Ejemplo n.º 1
void CAIWeaponAbstract::Load(ILTMessage_Read *pMsg)
	HWEAPON hWeapon = NULL;

	LOAD_HRECORD( hWeapon, g_pWeaponDB->GetWeaponsCategory() );
	LOAD_INT_CAST(m_eFiringState, ENUM_AIFiringState);

	CAI* pAI = (CAI*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hOwner);

	if (pAI)
		if (CArsenal* pArsenal = pAI->GetArsenal())
			m_pWeapon = pArsenal->GetWeapon(hWeapon);

	if( m_pWeapon )
		m_pAIWeaponRecord = AIWeaponUtils::GetAIWeaponRecord( 
			pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBAIWeaponOverrideSet() );
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: ai.c Proyecto: docwhat/cwimp
void CheckAI(void)
  Boolean isai;
  isai = IsAI( GetCurrPlayer() );

  SetFlag( flag_PendingAI, isai );
  if( isai ) SetStatus( DS_Thinking );
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: draw.c Proyecto: docwhat/cwimp
void ShowControl(Word objID, Boolean enable) {

  if ( !enable || IsAI( stor.currplayer ) ) {
    CtlHideControl( GetObjectPtr(objID) );
  } else { 
    CtlShowControl( GetObjectPtr(objID) );
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool IsDeadAI( HOBJECT hObject )
	if( !hObject ) return true;

	if( !IsAI( hObject ) ) return false;

	CCharacter *pCharacter = (CCharacter*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( hObject );
	return ( pCharacter->GetDestructible()->IsDead() );
Ejemplo n.º 5
void ns_HPlayerItem::SetTribe( sint32 tribe )
	m_tribeButton->SetText( g_nsTribes->GetStrings()->GetString( tribe ) );

	AllinoneWindow *w = g_allinoneWindow;
	if ( !IsAI() && w->IsMine( GetPlayer() ) )
			tribe - 1,
			strlen( w->m_lname ) ? w->m_lname : NULL );
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: draw.c Proyecto: docwhat/cwimp
void DrawRollButton() {
  if( stor.currplayer < 0 ) {
    ShowControl( btn_Roll, 1 );
    CtlSetLabel( GetObjectPtr(btn_Roll), StartString );
  } else {
    if( IsAI( stor.currplayer ) ) {
      ShowControl( btn_Roll, 0 );
    } else {
      ShowControl( btn_Roll, 1 );
      CtlSetLabel( GetObjectPtr(btn_Roll), RollString );
Ejemplo n.º 7
void CAIWeaponAbstract::Save(ILTMessage_Write *pMsg)
	HOBJECT hOwner = m_pWeapon->GetObject();

	SAVE_HRECORD( m_pWeapon->GetWeaponRecord() );
Ejemplo n.º 8
DieType DialogChooseThree( Char* fText, DieType c1, DieType c2, DieType c3 )

    FormPtr prevForm, frm;
    UInt16 hitButton;

    if( IsAI( GetCurrPlayer() ) ) {
        return AIChooseThree( c1, c2, c3 );

    // Save previous form
    prevForm = FrmGetActiveForm();
    // Init new form
    frm = FrmInitForm( frmChooseThree );

    // Set it

    // Fill it...
    CtlSetLabel( GetObjectPtr(btnChooseThree1), val2name[c1] );
    CtlSetLabel( GetObjectPtr(btnChooseThree2), val2name[c2] );
    CtlSetLabel( GetObjectPtr(btnChooseThree3), val2name[c3] );
    SetFieldTextFromStr( fldChooseThree, fText );

    // Set the handler
    // FrmSetEventHandler(frm, DialogNewGameHandleEvent);

    hitButton = FrmDoDialog(frm);

    // Delete the form, we're not using it

    // Restore previous form.
    if (prevForm) {

    if( hitButton == btnChooseThree1 ) return c1;
    if( hitButton == btnChooseThree2 ) return c2;
    if( hitButton == btnChooseThree3 ) return c3;
    return c1;
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool CAIActionAttack::ValidateContextPreconditions( CAI* pAI, CAIWorldState& wsWorldStateGoal, bool bIsPlanning )
	// No target.

	if( !pAI->HasTarget( kTarget_Character | kTarget_CombatOpportunity | kTarget_Object ) )
		return false;

	// Target is not visible.

