Ejemplo n.º 1
void me_wifi_quirk(struct domain *domain, u8 bus, u8 devfn, int map)
    u32 id;

    id = pci_conf_read32(0, 0, 0, 0);
    if ( IS_CTG(id) )
        /* quit if ME does not exist */
        if ( pci_conf_read32(0, 3, 0, 0) == 0xffffffff )

        /* if device is WLAN device, map ME phantom device 0:3.7 */
        id = pci_conf_read32(bus, PCI_SLOT(devfn), PCI_FUNC(devfn), 0);
        switch (id)
            case 0x42328086:
            case 0x42358086:
            case 0x42368086:
            case 0x42378086:
            case 0x423a8086:
            case 0x423b8086:
            case 0x423c8086:
            case 0x423d8086:
                map_me_phantom_function(domain, 3, map);
    else if ( IS_ILK(id) || IS_CPT(id) )
        /* quit if ME does not exist */
        if ( pci_conf_read32(0, 22, 0, 0) == 0xffffffff )

        /* if device is WLAN device, map ME phantom device 0:22.7 */
        id = pci_conf_read32(bus, PCI_SLOT(devfn), PCI_FUNC(devfn), 0);
        switch (id)
            case 0x00878086:        /* Kilmer Peak */
            case 0x00898086:
            case 0x00828086:        /* Taylor Peak */
            case 0x00858086:
            case 0x008F8086:        /* Rainbow Peak */
            case 0x00908086:
            case 0x00918086:
            case 0x42388086:        /* Puma Peak */
            case 0x422b8086:
            case 0x422c8086:
                map_me_phantom_function(domain, 22, map);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Create the file, or the directory
 *  fname is the original filename
 *  ofile is the output filename (may be in a different directory)
 * Returns:  CF_SKIP     if file should be skipped
 *           CF_ERROR    on error
 *           CF_EXTRACT  file created and data to restore
 *           CF_CREATED  file created no data to restore
 *   Note, we create the file here, except for special files,
 *     we do not set the attributes because we want to first
 *     write the file, then when the writing is done, set the
 *     attributes.
 *   So, we return with the file descriptor open for normal
 *     files.
int create_file(JCR *jcr, ATTR *attr, BFILE *bfd, int replace)
   mode_t new_mode, parent_mode;
   int flags;
   uid_t uid;
   gid_t gid;
   int pnl;
   bool exists = false;
   struct stat mstatp;

   bfd->reparse_point = false;
   if (is_win32_stream(attr->data_stream)) {
   } else {

   new_mode = attr->statp.st_mode;
   Dmsg3(200, "type=%d newmode=%x file=%s\n", attr->type, new_mode, attr->ofname);
   parent_mode = S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | new_mode;
   gid = attr->statp.st_gid;
   uid = attr->statp.st_uid;

#ifdef HAVE_WIN32
   if (!bfd->use_backup_api) {
      // eliminate invalid windows filename characters from foreign filenames
      char *ch = (char *)attr->ofname;
      if (ch[0] != 0 && ch[1] != 0) {
         ch += 2;
         while (*ch) {
            switch (*ch) {
            case ':':
            case '<':
            case '>':
            case '*':
            case '?':
            case '|':
               *ch = '_';

   Dmsg2(400, "Replace=%c %d\n", (char)replace, replace);
   if (lstat(attr->ofname, &mstatp) == 0) {
      exists = true;
      switch (replace) {
         if (attr->statp.st_mtime <= mstatp.st_mtime) {
            Qmsg(jcr, M_SKIPPED, 0, _("File skipped. Not newer: %s\n"), attr->ofname);
            return CF_SKIP;

         if (attr->statp.st_mtime >= mstatp.st_mtime) {
            Qmsg(jcr, M_SKIPPED, 0, _("File skipped. Not older: %s\n"), attr->ofname);
            return CF_SKIP;

      case REPLACE_NEVER:
         Qmsg(jcr, M_SKIPPED, 0, _("File skipped. Already exists: %s\n"), attr->ofname);
         return CF_SKIP;

      case REPLACE_ALWAYS:
   switch (attr->type) {
   case FT_RAW:                       /* raw device to be written */
   case FT_FIFO:                      /* FIFO to be written to */
   case FT_LNKSAVED:                  /* Hard linked, file already saved */
   case FT_LNK:
   case FT_SPEC:                      /* fifo, ... to be backed up */
   case FT_REGE:                      /* empty file */
   case FT_REG:                       /* regular file */
       * Note, we do not delete FT_RAW because these are device files
       *  or FIFOs that should already exist. If we blow it away,
       *  we may blow away a FIFO that is being used to read the
       *  restore data, or we may blow away a partition definition.
      if (exists && attr->type != FT_RAW && attr->type != FT_FIFO) {
         /* Get rid of old copy */
         Dmsg1(400, "unlink %s\n", attr->ofname);
         if (unlink(attr->ofname) == -1) {
            berrno be;
            Qmsg(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("File %s already exists and could not be replaced. ERR=%s.\n"),
               attr->ofname, be.bstrerror());
            /* Continue despite error */
       * Here we do some preliminary work for all the above
       *   types to create the path to the file if it does
       *   not already exist.  Below, we will split to
       *   do the file type specific work
      pnl = separate_path_and_file(jcr, attr->fname, attr->ofname);
      if (pnl < 0) {
         return CF_ERROR;

