Ejemplo n.º 1
void DanglingEntity_cl::Serialize( VArchive &ar )
  if (ar.IsLoading())
    char iVersion;
    ar >> iVersion; VVERIFY (iVersion==1 && "Invalid entity version number. Please re-export scene");
    ar >> Speed;
    ar >> Deflection;
    ar >> Angle;
    ar >> Random;
    ar >> Rotation;
    m_vInitialOrientation.SerializeAsVisVector (ar);
    m_vInitialPosition.SerializeAsVisVector (ar);


Ejemplo n.º 2
Void Init()
#if defined(NULL_IAT)
    if (!InitFunction(&g_func))

//    AddVectoredExceptionHandler(True, VectoredHandler);

    INTEL_STATIC SPatch p[] =
        { 0xB8,          1, 0x3B98C },   // 验证
//        { 0x24EB,        2, 0x4B14F },   // 边界
//        { 0xD5EB,        2, 0x4B17E },   // 边界
        { 0xEB,          1, 0x4B14F },   // 边界
        { 0xEB,          1, 0x4B17E },   // 边界
        { 0xEB,          1, 0x483D1 },   // 边界
        { 0xEB,          1, 0x4AADA },   // 边界
        { 0xEB,          1, 0x4AB12 },   // 边界
        { SWAP2('【'),   4, 0x49C7B },
        { SWAP2('【'),   4, 0x49CA0 },
        { SWAP2('】'),   4, 0x49EF6 },
        { SWAP2('】'),   4, 0x49F1B },

#if defined (MY_DEBUG)
        { (UInt32)MyCreateFontIndirectA, 4, 0x5B044 },
        { (UInt32)MyGetGlyphOutlineA,    4, 0x5B04C },

    INTEL_STATIC SFuncPatch f[] =
        { CALL, 0x2F2E1, DecodeImage,   0x00 },
        { CALL, 0x23EAA, MylstrcmpiA,   0x01 },
//        { CALL, 0x2F065, MylstrcmpA,    0x01 },
        { CALL, 0x43904, GetSeSize,     0x00 },
        { CALL, 0x4392D, ReadSe,        0x00 },

    WChar szPath[MAX_PATH];
    DWORD i;
#if defined (MY_DEBUG)
    PatchMemory(p, countof(p), f, countof(f), MYAPI(GetModuleHandleW)(0));
    PatchMemoryNoVP(p, countof(p), f, countof(f), MYAPI(GetModuleHandleW)(0));

#if defined(NULL_IAT)
    HMODULE hVorbisfile = g_func.LoadStayedLibraryA("vorbisfile.dll", &g_func);
    HMODULE hVorbisfile = LoadLibraryExW(L"vorbisfile.dll", NULL, 0);

    GetFuncAddress(vorbis_func.ov_clear,          hVorbisfile, "ov_clear");
    GetFuncAddress(vorbis_func.ov_open_callbacks, hVorbisfile, "ov_open_callbacks");
    GetFuncAddress(vorbis_func.ov_test_callbacks, hVorbisfile, "ov_test_callbacks");
    GetFuncAddress(vorbis_func.ov_pcm_seek,       hVorbisfile, "ov_pcm_seek");
    GetFuncAddress(vorbis_func.ov_pcm_total,      hVorbisfile, "ov_pcm_total");
    GetFuncAddress(vorbis_func.ov_read,           hVorbisfile, "ov_read");
    GetFuncAddress(vorbis_func.ov_time_total,     hVorbisfile, "ov_time_total");

    i = MYAPI(GetModuleFileNameW)(NULL, szPath, countof(szPath));
    while (szPath[--i] != '\\');
    *(PULONG64)&szPath[i] = TAG4W('save');
    szPath[i + 4] = 0;
    MYAPI(CreateDirectoryW)(szPath, NULL);

