Ejemplo n.º 1
static HRESULT WINAPI ActiveIMMApp_GetCompositionWindow(IActiveIMMApp* This,
    BOOL rc;

    rc = ImmGetCompositionWindow(hIMC,pCompForm);

    if (rc)
        return S_OK;
        return E_FAIL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: imm32.c Proyecto: krofna/wine
static void test_ImmThreads(void)
    HIMC himc, otherHimc, h1;
    igc_threadinfo threadinfo;
    HANDLE hThread;
    DWORD dwThreadId;
    BOOL rc;
    LOGFONT lf;
    DWORD status, sentence;
    POINT pt;

    himc = ImmGetContext(hwnd);
    threadinfo.event = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
    threadinfo.himc = himc;
    hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ImmGetContextThreadFunc, &threadinfo, 0, &dwThreadId );
    WaitForSingleObject(threadinfo.event, INFINITE);

    otherHimc = ImmGetContext(threadinfo.hwnd);

    todo_wine ok(himc != otherHimc, "Windows from other threads should have different himc\n");
    todo_wine ok(otherHimc == threadinfo.himc, "Context from other thread should not change in main thread\n");

    if (0) /* FIXME: Causes wine to hang */
    h1 = ImmAssociateContext(hwnd,otherHimc);
    ok(h1 == NULL, "Should fail to be able to Associate a default context from a different thread\n");
    h1 = ImmGetContext(hwnd);
    ok(h1 == himc, "Context for window should remain unchanged\n");

    /* OpenStatus */
    rc = ImmSetOpenStatus(himc, TRUE);
    ok(rc != 0, "ImmSetOpenStatus failed\n");
    rc = ImmGetOpenStatus(himc);
    ok(rc != 0, "ImmGetOpenStatus failed\n");
    rc = ImmSetOpenStatus(himc, FALSE);
    ok(rc != 0, "ImmSetOpenStatus failed\n");
    rc = ImmGetOpenStatus(himc);
    ok(rc == 0, "ImmGetOpenStatus failed\n");

    rc = ImmSetOpenStatus(otherHimc, TRUE);
    todo_wine ok(rc == 0, "ImmSetOpenStatus should fail\n");
    rc = ImmGetOpenStatus(otherHimc);
    todo_wine ok(rc == 0, "ImmGetOpenStatus failed\n");
    rc = ImmSetOpenStatus(otherHimc, FALSE);
    todo_wine ok(rc == 0, "ImmSetOpenStatus should fail\n");
    rc = ImmGetOpenStatus(otherHimc);
    ok(rc == 0, "ImmGetOpenStatus failed\n");

    /* CompositionFont */
    rc = ImmGetCompositionFont(himc, &lf);
    ok(rc != 0, "ImmGetCompositionFont failed\n");
    rc = ImmSetCompositionFont(himc, &lf);
    ok(rc != 0, "ImmSetCompositionFont failed\n");

    rc = ImmGetCompositionFont(otherHimc, &lf);
    ok(rc != 0 || broken(rc == 0), "ImmGetCompositionFont failed\n");
    rc = ImmSetCompositionFont(otherHimc, &lf);
    todo_wine ok(rc == 0, "ImmSetCompositionFont should fail\n");

    /* CompositionWindow */
    rc = ImmSetCompositionWindow(himc, &cf);
    ok(rc != 0, "ImmSetCompositionWindow failed\n");
    rc = ImmGetCompositionWindow(himc, &cf);
    ok(rc != 0, "ImmGetCompositionWindow failed\n");

    rc = ImmSetCompositionWindow(otherHimc, &cf);
    todo_wine ok(rc == 0, "ImmSetCompositionWindow should fail\n");
    rc = ImmGetCompositionWindow(otherHimc, &cf);
    ok(rc != 0 || broken(rc == 0), "ImmGetCompositionWindow failed\n");

    /* ConversionStatus */
    rc = ImmGetConversionStatus(himc, &status, &sentence);
    ok(rc != 0, "ImmGetConversionStatus failed\n");
    rc = ImmSetConversionStatus(himc, status, sentence);
    ok(rc != 0, "ImmSetConversionStatus failed\n");

    rc = ImmGetConversionStatus(otherHimc, &status, &sentence);
    ok(rc != 0 || broken(rc == 0), "ImmGetConversionStatus failed\n");
    rc = ImmSetConversionStatus(otherHimc, status, sentence);
    todo_wine ok(rc == 0, "ImmSetConversionStatus should fail\n");

    /* StatusWindowPos */
    rc = ImmSetStatusWindowPos(himc, &pt);
    ok(rc != 0, "ImmSetStatusWindowPos failed\n");
    rc = ImmGetStatusWindowPos(himc, &pt);
    ok(rc != 0, "ImmGetStatusWindowPos failed\n");

    rc = ImmSetStatusWindowPos(otherHimc, &pt);
    todo_wine ok(rc == 0, "ImmSetStatusWindowPos should fail\n");
    rc = ImmGetStatusWindowPos(otherHimc, &pt);
    ok(rc != 0 || broken(rc == 0), "ImmGetStatusWindowPos failed\n");


    TerminateThread(hThread, 1);

    himc = ImmGetContext(GetDesktopWindow());
    todo_wine ok(himc == NULL, "Should not be able to get himc from other process window\n");