Ejemplo n.º 1
   purpose -- to read a BPG object from a formatted file

   return value -- 1 if success, 0 if failure

   created -- 95oct06, cca
BPG_readFromFormattedFile ( 
   BPG    *bpg, 
   FILE   *fp 
) {
Graph   *graph ;
int     nX, nY, rc ;
int     itemp[2] ;
   check the input
if ( bpg == NULL || fp == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in BPG_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", bpg, fp) ;
   return(0) ;
   clear the data fields
BPG_clearData(bpg) ;
   read in nX and nY
if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, 2, itemp)) != 2 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in BPG_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n %d items of %d read\n", bpg, fp, rc, 2) ;
   return(0) ;
nX = itemp[0] ;
nY = itemp[1] ;
   create the Graph IVL object, then read in its data
graph = Graph_new() ;
Graph_setDefaultFields(graph) ;
rc = Graph_readFromFormattedFile(graph, fp) ;
if ( rc != 1 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in BPG_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n trying to read in Graph"
           "\n return code %d from Graph_readFormattedFile(%p,%p)",
           bpg, fp, rc, graph, fp) ;
   return(0) ;
   initialize the object
BPG_init(bpg, nX, nY, graph) ;

return(1) ; }
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: IO.c Proyecto: bialk/SPOOLES
   purpose -- to read an IV object from a formatted file

   return value -- 1 if success, 0 if failure

   created -- 95oct06, cca
IV_readFromFormattedFile ( 
   IV    *iv, 
   FILE   *fp 
) {
int   rc, size ;
   check the input
if ( iv == NULL || fp == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in IV_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", iv, fp) ;
   return(0) ;
IV_clearData(iv) ;
   read in the size of the vector
if ( (rc = fscanf(fp, "%d", &size)) != 1 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in IV_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n %d items of %d read\n", iv, fp, rc, 1) ;
   return(0) ;
   initialize the object
IV_init(iv, size, NULL) ;
iv->size = size ;
   read in the vec[] vector
if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, size, iv->vec)) != size ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in IV_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n %d items of %d read\n", iv, fp, rc, size) ;
   return(0) ;
return(1) ; }
Ejemplo n.º 3
   purpose -- to read a Graph object from a formatted file

   return value -- 1 if success, 0 if failure

   created -- 95sep29, cca
Graph_readFromFormattedFile ( 
   Graph   *graph, 
   FILE    *fp 
) {
int   nedges, nvbnd, nvtx, rc, totewght, totvwght, type ;
int   itemp[6] ;
int   *vwghts ;
IVL   *adjIVL, *ewghtIVL ;
   check the input
if ( graph == NULL || fp == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", graph, fp) ;
   return(0) ;
   clear the data fields
Graph_clearData(graph) ;
   read in the six scalar parameters
   type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, totvwght, totewght
if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, 6, itemp)) != 6 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n %d items of %d read\n", graph, fp, rc, 6) ;
   return(0) ;
type     = itemp[0] ;
nvtx     = itemp[1] ;
nvbnd    = itemp[2] ;
nedges   = itemp[3] ;
totvwght = itemp[4] ;
totewght = itemp[5] ;
   create the adjIVL IVL object, 
   set its type to IVL_CHUNKED, then read in its data
adjIVL = IVL_new() ;
IVL_setDefaultFields(adjIVL) ;
adjIVL->type = IVL_CHUNKED ;
rc = IVL_readFromFormattedFile(adjIVL, fp) ;
if ( rc != 1 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n trying to read in adjIVL"
           "\n return code %d from IVL_readFormattedFile(%p,%p)",
           graph, fp, rc, adjIVL, fp) ;
   return(0) ;
if ( type % 2 == 1 ) {
   int   nvtot, wght ;
   vertex weights are present
   nvtot = nvtx + nvbnd ;
   vwghts = IVinit2(nvtot) ;
   if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, nvtot, vwghts)) != nvtot ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n %d items of %d read\n", graph, fp, rc, nvtot) ;
      return(0) ;
   wght = IVsum(nvtot, vwghts) ;
   if ( wght != totvwght ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n totvwght = %d, IVsum(vwghts) = %d\n",
              graph, fp, totvwght, wght) ;
      return(0) ;
} else {
   vwghts = NULL ;
if ( type >= 2 ) {
   int   wght ;
   edge weights are present, create the ewghtIVL object, 
   set its type to IVL_CHUNKED, then read in its data
   ewghtIVL = IVL_new() ;
   IVL_setDefaultFields(ewghtIVL) ;
   ewghtIVL->type = IVL_CHUNKED ;
   rc = IVL_readFromFormattedFile(ewghtIVL, fp) ;
   if ( rc != 1 ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n trying to read in ewghtIVL"
              "\n return code %d from IVL_readFormattedFile(%p,%p)",
              graph, fp, rc, ewghtIVL, fp) ;
      return(0) ;
   wght = IVL_sum(ewghtIVL) ;
   if ( wght != totewght ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n totewght = %d, IVL_sum(ewghtIVL) = %d\n",
              graph, fp, totewght, wght) ;
      return(0) ;
} else {
   ewghtIVL = NULL ;
   initialize the object
Graph_init2(graph, type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, totvwght, totewght,
            adjIVL, vwghts, ewghtIVL) ;