#if defined(USE_CACHE)
Ejemplo n.º 3
void main()
	int err = 0, count = 0, bytesWritten = 0;
	char addr[5], i = '0';
	char buf[32], data[64];
	uint8_t status;
	uint32_t ACLKfreq;
	BYTE temp[100];
	UINT bw = 0, btw;
	FRESULT iFResult;
	DWORD sizeBuf = 0;

//Initialization Functions
	err = InitFunction();
	err |= ADC_InitFunction();
	err |= I2C_InitFunc(calData);
	err |= InitOneWire();

//Initialize the SD card
		Use_SD_CARD = NO;

	//Initialize the nRF wireless module
	ACLKfreq = MAP_CS_getACLK();  // get ACLK value to verify it was set correctly

	rf_crc = RF24_CRCO;
	rf_addr_width      = (uint8_t)ADDRESS_WIDTH;
	rf_speed_power     = RF24_SPEED_MIN | RF24_POWER_MAX;
	rf_channel         = 120;
	msprf24_init();  // All RX pipes closed by default
	msprf24_open_pipe(0, 1);  // Open pipe#0 with Enhanced ShockBurst enabled for receiving Auto-ACKs
	msprf24_set_pipe_packetsize(0, (uint8_t)ADDRESS_WIDTH);  // Dynamic payload length enabled (size=0)

	// Transmit to 'rad01' (0x72 0x61 0x64 0x30 0x31)
	memcpy(addr, "\xDE\xAD\xBE\xEF\x01", 5);
//	addr[0] = 'r'; addr[1] = 'a'; addr[2] = 'd'; addr[3] = '0'; addr[4] = '2';
	w_rx_addr(0, addr);  // Pipe 0 receives auto-ack's, autoacks are sent back to the TX addr so the PTX node
						 // needs to listen to the TX addr on pipe#0 to receive them.
	buf[0] = '1';
	buf[1] = '\0';
//	w_tx_payload(1, buf);
	w_tx_payload_noack(1, buf);

	if (rf_irq & RF24_IRQ_FLAGGED)
			msprf24_get_irq_reason();  // this updates rf_irq
			if (rf_irq & RF24_IRQ_TX)
					status = 1;
			if (rf_irq & RF24_IRQ_TXFAILED)
					status = 0;
			msprf24_irq_clear(RF24_IRQ_MASK);  // Clear any/all of them
	memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));

//	MAP_Interrupt_setPriority(INT_TA0_0, 0x00);

	//Entering the main loop
		while(Refresh == 0)
		{	//Keep the process locked here until 'Refresh' is set high.
		Refresh = 0;

		//Get light value
	    GetLightValue(&lux, &lightIndex);

	    //Get temperature and pressure
	    GetBaroTemp(calData, &temperature, &pressure);

	    //Get temperature and humidity
	    int t = dht_get_temp();
	    int h = dht_get_rh();

		//For debug purposes
		printf("Temperature: %d\n", temperature);
		printf("Pressure: %d\n", pressure);
		printf("Lux: %d\n", lux);
		printf("Humidity: %d\n", h);

		//Form the string to send to base station
		sprintf(buf, "<T%003dP%000006dH%003dL%00005d>", temperature, pressure, h, lux);

		//transmit data
		GPIO_setOutputHighOnPin(GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN0);
		w_tx_payload((uint8_t)ADDRESS_WIDTH, buf);
		GPIO_setOutputLowOnPin(GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN0);

		//open SD card
		if(Use_SD_CARD == YES)
			iFResult = f_open(&g_sFileObject, "data.txt", FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_WRITE);
			count = 0;
			//if the first open fails, unmount and try again for 5 times
			while ((iFResult != FR_OK) && (count < 5))
				iFResult = f_mount(0, 0);
				iFResult = f_mount(0, &g_sFatFs);
				iFResult |= f_open(&g_sFileObject, "data.txt", FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_NEW);
//			sizeBuf = strlen(temp) + 1;
			sizeBuf = sizeBuf + bw;