       * If path length is <= 0 we are making a file in the root
       *  directory. Assume that the directory already exists.
      if (pnl > 0) {
         char savechr;
         savechr = attr->ofname[pnl];
         attr->ofname[pnl] = 0;                 /* terminate path */

         if (!path_already_seen(jcr, attr->ofname, pnl)) {
            Dmsg1(400, "Make path %s\n", attr->ofname);
             * If we need to make the directory, ensure that it is with
             * execute bit set (i.e. parent_mode), and preserve what already
             * exists. Normally, this should do nothing.
            if (!makepath(attr, attr->ofname, parent_mode, parent_mode, uid, gid, 1)) {
               Dmsg1(10, "Could not make path. %s\n", attr->ofname);
               attr->ofname[pnl] = savechr;     /* restore full name */
               return CF_ERROR;
         attr->ofname[pnl] = savechr;           /* restore full name */

      /* Now we do the specific work for each file type */
      switch(attr->type) {
      case FT_REGE:
      case FT_REG:
         Dmsg1(100, "Create=%s\n", attr->ofname);
         flags =  O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY; /*  O_NOFOLLOW; */
         if (IS_CTG(attr->statp.st_mode)) {
            flags |= O_CTG;              /* set contiguous bit if needed */
         if (is_bopen(bfd)) {
            Qmsg1(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("bpkt already open fid=%d\n"), bfd->fid);

         if ((bopen(bfd, attr->ofname, flags, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)) < 0) {
            berrno be;
            Qmsg2(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Could not create %s: ERR=%s\n"),
                  attr->ofname, be.bstrerror());
            Dmsg2(100,"Could not create %s: ERR=%s\n", attr->ofname, be.bstrerror());
            return CF_ERROR;
         return CF_EXTRACT;

#ifndef HAVE_WIN32  // none of these exists on MS Windows
      case FT_RAW:                    /* Bacula raw device e.g. /dev/sda1 */
      case FT_FIFO:                   /* Bacula fifo to save data */
      case FT_SPEC:
         if (S_ISFIFO(attr->statp.st_mode)) {
            Dmsg1(400, "Restore fifo: %s\n", attr->ofname);
            if (mkfifo(attr->ofname, attr->statp.st_mode) != 0 && errno != EEXIST) {
               berrno be;
               Qmsg2(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Cannot make fifo %s: ERR=%s\n"),
                     attr->ofname, be.bstrerror());
               return CF_ERROR;
         } else if (S_ISSOCK(attr->statp.st_mode)) {
             Dmsg1(200, "Skipping restore of socket: %s\n", attr->ofname);
#ifdef S_IFDOOR     // Solaris high speed RPC mechanism
         } else if (S_ISDOOR(attr->statp.st_mode)) {
             Dmsg1(200, "Skipping restore of door file: %s\n", attr->ofname);
#ifdef S_IFPORT     // Solaris event port for handling AIO
         } else if (S_ISPORT(attr->statp.st_mode)) {
             Dmsg1(200, "Skipping restore of event port file: %s\n", attr->ofname);
         } else {
            Dmsg1(400, "Restore node: %s\n", attr->ofname);
            if (mknod(attr->ofname, attr->statp.st_mode, attr->statp.st_rdev) != 0 && errno != EEXIST) {
               berrno be;
               Qmsg2(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Cannot make node %s: ERR=%s\n"),
                     attr->ofname, be.bstrerror());
               return CF_ERROR;
          * Here we are going to attempt to restore to a FIFO, which
          *   means that the FIFO must already exist, AND there must
          *   be some process already attempting to read from the
          *   FIFO, so we open it write-only. 
         if (attr->type == FT_RAW || attr->type == FT_FIFO) {
            btimer_t *tid;
            Dmsg1(400, "FT_RAW|FT_FIFO %s\n", attr->ofname);
            flags =  O_WRONLY | O_BINARY;
            /* Timeout open() in 60 seconds */
            if (attr->type == FT_FIFO) {
               Dmsg0(400, "Set FIFO timer\n");
               tid = start_thread_timer(jcr, pthread_self(), 60);
            } else {
               tid = NULL;
            if (is_bopen(bfd)) {
               Qmsg1(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("bpkt already open fid=%d\n"), bfd->fid);
            Dmsg2(400, "open %s flags=0x%x\n", attr->ofname, flags);
            if ((bopen(bfd, attr->ofname, flags, 0)) < 0) {
               berrno be;
               Qmsg2(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Could not open %s: ERR=%s\n"),
                     attr->ofname, be.bstrerror());
               Dmsg2(400, "Could not open %s: ERR=%s\n", attr->ofname, be.bstrerror());
               return CF_ERROR;
            return CF_EXTRACT;
         Dmsg1(400, "FT_SPEC %s\n", attr->ofname);
         return CF_CREATED;

