Ejemplo n.º 1
int VT_ReadInrimHeader( vt_image *image, char *name )
  char *proc = "VT_ReadInrimageHeader";
  _image *inr;

  if ( _VT_DEBUG_ ) {
    fprintf( stderr, "%s: uses LIBINRIMAGE routines\n", proc );

  if ( _flag_init_readers == 0 ) {
    _flag_init_readers = 1;
  VT_FreeImage( image );
  /* lecture
  inr = _readImageHeader( name );
  if( !inr ) {
    if ( _VT_VERBOSE_ )
      fprintf( stderr, "%s: unable to read '%s'\n ", proc, name );
    return 0;
  strcpy( image->name, name );
  if ( _decodeInrHeader( inr, image ) != 1 ) {
    fprintf( stderr, "%s: unable to decode header of '%s'\n ", proc, name );
    return 0;

  (void)ImageIO_close( inr );
  ImageIO_free( inr );
  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int writePgmImage(char *name,_image *im  )
  char string[256];
  int max;
  unsigned int i;

  if ( im->xdim <= 0 || im->ydim <= 0 || im->zdim != 1 || im->vdim != 1 ) {
    fprintf( stderr, "writePgmImage: bad dimensions, unable to write '%s'\n", name );
    return -1;
  if ( im->wordKind != WK_FIXED || im->sign != SGN_UNSIGNED 
       || ( im->wdim != 1 && im->wdim != 2 ) ) {
    fprintf( stderr, "writePgmImage: bad type, unable to write '%s'\n", name );
    return -1;  

  if ( 0 )
    im->dataMode = DM_ASCII;
  _openWriteImage( im, name );
  if(!im->fd) {
    fprintf(stderr, "writePgmImage: error: unable to open file \'%s\'\n", name );
    return ImageIO_OPENING;
  if ( im->dataMode == DM_ASCII ) 
    sprintf( string, "%s\n", PGM_ASCII_MAGIC );
    sprintf( string, "%s\n", PGM_MAGIC );
  ImageIO_write( im, string, strlen( string ) );
  sprintf( string, "# CREATOR: pnm.c $Revision$ $Date$\n" );
  ImageIO_write( im, string, strlen( string ) );
  sprintf( string, "%d %d\n", im->xdim, im->ydim );
  ImageIO_write( im, string, strlen( string ) );
  max = 0;
  switch ( im->wdim ) {
  case 1 :
      unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)im->data;
      for ( i=0; i<im->xdim*im->ydim; i++, buf++ )
	if ( max < *buf ) max = *buf;
  case 2 :
      unsigned short *buf = (unsigned short *)im->data;
      for ( i=0; i<im->xdim*im->ydim; i++, buf++ )
	if ( max < *buf ) max = *buf;
  /* max == 0 causes problems for xv */
  if ( max == 0 ) max = 1;
  sprintf( string, "%d\n", max );
  ImageIO_write( im, string, strlen( string ) );

  if ( im->dataMode == DM_ASCII ) {
    int i, j, n, size;
    char *str = (char*)ImageIO_alloc( _LGTH_STRING_+1 );
    size = im->xdim * im->ydim * im->zdim * im->vdim;
    n = ( im->xdim < 16 ) ? im->xdim : 16;
    i = 0;
    switch( im->wdim ) {
    default :
      /* can not occur */
      fprintf( stderr, "writePgmImage: bad type, unable to write '%s'\n", name );
      ImageIO_close( im );
      im->openMode = OM_CLOSE;
      return -1;
    case 1 :
	unsigned char *theBuf = ( unsigned char * )im->data;
	do {
	  memset( str, 0, _LGTH_STRING_ );
	  for ( j=0; j<n && i<size; j++, i++ ) {
	    sprintf( str+strlen(str), "%d", theBuf[i] );
	    if ( j<n && i<size ) sprintf( str+strlen(str), " " );
	  sprintf( str+strlen(str), "\n" );
	  if ( ImageIO_write( im, str, strlen( str ) ) <= 0 ) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "writePgmImage: error when writing data in \'%s\'\n", name );
	    return( -3 );
	} while ( i < size );
    case 2 :
	unsigned short int *theBuf = ( unsigned short int * )im->data;
	do {
	  memset( str, 0, _LGTH_STRING_ );
	  for ( j=0; j<n && i<size; j++, i++ ) {
	    sprintf( str+strlen(str), "%d", theBuf[i] );
	    if ( j<n && i<size ) sprintf( str+strlen(str), " " );
	  sprintf( str+strlen(str), "\n" );
	  if ( ImageIO_write( im, str, strlen( str ) ) <= 0 ) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "writePgmImage: error when writing data in \'%s\'\n", name );
	    return( -3 );
	} while ( i < size );
  else {
    if ( im->wdim == 1 || ( im->wdim == 2 && max > 255 ) ) {
      ImageIO_write( im, im->data, im->xdim*im->ydim*im->wdim );
    else {
      /* 2 octets, but max <= 255
	 has to be converted on one octet
      unsigned short *buf = (unsigned short *)im->data;
      unsigned char *tmp = (unsigned char *)ImageIO_alloc( im->xdim*im->ydim );
      if ( tmp == NULL ) {
	fprintf( stderr, "writePgmImage: unable to allocate auxiliary buffer\n" );
	return -1; 
      for ( i=0; i<im->xdim*im->ydim; i++, buf++ )
	tmp[i] = (unsigned char)*buf;
      ImageIO_write( im, tmp, im->xdim*im->ydim );
      ImageIO_free( tmp );