			sprintf(temp, "\n%d, %d, %d, %d ", temperature, pressure, lux, h);
			btw = strlen(temp);
			if(count < 5)
				//Find the end of the file and write new data here
				iFResult = f_lseek(&g_sFileObject, sizeBuf);
				iFResult = f_write(&g_sFileObject, temp, btw, &bw);
				//close the file
				iFResult = f_close(&g_sFileObject);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void OnInit(HWND hDlg)
	RECT rc;
	BOOL b;
	m_bInit = FALSE;
	if(GetMyRegLong(m_section, "ver031031", 0) == 0)
		SetMyRegLong(m_section, "ver031031", 1);
		ImportOldMouseFunc(); // common/mousestruct.c
	// common/mousestruct.c
	m_pMouseCommand = LoadMouseFunc();
	// common/tclang.c
	SetDialogLanguage(hDlg, "Mouse", g_hfontDialog);
	GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_MOUSEOPT), &rc);
	m_widthOpt = rc.right - rc.left;
		(LPARAM)MyString(IDS_LEFTBUTTON, "LButton"));
		(LPARAM)MyString(IDS_XBUTTON1, "XButton1"));
		(LPARAM)MyString(IDS_XBUTTON2, "XButton2"));
		(LPARAM)MyString(IDS_WHEELUP, "WheelUp"));
		(LPARAM)MyString(IDS_WHEELDOWN, "WheelDown"));
	InitFunction(hDlg, IDC_MOUSEFUNC);
	pitem = m_pMouseCommand;
		CBAddString(hDlg, IDC_NAMECLICK, (LPARAM)pitem->name);
		pitem = pitem->next;
	m_nCurrent = -1;
	CBSetCurSel(hDlg, IDC_NAMECLICK, 0);
		GetMyRegLong(m_section, "LeftMousePassThrough",
			(g_winver&WIN10RS1) != 0));
	b = GetMyRegLong(NULL, "RightClickMenu", TRUE);
	b = GetMyRegLong(m_section, "RightClickMenu", b);
	CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_RCLICKMENU, b);
	m_bInit = TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int main (void)
	//============== Local Variables =====================
	int encoderValue = 0;
	int16_t temp0, temp2, temp3;
	unsigned int temp1;
	int refreshValues = YES, i, t = 0, h = 0;
	double temptemp1, temptemp2;
	screen = 2;
	tempFormat = CEL;
	tempCharacter[0] = 'C';

	// Turning off watch dog timer

	//Configuring pins for peripheral/crystal usage.
	MAP_FlashCtl_setWaitState(FLASH_BANK0, 2);
	MAP_FlashCtl_setWaitState(FLASH_BANK1, 2);
	//Setting other clocks to speeds needed throughout the project

	//Initialization functions for variable peripherals
	err = DisplayInit();
	err |= InitOneWire();
	err |= RF_Init();
		printf("ERROR occured in initialization functions.\n");

	//Setting variables to initial values
	temperatureOUT[0] = 250;	temperatureOUT[1] = 251;
	temperatureIN[0] = 220;		temperatureIN[1] = 221;
	humidityOUT[0] = 440;		humidityOUT[1] = 441;
	humidityIN[0] = 330;		humidityIN[1] = 331;
	pressure[0] = 60;			pressure[1] = 61;
	lux[0] = 9000;				lux[1] = 9001;
	lightIndex[0] = 1;			lightIndex[1] = 2;

	//Enable interupts and set the interupt for the One-Wire to have highest priority
	MAP_Interrupt_setPriority(INT_TA0_0, 0x00);

	//Keep process in infinite loop
		while(!Setup) //'Setup' controls whether or not the user is view the data from
					  //the remote system, or is editing the time for the RTC
	        if (status) //'status' is set high when the IQR pin is set high -- meaning there is a packet
	        			//available to be read in from the RF chip
	        	status = 0;
	        	r_rx_payload((uint8_t)PACKET_SIZE, &data);	//retrieve data
	        	sscanf(data, "<T%dP%dH%dL%d>", &temp0, &temp1, &temp2, &temp3);  //parse data
	        	temperatureOUT[0] = temp0;
	        	pressure[0] = temp1;
	        	humidityOUT[0] = temp2;
	        	lux[0] = temp3;
	        	calculateLighting(lux[0], lightIndexString[0], &lightIndex[0]); 	//Figure out the lighting condition

