virtual void GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig& config )
		static const SInputPortConfig inputs[] = 
			InputPortConfig< SFlowSystemVoid >( "Enable", _HELP( "" ) ),
			InputPortConfig< SFlowSystemVoid >( "Disable", _HELP( "" ) ),
			InputPortConfig< float >( "MaxDistance", 1000, _HELP( "" ) ),
			InputPortConfig< Vec3 >( "PositionOffsetLocal", Vec3( ZERO ), _HELP( "" ) ),
			InputPortConfig< float >( "SmoothTime", 1, _HELP( "" ) ),
			InputPortConfig< float >( "FocusRangeFactor", 4, _HELP( "" ) ),
			InputPortConfig< bool >( "DebugEnabled", false, _HELP( "" ) ),

		static const SOutputPortConfig outputs[] =
			OutputPortConfig< float >( "FocusDistance", _HELP( "" ) ),
			OutputPortConfig< float >( "FocusRange", _HELP( "" ) ),
		config.pInputPorts = inputs;
		config.pOutputPorts = outputs;
		config.sDescription = _HELP( "" );
		config.SetCategory( EFLN_ADVANCED );
	virtual void GetConfiguration(SFlowNodeConfig& config)
		static const SInputPortConfig inputs[] = {
			InputPortConfig_Void    ("Play", _HELP("Display USMPlayer and start playback")),
			InputPortConfig_Void    ("Stop", _HELP("Stop playback and hide USMPlayer")),
			InputPortConfig_Void    ("Pause", _HELP("Pause playback")),
			InputPortConfig_Void    ("Resume", _HELP("Resume playback")),
			InputPortConfig<int>    ("InstanceID", -1, _HELP("Instance ID of USMPlayer (e.g. to use USMPlayer on dynamic textures)")),
			InputPortConfig<string> ("VideoFile", _HELP("Name of usm file, file should be placed in Libs/UI/ or subfolder")),
			InputPortConfig<bool>   ("Transparent", false, _HELP("If player background is transparent or not")),
			InputPortConfig<bool>   ("Loop", false, _HELP("If true, video playback loops")),
			InputPortConfig<bool>   ("Skipable", true, _HELP("If true, player can skip video by pressing on of the skip keys (see ActionMap)")),
			InputPortConfig<int>    ("AudioChannel", 0, _HELP("Audio channel")),
			InputPortConfig<int>    ("SubtitleChannel", 0, _HELP("Subtitle channel")),

		static const SOutputPortConfig outputs[] = {
			OutputPortConfig_Void  ("OnPlay",	_HELP("Triggered once the video started")),
			OutputPortConfig<bool> ("OnStop",	_HELP("Triggered once the video stopped. True if the video was finished, flase if skiped")),
			OutputPortConfig_Void  ("OnPause",	_HELP("Triggered once the video is paused")),
			OutputPortConfig_Void  ("OnResume",	_HELP("Triggered once the video resumes")),
			OutputPortConfig_Void  ("OnLooped",	_HELP("Triggered once the video looped and start again")),
			OutputPortConfig_Void  ("OnVideoNotFound",	_HELP("Triggered on Video was not found")),

		config.pInputPorts = inputs;
		config.pOutputPorts = outputs;
		config.sDescription = _HELP( "Video player node that is using USMPlayer UIElement" );
		config.SetCategory( EFLN_ADVANCED );
Ejemplo n.º 3
            virtual void GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig& config )
                static const SInputPortConfig inputs[] =
                    InputPortConfig_Void( "Start", _HELP( "Start" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig_Void( "StopLast", _HELP( "Stop last" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig<string>( "Name", _HELP( "Morph Name" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig<float>( "Weight", 1.0f, _HELP( "Morph Weight" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig<float>( "FadeDuration", 0.1f, _HELP( "Fade in Seconds" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig<float>( "Duration", 2.0f, _HELP( "Duration in Seconds" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig<int>( "Repeat", 0, _HELP( "Repeat" ) ),

                static const SOutputPortConfig outputs[] =
                    OutputPortConfig<int>( "Started", _HELP( "Started" ) ),

