Ejemplo n.º 1
* DESCRIPTION:                                                               *
*   Call back function of IPTraverseObjListHierarchy. Called on every non    *
* list object found in hierarchy.                                            *
*                                                                            *
* PARAMETERS:                                                                *
*   PObj:       Non list object to handle.                                   *
*   Mat:        Transformation matrix to apply to this object.               *
*                                                                            *
* RETURN VALUE:                                                              *
*   void                                                                     *
static void DumpOneTraversedObject(IPObjectStruct *PObj, IrtHmgnMatType Mat)
    IPObjectStruct *PObjs;

    if (IP_IS_FFGEOM_OBJ(PObj))
	PObjs = IPConvertFreeForm(PObj, &IPFFCState);  /* Convert in place. */
	PObjs = PObj;

    for (PObj = PObjs; PObj != NULL; PObj = PObj -> Pnext)
	DumpOneObject(OutputFile, PObj);
Ejemplo n.º 2
* DESCRIPTION:                                                               *
*   Call back function of IPTraverseObjListHierarchy. Called on every non    *
* list object found in hierarchy.                                            *
*                                                                            *
* PARAMETERS:                                                                *
*   PObj:       Non list object to handle.                                   *
*   Mat:        Transformation matrix to apply to this object.               *
*                                                                            *
* RETURN VALUE:                                                              *
*   void									                                 *
void CGSkelDumpOneTraversedObject(IPObjectStruct *PObj, IrtHmgnMatType Mat)
	IPObjectStruct *PObjs;

		PObjs = IPConvertFreeForm(PObj, &CGSkelFFCState);
		PObjs = PObj;

	for (PObj = PObjs; PObj != NULL; PObj = PObj -> Pnext)
		if (!CGSkelStoreData(PObj)) 
Ejemplo n.º 3
* DESCRIPTION:                                                               *
*   Call back function of IPTraverseObjListHierarchy. Called on every non    *
* list object found in hierarchy.                                            *
*                                                                            *
* PARAMETERS:                                                                *
*   PObj:       Non list object to handle.                                   *
*   Mat:        Transformation matrix to apply to this object.               *
*                                                                            *
* RETURN VALUE:                                                              *
*   void                                                                     *
static void DumpOneTraversedObject(IPObjectStruct *PObj, IrtHmgnMatType Mat)
    int Color;
    IPObjectStruct *PObjs;

    if (IP_IS_FFGEOM_OBJ(PObj))
        PObjs = IPConvertFreeForm(PObj, &IPFFCState);  /* Convert in place. */
	PObjs = PObj;

    for (PObj = PObjs; PObj != NULL; PObj = PObj -> Pnext) {
	if ((Color = AttrGetObjectColor(PObj)) != IP_ATTR_NO_COLOR)
	    fprintf(OutputFile, "SP%d;\n", Colors[Color]);
	    fprintf(OutputFile, "SP1;\n");			   /* Black. */

        DumpOneObject(OutputFile, PObj);