	        	//Convert to F if 'tempFormat' is set high when tempFormat is set high, indicating that there needs to be a
	        	//C to F convserion. The data is C from the sensors.
				if(tempFormat == FAR)
					//C to F convserion
					temptemp2 =  ((float)temperatureOUT[0]);
					temperatureOUT[0] = (int)((temptemp2 * 1.8));
					temperatureOUT[0] += 320;

	        //Tick is set high every second from the RTC interupt
				i = 0;
				MAP_SysTick_disableModule(); // disable the systick interupt during while getting the
											 // temperature and humidity data from sensor
				//Getting the temp and humidity data
				t = dht_get_temp();
				h = dht_get_rh();
				MAP_SysTick_enableModule(); //Enable the systick interupt again

				//put the humidity and temperature values in the needed variables
				humidityIN[0] = h;
				temperatureIN[0] = t;

				//Convert to F if 'tempFormat' is set high when tempFormat is set high, indicating that there needs to be a
				//C to F convserion. The data is C from the sensors.
				if(tempFormat == FAR)
					//C to F conversion
					temptemp1 =  ((float)temperatureIN[0]);
					temperatureIN[0] = (int)((temptemp1 * 1.8));
					temperatureIN[0] += 320;

			//'screen' is either set to the value of 1 or 2.
			// screen == 1 is the main screen with only the temperatures and lighting condition displayed
			if(screen == 1)
				//If the time has been updated or the screen has been switched, update the string
				if(tick || refreshValues)
					tick = 0;
					//Create the time and date strings
					sprintf(dateString, "%s %02X, %X", months[newTime.month], newTime.dayOfmonth, newTime.year);
					sprintf(timeString, "%02X:%02X:%02X", newTime.hours, newTime.minutes, newTime.seconds);

					//Write "IN:" in the lower part of the screen to indicate to the user which temperature is the
					//inside tempterature
					if(refreshValues == YES)
						ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(50, 140, "IN:", ST7735_Color565(255, 255, 255), 1);

					//Printing the time
					for(i = 0; i < strlen(timeString); i++)
						ST7735_DrawChar(22+(11*i), 10, timeString[i], timeStringColor[i], 0x0000, 2);

					//Printing the date
					for(i = 0; i < strlen(dateString); i++)
						ST7735_DrawChar(30+(6*i), 30, dateString[i], dateStringColor[i], 0x0000, 1);

				//If the new data value is different than the previous value, or the screen has been changes, update display
				if((temperatureOUT[0] != temperatureOUT[1]) || refreshValues == YES)
					//Re-write the last string in black (the same color as the backgruond) to cover it up so that the
					// new value is not written overtop.
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", temperatureOUT[1]/10, temperatureOUT[1]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(20, 80, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 4);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((20 + strlen(tempString)*4*6), 80, tempCharacter[1], ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 1);

					//Write the new string
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", temperatureOUT[0]/10, temperatureOUT[0]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(20, 80, tempString, ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 4);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((20 + strlen(tempString)*4*6), 80, tempCharacter[0], ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 1);
					temperatureOUT[1] = temperatureOUT[0];
					tempCharacter[1] = tempCharacter[0];

				//If the new data value is different than the previous value, or the screen has been changes, update display
				if((temperatureIN[0] != temperatureIN[1]) || refreshValues == YES)
					//Re-write the last string in black (the same color as the backgruond) to cover it up so that the
					// new value is not written overtop.
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", temperatureIN[1]/10, temperatureIN[1]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(70, 130, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((70 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 130, tempCharacter, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 1);