  ImageIO_close( im );
  im->openMode = OM_CLOSE;
  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int writePpmImage( char *name,_image *im )
  char string[256];
  int max;
  unsigned int i;

  if ( im->xdim <= 0 || im->ydim <= 0 || im->zdim != 1 || im->vdim != 3 ) {
    fprintf( stderr, "writePpmImage: bad dimensions, unable to write '%s'\n", name );
    return -1;
  if ( im->wordKind != WK_FIXED || im->sign != SGN_UNSIGNED 
       || ( im->wdim != 1 && im->wdim != 2 ) ) {
    fprintf( stderr, "writePpmImage: bad type, unable to write '%s'\n", name );
    return -1;  
  _openWriteImage( im, name );
  if(!im->fd) {
    fprintf(stderr, "writeInrimage: error: unable to open file \'%s\'\n", name );
    return ImageIO_OPENING;
  sprintf( string, "%s\n", PPM_MAGIC );
  ImageIO_write( im, string, strlen( string ) );
  sprintf( string, "# CREATOR: pnm.c $Revision$ $Date$\n" );
  ImageIO_write( im, string, strlen( string ) );
  sprintf( string, "%d %d\n", im->xdim, im->ydim );
  ImageIO_write( im, string, strlen( string ) );
  max = 0;
  switch ( im->wdim ) {
  case 1 :
      unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)im->data;
      for ( i=0; i<im->xdim*im->ydim*3; i++, buf++ )
	if ( max < *buf ) max = *buf;
  case 2 :
      unsigned short *buf = (unsigned short *)im->data;
      for ( i=0; i<im->xdim*im->ydim*3; i++, buf++ )
	if ( max < *buf ) max = *buf;

  if ( max == 0 ) max = 1;
  sprintf( string, "%d\n", max );
  ImageIO_write( im, string, strlen( string ) );
  if ( im->wdim == 1 || ( im->wdim == 2 && max > 255 ) ) {
    ImageIO_write( im, im->data, im->xdim*im->ydim*3*im->wdim );
  else {
    /* 2 octets, but max <= 255
       has to be converted on one octet
    unsigned short *buf = (unsigned short *)im->data;
    unsigned char *tmp = (unsigned char *)ImageIO_alloc( im->xdim*im->ydim*3 );
    if ( tmp == NULL ) {
      fprintf( stderr, "writePpmImage: unable to allocate auxiliary buffer\n" );
      return -1; 
    for ( i=0; i<im->xdim*im->ydim*3; i++, buf++ )
      tmp[i] = (unsigned char)*buf;
    ImageIO_write( im, tmp, im->xdim*im->ydim*3 );
    ImageIO_free( tmp );
  ImageIO_close( im );
  im->openMode = OM_CLOSE;
  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: analyze.cpp Proyecto: FMX/CGAL
int _readAnalyzeHeader( _image* im, const char* name, 
			struct dsr *analyzeHeader )

   unsigned int i ;
   /* compile time endianness */

   if(im->openMode != OM_CLOSE) {
     ImageIO_read( im, analyzeHeader, sizeof(struct dsr) );
      if( analyzeHeader->hk.sizeof_hdr == sizeof(struct dsr) )
	 im->endianness = ARCHITECTURE_ENDIANNESS ;
	_swapAnalyzeHdr( analyzeHeader );
	 if( analyzeHeader->hk.sizeof_hdr != sizeof(struct dsr) )
	    fprintf (stderr,
		     "_readAnalyzeHeader: error: unknown magic (%d)...\n",
		     analyzeHeader->hk.sizeof_hdr );
	    return -1;
	    im->endianness = END_BIG;
	    im->endianness = END_LITTLE;
      if ( analyzeHeader->dime.dim[0] > 4 ) {
	 fprintf (stderr,
		  "_readAnalyzeHeader: error: dimensionality not supported (%d)...\n",
		  analyzeHeader->dime.dim[0] );
	 return -1;
      im->xdim = analyzeHeader->dime.dim[1];
      im->ydim = analyzeHeader->dime.dim[2];
      im->zdim = analyzeHeader->dime.dim[3];

      /* 0 time-points is a convention for one volume only at MNI */
      /* Corrected by X. Pennec following a bug report by Irina Kezele at MNI */
      if( analyzeHeader->dime.dim[4] == 0 ){
	fprintf (stderr,
		 "_readAnalyzeHeader: warning: time dimension / number if volume (dim[4]) is 0. Assuming this means 1 (otherwise there would be no image...). \n");
	analyzeHeader->dime.dim[4] = 1; 

      /* Analyze doesn't support vector images.
	 The forth dimension relates to time. */
      if( analyzeHeader->dime.dim[4] != 1 )
	 fprintf (stderr,
		  "_readAnalyzeHeader: error: time dimension not supported (%d)...\n",
		  analyzeHeader->dime.dim[4] );
	 return -1;
      im->vectMode = VM_SCALAR;
      im->vx = analyzeHeader->dime.pixdim[1];
      im->vy = analyzeHeader->dime.pixdim[2];
      im->vz = analyzeHeader->dime.pixdim[3];