                // Fill in configuration
                config.pInputPorts = inputs;
                config.pOutputPorts = outputs;
                config.sDescription = _HELP( "Starts an FacialAnimation" );
                config.SetCategory( EFLN_APPROVED );
                config.nFlags |= EFLN_TARGET_ENTITY;
Ejemplo n.º 4
            virtual void GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig& config )
                static const SInputPortConfig inputs[] =
                    InputPortConfig_Void( "Crash", _HELP( "Crash Game" ) ),

                config.pInputPorts = inputs;
                config.pOutputPorts = NULL;
                config.sDescription = _HELP( " Crash Game" );

                config.SetCategory( EFLN_APPROVED );
            virtual void GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig& config )
                static const SInputPortConfig inputs[] =
                    InputPortConfig_Void( "Open",                                _HELP( "Open / Start paused (call Resume)" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig_Void( "Close",                               _HELP( "Close / Stop" ) ),

                    InputPortConfig<string>( "file_File",    "",                 _HELP( "videofile (set on Open)" ),                   "sFile",                        _UICONFIG( "" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig<string>( "sound_Sound",  "",                 _HELP( "soundfile/event (set on Open)" ),             "sSound",                       _UICONFIG( "" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig<bool>( "Loop",           true,               _HELP( "loops the video (set on Open)" ),             "bLoop" ),
                    InputPortConfig<bool>( "Skippable",      false,              _HELP( "Can this video be skipped by the user" ),     "bSkippable" ),
                    InputPortConfig<bool>( "BlockGame",      false,              _HELP( "Block Game while this video is playing" ),    "bBlockGame" ),

                    InputPortConfig<float>( "StartAt",       0.0,                _HELP( "start [sec]" ),                               "fStartAt" ),
                    InputPortConfig<float>( "EndAfter",      0.0,                _HELP( "end/loop [sec]" ),                            "fEndAfter" ),
                    InputPortConfig<int>( "CustomWidth",     -1,                 _HELP( "custom render width [px]" ),                  "nCustomWidth" ),
                    InputPortConfig<int>( "CustomHeight",    -1,                 _HELP( "custom render height [px]" ),                 "nCustomHeight" ),
                    InputPortConfig<int>( "TimeSource",      int( VTS_Default ),   _HELP( "timesource to sync to" ),                     "nTimeSource",                  _UICONFIG( "enum_int:Game=1,Sound=2,System=4,SoundOrGame=3,SoundOrSystem=6" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig<int>( "DropMode",        int( VDM_Default ),   _HELP( "dropmode to use for sync" ),                  "nDropMode",                    _UICONFIG( "enum_int:None=0,Drop=1,Seek=2,DropOutput=4,DropOrSeek=3,DropOutputOrSeek=6" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig<float>( "Speed",         1.0,                _HELP( "play speed" ),                                "fSpeed" ),

                    InputPortConfig_Void( "Resume",                              _HELP( "Resume" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig_Void( "Pause",                               _HELP( "Pause" ) ),

                    InputPortConfig_Void( "Seek",                                _HELP( "seeks to position" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig<float>( "PositionI",     0.0,                _HELP( "position for seek [sec]" ),                   "fPosition" ),

                static const SOutputPortConfig outputs[] =
                    OutputPortConfig<int>( "VideoID",                            _HELP( "id for further use" ),                        "nVideoID" ),
                    OutputPortConfig<bool>( "Playing",                           _HELP( "currently playing" ),                         "bPlaying" ),
                    OutputPortConfig<float>( "PositionO",                        _HELP( "position [sec]" ),                            "fPosition" ),
                    OutputPortConfig_Void( "OnStart",                            _HELP( "start/loop begin reached" ) ),
                    OutputPortConfig_Void( "OnEnd",                              _HELP( "End reached" ) ),
                    OutputPortConfig<float>( "Duration",                         _HELP( "duration [sec]" ),                            "fDuration" ),
                    OutputPortConfig<float>( "FPS",                              _HELP( "frames per second" ),                         "fFPS" ),
                    OutputPortConfig<int>( "Width",                              _HELP( "decoder width [px]" ),                        "nWidth" ),
                    OutputPortConfig<int>( "Height",                             _HELP( "decoder height [px]" ),                       "nHeight" ),

                config.pInputPorts = inputs;
                config.pOutputPorts = outputs;
                config.sDescription = _HELP( PLUGIN_CONSOLE_PREFIX "Videosource WebM" );