	if( m_bValidateVisibility )
		if( ( !pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBTargetVisibleFromWeapon() ) &&
			( !IsAI( pAI->GetTarget()->GetVisionBlocker() ) ) )
			return false;

	// AI does not have a weapon of the correct type

	if (!AIWeaponUtils::HasWeaponType(pAI, GetWeaponType(), bIsPlanning))
		return false;

	// Target is not in range.

	if (!AIWeaponUtils::IsInRange(pAI, GetWeaponType(), bIsPlanning))
		return false;

	// AI does not have any ammo required by this weapon type.

	if ( !AIWeaponUtils::HasAmmo(pAI, GetWeaponType(), bIsPlanning ) )
		return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
bool CAIActionAttack::ValidateAction( CAI* pAI )
	if( !super::ValidateAction( pAI ) )
		return false;

	// Target is not visible.
	// And target is not obscured by an AI.

	if( m_bValidateVisibility)
		if ( !pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBTargetVisibleFromWeapon() 
			&& ( !IsAI( pAI->GetTarget()->GetVisionBlocker() ) ) )
			return false;
	// Target is not in range.

	if ( m_bInterruptActionIfEnemyIsOutOfRange )
		if( pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBWeaponStatus(GetWeaponType()) != kRangeStatus_Ok )
			return false;

	// Weapon is unloaded.

	SAIWORLDSTATE_PROP* pProp = pAI->GetAIWorldState()->GetWSProp( kWSK_WeaponLoaded, pAI->m_hObject );
	if( pProp && !pProp->bWSValue )
		return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void Door::HandelLinkTriggerMsg( LTBOOL bTriggerLink )
	// Let our base hadle it first

	ActiveWorldModel::HandleTriggerMsg( );

	// If we are locked then dont do anything else

	if( m_dwPropFlags & AWM_PROP_LOCKED )
		if( m_nCurState == AWM_STATE_OFF || m_nCurState == AWM_STATE_ON )
			// Tell any doorknobs attached to us to play the "locked" animation...

			PlayDoorKnobAni( "Locked" );


	if( bTriggerLink )
		// Let our link know that we are opening...
		// AIs ignore links and open both doors.

		if( m_nCurState == AWM_STATE_POWERON )
			if( m_hDoorLink && !IsAI( m_hActivateObj ) )
				Door *pDoorLink = (Door*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( m_hDoorLink );
				if( pDoorLink )
					pDoorLink->TriggerLink( m_hActivateObj );
Ejemplo n.º 12
void CAIGoalAbstractStimulated::ActivateGoal()

	// Only set a new response index if the AI is witnessing a new stimulus,
	// rather than seeing an ally who is disturbed.

	if( ( m_eSenseType != kSense_SeeAllyDisturbance ) && 
		( m_eSenseType != kSense_HearAllyDisturbance ) )
		m_pAI->SetLastStimulusTime( m_fStimulusTime );

	// Copy an ally's stimulus time.

	else if( m_hStimulusSource && IsAI( m_hStimulusSource ) ) 
		CAI* pAlly = (CAI*)( g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( m_hStimulusSource ) );
		if( pAlly )
			m_pAI->SetLastStimulusTime( pAlly->GetLastStimulusTime() );
HOBJECT CAITargetSelectDisturbanceBeyondGuard::SelectDisturbanceSource( CAI* pAI, CAIWMFact* pFact )
	// Sanity check.

	if( !( pAI && pFact ) )
		return NULL;

	// Disturbance is not from an AI.

	if( !IsAI( pFact->GetTargetObject() ) )
		return pFact->GetTargetObject();

	// AI is not an ally.

	CAI* pOther = (CAI*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( pFact->GetTargetObject() );
	EnumCharacterStance eStance = g_pCharacterDB->GetStance( pAI->GetAlignment(), pOther->GetAlignment() );
	if( eStance != kCharStance_Like )
		return pFact->GetTargetObject();

	// Ally is not targeting a character.

	if( pOther->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBTargetType() != kTarget_Character )
		return pFact->GetTargetObject();

	// Return the Ally's target object.

	return pOther->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBTargetObject();
Ejemplo n.º 14
bool Alarm::OnTrigger(HOBJECT hSender, const CParsedMsg &cMsg)
	static CParsedMsg::CToken s_cTok_Activate(s_szActivate);
	static CParsedMsg::CToken s_cTok_Lock(s_szLock);
	static CParsedMsg::CToken s_cTok_Unlock(s_szUnlock);

	if ( cMsg.GetArg(0) == s_cTok_Activate )
		// If the alarm is activated from a command, the sender is
		// NULL (dammit!).  So treat it as player-activated.
		// If the alarm is activated by something other than AI
		// (e.g. a command object) consider it player activated.