      if( im->vx == 0.0 ) im->vx = 1.0 ;
      if( im->vy == 0.0 ) im->vy = im->vx ;
      if( im->vz == 0.0 ) im->vz = im->vy ;
	 case DT_BINARY:
	 case DT_FLOAT:
	 case DT_COMPLEX:
	 case DT_DOUBLE:
	    im->vdim = 1;
	    break ;
	 case DT_RGB:
	    im->vdim = 3;
	    break ;
	    fprintf (stderr,
		     "_readAnalyzeHeader: error: data type not supported (%d)...\n",
		     analyzeHeader->dime.datatype );
	    return -1;
	 case DT_BINARY:
	 case DT_RGB:
	    im->wordKind = WK_FIXED;
	    break ;
	 case DT_FLOAT:
	 case DT_COMPLEX:
	 case DT_DOUBLE:
	    im->wordKind = WK_FLOAT;
	    break ;
	    fprintf (stderr,
		     "_readAnalyzeHeader: error: data type not supported (%d)...\n",
		     analyzeHeader->dime.datatype );
	    return -1;
	 case DT_BINARY:
	 case DT_RGB:
	    im->sign = SGN_UNSIGNED;
	    break ;
	 case DT_FLOAT:
	 case DT_COMPLEX:
	 case DT_DOUBLE:
	    im->sign = SGN_SIGNED;
	    break ;
	    fprintf (stderr,
		     "_readAnalyzeHeader: error: data type not supported (%d)...\n",
		     analyzeHeader->dime.datatype );
	    return -1;
      im->wdim = analyzeHeader->dime.bitpix;
      if( analyzeHeader->dime.datatype == DT_RGB )
	 im->wdim /= 3 ;
      if(im->wdim != 8 && im->wdim != 16 && im->wdim != 32 && im->wdim != 64)
	 fprintf (stderr,
		  "_readAnalyzeHeader: error: pixel size not supported (%d)...\n",
		  analyzeHeader->dime.bitpix );
	 return -1;
      im->wdim >>= 3 ;
      /* There are 17 optional data fields 
	 be careful in the allocation
      im->nuser = 1 + 17 ;
      im->user = (char **) ImageIO_alloc(im->nuser * sizeof(char *));
      for ( i=0; i<im->nuser; i++ ) im->user[i] = NULL;
      i = 0 ;
      im->user[i] = (char *) ImageIO_alloc((strlen("Data lost in the Analyze -> ImageIO conversion:") + 1));
      sprintf( im->user[i++], "Data lost in the Analyze -> ImageIO conversion:" );
      im->user[i] = (char *) ImageIO_alloc((strlen("  descrip: ") + 1 + strlen(analyzeHeader->hist.descrip) ));
      sprintf( im->user[i++], "  descrip: %s", analyzeHeader->hist.descrip );
      im->user[i] = (char *) ImageIO_alloc((strlen("  aux_file: ") + 1 + strlen(analyzeHeader->hist.descrip) ));
      sprintf( im->user[i++], "  aux_file: %s", analyzeHeader->hist.descrip );
      im->user[i] = (char *) ImageIO_alloc((strlen("  orient: ") + 1+ 2));
      sprintf( im->user[i++], "  orient: %d", analyzeHeader->hist.orient );
      im->user[i] = (char *) ImageIO_alloc((strlen("  originator: ") + 1 + strlen(analyzeHeader->hist.originator) ));
      sprintf( im->user[i++], "  originator: %s", analyzeHeader->hist.originator );
      im->user[i] = (char *) ImageIO_alloc((strlen("  generated: ") + 1 + strlen(analyzeHeader->hist.generated) ));
      sprintf( im->user[i++], "  generated: %s", analyzeHeader->hist.generated );
      im->user[i] = (char *) ImageIO_alloc((strlen("  scannum: ") + 1 + strlen(analyzeHeader->hist.scannum) ));
      sprintf( im->user[i++], "  scannum: %s", analyzeHeader->hist.scannum );
      im->user[i] = (char *) ImageIO_alloc((strlen("  patient_id: ") + 1 + strlen(analyzeHeader->hist.patient_id) ));
      sprintf( im->user[i++], "  patient_id: %s", analyzeHeader->hist.patient_id );
      im->user[i] = (char *) ImageIO_alloc((strlen("  exp_date: ") + 1 + strlen(analyzeHeader->hist.exp_date) ));
      sprintf( im->user[i++], "  exp_date: %s", analyzeHeader->hist.exp_date );
      im->user[i] = (char *) ImageIO_alloc((strlen("  exp_time: ") + 1 + strlen(analyzeHeader->hist.exp_time) ));
      sprintf( im->user[i++], "  exp_time: %s", analyzeHeader->hist.exp_time );

      /* A 32 bit int doesn't print on more than 11 chars */
      im->user[i] = (char *) ImageIO_alloc((strlen("  views: ") + 11 + 1));
      sprintf( im->user[i++], "  views: %d", analyzeHeader->hist.views );
      im->user[i] = (char *) ImageIO_alloc((strlen("  vols_added: ") + 11 + 1));
      sprintf( im->user[i++], "  vols_added: %d", analyzeHeader->hist.vols_added );
      im->user[i] = (char *) ImageIO_alloc((strlen("  start_field: ") + 11 + 1));
      sprintf( im->user[i++], "  start_field: %d", analyzeHeader->hist.start_field );
      im->user[i] = (char *) ImageIO_alloc((strlen("  field_skip: ") + 11 + 1));
      sprintf( im->user[i++], "  field_skip: %d", analyzeHeader->hist.field_skip );
      im->user[i] = (char *) ImageIO_alloc((strlen("  omax: ") + 11 + 1));
      sprintf( im->user[i++], "  omax: %d", analyzeHeader->hist.omax );
      im->user[i] = (char *) ImageIO_alloc((strlen("  omin: ") + 11 + 1));
      sprintf( im->user[i++], "  omin: %d", analyzeHeader->hist.omin );
      im->user[i] = (char *) ImageIO_alloc((strlen("  smax: ") + 11 + 1));
      sprintf( im->user[i++], "  smax: %d", analyzeHeader->hist.smax );
      im->user[i] = (char *) ImageIO_alloc((strlen("  smin: ") + 11 + 1));
      sprintf( im->user[i++], "  smin: %d", analyzeHeader->hist.smin );

