static void draw_time() { int min, sec, hundr; GetTimeComponents (g_game.time, &min, &sec, &hundr); string timestr = Int_StrN (min, 2); string secstr = Int_StrN (sec, 2); string hundrstr = Int_StrN (hundr, 2); timestr += ":"; timestr += secstr; if (param.use_papercut_font < 2) { Tex.Draw (CHRON_ICON, 0, -4, 1); Tex.DrawNumStr (timestr, 60, 10, 1, colWhite); Tex.DrawNumStr (hundrstr, 176, 10, 0.7, colWhite); } else { /* glEnable (GL_LINE_SMOOTH); glEnable (GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc (GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glHint (GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_DONT_CARE); glLineWidth (1.5); */ glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST); //Tex.Draw (T_TIME, 16, 20, 1); FT.SetColor (colDYell); FT.SetSize (32); FT.DrawString (160, 6, hundrstr); FT.SetSize (42); FT.DrawString (70, 10, timestr); } }
bool CScore::SaveHighScore () const { CSPList splist ((int)Scorelist.size()*MAX_SCORES); for (size_t li=0; li<Scorelist.size(); li++) { const TScoreList* lst = &Scorelist[li]; if (lst != NULL) { int num = lst->numScores; if (num > 0) { for (int sc=0; sc<num; sc++) { const TScore& score = lst->scores[sc]; string line = "*[course] " + Course.CourseList[li].dir; line += " [plyr] " + score.player; line += " [pts] " + Int_StrN (score.points); line += " [herr] " + Int_StrN (score.herrings); line += " [time] " + Float_StrN (score.time, 1); splist.Add (line); } } } } if (!splist.Save (param.config_dir, "highscore")) { Message ("could not save highscore list"); return false; } return true; }
string CWinsys::GetResName (size_t idx) const { if (idx >= NUM_RESOLUTIONS) return "800 x 600"; if (idx == 0) return ("auto"); string line = Int_StrN (resolutions[idx].width); line += " x " + Int_StrN (resolutions[idx].height); return line; }
void CCharShape::SaveCharNodes (string dir, string filename) { CSPList list (MAX_CHAR_NODES + 10); string line, order, joint; TCharNode *node; TCharAction *act; int i, ii, aa; TVector3 rotation; bool rotflag; list.Add ("# Generated by Tuxracer tools"); list.Add (""); if (numMatlines > 0) { list.Add ("# Materials:"); for (i=0; i<numMatlines; i++) list.Add (Matlines[i]); list.Add (""); } list.Add ("# Nodes:"); for (i=1; i<numNodes; i++) { node = Nodes[i]; act = Actions[i]; if (node->parent_name >= node->node_name) Message ("wrong parent index"); line = "*[node] " + Int_StrN (node->node_name); line += " [par] " + Int_StrN (node->parent_name); order = act->order; rotation = NullVec; rotflag = false; if (order.size() > 0) { line += " [order] " + order; for (ii=0; ii<(int)order.size(); ii++) { aa =; switch (aa) { case 0: line += " [trans] " + Vector_StrN (act->vec[ii], 2); break; case 4: line += " [scale] " + Vector_StrN (act->vec[ii], 2); break; case 1: rotation.x = act->dval[ii]; rotflag = true; break; case 2: rotation.y = act->dval[ii]; rotflag = true; break; case 3: rotation.z = act->dval[ii]; rotflag = true; break; case 5: line += " [vis] " + Float_StrN (act->dval[ii], 0); break; case 9: rotation.z = act->dval[ii]; rotflag = true; break; } } if (rotflag) line += " [rot] " + Vector_StrN (rotation, 2); } if (act->mat.size() > 0) line += " [mat] " + act->mat; if (node->joint.size() > 0) line += " [joint] " + node->joint; if (act->name.size() > 0) line += " [name] " + act->name; if (node->render_shadow) line += " [shad] 1"; list.Add (line); if (i<numNodes-3) { if (node->visible && !Nodes[i+1]->visible) list.Add (""); joint = Nodes[i+2]->joint; if (joint.size() > 0) list.Add ("# " + joint); } } list.Save (dir, filename); }
