/* simpleUPnPcommand2 : * not so simple ! * return values : * pointer - OK * NULL - error */ static char * simpleUPnPcommand2(SOCKET s, const char * url, const char * service, const char * action, struct UPNParg * args, int * bufsize, const char * httpversion) { char hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN+1]; unsigned short port = 0; char * path; char soapact[128]; char soapbody[2048]; int soapbodylen; char * buf; int n; int status_code; *bufsize = 0; snprintf(soapact, sizeof(soapact), "%s#%s", service, action); if(args==NULL) { soapbodylen = snprintf(soapbody, sizeof(soapbody), "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n" "<" SOAPPREFIX ":Envelope " "xmlns:" SOAPPREFIX "=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" " SOAPPREFIX ":encodingStyle=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\">" "<" SOAPPREFIX ":Body>" "<" SERVICEPREFIX ":%s xmlns:" SERVICEPREFIX "=\"%s\">" "</" SERVICEPREFIX ":%s>" "</" SOAPPREFIX ":Body></" SOAPPREFIX ":Envelope>" "\r\n", action, service, action); if ((unsigned int)soapbodylen >= sizeof(soapbody)) return NULL; } else { char * p; const char * pe, * pv; const char * const pend = soapbody + sizeof(soapbody); soapbodylen = snprintf(soapbody, sizeof(soapbody), "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n" "<" SOAPPREFIX ":Envelope " "xmlns:" SOAPPREFIX "=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" " SOAPPREFIX ":encodingStyle=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\">" "<" SOAPPREFIX ":Body>" "<" SERVICEPREFIX ":%s xmlns:" SERVICEPREFIX "=\"%s\">", action, service); if ((unsigned int)soapbodylen >= sizeof(soapbody)) return NULL; p = soapbody + soapbodylen; while(args->elt) { if(p >= pend) /* check for space to write next byte */ return NULL; *(p++) = '<'; pe = args->elt; while(p < pend && *pe) *(p++) = *(pe++); if(p >= pend) /* check for space to write next byte */ return NULL; *(p++) = '>'; if((pv = args->val)) { while(p < pend && *pv) *(p++) = *(pv++); } if((p+2) > pend) /* check for space to write next 2 bytes */ return NULL; *(p++) = '<'; *(p++) = '/'; pe = args->elt; while(p < pend && *pe) *(p++) = *(pe++); if(p >= pend) /* check for space to write next byte */ return NULL; *(p++) = '>'; args++; } if((p+4) > pend) /* check for space to write next 4 bytes */ return NULL; *(p++) = '<'; *(p++) = '/'; *(p++) = SERVICEPREFIX2; *(p++) = ':'; pe = action; while(p < pend && *pe) *(p++) = *(pe++); strncpy(p, "></" SOAPPREFIX ":Body></" SOAPPREFIX ":Envelope>\r\n", pend - p); if(soapbody[sizeof(soapbody)-1]) /* strncpy pads buffer with 0s, so if it doesn't end in 0, could not fit full string */ return NULL; } if(!parseURL(url, hostname, &port, &path, NULL)) return NULL; if(ISINVALID(s)) { s = connecthostport(hostname, port, 0); if(ISINVALID(s)) { /* failed to connect */ return NULL; } } n = soapPostSubmit(s, path, hostname, port, soapact, soapbody, httpversion); if(n<=0) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Error sending SOAP request\n"); #endif closesocket(s); return NULL; } buf = getHTTPResponse(s, bufsize, &status_code); #ifdef DEBUG if(*bufsize > 0 && buf) { printf("HTTP %d SOAP Response :\n%.*s\n", status_code, *bufsize, buf); } else { printf("HTTP %d, empty SOAP response. size=%d\n", status_code, *bufsize); } #endif closesocket(s); return buf; }
void am_log_register_instance(unsigned long instance_id, const char *debug_log, int log_level, int log_size, const char *audit_log, int audit_level, int audit_size) { int i, exist = AM_NOT_FOUND; struct am_log *log = AM_LOG(); struct log_files *f = NULL; if (log == NULL || instance_id == 0 || ISINVALID(debug_log) || ISINVALID(audit_log)) { return; } #ifdef _WIN32 WaitForSingleObject(am_log_lck.lock, INFINITE); #else pthread_mutex_lock(&log->lock); #endif for (i = 0; i < AM_MAX_INSTANCES; i++) { f = &log->files[i]; if (f->instance_id == instance_id) { exist = AM_SUCCESS; break; } } if (exist == AM_NOT_FOUND) { for (i = 0; i < AM_MAX_INSTANCES; i++) { f = &log->files[i]; if (!f->used) { f->instance_id = instance_id; snprintf(f->name_debug, sizeof (f->name_debug), "%s", debug_log); snprintf(f->name_audit, sizeof (f->name_audit), "%s", audit_log); f->used = AM_TRUE; #define DEFAULT_LOG_SIZE (1024 * 1024 * 5) /* 5MB */ f->max_size_debug = log_size > 0 && log_size < DEFAULT_LOG_SIZE ? DEFAULT_LOG_SIZE : log_size; f->max_size_audit = audit_size > 0 && audit_size < DEFAULT_LOG_SIZE ? DEFAULT_LOG_SIZE : audit_size; f->level_debug = log_level; f->level_audit = audit_level; f->created_debug = f->created_audit = 0; f->owner = 0; exist = AM_DONE; break; } } } else { /* update instance logging level configuration */ f->max_size_debug = log_size > 0 && log_size < DEFAULT_LOG_SIZE ? DEFAULT_LOG_SIZE : log_size; f->max_size_audit = audit_size > 0 && audit_size < DEFAULT_LOG_SIZE ? DEFAULT_LOG_SIZE : audit_size; f->level_debug = log_level; f->level_audit = audit_level; } #ifdef _WIN32 ReleaseMutex(am_log_lck.lock); #else pthread_mutex_unlock(&log->lock); #endif if (exist == AM_DONE) { #define AM_LOG_HEADER "\r\n\r\n\t######################################################\r\n\t# %-51s#\r\n\t# Version: %-42s#\r\n\t# %-51s#\r\n\t# Build date: %s %-27s#\r\n\t######################################################\r\n" AM_LOG_ALWAYS(instance_id, AM_LOG_HEADER, DESCRIPTION, VERSION, VERSION_VCS, __DATE__, __TIME__); am_agent_init_set_value(instance_id, AM_TRUE, AM_UNKNOWN); } }
static void *am_log_worker(void *arg) { struct am_log *log = AM_LOG(); int i, level, is_audit; unsigned int index; char *data; size_t data_sz; unsigned long instance_id; struct stat st; struct log_files *f; if (log == NULL) { return NULL; } #ifdef _WIN32 WaitForSingleObject(am_log_lck.lock, INFINITE); #else pthread_mutex_lock(&log->lock); #endif for (;;) { index = log->out; #ifdef _WIN32 while (log->read_count == 0 || !log->bucket[index].ready_to_read) { ReleaseMutex(am_log_lck.lock); if (WaitForSingleObject(am_log_lck.new_data_cond, 1000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { if (WaitForSingleObject(am_log_lck.exit, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { return NULL; } } WaitForSingleObject(am_log_lck.lock, INFINITE); } #else while (log->read_count == 0 || !log->bucket[index].ready_to_read) { struct timeval now = {0, 0}; struct timespec ts = {0, 0}; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); ts.tv_sec = now.tv_sec + 1; ts.tv_nsec = now.tv_usec * 1000; if (pthread_cond_timedwait(&log->new_data_cond, &log->lock, &ts) == ETIMEDOUT) { if (should_exit(&log->exit)) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&log->lock); return NULL; } } } #endif /* _WIN32 */ log->bucket[index].ready_to_read = AM_FALSE; #ifdef _WIN32 ReleaseMutex(am_log_lck.lock); #else pthread_mutex_unlock(&log->lock); #endif /* _WIN32 */ data = log->bucket[index].data; data_sz = log->bucket[index].size; level = log->bucket[index].level; is_audit = (level & AM_LOG_LEVEL_AUDIT) != 0; instance_id = log->bucket[index].instance_id; f = NULL; for (i = 0; i < AM_MAX_INSTANCES; i++) { f = &log->files[i]; if (f->used && f->instance_id == instance_id) { break; } } if (f != NULL) { if (ISINVALID(f->name_debug)) { fprintf(stderr, "am_log_worker(): the debug file name is invalid (i.e. empty or null)\n"); f->fd_debug = -1; f->fd_audit = -1; return NULL; } if (ISINVALID(f->name_audit)) { fprintf(stderr, "am_log_worker(): the audit file name is invalid (i.e. empty or null)\n"); f->fd_debug = -1; f->fd_audit = -1; return NULL; } /* log files are not opened yet, do it now */ if (f->fd_audit == -1 && f->fd_debug == -1) { #ifdef _WIN32 f->fd_debug = _open(f->name_debug, _O_CREAT | _O_WRONLY | _O_APPEND | _O_BINARY, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE); f->fd_audit = _open(f->name_audit, _O_CREAT | _O_WRONLY | _O_APPEND | _O_BINARY, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE); if (f->fd_debug != -1 && stat(f->name_debug, &st) == 0) { f->created_debug = st.st_ctime; f->owner = getpid(); } if (f->fd_audit != -1 && stat(f->name_audit, &st) == 0) { f->created_audit = st.st_ctime; f->owner = getpid(); } #else f->fd_debug = open(f->name_debug, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR); f->fd_audit = open(f->name_audit, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR); if (f->fd_debug != -1 && stat(f->name_debug, &st) == 0) { f->node_debug = st.st_ino; f->created_debug = st.st_ctime; f->owner = getpid(); } if (f->fd_audit != -1 && stat(f->name_audit, &st) == 0) { f->node_audit = st.st_ino; f->created_audit = st.st_ctime; f->owner = getpid(); } #endif } if (f->fd_debug == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "am_log_worker() failed to open log file %s: error: %d", f->name_debug, errno); f->fd_debug = f->fd_audit = -1; } else if (f->fd_audit == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "am_log_worker() failed to open audit file %s: error: %d", f->name_audit, errno); f->fd_debug = f->fd_audit = -1; } else { int file_handle = is_audit ? f->fd_audit : f->fd_debug; char *file_name = is_audit ? f->name_audit : f->name_debug; int max_size = is_audit ? f->max_size_audit : f->max_size_debug; time_t file_created = is_audit ? f->created_audit : f->created_debug; #ifdef _WIN32 int wrote; #else ssize_t wrote; ino_t file_inode = is_audit ? f->node_audit : f->node_debug; #endif wrote = write(file_handle, data, (unsigned int) data_sz); #ifdef _WIN32 wrote = write(file_handle, "\r\n", 2); _commit(file_handle); /* check file timestamp; rotate by date if set so */ if (max_size == -1 && should_rotate_time(file_created)) { HANDLE fh = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle(file_handle); unsigned int idx = 1; static char tmp[AM_PATH_SIZE]; do { snprintf(tmp, sizeof (tmp), "%s.