		if( !IsAI( hSender ) )
			CPlayerObj *pPlayer = g_pCharacterMgr->FindPlayer();
			hSender = pPlayer->m_hObject;

		HOBJECT hStimulus = hSender;

		if( IsPlayer(hSender) )
			// Run the alarm's player-activate command.

			if( m_hstrPlayerActivateCommand )
				const char *szCmd = g_pLTServer->GetStringData( m_hstrPlayerActivateCommand );

				if( g_pCmdMgr->IsValidCmd( szCmd ) )
					g_pCmdMgr->Process( szCmd, m_hObject, m_hObject );
			// The stimulus is the target of the AI who activated the alarm.

			CAI* pAI = (CAI*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hSender);
			hStimulus = pAI->GetTarget()->GetObject();

		// Ensure that lists of Alert and Respond regions are set up.

		if( ( m_fRegionsGroupRadius == 0.f ) && 
			( ( m_lstAlertRegions.size() > 0 ) || 
			( m_lstRespondRegions.size() > 0 ) || 
			( m_lstSearchRegions.size() > 0 ) ) ) 

		// Place an alarm stimulus.
		// The stimulus position and radius are set to values that encompass
		// all of the regions affected by the alarm.

		g_pAIStimulusMgr->RegisterStimulus(kStim_EnemyAlarmSound, hStimulus, m_hObject, m_vRegionsGroupCenter, m_fRegionsGroupRadius, m_fAlarmSoundTime);
		AITRACE( AIShowAlarms, ( m_hObject, "Triggering alarm" ) );
	else if ( cMsg.GetArg(0) == s_cTok_Lock )
		m_bLocked = LTTRUE;
	else if ( cMsg.GetArg(0) == s_cTok_Unlock )
		m_bLocked = LTFALSE;
		return Prop::OnTrigger(hSender, cMsg);

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
void CAISenseRecorderAbstract::HandleSenses(uint32 nCycle)
	AISENSE_RECORD_MAP::iterator it;
	for(it = m_mapSenseRecords.begin(); it != m_mapSenseRecords.end(); ++it)
		AISenseRecord* pSenseRecord = it->second;
		AIBM_Stimulus* pAIBM_Stimulus = pSenseRecord->pAIBM_Last_Stimulus;

		// If pAIBM_Stimulus is NULL, this sense has never been stimulated.
		if(pAIBM_Stimulus == LTNULL)

		// Check for senses that were not updated this cycle.
		// Ignore senses that were not updated this cycle because
		// of a delayed stimulus.
		if((pSenseRecord->nCycle != nCycle) && (pSenseRecord->fReactionDelayTimer == 0.f))
			// Decrease the simulation, if there is any.
			if(pSenseRecord->fCurStimulation > 0.f)
				LTBOOL bFalseStimulation = DecreaseStimulation(pSenseRecord, 1.0f);

				// If not a false stimulation, do not let the state handle the sense.

				// If we have hit the false stimulation limit, treat it as a real stimulation.

				if( pSenseRecord->cFalseStimulation >= pAIBM_Stimulus->nFalseStimulationLimit )
					pSenseRecord->cFalseStimulation = 0;
					pSenseRecord->fCurStimulation	= pAIBM_Stimulus->rngStimulationThreshhold.GetMax();
					pSenseRecord->fMaxStimulation	= pAIBM_Stimulus->rngStimulationThreshhold.GetMax();
					AITRACE(AIShowSenses, (m_pSensing->GetSensingObject(), "Hit FalseStimulution Limit %d of %s\n", pAIBM_Stimulus->nFalseStimulationLimit, SenseToString(pSenseRecord->eSenseType)) );

				// Treat other false stimulations as other senses,
				// if an optional FalseStimulusSense was specified.