      /* header is read. close header file and open data file. */
      if( name != NULL ) {

	int length = strlen(name) ;
	char* data_filename = (char *) ImageIO_alloc(length+4) ;
	if( strcmp( name+length-4, ".hdr" ) )
	    fprintf (stderr,
		     "_readAnalyzeHeader: error: file header extension must be .hdr\n");
	    ImageIO_free( data_filename );
	    return -1;
	strcpy(data_filename+length-3, "img.gz");
	if(!im->fd) {

	  strcpy(data_filename+length-3, "img");
	  if(!im->fd) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "_readAnalyzeHeader: error: unable to open data file \'%s\'\n", data_filename);
	    ImageIO_free( data_filename );
	    return -1;
	ImageIO_free( data_filename );
      /* check header validity */
      if(im->xdim > 0 && im->ydim > 0 && im->zdim > 0 && im->vdim > 0 &&
	 im->vx > 0.0 && im->vy > 0.0 && im->vz > 0.0 &&
	 (im->wordKind == WK_FLOAT || (im->wordKind == WK_FIXED &&
				       im->sign != SGN_UNKNOWN)) &&
	 im->endianness != END_UNKNOWN) {
	 return 0;
      else return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: analyze.cpp Proyecto: FMX/CGAL
int writeAnalyze( char *name, _image* im) {
  char *outputName;
  int length, extLength=0, res;

  outputName= (char *)ImageIO_alloc(length+8);
  if ( strncmp( name+length-4, ".hdr", 4 ) == 0 ) {
    extLength = 4;
  else if ( strncmp( name+length-4, ".img", 4 ) == 0 ) {
    extLength = 4;
  else if ( strncmp( name+length-7, ".img.gz", 7 ) == 0 ) {
    extLength = 7;
  else if ( strncmp( name+length-7, ".hdr.gz", 7 ) == 0 ) {
    extLength = 7;

  strncpy( outputName, name, length-extLength );
  if ( strncmp( name+length-7, ".hdr.gz", 7 ) == 0 )
    strcpy( outputName+length-extLength, ".hdr.gz" );
    strcpy( outputName+length-extLength, ".hdr" );
  _openWriteImage(im, outputName);
  if( !im->fd ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "writeAnalyze: error: unable to open file \'%s\'\n", outputName);
    if ( outputName != NULL ) ImageIO_free( outputName );
    return ImageIO_OPENING;

  res = writeAnalyzeHeader(im);
  if ( res < 0 ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "writeAnalyze: error: unable to write header of \'%s\'\n",
    if ( outputName != NULL ) ImageIO_free( outputName );
    ImageIO_close( im );
    im->fd = NULL;
    im->openMode = OM_CLOSE;
    return( res );
  strncpy( outputName, name, length-extLength );
  if ( strncmp( name+length-3, ".gz", 3 ) == 0 ) {
    strcpy( outputName+length-extLength, ".img.gz" );
  else {
    strcpy( outputName+length-extLength, ".img" );

  _openWriteImage(im, outputName);

  if( !im->fd ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "writeAnalyze: error: unable to open file \'%s\'\n", outputName);
    if ( outputName != NULL ) ImageIO_free( outputName );
    return ImageIO_OPENING;

  res = writeAnalyzeData(im);
  if (res < 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "writeAnalyze: error: unable to write data in \'%s\'\n",
	    outputName );
    ImageIO_close( im );
    im->fd = NULL;
    im->openMode = OM_CLOSE;
    return( res );

  if ( outputName != NULL ) ImageIO_free( outputName );
  ImageIO_close( im );
  im->fd = NULL;
  im->openMode = OM_CLOSE;

  return ( res );
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: gis.cpp Proyecto: FMX/CGAL
int writeGis( char *name, _image* im) {
  char *outputName;
  int length, extLength=0, res;

  outputName= (char *)ImageIO_alloc(length+8);
  if ( strncmp( name+length-4, ".dim", 4 ) == 0 ) {
    extLength = 4;
  else if ( strncmp( name+length-4, ".ima", 4 ) == 0 ) {
    extLength = 4;
  else if ( strncmp( name+length-7, ".ima.gz", 7 ) == 0 ) {
    extLength = 7;
  else if ( strncmp( name+length-7, ".dim.gz", 7 ) == 0 ) {
    extLength = 7;

  strncpy( outputName, name, length-extLength );
  if ( strncmp( name+length-7, ".dim.gz", 7 ) == 0 )
    strcpy( outputName+length-extLength, ".dim.gz" );
    strcpy( outputName+length-extLength, ".dim" );

  _openWriteImage(im, outputName);
  if( !im->fd ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "writeGis: error: unable to open file \'%s\'\n", outputName);
    if ( outputName != NULL ) ImageIO_free( outputName );
    return ImageIO_OPENING;

  res = writeGisHeader(im);
  if (res < 0 ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "writeGis: error: unable to write header of \'%s\'\n",
    if ( outputName != NULL ) ImageIO_free( outputName );
    ImageIO_close( im );
    im->fd = NULL;
    im->openMode = OM_CLOSE;
    return( res );

  strncpy( outputName, name, length-extLength );
  if ( strncmp( name+length-3, ".gz", 3 ) == 0 ) {
    strcpy( outputName+length-extLength, ".ima.gz" );
  else {
    strcpy( outputName+length-extLength, ".ima" );

  _openWriteImage(im, outputName);

  if( !im->fd ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "writeGis: error: unable to open file \'%s\'\n", outputName);
    if ( outputName != NULL ) ImageIO_free( outputName );
    return ImageIO_OPENING;

  if ( im->dataMode == DM_ASCII ) {
    int i, j, n, size;
    char *str = (char*)ImageIO_alloc( _LGTH_STRING_+1 );
    size = im->xdim * im->ydim * im->zdim * im->vdim;
    n = ( im->xdim < 16 ) ? im->xdim : 16;
    i = 0;

