedExplicitSourceCellSet", mesh.nCells()/10 + 1 // Reasonable size estimate. ) { // Check dimensions of on/off values are consistent if (onValue_.dimensions() != offValue_.dimensions()) { FatalErrorIn ( "Foam::timeActivatedExplicitSource::timeActivatedExplicitSource" )<< "Dimensions of on and off values must be equal" << nl << "onValue = " << onValue_ << nl << "offValue = " << offValue_ << exit(FatalError); } // Create the cell set cellSelector_->applyToSet ( topoSetSource::NEW, selectedCellSet_ ); // Give some feedback Info<< "timeVaryingExplitSource(" << sourceName << ")" << nl << "Selected " << returnReduce(selectedCellSet_.size(), sumOp<label>()) << " cells." << endl; // Initialise the value update(); }
tmp < GeometricField < typename outerProduct<vector, Type>::type, fvPatchField, volMesh > > fourthGrad<Type>::grad ( const GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh>& vsf ) const { // The fourth-order gradient is calculated in two passes. First, // the standard least-square gradient is assembled. Then, the // fourth-order correction is added to the second-order accurate // gradient to complete the accuracy. typedef typename outerProduct<vector, Type>::type GradType; const fvMesh& mesh = vsf.mesh(); // Assemble the second-order least-square gradient // Calculate the second-order least-square gradient tmp<GeometricField<GradType, fvPatchField, volMesh> > tsecondfGrad = leastSquaresGrad<Type>(mesh).grad(vsf); const GeometricField<GradType, fvPatchField, volMesh>& secondfGrad = tsecondfGrad(); tmp<GeometricField<GradType, fvPatchField, volMesh> > tfGrad ( new GeometricField<GradType, fvPatchField, volMesh> ( IOobject ( "grad("')', vsf.instance(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), secondfGrad ) ); GeometricField<GradType, fvPatchField, volMesh>& fGrad = tfGrad(); const vectorField& C = mesh.C(); const surfaceScalarField& lambda = mesh.weights(); // Get reference to least square vectors const leastSquaresVectors& lsv = leastSquaresVectors::New(mesh); const surfaceVectorField& ownLs = lsv.pVectors(); const surfaceVectorField& neiLs = lsv.nVectors(); // owner/neighbour addressing const unallocLabelList& own = mesh.owner(); const unallocLabelList& nei = mesh.neighbour(); // Assemble the fourth-order gradient // Internal faces forAll(own, facei) { Type dDotGradDelta = 0.5* ( (C[nei[facei]] - C[own[facei]]) & (secondfGrad[nei[facei]] - secondfGrad[own[facei]]) ); fGrad[own[facei]] -= lambda[facei]*ownLs[facei]*dDotGradDelta; fGrad[nei[facei]] -= (1.0 - lambda[facei])*neiLs[facei]*dDotGradDelta; }
void Foam::fieldAverage::addPrime2MeanField ( const label fieldI, const wordList& meanFieldList, wordList& prime2MeanFieldList ) const { if (faItems_[fieldI].mean() && meanFieldList[fieldI].size()) { typedef GeometricField<Type1, fvPatchField, volMesh> fieldType1; typedef GeometricField<Type2, fvPatchField, volMesh> fieldType2; const word& fieldName = faItems_[fieldI].fieldName(); word meanFieldName = fieldName + EXT_PRIME2MEAN; if ( (faItems_[fieldI].window() > 0) && (faItems_[fieldI].windowName() != "") ) { meanFieldName = meanFieldName + "_" + faItems_[fieldI].windowName(); } Info<< "Reading/calculating field " << meanFieldName << nl << endl; if (obr_.foundObject<fieldType2>(meanFieldName)) { prime2MeanFieldList[fieldI] = meanFieldName; } else if (obr_.found(meanFieldName)) { Info<< "Cannot allocate average field " << meanFieldName << " since an object with that name already exists." << " Disabling averaging." << nl << endl; prime2MeanFieldList[fieldI] = word::null; } else { const fieldType1& baseField = obr_.lookupObject<fieldType1>(fieldName); const fieldType1& meanField = obr_.lookupObject<fieldType1>(meanFieldList[fieldI]); ( new fieldType2 ( IOobject ( meanFieldName, obr_.time().timeName(), obr_, IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), sqr(baseField) - sqr(meanField) ) ); prime2MeanFieldList[fieldI] = meanFieldName; } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { timeSelector::addOptions(); #include "addRegionOption.H" argList::addBoolOption ( "compressible", "calculate compressible y+" ); #include "setRootCase.H" #include "createTime.H" instantList timeDirs = timeSelector::select0(runTime, args); #include "createNamedMesh.H" const bool compressible = args.optionFound("compressible"); forAll(timeDirs, timeI) { runTime.setTime(timeDirs[timeI], timeI); Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << endl; fvMesh::readUpdateState state = mesh.readUpdate(); // Wall distance if (timeI == 0 || state != fvMesh::UNCHANGED) { Info<< "Calculating wall distance\n" << endl; wallDist y(mesh, true); Info<< "Writing wall distance to field " << << nl << endl; y.write(); } volScalarField yPlus ( IOobject ( "yPlus", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh, dimensionedScalar("yPlus", dimless, 0.0) ); IOobject UHeader ( "U", runTime.timeName(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ); if (UHeader.headerOk()) { Info<< "Reading field U\n" << endl; volVectorField U(UHeader, mesh); if (compressible) { calcCompressibleYPlus(mesh, runTime, U, yPlus); } else { calcIncompressibleYPlus(mesh, runTime, U, yPlus); } } else { Info<< " no U field" << endl; } Info<< "Writing yPlus to field " << << nl << endl; yPlus.write(); }
// Construct from components eulerianScalarField::eulerianScalarField ( const dictionary& dict, cfdemCloud& sm, word modelType, int modelID ) : dict_(dict), particleCloud_(sm), fieldName_(modelType), cpVolumetricFieldName_(dict_.lookupOrDefault<word>("cpVolumetricFieldName", "na")), cpVolumetric_(dict_.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("cpVolumetric", 0.0)), updateMixtureProperties_(dict_.lookupOrDefault<bool>("updateMixtureProperties", false)), rho_(dict_.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("rho"+fieldName_, -1)), rhoCarrier_(dict_.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("rhoCarrier", -1)), cp_(dict_.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("cp"+fieldName_, -1)), cpCarrier_(dict_.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("cpCarrier", -1)), m_ ( IOobject ( fieldName_, sm.mesh().time().timeName(), sm.mesh(), IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ), sm.mesh() ), mSource_ ( IOobject ( fieldName_+"Source", sm.mesh().time().timeName(), sm.mesh(), IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ), sm.mesh() ), mSourceKImpl_ ( IOobject ( fieldName_+"SourceKImpl", sm.mesh().time().timeName(), sm.mesh(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ), 0.0*mSource_ /( m_ + dimensionedScalar("dummy", m_.dimensions(), 1e-32) ) //initi with zero ), fieldType_("undefined") #ifndef versionExt32 ,fvOptions_(sm.mesh()) #endif { if ( m_.dimensions() == dimensionSet(0, 0, 0, 1, 0) ) { speciesID_ = -1; fieldType_ = "temperature"; Info << "eulerianScalarField:: found a Temperature field! " << endl; } else { speciesID_ = modelID; fieldType_ = "species"; Info << "eulerianScalarField:: found a species field, will assign speciesID: " << speciesID_ << endl; } #ifndef versionExt32 fvOptions_.reset(dict.subDict("fvOptions"+fieldName_)); #endif if( (cpVolumetricFieldName_=="na"||!updateMixtureProperties_) && cpVolumetric_<=0.0) FatalError <<"You did not specify a cpVolumetricFieldName (or you do not updateMixtureProperties) and also cpVolumetric is zero (or negative)! Either provide the field name, or set cpVolumetric to a reasonable value. \n" << abort(FatalError); if(speciesID_>-1 && updateMixtureProperties_ && (rho_<=0 || cp_<=0) ) FatalError <<"You like to update the phase properties, but density and cp of the eulerianScalarField with name '" << fieldName_ <<"' are not specified or zero. \n" << abort(FatalError); if(speciesID_>-1 && updateMixtureProperties_ && (rhoCarrier_<=0 || cpCarrier_<=0) ) FatalError <<"You like to update the phase properties, but density and cp of the carrier phase are not specified or zero \n" << abort(FatalError); //Report options for cp if(fieldType_=="temperature") { if(cpVolumetric_!