					//Write the new string
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", temperatureIN[0]/10, temperatureIN[0]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(70, 130, tempString, ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((70 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 130, tempCharacter, ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 1);
					temperatureIN[1] = temperatureIN[0];
					tempCharacter[1] = tempCharacter[0];

				//If the new data value is different than the previous value, or the screen has been changes, update display
				if((lightIndex[0] != lightIndex[1]) || refreshValues == YES)
					//Re-write the last string in black (the same color as the backgruond) to cover it up so that the
					// new value is not written overtop.
					sprintf(tempString, "%s", lightIndexString[1]);
					ST7735_DrawStringVertical(0, 60, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 2);

					//Write the new string
					sprintf(tempString, "%s", lightIndexString[0]);
					ST7735_DrawStringVertical(0, 60, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 255, 0), 2);
					memcpy(lightIndexString[1], lightIndexString[0], sizeof(lightIndexString[0]));
					lightIndex[1] = lightIndex[0];
				//Reset the refreshValues variable. This variable will be set high when the user swithces screen by turning the knob
				refreshValues = NO;
			//'screen' equalling 2 is the screen that displays all the data to the user
			if(screen == 2)
				//If the time has been updated or the screen has been switched, update the string
				if(time || refreshValues)
					tick = 0;
					//Create the time string that will be written
					sprintf(timeString, "%02X:%02X:%02X", newTime.hours, newTime.minutes, newTime.seconds);

					//Write the new time string
					for(i = 0; i < strlen(timeString); i++)
						ST7735_DrawChar(35+(6*i), 5, timeString[i], ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(255, 255, 255), 1);

				//When update the items on the screen that will remain constant when the screen is changed.
				if(refreshValues == YES)
					sprintf(tempString, "Inside");
					ST7735_DrawStringVertical(0, 10, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 255, 0), 1);

					sprintf(tempString, "Outside");
					ST7735_DrawStringVertical(120, 90, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 255, 0), 1);

					sprintf(tempString, "_______________________");
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(0, 55, tempString, ST7735_Color565(255, 255, 255), 1);

				//If the new data value is different than the previous value, or the screen has been changes, update display
				if((temperatureIN[0] != temperatureIN[1]) || refreshValues == YES)
					//Re-write the last string in black (the same color as the backgruond) to cover it up so that the
					// new value is not written overtop.
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", temperatureIN[1]/10, temperatureIN[1]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(12, 30, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((12 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 25, tempCharacter, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 1);

					//Write the new string
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", temperatureIN[0]/10, temperatureIN[0]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(12, 30, tempString, ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((12 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 25, tempCharacter, ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 1);
					temperatureIN[1] = temperatureIN[0];
					tempCharacter[1] = tempCharacter[0];

				//If the new data value is different than the previous value, or the screen has been changes, update display
				if((humidityIN[0] != humidityIN[1]) || refreshValues == YES)
					//Re-write the last string in black (the same color as the backgruond) to cover it up so that the
					// new value is not written overtop.
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", humidityIN[1]/10, humidityIN[1]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(74, 30, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((74 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 27, '%', ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 1);

					//Write the new string
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", humidityIN[0]/10, humidityIN[0]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(74, 30, tempString, ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((74 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 27, '%', ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 1);
					humidityIN[1] = humidityIN[0];


				//If the new data value is different than the previous value, or the screen has been changes, update display
				if((temperatureOUT[0] != temperatureOUT[1]) || refreshValues == YES)
					//Re-write the last string in black (the same color as the backgruond) to cover it up so that the
					// new value is not written overtop.
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", temperatureOUT[1]/10, temperatureOUT[1]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(0, 70, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((0 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 68, tempCharacter, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 1);

					//Write the new string
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", temperatureOUT[0]/10, temperatureOUT[0]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(0, 70, tempString, ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((0 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 68, tempCharacter, ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 1);
					temperatureOUT[1] = temperatureOUT[0];
					tempCharacter[1] = tempCharacter[0];