    switch( im->wordKind ) {
    default :
      fprintf(stderr, "writeGis: such word kind not handled in ascii mode for file \'%s\'\n", outputName);
      if ( outputName != NULL ) ImageIO_free( outputName );
      return( -3 );
    case WK_FIXED :
      switch ( im->wdim ) {
      default :
	fprintf(stderr, "writeGis: such word dim not handled in ascii mode for file \'%s\'\n", outputName);
	if ( outputName != NULL ) ImageIO_free( outputName );
	return( -3 );
      case 1 :
	switch ( im->sign ) {
	default :
	  fprintf(stderr, "writeGis: such sign not handled in ascii mode for file \'%s\'\n", outputName);
	  if ( outputName != NULL ) ImageIO_free( outputName );
	  return( -3 );
	    unsigned char *theBuf = ( unsigned char * )im->data;
	    do {
	      memset( str, 0, _LGTH_STRING_ );
	      for ( j=0; j<n && i<size; j++, i++ ) {
		sprintf( str+strlen(str), "%d", theBuf[i] );
		if ( j<n && i<size ) sprintf( str+strlen(str), " " );
	      sprintf( str+strlen(str), "\n" );
	      res = ImageIO_write( im, str, strlen( str )  );
	      if ( res  <= 0 ) {
		fprintf(stderr, "writeGis: error when writing data in \'%s\'\n", outputName);
		if ( outputName != NULL ) ImageIO_free( outputName );
		return( -3 );
	    } while ( i < size );
	case SGN_SIGNED :
	    char *theBuf = ( char * )im->data;
	    do {
	      memset( str, 0, _LGTH_STRING_ );
	      for ( j=0; j<n && i<size; j++, i++ ) {
		sprintf( str+strlen(str), "%d", theBuf[i] );
		if ( j<n && i<size ) sprintf( str+strlen(str), " " );
	      sprintf( str+strlen(str), "\n" );
	      res = ImageIO_write( im, str, strlen( str )  );
	      if ( res  <= 0 ) {
		fprintf(stderr, "writeGis: error when writing data in \'%s\'\n", outputName);
		if ( outputName != NULL ) ImageIO_free( outputName );
		return( -3 );
	    } while ( i < size );
	} /* end of switch ( im->sign ) */
      case 2 :
	switch ( im->sign ) {
	default :
	  fprintf(stderr, "writeGis: such sign not handled in ascii mode for file \'%s\'\n", outputName);
	  if ( outputName != NULL ) ImageIO_free( outputName );
	  return( -3 );
	    unsigned short int *theBuf = ( unsigned short int * )im->data;
	    do {
	      memset( str, 0, _LGTH_STRING_ );
	      for ( j=0; j<n && i<size; j++, i++ ) {
		sprintf( str+strlen(str), "%d", theBuf[i] );
		if ( j<n && i<size ) sprintf( str+strlen(str), " " );
	      sprintf( str+strlen(str), "\n" );
	      res = ImageIO_write( im, str, strlen( str )  );
	      if ( res  <= 0 ) {
		fprintf(stderr, "writeGis: error when writing data in \'%s\'\n", outputName);
		if ( outputName != NULL ) ImageIO_free( outputName );
		return( -3 );
	    } while ( i < size );
	case SGN_SIGNED :
	    short int *theBuf = ( short int * )im->data;
	    do {
	      memset( str, 0, _LGTH_STRING_ );
	      for ( j=0; j<n && i<size; j++, i++ ) {
		sprintf( str+strlen(str), "%d", theBuf[i] );
		if ( j<n && i<size ) sprintf( str+strlen(str), " " );
	      sprintf( str+strlen(str), "\n" );
	      res = ImageIO_write( im, str, strlen( str )  );
	      if ( res  <= 0 ) {
		fprintf(stderr, "writeGis: error when writing data in \'%s\'\n", outputName);
		if ( outputName != NULL ) ImageIO_free( outputName );
		return( -3 );
	    } while ( i < size );
	} /* end of switch ( im->sign ) */
      } /* end of switch ( im->wdim ) */
    } /* end of switch( im->wordKind ) */

    ImageIO_free( str ); 
  else {
    res = _writeInrimageData(im);
  if ( outputName != NULL ) ImageIO_free( outputName );
  return res;
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: gis.cpp Proyecto: FMX/CGAL
int readGisHeader( const char* name,_image* im)
  char *s, *str = NULL;
  int status;
  int n=0, nusermax = 20;

  str = (char*)ImageIO_alloc( _LGTH_STRING_+1 );
  if ( !fgetns(str, _LGTH_STRING_, im) ) 
    { ImageIO_free( str ); return -1; }
  status = sscanf( str,"%d %d %d %d", &(im->xdim), &(im->ydim), 
		   &(im->zdim), &(im->vdim) );
  switch ( status ) {
  case 2 :    im->zdim = 1;
  case 3 :    im->vdim = 1;
  case 4 :    break;
  default :
    fprintf( stderr, "readGisHeader: unable to read dimensions in '%s'\n", name );
    ImageIO_free( str ); 
    return -1;
  if ( im->vdim > 1 ) {
    im->vectMode = VM_INTERLACED;
  else {
    im->vectMode = VM_SCALAR;
#define ADD_USER_STRING { \
    if ( n == 0 ) { \
      im->user = (char**)ImageIO_alloc( nusermax * sizeof( char*) ); \
      for ( n=0; n<nusermax; n++ ) im->user[n] = NULL; \
      n = 0; \
    } \
    im->user[n] = (char*)ImageIO_alloc( 1+strlen( s ) ); \
    strcpy( im->user[n++], s ); \

  while( fgetns( str, _LGTH_STRING_, im ) != 0 ) {
    s = str;
    do {

      while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++;

