Ejemplo n.º 1
// ImageSourceFileQuartz
ImageSourceFileQuartzRef ImageSourceFileQuartz::createFileQuartzRef( DataSourceRef dataSourceRef, ImageSource::Options options )
	std::shared_ptr<CGImageSource> sourceRef;
	std::shared_ptr<CGImage> imageRef;
	::CFStringRef keys[1] = { kCGImageSourceShouldAllowFloat };
	::CFBooleanRef values[1] = { kCFBooleanTrue };
	const std::shared_ptr<__CFDictionary> optionsDict( (__CFDictionary*)CFDictionaryCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **)&keys, (const void **)&values, 1, NULL, NULL ), cocoa::safeCfRelease );

	if( dataSourceRef->isFilePath() ) {
		::CFStringRef pathString = cocoa::createCfString( dataSourceRef->getFilePath().string() );
		::CFURLRef urlRef = ::CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath( kCFAllocatorDefault, pathString, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false );
		sourceRef = std::shared_ptr<CGImageSource>( ::CGImageSourceCreateWithURL( urlRef, optionsDict.get() ), cocoa::safeCfRelease );
		::CFRelease( pathString );
		::CFRelease( urlRef );
	else if( dataSourceRef->isUrl() ) {
		::CFURLRef urlRef = cocoa::createCfUrl( dataSourceRef->getUrl() );
		if( ! urlRef )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();
		sourceRef = std::shared_ptr<CGImageSource>( ::CGImageSourceCreateWithURL( urlRef, optionsDict.get() ), cocoa::safeCfRelease );
		::CFRelease( urlRef );		
	else { // last ditch, we'll use a dataref from the buffer
		::CFDataRef dataRef = cocoa::createCfDataRef( dataSourceRef->getBuffer() );
		if( ! dataRef )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();
		sourceRef = std::shared_ptr<CGImageSource>( ::CGImageSourceCreateWithData( dataRef, optionsDict.get() ), cocoa::safeCfRelease );
		::CFRelease( dataRef );
	if( sourceRef ) {
		imageRef = std::shared_ptr<CGImage>( ::CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex( sourceRef.get(), options.getIndex(), optionsDict.get() ), CGImageRelease );
		if( ! imageRef )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();
		throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();

	const std::shared_ptr<__CFDictionary> imageProperties( (__CFDictionary*)::CGImageSourceCopyProperties( sourceRef.get(), NULL ), ::CFRelease );
	const std::shared_ptr<__CFDictionary> imageIndexProperties( (__CFDictionary*)::CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex( sourceRef.get(), options.getIndex(), NULL ), ::CFRelease );

	return ImageSourceFileQuartzRef( new ImageSourceFileQuartz( imageRef.get(), options, imageProperties, imageIndexProperties ) );
Ejemplo n.º 2
// ImageSourceFileQuartz
ImageSourceFileQuartzRef ImageSourceFileQuartz::createFileQuartzRef( DataSourceRef dataSourceRef )
	::CGImageSourceRef sourceRef = NULL;
	::CGImageRef imageRef = NULL;
	::CFStringRef keys[1] = { kCGImageSourceShouldAllowFloat };
	::CFBooleanRef values[1] = { kCFBooleanTrue };
	::CFDictionaryRef optionsDict = ::CFDictionaryCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **)&keys, (const void **)&values, 1, NULL, NULL );

	if( dataSourceRef->isFilePath() ) {
		::CFStringRef pathString = cocoa::createCfString( dataSourceRef->getFilePath() );
		::CFURLRef urlRef = ::CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath( kCFAllocatorDefault, pathString, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false );
		sourceRef = ::CGImageSourceCreateWithURL( urlRef, optionsDict );
		::CFRelease( pathString );
		::CFRelease( urlRef );
	else if( dataSourceRef->isUrl() ) {
		::CFURLRef urlRef = cocoa::createCfUrl( dataSourceRef->getUrl() );
		if( ! urlRef )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();
		sourceRef = ::CGImageSourceCreateWithURL( urlRef, optionsDict );
		::CFRelease( urlRef );		
	else { // last ditch, we'll use a dataref from the buffer
		::CFDataRef dataRef = cocoa::createCfDataRef( dataSourceRef->getBuffer() );
		if( ! dataRef )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();
		sourceRef = ::CGImageSourceCreateWithData( dataRef, optionsDict );
		::CFRelease( dataRef );
	if( sourceRef ) {
		imageRef = ::CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex( sourceRef, 0, optionsDict );
		::CFRelease( sourceRef );
		if( ! imageRef )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();
		throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();

	return ImageSourceFileQuartzRef( new ImageSourceFileQuartz( imageRef ) );