Ejemplo n.º 1
Boolean OSCInitReceive(struct OSCReceiveMemoryTuner *t) {
    globals.recvBufSize = t->receiveBufferSize;
    globals.InitTimeMalloc = t->InitTimeMemoryAllocator;
    globals.RealTimeMemoryAllocator = t->RealTimeMemoryAllocator;

    globals.TheQueue = OSCNewQueue(t->numQueuedObjects, t->InitTimeMemoryAllocator);
    if (globals.TheQueue == 0) return FALSE;

    globals.lastTimeTag = OSCTT_Immediately();
    globals.timePassed = TRUE;

    if (InitPackets(t->receiveBufferSize, SizeOfNetworkReturnAddress(),
		    t->numReceiveBuffers) == FALSE) return FALSE;
    if (InitQueuedData(t->numQueuedObjects) == FALSE) return FALSE;
    if (InitCallbackListNodes(t->numCallbackListNodes, t->InitTimeMemoryAllocator)
	 == FALSE) return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void *otudp_new(Symbol *s, short argc, Atom *argv) {
	OTUDP *x;
	OSStatus err;
	InetHost host;
	// These variables will be filled with the args we parse
	int writer;
	char *inetHostName = 0;
	InetPort port = 0;
	InetPort receivePort = 0;
	long nbufs = DEFAULT_NUM_BUFFERS;
	long bufsize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;

	if (ParseArgs(argc, argv, &writer, &inetHostName, &port, &receivePort, &nbufs, &bufsize) == 0) {
		error("¥ OTUDP usage: \"otudp read <port> [bufsize <nbytes>] [nbufs <n>]\" or "
				   "\"otudp write <hostname> <port> [bufsize <nbytes>] [nbufs <n>]\"");
		return 0;
	if (writer) {
		if (LookUpInetHost(inetHostName, &host) == 0) {
			error("otudp: Couldn't make sense of Internet host \"%s\"", inetHostName);
			return 0;
	x = newobject(otudp_class);
/*	x->o_a5 = (long) LMGetCurrentA5(); */
	x->o_writer = writer;
	x->o_inetHostName = inetHostName;
	x->o_inetPort = port;
	x->o_inetHost = host;
	x->o_receiveInetPort = receivePort;
	x->o_desiredNewHostName = 0;
	x->o_desiredNewPort = 0;

	x->o_ready = 0;
	x->o_errorreporting = 1;
	x->o_ever_dropped_a_packet = 0;
	x->o_num_dropped_packets = 0;
	x->o_outlet = outlet_new(x,0L);
	x->o_clock = clock_new(x, (method) otudp_output);
	x->o_complained_about_old_msgs = 0;
	x->o_semaphoreTest = x->o_semaphoreTestFailureCount = 0;
	/* Allocate packet buffers */
	x->bufsize = bufsize;
	x->nbufs = nbufs;
	if (nbufs == 0) {
		x->allBuffers = x->freeBuffers = 0; 
	} else {
		x->allBuffers = InitPackets(bufsize, nbufs);
		if (x->allBuffers == 0) {
			error("¥ OTUDP: Out of memory (Couldn't allocate buffers to store incoming packets)");
			return 0;

		x->freeBuffers = x->allBuffers;
	x->o_udp_ep = 0; 	// Indicates endpoint hasn't been created yet.
	err = OTAsyncOpenEndpointInContext(OTCreateConfiguration(kUDPName), 0, &(x->epinfo), 
									   NewOTNotifyUPP(OTUDPNotifier), x, OTContext);
	if (err != noErr) {
		error("¥ otudp: Error %d from OTAsyncOpenEndpoint. This is bad.", err);
		return 0;
	// This didn't actually make the endpoint; my notifier should get the T_OPENCOMPLETE
	// event after the endpoint is opened.
	/* Create a Qelem that will let us change the host at non-interrupt, non-defered-task-time level */
	x->UnbindQelem = qelem_new(x, (method)unbind_from_qelem);

	return (x);
Ejemplo n.º 3

   ES_Event : the event to process

   ES_Event, ES_NO_EVENT if no error ES_ERROR otherwise

   Deals with the high level state transitions of the Lobbyist state machine.
ES_Event RunLobbyistSM( ES_Event ThisEvent )
  ES_Event ReturnEvent;
  ReturnEvent.EventType = ES_NO_EVENT; // assume no errors

  switch ( CurrentState )
    case InitPState :       // If current state is initial Psedudo State
        if ( ThisEvent.EventType == ES_INIT ) // only respond to ES_Init
            //Prep the timer hardware.
						printf("Init Steering \r\n");
						InitSteering();					// Initialize the steering systems
						printf("Init Packets \r\n");					
						InitPackets(); 					// Initialize packet array
						printf("Init XBee \r\n");
            InitXBee(); 						// Initialize the comms
						printf("Init Lift Fan \r\n");
						InitLiftFan();					// Initialize the lift fan
            //Initialize the DMC.
            CurrentState = WaitingForPair;