                config.SetCategory( EFLN_APPROVED );
Ejemplo n.º 6
            virtual void GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig& config )
                static const SInputPortConfig inputs[] =
                    InputPortConfig_Void( "Start", _HELP( "Create and begin updating the view." ) ),
                    InputPortConfig_Void( "Release", _HELP( "Shutdown and release the view" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig<string>( "mat_MaterialName", _HELP( "Name of the material" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig<string>( "ObjectName", _HELP( "Name of the object to render to" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig<int>( "Width", _HELP( "Width of the view" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig<int>( "Height", _HELP( "Height of the view" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig_Void( "Stop", _HELP( "Stop page loading." ) ),
                    InputPortConfig_Void( "Refresh", _HELP( "Refresh the page" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig<string>( "GoTo", _HELP( "Go to a URL" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig_Void( "Back", _HELP( "Go to the last page" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig_Void( "Forward", _HELP( "Go to the next page" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig_Void( "Resize", _HELP( "Change the size of the view" ) ),
                    //InputPortConfig_Void( "Zoom In", _HELP( "Zoom in the page" ) ),
                    //InputPortConfig_Void( "Zoom Out", _HELP( "Zoom out the page" ) ),
                    //InputPortConfig<int>( "SetZoom", _HELP( "Set the zoom level" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig_Void( "Undo", _HELP( "Perform the 'undo' action" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig_Void( "Redo", _HELP( "Redo a undone action." ) ),
                    InputPortConfig_Void( "Copy", _HELP( "Copy selected text" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig_Void( "Paste", _HELP( "Paste copied text" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig_Void( "Select All", _HELP( "Select all text" ) ),
                    //InputPortConfig_Void( "GetZoom", _HELP( "Output the zoom" ) ),
                    //InputPortConfig_Void( "GetTitle", _HELP( "Output the title" ) ),
                    //InputPortConfig_Void( "GetURL", _HELP( "Get the current URL" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig_Void( "GetLoading", _HELP( "Output if view is loading" ) ),

                static const SOutputPortConfig outputs[] =
                    OutputPortConfig<bool>( "Started", _HELP( "The view was created and is working properly." ) ),
                    OutputPortConfig<bool>( "Released", _HELP( "The view was shut down and released." ) ),
                    //OutputPortConfig<bool>( "OnLoaded", _HELP( "Called when the view has finished loading." ) ),
                    //OutputPortConfig<string>( "URL", _HELP( "Current URL" ) ),
                    //OutputPortConfig<string>( "Title", _HELP( "Current title" ) ),
                    OutputPortConfig<bool>( "Loading", _HELP( "Is the view loading?" ) ),
                    //OutputPortConfig<int>( "Zoom", _HELP( "Current zoom level" ) ),

                config.pInputPorts = inputs;
                config.pOutputPorts = outputs;
                config.sDescription = _HELP( "Instance of a WebView" );

                config.SetCategory( EFLN_APPROVED );
	void GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig& config )
		static const SInputPortConfig in_ports[] = 
			InputPortConfig_Void( "Get", _HELP("Activate this to retrigger relevent outputs")),
		static const SOutputPortConfig out_ports[] = 
			OutputPortConfig_Void( "True", _HELP("Triggered if Multiplayer game")),
			OutputPortConfig_Void( "False", _HELP("Triggered if it is a Singleplayer game")),
		config.pInputPorts = in_ports;
		config.pOutputPorts = out_ports;
		config.sDescription = _HELP("IsMultiplayer node");
	void GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig& config )
		static const SInputPortConfig in_ports[] = 
			InputPortConfig_Void( "GetGameType", _HELP("Activate this to retrigger relevent outputs")),
		static const SOutputPortConfig out_ports[] = 
			OutputPortConfig_Void( "DeathMatch", _HELP("Triggered on level load if DeathMatch game")),
			OutputPortConfig_Void( "SinglePlayer", _HELP("Triggered on level load if it is a Singleplayer game")),
			OutputPortConfig<string>("GameRulesName", _HELP("Outputs the current game rules name")),
		config.pInputPorts = in_ports;
		config.pOutputPorts = out_ports;
		config.sDescription = _HELP("MP GameTypeNode");
Ejemplo n.º 9
            virtual void GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig& config )
                static const SInputPortConfig inputs[] =
                    InputPortConfig_Void( "Activate", _HELP( "Activate" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig<float>( "Value", 0, _HELP( "Value" ) ),
                static const SOutputPortConfig outputs[] =
                    OutputPortConfig<float>( "Value", _HELP( "Value" ) ),
                config.pInputPorts = inputs;
                config.pOutputPorts = outputs;
                config.sDescription = _HELP( "TODO" );