return(1) ; }
Ejemplo n.º 4
   purpose -- to read an IVL object from a formatted file

   return value -- 1 if success, 0 if failure

   created -- 95sep29, cca
IVL_readFromFormattedFile ( 
   IVL    *ivl, 
   FILE   *fp 
) {
int   nlist, rc, type ;
int   itemp[3] ;
int   *sizes ;
   check the input
if ( ivl == NULL || fp == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in IVL_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", ivl, fp) ;
   return(0) ;
switch ( ivl->type ) {
case IVL_SOLO    :
   break ;
default :
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in IVL_readFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
    "\n bad type = %d", ivl, fp, ivl->type) ;
   return(0) ;
   save the ivl type and clear the data fields
type = ivl->type ;
IVL_clearData(ivl) ;
   read in the three scalar parameters
   type, # of lists, # of indices
if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, 3, itemp)) != 3 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in IVL_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n %d items of %d read\n", ivl, fp, rc, 3) ;
   return(0) ;
nlist = itemp[1] ;
fprintf(stdout, "\n itemp = { %d %d %d } ",
        itemp[0], itemp[1], itemp[2]) ;
   read in the sizes[] vector
sizes = IVinit(nlist, 0) ;
if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, nlist, sizes)) != nlist ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in IVL_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n %d items of %d read\n", ivl, fp, rc, nlist) ;
   return(0) ;
   initialize the object
IVL_init3(ivl, type, nlist, sizes) ;
IVfree(sizes) ;
   now read in the indices
switch ( type ) {
case IVL_SOLO : {
   int   ilist, size ;
   int   *ind ;

   for ( ilist = 0 ; ilist < nlist ; ilist++ ) {
      IVL_listAndSize(ivl, ilist, &size, &ind) ;
      if ( size > 0 ) {
         if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, size, ind)) != size ) {
                    "\n error in IVL_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
                    "\n list %d, %d items of %d read\n", 
                    ivl, fp, ilist, rc, size) ;
            return(0) ;
   } break ;
case IVL_CHUNKED : {
   read in the indices into the contiguous block of storage
   if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, ivl->tsize, ivl->chunk->base)) 
        != ivl->tsize ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in IVL_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n %d items of %d read\n", ivl, fp, rc, ivl->tsize) ;
      return(0) ;
   } break ;
return(1) ; }
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: IO.c Proyecto: bialk/SPOOLES
   purpose -- to read an Perm object from a formatted file

   return value -- 1 if success, 0 if failure

   created -- 96jan05, cca
Perm_readFromFormattedFile ( 
   Perm   *perm, 
   FILE   *fp 
) {
int   i, isPresent, j, rc, size ;
int   itemp[2] ;
   check the input
if ( perm == NULL || fp == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Perm_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", perm, fp) ;
   return(0) ;
   clear the data fields
Perm_clearData(perm) ;
   read in the two scalar parameters: isPresent and size
if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, 2, itemp)) != 2 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Perm_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n %d items of %d read\n", perm, fp, rc, 2) ;
   return(0) ;
isPresent = itemp[0] ;
size      = itemp[1] ;
if ( isPresent < 1 || isPresent > 3 || size <= 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Perm_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n isPresent = %d, size = %d", perm, fp, isPresent, size) ;
   return(0) ;
   initialize the object
Perm_initWithTypeAndSize(perm, isPresent, size) ;
if ( isPresent == 2 || isPresent == 3 ) {
   read in the old-to-new permutation vector
   int   *oldToNew = perm->oldToNew ;
   if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, size, oldToNew)) != size ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Perm_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
             "\n %d items of %d read\n", 
             perm, fp, rc, size) ;
      exit(-1) ;
   for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) {
      if ( oldToNew[i] == size ) {
         for ( j = 0 ; j < size ; j++ ) {
            oldToNew[j]-- ;
         break ;
if ( isPresent == 1 || isPresent == 3 ) {
   read in the new-to-old permutation vector
   int   *newToOld = perm->newToOld ;
   if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, size, newToOld)) != size ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Perm_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
             "\n %d items of %d read\n", 
             perm, fp, rc, size) ;
      exit(-1) ;
   for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) {
      if ( newToOld[i] == size ) {
         for ( j = 0 ; j < size ; j++ ) {
            newToOld[j]-- ;
         break ;
   check the permutation object
if ( Perm_checkPerm(perm) != 1 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Perm_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n permutation is not valid\n", perm, fp) ;
   exit(-1) ;