				//If the new data value is different than the previous value, or the screen has been changes, update display
				if((humidityOUT[0] != humidityOUT[1]) || refreshValues == YES)
					//Re-write the last string in black (the same color as the backgruond) to cover it up so that the
					// new value is not written overtop.
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", humidityOUT[1]/10, humidityOUT[1]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(0, 90, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((0 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 87, '%', ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 1);

					//Write the new string
					sprintf(tempString, "%02d.%.1d", humidityOUT[0]/10, humidityOUT[0]%10);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(0, 90, tempString, ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((0 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 87, '%', ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 1);
					humidityOUT[1] = humidityOUT[0];

				if((lux[0] != lux[1]) || refreshValues == YES)
					//Re-write the last string in black (the same color as the backgruond) to cover it up so that the
					// new value is not written overtop.
					sprintf(tempString, "%d", lux[1]);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(0, 112, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((0 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 112, 'L', ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 1);

					//Write the new string
					sprintf(tempString, "%d", lux[0]);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(0, 112, tempString, ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawCharS((0 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 112, 'L', ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 1);
					lux[1] = lux[0];

				//If the new data value is different than the previous value, or the screen has been changes, update display
				if((pressure[0] != pressure[1]) || refreshValues == YES)
					//Re-write the last string in black (the same color as the backgruond) to cover it up so that the
					// new value is not written overtop.
					sprintf(tempString, "%d", pressure[1]);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(0, 135, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal((0 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 135, "Pa", ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 1);

					//Write the new string
					sprintf(tempString, "%d", pressure[0]);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal(0, 135, tempString, ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 2);
					ST7735_DrawStringHorizontal((0 + strlen(tempString)*2*6), 135, "Pa", ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0), 1);
					pressure[1] = pressure[0];

				//If the new data value is different than the previous value, or the screen has been changes, update display
				if((lightIndex[0] != lightIndex[1]) || refreshValues == YES)
					//Re-write the last string in black (the same color as the backgruond) to cover it up so that the
					// new value is not written overtop.
					sprintf(tempString, "%s", lightIndexString[1]);
					ST7735_DrawStringVertical(105, 70, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 0), 2);

					//Write the new string
					sprintf(tempString, "%s", lightIndexString[0]);
					ST7735_DrawStringVertical(105, 70, tempString, ST7735_Color565(0, 0, 255), 2);
					memcpy(lightIndexString[1], lightIndexString[0], sizeof(lightIndexString[0]));
					lightIndex[1] = lightIndex[0];

				refreshValues = NO;

			//Check to see in the knob has been changed at all
			encoderValue = EncoderDecipher(&Encoder1, &Encoder2, &PushButton);

			//If encoder has been held, this indicates enting the setting of the RTC time
			if(encoderValue == HOLD)
				Setup = YES;	//Now that is this set high, the process will exit the while loop above

				//Set all varaibles to what is needed for editing the time and date
				memset(dateStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(dateStringColor));
				memset(timeStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(timeStringColor));
				dateStringColor[0] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
				dateStringColor[1] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
				dateStringColor[2] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);

				//Getting the current RTC values and put them into variables that will then used to manipulate
				sprintf(temp, "%x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x", newTime.month, newTime.dayOfmonth, newTime.year, newTime.hours, newTime.minutes, newTime.seconds);
				sscanf(temp, "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d", &date[0], &date[1], &date[2], &time[0], &time[1], &time[2]);

				//Fill the screen in all black
				//Variable controlling the whether editing the time or date
				Top = YES;
			//If the user turns the knob, change the screen variable and set the refreshValues high so that the screen will change for the user
			else if (encoderValue == RIGHT || encoderValue == LEFT)
				if(screen == 1)
					screen = 2;
					ST7735_FillScreen(0);	//Clear screen
					refreshValues = YES;
				else if(screen == 2)
					screen = 1;
					ST7735_FillScreen(0); 	//Clear screen
					refreshValues = YES;
			//If the user just pressed the encoder (not holds it) change the temperature to be displayed in the opposite type
			else if(encoderValue == PRESS)
				if(tempFormat == CEL)
					tempFormat = FAR;
					tempCharacter[0] = 'F';
					tempFormat = CEL;
					tempCharacter[0] = 'C';