				else if( pAIBM_Stimulus->eFalseStimulusSense != kSense_InvalidType )
					AISenseRecord* pFalseStimulationSense = GetSense( pAIBM_Stimulus->eFalseStimulusSense );
					if( pFalseStimulationSense )
						pFalseStimulationSense->pAIBM_Last_Stimulus = pAIBM_Stimulus;
						pFalseStimulationSense->hLastStimulusSource = pSenseRecord->hLastStimulusSource;
						pFalseStimulationSense->vLastStimulusPos = pSenseRecord->vLastStimulusPos;
						pFalseStimulationSense->eLastStimulusID = pSenseRecord->eLastStimulusID;
						pFalseStimulationSense->fCurStimulation = pAIBM_Stimulus->rngStimulationThreshhold.GetMax();
						pFalseStimulationSense->fMaxStimulation = pAIBM_Stimulus->rngStimulationThreshhold.GetMax();
						pFalseStimulationSense->fLastStimulationTime = pSenseRecord->fLastStimulationTime;
						pFalseStimulationSense->nLastStimulusAlarmLevel = 1;
						pFalseStimulationSense->nCycle = nCycle;

		// Invalidate hiding spots if AI can already see player.

		if( ( pSenseRecord->eSenseType == kSense_SeeEnemy ) && 
			IsPlayer( pSenseRecord->hLastStimulusSource ) &&
			IsAI( m_pSensing->GetSensingObject() ) &&
			( pSenseRecord->fCurStimulation >= 0.5f ) )
			CPlayerObj* pPlayer = (CPlayerObj*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( pSenseRecord->hLastStimulusSource );
			CAI* pAI = (CAI*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( m_pSensing->GetSensingObject() );
			if( pPlayer && pAI )
				pPlayer->SetVisibleToEnemyAI( pAI, true ); 

		// Check if we're fully stimulated.
		if(pSenseRecord->fCurStimulation >= pAIBM_Stimulus->rngStimulationThreshhold.GetMax())
			// Wait for, or increment, ReactionDelay.
			if(pSenseRecord->fReactionDelayTimer >= pSenseRecord->fReactionDelayTime)
				m_pSensing->HandleSenseTrigger( pSenseRecord );
				pSenseRecord->fReactionDelayTimer = 0.f;
				pSenseRecord->fReactionDelayTime = 0.f;
			else pSenseRecord->fReactionDelayTimer += m_pSensing->GetSenseUpdateRate();
Ejemplo n.º 16
void CAITargetSelectDisturbance::TargetDisturbance( CAI* pAI, CAIWMFact* pFact )
	// Sanity check.

	if( !( pAI && pFact ) )

	// Record the existence of a disturbance in the AI's world state.

	pAI->GetAIWorldState()->SetWSProp( kWSK_DisturbanceExists, pAI->m_hObject, kWST_bool, true );

	// Play a sound corresponding to the type of stimulus.

	EnumAIStimulusID eStimulusID;
	EnumAIStimulusType eStimulusType;
	pFact->GetStimulus( &eStimulusType, &eStimulusID );
	switch( eStimulusType )
		case kStim_WeaponFireSound:
		case kStim_WeaponImpactSound:
		case kStim_WeaponReloadSound:
		case kStim_DisturbanceSound:
		case kStim_FootstepSound:
		case kStim_DeathSound:
		case kStim_PainSound:
				HOBJECT hAlly = g_pAICoordinator->FindAlly( pAI->m_hObject, NULL );
				if( hAlly )
					// "Check it out!"
					// "Roger!"

					g_pAISoundMgr->RequestAISound( pAI->m_hObject, kAIS_OrderInvestigate, kAISndCat_DisturbanceHeard, NULL, 1.f );
					g_pAISoundMgr->RequestAISoundSequence( hAlly, kAIS_Affirmative, pAI->m_hObject, kAIS_OrderInvestigate, kAIS_OrderInvestigate, kAISndCat_Event, NULL, 0.3f );
				else {
					// "What was that?"

					g_pAISoundMgr->RequestAISound( pAI->m_hObject, kAIS_DisturbanceHeardAlarming, kAISndCat_DisturbanceHeard, NULL, 1.f );

		// "Flashlight!"

		case kStim_FlashlightBeamVisible:
				g_pAISoundMgr->RequestAISound( pAI->m_hObject, kAIS_DisturbanceSeenFlashlight, kAISndCat_Event, NULL, 0.5f );

				HOBJECT hAlly = g_pAICoordinator->FindAlly( pAI->m_hObject, NULL );
				if( hAlly )
					// "Check it out!"
					// "Roger!"

					g_pAISoundMgr->RequestAISoundSequence( hAlly, kAIS_OrderInvestigate, pAI->m_hObject, kAIS_DisturbanceSeenFlashlight, kAIS_DisturbanceSeenFlashlight, kAISndCat_DisturbanceHeard, NULL, 0.3f );
					g_pAISoundMgr->RequestAISoundSequence( pAI->m_hObject, kAIS_Affirmative, hAlly, kAIS_OrderInvestigate, kAIS_DisturbanceSeenFlashlight, kAISndCat_Event, NULL, 0.3f );

	// Record new target on the BlackBoard.

