bool HighscoreScreen::init() { if (!Layer::init()) { return false; } _rootNode = CSLoader::createNode("Screens/HighscoreScreen.csb"); addChild(_rootNode); this->scheduleUpdate(); _myDictionary = __Dictionary::create(); ReadHighscore(); if (_scores[1]->length() == 0) { WriteDefaultHighscore(); ReadHighscore(); } //SPRITES InitSprites(); //Animated Santa Sprite InitAnimation(); //LABELS InitLabels(); //TOUCHES InitControls(); //BUTTONS InitButtons(); return true; }
/** ** Initialize all modules. ** ** Call each module to initialize. */ void InitModules() { GameCycle = 0; CDate::CurrentTotalHours = 0; FastForwardCycle = 0; SyncHash = 0; CallbackMusicOn(); InitSyncRand(); InitVideoCursors(); InitUserInterface(); InitPlayers(); InitMissileTypes(); InitMissiles(); InitConstructions(); // LUDO : 0 = don't reset player stats ( units level , upgrades, ... ) ! InitUnitTypes(0); InitUnits(); InitSpells(); InitUpgrades(); InitButtons(); CTrigger::InitActiveTriggers(); InitAiModule(); Map.Init(); }
void tpl_init_machine(void) { nxt_device_init(); tpl_init_machine_generic(); InitButtons(); ecrobot_set_motor_rev(NXT_PORT_A, 0); ecrobot_set_motor_rev(NXT_PORT_B, 0); ecrobot_set_motor_rev(NXT_PORT_C, 0); }
BOOL CGameParamsSheet::OnInitDialog() { // Perform default processing CPropertySheet::OnInitDialog(); // Initialize the OK and Cancel buttons InitButtons(); // Return true to set the focus to the first tabstop control return true; }
static byte InitMenuBox(void) { int i, y; if (ShowText()) { y = CountNewLines(text) + 2; for (i = 0; i < listN; i++) { TwGotoXYWindow(Dialog_Win, 3, i+y); TwWriteAsciiWindow(Dialog_Win, strlen(list[i].tag), list[i].tag); TwGotoXYWindow(Dialog_Win, 10, i+y); TwWriteAsciiWindow(Dialog_Win, strlen(list[i].item), list[i].item); } return InitButtons(" OK ", "Cancel"); } return FALSE; }
MyFrame::MyFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size) : wxFrame(NULL, -1, title, pos, size) { wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar; wxMenu *menuFile = new wxMenu; menuFile->Append(wxID_ABOUT, wxT("&About…")); menuFile->Append(wxID_EXIT, wxT("E & xit")); menuBar->Append(menuFile, wxT("&File")); SetMenuBar(menuBar); InitButtons(); m_gdb = new wxTextCtrl(this, wxID_ANY); m_img = new wxTextCtrl(this, wxID_ANY); m_corefile = new wxTextCtrl(this, wxID_ANY); m_coreinfo = new wxTextCtrl(this, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE|wxHSCROLL); m_coreinfo->SetWindowStyle(m_coreinfo->GetWindowStyle() & ~wxTE_DONTWRAP | wxTE_BESTWRAP); wxGridBagSizer *m_fgsizer = new wxGridBagSizer; int row = 0; m_fgsizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString), wxGBPosition(row,0)); m_fgsizer->Add(m_gdb, wxGBPosition(row,1), wxDefaultSpan, wxGROW); row++; m_fgsizer->Add(m_select_img, wxGBPosition(row,0)); m_fgsizer->Add(m_img, wxGBPosition(row,1), wxDefaultSpan, wxGROW); row++; m_fgsizer->Add(m_select_corefile, wxGBPosition(row,0)); m_fgsizer->Add(m_corefile, wxGBPosition(row,1), wxDefaultSpan, wxGROW); row++; m_fgsizer->Add(m_copy, wxGBPosition(row,0)); m_fgsizer->Add(m_coreinfo, wxGBPosition(row,1), wxGBSpan(3,1), wxGROW); row++; m_fgsizer->Add(m_reset, wxGBPosition(row,0)); m_fgsizer->AddGrowableCol(1); m_fgsizer->AddGrowableRow(row); this->SetSizer(m_fgsizer); Connect(wxID_EXIT, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, (wxObjectEventFunction) & MyFrame::OnQuit); Connect(wxID_ABOUT, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, (wxObjectEventFunction) & MyFrame::OnAbout); Connect(wxEVT_PAINT, wxPaintEventHandler(MyFrame::OnPaint)); Connect(wxEVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, wxEraseEventHandler(MyFrame::OnEraseBackground)); char cmdbuf[1024]; sprintf(cmdbuf, "grep so /proc/%d/maps |awk '{print $6}' | uniq", getpid()); libs = (exec_cmd(cmdbuf)); reset(); }
