Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Translate a "rows" or "cols" spec into an array of nsFramesetSpecs
HTMLFrameSetElement::ParseRowCol(const nsAString & aValue,
                                 int32_t& aNumSpecs,
                                 UniquePtr<nsFramesetSpec[]>* aSpecs)
  if (aValue.IsEmpty()) {
    aNumSpecs = 0;
    *aSpecs = nullptr;
    return NS_OK;

  static const char16_t sAster('*');
  static const char16_t sPercent('%');
  static const char16_t sComma(',');

  nsAutoString spec(aValue);
  // remove whitespace (Bug 33699) and quotation marks (bug 224598)
  // also remove leading/trailing commas (bug 31482)
  spec.StripChars(" \n\r\t\"\'");

  // Count the commas. Don't count more than X commas (bug 576447).
  static_assert(NS_MAX_FRAMESET_SPEC_COUNT * sizeof(nsFramesetSpec) < (1 << 30),
                "Too many frameset specs allowed to allocate");
  int32_t commaX = spec.FindChar(sComma);
  int32_t count = 1;
  while (commaX != kNotFound && count < NS_MAX_FRAMESET_SPEC_COUNT) {
    commaX = spec.FindChar(sComma, commaX + 1);

  auto specs = MakeUniqueFallible<nsFramesetSpec[]>(count);
  if (!specs) {
    *aSpecs = nullptr;
    aNumSpecs = 0;

  // Pre-grab the compat mode; we may need it later in the loop.
  bool isInQuirks = InNavQuirksMode(OwnerDoc());

  // Parse each comma separated token

  int32_t start = 0;
  int32_t specLen = spec.Length();

  for (int32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    // Find our comma
    commaX = spec.FindChar(sComma, start);
    NS_ASSERTION(i == count - 1 || commaX != kNotFound,
                 "Failed to find comma, somehow");
    int32_t end = (commaX == kNotFound) ? specLen : commaX;

    // Note: If end == start then it means that the token has no
    // data in it other than a terminating comma (or the end of the spec).
    // So default to a fixed width of 0.
    specs[i].mUnit = eFramesetUnit_Fixed;
    specs[i].mValue = 0;
    if (end > start) {
      int32_t numberEnd = end;
      char16_t ch = spec.CharAt(numberEnd - 1);
      if (sAster == ch) {
        specs[i].mUnit = eFramesetUnit_Relative;
      } else if (sPercent == ch) {
        specs[i].mUnit = eFramesetUnit_Percent;
        // check for "*%"
        if (numberEnd > start) {
          ch = spec.CharAt(numberEnd - 1);
          if (sAster == ch) {
            specs[i].mUnit = eFramesetUnit_Relative;

      // Translate value to an integer
      nsAutoString token;
      spec.Mid(token, start, numberEnd - start);

      // Treat * as 1*
      if ((eFramesetUnit_Relative == specs[i].mUnit) &&
        (0 == token.Length())) {
        specs[i].mValue = 1;
      else {
        // Otherwise just convert to integer.
        nsresult err;
        specs[i].mValue = token.ToInteger(&err);
        if (NS_FAILED(err)) {
          specs[i].mValue = 0;

      // Treat 0* as 1* in quirks mode (bug 40383)
      if (isInQuirks) {
        if ((eFramesetUnit_Relative == specs[i].mUnit) &&
          (0 == specs[i].mValue)) {
          specs[i].mValue = 1;

      // Catch zero and negative frame sizes for Nav compatibility
      // Nav resized absolute and relative frames to "1" and
      // percent frames to an even percentage of the width
      //if (isInQuirks && (specs[i].mValue <= 0)) {
      //  if (eFramesetUnit_Percent == specs[i].mUnit) {
      //    specs[i].mValue = 100 / count;
      //  } else {
      //    specs[i].mValue = 1;
      //  }
      //} else {

      // In standards mode, just set negative sizes to zero
      if (specs[i].mValue < 0) {
        specs[i].mValue = 0;
      start = end + 1;

  aNumSpecs = count;
  // Transfer ownership to caller here
  *aSpecs = Move(specs);

  return NS_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 2
HTMLTableCellElement::ParseAttribute(int32_t aNamespaceID,
                                     nsIAtom* aAttribute,
                                     const nsAString& aValue,
                                     nsAttrValue& aResult)
  if (aNamespaceID == kNameSpaceID_None) {
    /* ignore these attributes, stored simply as strings
       abbr, axis, ch, headers
    if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::charoff) {
      /* attributes that resolve to integers with a min of 0 */
      return aResult.ParseIntWithBounds(aValue, 0);
    if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::colspan) {
      bool res = aResult.ParseIntWithBounds(aValue, -1);
      if (res) {
        int32_t val = aResult.GetIntegerValue();
        // reset large colspan values as IE and opera do
        // quirks mode does not honor the special html 4 value of 0
        if (val > MAX_COLSPAN || val < 0 ||
            (0 == val && InNavQuirksMode(OwnerDoc()))) {
      return res;
    if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::rowspan) {
      bool res = aResult.ParseIntWithBounds(aValue, -1, MAX_ROWSPAN);
      if (res) {
        int32_t val = aResult.GetIntegerValue();
        // quirks mode does not honor the special html 4 value of 0
        if (val < 0 || (0 == val && InNavQuirksMode(OwnerDoc()))) {
      return res;
    if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::height) {
      return aResult.ParseSpecialIntValue(aValue);
    if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::width) {
      return aResult.ParseSpecialIntValue(aValue);
    if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::align) {
      return ParseTableCellHAlignValue(aValue, aResult);
    if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::bgcolor) {
      return aResult.ParseColor(aValue);
    if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::scope) {
      return aResult.ParseEnumValue(aValue, kCellScopeTable, false);
    if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::valign) {
      return ParseTableVAlignValue(aValue, aResult);

  return nsGenericHTMLElement::ParseBackgroundAttribute(aNamespaceID,
                                                        aAttribute, aValue,
                                                        aResult) ||
         nsGenericHTMLElement::ParseAttribute(aNamespaceID, aAttribute, aValue,