Ejemplo n.º 1
	: ImageWrapperModule( FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<IImageWrapperModule>( FName( "ImageWrapper" ) ) )
	, bIsTicking( false )
	, CapturePlayerController( NULL )
	, CaptureGameMode( NULL )
    , hAngIncrement( FStereoPanoramaManager::HorizontalAngularIncrement->GetFloat() )
    , vAngIncrement( FStereoPanoramaManager::VerticalAngularIncrement->GetFloat() )
    , eyeSeparation( FStereoPanoramaManager::EyeSeparation->GetFloat() )
    , NumberOfHorizontalSteps( ( int32 )( 360.0f / hAngIncrement ) )
    , NumberOfVerticalSteps( ( int32 )( 180.0f / vAngIncrement ) + 1 ) /* Need an extra b/c we only grab half of the top & bottom slices */
    , SphericalAtlasWidth( FStereoPanoramaManager::StepCaptureWidth->GetInt() )
    , SphericalAtlasHeight( SphericalAtlasWidth / 2)
    , bForceAlpha( FStereoPanoramaManager::ForceAlpha->GetInt() != 0 )
    , bEnableBilerp( FStereoPanoramaManager::EnableBilerp->GetInt() != 0 )
    , SSMethod( FMath::Clamp<int32>(FStereoPanoramaManager::SuperSamplingMethod->GetInt(), 0, ARRAY_COUNT(g_ssPatterns)) )
    , bOverrideInitialYaw( FStereoPanoramaManager::ShouldOverrideInitialYaw->GetInt() != 0 )
    , ForcedInitialYaw( FRotator::ClampAxis(FStereoPanoramaManager::ForcedInitialYaw->GetFloat()) )
    , OutputDir( FStereoPanoramaManager::OutputDir->GetString().IsEmpty() ? FPaths::GameSavedDir() / TEXT("StereoPanorama") : FStereoPanoramaManager::OutputDir->GetString() )
    , dbgDisableOffsetRotation( FStereoPanoramaManager::FadeStereoToZeroAtSides->GetInt() != 0 )
    //NOTE: ikrimae: Keeping the old sampling mechanism just until we're sure the new way is always better
    dbgMatchCaptureSliceFovToAtlasSliceFov = false;

    float captureHFov = 0, captureVFov = 0;

    if (dbgMatchCaptureSliceFovToAtlasSliceFov)
        //Slicing Technique 1: Match Capture Slice StripWidth to match the pixel dimensions of AtlasWidth/NumHorizSteps & s.t. stripwidth/stripheight fovs match hAngIncr & vAngIncr
        //                     Legacy technique but allows setting the strip width to match atlas slice width
        //                     Pretty wasteful and will break if CaptureHFov & hangIncr/vAngIncr diverge greatly b/c resultant texture will exceed GPU bounds
        //                     StripHeight is computed based on solving CpxV = CpxH * SpxV / SpxH
        //                                                               CpxV = CV   * SpxV / SV
        //                                                               captureVfov = 2 * atan( tan(captureHfov / 2) * (SpxV / SpxH) )
        sliceHFov = hAngIncrement;
        sliceVFov = vAngIncrement;

        //TODO: ikrimae: Also do a quick test to see if there are issues with setting fov to something really small ( < 1 degree)
        //               And it does. Current noted issues: screen space effects like SSAO, AA, SSR are all off
        //                                                  local eyeadaptation also causes problems. Should probably turn off all PostProcess effects
        //                                                  small fovs cause floating point errors in the sampling function (probably a bug b/c no thought put towards that)
        captureHFov = FStereoPanoramaManager::CaptureHorizontalFOV->GetFloat();

        ensure(captureHFov >= hAngIncrement);