CUIWnd::CUIWnd(const std::string& t, GG::X x, GG::Y y, GG::X w, GG::Y h, GG::Flags<GG::WndFlag> flags) : GG::Wnd(x, y, w, h, flags & ~GG::RESIZABLE), m_resizable(flags & GG::RESIZABLE), m_closable(flags & CLOSABLE), m_minimizable(flags & MINIMIZABLE), m_minimized(false), m_drag_offset(-GG::X1, -GG::Y1), m_mouse_in_resize_tab(false), m_close_button(0), m_minimize_button(0) { // set window name SetName(t); // call to CUIWnd::MinimizedWidth() because MinimizedWidth is virtual SetMinSize(GG::Pt(CUIWnd::MinimizedWidth(), BORDER_TOP + INNER_BORDER_ANGLE_OFFSET + BORDER_BOTTOM + 50)); InitButtons(); SetChildClippingMode(ClipToClientAndWindowSeparately); }
void LibraryPage::InitLayout(bool draggable/* = true*/) { wxSizer* sizer = GetSizer(); if (sizer) sizer->DeleteWindows(); else sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); if (!m_is_static) { // InitLayoutExtend(sizer); InitButtons(sizer); } if (!m_list) { m_list = new LibraryList(this); } sizer->Add(m_list, 1, wxEXPAND); SetSizer(sizer); }
bool GameScreen::init() { if (!Layer::init()) { return false; } _rootNode = CSLoader::createNode("Screens/MainGame.csb"); addChild(_rootNode); this->scheduleUpdate(); _platform = (Platform*)_rootNode->getChildByName("platform"); _platform = Platform::create(); this->addChild(_platform); _powerUp = (PowerUp*)_rootNode->getChildByName("powerup"); _powerUp = PowerUp::create(); this->addChild(_powerUp); _menuBar = (MenuBar*)_rootNode->getChildByName("menuBar"); _menuBar = MenuBar::create(); this->addChild(_menuBar); //SPRITES InitSprites(); //Animated Santa Sprite InitAnimation(); //LABELS InitLabels(); //TOUCHES InitControls(); //BUTTONS InitButtons(); // Game is not live until the start button is pressed. GameManager::sharedGameManager()->isGameLive = false; GameState(); return true; }
int main(void) { // Configure the system clock. // The system clock is 168Mhz. RCC_HSEConfig(RCC_HSE_ON); // ENABLE HSE (HSE = 8Mhz) while(!RCC_WaitForHSEStartUp()); // Wait for HSE to stabilize SystemCoreClockUpdate(); RCC_PCLK1Config(RCC_HCLK_Div4); // Set APB1=42Mhz (168/4) // Initialize peripheral modules InitCAN(); InitGPIO(); InitButtons(); InitEXTI(); InitNVIC(); InitTim(); InitSystick(); InitWatchdog(); /* Check if the IWDG reset has occoured */ /*if(RCC_GetFlagStatus(RCC_FLAG_IWDGRST) == SET){ GPIOA->ODR |= GPIO_Pin_6; //temp action RCC_ClearFlag(); }*/ while(1) { if(clk10msWheel == COMPLETE){ TxWheelrpm(); clk10msWheel = RESTART; } checkButtons(); LED_SetState(LED_GREEN, (GPIOE->IDR & BUTTON_START_GPIO_PIN) ? DISABLE : ENABLE); LED_SetState(LED_RED, (GPIOE->IDR & BUTTON_STOP_GPIO_PIN) ? ENABLE : DISABLE); } }
int main() { // Configure UART2 for no interrupts at 9600 baud. Include a reset of // the RX flag as required. OpenUART2(UART_EN, UART_TX_ENABLE, BRGVAL); IFS1bits.U2RXIF = 0; // This variable is defined as 2 to specify that UART2 will be used for // stdin/stdout. __C30_UART = 2; /****************************************************************************** * Your code goes in between this comment and the following one with asterisks. *****************************************************************************/ LcdInit(); //initialize our lcd InitButtons(); //initialize our buttons InitMorseDecoder(); //initialize morse tree printf("Type Morse With Buttons Above\n"); SetTopLine(greet); while(1) { if(ReceivedInput(temp)) { //check for user input printf("Your input: %c\n", temp); //echo input EncodeCharacter(temp, out); //encode the character then display printf("In Morse: %c%c%c%c%c%c\n", out[0], out[1], out[2], out[3], out[4], out[5]); } char x = CheckButtonEvents(); //check for button event if (x == 0x00) { // check if no Buttons were pressed if(flag0 != 1) { SetTopLine(greet); } flag0 = 1; } else if (x & Button6DownEvent) { // check if Button 6 was pressed if(flag1 != 1) { toDecode[position] = dash; //save input to current slot toDecode[position+1] = space; position++; //increment to next slot