	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBTargetType( kTarget_Disturbance );
	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBTargetStimulusType( eStimulusType );
	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBTargetStimulusID( eStimulusID );
	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBTargetChangeTime( g_pLTServer->GetTime() );
	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBTargetObject( pFact->GetTargetObject() );

	// Record initial disturbance position.
	// If the stimulus is dynamic, AITarget will track its movement.

	LTVector vTargetPos = pFact->GetPos();
	pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBTargetPosition( vTargetPos );

	// If the disturbance is coming from an ally's weapon fire sound,
	// then treat the disturbance position as the position of whatever
	// the ally is firing at.

	if( IsAI( pFact->GetTargetObject() ) )
		CAI* pOtherAI = (CAI*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( pFact->GetTargetObject() );
		if( pOtherAI && 
			pOtherAI->HasTarget( kTarget_Character ) &&
			( eStimulusType == kStim_WeaponFireSound ) &&
			( kCharStance_Like == g_pCharacterDB->GetStance( pAI->GetAlignment(), pOtherAI->GetAlignment() ) ) )
			LTVector vTargetPos = pOtherAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->GetBBTargetPosition();
			pAI->GetAIBlackBoard()->SetBBTargetPosition( vTargetPos );
			pFact->SetPos( vTargetPos, 1.f );
LTBOOL DoVectorFilterFn(HOBJECT hObj, void *pUserData)
	// We're not attacking our self...

	if (SpecificObjectFilterFn(hObj, pUserData))
		// CharacterHitBox objects are used for vector impacts, don't
		// impact on the character/body prop object itself....

		if (IsCharacter(hObj) || IsBody(hObj) || IsKindOf(hObj, "Intelligence"))
            return LTFALSE;

		// Check special character hit box cases...

		if (IsCharacterHitBox(hObj))
            CCharacterHitBox *pCharHitBox = (CCharacterHitBox*) g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hObj);
			if (pCharHitBox)
				// Make sure we don't hit ourself...

				HOBJECT hUs = (HOBJECT)pUserData;

				HOBJECT hTestObj = pCharHitBox->GetModelObject();
                if (!hTestObj) return LTFALSE;

				if (hTestObj == hUs)
                    return LTFALSE;

				// Do special AI hitting AI case...
				if (IsAI(hUs) && IsAI(hTestObj))
                    CAI *pAI = (CAI*) g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hUs);
                    if (!pAI) return LTFALSE;

					// We can't hit guys we like, unless they're NEUTRAL

                    CCharacter* pB = (CCharacter*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hTestObj);
                    if (!pB) return LTFALSE;

					CharacterClass cc = pB->GetCharacterClass();
					if (cc != NEUTRAL)
						return LIKE != GetAlignement(pAI->GetCharacterClass(), cc);

				// Check for friendly fire
				if (g_pGameServerShell->GetGameType() == COOPERATIVE_ASSAULT && g_vtNetFriendlyFire.GetFloat() < 1.0f)
					// We can't hit guys on our team unless friendly fire is turned on
					if (IsPlayer(hUs) && IsPlayer(hTestObj))
                        CPlayerObj* pUs = (CPlayerObj*) g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hUs);
                        if (!pUs) return LTFALSE;

                        CPlayerObj* pThem = (CPlayerObj*) g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hTestObj);
                        if (!pThem) return LTFALSE;

						if (pUs->GetTeamID() == pThem->GetTeamID())
                            return LTFALSE;


        return LTTRUE;

    return LTFALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 18
bool ObjectRemover::AllObjectsCreated()
	HOBJECT ahObjects[kMaxGroups][kMaxObjectsPerGroup][128];
    memset(ahObjects, 0, sizeof(HOBJECT)*kMaxGroups*kMaxObjectsPerGroup*128);

	int cGroupsWithObjects = 0;

	{for ( int iGroup = 0 ; iGroup < kMaxGroups ; iGroup++ )
        bool bGroupHasObjects = false;