		//Keep process inside this loop while the encoder is not being touched
				//Getting the movement of the encoder
				movement = EncoderDecipher(Encoder1, Encoder2, PushButton);
				encoderRefresh = 0;
				flag = 0;
				//Write the date and time strings
				for(i = 0; i < strlen(dateString); i++)
					ST7735_DrawChar((11*i), 10, dateString[i], dateStringColor[i], 0x0000, 2);
				for(i = 0; i < strlen(timeString); i++)
					ST7735_DrawChar(22+(11*i), 40, timeString[i], timeStringColor[i], 0x0000, 2);

		//Is user turned the knob right, increment withever value the user is editing
		if(movement == RIGHT)
			flag = 1;
			if(Top)		// Up
				if(dateStringColor[1] == 31)
					if(++date[0] > 11)
						date[0] = 0;
				else if(dateStringColor[4] == 31)
					if(++date[1] > 31)
						date[1] = 0;
					if(++date[2] > 2050)
						date[2] = 1950;
				if(timeStringColor[1] == 31)
					if(++time[0] > 24)
						time[0] = 0;
				else if(timeStringColor[4] == 31)
					if(++time[1] > 59)
						time[1] = 0;
					if(++time[2] > 59)
						time[2] = 0;

		//Is user turned the knob left, decrement withever value the user is editing
		if(movement == LEFT)
			flag = 1;
			if(Top)		// Up
				if(dateStringColor[1] == 31)
					if(--date[0] < 0)
						date[0] = 11;
				else if(dateStringColor[4] == 31)
					if(--date[1] < 0)
						date[1] = 31;
					if(--date[2] < 1950)
						date[2] = 2050;
				if(timeStringColor[1] == 31)
					if(--time[0] < 0)
						time[0] = 23;
				else if(timeStringColor[4] == 31)
					if(--time[1] < 0)
						time[1] = 59;
					if(--time[2] < 0)
						time[2] = 59;

		//Is user presses the right, swith which what is highlighted, to indicate to the user
		//what is being edited
		if(movement == PRESS)
			flag = 1;

			if(Top)		// XXX XX XXXX
				if(dateStringColor[1] == 31)
					memset(dateStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(dateStringColor));
					dateStringColor[4] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					dateStringColor[5] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
				else if(dateStringColor[4] == 31)
					memset(dateStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(dateStringColor));
					dateStringColor[7] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					dateStringColor[8] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					dateStringColor[9] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					dateStringColor[10] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
				else if(dateStringColor[8] == 31)
					memset(dateStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(dateStringColor));
					memset(timeStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(timeStringColor));
					timeStringColor[0] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					timeStringColor[1] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					Top = NO;
			else				//XX XX XX
				if(timeStringColor[1] == 31)
					memset(timeStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(timeStringColor));
					timeStringColor[3] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					timeStringColor[4] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
				else if(timeStringColor[4] == 31)
					memset(timeStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(timeStringColor));
					timeStringColor[6] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					timeStringColor[7] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
				else if(timeStringColor[7] == 31)
					memset(timeStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(timeStringColor));
					dateStringColor[0] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					dateStringColor[1] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					dateStringColor[2] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					Top = YES;
		//Update the new time and date strings
		sprintf(dateString, "%s %02d,%d", months[date[0]], date[1], date[2]);
		sprintf(timeString, "%02d:%02d:%02d", time[0], time[1], time[2]);