                config.SetCategory( EFLN_APPROVED );
	void GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig& config )
		static const SInputPortConfig in_ports[] = 
			InputPortConfig<float>("GameEndTime", _HELP("Number of seconds remaining at which to trigger the EndGameNear output")),
		static const SOutputPortConfig out_ports[] = 
			//OutputPortConfig_Void( "GameStarted", _HELP("Triggered when MP game begins")),
			OutputPortConfig_Void( "EnteredGame", _HELP("Triggered when local player enters the game")),
			OutputPortConfig_Void( "EndGameNear", _HELP("Triggered when game-ending condition is near")),
			OutputPortConfig_Void( "EndGameInvalid", _HELP("Triggered when game-ending condition is invalidated")),
			OutputPortConfig_Void( "GameWon", _HELP("Triggered when local player's team wins the game")),
			OutputPortConfig_Void( "GameLost", _HELP("Triggered when local player's team loses the game")),
			OutputPortConfig_Void( "GameTied", _HELP("Triggered when neither team wins the game")),
		config.pInputPorts = in_ports;
		config.pOutputPorts = out_ports;
		config.sDescription = _HELP("MP MPNode");
Ejemplo n.º 11
            virtual void GetConfiguration( SFlowNodeConfig& config )
                static const SInputPortConfig inputs[] =
                    InputPortConfig<float>( "Value", 0, _HELP( "Value" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig<float>( "OldMin", 0, _HELP( "Value" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig<float>( "OldMax", 0, _HELP( "Value" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig<float>( "NewMin", 0, _HELP( "Value" ) ),
                    InputPortConfig<float>( "NewMax", 0, _HELP( "Value" ) ),

                static const SOutputPortConfig outputs[] =
                    OutputPortConfig<float>( "Value", _HELP( "Value" ) ),

                config.pInputPorts = inputs;
                config.pOutputPorts = outputs;
                config.sDescription = _HELP( "clamps and scales a value" );

                config.SetCategory( EFLN_APPROVED );
Ejemplo n.º 12
void CMonoFlowNode::GetConfiguration(SFlowNodeConfig &config)

	if(mono::object result = m_pScript->CallMethod("GetNodeConfig"))
		IMonoObject *pResult = *result;

		SMonoNodeConfig monoConfig = pResult->Unbox<SMonoNodeConfig>();

		config.nFlags |= monoConfig.flags;
		config.sDescription = _HELP(ToCryString(monoConfig.description));

		m_flags = config.nFlags;

		m_cloneType = monoConfig.cloneType;

		// Ports
		IMonoArray *pInputPorts = *monoConfig.inputs;
		int numInputs = pInputPorts->GetSize();

		auto pInputs = new SInputPortConfig[numInputs + 1];

		for(int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++)
			IMonoObject *pInputObject = *pInputPorts->GetItem(i);
			pInputs[i] = pInputObject->Unbox<SMonoInputPortConfig>().Convert();

#ifdef CRYENGINE_3_4_3
		SInputPortConfig nullInputPortConfig = {0};
		pInputs[numInputs] = nullInputPortConfig;
		pInputs[numInputs] = InputPortConfig_Null();

		config.pInputPorts = pInputs;


		IMonoArray *pOutputPorts = *monoConfig.outputs;
		int numOutputs = pOutputPorts->GetSize();

		auto pOutputs = new SOutputPortConfig[numOutputs + 1];

		for(int i = 0; i < numOutputs; i++)
			IMonoObject *pOutputObject = *pOutputPorts->GetItem(i);
			pOutputs[i] = pOutputObject->Unbox<SMonoOutputPortConfig>().Convert();

#ifdef CRYENGINE_3_4_3
		SOutputPortConfig nullOutputPortConfig = {0};
		pOutputs[numOutputs] = nullOutputPortConfig;
		pOutputs[numOutputs] = OutputPortConfig_Null();

		config.pOutputPorts = pOutputs;