		{for ( int iObject = 0 ; iObject < kMaxObjectsPerGroup ; iObject++ )
			if ( !m_astrObjects[iGroup][iObject].empty() ) 
				char szString[1024];
				strcpy(szString, m_astrObjects[iGroup][iObject].c_str());

				uint32 cTokens = 0;

				const char* szToken = strtok(szString, ";");

				while ( szToken )
					HOBJECT hObject;
					if ( LT_OK == FindNamedObject(szToken, hObject) )
						ahObjects[cGroupsWithObjects][iObject][cTokens++] = hObject;
						bGroupHasObjects = true;

					szToken = strtok(NULL, ";");

		if ( bGroupHasObjects )

	// Remove the objects

    bool abRemoved[kMaxGroups];
    memset(abRemoved, false, sizeof(bool)*kMaxGroups);
	int iSafety = 50000;
	int cRemove = cGroupsWithObjects-m_cGroupsToKeep;

	while ( (cRemove > 0) && (--iSafety > 0) )
		int iRemove = GetRandom(0, cGroupsWithObjects-1);
		if ( !abRemoved[iRemove] )
			for ( int iObject = 0 ; iObject < kMaxObjectsPerGroup ; iObject++ )
				for ( int iToken = 0 ; iToken < 128 ; iToken++ )
					if ( ahObjects[iRemove][iObject][iToken] )
						if ( IsAI(ahObjects[iRemove][iObject][iToken]) )
							ILTBaseClass *pAI = g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( ahObjects[iRemove][iObject][iToken] );
							g_pCmdMgr->QueueMessage( this, pAI, "REMOVE" );

            abRemoved[iRemove] = true;

	// Remove ourselves...


    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
void CAIGoalDrawWeapon::ActivateGoal()

	// Bail if no holstered weapon, or already have a weapon armed.

	if( ( !m_pAI->HasHolsterString() ) ||
		( m_pAI->GetPrimaryWeapon() ) )
		m_fCurImportance = 0.f;

//	ASSERT(m_hStimulusSource != LTNULL);

	// Ignore senses other than see enemy.
	m_pAI->SetCurSenseFlags( kSense_SeeEnemy | kSense_SeeDangerousProjectile | kSense_SeeCatchableProjectile );

	m_pGoalMgr->LockGoal( this );

	// Set Draw state.

	m_pAI->SetState( kState_HumanDraw );

	if( m_pAI->GetAlarmLevel() >= m_pAI->GetBrain()->GetMajorAlarmThreshold() )
		m_pAI->SetAwareness( kAware_Alert );

	// If stimulated by an AI, target whatever he is targeting.

	if( IsAI( m_hStimulusSource ) )
		CAI* pAI = (CAI*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( m_hStimulusSource );
		if( pAI )
			if( pAI->HasTarget() )
				m_pAI->Target( pAI->GetTarget()->GetObject() );
	else if( IsCharacter( m_hStimulusSource ) )
		// Only set a target to turn towards for specified senses.

		switch( m_eSenseType )
			case kSense_SeeEnemy:
			case kSense_SeeEnemyLean:
			case kSense_HearEnemyWeaponFire:
			case kSense_HearEnemyFootstep:
					// Only target hated characters.

					CCharacter *pChar = (CCharacter*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject( m_hStimulusSource );
					if( pChar )
						CharacterAlignment eAlignment = GetAlignment( pChar->GetRelationSet(), m_pAI->GetRelationData() );
						if( eAlignment == HATE )
							m_pAI->Target( m_hStimulusSource );

							CAIHumanStateDraw* pStateDraw = (CAIHumanStateDraw*)m_pAI->GetState();
							pStateDraw->SetFaceTarget( LTTRUE );
Ejemplo n.º 20
bool CAISensorStatusCheck::StimulateSensor( CAIStimulusRecord* pStimulusRecord )
	// Intentionally do NOT call super::StimulateSensor.
	// This sensor only exists to play dialog based on lack of stimulation.

	// Sanity check.

	if( !pStimulusRecord )
		return false;

	// Template specifies accepted stimuli.

	if( !( m_pSensorRecord->dwStimulusTypes & pStimulusRecord->m_eStimulusType ) )
		return false;

	// Ignore stimuli targeting myself.

	if( pStimulusRecord->m_hStimulusTarget == m_pAI->m_hObject )
		return false;

	// Ignore stimuli targeting something other than an AI.

	if( !IsAI( pStimulusRecord->m_hStimulusTarget ) )
		return false;

	// Bail if we are waiting on something detecting previously.

	if( m_fStatusCheckTime > g_pLTServer->GetTime() )
		return false;

	// Stimulus is too far away to be sensed.

	float fDistanceSqr = pStimulusRecord->m_vStimulusPos.DistSqr( m_pAI->GetPosition() );
	if( fDistanceSqr > GetSenseDistSqr( pStimulusRecord->m_fDistance ) )
		return false;

	// Bail if someone has performed a status check recently.
	// Add a one second leniency on the time, to ensure we catch
	// cases where someone would have seen an impact just as the 
	// timeout expired.