void CScore::Loop () { int ww = Winsys.resolution.width; int hh = Winsys.resolution.height; Music.Update (); check_gl_error(); ClearRenderContext (); ScopedRenderMode rm(GUI); SetupGuiDisplay (); if (param.ui_snow) { update_ui_snow (); draw_ui_snow(); } Tex.Draw (BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, hh - 256, 1); Tex.Draw (BOTTOM_RIGHT, ww-256, hh-256, 1); Tex.Draw (TOP_LEFT, 0, 0, 1); Tex.Draw (TOP_RIGHT, ww-256, 0, 1); //Tex.Draw (T_TITLE_SMALL, CENTER, AutoYPosN (5), Winsys.scale); // DrawFrameX (area.left,, area.right-area.left, area.bottom -, // 0, colMBackgr, colBlack, 0.2); FT.AutoSizeN (7); FT.SetColor (colWhite); FT.DrawString (CENTER, AutoYPosN (Winsys.resolution.width > Winsys.resolution.height ? 6 : 22), Trans.Text(62)); DrawFrameX (area.left, frametop, framewidth - 93, frameheight, 3, colMBackgr, colWhite, 1.0); FT.AutoSizeN (4); FT.SetColor (colDYell); FT.DrawString (area.left+20, frametop, CourseList[course->GetValue()].name); const TScoreList *list = Score.GetScorelist (course->GetValue()); FT.SetColor (colWhite); if (list != NULL) { FT.AutoSizeN (3); if (list->numScores < 1) { FT.DrawString (CENTER, + 140, Trans.Text(63)); } else { for (int i=0; i<min(MAX_SCORES, list->numScores); i++) { int y = listtop + i*linedist; FT.DrawString (area.left, y, ordinals[i]); FT.DrawString (area.left + dd1, y, Int_StrN (list->scores[i].points)); FT.DrawString (area.left + dd2, y, list->scores[i].player); FT.DrawString (area.left + dd3, y, Int_StrN (list->scores[i].herrings) + " herrings"); FT.DrawString (area.left + dd4, y, Float_StrN (list->scores[i].time, 1) + " sec"); } } } else Message ("score list out of range"); DrawGUI(); Winsys.SwapBuffers(); }
void PrintGLInfo (){ #ifndef __PSP__ char *extensions; char *p, *oldp; int i; GLint int_val; GLfloat float_val; GLboolean boolean_val; string ss; Message ("Gl vendor: ", (char*)glGetString (GL_VENDOR)); Message ("Gl renderer: ", (char*)glGetString (GL_RENDERER)); Message ("Gl version: ", (char*)glGetString (GL_VERSION)); extensions = NewStr ((char*) glGetString (GL_EXTENSIONS)); Message ("", ""); Message ("Gl extensions:", ""); Message ("", ""); oldp = extensions; while ((p=strchr(oldp,' '))) { *p='\0'; Message (oldp,""); oldp = p+1; } if (*oldp) Message (oldp,""); free (extensions); Message ("", ""); for (i=0; i<(int)(sizeof(gl_values)/sizeof(gl_values[0])); i++) { switch (gl_values[i].type) { case GL_INT: glGetIntegerv (gl_values[i].value, &int_val); ss = Int_StrN (int_val); Message (gl_values[i].name, ss.c_str()); break; case GL_FLOAT: glGetFloatv (gl_values[i].value, &float_val); ss = Float_StrN (float_val, 2); Message (gl_values[i].name, ss.c_str()); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: glGetBooleanv (gl_values[i].value, &boolean_val); ss = Int_StrN (boolean_val); Message (gl_values[i].name, ss.c_str()); break; default: Message ("",""); } } #endif }
void SPAddIndx3N (string &s, const string &tag, const TIndex3 val) { s += "["; s += tag; s += "]"; s += ' '; s += Int_StrN (val.i); s += ' '; s += Int_StrN (val.j); s += ' '; s += Int_StrN (val.k); }
void SPAddIndx4N (string &s, const string &tag, const TIndex4 val) { s += '['; s += tag; s += ']'; s += ' '; s += Int_StrN (val.i); s += ' '; s += Int_StrN (val.j); s += ' '; s += Int_StrN (val.k); s += ' '; s += Int_StrN (val.l); }