        //TODO: ikrimae: In hindsight, there's no reason that strip size should be this at all. Just select a square FOV larger than hAngIncr & vAngIncr
        //               and then sample the resulting plane accordingly. Remember when updating to this to recheck the math in resample function. Might
        //               have made assumptions about capture slice dimensions matching the sample strips
        StripWidth = SphericalAtlasWidth / NumberOfHorizontalSteps;
        //The scenecapture cube won't allow horizontal & vertical fov to not match the aspect ratio so we have to compute the right dimensions here for square pixels
        StripHeight = StripWidth * FMath::Tan(FMath::DegreesToRadians(vAngIncrement / 2.0f)) / FMath::Tan(FMath::DegreesToRadians(hAngIncrement / 2.0f));

        const FVector2D slicePlaneDim = FVector2D(
            2.0f * FMath::Tan(FMath::DegreesToRadians(hAngIncrement) / 2.0f),
            2.0f * FMath::Tan(FMath::DegreesToRadians(vAngIncrement) / 2.0f));

        const float capturePlaneWidth = 2.0f * FMath::Tan(FMath::DegreesToRadians(captureHFov) / 2.0f);

        //TODO: ikrimae: This is just to let the rest of the existing code work. Sampling rate of the slice can be whatever.
        //      Ex: To match the highest sampling frequency of the spherical atlas, it should match the area of differential patch
        //      at ray direction of pixel(0,1) in the atlas

        //Need stripwidth/slicePlaneDim.X = capturewidth / capturePlaneDim.X
        CaptureWidth = capturePlaneWidth * StripWidth / slicePlaneDim.X;
        CaptureHeight = CaptureWidth * StripHeight / StripWidth;

        captureVFov = FMath::RadiansToDegrees(2 * FMath::Atan(FMath::Tan(FMath::DegreesToRadians(captureHFov / 2.0f)) * CaptureHeight / CaptureWidth));

        //float dbgCapturePlaneDimY = 2.0f * FMath::Tan(FMath::DegreesToRadians(captureVFov) / 2.0f);
        //float dbgCaptureHeight = dbgCapturePlaneDimY * StripHeight / slicePlaneDim.Y;
        //Slicing Technique 2: Each slice is a determined square FOV at a configured preset resolution.
        //                     Strip Width/Strip Height is determined based on hAngIncrement & vAngIncrement
        //                     Just make sure pixels/captureHFov >= pixels/hAngIncr && pixels/vAngIncr

        captureVFov = captureHFov = FStereoPanoramaManager::CaptureHorizontalFOV->GetFloat();
        sliceVFov   = sliceHFov   = captureHFov;

        ensure(captureHFov >= FMath::Max(hAngIncrement, vAngIncrement));
        //TODO: ikrimae: Re-do for floating point accuracy
        const FVector2D slicePlaneDim = FVector2D(
            2.0f * FMath::Tan(FMath::DegreesToRadians(hAngIncrement) / 2.0f),
            2.0f * FMath::Tan(FMath::DegreesToRadians(vAngIncrement) / 2.0f));

        const FVector2D capturePlaneDim = FVector2D(
            2.0f * FMath::Tan(FMath::DegreesToRadians(captureHFov) / 2.0f),
            2.0f * FMath::Tan(FMath::DegreesToRadians(captureVFov) / 2.0f));

        CaptureHeight = CaptureWidth = FStereoPanoramaManager::CaptureSlicePixelWidth->GetInt();

        StripWidth  = CaptureWidth  * slicePlaneDim.X / capturePlaneDim.X;
        StripHeight = CaptureHeight * slicePlaneDim.Y / capturePlaneDim.Y;

        //TODO: ikrimae: Come back and check for the actual right sampling rate
        check(StripWidth  >=  (SphericalAtlasWidth / NumberOfHorizontalSteps) && 
              StripHeight >= (SphericalAtlasHeight / NumberOfVerticalSteps));
        //Ensure Width/Height is always even
        StripWidth  += StripWidth & 1;
        StripHeight += StripHeight & 1;


    UnprojectedAtlasWidth  = NumberOfHorizontalSteps * StripWidth;
    UnprojectedAtlasHeight = NumberOfVerticalSteps   * StripHeight;