	CAIWMFact factTimeQuery;
	factTimeQuery.SetFactType( kFact_Knowledge );
	factTimeQuery.SetKnowledgeType( kKnowledge_NextStatusCheckTime );
	CAIWMFact* pFactTime = g_pAIWorkingMemoryCentral->FindWMFact(factTimeQuery);
	if( pFactTime && ( pFactTime->GetTime() - 1.f > g_pLTServer->GetTime() ) )
		return false;

	// Bail if someone has already seen this impact.

	CAIWMFact factQuery;
	factQuery.SetFactType( kFact_Knowledge );
	factQuery.SetKnowledgeType( kKnowledge_WitnessedStimulus );
	factQuery.SetStimulus( kStim_WeaponImpactVisible, pStimulusRecord->m_eStimulusID );
	CAIWMFact* pFact = g_pAIWorkingMemoryCentral->FindWMFact(factQuery);
	if( pFact )
		return false;

	// Determine if stimulus can truly be sensed, using optional specific checks.

	float fRateModifier = 1.f;
	bool bStimulated = DoComplexCheck( pStimulusRecord, &fRateModifier );
	if( bStimulated )
		// Record that someone has seen this impact.

		pFact = g_pAIWorkingMemoryCentral->CreateWMFact( kFact_Knowledge );
		pFact->SetKnowledgeType( kKnowledge_WitnessedStimulus, 1.f );
		pFact->SetStimulus( kStim_WeaponImpactVisible, pStimulusRecord->m_eStimulusID, 1.f );

		return true;

	// AI cannot see the stimulus.  
	// Check back in a second to see if anyone else has seen it.  
	// The AI should only do a status check if no one can see the threat.

	m_fStatusCheckTime = g_pLTServer->GetTime() + 1.f;
	m_eStimulusIDToCheck = pStimulusRecord->m_eStimulusID;
	m_hAlly = pStimulusRecord->m_hStimulusTarget;

	// Sensor was not actually stimulated.

	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 21
void CSpear::HandleImpact(HOBJECT hObj)
	if (!g_vtSpearStickPercentage.IsInitted())
        g_vtSpearStickPercentage.Init(g_pLTServer, "SpearStickPercent", LTNULL, 0.9f);

	if (!m_pAmmoData || !m_pAmmoData->pProjectileFX)

	CollisionInfo info;

    LTVector vPos, vVel, vCurVel, vP0, vP1;
    g_pLTServer->GetObjectPos(m_hObject, &vPos);

    LTRotation rRot;
    g_pLTServer->GetObjectRotation(m_hObject, &rRot);

	// Should we break the spear?

	enum SpearAction

	SpearAction eSpearAction = eSpearActionBreak;

	// Randomly break even if we could sometimes stick...

	if (GetRandom(0.0, 1.0f) > g_vtSpearStickPercentage.GetFloat())
		eSpearAction = eSpearActionBreak;
	else if (IsMainWorld(hObj))
 		// Calculate where we really hit the world...

		g_pLTServer->GetVelocity(m_hObject, &vVel);

		vP1 = vPos;
        vCurVel = vVel * g_pLTServer->GetFrameTime();
		vP0 = vP1 - vCurVel;
		vP1 += vCurVel;

        LTFLOAT fDot1 = VEC_DOT(info.m_Plane.m_Normal, vP0) - info.m_Plane.m_Dist;
        LTFLOAT fDot2 = VEC_DOT(info.m_Plane.m_Normal, vP1) - info.m_Plane.m_Dist;

		if (fDot1 < 0.0f && fDot2 < 0.0f || fDot1 > 0.0f && fDot2 > 0.0f)
			vPos = vP1;
            LTFLOAT fPercent = -fDot1 / (fDot2 - fDot1);
			VEC_LERP(vPos, vP0, vP1, fPercent);

		// Set our new "real" pos...