return(1) ; }
Ejemplo n.º 6
   purpose -- to read an ETree object from a formatted file

   return value -- 1 if success, 0 if failure

   created -- 95nov15, cca
ETree_readFromFormattedFile ( 
   ETree   *etree, 
   FILE    *fp 
) {
int    rc ;
int    itemp[2] ;
   check the input
if ( etree == NULL || fp == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in ETree_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", etree, fp) ;
   return(0) ;
   clear the data fields
ETree_clearData(etree) ;
   initialize the ETree object
ETree_init1(etree, 0, 0) ;
   read in the two scalar fields
if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, 2, itemp)) != 2 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in ETree_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n %d items of %d read\n", etree, fp, rc, 2) ;
   return(0) ;
etree->nfront = itemp[0] ;
etree->nvtx   = itemp[1] ;
   read in the Tree object
Tree_readFromFormattedFile(etree->tree, fp) ;
   read in the nodwghts IV object
IV_readFromFormattedFile(etree->nodwghtsIV, fp) ;
   read in the bndwghts IV object
IV_readFromFormattedFile(etree->bndwghtsIV, fp) ;
   read in the vtxToFront IV object
IV_readFromFormattedFile(etree->vtxToFrontIV, fp) ;

return(1) ; }
Ejemplo n.º 7
   purpose -- to read an SolveMap object from a formatted file

   return value -- 1 if success, 0 if failure

   created -- 98apr09, cca
SolveMap_readFromFormattedFile ( 
   SolveMap   *solvemap, 
   FILE       *fp 
) {
int   nblockLower, nblockUpper, nfront, nproc, rc, symmetryflag ;
int   itemp[5] ;
   check the input
if ( solvemap == NULL || fp == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in SolveMap_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", solvemap, fp) ;
   return(0) ;
   clear the data fields
SolveMap_clearData(solvemap) ;
   read in the five scalar parameters
   symmetryflag, nfront, nproc, nblockUpper, nblockLower
if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, 5, itemp)) != 5 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in SolveMap_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n %d items of %d read\n", solvemap, fp, rc, 5) ;
   return(0) ;
symmetryflag = itemp[0] ;
nfront       = itemp[1] ;
nproc        = itemp[2] ;
nblockUpper  = itemp[3] ;
nblockLower  = itemp[4] ;
   initialize the object
SolveMap_init(solvemap, symmetryflag, nfront, nproc,
              nblockUpper, nblockLower) ;
   read in the owners[] vector
if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, nfront, solvemap->owners)) != nfront ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in SolveMap_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n %d items of %d read\n", solvemap, fp, rc, nfront) ;
   return(0) ;
if ( nblockUpper > 0 ) {
   read in the rowidsUpper[] vector
   if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, nblockUpper, solvemap->rowidsUpper)) 
       != nblockUpper ) {
              "\n error in SolveMap_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n %d items of %d read\n", 
              solvemap, fp, rc, nblockUpper) ;
      return(0) ;
   read in the colidsUpper[] vector
   if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, nblockUpper, solvemap->colidsUpper)) 
       != nblockUpper ) {
              "\n error in SolveMap_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n %d items of %d read\n", 
              solvemap, fp, rc, nblockUpper) ;
      return(0) ;
   read in the mapUpper[] vector
   if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, nblockUpper, solvemap->mapUpper)) 
       != nblockUpper ) {
              "\n error in SolveMap_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n %d items of %d read\n", 
              solvemap, fp, rc, nblockUpper) ;
      return(0) ;
if ( symmetryflag == 2 && nblockLower > 0 ) {
   read in the rowidsLower[] vector
   if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, nblockLower, solvemap->rowidsLower)) 
       != nblockLower ) {
              "\n error in SolveMap_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n %d items of %d read\n", 
              solvemap, fp, rc, nblockLower) ;
      return(0) ;
   read in the colidsLower[] vector
   if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, nblockLower, solvemap->colidsLower)) 
       != nblockLower ) {
              "\n error in SolveMap_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n %d items of %d read\n", 
              solvemap, fp, rc, nblockLower) ;
      return(0) ;
   read in the mapLower[] vector
   if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, nblockLower, solvemap->mapLower)) 
       != nblockLower ) {
              "\n error in SolveMap_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n %d items of %d read\n", 
              solvemap, fp, rc, nblockLower) ;
      return(0) ;
return(1) ; }
Ejemplo n.º 8
   purpose -- to read an object from a formatted file