    case WaitingForPair :
      switch ( ThisEvent.EventType )
        //If the event is a pair request, change state to pairing and wait for the key.
        case MESSAGE_RECEIVED:
					// Read incoming message
					message = GetMessageData();
					// Check that message is a pair request and that it's meant for us
					if(*message == PAIR_REQUEST_HEADER && CheckLobbyistNumber() && GetApiIdentifier() == INCOMING_PACKET_API_IDENTIFIER){  // Ensure that this is not a Tx success receive
						printf("\r\n Current Message Size: %d ", GetMessageDataSize());
						// If we passed the checks, we're now paired. Start timers.
						printf("\n\r\nPair request received in unpaired state.");
						ES_Timer_InitTimer(UNPAIR_TIMER, UNPAIR_TIME); //Start the 45s timer
						ES_Timer_InitTimer(PAIR_FAIL_TIMER, ONE_SEC); //Start the 1s timer
						TurnOnLiftFan();     					//Start the lift fan
						//Update DMC
						// Recognize our new pac daddy
						pairedAddress = GetSenderAddress() ;
						// Send an ACK back to the sender
						// Set the pair time
						PairTimeLeft = 45;
						CurrentState = PairedAwaitEncryptionKey;
        default :

    case PairedAwaitEncryptionKey:
        case MESSAGE_RECEIVED:
					// Check sender and message
					message = GetMessageData();
					uint16_t sender = GetSenderAddress() ;
					if(sender == pairedAddress && *message == KEY_SEND_HEADER){
						printf("\n\r\nKey received in pairing state.");
						//Save the key 
						SetKey((message+1)); // Make sure to +1 to start after header byte
						ES_Timer_InitTimer(PAIR_FAIL_TIMER, ONE_SEC); //Restart the 1s timer
						TransmitStatusPacket(PAIRED); //transmit status with the pairing bit set.
						CurrentState = PairedAwaitControl;
						printf("\r\n In paired await control");
        case ES_TIMEOUT: // if there is a timeout on the 1s timer
					printf("\n\r\n1s timeout in pairing - moving to awaiting pair.");
					TurnOffLiftFan(); 										//Turn off the lift fan
					//Update DMC to avaiable for pairing
					ES_Timer_StopTimer(UNPAIR_TIMER); 		//Disable the 45s pairing timer
					ES_Timer_StopTimer(PAIR_FAIL_TIMER); 	//Disable the 1s transmit timeout timer
					TransmitStatusPacket(UNPAIRED); 			//Transmit status with the pairing bit cleared.
					CurrentState = WaitingForPair;

    case PairedAwaitControl:
        case MESSAGE_RECEIVED:
					// See who sent the message
					uint16_t sender = GetSenderAddress() ;
					if(sender == pairedAddress){  // Only attempt decrypt if from sender
						message = DecryptMessage(GetMessageData(),GetMessageDataSize());
	//					printf("\r\n Rotating Key");
						if(*message == CNTRL_REQUEST_HEADER){
							//printf("\n\r\nCommand received in the paired state.");
							ES_Timer_InitTimer(PAIR_FAIL_TIMER, ONE_SEC); //Restart the control command timer.
							ExecuteControl(); //Execute the control command.
							TransmitStatusPacket(PAIRED);// ACK YAY. Transmit the status with pairing bit set.
						} else {
							printf("\n\r Not a valid control packet received, Header: %d", *message);

        case ES_TIMEOUT: //Either the 1s or 45s timer
				case MANUAL_UNPAIR: // Or if the pair is manual
				case DECRYPT_FAIL:  // Or if the decryption failed
          if(ThisEvent.EventParam == UNPAIR_TIMER){
						// Keep track of how long is left on UNPAIR_TIMER
              printf("\n\r\nTime until unpair: %ds", PairTimeLeft);
						// If timer has run for 45 s
              if(PairTimeLeft == 0){    
                CurrentState = WaitingForPair;
								TurnOffLiftFan(); 										//Turn off the lift fan
								UpdateSteering(OFF,OFF);							//Turn off the propulsion fans
								//Update DMC to avaiable for pairing
								ES_Timer_StopTimer(UNPAIR_TIMER); 		//Disable the 45s pairing timer
								ES_Timer_StopTimer(PAIR_FAIL_TIMER); 	//Disable the 1s transmit timeout timer
						// If timer is not at 0, reinitialize the timer again for 1s to keep counting
								 ES_Timer_InitTimer(UNPAIR_TIMER, UNPAIR_TIME); //Start the 45s timer
						} else {  
							// If we have an event NOT on the 45s timer, unpair
								printf("\n\r\nTimeout in the paired state. Moving to waiting for pair \r\n");
								TurnOffLiftFan(); 										//Turn off the lift fan
								UpdateSteering(OFF,OFF);							//Turn off the propulsion fans
								//Update DMC to avaiable for pairing
								ES_Timer_StopTimer(UNPAIR_TIMER); 		//Disable the 45s pairing timer
								ES_Timer_StopTimer(PAIR_FAIL_TIMER); 	//Disable the 1s transmit timeout timer
								if(ThisEvent.EventType == DECRYPT_FAIL){	// If this event came from a decryption failure 		//// WEHERE DOES THIS COME FROM?
									TransmitStatusPacket(DECRYPT_FAILURE);	// Transmit status with the decryption fail bit set
								} else {
									TransmitStatusPacket(UNPAIRED); 				//Transmit status with the pairing bit cleared.
								CurrentState = WaitingForPair;



  default :

  return ReturnEvent;