		//If used holds the encoder down, the time and date will be written to the RTC and the process will return
		//to the top where the temp, humid... data is diplayed. Editing the time/date is exited.
		if(movement == HOLD)
			{	//Setting new time
				Setup = 1;
				flag = 1;
				if(dateStringColor[0] == 31 || dateStringColor[4] == 31 || dateStringColor[8] == 31 || timeStringColor[0] == 31 || timeStringColor[4] == 31 || timeStringColor[7] == 31)
					memset(timeStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(timeStringColor));
					memset(dateStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(dateStringColor));
					memset(dateStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(dateStringColor));
					memset(timeStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(timeStringColor));
					dateStringColor[0] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					dateStringColor[1] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					dateStringColor[2] = ST7735_Color565(255, 0, 0);
					Top = YES;
			else //Exiting setup
				//Setup new time into system. Exiting setup
				Setup = 0;
				tick = 1;
				memset(dateStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(dateStringColor));
				memset(timeStringColor, 0xFFFF, sizeof(timeStringColor));

				//Set the values (in the correct type) back into the RTC structure so that it can be updated.
				sprintf(temp, "%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d", date[0], date[1], date[2], time[0], time[1], time[2]);
				sscanf(temp, "%x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x", &setTime.month, &setTime.dayOfmonth, &setTime.year, &setTime.hours, &setTime.minutes, &setTime.seconds);

				//Set the RTC with the values the uset chose
				MAP_RTC_C_initCalendar(&setTime, RTC_C_FORMAT_BCD);

				//Clear screen
		movement = NONE;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void main()
	int err = NONE;
    char addr[5];
    char buf[32];

    err = InitFunction();

//    BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_16MHZ;
 //   BCSCTL2 = DIVS_1;  // SMCLK = DCOCLK/2
    // SPI (USCI) uses SMCLK, prefer SMCLK < 10MHz (SPI speed limit for nRF24 = 10MHz)

//    // Red, Green LED used for status
//    P1DIR |= 0x41;
//    P1OUT &= ~0x41;

    user = 0xFE;  // this is just used for testing, examined via debugger, it can be ignored

    /* Initial values for nRF24L01+ library config variables */
    rf_crc = RF24_EN_CRC | RF24_CRCO; // CRC enabled, 16-bit
    rf_addr_width      = 5;
    rf_speed_power     = RF24_SPEED_1MBPS | RF24_POWER_0DBM;
    rf_channel     	   = 120;

    msprf24_init();  // All RX pipes closed by default
    msprf24_set_pipe_packetsize(0, 32);
    msprf24_open_pipe(0, 1);  // Open pipe#0 with Enhanced ShockBurst enabled for receiving Auto-ACKs

    // Transmit to 'rad01' (0x72 0x61 0x64 0x30 0x31)
    user = msprf24_current_state();
    addr[0] = 0xDE; addr[1] = 0xAD; addr[2] = 0xBE; addr[3] = 0xEF; addr[4] = 0x00;
    w_rx_addr(0, addr);  // Pipe 0 receives auto-ack's, autoacks are sent back to the TX addr so the PTX node
                     // needs to listen to the TX addr on pipe#0 to receive them.

        	buf[0] = '1';
        	buf[1] = '0';
        	buf[0] = '0';
        	buf[1] = '1';
//        w_tx_payload(32, buf);

        if (rf_irq & RF24_IRQ_FLAGGED)
            if (rf_irq & RF24_IRQ_TX)
            	GPIO_setOutputLowOnPin(GPIO_PORT_P2, GPIO_PIN0 | GPIO_PIN1 | GPIO_PIN2);
            	GPIO_setOutputHighOnPin(GPIO_PORT_P2, GPIO_PIN1);
            if (rf_irq & RF24_IRQ_TXFAILED)
            	GPIO_setOutputLowOnPin(GPIO_PORT_P2, GPIO_PIN0 | GPIO_PIN1 | GPIO_PIN2);
            	GPIO_setOutputHighOnPin(GPIO_PORT_P2, GPIO_PIN0);

            user = msprf24_get_last_retransmits();