void Single_Player::Create() { QPixmap pixmap1("Black_Circle"); QPixmap pixmap2("white-circle"); QIcon Icon1(pixmap1); QIcon Icon2(pixmap2); for(int i=0;i<8;i++) for(int j=0;j<8;j++) { array[i][j]=0; button[i][j].setParent(this); button[i][j].resize(30,30); button[i][j].setStyleSheet("background-color:grey"); button[i][j].move(30*j+10+30,30*i+10); button[i][j].show(); } array[3][3]=White; array[3][4]=Black; array[4][4]=White; array[4][3]=Black; for(int i=0;i<8;i++) for(int j=0;j<8;j++) { if(array[i][j]==Black) { button[i][j].setIcon(Icon1); button[i][j].setIconSize(QSize(20,20)); } if(array[i][j]==White) { button[i][j].setIcon(Icon2); button[i][j].setIconSize(QSize(20,20)); } } }
//This function clears the buttons's background and set them again void Single_Player::Modify() { QPixmap pixmap("None"); QIcon icon(pixmap); for(int i=0;i<8;i++) for(int j=0;j<8;j++) { if(array[i][j]!=White && array[i][j]!=Black) { button[i][j].setIcon(icon); button[i][j].setIconSize(QSize(20,20)); } } if(turn==white) ui->label->setText("White"); if(turn==black) ui->label->setText("Black"); QPixmap pixmap1("Black_Circle"); QPixmap pixmap2("white-circle"); QIcon Icon1(pixmap1); QIcon Icon2(pixmap2); for(int i=0;i<=7;i++) for(int j=0;j<=7;j++) { if(array[i][j]==Black) { button[i][j].setIcon(Icon1); button[i][j].setIconSize(QSize(20,20)); } if(array[i][j]==White) { button[i][j].setIcon(Icon2); button[i][j].setIconSize(QSize(20,20)); } } }
void frmMDFEditor::CreateControls() { frmMDFEditor* itemFrame1 = this; wxMenuBar* menuBar = new wxMenuBar; wxMenu* itemMenu3 = new wxMenu; itemMenu3->Append( ID_MENUITEM_NEW, _( "Create New MDF File" ), wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL ); itemMenu3->AppendSeparator(); itemMenu3->Append( ID_MENUITEM_OPEN, _( "Open MDF file..." ), wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL ); itemMenu3->Append( ID_MENUITEM_SAVE, _( "Save MDF File..." ), wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL ); itemMenu3->AppendSeparator(); itemMenu3->Append( ID_MENUITEM_DOWNLOAD, _( "Download MDF file..." ), wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL ); itemMenu3->Append( ID_MENUITEM_UPLOAD, _( "Upload MDF file..." ), wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL ); itemMenu3->AppendSeparator(); itemMenu3->Append( ID_MENUITEM_EXIT, _( "Exit" ), wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL ); menuBar->Append( itemMenu3, _( "File" ) ); wxMenu* itemMenu13 = new wxMenu; itemMenu13->Append( ID_MENUITEM_ADD, _( "Add MDF Item..." ), wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL ); itemMenu13->Append( ID_MENUITEM_REMOVE, _( "Remove MDF Item..." ), wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL ); menuBar->Append( itemMenu13, _( "Edit" ) ); itemFrame1->SetMenuBar( menuBar ); wxPanel* itemPanel16 = new wxPanel; itemPanel16->Create( itemFrame1, ID_PANEL, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSUNKEN_BORDER | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL ); wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer17 = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ); itemPanel16->SetSizer( itemBoxSizer17 ); wxToolBar* itemToolBar18 = new wxToolBar; itemToolBar18->Create( itemPanel16, ID_TOOLBAR3, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTB_FLAT | wxTB_HORIZONTAL ); wxBitmap itemtool19Bitmap( itemFrame1->GetBitmapResource( wxT( "deffile.xpm" ) ) ); wxBitmap