      if ( !strncmp( s, "-dx ", 4 ) ) {
	s += 4;
	status = sscanf( s, "%lf", &(im->vx) );
	if ( status != 1 ) {
	  fprintf( stderr, "readGisHeader: error while reading -dx in '%s'\n", s-4 );
	  *s = '\0';
	else {
	  while ( *s == '.' || (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') ) s++;
      else if ( !strncmp( s, "-dy ", 4 ) ) {
	s += 4;
	status = sscanf( s, "%lf", &(im->vy) );
	if ( status != 1 ) {
	  fprintf( stderr, "readGisHeader: error while reading -dy in '%s'\n", s-4 );
	  *s = '\0';
	else {
	  while ( *s == '.' || (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') ) s++;
      else if ( !strncmp( s, "-dz ", 4 ) ) {
	s += 4;
	status = sscanf( s, "%lf", &(im->vz) );
	if ( status != 1 ) {
	  fprintf( stderr, "readGisHeader: error while reading -dz in '%s'\n", s-4 );
	  *s = '\0';
	else {
	  while ( *s == '.' || (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') ) s++;
      else if ( !strncmp( s, "-dt ", 4 ) ) {
	s += 4; 
	while ( *s == '.' || (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') ) s++; 

      else if ( !strncmp( s, "-type ", 6 ) ) {
	s += 6; 
	if ( !strncmp( s, "U8", 2 ) ) {
	  im->wdim     = 1;
	  im->wordKind = WK_FIXED;
	  im->sign     = SGN_UNSIGNED;
	  s += 2;
	else if ( !strncmp( s, "S8", 2 ) ) {
	  im->wdim     = 1;
	  im->wordKind = WK_FIXED;
	  im->sign     = SGN_SIGNED;
	  s += 2;
	else if ( !strncmp( s, "U16", 3 ) ) {
	  im->wdim     = 2;
	  im->wordKind = WK_FIXED;
	  im->sign     = SGN_UNSIGNED;
	  s += 3;
	else if ( !strncmp( s, "S16", 3 ) ) {
	  im->wdim     = 2;
	  im->wordKind = WK_FIXED;
	  im->sign     = SGN_SIGNED;
	  s += 3;
	else if ( !strncmp( s, "U32", 3 ) ) {
	  im->wdim     = 4;
	  im->wordKind = WK_FIXED;
	  im->sign     = SGN_UNSIGNED;
	  s += 3;
	else if ( !strncmp( s, "S32", 3 ) ) {
	  im->wdim     = 4;
	  im->wordKind = WK_FIXED;
	  im->sign     = SGN_SIGNED;
	  s += 3;
	else if ( !strncmp( s, "FLOAT", 5 ) ) {
	  im->wdim     = sizeof( float );
	  im->wordKind = WK_FLOAT;
	  im->sign     = SGN_UNKNOWN;
	  s += 5;
	else if ( !strncmp( s, "DOUBLE", 6 ) ) {
	  im->wdim     = sizeof( double );
	  im->wordKind = WK_FLOAT;
	  im->sign     = SGN_UNKNOWN;
	  s += 6;
	else {
	  fprintf( stderr, "readGisHeader: unknown type '%s'\n", s-6 );
	  *s = '\0'; 

      else if ( !strncmp( s, "-bo ", 4 ) ) {
	s += 4;
	if ( !strncmp( s, "ABCD", 4 ) ) {
	  im->endianness = END_BIG;
	  s += 4;
	else if ( !strncmp( s, "SUN", 3 ) ) {
	  im->endianness = END_BIG;
	  s += 3;
	else if ( !strncmp( s, "DCBA", 4 ) ) {
	  im->endianness = END_LITTLE;
	  s += 4;
	else if ( !strncmp( s, "ALPHA", 5 ) ) {
	  im->endianness = END_LITTLE;
	  s += 5;
	else {
	  fprintf( stderr, "readGisHeader: unknown byte order '%s'\n", s-4 );
	  *s = '\0'; 

      else if ( !strncmp( s, "-ar ", 4 ) ) {
	s += 4;
	if ( !strncmp( s, "SUN", 3 ) ) {
	  im->endianness = END_BIG;
	  s += 3;
	else if ( !strncmp( s, "ALPHA", 5 ) ) {
	  im->endianness = END_LITTLE;
	  s += 5;
	else {
	  fprintf( stderr, "readGisHeader: unknown architecture '%s'\n", s-4 );
	  *s = '\0'; 

      else if ( !strncmp( s, "-om ", 4 ) ) {
	s += 4;
	if ( !strncmp( s, "binar", 5 ) ) {
	  im->dataMode = DM_BINARY;
	  s += 5;
	else if ( !strncmp( s, "ascii", 5 ) ) {
	  im->dataMode = DM_ASCII;
	  s += 5;
	else {
	  fprintf( stderr, "readGisHeader: unknown data type '%s'\n", s-4 );
	  ImageIO_free( str );
	  return -1;
      else {
	fprintf( stderr, "readGisHeader: unknown indentifier '%s'\n", s );
	*s = '\0'; 

    } while( *s != '\0' && *s != '\n' );

  ImageIO_free( str );

  if ( im->endianness == END_UNKNOWN ) {
    im->endianness = _getEndianness();

  /* header is read. close header file and open data file. */
  if( name != NULL ) {
    int length = strlen(name) ;
    char* data_filename = (char *) ImageIO_alloc(length+4) ;
    if( strcmp( name+length-4, ".dim" ) ) {
      fprintf (stderr,
	       "readGisHeader: error: file header extension must be .dim\n");
      ImageIO_free( data_filename );
      return -1;

    /* open data file
    strcpy(data_filename+length-3, "ima.gz");
    if(!im->fd) {
      strcpy(data_filename+length-3, "ima");
      if(!im->fd) {
	fprintf(stderr, "readGisHeader: error: unable to open data file \'%s\'\n", data_filename);
	ImageIO_free( data_filename );
	return -1;
    ImageIO_free( data_filename );