void PrintGLInfo () { GLint int_val; GLfloat float_val; GLboolean boolean_val; string ss; Message ("Gl vendor: ", (char*)glGetString (GL_VENDOR)); Message ("Gl renderer: ", (char*)glGetString (GL_RENDERER)); Message ("Gl version: ", (char*)glGetString (GL_VERSION)); string extensions = (char*)glGetString (GL_EXTENSIONS); Message ("", ""); Message ("Gl extensions:", ""); Message ("", ""); size_t oldpos = 0; size_t pos; while ((pos = extensions.find(' ', oldpos)) != string::npos) { string s = extensions.substr(oldpos, pos-oldpos); Message(s, ""); oldpos = pos+1; } Message(extensions.substr(oldpos), ""); Message ("", ""); for (int i=0; i<(int)(sizeof(gl_values)/sizeof(gl_values[0])); i++) { switch (gl_values[i].type) { case GL_INT: glGetIntegerv (gl_values[i].value, &int_val); ss = Int_StrN (int_val); Message (gl_values[i].name, ss); break; case GL_FLOAT: glGetFloatv (gl_values[i].value, &float_val); ss = Float_StrN (float_val, 2); Message (gl_values[i].name, ss); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: glGetBooleanv (gl_values[i].value, &boolean_val); ss = Int_StrN (boolean_val); Message (gl_values[i].name, ss); break; default: Message ("",""); } } }
void CGameConfig::Loop () { int ww = Winsys.resolution.width; int hh = Winsys.resolution.height; Music.Update (); check_gl_error(); Music.Update (); ScopedRenderMode rm(GUI); ClearRenderContext (); SetupGuiDisplay (); if (param.ui_snow) { update_ui_snow (); draw_ui_snow(); } //Tex.Draw (T_TITLE_SMALL, CENTER, AutoYPosN (5), 1.0); Tex.Draw (BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, hh-256, 1); Tex.Draw (BOTTOM_RIGHT, ww-256, hh-256, 1); Tex.Draw (TOP_LEFT, 0, 0, 1); Tex.Draw (TOP_RIGHT, ww-256, 0, 1); // DrawFrameX (area.left,, area.right-area.left, area.bottom -, // 0, colMBackgr, colBlack, 0.2); FT.AutoSizeN (4); FT.SetColor (colWhite); FT.DrawString (area.left,, Trans.Text(86)); FT.DrawString (area.left, + dd, Trans.Text(94)); FT.DrawString (area.left, + dd * 2, Trans.Text(33)); FT.DrawString (area.left, + dd * 3, Trans.Text(34)); FT.DrawString (area.left, + dd * 4, Trans.Text(36)); FT.DrawString (area.left, + dd * 5, Trans.Text(35)); FT.DrawString (area.left+240,, Trans.Text(87 + vid_orient->GetValue())); FT.DrawString (area.left+240, + dd, Float_StrN(sensit->GetValue() / 10.0f, 1)); FT.DrawString (area.left+240, + dd * 2, Int_StrN (mus_vol->GetValue())); FT.DrawString (area.left+240, + dd * 3, Int_StrN (sound_vol->GetValue())); FT.DrawString (area.left+240, + dd * 4, Int_StrN (detail_level->GetValue())); FT.DrawString (area.left+240, + dd * 5, Trans.languages[language->GetValue()].language); DrawGUI(); Reshape (ww, hh); Winsys.SwapBuffers (); }
void CTexture::LoadTextureList () { int rep, id; string texfile, line, name; TextureIndex = ""; CSPList list (200); if (list.Load (param.tex_dir, "textures.lst")) { for (int i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) { line = list.Line (i); name = SPStrN (line, "name", ""); id = SPIntN (line, "id", 0); texfile = SPStrN (line, "file", ""); rep = SPIntN (line, "repeat", 0); if (id >= 0 && id < MAX_COMMON_TEX) { if (rep>0) CommonTex[id] = LoadMipmapTexture (param.tex_dir.c_str(), texfile.c_str(), rep); else CommonTex[id] = LoadTexture (param.tex_dir.c_str(), texfile.c_str()); if (CommonTex[id] > 0) { TextureIndex = TextureIndex + "[" + name + "]" + Int_StrN (CommonTex[id]); numTextures++; } } else Message ("wrong texture id in textures.lst"); } } else Message ("failed to load common textures"); }
string CCharShape::GetNodeJoint (size_t idx) const { if (idx >= numNodes) return ""; TCharNode *node = Nodes[idx]; if (node == NULL) return ""; if (!node->joint.empty()) return node->joint; else return Int_StrN ((int)node->node_name); }
string CCharShape::GetNodeJoint (int idx) { if (idx < 0 || idx >= numNodes) return ""; TCharNode *node = Nodes[idx]; if (node == NULL) return ""; if (node->joint.size() > 0) return node->joint; else return Int_StrN (node->node_name); }