   return value -- 1 if success, 0 if failure

   created -- 98may01, cca
A2_readFromFormattedFile ( 
   A2    *mtx, 
   FILE   *fp 
) {
int   rc, size ;
int   itemp[5] ;
   check the input
if ( mtx == NULL || fp == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in A2_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input", mtx, fp) ;
   return(0) ;
   clear the data fields
A2_clearData(mtx) ;
   read in the five scalar parameters: type n1, n2, inc1, inc2
if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, 5, itemp)) != 5 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in A2_readFromFormattedFile()"
           "\n %d items of %d read\n", rc, 5) ;
   return(0) ;
   initialize the object
A2_init(mtx, itemp[0], itemp[1], itemp[2], itemp[3], itemp[4], NULL) ;
   read in the entries[] vector
if ( (size = 1 + (mtx->n1-1)*mtx->inc1 + (mtx->n2-1)*mtx->inc2) > 0 ) {
   if ( A2_IS_REAL(mtx) ) {
      if ( (rc = DVfscanf(fp, size, mtx->entries)) != size ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n error in A2_readFromFormattedFile"
                 "\n %d items of %d read\n", rc, size) ;
         return(0) ;
   } else if ( A2_IS_COMPLEX(mtx) ) {
      if ( (rc = DVfscanf(fp, 2*size, mtx->entries)) != 2*size ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n error in A2_readFromFormattedFile"
                 "\n %d items of %d read\n", rc, 2*size) ;
         return(0) ;

return(1) ; }
Ejemplo n.º 9
   purpose -- to read an object from a formatted file

   return value -- 1 if success, 0 if failure
   created -- 98aug13
DenseMtx_readFromFormattedFile ( 
   DenseMtx   *mtx, 
   FILE       *fp 
) {
int   rc, size ;
int   itemp[7] ;
   check the input
if ( mtx == NULL || fp == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in DenseMtx_readFromFormattedFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input", mtx, fp) ;
   return(0) ;
   clear the data fields
DenseMtx_clearData(mtx) ;
   read in the seven scalar parameters: 
     type, rowid, colid, nrow, ncol, inc1, inc2
if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, 7, itemp)) != 7 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in DenseMtx_readFromFormattedFile()"
           "\n %d items of %d read\n", rc, 7) ;
   return(0) ;
   initialize the object
DenseMtx_init(mtx, itemp[0], itemp[1], itemp[2], 
              itemp[3], itemp[4], itemp[5], itemp[6]) ;
   read in the rowind[] vector
if ( (size = mtx->nrow) > 0 ) {
   if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, size, mtx->rowind)) != size ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in DenseMtx_readFromFormattedFile()"
              "\n %d items of %d read for rowind\n", rc, size) ;
      return(0) ;
   read in the colind[] vector
if ( (size = mtx->ncol) > 0 ) {
   if ( (rc = IVfscanf(fp, size, mtx->colind)) != size ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in DenseMtx_readFromFormattedFile()"
              "\n %d items of %d read for colind\n", rc, size) ;
      return(0) ;
   read in the entries[] vector
if ( (size = mtx->nrow*mtx->ncol) > 0 ) {
   if ( DENSEMTX_IS_REAL(mtx) ) {
      if ( (rc = DVfscanf(fp, size, mtx->entries)) != size ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n error in DenseMtx_readFromFormattedFile()"
                 "\n %d items of %d read for entries\n", rc, size) ;
         return(0) ;
   } else if ( DENSEMTX_IS_COMPLEX(mtx) ) {
      if ( (rc = DVfscanf(fp, 2*size, mtx->entries)) != 2*size ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n error in DenseMtx_readFromFormattedFile()"
                 "\n %d items of %d read for entries\n", rc, 2*size) ;
         return(0) ;
return(1) ; }