SetBottomLine(toDecode); //display total line array } flag1 = 1; //flag is on } else if (x & Button6UpEvent) { // check if Button 6 was released flag1 = 0; //clear flag } else if (x & Button5DownEvent) { // check if Button 5 was pressed if(flag2 != 1) { toDecode = (char *)GetBottomLine(); //decode what ever is in bottom line } flag2 = 1; } else if (x & Button5UpEvent) { // check if Button 5 was released decodeChar[0] = DecodeCharacter(toDecode); // decode our input topline[Pos] = decodeChar[0]; // add next decoded char Pos++; SetTopLine(topline); SetBottomLine(empty); // clear bottom line on LCD int i; for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) { toDecode[i] = ' '; // clear bottom line } position = 0; // start at new line of input flag2 = 0; } else if (x & Button4DownEvent) { // check if Button 4 was pressed flag3 = 1; //flag is on } else if (x & Button4UpEvent) { // check if Button 3 was released topline[Pos] = ' '; // add space for next decodedc char Pos++; SetTopLine(topline); SetBottomLine(empty); int i; for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) { toDecode[i] = ' '; // clear bottom line } position = 0; // start at new line of input flag3 = 0; } else if (x & Button3DownEvent) { // check if Button 3 was pressed if(flag4 != 1) { toDecode[position] = dot; toDecode[position + 1] = space; position++; SetBottomLine(toDecode); } flag4 = 1; //flag is on } else if (x & Button3UpEvent) { // check if Button 3 was released flag4 = 0; //clear flag } } /****************************************************************************** * Your code goes in between this comment and the preceeding one with asterisks *****************************************************************************/ while (1); }
static byte InitMsgBox(void) { return ShowText() && InitButtons(" OK ", NULL); }
static byte InitTextBox(void) { return ShowFile() && InitButtons(" EXIT ", NULL); }
/** ** CreateGame. ** ** Load map, graphics, sounds, etc ** ** @param filename map filename ** @param map map loaded ** ** @todo FIXME: use in this function InitModules / LoadModules!!! */ void CreateGame(const char *filename, CMap *map) { int i; if (SaveGameLoading) { SaveGameLoading = 0; // Load game, already created game with Init/LoadModules CommandLog(NULL, NoUnitP, FlushCommands, -1, -1, NoUnitP, NULL, -1); return; } InitVisionTable(); // build vision table for fog of war InitPlayers(); if (Map.Info.Filename.empty() && filename) { char path[PATH_MAX]; Assert(filename); LibraryFileName(filename, path, sizeof(path)); if(strcasestr(filename, ".smp")) { LuaLoadFile(path); } } for (i = 0; i < PlayerMax; ++i) { int playertype = Map.Info.PlayerType[i]; // Network games only: if (GameSettings.Presets[i].Type != SettingsPresetMapDefault) { playertype = GameSettings.Presets[i].Type; } CreatePlayer(playertype); } if (filename) { if (CurrentMapPath != filename) { strcpy_s(CurrentMapPath, sizeof(CurrentMapPath), filename); } // // Load the map. // InitUnitTypes(1); LoadMap(filename, map); // HARDCODING FOG OF WAR TRUE. It doesn't currently use preferences on a game restart - Should be changed map->NoFogOfWar = true; Map.Reveal(); } GameCycle = 0; FastForwardCycle = 0; SyncHash = 0; InitSyncRand(); if (IsNetworkGame()) { // Prepare network play DebugPrint("Client setup: Calling InitNetwork2\n"); InitNetwork2(); } else { if (LocalPlayerName && strcmp(LocalPlayerName, "Anonymous")) { ThisPlayer->SetName(LocalPlayerName); } } CallbackMusicOn(); #if 0 GamePaused = true; #endif if (FlagRevealMap) { Map.Reveal(); } // // Setup game types // // FIXME: implement more game types if (GameSettings.GameType != SettingsGameTypeMapDefault) { switch (GameSettings.GameType) { case SettingsGameTypeMelee: break; case SettingsGameTypeFreeForAll: GameTypeFreeForAll(); break; case SettingsGameTypeTopVsBottom: GameTypeTopVsBottom(); break; case SettingsGameTypeLeftVsRight: GameTypeLeftVsRight(); break; case SettingsGameTypeManVsMachine: GameTypeManVsMachine(); break; case SettingsGameTypeManTeamVsMachine: GameTypeManTeamVsMachine(); // Future game type ideas #if 0 case SettingsGameTypeOneOnOne: break; case SettingsGameTypeCaptureTheFlag: break; case SettingsGameTypeGreed: break; case SettingsGameTypeSlaughter: break; case SettingsGameTypeSuddenDeath: break; case SettingsGameTypeTeamMelee: break; case SettingsGameTypeTeamCaptureTheFlag: break; #endif } } // // Graphic part // SetPlayersPalette(); InitIcons(); LoadIcons(); LoadCursors(PlayerRaces.Name[ThisPlayer->Race]); UnitUnderCursor = NoUnitP; InitMissileTypes(); #ifndef DYNAMIC_LOAD LoadMissileSprites(); #endif InitConstructions(); LoadConstructions(); LoadUnitTypes(); LoadDecorations(); InitSelections(); InitUserInterface(); UI.Load(); UI.Minimap.Create(); Map.Init(); PreprocessMap(); // // Sound part // LoadUnitSounds(); MapUnitSounds(); if (SoundEnabled()) { InitSoundClient(); } // // Spells // InitSpells(); // // Init units' groups // InitGroups(); // // Init players? // DebugPlayers(); PlayersInitAi(); // // Upgrades // InitUpgrades(); // // Dependencies // InitDependencies(); // // Buttons (botpanel) // InitButtons(); // // Triggers // InitTriggers(); SetDefaultTextColors(UI.NormalFontColor, UI.ReverseFontColor); #if 0 if (!UI.SelectedViewport) { UI.SelectedViewport = UI.Viewports; } #endif UI.SelectedViewport->Center( ThisPlayer->StartX, ThisPlayer->StartY, TileSizeX / 2, TileSizeY / 2); // // Various hacks wich must be done after the map is loaded. // // FIXME: must be done after map is loaded InitAStar(); // // FIXME: The palette is loaded after the units are created. // FIXME: This loops fixes the colors of the units. // for (i = 0; i < NumUnits; ++i) { // I don't really think that there can be any rescued // units at this point. if (Units[i]->RescuedFrom) { Units[i]->Colors = &Units[i]->RescuedFrom->UnitColors; } else { Units[i]->Colors = &Units[i]->Player->UnitColors; } } GameResult = GameNoResult; CommandLog(NULL, NoUnitP, FlushCommands, -1, -1, NoUnitP, NULL, -1); Video.ClearScreen(); }
BtnController::BtnController() { InitButtons(); }
BOOL CElcSkinFrameBase::Initialize(HWND hThis) { if (!m_bEnableSkin) return TRUE; if (!::IsWindow(hThis)) { m_hDerive = 0; ASSERT(0); return FALSE; } m_hDerive = hThis; LONG style = GetWindowLong(m_hDerive, GWL_STYLE); LONG exstyle = GetWindowLong(m_hDerive, GWL_EXSTYLE); style &= ~WS_CAPTION; style &= ~WS_BORDER; exstyle &= ~WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; exstyle &= ~WS_EX_STATICEDGE; CWnd* pWnd = CWnd::FromHandle(m_hDerive); if (!pWnd) { return FALSE; } else if (pWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CDialog))) { m_nWndType = ELCSWT_DIALOG; if (style & WS_CHILDWINDOW) { m_nCaption = 0; m_nMenuBar = 0; m_nLeft = 0; m_nRight = 0; m_nBottom = 0; } else if (exstyle & WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE) { if ((style & WS_THICKFRAME) == 0) style |= WS_DLGFRAME; } m_bDrawClientBackgnd = TRUE; } else if (pWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CFrameWnd))) { m_nWndType = ELCSWT_FRAMEWND; } else { if (style & WS_CHILDWINDOW) { m_nCaption = 0; m_nMenuBar = 0; m_nLeft = 0; m_nRight = 0; m_nBottom = 0; } m_nWndType = ELCSWT_WND; } ::SetWindowLong(m_hDerive, GWL_STYLE, style); ::SetWindowLong(m_hDerive, GWL_EXSTYLE, exstyle); InitButtons(); InitMenuItem(); ::SetWindowPos(m_hDerive, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE|SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_FRAMECHANGED|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOMOVE); ::SetTimer(m_hDerive, ELC_SKIN_FRAME_STATE_TIMER, 1000, NULL); return TRUE; }
static byte InitYesNoBox(void) { return ShowText() && InitButtons(" Yes ", " No "); }
void CElcSkinFrameBase::RefreshFrameStatus() { InitButtons(); RedrawCaption(); }