void RenderSingleFrame (double timestep) { if (!must_render) return; check_gl_error (); // ------------------ 3d scenery ---------------------------------- set_gl_options (TUX); ClearRenderContext (colDDBackgr); string hlname = TestFrame.GetHighlightName (curr_joint); TestChar.highlight_node = TestChar.GetNodeName (hlname); glPushMatrix (); SetToolLight (); GluCamera.Update (timestep); TestFrame.CalcKeyframe (curr_frame, &TestChar, ref_position); TestChar.Draw (); glPopMatrix (); // ----------------- 2d screen ------------------------------------ SetupGuiDisplay (); set_gl_options (TEXFONT); if (FrameHasChanged ()) DrawChanged (); FT.SetFont ("bold"); FT.SetSize (20); FT.SetColor (colYellow); FT.DrawString (-1, 10, "Keyframe mode"); FT.SetFont ("normal"); FT.SetSize (16); int xl, yt; for (int i=0; i<TestFrame.numFrames; i++) { if (i != curr_frame) { FT.SetColor (colLGrey); FT.SetFont ("normal"); } else { FT.SetColor (colYellow); FT.SetFont ("bold"); } xl = ITrunc (i, framebase) * 100 + 20; yt = IFrac (i, framebase) * 18 + 20; FT.DrawString (xl, yt, Int_StrN (i)); } FT.SetFont ("normal"); FT.SetColor (colLGrey); PrintFrameParams (param.y_resolution - 330, TestFrame.GetFrame (curr_frame)); if (ToolsFinalStage ()) { FT.SetSize (20); FT.SetColor (colYellow); FT.DrawString (-1, param.y_resolution - 50, "Quit program. Save character list (y/n)"); } Reshape (param.x_resolution, param.y_resolution); Winsys.SwapBuffers(); must_render = false; }
void CPlayers::LoadAvatars () { CSPList list (MAX_AVATARS); int i; string line, filename; GLuint texid; if (!list.Load (param.player_dir, "avatars.lst")) { Message ("could not load avators.lst"); return; } AvatarIndex = ""; numAvatars = 0; for (i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) { line = list.Line (i); filename = SPStrN (line, "file", "unknown"); texid = Tex.LoadTexture (param.player_dir, filename); if (texid > 0) { avatars[numAvatars].filename = filename; avatars[numAvatars].texid = texid; AvatarIndex += "[" + filename + "]"; AvatarIndex += Int_StrN (texid); numAvatars++; } } }
void DrawFps() { const int maxFrames = 50; static int numFrames = 0; static float averagefps = 0; static float sumTime = 0; if (!param.display_fps) return; if (numFrames >= maxFrames) { averagefps = 1 / sumTime * maxFrames; numFrames = 0; sumTime = 0; } else { sumTime += g_game.time_step; numFrames++; } if (averagefps < 1) return; string fpsstr = Int_StrN((int)averagefps); if (param.use_papercut_font < 2) { Tex.DrawNumStr (fpsstr, (Winsys.resolution.width - 60) / 2, 10, 1, colWhite); } else { if (averagefps >= 35) FT.SetColor (colWhite); else FT.SetColor (colRed); FT.DrawString ((Winsys.resolution.width - 60) / 2, 10, fpsstr); } }
// for testing: void CScore::PrintScorelist (size_t list_idx) const { if (list_idx >= Scorelist.size()) return; const TScoreList *list = &Scorelist[list_idx]; if (list->numScores < 1) { PrintStr ("no entries in this score list"); } else { for (int i=0; i<list->numScores; i++) { string line = "player: " + list->scores[i].player; line += " points: " + Int_StrN (list->scores[i].points); line += " herrings: " + Int_StrN (list->scores[i].herrings); line += " time: " + Float_StrN (list->scores[i].time, 2); PrintString (line); } } }