=0.0 && cpVolumetricFieldName_!="na") FatalError <<"eulerianScalarField:: You have specified 'cpVolumetric' and 'cpVolumetricFieldName' in a dictionary in '/constant'. This might be confusing. Please unset one of these two inputs to avoid confusion. \n" << abort(FatalError); if(cpVolumetricFieldName_=="na" || !updateMixtureProperties_) //use also if mixture properties are not updated Info << "eulerianScalarField:: will use the following FIXED VOLUMETRIC HEAT CAPACITY: " << cpVolumetric_ << " [J/K/m³]" << endl; else Info << "eulerianScalarField:: will use the a SPATIALLY-VARAIBLE VOLUMETRIC HEAT CAPACITY with name: " << cpVolumetricFieldName_ << endl; } }
Foam::radiation::fvDOM::fvDOM(const volScalarField& T) : radiationModel(typeName, T), G_ ( IOobject ( "G", mesh_.time().timeName(), T.db(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ), mesh_, dimensionedScalar("G", dimMass/pow3(dimTime), 0.0) ), Qr_ ( IOobject ( "Qr", mesh_.time().timeName(), T.db(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ), mesh_, dimensionedScalar("Qr", dimMass/pow3(dimTime), 0.0) ), a_ ( IOobject ( "a", mesh_.time().timeName(), T.db(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ), mesh_, dimensionedScalar("a", dimless/dimLength, 0.0) ), e_ ( IOobject ( "e", mesh_.time().timeName(), T.db(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh_, dimensionedScalar("a", dimless/dimLength, 0.0) ), E_ ( IOobject ( "E", mesh_.time().timeName(), T.db(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), mesh_, dimensionedScalar("E", dimMass/dimLength/pow3(dimTime), 0.0) ), nTheta_(readLabel(coeffs_.lookup("nTheta"))), nPhi_(readLabel(coeffs_.lookup("nPhi"))), nRay_(0), nLambda_(absorptionEmission_->nBands()), aLambda_(nLambda_), blackBody_(nLambda_, T), IRay_(0), convergence_(coeffs_.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("convergence", 0.0)), maxIter_(coeffs_.lookupOrDefault<label>("maxIter", 50)) { if (mesh_.nSolutionD() == 3) //3D { nRay_ = 4*nPhi_*nTheta_; IRay_.setSize(nRay_); scalar deltaPhi = mathematicalConstant::pi/(2.0*nPhi_); scalar deltaTheta = mathematicalConstant::pi/nTheta_; label i = 0; for (label n = 1; n <= nTheta_; n++) { for (label m = 1; m <= 4*nPhi_; m++) { scalar thetai = (2.0*n - 1.0)*deltaTheta/2.0; scalar phii = (2.0*m - 1.0)*deltaPhi/2.0; IRay_.set ( i, new radiativeIntensityRay ( *this, mesh_, phii, thetai, deltaPhi, deltaTheta, nLambda_, absorptionEmission_, blackBody_ ) ); i++; } } } else { if (mesh_.nSolutionD() == 2) //2D (X & Y) { scalar thetai = mathematicalConstant::piByTwo; scalar deltaTheta = mathematicalConstant::pi; nRay_ = 4*nPhi_; IRay_.setSize(nRay_); scalar deltaPhi = mathematicalConstant::pi/(2.0*nPhi_); label i = 0; for (label m = 1; m <= 4*nPhi_; m++) { scalar phii = (2.0*m - 1.0)*deltaPhi/2.0; IRay_.set ( i, new radiativeIntensityRay ( *this, mesh_, phii, thetai, deltaPhi, deltaTheta, nLambda_, absorptionEmission_, blackBody_ ) ); i++; } } else //1D (X) { scalar thetai = mathematicalConstant::piByTwo; scalar deltaTheta = mathematicalConstant::pi; nRay_ = 2; IRay_.setSize(nRay_); scalar deltaPhi = mathematicalConstant::pi; label i = 0; for (label m = 1; m <= 2; m++) { scalar phii = (2.0*m - 1.0)*deltaPhi/2.0; IRay_.set ( i, new radiativeIntensityRay ( *this, mesh_, phii, thetai, deltaPhi, deltaTheta, nLambda_, absorptionEmission_, blackBody_ ) ); i++; } } } // Construct absorption field for each wavelength forAll(aLambda_, lambdaI) { aLambda_.set ( lambdaI, new volScalarField ( IOobject ( "aLambda_" + Foam::name(lambdaI) , mesh_.time().timeName(), T.db(), IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ), a_ ) ); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #include "setRootCase.H" #include "createTime.H" #include "createMesh.H" IOdictionary mdInitialiseDict ( IOobject ( "mdInitialiseDict", runTime.system(), runTime, IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED, IOobject::NO_WRITE, false ) ); IOdictionary idListDict ( IOobject ( "idList", mesh.time().constant(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ) ); potential pot(mesh, mdInitialiseDict, idListDict); moleculeCloud molecules(mesh, pot, mdInitialiseDict); label totalMolecules = molecules.size(); if (Pstream::parRun()) { reduce(totalMolecules, sumOp<label>()); } Info<< nl << "Total number of molecules added: " << totalMolecules << nl << endl; IOstream::defaultPrecision(15); if (!mesh.write()) { FatalErrorInFunction << "Failed writing moleculeCloud." << nl << exit(FatalError); } Info<< nl << "ClockTime = " << runTime.elapsedClockTime() << " s" << nl << endl; Info<< "\nEnd\n" << endl; return 0; }
Foam::FieldActivatedInjection<CloudType>::FieldActivatedInjection ( const dictionary& dict, CloudType& owner ) : InjectionModel<CloudType>(dict, owner, typeName), factor_(readScalar(this->coeffDict().lookup("factor"))), referenceField_ ( owner.db().objectRegistry::lookupObject<volScalarField> ( this->coeffDict().lookup("referenceField") ) ), thresholdField_ ( owner.db().objectRegistry::lookupObject<volScalarField> ( this->coeffDict().lookup("thresholdField") ) ), positionsFile_(this->coeffDict().lookup("positionsFile")), positions_ ( IOobject ( positionsFile_, owner.db().time().constant(), owner.mesh(), IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ) ), injectorCells_(positions_.size()), nParcelsPerInjector_ ( readLabel(this->coeffDict().lookup("parcelsPerInjector")) ), nParcelsInjected_(positions_.size(), 0), U0_(this->coeffDict().lookup("U0")), diameters_(positions_.size()), parcelPDF_ ( pdfs::pdf::New ( this->coeffDict().subDict("parcelPDF"), owner.rndGen() ) ) { // Construct parcel diameters - one per injector cell forAll(diameters_, i) { diameters_[i] = parcelPDF_->sample(); } // Determine total volume of particles to inject this->volumeTotal_ = nParcelsPerInjector_*sum(pow3(diameters_))*mathematicalConstant::pi/6.0; // Set/cache the injector cells forAll(positions_, i) { this->findCellAtPosition ( injectorCells_[i], positions_[i] ); }
Foam::diameterModels::ADD::ADD ( const dictionary& diameterProperties, const phaseModel& phase ) : diameterModel(diameterProperties, phase), d_ ( IOobject ( IOobject::groupName("d",, phase_.U().time().timeName(), phase_.U().mesh(), IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ), phase_.U().mesh() ), dMax_ ( "dMax", dimLength, diameterProperties_.lookup("dMax") ), dMin_ ( "dMin", dimLength, diameterProperties_.lookup("dMin") ), residualAlpha_ ( "residualAlpha", dimless, diameterProperties_.lookup("residualAlpha") ), n_ ( "n", dimless, diameterProperties_.lookup("n") ), m_ ( "m", dimless, diameterProperties_.lookup("m") ), C1_ ( "C1", dimless, diameterProperties_.lookup("C1") ), C2_ ( "C2", dimLength, diameterProperties_.lookup("C2") ), Cb_ ( "Cb", dimless, diameterProperties_.lookup("Cb") ), Cc_ ( "Cc", dimless, diameterProperties_.lookup("Cc") ), Cmu_ ( "Cmu", dimless, diameterProperties_.lookup("Cmu") ), alphaMax_ ( "alphaMax", dimless, diameterProperties_.lookup("alphaMax") ), Deff_ ( IOobject ( "Deff", phase_.U().time().timeName(), phase_.U().mesh() ), phase_.U().mesh(), dimensionedScalar("zero", dimensionSet(1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0), 0.0) ), deq_ ( IOobject ( "deq", phase_.U().time().timeName(), phase_.U().mesh() ), phase_.U().mesh(), dimensionedScalar("zero", dimensionSet(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 0.0) ), tauRel_ ( IOobject ( "tauRel", phase_.U().time().timeName(), phase_.U().mesh() ), phase_.U().mesh(), dimensionedScalar("zero", dimensionSet(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), 0.0) ) {}