    //NOTE: ikrimae: Ensure that the main gameview is > CaptureWidth x CaptureHeight. Bug in UE4 that won't re-alloc scene render targets to the correct size
    //               when the scenecapture component > current window render target. https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/80531/scene-capture-2d-max-resolution.html
    //TODO: ikrimae: Ensure that r.SceneRenderTargetResizeMethod=2
    FSystemResolution::RequestResolutionChange(CaptureWidth, CaptureHeight, EWindowMode::Windowed);

	for( int CaptureIndex = 0; CaptureIndex < FStereoPanoramaManager::ConcurrentCaptures->GetInt(); CaptureIndex++ )
		FString LeftCounter = FString::Printf( TEXT( "LeftEyeCaptureComponent_%04d" ), CaptureIndex );
		USceneCaptureComponent2D* LeftEyeCaptureComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<USceneCaptureComponent2D>( *LeftCounter );
		InitCaptureComponent( LeftEyeCaptureComponent, captureHFov, captureVFov, EStereoscopicPass::eSSP_LEFT_EYE );
		LeftEyeCaptureComponents.Add( LeftEyeCaptureComponent );

		FString RightCounter = FString::Printf( TEXT( "RightEyeCaptureComponent_%04d" ), CaptureIndex );
		USceneCaptureComponent2D* RightEyeCaptureComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<USceneCaptureComponent2D>( *RightCounter );
		InitCaptureComponent( RightEyeCaptureComponent, captureHFov, captureVFov, EStereoscopicPass::eSSP_RIGHT_EYE );
		RightEyeCaptureComponents.Add( RightEyeCaptureComponent );

	CurrentStep = 0;
	TotalSteps = 0;
	FrameDescriptors = TEXT( "FrameNumber, GameClock, TimeTaken(s)" LINE_TERMINATOR );

	CaptureStep = ECaptureStep::Reset;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Attach a GTCaptureComponent to a pawn
UGTCaptureComponent* UGTCaptureComponent::Create(APawn* InPawn, TArray<FString> Modes)
	UWorld* World = FUE4CVServer::Get().GetGameWorld();
	UGTCaptureComponent* GTCapturer = NewObject<UGTCaptureComponent>();

	GTCapturer->bIsActive = true;
	// check(GTCapturer->IsComponentTickEnabled() == true);
	GTCapturer->Pawn = InPawn; // This GTCapturer should depend on the Pawn and be released together with the Pawn.

	// This snippet is from Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/Components/SceneComponent.cpp, AttachTo
	FAttachmentTransformRules AttachmentRules(EAttachmentRule::KeepRelative, false);
	ConvertAttachLocation(EAttachLocation::KeepRelativeOffset, AttachmentRules.LocationRule, AttachmentRules.RotationRule, AttachmentRules.ScaleRule);
	GTCapturer->AttachToComponent(InPawn->GetRootComponent(), AttachmentRules);
	// GTCapturer->AddToRoot();

	for (FString Mode : Modes)
		// DEPRECATED_FORGAME(4.6, "CaptureComponent2D should not be accessed directly, please use GetCaptureComponent2D() function instead. CaptureComponent2D will soon be private and your code will not compile.")
		USceneCaptureComponent2D* CaptureComponent = NewObject<USceneCaptureComponent2D>();
		CaptureComponent->bIsActive = false; // Disable it by default for performance consideration
		GTCapturer->CaptureComponents.Add(Mode, CaptureComponent);

		// CaptureComponent needs to be attached to somewhere immediately, otherwise it will be gc-ed

		CaptureComponent->AttachToComponent(GTCapturer, AttachmentRules);

		UMaterial* Material = GetMaterial(Mode);
		if (Mode == "lit") // For rendered images
			// FViewMode::Lit(CaptureComponent->ShowFlags);
			CaptureComponent->TextureTarget->TargetGamma = GEngine->GetDisplayGamma();
			// float DisplayGamma = SceneViewport->GetDisplayGamma();
		else if (Mode == "default")
		else // for ground truth
			CaptureComponent->TextureTarget->TargetGamma = 1;
			if (Mode == "object_mask") // For object mask
				// FViewMode::Lit(CaptureComponent->ShowFlags);
			else if (Mode == "wireframe") // For object mask
				// GEngine->GetDisplayGamma(), the default gamma is 2.2
				// CaptureComponent->TextureTarget->TargetGamma = 2.2;

				CaptureComponent->PostProcessSettings.AddBlendable(Material, 1);
				// Instead of switching post-process materials, we create several SceneCaptureComponent, so that we can capture different GT within the same frame.
	return GTCapturer;