%d", file_name, idx); idx++; } while (_access(tmp, 0) == 0); if (CopyFileA(file_name, tmp, FALSE)) { SetFilePointer(fh, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); SetEndOfFile(fh); if (is_audit) { f->created_audit = time(NULL); } else { f->created_debug = time(NULL); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "could not rotate log file %s (error: %d)\n", file_name, GetLastError()); } } /* check file size; rotate by size if set so */ if (max_size > 0) { BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION info; uint64_t fsz = 0; HANDLE fh = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle(file_handle); if (GetFileInformationByHandle(fh, &info)) { fsz = ((DWORDLONG) (((DWORD) (info.nFileSizeLow)) | (((DWORDLONG) ((DWORD) (info.nFileSizeHigh))) << 32))); } if ((fsz + 1024) > max_size) { unsigned int idx = 1; static char tmp[AM_PATH_SIZE]; do { snprintf(tmp, sizeof (tmp), "%s.%d", file_name, idx); idx++; } while (_access(tmp, 0) == 0); if (CopyFileA(file_name, tmp, FALSE)) { SetFilePointer(fh, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); SetEndOfFile(fh); if (is_audit) { f->created_audit = time(NULL); } else { f->created_debug = time(NULL); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "could not rotate log file %s (error: %d)\n", file_name, GetLastError()); } } } #else wrote = write(file_handle, "\n", 1); fsync(file_handle); /* check file timestamp; rotate by date if set so */ if (max_size == -1 && should_rotate_time(file_created)) { rename_file(file_name); } /* check file size; rotate by size if set so */ if (max_size > 0 && stat(file_name, &st) == 0 && (st.st_size + 1024) > max_size) { rename_file(file_name); } /* reset file inode number (in case it has changed as a result of rename_file) */ if (stat(file_name, &st) != 0 || st.st_ino != file_inode) { close(file_handle); if (is_audit) { f->fd_audit = open(f->name_audit, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR); f->node_audit = st.st_ino; f->created_audit = st.st_ctime; f->owner = getpid(); } else { f->fd_debug = open(f->name_debug, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR); f->node_debug = st.st_ino; f->created_debug = st.st_ctime; f->owner = getpid(); } if (f->fd_debug == -1 || f->fd_audit == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "am_log_worker() log file re-open failed with error: %d", errno); f->fd_debug = f->fd_audit = -1; } } #endif } } log->out = AM_LOG_BUFFER_MASK(log->out + 1, log->bucket_count); #ifdef _WIN32 WaitForSingleObject(am_log_lck.lock, INFINITE); #else pthread_mutex_lock(&log->lock); #endif log->read_count--; #ifdef _WIN32 SetEvent(am_log_lck.new_space_cond); #else pthread_cond_broadcast(&log->new_space_cond); #endif } return NULL; }
/* ssdpDiscoverDevices() : * return a chained list of all devices found or NULL if * no devices was found. * It is up to the caller to free the chained list * delay is in millisecond (poll). * UDA v1.1 says : * The TTL for the IP packet SHOULD default to 2 and * SHOULD be configurable. */ struct UPNPDev * ssdpDiscoverDevices(const char * const deviceTypes[], int delay, const char * multicastif, int localport, int ipv6, unsigned char ttl, int * error, int searchalltypes) { struct UPNPDev * tmp; struct UPNPDev * devlist = 0; unsigned int scope_id = 0; int opt = 1; static const char MSearchMsgFmt[] = "M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1\r\n" "HOST: %s:" XSTR(SSDP_PORT) "\r\n" "ST: %s\r\n" "MAN: \"ssdp:discover\"\r\n" "MX: %u\r\n" "\r\n"; int deviceIndex; char bufr[1536]; /* reception and emission buffer */ SOCKET sudp; int n; struct sockaddr_storage sockudp_r; unsigned int mx; #ifdef NO_GETADDRINFO struct sockaddr_storage sockudp_w; #else int rv; struct addrinfo hints, *servinfo, *p; #endif #ifdef _WIN32 unsigned long _ttl = (unsigned long)ttl; #endif int linklocal = 1; int sentok; if(error) *error = MINISSDPC_UNKNOWN_ERROR; if(localport==UPNP_LOCAL_PORT_SAME) localport = SSDP_PORT; #ifdef _WIN32 sudp = socket(ipv6 ? PF_INET6 : PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); #else sudp = socket(ipv6 ? PF_INET6 : PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); #endif if(ISINVALID(sudp)) { if(error) *error = MINISSDPC_SOCKET_ERROR; PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("socket"); return NULL; } /* reception */ memset(&sockudp_r, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); if(ipv6) { struct sockaddr_in6 * p = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&sockudp_r; p->sin6_family = AF_INET6; if(localport > 0 && localport < 65536) p->sin6_port = htons((unsigned short)localport); p->sin6_addr = in6addr_any; /* in6addr_any is not available with MinGW32 3.4.2 */ } else { struct sockaddr_in * p = (struct sockaddr_in *)&sockudp_r; p->sin_family = AF_INET; if(localport > 0 && localport < 65536) p->sin_port = htons((unsigned short)localport); p->sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; } #ifdef _WIN32 /* This code could help us to use the right Network interface for * SSDP multicast traffic */ /* Get IP associated with the index given in the ip_forward struct * in order to give this ip to setsockopt(sudp, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_IF) */ if(!ipv6) { DWORD ifbestidx; SOCKADDR_IN destAddr; memset(&destAddr, 0, sizeof(destAddr)); destAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; destAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); destAddr.sin_port = 0; if (GetBestInterfaceEx((struct sockaddr *)&destAddr, &ifbestidx) == NO_ERROR) { DWORD dwRetVal = 0; PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES pAddresses = NULL; ULONG outBufLen = 0; ULONG Iterations = 0; PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES pCurrAddresses = NULL; PIP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS pUnicast = NULL; outBufLen = 15360; do { pAddresses = (IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES *) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, outBufLen); if (pAddresses == NULL) { break; } dwRetVal = GetAdaptersAddresses(AF_INET, GAA_FLAG_INCLUDE_PREFIX, NULL, pAddresses, &outBufLen); if (dwRetVal == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pAddresses); pAddresses = NULL; } else { break; } Iterations++; } while ((dwRetVal == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) && (Iterations < 3)); if (dwRetVal == NO_ERROR) { pCurrAddresses = pAddresses; while (pCurrAddresses) { #ifdef DEBUG int i; PIP_ADAPTER_MULTICAST_ADDRESS pMulticast = NULL; PIP_ADAPTER_ANYCAST_ADDRESS pAnycast = NULL; printf("\tIfIndex (IPv4 interface): %u\n", pCurrAddresses->IfIndex); printf("\tAdapter name: %s\n", pCurrAddresses->AdapterName); pUnicast = pCurrAddresses->FirstUnicastAddress; if (pUnicast != NULL) { for (i = 0; pUnicast != NULL; i++) { IPAddr.S_un.S_addr = (u_long) pUnicast->Address; printf("\tIP Address[%d]: \t%s\n", i, inet_ntoa(IPAddr) ); pUnicast = pUnicast->Next; } printf("\tNumber of Unicast Addresses: %d\n", i); } pAnycast = pCurrAddresses->FirstAnycastAddress; if (pAnycast) { for (i = 0; pAnycast != NULL; i++) { IPAddr.S_un.S_addr = (u_long) pAnyCast->Address; printf("\tAnycast Address[%d]: \t%s\n", i, inet_ntoa(IPAddr) ); pAnycast = pAnycast->Next; } printf("\tNumber of Anycast Addresses: %d\n", i); } pMulticast = pCurrAddresses->FirstMulticastAddress; if (pMulticast) { for (i = 0; pMulticast != NULL; i++) { IPAddr.S_un.S_addr = (u_long) pMultiCast->Address; printf("\tMulticast Address[%d]: \t%s\n", i, inet_ntoa(IPAddr) ); } } printf("\n"); #endif pUnicast = pCurrAddresses->FirstUnicastAddress; if (pCurrAddresses->IfIndex == ifbestidx && pUnicast != NULL) { SOCKADDR_IN *ipv4 = (SOCKADDR_IN *)(pUnicast->Address.lpSockaddr); /* Set the address of this interface to be used */ struct in_addr mc_if; memset(&mc_if, 0, sizeof(mc_if)); mc_if.s_addr = ipv4->sin_addr.s_addr; if(setsockopt(sudp, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_IF, (const char *)&mc_if, sizeof(mc_if)) < 0) { PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("setsockopt"); } ((struct sockaddr_in *)&sockudp_r)->sin_addr.s_addr = ipv4->sin_addr.s_addr; #ifndef DEBUG break; #endif } pCurrAddresses = pCurrAddresses->Next; } } if (pAddresses != NULL) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pAddresses); pAddresses = NULL; } } } #endif /* _WIN32 */ #ifdef _WIN32 if (setsockopt(sudp, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char *)&opt, sizeof (opt)) < 0) #else if (setsockopt(sudp, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof (opt)) < 0) #endif { if(error) *error = MINISSDPC_SOCKET_ERROR; PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR,...)"); return NULL; } if(ipv6) { #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD mcastHops = ttl; if(setsockopt(sudp, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS, (const char *)&mcastHops, sizeof(mcastHops)) < 0) #else /* _WIN32 */ int mcastHops = ttl; if(setsockopt(sudp, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS, &mcastHops, sizeof(mcastHops)) < 0) #endif /* _WIN32 */ { PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("setsockopt(IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS,...)"); } } else { #ifdef _WIN32 if(setsockopt(sudp, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_TTL, (const char *)&_ttl, sizeof(_ttl)) < 0) #else /* _WIN32 */ if(setsockopt(sudp, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_TTL, &ttl, sizeof(ttl)) < 0) #endif /* _WIN32 */ { /* not a fatal error */ PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("setsockopt(IP_MULTICAST_TTL,...)"); } } if(multicastif) { if(ipv6) { #if !defined(_WIN32) /* according to MSDN, if_nametoindex() is supported since * MS Windows Vista and MS Windows Server 2008. * http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb408409%28v=vs.85%29.aspx */ unsigned int ifindex = if_nametoindex(multicastif); /* eth0, etc. */ if(setsockopt(sudp, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_MULTICAST_IF, &ifindex, sizeof(ifindex)) < 0) { PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("setsockopt IPV6_MULTICAST_IF"); } #else #ifdef DEBUG printf("Setting of multicast interface not supported in IPv6 under Windows.\n"); #endif #endif } else { struct in_addr mc_if; #if defined(_WIN32) && (_WIN32_WINNT >= _WIN32_WINNT_VISTA) InetPtonA(AF_INET, multicastif, &mc_if); #else mc_if.s_addr = inet_addr(multicastif); /* ex: 192.168.x.x */ #endif if(mc_if.s_addr != INADDR_NONE) { ((struct sockaddr_in *)&sockudp_r)->sin_addr.s_addr = mc_if.s_addr; if(setsockopt(sudp, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_IF, (const char *)&mc_if, sizeof(mc_if)) < 0) { PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("setsockopt IP_MULTICAST_IF"); } } else { #ifdef HAS_IP_MREQN /* was not an ip address, try with an interface name */ struct ip_mreqn reqn; /* only defined with -D_BSD_SOURCE or -D_GNU_SOURCE */ memset(&reqn, 0, sizeof(struct ip_mreqn)); reqn.imr_ifindex = if_nametoindex(multicastif); if(setsockopt(sudp, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_IF, (const char *)&reqn, sizeof(reqn)) < 0) { PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("setsockopt IP_MULTICAST_IF"); } #elif !defined(_WIN32) struct ifreq ifr; int ifrlen = sizeof(ifr); strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, multicastif, IFNAMSIZ); ifr.ifr_name[IFNAMSIZ-1] = '\0'; if(ioctl(sudp, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr, &ifrlen) < 0) { PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("ioctl(...SIOCGIFADDR...)"); } mc_if.s_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr; if(setsockopt(sudp, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_IF, (const char *)&mc_if, sizeof(mc_if)) < 0) { PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("setsockopt IP_MULTICAST_IF"); } #else /* _WIN32 */ #ifdef DEBUG printf("Setting of multicast interface not supported with interface name.\n"); #endif #endif /* #ifdef HAS_IP_MREQN / !defined(_WIN32) */ } } } /* Before sending the packed, we first "bind" in order to be able * to receive the response */ if (bind(sudp, (const struct sockaddr *)&sockudp_r, ipv6 ? sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6) : sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) != 0) { if(error) *error = MINISSDPC_SOCKET_ERROR; PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("bind"); closesocket(sudp); return NULL; } if(error) *error = MINISSDPC_SUCCESS; /* Calculating maximum response time in seconds */ mx = ((unsigned int)delay) / 1000u; if(mx == 0) { mx = 1; delay = 1000; } /* receiving SSDP response packet */ for(deviceIndex = 0; deviceTypes[deviceIndex]; deviceIndex++) { sentok = 0; /* sending the SSDP M-SEARCH packet */ n = snprintf(bufr, sizeof(bufr), MSearchMsgFmt, ipv6 ? (linklocal ? "[" UPNP_MCAST_LL_ADDR "]" : "[" UPNP_MCAST_SL_ADDR "]") : UPNP_MCAST_ADDR, deviceTypes[deviceIndex], mx); if ((unsigned int)n >= sizeof(bufr)) { if(error) *error = MINISSDPC_MEMORY_ERROR; goto error; } #ifdef DEBUG /*printf("Sending %s", bufr);*/ printf("Sending M-SEARCH request to %s with ST: %s\n", ipv6 ? (linklocal ? "[" UPNP_MCAST_LL_ADDR "]" : "[" UPNP_MCAST_SL_ADDR "]") : UPNP_MCAST_ADDR, deviceTypes[deviceIndex]); #endif #ifdef NO_GETADDRINFO /* the following code is not using getaddrinfo */ /* emission */ memset(&sockudp_w, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); if(ipv6) { struct sockaddr_in6 * p = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&sockudp_w; p->sin6_family = AF_INET6; p->sin6_port = htons(SSDP_PORT); inet_pton(AF_INET6, linklocal ? UPNP_MCAST_LL_ADDR : UPNP_MCAST_SL_ADDR, &(p->sin6_addr)); } else { struct sockaddr_in * p = (struct sockaddr_in *)&sockudp_w; p->sin_family = AF_INET; p->sin_port = htons(SSDP_PORT); p->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(UPNP_MCAST_ADDR); } n = sendto(sudp, bufr, n, 0, &sockudp_w, ipv6 ? sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6) : sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); if (n < 0) { if(error) *error = MINISSDPC_SOCKET_ERROR; PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("sendto"); } else { sentok = 1; } #else /* #ifdef NO_GETADDRINFO */ memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; /* AF_INET6 or AF_INET */ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; /*hints.ai_flags = */ if ((rv = getaddrinfo(ipv6 ? (linklocal ? UPNP_MCAST_LL_ADDR : UPNP_MCAST_SL_ADDR) : UPNP_MCAST_ADDR, XSTR(SSDP_PORT), &hints, &servinfo)) != 0) { if(error) *error = MINISSDPC_SOCKET_ERROR; #ifdef _WIN32 fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo() failed: %d\n", rv); #else fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(rv)); #endif break; } for(p = servinfo; p; p = p->ai_next) { n = sendto(sudp, bufr, n, 0, p->ai_addr, MSC_CAST_INT p->ai_addrlen); if (n < 0) { #ifdef DEBUG char hbuf[NI_MAXHOST], sbuf[NI_MAXSERV]; if (getnameinfo(p->ai_addr, p->ai_addrlen, hbuf, sizeof(hbuf), sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "host:%s port:%s\n", hbuf, sbuf); } #endif PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("sendto"); continue; } else { sentok = 1; } } freeaddrinfo(servinfo); if(!sentok) { if(error) *error = MINISSDPC_SOCKET_ERROR; } #endif /* #ifdef NO_GETADDRINFO */ /* Waiting for SSDP REPLY packet to M-SEARCH * if searchalltypes is set, enter the loop only * when the last deviceType is reached */ if((sentok && !searchalltypes) || !deviceTypes[deviceIndex + 1]) do { n = receivedata(sudp, bufr, sizeof(bufr), delay, &scope_id); if (n < 0) { /* error */ if(error) *error = MINISSDPC_SOCKET_ERROR; goto error; } else if (n == 0) { /* no data or Time Out */ #ifdef DEBUG printf("NODATA or TIMEOUT\n"); #endif /* DEBUG */ if (devlist && !searchalltypes) { /* found some devices, stop now*/ if(error) *error = MINISSDPC_SUCCESS; goto error; } } else { const char * descURL=NULL; int urlsize=0; const char * st=NULL; int stsize=0; const char * usn=NULL; int usnsize=0; parseMSEARCHReply(bufr, n, &descURL, &urlsize, &st, &stsize, &usn, &usnsize); if(st&&descURL) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("M-SEARCH Reply:\n ST: %.*s\n USN: %.*s\n Location: %.*s\n", stsize, st, usnsize, (usn?usn:""), urlsize, descURL); #endif /* DEBUG */ for(tmp=devlist; tmp; tmp = tmp->pNext) { if(memcmp(tmp->descURL, descURL, urlsize) == 0 && tmp->descURL[urlsize] == '\0' && memcmp(tmp->st, st, stsize) == 0 && tmp->st[stsize] == '\0' && (usnsize == 0 || memcmp(tmp->usn, usn, usnsize) == 0) && tmp->usn[usnsize] == '\0') break; } /* at the exit of the loop above, tmp is null if * no duplicate device was found */ if(tmp) continue; tmp = (struct UPNPDev *)malloc(sizeof(struct UPNPDev)+urlsize+stsize+usnsize); if(!tmp) { /* memory allocation error */ if(error) *error = MINISSDPC_MEMORY_ERROR; goto error; } tmp->pNext = devlist; tmp->descURL = tmp->buffer; tmp->st = tmp->buffer + 1 + urlsize; tmp->usn = tmp->st + 1 + stsize; memcpy(tmp->buffer, descURL, urlsize); tmp->buffer[urlsize] = '\0'; memcpy(tmp->st, st, stsize); tmp->buffer[urlsize+1+stsize] = '\0'; if(usn != NULL) memcpy(tmp->usn, usn, usnsize); tmp->buffer[urlsize+1+stsize+1+usnsize] = '\0'; tmp->scope_id = scope_id; devlist = tmp; } } } while(n > 0); if(ipv6) { /* switch linklocal flag */ if(linklocal) { linklocal = 0; --deviceIndex; } else { linklocal = 1; } } } error: closesocket(sudp); return devlist; }
