Ejemplo n.º 1
void callFuncDllVariant(FuncAndToken *aFuncAndToken)
 	Func &func =  *(aFuncAndToken->mFunc); 
	ExprTokenType & aResultToken = aFuncAndToken->mToken ;
	// Func &func = *(Func *)g_script.mTempFunc ;
	if (g_nThreads >= g_MaxThreadsTotal)
		// Below: Only a subset of ACT_IS_ALWAYS_ALLOWED is done here because:
		// 1) The omitted action types seem too obscure to grant always-run permission for msg-monitor events.
		// 2) Reduction in code size.
		if (g_nThreads >= MAX_THREADS_EMERGENCY // To avoid array overflow, this limit must by obeyed except where otherwise documented.
			|| func.mJumpToLine->mActionType != ACT_EXITAPP && func.mJumpToLine->mActionType != ACT_RELOAD)

	// Need to check if backup is needed in case script explicitly called the function rather than using
	// it solely as a callback.  UPDATE: And now that max_instances is supported, also need it for that.
	// See ExpandExpression() for detailed comments about the following section.
	VarBkp *var_backup = NULL;   // If needed, it will hold an array of VarBkp objects.
	int var_backup_count; // The number of items in the above array.
	if (func.mInstances > 0) // Backup is needed.
		if (!Var::BackupFunctionVars(func, var_backup, var_backup_count)) // Out of memory.
			// Since we're in the middle of processing messages, and since out-of-memory is so rare,
			// it seems justifiable not to have any error reporting and instead just avoid launching
			// the new thread.

	// Since above didn't return, the launch of the new thread is now considered unavoidable.

	// See MsgSleep() for comments about the following section.
	tcslcpy(ErrorLevel_saved, g_ErrorLevel->Contents(), _countof(ErrorLevel_saved));
	InitNewThread(0, false, true, func.mJumpToLine->mActionType);

	// v1.0.38.04: Below was added to maximize responsiveness to incoming messages.  The reasoning
	// is similar to why the same thing is done in MsgSleep() prior to its launch of a thread, so see
	// MsgSleep for more comments:
	g_script.mLastScriptRest = g_script.mLastPeekTime = GetTickCount();

		DEBUGGER_STACK_PUSH(func.mJumpToLine, func.mName)
	// ExprTokenType aResultToken;
	// ExprTokenType &aResultToken = aResultToken_to_return ;
	func.Call(&aResultToken); // Call the UDF.
	TokenToVariant(aResultToken, aFuncAndToken->variant_to_return_dll);

Ejemplo n.º 2
//H30 changed to not return anything since it is not used
void callFuncDll(FuncAndToken *aFuncAndToken)
 	Func &func =  *(aFuncAndToken->mFunc); 
	ExprTokenType & aResultToken = aFuncAndToken->mToken ;
	// Func &func = *(Func *)g_script.mTempFunc ;
	if (g_nThreads >= g_MaxThreadsTotal)
		// Below: Only a subset of ACT_IS_ALWAYS_ALLOWED is done here because:
		// 1) The omitted action types seem too obscure to grant always-run permission for msg-monitor events.
		// 2) Reduction in code size.
		if (g_nThreads >= MAX_THREADS_EMERGENCY // To avoid array overflow, this limit must by obeyed except where otherwise documented.
			|| func.mJumpToLine->mActionType != ACT_EXITAPP && func.mJumpToLine->mActionType != ACT_RELOAD)

	// Need to check if backup is needed in case script explicitly called the function rather than using
	// it solely as a callback.  UPDATE: And now that max_instances is supported, also need it for that.
	// See ExpandExpression() for detailed comments about the following section.
	VarBkp *var_backup = NULL;   // If needed, it will hold an array of VarBkp objects.
	int var_backup_count; // The number of items in the above array.
	if (func.mInstances > 0) // Backup is needed.
		if (!Var::BackupFunctionVars(func, var_backup, var_backup_count)) // Out of memory.
			// Since we're in the middle of processing messages, and since out-of-memory is so rare,
			// it seems justifiable not to have any error reporting and instead just avoid launching
			// the new thread.

	// Since above didn't return, the launch of the new thread is now considered unavoidable.

	// See MsgSleep() for comments about the following section.
	tcslcpy(ErrorLevel_saved, g_ErrorLevel->Contents(), _countof(ErrorLevel_saved));
	InitNewThread(0, false, true, func.mJumpToLine->mActionType);

	// v1.0.38.04: Below was added to maximize responsiveness to incoming messages.  The reasoning
	// is similar to why the same thing is done in MsgSleep() prior to its launch of a thread, so see
	// MsgSleep for more comments:
	g_script.mLastScriptRest = g_script.mLastPeekTime = GetTickCount();

		DEBUGGER_STACK_PUSH(func.mJumpToLine, func.mName)
	// ExprTokenType aResultToken;
	// ExprTokenType &aResultToken = aResultToken_to_return ;
	func.Call(&aResultToken); // Call the UDF.