    /* read data if ascii
       only U8 and S8
    if ( im->dataMode == DM_ASCII ) {
      int size = im->xdim * im->ydim * im->zdim * im->vdim * im->wdim;
      unsigned int n;
      char *tmp;
      int ret, iv=0;
      if ( im->wdim != 1 || im->wordKind != WK_FIXED ) {
	fprintf(stderr, "readGisHeader: error: unable to read such ascii type\n" );
	return -1;

      n = 0 ;
      if ( size <= 0 ) return -1;
      if(!im->data) {
	im->data = ( void*) ImageIO_alloc(size);
	if(!im->data) return -1;
      n = 0;
      str = (char*)ImageIO_alloc( _LGTH_STRING_+1 );
      while( fgetns( str, _LGTH_STRING_, im ) != 0 &&
	     n < im->xdim * im->ydim * im->zdim * im->vdim ) {
	tmp = str;
	while ( *tmp != '\n' && *tmp != '\0' && *tmp != EOF &&
		n < im->xdim * im->ydim * im->zdim * im->vdim ) {
	  /* skip trailing whitespace
	  while ( *tmp == ' ' || *tmp == '\t' )
	  if ( *tmp == '\0' || *tmp == '\n' || *tmp == EOF )
	  /* read a number
	  switch ( im->wordKind ) {
	  case WK_FIXED :
	    ret = sscanf( tmp, "%d", &iv );
	  default :
	    ImageIO_free( im->data ); im->data = NULL;
	    ImageIO_free( str );
	    return -1;
	  if ( ret != 1 ) {
	    fprintf( stderr, "readGisHeader: error in reading ascii data\n" );
	    ImageIO_free( im->data ); im->data = NULL;
	    ImageIO_free( str );
	    return -1;	
	  if ( im->wordKind == WK_FIXED 
	       && im->sign == SGN_UNSIGNED 
	       && im->wdim == 1 ) {
	    unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)im->data;
	    buf += n;
	    if ( iv < 0 )        *buf = (unsigned char)0;
	    else if ( iv > 255 ) *buf = (unsigned char)255;
	    else                 *buf = (unsigned char)iv;
	    n ++;
	  else if ( im->wordKind == WK_FIXED 
		    && im->sign == SGN_SIGNED 
		    && im->wdim == 1 ) {
	    char *buf = (char *)im->data;
	    buf += n;
	    if ( iv < -128 )     *buf = (char)-128;
	    else if ( iv > 127 ) *buf = (char)127;
	    else                 *buf = (char)iv;
	    n ++;
	  else if ( im->wordKind == WK_FIXED 
		    && im->sign == SGN_UNSIGNED 
		    && im->wdim == 2 ) {
	    unsigned short int *buf = (unsigned short int *)im->data;
	    buf += n;
	    if ( iv < 0 )          *buf = (unsigned short int)0;
	    else if ( iv > 65535 ) *buf = (unsigned short int)65535;
	    else                   *buf = (unsigned short int)iv;
	    n ++;
	  else if ( im->wordKind == WK_FIXED 
		    && im->sign == SGN_SIGNED 
		    && im->wdim == 2 ) {
	    short int *buf = (short int *)im->data;
	    buf += n;
	    if ( iv < -32768 )     *buf = (short int)-32768;
	    else if ( iv > 32767 ) *buf = (short int)32767;
	    else                   *buf = (short int)iv;
	    n ++;
	  else {
	    ImageIO_free( im->data ); im->data = NULL;
	    ImageIO_free( str );
	    return -1;

	  /* skip a number 
	  while ( (*tmp >= '0' && *tmp <= '9') || *tmp == '.' || *tmp == '-' )
      ImageIO_free( str );


  /* check header validity */
  if ( im->xdim > 0 && im->ydim > 0 && im->zdim > 0 && im->vdim > 0 &&
       im->vx > 0.0 && im->vy > 0.0 && im->vz > 0.0 &&
       ( im->wordKind == WK_FLOAT ||
	 (im->wordKind == WK_FIXED && im->sign != SGN_UNKNOWN) ) &&
       im->endianness != END_UNKNOWN ) {
    return 0;

  return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
int VT_ReadInrimage( vt_image *image, char *name )
  char *proc = "VT_ReadInrimage";
  _image *inr;

  if ( _VT_DEBUG_ ) {
    fprintf( stderr, "%s: uses LIBINRIMAGE routines\n", proc );

  if ( _flag_init_readers == 0 ) {
    _flag_init_readers = 1;

  VT_FreeImage( image );
  /* lecture
  inr = _readImage( name );
  if( !inr ) {
    if ( _VT_VERBOSE_ )
      fprintf( stderr, "%s: unable to read '%s'\n ", proc, name );
    return 0;

  strcpy( image->name, name );
  if ( _decodeInrHeader( inr, image ) != 1 ) {
    fprintf( stderr, "%s: unable to decode header of '%s'\n ", proc, name );
    return 0;

  image->buf = inr->data;

  strcpy( image->name, name );

    unsigned int vol_ptr;
    int i,j;

    switch ( image->type ) {
    case SCHAR :
      vol_ptr  = image->dim.z * image->dim.y * sizeof( s8* );
      vol_ptr += image->dim.z                * sizeof( s8** );
    case UCHAR :
      vol_ptr  = image->dim.z * image->dim.y * sizeof( u8* );
      vol_ptr += image->dim.z                * sizeof( u8** );
    case SSHORT :
      vol_ptr  = image->dim.z * image->dim.y * sizeof( s16* );
      vol_ptr += image->dim.z                * sizeof( s16** );
    case USHORT :
      vol_ptr  = image->dim.z * image->dim.y * sizeof( u16* );
      vol_ptr += image->dim.z                * sizeof( u16** );
    case FLOAT :
      vol_ptr  = image->dim.z * image->dim.y * sizeof( r32* );
      vol_ptr += image->dim.z                * sizeof( r32** );
    case DOUBLE :
      vol_ptr  = image->dim.z * image->dim.y * sizeof( r64* );
      vol_ptr += image->dim.z                * sizeof( r64** );
    case SINT :
      vol_ptr  = image->dim.z * image->dim.y * sizeof( i32* );
      vol_ptr += image->dim.z                * sizeof( i32** );
    case UINT :
      vol_ptr  = image->dim.z * image->dim.y * sizeof( u32* );
      vol_ptr += image->dim.z                * sizeof( u32** );
    default :
      if ( _VT_VERBOSE_ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%s: unknown image type", proc );
      return 0;