void DrawWind2 (float dir, float speed, CControl *ctrl) { string windstr; if (g_game.wind_id < 1) return; Tex.Draw (SPEEDMETER, 0, param.y_resolution-140, 1.0); glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D ); float alpha, red, blue, len; len = 45; if (speed <= 50) { alpha = speed / 50; red = 0; } else { alpha = 1.0; red = (speed - 50) / 50; } blue = 1.0 - red; glPushMatrix (); glColor4f (red, 0, blue, alpha); glTranslatef (72, 66, 0); glRotatef (dir, 0, 0, 1); glBegin (GL_QUADS); glVertex2f (-5, 0.0); glVertex2f (5, 0.0); glVertex2f (5, -len); glVertex2f (-5, -len); glEnd(); glPopMatrix (); // direction indicator TVector3 movdir = ctrl->cvel; NormVectorN (movdir); float dir_angle = atan (movdir.x / movdir.z) * 57.3; glPushMatrix (); glColor4f (0, 0.5, 0, 1.0); glTranslatef (72, 66, 0); glRotatef (dir_angle + 180, 0, 0, 1); glBegin (GL_QUADS); glVertex2f (-2, 0.0); glVertex2f (2, 0.0); glVertex2f (2, -50); glVertex2f (-2, -50); glEnd(); glPopMatrix (); glEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D ); Tex.Draw (SPEED_KNOB, 64, param.y_resolution - 74, 1.0); windstr = Int_StrN ((int)speed, 3); if (param.use_papercut_font < 2) { Tex.DrawNumStr (windstr.c_str(), 130, param.y_resolution - 55, 1, colWhite); } else { FT.SetColor (colBlue); FT.DrawString (130, param.y_resolution - 55, windstr); } }
void SPSetIntN (string &s, const string &tag, const int val) { int pos = SPPosN (s, tag); if (pos >= 0) { int ipos = pos + tag.size() + 2; string item = SPItemN (s, tag); if (item.size() > 0) SDeleteN (s, ipos, item.size()); SInsertN (s, ipos, Int_StrN (val)); } else SPAddIntN (s, tag, val); }
void DrawSpeed (ETR_DOUBLE speed) { string speedstr = Int_StrN ((int)speed, 3); if (param.use_papercut_font < 2) { Tex.Draw (GAUGE_ICON, Winsys.resolution.width - 145, Winsys.resolution.height - 60, 1); Tex.DrawNumStr (speedstr, Winsys.resolution.width - 80, Winsys.resolution.height - 46, 1, colWhite); } else { FT.SetColor (colDDYell); FT.DrawString (Winsys.resolution.width-82, Winsys.resolution.height-80, speedstr); } }
void DrawSpeed (double speed) { string speedstr; speedstr = Int_StrN ((int)speed, 3); if (param.use_papercut_font < 2) { Tex.DrawNumStr (speedstr.c_str(), param.x_resolution - 85, param.y_resolution-74, 1, colWhite); } else { FT.SetColor (colDDYell); FT.DrawString (param.x_resolution-82, param.y_resolution-80, speedstr); } }
static void draw_herring_count (int herring_count) { string hcountstr = Int_StrN (herring_count, 3); if (param.use_papercut_font < 2) { Tex.Draw (HERRING_ICON, Winsys.resolution.width - 145, -4, 1); Tex.DrawNumStr (hcountstr, Winsys.resolution.width - 80, 10, 1, colWhite); } else { FT.SetColor (colDYell); FT.DrawString ( Winsys.resolution.width - 90, 10, hcountstr); Tex.Draw (T_YELLHERRING, Winsys.resolution.width-160, 12, 1); } }
void CPlayers::SavePlayers () const { string playerfile = param.config_dir + SEP "players"; CSPList list(plyr.size()); for (size_t i=0; i<plyr.size(); i++) { string item = "*[name]" + plyr[i].name; item +="[avatar]" + plyr[i].avatar->filename; item += "[unlocked]" + plyr[i].funlocked; if (&plyr[i] == g_game.player) item += "[active]1"; else item += "[active]0"; item += "[character]" + Int_StrN(plyr[i].character); list.Add (item); } list.Save (playerfile); }
static void draw_herring_count (int herring_count){ string hcountstr; hcountstr = Int_StrN (herring_count, 3); if (param.use_papercut_font < 2) { Tex.DrawNumStr (hcountstr.c_str(), param.x_resolution - 90, 10, 1, colWhite); Tex.Draw (HERRING_ICON, param.x_resolution-160, -20, 1); } else { FT.SetColor (colDYell); FT.DrawString ( param.x_resolution - 90, 10, hcountstr); Tex.Draw (T_YELLHERRING, param.x_resolution-160, 12, 1); } }
void CSPList::MakeIndex (string &index, const string &tag) { index = ""; string item; int idx = 0; for (int i=0; i<fcount; i++) { item = SPItemN (flines[i], tag); STrimN (item); if (item.size() > 0) { index += "["; index += item; index += "]"; index += Int_StrN (idx); idx++; } } }