	switch (aFuncAndToken->mToken.symbol)
	case SYM_VAR: // Caller has ensured that any SYM_VAR's Type() is VAR_NORMAL.
		if (_tcslen(aFuncAndToken->mToken.var->Contents()))
			aFuncAndToken->result_to_return_dll = (LPTSTR )realloc((LPTSTR )aFuncAndToken->result_to_return_dll,_tcslen(aFuncAndToken->mToken.var->Contents())*sizeof(TCHAR));
			_tcscpy(aFuncAndToken->result_to_return_dll,aFuncAndToken->mToken.var->Contents()); // Contents() vs. mContents to support VAR_CLIPBOARD, and in case mContents needs to be updated by Contents().
		else if (aFuncAndToken->result_to_return_dll)
			*aFuncAndToken->result_to_return_dll = '\0';
		if (_tcslen(aFuncAndToken->mToken.marker))
			aFuncAndToken->result_to_return_dll = (LPTSTR )realloc((LPTSTR )aFuncAndToken->result_to_return_dll,_tcslen(aFuncAndToken->mToken.marker)*sizeof(TCHAR));
		else if (aFuncAndToken->result_to_return_dll)
			*aFuncAndToken->result_to_return_dll = '\0';
		aFuncAndToken->result_to_return_dll = (LPTSTR )realloc((LPTSTR )aFuncAndToken->result_to_return_dll,MAX_INTEGER_LENGTH);
		ITOA64(aFuncAndToken->mToken.value_int64, aFuncAndToken->result_to_return_dll);
	case SYM_FLOAT:
		result_to_return_dll = (LPTSTR )realloc((LPTSTR )aFuncAndToken->result_to_return_dll,MAX_INTEGER_LENGTH);
		sntprintf(aFuncAndToken->result_to_return_dll, MAX_NUMBER_SIZE, g->FormatFloat, aFuncAndToken->mToken.value_double);
	//case SYM_OBJECT: // L31: Treat objects as empty strings (or TRUE where appropriate).
	default: // Not an operand: continue on to return the default at the bottom.
		if (aFuncAndToken->result_to_return_dll)
			*aFuncAndToken->result_to_return_dll = '\0';
	//Var::FreeAndRestoreFunctionVars(func, var_backup, var_backup_count);
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool callFunc(WPARAM awParam, LPARAM alParam)
	Func &func = *(Func *)g_script.mTempFunc ;
		return false;

	if (g_nThreads >= g_MaxThreadsTotal)
		// Below: Only a subset of ACT_IS_ALWAYS_ALLOWED is done here because:
		// 1) The omitted action types seem too obscure to grant always-run permission for msg-monitor events.
		// 2) Reduction in code size.
		if (func.mJumpToLine->mActionType != ACT_EXITAPP && func.mJumpToLine->mActionType != ACT_RELOAD)
			return false;

	// Need to check if backup is needed in case script explicitly called the function rather than using
	// it solely as a callback.  UPDATE: And now that max_instances is supported, also need it for that.
	// See ExpandExpression() for detailed comments about the following section.
	VarBkp *var_backup = NULL;   // If needed, it will hold an array of VarBkp objects.
	int var_backup_count; // The number of items in the above array.
	if (func.mInstances > 0) // Backup is needed.
		if (!Var::BackupFunctionVars(func, var_backup, var_backup_count)) // Out of memory.
			return false;
			// Since we're in the middle of processing messages, and since out-of-memory is so rare,
			// it seems justifiable not to have any error reporting and instead just avoid launching
			// the new thread.

	// Since above didn't return, the launch of the new thread is now considered unavoidable.

	// See MsgSleep() for comments about the following section.
	char ErrorLevel_saved[ERRORLEVEL_SAVED_SIZE];
	strlcpy(ErrorLevel_saved, g_ErrorLevel->Contents(), sizeof(ErrorLevel_saved));

	global_struct global_saved;
	CopyMemory(&global_saved, &g, sizeof(global_struct));

	InitNewThread(0, false, true, func.mJumpToLine->mActionType);

	// See ExpandExpression() for detailed comments about the following section.
	if (func.mParamCount > 0)
		// Copy the appropriate values into each of the function's formal parameters.
		func.mParam[0].var->Assign((char *)awParam); // Assign parameter #1: wParam
		if (func.mParamCount > 1) // Assign parameter #2: lParam
			// v1.0.38.01: LPARAM is now written out as a DWORD because the majority of system messages
			// use LPARAM as a pointer or other unsigned value.  This shouldn't affect most scripts because
			// of the way ATOI64() and ATOU() wrap a negative number back into the unsigned domain for
			// commands such as PostMessage/SendMessage.
			func.mParam[1].var->Assign((char *)alParam);

	// v1.0.38.04: Below was added to maximize responsiveness to incoming messages.  The reasoning
	// is similar to why the same thing is done in MsgSleep() prior to its launch of a thread, so see
	// MsgSleep for more comments:
	g_script.mLastScriptRest = g_script.mLastPeekTime = GetTickCount();

	char *return_value;
	func.Call(return_value); // Call the UDF.

	// Fix for v1.0.47: Must handle return_value BEFORE calling FreeAndRestoreFunctionVars() because return_value
	// might be the contents of one of the function's local variables (which are about to be free'd).
/*	bool block_further_processing = *return_value; // No need to check the following because they're implied for *return_value!=0: result != EARLY_EXIT && result != FAIL;
	if (block_further_processing)
		aMsgReply = (LPARAM)ATOI64(return_value); // Use 64-bit in case it's an unsigned number greater than 0x7FFFFFFF, in which case this allows it to wrap around to a negative.
	//else leave aMsgReply uninitialized because we'll be returning false later below, which tells our caller
	// to ignore aMsgReply.
	Var::FreeAndRestoreFunctionVars(func, var_backup, var_backup_count);
	ResumeUnderlyingThread(&global_saved, ErrorLevel_saved, true);

	return 0 ; // block_further_processing; // If false, the caller will ignore aMsgReply and process this message normally. If true, aMsgReply contains the reply the caller should immediately send for this message.