/* connecthostport() * return a socket connected (TCP) to the host and port * or -1 in case of error */ SOCKET connecthostport(const char * host, unsigned short port, unsigned int scope_id) { SOCKET s; int n; #ifdef USE_GETHOSTBYNAME struct sockaddr_in dest; struct hostent *hp; #else /* #ifdef USE_GETHOSTBYNAME */ char tmp_host[MAXHOSTNAMELEN+1]; char port_str[8]; struct addrinfo *ai, *p; struct addrinfo hints; #endif /* #ifdef USE_GETHOSTBYNAME */ #ifdef MINIUPNPC_SET_SOCKET_TIMEOUT struct timeval timeout; #endif /* #ifdef MINIUPNPC_SET_SOCKET_TIMEOUT */ #ifdef USE_GETHOSTBYNAME hp = gethostbyname(host); if(hp == NULL) { herror(host); return INVALID_SOCKET; } memcpy(&dest.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, sizeof(dest.sin_addr)); memset(dest.sin_zero, 0, sizeof(dest.sin_zero)); s = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(ISINVALID(s)) { PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("socket"); return INVALID_SOCKET; } #ifdef MINIUPNPC_SET_SOCKET_TIMEOUT /* setting a 3 seconds timeout for the connect() call */ timeout.tv_sec = 3; timeout.tv_usec = 0; if(setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(struct timeval)) < 0) { PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("setsockopt SO_RCVTIMEO"); } timeout.tv_sec = 3; timeout.tv_usec = 0; if(setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(struct timeval)) < 0) { PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("setsockopt SO_SNDTIMEO"); } #endif /* #ifdef MINIUPNPC_SET_SOCKET_TIMEOUT */ dest.sin_family = AF_INET; dest.sin_port = htons(port); n = connect(s, (struct sockaddr *)&dest, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); #ifdef MINIUPNPC_IGNORE_EINTR /* EINTR The system call was interrupted by a signal that was caught * EINPROGRESS The socket is nonblocking and the connection cannot * be completed immediately. */ while(n < 0 && (errno == EINTR || errno == EINPROGRESS)) { socklen_t len; fd_set wset; int err; FD_ZERO(&wset); FD_SET(s, &wset); #ifdef MINIUPNPC_SET_SOCKET_TIMEOUT timeout.tv_sec = 3; timeout.tv_usec = 0; n = select(s + 1, NULL, &wset, NULL, &timeout); #else n = select(s + 1, NULL, &wset, NULL, NULL); #endif if(n == -1 && errno == EINTR) continue; #ifdef MINIUPNPC_SET_SOCKET_TIMEOUT if(n == 0) { errno = ETIMEDOUT; n = -1; break; } #endif /*len = 0;*/ /*n = getpeername(s, NULL, &len);*/ len = sizeof(err); if(getsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &err, &len) < 0) { PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("getsockopt"); closesocket(s); return INVALID_SOCKET; } if(err != 0) { errno = err; n = -1; } } #endif /* #ifdef MINIUPNPC_IGNORE_EINTR */ if(n<0) { PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("connect"); closesocket(s); return INVALID_SOCKET; } #else /* #ifdef USE_GETHOSTBYNAME */ /* use getaddrinfo() instead of gethostbyname() */ memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); /* hints.ai_flags = AI_ADDRCONFIG; */ #ifdef AI_NUMERICSERV hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICSERV; #endif hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; /* AF_INET, AF_INET6 or AF_UNSPEC */ /* hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; */ snprintf(port_str, sizeof(port_str), "%hu", port); if(host[0] == '[') { /* literal ip v6 address */ int i, j; for(i = 0, j = 1; host[j] && (host[j] != ']') && i < MAXHOSTNAMELEN; i++, j++) { tmp_host[i] = host[j]; if(0 == strncmp(host+j, "%25", 3)) /* %25 is just url encoding for '%' */ j+=2; /* skip "25" */ } tmp_host[i] = '\0'; } else { strncpy(tmp_host, host, MAXHOSTNAMELEN); } tmp_host[MAXHOSTNAMELEN] = '\0'; n = getaddrinfo(tmp_host, port_str, &hints, &ai); if(n != 0) { #ifdef _WIN32 fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo() error : %d\n", n); #else fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo() error : %s\n", gai_strerror(n)); #endif return INVALID_SOCKET; } s = INVALID_SOCKET; for(p = ai; p; p = p->ai_next) { if(!ISINVALID(s)) closesocket(s); s = socket(p->ai_family, p->ai_socktype, p->ai_protocol); if(ISINVALID(s)) continue; if(p->ai_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6 && scope_id > 0) { struct sockaddr_in6 * addr6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)p->ai_addr; addr6->sin6_scope_id = scope_id; } #ifdef MINIUPNPC_SET_SOCKET_TIMEOUT /* setting a 3 seconds timeout for the connect() call */ timeout.tv_sec = 3; timeout.tv_usec = 0; if(setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(struct timeval)) < 0) { PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("setsockopt"); } timeout.tv_sec = 3; timeout.tv_usec = 0; if(setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(struct timeval)) < 0) { PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("setsockopt"); } #endif /* #ifdef MINIUPNPC_SET_SOCKET_TIMEOUT */ n = connect(s, p->ai_addr, MSC_CAST_INT p->ai_addrlen); #ifdef MINIUPNPC_IGNORE_EINTR /* EINTR The system call was interrupted by a signal that was caught * EINPROGRESS The socket is nonblocking and the connection cannot * be completed immediately. */ while(n < 0 && (errno == EINTR || errno == EINPROGRESS)) { socklen_t len; fd_set wset; int err; FD_ZERO(&wset); FD_SET(s, &wset); #ifdef MINIUPNPC_SET_SOCKET_TIMEOUT timeout.tv_sec = 3; timeout.tv_usec = 0; n = select(s + 1, NULL, &wset, NULL, &timeout); #else n = select(s + 1, NULL, &wset, NULL, NULL); #endif if(n == -1 && errno == EINTR) continue; #ifdef MINIUPNPC_SET_SOCKET_TIMEOUT if(n == 0) { errno = ETIMEDOUT; n = -1; break; } #endif /*len = 0;*/ /*n = getpeername(s, NULL, &len);*/ len = sizeof(err); if(getsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &err, &len) < 0) { PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("getsockopt"); closesocket(s); freeaddrinfo(ai); return INVALID_SOCKET; } if(err != 0) { errno = err; n = -1; } } #endif /* #ifdef MINIUPNPC_IGNORE_EINTR */ if(n >= 0) /* connect() was successful */ break; } freeaddrinfo(ai); if(ISINVALID(s)) { PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("socket"); return INVALID_SOCKET; } if(n < 0) { PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("connect"); closesocket(s); return INVALID_SOCKET; } #endif /* #ifdef USE_GETHOSTBYNAME */ return s; }
static int send_authcontext_request(am_net_t *conn, const char *realm, char **token) { static const char *thisfunc = "send_authcontext_request():"; size_t post_sz, post_data_sz; char *post = NULL, *post_data = NULL; int status = AM_ERROR; struct request_data *req_data; if (conn == NULL || conn->data == NULL || token == NULL || !ISVALID(realm)) return AM_EINVAL; req_data = (struct request_data *) conn->data; post_data_sz = am_asprintf(&post_data, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" "<RequestSet vers=\"1.0\" svcid=\"auth\" reqid=\"0\">" "<Request><![CDATA[" "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><AuthContext version=\"1.0\">" "<Request authIdentifier=\"0\">" "<NewAuthContext orgName=\"%s\"/></Request></AuthContext>]]>" "</Request></RequestSet>", realm); if (post_data == NULL) return AM_ENOMEM; post_sz = am_asprintf(&post, "POST %s/authservice HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: %s:%d\r\n" "User-Agent: "MODINFO"\r\n" "Accept: text/xml\r\n" "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n" "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8\r\n" "Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n" "%s", conn->uv.path, conn->uv.host, conn->uv.port, post_data_sz, post_data); if (post == NULL) { free(post_data); return AM_ENOMEM; } #ifdef DEBUG AM_LOG_DEBUG(conn->instance_id, "%s sending %d bytes:\n%s", thisfunc, post_sz, post); #else AM_LOG_DEBUG(conn->instance_id, "%s sending %d bytes", thisfunc, post_sz); #endif if (conn->log != NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG conn->log("%s sending %d bytes:\n%s", thisfunc, post_sz, post); #else conn->log("%s sending %d bytes", thisfunc, post_sz); #endif } status = am_net_write(conn, post, post_sz); free(post_data); free(post); if (status == AM_SUCCESS) { wait_for_event(req_data->event, 0); } AM_LOG_DEBUG(conn->instance_id, "%s response status code: %d\n%s", thisfunc, conn->http_status, LOGEMPTY(req_data->data)); if (conn->log != NULL) { conn->log("%s response status code: %d\n%s", thisfunc, conn->http_status, LOGEMPTY(req_data->data)); } if (status == AM_SUCCESS && conn->http_status == 200 && ISVALID(req_data->data)) { char *begin = strstr(req_data->data, "Response authIdentifier=\""); if (begin != NULL) { char *end = strstr(begin + 25, "\""); if (end != NULL) { *token = strndup(begin + 25, end - begin - 25); } } if (ISINVALID(*token)) { status = AM_NOT_FOUND; } if (status == AM_SUCCESS && ISVALID(conn->req_headers)) { am_request_t req_temp; int decode_status; memset(&req_temp, 0, sizeof(am_request_t)); req_temp.token = strdup(*token); decode_status = am_session_decode(&req_temp); if (decode_status == AM_SUCCESS && req_temp.session_info.error == AM_SUCCESS) { if (ISVALID(req_temp.session_info.si)) { am_asprintf(&conn->req_headers, "%s%s\r\n", conn->req_headers, req_temp.session_info.si); } else { am_free(conn->req_headers); conn->req_headers = NULL; } AM_LOG_DEBUG(conn->instance_id, "%s app token SI: %s, S1: %s", thisfunc, LOGEMPTY(req_temp.session_info.si), LOGEMPTY(req_temp.session_info.s1)); } am_request_free(&req_temp); } } AM_LOG_DEBUG(conn->instance_id, "%s status: %s", thisfunc, am_strerror(status)); am_free(req_data->data); req_data->data = NULL; return status; }