void GameOverMessage (CControl *ctrl) { int fwidth = 500; string line; float leftframe = (param.x_resolution - fwidth) / 2; float topframe = 80; TColor backcol = MakeColor (1, 1, 1, 1); TColor framecol = MakeColor (0.7, 0.7, 1, 1); if (param.use_papercut_font > 0) FT.SetSize (28); else FT.SetSize (22); if (g_game.raceaborted) { DrawMessageFrame (leftframe, topframe, fwidth, 100, 4, backcol, framecol, 0.5); FT.SetColor (colDBlue); FT.DrawString (CENTER, topframe+30, Trans.Text(25)); } else { DrawMessageFrame (leftframe, topframe, fwidth, 210, 4, backcol, framecol, 0.5); if (param.use_papercut_font > 0) FT.SetSize (20); else FT.SetSize (14); if (g_game.race_result >= 0 || g_game.game_type != CUPRACING) FT.SetColor (colDBlue); else FT.SetColor (colDRed); line = "Score: "; FT.DrawString (leftframe+80, topframe+15, line); line = Int_StrN (g_game.score); line += " pts"; FT.DrawString (leftframe+240, topframe+15, line); line = "Herring: "; FT.DrawString (leftframe+80, topframe+40, line); line = Int_StrN (g_game.herring); if (g_game.game_type == CUPRACING) { line += " ("; line += Int_StrN (g_game.herring_req.i); line += ")"; } FT.DrawString (leftframe+240, topframe+40, line); line = "Time: "; FT.DrawString (leftframe+80, topframe+65, line); line = Float_StrN (g_game.time, 2); line += " s"; if (g_game.game_type == CUPRACING) { line += " ("; line += Float_StrN (g_game.time_req.x, 2); line += ")"; } FT.DrawString (leftframe+240, topframe+65, line); line = "Path length: "; FT.DrawString (leftframe+80, topframe+90, line); line = Float_StrN (ctrl->way, 2); line += " m"; FT.DrawString (leftframe+240, topframe+90, line); line = "Average speed: "; FT.DrawString (leftframe+80, topframe+115, line); line = Float_StrN (ctrl->way / g_game.time * 3.6, 2); line += " km/h"; FT.DrawString (leftframe+240, topframe+115, line); if (param.use_papercut_font > 0) FT.SetSize (28); else FT.SetSize (22); if (g_game.game_type == CUPRACING) { switch (g_game.race_result) { case -1: FT.DrawString (CENTER, topframe+150, Trans.Text(21)); break; case 0: FT.DrawString (CENTER, topframe+150, Trans.Text(22)); break; case 1: FT.DrawString (CENTER, topframe+150, Trans.Text(23)); break; case 2: FT.DrawString (CENTER, topframe+150, Trans.Text(24)); break; } } else { if (highscore_pos < 5) { line = "Position "; line += Int_StrN (highscore_pos + 1); line += " in highscore list"; FT.DrawString (CENTER, topframe+150, line); } } } }
bool CEvents::LoadEventList () { CSPList list(256); int i, ii, type; string line, item, race, cup; int num; if (!list.Load (param.common_course_dir, "events.lst")) { Message ("could not load events.lst"); return false; } // pass 1: races for (i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) { line = list.Line (i); type = SPIntN (line, "struct", -1); if (type == 0) { if (numRaces < MAX_RACES2) { RaceList[numRaces].race = SPStrN (line, "race", "error"); item = SPStrN (line, "course", ""); RaceList[numRaces].course = Course.GetCourseIdx (item); item = SPStrN (line, "light", ""); RaceList[numRaces].light = Env.GetLightIdx (item); RaceList[numRaces].snow = SPIntN (line, "snow", 0); RaceList[numRaces].wind = SPIntN (line, "wind", 0); RaceList[numRaces].time = SPVector3N (line, "time", MakeVector (0, 0, 0)); RaceList[numRaces].herrings = SPIndex3N (line, "herring", MakeIndex3 (0, 0, 0)); RaceList[numRaces].music_theme = Music.GetThemeIdx (SPStrN (line, "theme", "normal")); numRaces++; } } } list.MakeIndex (RaceIndex, "race"); // pass 2: cups for (i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) { line = list.Line (i); type = SPIntN (line, "struct", -1); if (type == 1) { if (numCups < MAX_CUPS2) { CupList[numCups].cup = SPStrN (line, "cup", "error"); CupList[numCups].name = SPStrN (line, "name", "unknown"); CupList[numCups].desc = SPStrN (line, "desc", "unknown"); num = SPIntN (line, "num", 0); CupList[numCups].num_races = num; for (ii=0; ii<num; ii++) { race = SPStrN (line, Int_StrN (ii+1), ""); CupList[numCups].races[ii] = GetRaceIdx (race); } numCups++; } } } list.MakeIndex (CupIndex, "cup"); // pass 3: events for (i=0; i<list.Count(); i++) { line = list.Line (i); type = SPIntN (line, "struct", -1); if (type == 2) { if (numEvents < MAX_EVENTS2) { EventList[numEvents].name = SPStrN (line, "name", "unknown"); num = SPIntN (line, "num", 0); EventList[numEvents].num_cups = num; for (ii=0; ii<num; ii++) { cup = SPStrN (line, Int_StrN (ii+1), ""); EventList[numEvents].cups[ii] = GetCupIdx (cup); } numEvents++; } } } list.MakeIndex (EventIndex, "event"); return true; }
void DrawWind(float dir, float speed, const CControl *ctrl) { if (g_game.wind_id < 1) return; //float dir_angle = RADIANS_TO_ANGLES(atan2(ctrl->cvel.x, ctrl->cvel.z)); string windstr = Int_StrN ((int)speed, 3); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef (32, 28, 0); glRotatef(dir, 0, 0, 1); glTranslatef (-32, -28, 0); Tex.Draw(ARROW_ICON, 0, Winsys.resolution.height - 60, 1); glPopMatrix(); Tex.DrawNumStr(windstr, 60, Winsys.resolution.height - 46, 1, colWhite); #if 0 if (g_game.wind_id < 1) return; Tex.Draw (SPEEDMETER, 0, Winsys.resolution.height-140, 1.0); glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); float alpha, red, blue; if (speed <= 50) { alpha = speed / 50; red = 0; } else { alpha = 1.0; red = (speed - 50) / 50; } blue = 1.0 - red; glPushMatrix (); glColor4f (red, 0, blue, alpha); glTranslatef (72, 66, 0); glRotatef(dir, 0, 0, 1); glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); static const int len = 45; static const GLshort vtx1 [] = { -5, 0.0, 5, 0.0, 5, -len, - 5, -len }; glVertexPointer(2, GL_SHORT, 0, vtx1); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4); // direction indicator float dir_angle = RADIANS_TO_ANGLES(atan2(ctrl->cvel.x, ctrl->cvel.z)); glColor4f (0, 0.5, 0, 1.0); glRotatef (dir_angle - dir, 0, 0, 1); static const GLshort vtx2 [] = { -2, 0, 2, 0, 2, -50, -2, -50 }; glVertexPointer(2, GL_SHORT, 0, vtx2); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4); glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glPopMatrix (); glEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); Tex.Draw (SPEED_KNOB, 64, Winsys.resolution.height - 74, 1.0); string windstr = Int_StrN ((int)speed, 3); if (param.use_papercut_font < 2) { Tex.DrawNumStr (windstr, 130, Winsys.resolution.height - 55, 1, colWhite); } else { FT.SetColor (colBlue); FT.DrawString (130, Winsys.resolution.height - 55, windstr); } #endif }
void CEvent::Loop (double timestep) { int ww = Winsys.resolution.width; int hh = Winsys.resolution.height; check_gl_error(); ScopedRenderMode rm(GUI); Music.Update (); ClearRenderContext (); SetupGuiDisplay (); if (param.ui_snow) { update_ui_snow (timestep); draw_ui_snow (); } Tex.Draw (T_TITLE_SMALL, CENTER, AutoYPosN (5), Winsys.scale); Tex.Draw (BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, hh-256, 1); Tex.Draw (BOTTOM_RIGHT, ww-256, hh-256, 1); Tex.Draw (TOP_LEFT, 0, 0, 1); Tex.Draw (TOP_RIGHT, ww-256, 0, 1); // DrawFrameX (area.left,, area.right-area.left, area.bottom -, // 0, colMBackgr, colBlack, 0.2); if (ready == 0) { // cup not finished FT.AutoSizeN (6); FT.SetColor (colWhite); FT.DrawString (CENTER, AutoYPosN (25), ecup->name); DrawBonusExt (bonustop, (int)ecup->races.size(), curr_bonus); DrawFrameX (area.left, frametop, framewidth, (int)ecup->races.size() * dist + 20, 3, colBackgr, colWhite, 