Ejemplo n.º 1
void CInstallDelete::AddHeader(wxListCtrl* liste)
  m_index_type = liste->InsertColumn(liste->GetColumnCount(), _T("Type"));
  m_index_name = liste->InsertColumn(liste->GetColumnCount(), _T("Name"));
Ejemplo n.º 2


    if( fpOutput != NULL )
        VSIFPrintf( fpOutput, "%s", 
                    "</ogr:FeatureCollection>\n" );


        if( nBoundedByLocation != -1 
            && sBoundingRect.IsInit() 
            && VSIFSeek( fpOutput, nBoundedByLocation, SEEK_SET ) == 0 )
            VSIFPrintf( fpOutput, "  <gml:boundedBy>\n" );
            VSIFPrintf( fpOutput, "    <gml:Box>\n" );
            VSIFPrintf( fpOutput, 
                        "      <gml:coord><gml:X>%.16g</gml:X>"
                        sBoundingRect.MinX, sBoundingRect.MinY );
            VSIFPrintf( fpOutput, 
                        "      <gml:coord><gml:X>%.16g</gml:X>"
                        sBoundingRect.MaxX, sBoundingRect.MaxY );
            VSIFPrintf( fpOutput, "    </gml:Box>\n" );
            VSIFPrintf( fpOutput, "  </gml:boundedBy>" );

        if( fpOutput != stdout )
            VSIFClose( fpOutput );

    CSLDestroy( papszCreateOptions );
    CPLFree( pszName );

    for( int i = 0; i < nLayers; i++ )
        delete papoLayers[i];
    CPLFree( papoLayers );

    if( poReader )
        delete poReader;
Ejemplo n.º 3
const INT_PTR ConsoleUI::Message(UINT uType, LPCTSTR pszText)
	INT_PTR			nResult;				// Result from function call

	// Attempt to lock the console, and default the response code if we cannot

	if(!LockConsole()) return DefaultUserResponse(uType, false);

	// Display the icon header and the message text in the console window
	if(InsertHeader(uType)) BlankLines();
	if(WriteText(pszText)) BlankLines();	

	nResult = PromptUser(uType);			// Prompt the user for their response
	BlankLines();							// Skip a line for neatness

	UnlockConsole();						// Release the console handle lock
	return nResult;							// Return the user's response
Ejemplo n.º 4
const INT_PTR ConsoleUI::List(UINT uType, LPCTSTR pszHeader, LPCTSTR *rgszItems,
							  DWORD cItems, LPCTSTR pszFooter)
	String			strItem;				// Item text string object
	DWORD			dwIndex;				// Loop index variable
	INT_PTR			nResult;				// Result from function call

	// Attempt to lock the console, and default the response code if we cannot

	if(!LockConsole()) return DefaultUserResponse(uType, false);

	// Display the optional faux icon header string, and the list box header text
	if(InsertHeader(uType)) BlankLines();
	if(pszHeader) { if(WriteText(pszHeader)) BlankLines(); }

	// Loop through the array of list items to display them in the console
	if(rgszItems) {
		for(dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < cItems; dwIndex++) {

			strItem = CONSOLE_BULLET;		// Start with the bullet
			strItem += CONSOLE_SPACE;		// Add in a space
			strItem += rgszItems[dwIndex];	// Finish with the text itself

			WriteText(strItem, CONSOLE_LIST_LMARGIN);

		BlankLines();						// Finish up with a blank line

	// Display the optional list box footer text before prompting the user
	if(pszFooter) { if(WriteText(pszFooter)) BlankLines(); }
	nResult = PromptUser(uType);			// Prompt the user for their response
	BlankLines();							// Skip a line for neatness

	UnlockConsole();						// Release the console handle lock
	return nResult;							// Return the user's response
Ejemplo n.º 5
void LstOdaSrvDetails::LoadDetailsFromServer(Server &In)
    if (In.GotResponse() == false)
    // Begin adding data to the control   
    // Set the initial background colour
    BGItemAlternator = *wxWHITE;
    InsertColumn(srvdetails_field_name, wxT(""), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 150);
    InsertColumn(srvdetails_field_value, wxT(""), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 150);
    // Version
    InsertLine(wxT("Version"), wxString::Format(wxT("%u.%u.%u-r%u"), 
    InsertLine(wxT("QP Version"), wxString::Format(wxT("%u"), 

    // Status of the game 
    InsertLine(wxT(""), wxT(""));                            
    InsertHeader(wxT("Game Status"), wxRED, wxWHITE);
    InsertLine(wxT("Time left"), wxString::Format(wxT("%u"), In.Info.TimeLeft));
    if (In.Info.GameType == GT_TeamDeathmatch || 
        In.Info.GameType == GT_CaptureTheFlag)
        InsertLine(wxT("Score Limit"), wxString::Format(wxT("%u"), 
    // Patch (BEX/DEH) files
    InsertLine(wxT(""), wxT(""));                            
    InsertHeader(wxT("BEX/DEH Files"), wxRED, wxWHITE);
    if (In.Info.Patches.size() == 0)
        InsertLine(wxT("None"), wxT(""));
        size_t i = 0;
        size_t PatchesCount = In.Info.Patches.size();
        wxString Current, Next;
        // A while loop is used to format this correctly
        while (i < PatchesCount)
            Current = stdstr_towxstr(In.Info.Patches[i]);
            if (i < PatchesCount)
                Next = stdstr_towxstr(In.Info.Patches[i]);
            InsertLine(Current, Next);
            Current = wxT("");
            Next = wxT("");
    // Gameplay variables (Cvars, others)
    InsertLine(wxT(""), wxT(""));                            
    InsertHeader(wxT("Game Settings"), wxRED, wxWHITE);

    // Sort cvars ascending
    sort(In.Info.Cvars.begin(), In.Info.Cvars.end(), CvarCompare);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < In.Info.Cvars.size(); ++i)
        InsertLine(stdstr_towxstr(In.Info.Cvars[i].Name), stdstr_towxstr(In.Info.Cvars[i].Value));

    // Resize the columns