    image->array = (void***) malloc( (unsigned int)(vol_ptr) );
    if ( image->array == NULL ) {
      if ( _VT_VERBOSE_ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%s: private buffer allocation failed", proc );
      return 0;

    switch ( image->type ) {
    case SCHAR :
	s8 ***z;
	s8 **zy;
	s8 *zyx;
	z = (s8 ***)(image->array);
	zy = (s8 **)(z + image->dim.z);
	zyx = (s8 *)(image->buf);
	/*--- calcul pour le premier indice Z ---*/
  for ( i = 0; i < (int)image->dim.z; i ++ ) {
	  *z = zy;
	  z ++;
	  /*--- calcul pour le deuxieme indice Y ---*/
    for ( j = 0; j < (int)image->dim.y; j ++ ) {
	    *zy = zyx;
	    zy ++;
	    zyx += image->dim.x * image->dim.v;
    case UCHAR :
	u8 ***z;
	u8 **zy;
	u8 *zyx;
	z = (u8 ***)(image->array);
	zy = (u8 **)(z + image->dim.z);
	zyx = (u8 *)(image->buf);
	/*--- calcul pour le premier indice Z ---*/
  for ( i = 0; i < (int)image->dim.z; i ++ ) {
	  *z = zy;
	  z ++;
	  /*--- calcul pour le deuxieme indice Y ---*/
    for ( j = 0; j < (int)image->dim.y; j ++ ) {
	    *zy = zyx;
	    zy ++;
	    zyx += image->dim.x * image->dim.v;
    case SSHORT :
	s16 ***z;
	s16 **zy;
	s16 *zyx;
	z = (s16 ***)(image->array);
	zy = (s16 **)(z + image->dim.z);
	zyx = (s16 *)(image->buf);
	/*--- calcul pour le premier indice Z ---*/
  for ( i = 0; i < (int)image->dim.z; i ++ ) {
	  *z = zy;
	  z ++;
	  /*--- calcul pour le deuxieme indice Y ---*/
    for ( j = 0; j < (int)image->dim.y; j ++ ) {
	    *zy = zyx;
	    zy ++;
	    zyx += image->dim.x * image->dim.v;
    case USHORT :
	u16 ***z;
	u16 **zy;
	u16 *zyx;
	z = (u16 ***)(image->array);
	zy = (u16 **)(z + image->dim.z);
	zyx = (u16 *)(image->buf);
	/*--- calcul pour le premier indice Z ---*/
  for ( i = 0; i < (int)image->dim.z; i ++ ) {
	  *z = zy;
	  z ++;
	  /*--- calcul pour le deuxieme indice Y ---*/
    for ( j = 0; j < (int)image->dim.y; j ++ ) {
	    *zy = zyx;
	    zy ++;
	    zyx += image->dim.x * image->dim.v;
    case FLOAT :
	r32 ***z;
	r32 **zy;
	r32 *zyx;
	z = (r32 ***)(image->array);
	zy = (r32 **)(z + image->dim.z);
	zyx = (r32 *)(image->buf);
	/*--- calcul pour le premier indice Z ---*/
  for ( i = 0; i < (int)image->dim.z; i ++ ) {
	  *z = zy;
	  z ++;
	  /*--- calcul pour le deuxieme indice Y ---*/
    for ( j = 0; j < (int)image->dim.y; j ++ ) {
	    *zy = zyx;
	    zy ++;
	    zyx += image->dim.x * image->dim.v;
    case DOUBLE :
	r64 ***z;
	r64 **zy;
	r64 *zyx;
	z = (r64 ***)(image->array);
	zy = (r64 **)(z + image->dim.z);
	zyx = (r64 *)(image->buf);
	/*--- calcul pour le premier indice Z ---*/
  for ( i = 0; i < (int)image->dim.z; i ++ ) {
	  *z = zy;
	  z ++;
	  /*--- calcul pour le deuxieme indice Y ---*/
    for ( j = 0; j < (int)image->dim.y; j ++ ) {
	    *zy = zyx;
	    zy ++;
	    zyx += image->dim.x * image->dim.v;
    case SINT :
	i32 ***z;
	i32 **zy;
	i32 *zyx;
	z = (i32 ***)(image->array);
	zy = (i32 **)(z + image->dim.z);
	zyx = (i32 *)(image->buf);
	/*--- calcul pour le premier indice Z ---*/
  for ( i = 0; i < (int)image->dim.z; i ++ ) {
	  *z = zy;
	  z ++;
	  /*--- calcul pour le deuxieme indice Y ---*/
    for ( j = 0; j < (int)image->dim.y; j ++ ) {
	    *zy = zyx;
	    zy ++;
	    zyx += image->dim.x * image->dim.v;
    case UINT :
	u32 ***z;
	u32 **zy;
	u32 *zyx;
	z = (u32 ***)(image->array);
	zy = (u32 **)(z + image->dim.z);
	zyx = (u32 *)(image->buf);
	/*--- calcul pour le premier indice Z ---*/
  for ( i = 0; i < (int)image->dim.z; i ++ ) {
	  *z = zy;
	  z ++;
	  /*--- calcul pour le deuxieme indice Y ---*/
    for ( j = 0; j < (int)image->dim.y; j ++ ) {
	    *zy = zyx;
	    zy ++;
	    zyx += image->dim.x * image->dim.v;
    default :
      if ( _VT_VERBOSE_ )
	fprintf( stderr, "%s: unknown image type", proc );
      return 0;

  (void)ImageIO_close( inr );
  ImageIO_free( inr );

  return 1;