1); for (size_t i=0; i<ecup->races.size(); i++) { FT.AutoSizeN (3); int y = frametop + 10 + (int)i * dist; if (i == curr_race) FT.SetColor (colDYell); else FT.SetColor (colWhite); FT.DrawString (area.left + 29, y, Course.CourseList[ecup->races[i]->course].name); Tex.Draw (CHECKBOX, area.right -54, y, texsize, texsize); if (curr_race > i) Tex.Draw (CHECKMARK, area.right-50, y + 4, 0.8); } FT.AutoSizeN (3); int ddd = FT.AutoDistanceN (1); FT.SetColor (colDBlue); string info = Trans.Text(11); info += " " + Int_StrN (ecup->races[curr_race]->herrings.i); info += " " + Int_StrN (ecup->races[curr_race]->herrings.j); info += " " + Int_StrN (ecup->races[curr_race]->herrings.k); FT.DrawString (CENTER, framebottom+15, info); info = Trans.Text(12); info += " " + Float_StrN (ecup->races[curr_race]->time.x, 0); info += " " + Float_StrN (ecup->races[curr_race]->time.y, 0); info += " " + Float_StrN (ecup->races[curr_race]->time.z, 0); info += " " + Trans.Text(14); FT.DrawString (CENTER, framebottom+15+ddd, info); } else if (ready == 1) { // cup successfully finished FT.AutoSizeN (5); FT.SetColor (colWhite); FT.DrawString (CENTER, messtop, Trans.Text(16)); DrawBonusExt (bonustop, (int)ecup->races.size(), curr_bonus); int res = resultlevel(curr_bonus, ecup->races.size()); FT.DrawString (CENTER, messtop2, Trans.Text(17) + " "+Int_StrN (res)); } else if (ready == 2) { // cup finished but failed FT.AutoSizeN (5); FT.SetColor (colLRed); FT.DrawString (CENTER, messtop, Trans.Text(18)); DrawBonusExt (bonustop, ecup->races.size(), curr_bonus); FT.DrawString (CENTER, messtop2, Trans.Text(19)); } textbuttons[0]->SetVisible(ready < 1); textbuttons[1]->SetVisible(ready < 1); textbuttons[2]->SetVisible(!(ready < 1)); DrawGUI (); Winsys.SwapBuffers(); }
void CRaceSelect::Loop() { int ww = Winsys.resolution.width; int hh = Winsys.resolution.height; TColor col; check_gl_error(); ScopedRenderMode rm(GUI); ClearRenderContext (); SetupGuiDisplay (); Music.Update (); if (param.ui_snow) { update_ui_snow (); draw_ui_snow (); } //Tex.Draw (T_TITLE_SMALL, CENTER, AutoYPosN (5), 1.0); Tex.Draw (BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, hh-256, 1); Tex.Draw (BOTTOM_RIGHT, ww-256, hh-256, 1); Tex.Draw (TOP_LEFT, 0, 0, 1); Tex.Draw (TOP_RIGHT, ww-256, 0, 1); // DrawFrameX (area.left,, area.right-area.left, area.bottom -, // 0, colMBackgr, colBlack, 0.2); // course selection col = colWhite; DrawFrameX (area.left, frametop, framewidth - 100, frameheight, 3, colMBackgr, col, 1.0); FT.AutoSizeN (4); FT.SetColor (colDYell); FT.DrawString (area.left+20, frametop, CourseList[course->GetValue()].name); if (CourseList[course->GetValue()].preview) CourseList[course->GetValue()].preview->DrawFrame(area.left + 3, prevtop, prevwidth, prevheight, 3, colWhite); DrawFrameX (area.right-boxwidth, prevtop-3, boxwidth, prevheight+6, 3, colBackgr, colWhite, 1.0); FT.AutoSizeN (2); FT.SetColor (colWhite); int dist = FT.AutoDistanceN (0); for (size_t i=0; i<CourseList[course->GetValue()].num_lines; i++) { FT.DrawString (boxleft+8, prevtop+i*dist, CourseList[course->GetValue()].desc[i]); } FT.DrawString (CENTER, prevtop + prevheight + 10, "Author: " + CourseList[course->GetValue()].author); //FT.DrawString (CENTER, AutoYPosN (45), info); if (g_game.force_treemap) { FT.AutoSizeN (4); static const string forcetrees = "Load trees.png"; string sizevar = "Size: "; sizevar += Int_StrN (g_game.treesize); sizevar += " Variation: "; sizevar += Int_StrN (g_game.treevar); FT.SetColor (colYellow); FT.DrawString (CENTER, AutoYPosN (85), forcetrees); FT.DrawString (CENTER, AutoYPosN (90), sizevar); } DrawGUI(); Winsys.SwapBuffers(); }