        g_pLTServer->SetObjectPos(m_hObject, &vPos);

		eSpearAction = eSpearActionStickWorld;
	else if (IsMoveable(hObj))
		if (IsAI(hObj))
			// Attach to a AI
			eSpearAction = eSpearActionStickAI;
		else if (IsPlayer(hObj))
			// Attach to a Player
			eSpearAction = eSpearActionStickPlayer;
		else if (IsBody(hObj))
			// Attach to a body
 			eSpearAction = eSpearActionStickBody;
			// Could probably come up with a way to attach to moveable
			// non-character objects (like doors), but it is much easier
			// to just break it ;)...

            eSpearAction = eSpearActionBreak;

	// If the surface is too hard, the spear will just break when
	// it hits it...

	SurfaceType eSurf = GetSurfaceType(info);
	SURFACE* pSurf = g_pSurfaceMgr->GetSurface(eSurf);
	if ((eSpearActionBreak == eSpearAction) || ((eSpearActionStickWorld == eSpearAction) && pSurf && pSurf->fHardness > 0.5))
		// Create spear debris...

		DEBRIS* pDebris = g_pDebrisMgr->GetDebris(m_pAmmoData->szName);
		if (pDebris)
            LTVector vNegVel = -vVel;
            CreatePropDebris(vPos, vNegVel, pDebris->nId);


	// Create the Spear powerup...

	char szSpawn[512];
	sprintf(szSpawn, "AmmoBox AmmoType1 %s;AmmoCount1 1;Filename %s;Skin %s",
		m_pAmmoData->szName, m_pAmmoData->pProjectileFX->szModel,

	LTVector vScale = m_pAmmoData->pProjectileFX->vModelScale;

	// Make sure the spear sticks out a little ways...

	vPos -= (vVel * vScale.z/2.0f);

	if (eSpearActionStickWorld == eSpearAction)
		g_pLTServer->AlignRotation(&rRot, &vVel, LTNULL);

	BaseClass* pClass = SpawnObject(szSpawn, LTVector(-10000,-10000,-10000), rRot);

	if (pClass)
		g_pLTServer->ScaleObject(pClass->m_hObject, &vScale);

		LTVector vDims;
		g_pLTServer->GetObjectDims(pClass->m_hObject, &vDims);
		vDims.x *= vScale.x;
		vDims.y *= vScale.y;
		vDims.z *= vScale.z;

		g_pLTServer->SetObjectDims(pClass->m_hObject, &vDims);

		// We don't want other projectiles to impact on us...

		//uint32 dwUsrFlags = g_pLTServer->GetObjectUserFlags(pClass->m_hObject);
		//g_pLTServer->SetObjectUserFlags(pClass->m_hObject, dwUsrFlags);

		if ( eSpearActionStickAI == eSpearAction || eSpearActionStickPlayer == eSpearAction )
			g_pLTServer->SetObjectUserFlags(pClass->m_hObject, g_pLTServer->GetObjectUserFlags(pClass->m_hObject) & ~USRFLG_GLOW);
			g_pLTServer->SetObjectFlags(pClass->m_hObject, g_pLTServer->GetObjectFlags(pClass->m_hObject) & ~FLAG_TOUCH_NOTIFY);

			if ( eSpearActionStickPlayer == eSpearAction )
				g_pLTServer->SetObjectUserFlags(pClass->m_hObject, g_pLTServer->GetObjectUserFlags(pClass->m_hObject) | USRFLG_ATTACH_HIDE1SHOW3);

			// Attach it to the character

			CCharacter* pCharacter = (CCharacter*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hObj);
			pCharacter->AddSpear(pClass->m_hObject, pCharacter->GetModelNodeLastHit(), rRot);
		else if ( eSpearActionStickBody == eSpearAction )
			g_pLTServer->SetObjectUserFlags(pClass->m_hObject, g_pLTServer->GetObjectUserFlags(pClass->m_hObject) & ~USRFLG_GLOW);
			g_pLTServer->SetObjectFlags(pClass->m_hObject, g_pLTServer->GetObjectFlags(pClass->m_hObject) & ~FLAG_TOUCH_NOTIFY);

			// Attach it to the body

			Body* pBody = (Body*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hObj);
			pBody->AddSpear(pClass->m_hObject, rRot);
		else // ( eSpearActionStickWorld == eSpearAction )
			// Move it to the right position in the world
			g_pLTServer->SetObjectPos(pClass->m_hObject, &vPos);