      case FT_LNK:
         Dmsg2(130, "FT_LNK should restore: %s -> %s\n", attr->ofname, attr->olname);
         if (symlink(attr->olname, attr->ofname) != 0 && errno != EEXIST) {
            berrno be;
            Qmsg3(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Could not symlink %s -> %s: ERR=%s\n"),
                  attr->ofname, attr->olname, be.bstrerror());
            return CF_ERROR;
         return CF_CREATED;

      case FT_LNKSAVED:                  /* Hard linked, file already saved */
         Dmsg2(130, "Hard link %s => %s\n", attr->ofname, attr->olname);
         if (link(attr->olname, attr->ofname) != 0) {
            berrno be;
            struct stat s;

            * If using BSD user flags, maybe has a file flag
            * preventing this. So attempt to disable, retry link,
            * and reset flags.
            * Note that BSD securelevel may prevent disabling flag.

            if (stat(attr->olname, &s) == 0 && s.st_flags != 0) {
               if (chflags(attr->olname, 0) == 0) {
                  if (link(attr->olname, attr->ofname) != 0) {
                     /* restore original file flags even when linking failed */
                     if (chflags(attr->olname, s.st_flags) < 0) {
                        Qmsg2(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Could not restore file flags for file %s: ERR=%s\n"),
                              attr->olname, be.bstrerror());
#endif /* HAVE_CHFLAGS */
            Qmsg3(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Could not hard link %s -> %s: ERR=%s\n"),
                  attr->ofname, attr->olname, be.bstrerror());
            Dmsg3(200, "Could not hard link %s -> %s: ERR=%s\n",
                  attr->ofname, attr->olname, be.bstrerror());
            return CF_ERROR;
                  /* finally restore original file flags */
                  if (chflags(attr->olname, s.st_flags) < 0) {
                     Qmsg2(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Could not restore file flags for file %s: ERR=%s\n"),
                            attr->olname, be.bstrerror());
               } else {
                 Qmsg2(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Could not reset file flags for file %s: ERR=%s\n"),
                       attr->olname, be.bstrerror());
            } else {
              Qmsg3(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Could not hard link %s -> %s: ERR=%s\n"),
                    attr->ofname, attr->olname, be.bstrerror());
              return CF_ERROR;
#endif /* HAVE_CHFLAGS */

         return CF_CREATED;
      } /* End inner switch */

   case FT_REPARSE:
      bfd->reparse_point = true;
      /* Fall through wanted */
   case FT_DIRBEGIN:
   case FT_DIREND:
      Dmsg2(200, "Make dir mode=%o dir=%s\n", new_mode, attr->ofname);
      if (!makepath(attr, attr->ofname, new_mode, parent_mode, uid, gid, 0)) {
         return CF_ERROR;
       * If we are using the Win32 Backup API, we open the
       *   directory so that the security info will be read
       *   and saved.
      if (!is_portable_backup(bfd)) {
         if (is_bopen(bfd)) {
            Qmsg1(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("bpkt already open fid=%d\n"), bfd->fid);
         if ((bopen(bfd, attr->ofname, O_WRONLY|O_BINARY, 0)) < 0) {
            berrno be;
#ifdef HAVE_WIN32
            /* Check for trying to create a drive, if so, skip */
            if (attr->ofname[1] == ':' && 
                IsPathSeparator(attr->ofname[2]) && 
                attr->ofname[3] == '\0') {
               return CF_SKIP;
            Qmsg2(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Could not open %s: ERR=%s\n"),
                  attr->ofname, be.bstrerror());
            return CF_ERROR;
         return CF_EXTRACT;
      } else {
         return CF_CREATED;

   case FT_DELETED:
      Qmsg2(jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("Original file %s have been deleted: type=%d\n"), attr->fname, attr->type);
   /* The following should not occur */
   case FT_NOACCESS:
   case FT_NOFOLLOW:
   case FT_NOSTAT:
   case FT_DIRNOCHG:
   case FT_NOCHG:
   case FT_ISARCH:
   case FT_NOFSCHG:
   case FT_NOOPEN:
      Qmsg2(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Original file %s not saved: type=%d\n"), attr->fname, attr->type);
      Qmsg2(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Unknown file type %d; not restored: %s\n"), attr->type, attr->fname);
   return CF_ERROR;