itemtool19BitmapDisabled; itemToolBar18->AddTool( ID_TOOL_NEW, wxEmptyString, itemtool19Bitmap, itemtool19BitmapDisabled, wxITEM_NORMAL, _( "Create new MDF file" ), wxEmptyString ); wxBitmap itemtool20Bitmap( itemFrame1->GetBitmapResource( wxT( "open.xpm" ) ) ); wxBitmap itemtool20BitmapDisabled; itemToolBar18->AddTool( ID_TOOL_LOAD, wxEmptyString, itemtool20Bitmap, itemtool20BitmapDisabled, wxITEM_NORMAL, _( "Load MDF file" ), wxEmptyString ); wxBitmap itemtool21Bitmap( itemFrame1->GetBitmapResource( wxT( "save.xpm" ) ) ); wxBitmap itemtool21BitmapDisabled; itemToolBar18->AddTool( ID_TOOL_SAVE, wxEmptyString, itemtool21Bitmap, itemtool21BitmapDisabled, wxITEM_NORMAL, _( "Save MDF file" ), wxEmptyString ); wxBitmap itemtool22Bitmap( itemFrame1->GetBitmapResource( wxT( "filesaveas.xpm" ) ) ); wxBitmap itemtool22BitmapDisabled; itemToolBar18->AddTool( ID_TOOL_UPLOAD, wxEmptyString, itemtool22Bitmap, itemtool22BitmapDisabled, wxITEM_NORMAL, _( "Upload MDF file" ), wxEmptyString ); wxBitmap itemtool23Bitmap( itemFrame1->GetBitmapResource( wxT( "redo.xpm" ) ) ); wxBitmap itemtool23BitmapDisabled; itemToolBar18->AddTool( ID_TOOL_DOWNLOAD, wxEmptyString, itemtool23Bitmap, itemtool23BitmapDisabled, wxITEM_NORMAL, _( "Upload MDF file" ), wxEmptyString ); itemToolBar18->AddSeparator(); wxBitmap itemtool25Bitmap( itemFrame1->GetBitmapResource( wxT( "New1.xpm" ) ) ); wxBitmap itemtool25BitmapDisabled; itemToolBar18->AddTool( ID_TOOL_ADD_ITEM, wxEmptyString, itemtool25Bitmap, itemtool25BitmapDisabled, wxITEM_NORMAL, _( "Add MDF item" ), wxEmptyString ); wxBitmap itemtool26Bitmap( itemFrame1->GetBitmapResource( wxT( "delete.xpm" ) ) ); wxBitmap itemtool26BitmapDisabled; itemToolBar18->AddTool( ID_TOOL_REMOVE_ITEM, wxEmptyString, itemtool26Bitmap, itemtool26BitmapDisabled, wxITEM_NORMAL, _( "Remove MDF item" ), wxEmptyString ); itemToolBar18->Realize(); itemBoxSizer17->Add( itemToolBar18, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 ); m_mdfTree = new wxTreeCtrl; m_mdfTree->Create( itemPanel16, ID_TREECTRL, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize( 400, 300 ), wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS | wxTR_FULL_ROW_HIGHLIGHT | wxTR_LINES_AT_ROOT | wxTR_ROW_LINES | wxTR_SINGLE ); itemBoxSizer17->Add( m_mdfTree, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 2 ); m_htmlInfoWnd = new wxHtmlWindow; m_htmlInfoWnd->Create( itemPanel16, ID_HTMLWINDOW2, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize( 200, 150 ), wxHW_SCROLLBAR_AUTO | wxSUNKEN_BORDER | wxHSCROLL | wxVSCROLL ); m_htmlInfoWnd->SetPage( _( "<html><h4>No data</h4></html>" ) ); itemBoxSizer17->Add( m_htmlInfoWnd, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 ); // Connect events and objects m_mdfTree->Connect( ID_TREECTRL, wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, wxMouseEventHandler( frmMDFEditor::OnLeftDown ), NULL, this ); m_mdfTree->Connect( ID_TREECTRL, wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK, wxMouseEventHandler( frmMDFEditor::OnLeftDClick ), NULL, this ); wxImageList* itemImageList = new wxImageList( 16, 16, true, 5 ); { wxIcon Icon0( Home_xpm ); itemImageList->Add( Icon0 ); wxIcon Icon1( Folder_Add_xpm ); itemImageList->Add( Icon1 ); wxIcon Icon2( Info_xpm ); itemImageList->Add( Icon2 ); wxIcon Icon3( copy_xpm ); itemImageList->Add( Icon3 ); wxIcon Icon4( copy_xpm ); itemImageList->Add( Icon4 ); } m_mdfTree->AssignImageList( itemImageList ); addDefaultContent(); }